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Plant pattern-recognition receptors

Cyril Zipfel
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK

Plants are constantly exposed to would-be pathogens in In addition to PTI, plants rely on effector-triggered
their immediate environment. Yet, despite relying on immunity (ETI). ETI employs intracellular immune recep-
innate immunity only, plants are resistant to most tors, which are most are nucleotide-binding site leucine-
microbes. They employ pattern-recognition receptors rich repeat (NBS-LRR) proteins, to perceive secreted viru-
(PRRs) for sensitive and rapid detection of the potential lence effectors directly or indirectly. These effectors (e.g.,
danger caused by microbes and pests. Plant PRRs are AvrPto, AvrPtoB) have been evolved initially by adapted
either surface-localized receptor kinases (RKs) or recep- pathogens to reprogram the host’s physiology toward in-
tor-like proteins (RLPs) containing various ligand-bind- fectious compatibility, but their perception by NBS-LRR
ing ectodomains that perceive pathogen-associated proteins betrays the pathogens in what is the result of a
molecular patterns (PAMPs) or damage-associated mo- constant arms race between plants and their pathogens.
lecular patterns (DAMPs). In this review, I summarize our Notably, NBS-LRRs are structurally related to mammali-
current knowledge of plant PRRs and their ligands, an NOD-like receptors (NLRs).
illustrating the multiple molecular strategies employed In mammals, both surface-localized [e.g., Toll-like
by plant PRRs to activate innate immune signaling to receptors (TLRs)] and intracellular (e.g., NLRs) immune
survive. receptors have been shown to recognize PAMPs [3]. This is
in contrast to plants, which seems to rely on plasma
A two-tiered pathogen-detection system membrane-localized RKs or RLPs only to perceive PAMPs
Plants are sessile organisms that rely entirely on innate or DAMPs (Box 1). It is interesting to note that, as studied
immune responses for defense against potential pathogen- for many years in plants, it is now also apparent that
ic microbes or pests. They lack specialized immune cells or mammalian NLRs also engage ETI [4,5].
organs and each cell has the potential capacity to trigger Here I summarize our current knowledge on plant
immune responses autonomously. Innate immune percep- PRRs. I illustrate the multiple molecular strategies
tion triggers both local and systemic responses, allowing a employed by plants to detect rapidly the multitude of
plant to fight off pathogens both in a rapid and localized potential invaders in their immediate surroundings –
manner and on an extended scale of time and space. For strategies essential for their survival. For details on the
these purposes, plants employ a two-tier innate immune molecular immune signaling mechanisms triggered after
system that involves plasma membrane-localized and in- PAMP perception in plants, readers are directed to recent
tracellular immune receptors [1,2]. reviews on this topic [6,7].
Cell surface-localized immune receptors function as
PRRs that perceive PAMPs or DAMPs of ‘non-self’ and Perception of bacteria
‘self’ origin, respectively. Currently known plant PRRs are Multiple recognition of flagellin and elongation factor Tu
either RKs, which have a ligand-binding ectodomain, a The perception of bacterial flagellin by the LRR-RK FLS2
single-pass transmembrane domain, and an intracellular was the first plant PAMP/PRR pair to be characterized [8–
kinase domain, or RLPs, which share the same overall 10]. FLS2 recognizes flagellin via the direct binding of an
structure but lack an intracellular kinase domain. Because immunogenic epitope defined by a conserved stretch of 22
RLPs do not possess any obvious signaling domains in their amino acids, referred to as flg22 (Figure 1), located close to
short intracellular region, they most likely always function the N terminus of flagellin [11–13]. FLS2 was initially
in conjunction with one or several RKs to transduce ligand identified in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana [8].
binding into intracellular signaling. Importantly, PRR- Flg22 seems to be recognized by most higher plants [14]
triggered immunity (PTI) has the potential to fend off and functional orthologs of FLS2 have already been iden-
multiple microbes, pathogenic or not, due to the conserved tified in a wild relative of tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana),
nature of PAMPs (e.g., bacterial flagellin, fungal chitin) rice (Oryza sativa), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), and
across species, genera, family, or class. Thus, PRRs can grapevine (Vitis vinifera) [15–18]. FLS2 from different
provide resistance to most non-adapted pathogens, as well species have revealed interesting differences in flg22 rec-
as contribute to basal immunity during infection. ognition specificities that may reflect the evolutionary
histories of these species and their adaptation to their
Corresponding author: Zipfel, C. (
Keywords: innate immunity; plant; receptor kinases; receptor-like proteins; PAMPs;
respective microbiota.
DAMPs. Flg22 binding to FLS2 leads to the instantaneous re-
cruitment of the LRR-RK BAK1 (Figure 1), which acts as a
ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. coreceptor for flg22 and is required for the full activation of
FLS2 and flg22-triggered immune signaling [9,13,19,20].
Trends in Immunology, July 2014, Vol. 35, No. 7 345
Review Trends in Immunology July 2014, Vol. 35, No. 7

