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Primary Sources

“Abortion: Murder or Mercy?” Greenwich, Conn.,Fawcett Publications[1962].;view=1up;seq=16
This ebook was by a man who became a doctor who performed abortions illegally. This helped me understand
the motivations behind performing an illegal procedure.

Anderson, Elizabeth. “A Woman Recounts Her Twelve Abortions in Turn-of-the-Century New York.”
Interview by Allyson Knoth. Oral history courtesy of Sherna Gluck, Feminist History Project, History
Matters. Audio, 10:15.
In this interview, Anderson explains her life with 12 illegal abortions. This helped me understand why she kept
the same doctor for all of them, since it was illegal and she didn’t want to risk asking another to do the illegal

Arcana. Galatzer-Levy, Jeanne. “How to Run a Back-Alley Abortion Service.” Interview by Rachel Wilson.
Broadly, Nov 12, 2015. Text. ​
In this interview, two former Jane members explain what their experiences were like as they worked for Jane.
This helped me because they explained why they did what they did and why they thought the organization
worked well.

Blackmun, Harry A, and Supreme Court Of The United States. U.S. Reports: Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113. 1972.
Periodical.​ ​​.
In this article, it connects Roe v Wade court case to the 14th amendment, and it also has information on Roe
personally and also the Texas abortion laws. This source was important in finding the court’s opinion on the
case, and also about the laws on abortion.

Booth, Heather. “Interview with Heather Booth of the Jane Abortion Service.” Interview by Meredith Stern.
Just Seeds. Text. ​
In this interview, Booth explains how she became involved in the Jane organization and how she first would
help women find a reliable doctor who would secretly do the procedure, which led to her helping kickstart the
Jane organization. This helped me understand why she did this and what her motives were.

TheConcentricMedia. YouTube, YouTube, 6 Sept. 2012,

This video tells the story of a women who worked as an intern and seen lots of people who come into the
hospital because of their ​botched abortions.

Galatzer-Levy, Jeanne. “On the Job with Jane”. Interview by Becky Kluchin. CWLU History Project.Text.​.
This interview was about how Jeanne became involved in the Jane organization and how it worked, as well as
how they were busted. This helped me understand why she did what she did and her motives behind this illegal

Greenhouse, Linda, and Reva B. Siegel. ​Before Roe v. Wade: Voices That Shaped the Abortion Debate before
the Supreme Courts Ruling​. New Haven, CT: Yale Law School., 2012.
This is a book on everything that happened before Roe v Wade and shows a chapters on abortions for women.

Iris. YouTube, YouTube, 18 Feb. 2017,

This documentary shows peoples experiences during abortion. Lots of women where having
to get abortions because they were being ​raped at a young age.

"Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court." Roe v. Wade |​.
This source contains background information regarding the Roe v Wade case, a list of arguments in the Roe v
Wade court case, and explains the inequality between rich and poor women on getting an abortion. This source
was important in finding the majority's opinion on the decision of the court case and also equality within

Madera, Melissa. "We Were of Use." The Abortion Diary Podcast. January 04, 2018. Accessed December 19,
This diary podcast is called Hello, This Is Jane. Judith Arcana is a writer and a Jane member of the feminist
underground service that helped more than 11,000 women and girls get illegal abortions Chicago before the roe
decision in January of 1973.

MAKERS. ​YouTube,​ YouTube, 12 July 2018,

This clip had three different stories from women. Dorothy shared her illegal abortion story and how the doctor
did the procedure. Lana was a women who wa told not to have any more children . When she got pregnant her
doctor was mad at her, but she simply replied, "How was I not supposed to be pregnant?" Lana said this because
back then women did not get birth control pills. Rosalie was a teenager who was raped and had to give birth to
her child in a shelter for single women.

Reagan, Leslie J. ""About to Meet Her Maker": Women, Doctors, Dying Declarations, and the State's
Investigation of Abortion, Chicago, 1867-1940." ​The Journal of American History​ 77, no. 4 (1991):
1240-264. doi:10.2307/2078261.
This article explains how criminalizing abortion first started, why it started, and also specific information on
Illinois criminalizing abortion in 1871. This article was important in explaining how physicians were motivated
to make abortion illegal to win professional power, control medical practice, etc.