Box 1. Similarities and differences between plant and flagellin intracellularly [25], suggesting that the PRR for
animal PRRs flgII-28 is a RK or RLP.
The perception of bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu)
 Plants seems to rely only on plasma membrane-localized PRRs to
perceive PAMPs or DAMPs, in contrast to mammals, which by the Arabidopsis LRR-RK EFR defines another well-
employ both surface-localized and intracellular immune receptors studied plant PAMP/PRR pair (Figure 1). EFR directly
to recognize PAMPs. recognizes the conserved N-acetylated epitope elf18 de-
 Whereas animals have only a limited set of PRRs, plant genomes fined by the first 18 amino acids of EF-Tu [26,27]. Inter-
encode a large number of RKs and RLPs that are potential PRRs.
 Plants have uniquely combined ligand-recognition domains (e.g.,
estingly, the ability to perceive elf18 seems restricted to the
LRR, LysM) directly with an intracellular kinase domain in the case plant family Brassicaceae [14]. Transgenic expression of
of RK-type PRRs. EFR in another plant family (Solanaceae) confirmed that
 Both plant and animal PRRs have evolved to perceive similar EFR confers elf18 perception and revealed that interfamily
PAMP molecules (e.g., bacterial flagellin). However, both the transfer of plant PRRs can be used to engineer disease
epitopes recognized and the modular PRRs involved are distinct,
indicative of convergent evolution.
resistance in crops [28].
Similarly to what has been recently discovered for
flagellin, plants can perceive EF-Tu via an epitope other
Notably, it is becoming increasingly apparent that BAK1 than elf18 (Figure 1). Indeed, treatment with the 50-amino
and related SERK proteins associate with several addi- acid epitope EFa50 derived from the central region of EF-
tional LRR-RKs or LRR-RLPs and regulate their function Tu induces immune responses in rice via an as-yet-un-
[21], suggesting that they also act as coreceptors for other known PRR [29].
Plants seem able to recognize multiple epitopes within Complex recognition of peptidoglycans (PGNs)
flagellin [18,22,23]. A comparative genomic study of field- PGNs are a major constituent of bacterial cell walls and
isolated Pseudomonas syringae strains revealed the 28- represent a classical PAMP recognized by insects such as
amino acid epitope flgII-28 to be under strong selective Drosophila melanogaster [30]. Plants can also perceive
pressure, potentially to evade plant immune recognition PGNs [31,32] (Figure 1). In Arabidopsis, this perception
[23]. flgII-28 induces immune responses in tomato, as well involves two RLPs with lysine motif (LysM)-containing
as in several Solanaceae species, but does not seem to be ectodomains, AtLYM1 and AtLYM3, which specifically
perceived by FLS2 (Figure 1), despite potential genetic bind PGNs [33]. PGN perception in rice involves the ortho-
interactions between flg22 and flgII-28 recognition in to- logous LysM-RLPs OsLYP4 and OsLYP6 [34]. PGN-in-
mato [22]. Notably, mammals can also recognize different duced responses in Arabidopsis also require the LysM-
flagellin-derived epitopes, employing both extracellular RK CERK1, which does not bind PGN itself [33]. Also,
and intracellular PRRs such as TLR5 and NAIP5/6 [24] the tomato CERK1 orthologs Bti9 and SlLyk13 are re-
(Box 1). However, plants do not seem able to perceive quired for full antibacterial immunity [35]. Thus, it is likely

Flagellin EF-Tu PGN PGN ? ? ?

flg22 flgII-28 elf18 EFa50

FLS2 ? EFR ? LYM1/3 LYP4/6 XA21 XA3/26 ReMAX



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Key: LRR domain

LysM domain
Kinase domain

TRENDS in Immunology

Figure 1. Recognition of bacteria by plant pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). The conserved leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) FLS2 recognizes flagellin via the
flg22 epitope. The flagellin-derived epitope flgII-28 is recognized in tomato and other Solanaceae via an as-yet-unknown PRR. The LRR-RK EFR perceives elongation factor
Tu (EF-Tu) in Brassicaceae, whereas the EF-Tu-derived epitope EFa50 is recognized in rice by an as-yet-unknown PRR. Both FLS2 and EFR interact with the coreceptor LRR-
RK BAK1 immediately upon flg22 or elf18 binding, respectively. Peptidoglycans (PGNs) bind to the Arabidopsis lysine motif receptor-like proteins (LysM-RLPs) LYM1 and
LYM3, which may form a complex with the LysM-RK CERK1 on PGN recognition. In rice, PGNs bind to the LysM-RLPs LYP4 and LYP6. The rice LRR-RKs XA21 and XA3/26
interact with the LRR-RK OsCERK2 and confer resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae via the recognition of as-yet-unknown pathogen-associated molecular patterns
(PAMPs). The Arabidopsis LRR-RLP ReMAX perceives an enigmatic PAMP from xanthomonads that also induces immune responses in other Brassicaceae. Block arrows
indicate direct binding; dashed arrows indicate lack of direct binding evidence, candidate PRR, or ligand.

Review Trends in Immunology July 2014, Vol. 35, No. 7

that PGN perception in plants employs a multimeric re- chitin [46,47]. The CEBiP-related LysM-RLPs OsLYP4
ceptor system comprising PGN-binding LysM-RLPs and and OsLYP6 also bind chitin and participate in chitin
signaling-transducing LysM-RKs, such as CERK1, in a responsiveness [34].
manner similar to chitin perception in rice (see below). The chitin perception mechanism of rice is distinct to
that in Arabidopsis, where AtCERK1 binds directly to
Orphan PRRs and bacterial PAMPs octamers of chitin, which in turn induces AtCERK1 homo-
Several potential plant PRRs recognizing bacteria have dimerization and consequent immune signaling [48–51].
been identified, but their specific agonists remain un- The related Arabididopsis LysM-RK LYK4 can also bind
known (Figure 1). These include the rice LRR-RKs XA21 chitin and is involved in chitin responsiveness [52]. So, in
and XA3/XA26, which mediate resistance to the bacterium contrast to rice, Arabidopsis does not seem to employ
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae [36–38], and the Arabidop- CEBiP-like LysM-RLPs to induce typical immune
sis LRR-RLP ReMAX/RLP1, which confers recognition of responses (e.g., production of reactive oxygen species, im-
the enigmatic bacterial PAMP eMax partially purified mune gene expression) upon chitin perception [52,53].
from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri [39]. From the Making matters more complex, chitin induces the closure
microbe’s perspective, several bacterial PAMPs, such as of symplastic connections between neighboring cells
lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) (reviewed in [32]), cold-shock (known as plasmodesmata) and resistance to fungal patho-
protein (CSP22) [40], and DNA [41], induce immune gens in a manner that is CERK1 independent. This re-
responses in plants, but their corresponding PRRs are sponse relies on the closest ortholog of CEBiP in
unknown. Arabidopsis, AtLYM2, which is also able to bind chitin
[51,53–55]. Thus, Arabidopsis may also employ hetero-
Perception of fungi and oomycetes oligomeric complexes between a chitin-binding LysM-
Chitin perception by LysM-RKs and LysM-RLPs: RLP (AtLYM2) and an as-yet-unknown LysM-RK poten-
variations on a common theme tially related to CERK1 for a subset of chitin-triggered
Chitin is a major constituent of fungal cell walls. Chitin is a responses [56].
potential agonist for TLR2 in mammals [42,43] and has
been studied for decades in plants as a classical PAMP [44]. Other PAMP/PRR pairs recognizing fungi
Interestingly, different plants have evolved distinct mech- Several LRR-RLPs have been implicated in the recognition
anisms that employ common components for chitin percep- of fungal PAMPs (Figure 2). Tomato Cf-9 was the first
tion (Figure 2). The first chitin-binding PRR was identified LRR-RLP identified as being involved in plant immunity
in rice as the LysM-RLP CEBiP [45]. Notably, CEBiP and confers resistance to the filamentous fungus Clados-
homodimerizes upon chitin binding and forms a hetero- porium fulvum [57]. The Cladosporium-secreted small
oligomeric complex with OsCERK1, the rice ortholog of peptide AVR9 acts as an agonist for Cf-9, but the latter
AtCERK1, forming a sandwich-type receptor system for is not likely to be the ligand-binding receptor because