"Reproductive Rights Primary Sources at the Rubenstein Library: Archival Collections." LibGuides. Accessed
December 19, 2018. ​​.
This source described what rights a woman had about their bodies. This helped me see what the women had to
go through.

Rew. "JANE: The Abortion Service Transformed into Feminist Practice." ​Off Our Backs​ 19, no. 9 (1989): 17.​.
This article mainly focused on the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union that started in Chicago. It is important in
explaining how the illegal abortion service first started, and how women learned to do abortions to help others;
it expresses their motivations behind joining this secret service.

"Roe v. Wade." ​Gender Issues and Sexuality: Essential Primary Sources​, edited by K. Lee Lerner, et al., Gale,
2006, pp. 82-85. ​Gale Virtual Reference Library​,​.
Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.
This book has primary sources related to the Roe v Wade case, where it explains how the Roe v Wade decision
was controversial in the United States and was opposed by vocal pro-life and religious organizations. This
source was important in finding different viewpoints on the issue of abortion and also information on Roe and
the Supreme Court, such as the court’s opinions, the votings, the final decision.

"Roe v. Wade." Oyez. Accessed December 9, 2018.​ ​​.

This source gives the name of the appellant, the appellee, the facts of the Roe v Wade case, and the conclusion
of the case. It explains how the court case gave women autonomy over their pregnancy during the first trimester
and it varies in different states for second and third trimesters.

Schur, Edwin M. "Abortion." ​The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science​ 376 (1968):
136-47.​ ​​.
In this article, it explains the danger of illegal abortion, criminalization and guilt, and social change. This source
gives deep understandings on how women who want to terminate their pregnancies had few safe options, and it
also explains the social change regarding how people later started to feel that there needs to be a reform on
abortion laws.

Woman’s Commission. “Abortion: The Issues.” 1969, Seattle, Washington.
This website provided an image that was an advertisement by the Woman’s Commission who were holding a
meeting about abortions. This helped me understand what ideas and what aspects of abortion were controversial
and what aspects were most important for people.

Secondary Sources
10103658488017496. “Before Roe v. Wade, the Women of the Jane Collective Learned to Give Safe Abortions
Themselves.” ​Timeline​, Timeline, 7 July 2017,
Facts about “jane” and more stories of women who have used “Jane” to get illegal abortions.

"Abortion: Roe v. Wade." ​American Decades​, edited by Judith S. Baughman, et al., vol. 8: 1970-1979, Gale,
2001. ​Gale Virtual Reference Library​,​.
Accessed 1​0 ​Dec. 2018.
This article introduces Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in the Roe v Wade court case, and why she decided to
file a lawsuit against the Texas criminal abortion laws. This source was important in explaining the reasons
behind the Roe v Wade case. This newspaper explains how abortion was larger than the governmental scope.
This source was important in explaining how others view abortion, especially from the perspective of religion.

Anderson, David E. "Churches Tackle Abortion Issue." ​Chicago Defender (Daily Edition) (1973-1975), ​Dec 24
1975, p. 7. ​ProQuest. ​Web. 3 Dec. 2018 .
This newspaper helped explained how the Baptists and Catholics feel on the topic of abortion. This helped me
because it explained what their thoughts were on abortion and why they did not approve of it.