Chin Chin Chin Xylanase Ave1 AVR9 PGs AVRLM1 ? ? ? ? ?

CERK1 LYM2 CEBiP EIX2 Ve1 Cf-9 RBGP1 LepR3 RLP30 RLP1.1 Pi-d2 LRK10 RLK-R1/2/3


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Key: LRR domain


LysM domain

B-lecn domain
Cys-rich domain
Kinase domain

TRENDS in Immunology

Figure 2. Recognition of fungi by plant pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs). Chitin binds to homodimers of the Arabidopsis lysine motif receptor kinase (LysM-RK) CERK1
to induce typical immune responses, whereas it binds to the LysM receptor-like protein (LysM-RLP) LYM2 to trigger plasmodesmata closure. In rice, chitin binds to
homodimers of the LysM-RLP CEBiP, which induces the recruitment of an oligoheteromeric complex with the leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-RK CERK1. The CEBiP-related LysM-
RLPs OsLYP4 and OsLYP6 also bind chitin and participate in chitin responsiveness. The tomato LRR-RLPs EIX2 and Ve1 recognize xylanase and Ave1, respectively, whereas
the LRR-RLP Cf-9 mediates responsiveness to AVR9, most likely indirectly. The Arabidopsis LRR-RLP RBGP1 recognizes endopolygalacturonases (PGs), whereas the
rapeseed/canola LRR-RLP LepR3 perceives AVRLM1. The Arabidopsis and wheat LRR-RLPs RLP30 and RLP1.1, the rice B-lectin-RK Pi-d2, the wheat S-domain-RK LRK10, and
the wheat cysteine (Cys)-rich RKs RLK-R1, -R2, and -R3 are involved in antifungal immunity, but their corresponding ligands remain unknown. Block arrows indicate direct
binding; dashed arrows indicate lack of direct binding evidence or candidate ligand.