Cates, Willard, and Roger Rochat. "Illegal Abortions in the United States: 1972-1974." ​Family Planning
Perspectives​ 8, no. 2 (1976): 86-92. doi:10.2307/2133995.
This article explains how there was a decline in abortion deaths after the legalization of abortion, and it also
gives a personal story of an African American woman, who attempted to induce an abortion after 1973. This
article was important in explaining the effects the 1973 Supreme Court decision had on abortion deaths, and it
also shows that there’s still illegal abortion after 1973, since the 1973 decision limits abortion to only the first

"CLERIC ADMITS HE RAN ABORTION DEN." ​The Chicago Defender (National edition) (1921-1967), ​Sep
​ eb. 4 Dec. 2018 .
25 1954, p. 1. ​ProQuest. W
This newspaper was about how a man was arrested after he was charged for running abortions illegally. This
helps me understand that not just women fought against abortion, but men did too, often by being the few
physicians who conducted them.
Edelson, Carol. "Supreme Court Abortion Ruling." ​Off Our Backs​ 3, no. 6 (1973): 4.​.
This newspaper explained that Catholic Churches did not support abortion and how they were trying to
persuade others to do the same. This helped me understand what the Catholic Church was doing and how they
took action.

"The Film." She's Beautiful When She's Angry. Accessed December 19, 2018.
This movie goes deeper about the women during the time period from 1960 to 1970.She’s beautiful When she’s
Angry is a film about activists, made to inspire women and men to work for feminism and human rights.

“Jane Documents.” ​CWLU HERSTORY,​

This song was made right after the Jane started happening and it talks all about Jane and what they did for the
women in need.

Lampen, Claire. "The Underground Network That Helped Women Get Abortions When No One Else Would."
Broadly. January 29, 2018. Accessed December 19, 2018.
More information about “Jane” and other people who have been helped by “Jane” when no one else would help
the women because it was illegal

“Signs.” ​American Journal of Education​,
Reproducing Jane, Abortion stories, and women’s political stories.

“The Story of Jane.” ​University of Chicago Press​, 1 June 1997,
The story of “Jane” and how they came to be during the decades of the illegal abortions.

Thale, Christopher. "Underground Economy." Encyclopedia of Chicago. Accessed December 11, 2018.​.
This article explained the background information about the Jane service and operation. This helped me
understand the basic information about the service and how it worked.

Mezey, Susan Gluck. "Roe v. Wade (1973)." ​Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Revised and
Expanded​, edited by Kara E. Stooksbury, et al., 2nd ed., vol. 3, ABC-CLIO, 2017, pp. 826-829. ​Gale
Virtual Reference Library,​​.
Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.
In this encyclopedia entry, it explains how abortion was a norm in the United States before 1800 and on how
people wanted reform in abortion laws around 1950 and 1960. This source was important in explaining how
abortion laws/rights were changed throughout time, and it also contains information on the reasons behind
illegal abortion, such as how anti-abortion started because of medical and economic concerns as well as
religious concerns.

"National Poll Supports Legal Abortion." ​Chicago Daily Defender (Daily Edition) (1960-1973), ​Oct 12 1971, p.
18. ​ProQuest. ​Web. 4 Dec. 2018 .
This newspaper was the results of a national poll that had asked questions about the circumstances that should
allow women to have abortions, and the results showed approval of abortion. This helped me understand what
circumstances were thought of to be acceptable for women to have abortions, based on the people’s vote.

"Pro-Life Forces Seeking Catholic Support." ​Chicago Defender (Daily Edition) (1973-1975), ​Nov 18 1975, p. 7.
ProQuest. W​ eb. 3 Dec. 2018
This newspaper explained that groups were looking for Catholic support on the issue of abortion. This helped
me understand that religions, such as Catholics, were also an important factor in this fight.

Washington, Betty. "Citizens Group Advocates Repeal of Abortion Law." ​Chicago Daily Defender (Daily
Edition) (1960-1973), M​ ar 14 1967, p. 2. ​ProQuest. W
​ eb. 4 Dec. 2018 .
This newspaper explained what the opinions were when the abortion law was repealed. This helped me
understand that the ones who supported this act thought that it was because it was a health concern for those
who tried to do abortions themselves.

Wolfe, Sheila. "Nation's Abortion Laws Vary from State to State." ​Chicago Tribune (1963-Current File),​ Apr
30, 1970.
This newspaper compares abortion laws from Pennsylvania with Illinois, Louisiana, etc, and there was also
information regarding Illinois specifically such as how some people attack the Illinois abortion laws.
This source was important in finding how abortion laws vary from state to state, and how people in Illinois view

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