Review Trends in Immunology July 2014, Vol. 35, No. 7

Cf-9-deficient lines still display a high-affinity binding site LecRK-I.8 [81] and the LRR-RK BAK1 participates in
for Avr9 [58]. antiaphid immunity in Arabidopsis [82].
Several other PRR/PAMP pairs have been tentatively Overall, these findings suggest that surface-localized
identified in plant–fungus interactions (Figure 2). The LRR-RKs and/or LRR-RLPs are involved in sensing virus-
tomato LRR-RLP Eix2 is the PRR for fungal xylanase and insect-derived PAMPs or DAMPs released during
[59]. Tomato Ve1 recognizes Ave1, a protein with homology infection. Identification of these elicitors and the accompa-
to plant natriuretic peptides that appears to be conserved nying insight into their nature and origin will be essential
in multiple plant-pathogenic fungi and bacteria [60,61]. In to define the origin of these elicitors and the plant ligand-
Arabidopsis, RBGP1/RLP42 perceives fungal endopolyga- binding PRRs involved. In particular, it will be important
lacturonases (PGs) [62]. The rapeseed/canola (Brassica to understand whether these distinct elicitors are recog-
napus) LRR-RLP LepR3 confers resistance to Lepto- nized as PAMPs or whether their perception is associated
sphaeria maculans expressing AVRLM1 [63]. Despite with cell or tissue damage.
identification, proof of direct binding for the proposed
Ve1/Ave1, RBGP1/PGs and LepR3/AVRLM1 pairs remains Perception of the ‘infectious self’
lacking. In addition to perceiving PAMPs that are characteristic of
non-self, plants can also sense self molecules (DAMPs) that
Orphan PRRs and fungal/oomycete PAMPs are available for recognition only after cell/tissue damage
As for bacteria, several potential plant PRRs that recognize or pathogen recognition. The first plant DAMP/PRR pairs
fungi have been identified genetically but their specific have been recently identified (Figure 3).
agonists remain unknown (Figure 2). These include the The Arabidopsis LRR-RKs PEPR1 and PEPR2 perceive
Arabidopsis LRR-RLP RLP30, which is required for per- AtPep peptides. These peptides are derived from the pro-
ception of the as-yet-unidentified fungal PAMP SCFE1 peptide PROPEPs, which are encoded by a seven-member
partially purified from Sclerotinia sclerotorium [64], the multigenic family whose expression is induced by wound-
rice B-lectin-type RK Pi-d2 involved in resistance to Mag- ing or PAMP perception [83–86]. AtPep perception is part
naporthe grisae [65], the wheat (Triticum aestivum) S- of a PTI amplification loop and is important for the induc-
domain-type RK TaLRK10 involved in resistance to leaf tion of systemic immunity [87–92], wherein mobile signals,
rust disease [66], and the wheat LRR-RLP TaRLP1.1 and the nature of which is not fully clear, spread across the
cysteine-rich domain-type RKs TaRLK-R1–3 involved in whole plant through the vasculature via the phloem. PRO-
resistance to stripe rust disease [67,68]. The soluble beta- PEPs are phylogenetically conserved in plants [93,94] and
glucan-binding protein (GBP) from soybean (Glycine max) several other plant-derived peptides have been shown to
perceives heptaglucoside from the oomycete Phytophthora activate immune responses in plants, via as-yet-unknown
sojae [69]. Although the soluble GBP can be defined as a PRRs [95].
PRR based on its ligand-binding capacity, it most likely
depends on an as-yet-unknown transmembrane RK or RLP
to mediate intracellular immune signaling. PROPEPs OGs eATP
Additionally, several orphan PAMPs from fungi or
oomycetes have been identified that can trigger immune Peps
signaling. Plants can perceive fungal ergosterol (reviewed
in [70]) or numerous oomycete PAMPs including arachi- DORN1/
PEPR1/2 WAK1 LecRK-I.9
donic acid [71], elicitins (e.g., INF1) (reviewed in [72]), the
transglutaminase-derived immunogenic epitope Pep13
[73], cryptogein (reviewed in [74]), and cellulose-binding
elicitor lectin (CBEL) [75,76]. In all of these cases, no clear
PRRs have yet been defined.

Perception of viruses and insects

RNA silencing clearly represents a major plant immune Arabidopsis
strategy against viruses [77] and no viral PAMP detected
by a plant PRR has been described to date. However, it was Key:
recently found that Arabidopsis mutants of the LRR-RK LRR domain
BAK1 are more susceptible to viral infection [78], suggest- EGF domain
Lec domain
ing that PRRs, and thus an unidentified PAMP or DAMP,
Kinase domain
may be involved in antiviral defense. Furthermore, the
Arabidopsis LRR-RKs NIK1 and NIK2 contribute to anti-
TRENDS in Immunology
viral immunity [79,80]. Thus, future research is required to
understand mechanistically how these RKs are involved in Figure 3. Recognition of the ‘infectious-self’ by plant pattern-recognition receptors
(PRRs). The Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) PEPR1 and
virus perception. PEPR2 recognize the endogenous peptides (Peps) potentially produced on
Recent findings suggest that insects could also be per- cleavage of propeptides (PROPEPs). The Arabidopsis epidermal growth factor
ceived by plant surface-localized PRRs. For example, ovi- (EGF)-like RK WAK1 perceives cell wall-derived oligogalacturonides (OGs),
whereas the lectin-domain (Lec) RK DORN1/LecRK-I.9 binds extracellular ATP
position by Pieris brassicae induces immune responses in (eATP). Block arrows indicate direct binding; dashed arrows indicate lack of direct
Arabidopsis that depend on the lectin-domain RK (LecRK) binding evidence or candidate ligand.

Review Trends in Immunology July 2014, Vol. 35, No. 7

Fungi produce cell wall-degrading enzymes during in- may be recognized in a family-, genus-, or species-specific
fection and this process releases active molecules that are manner also requires the development of bioassay tool-
normally embedded in the plant cell wall matrix. Such boxes to measure immune induction in a range of plant
molecules are oligogalacturonides (OGs), perceived by the species beyond traditional model plants [17,103].
epidermal growth factor (EGF) motif-containing RK WAK1 It is important to define further PAMP or DAMP recog-
in Arabidopsis [96]. Further, recently a plant receptor for nition systems to understand fully the molecular bases of
extracellular ATP (eATP) was identified as the Arabidopsis immune recognition, but also to deploy and engineer these
DORN1/LecRK-I.9 [97]. eATP can be released on cell rup- immune receptors to achieve durable broad-spectrum re-
ture during pathogen attack or wounding and thus serves sistance in crop plants, something that is crucial to guar-
as a DAMP. Although eATP perception in mammals antee the food security required to feed the world’s ever-
involves purinergic P2 receptors, plants do not possess expanding population.
this family of receptors [97] and the identificiation of
DORN1/LecRK-I.9 thus defines a novel class of eukaryotic Acknowledgments
eATP receptors. The author apologizes to colleagues whose work could not be cited here
due to length limitations. Work in the author’s laboratory is funded by the
Interfamily transfer of plant PRRs for disease-resistance Gatsby Charitable Foundation, the 2Blades Foundation, the European
Research Council, and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council. The author thanks his laboratory members for
The availability of a few confirmed PAMP/PRR or DAMP/ discussion and C. Faulkner for critical reading of the manuscript.
PRR pairs has already clearly helped to demonstrate the
importance of these early sentinel mechanisms for plant
immunity. Some PAMPs and DAMPs are recognized in a 1 Dodds, P.N. and Rathjen, J.P. (2010) Plant immunity: towards an
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bacteria belonging to different genera [28]. Similarly, 206
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potato (Solanum tuberosum) enhances resistance to the 8 Gomez-Gomez, L. and Boller, T. (2000) FLS2: an LRR receptor-like
oomycete Phytophthora infestans [101]. These results dem- kinase involved in the perception of the bacterial elicitor flagellin in
onstrate that immune signaling pathways downstream of Arabidopsis. Mol. Cell 5, 1003–1011
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technological approach to engineer disease-resistant crop through flagellin perception. Nature 428, 764–767
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Concluding remarks
binds flg22 and determines the specificity of flagellin perception.
Plant genomes encode hundreds of RKs and RLPs that may Plant Cell 18, 465–476
be potential PRRs. Future challenges include demonstrat- 13 Sun, Y. et al. (2013) Structural basis for flg22-induced activation of the
ing direct binding of PAMPs or DAMPs to their proposed Arabidopsis FLS2–BAK1 immune complex. Science 342, 624–628
PRRs, identifying PRRs for orphan PAMPs/DAMPs, and, 14 Boller, T. and Felix, G. (2009) A renaissance of elicitors: perception of
microbe-associated molecular patterns and danger signals by pattern-
conversely, defining the molecules recognized by RKs and
recognition receptors. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 60, 379–406
RLPs genetically involved in immunity. Also, it will be 15 Hann, D.R. and Rathjen, J.P. (2007) Early events in the pathogenicity
interesting to see whether NBS-LRRs can also be involved of Pseudomonas syringae on Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant J. 49,
in PAMP/DAMP perception, as observed in mammals. The 607–618
expansion of plant postgenomic tools is currently facilitat- 16 Robatzek, S. et al. (2007) Molecular identification and
characterization of the tomato flagellin receptor LeFLS2, an
ing rapid identification of plant PRRs. However, the iden- orthologue of Arabidopsis FLS2 exhibiting characteristically
tification of purified PAMPs/DAMPs remains a major different perception specificities. Plant Mol. Biol. 64, 539–547
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quiring labor-intensive and technically challenging bio- differentially recognizes flagellin-derived epitopes from the
chemical purifications. Comparative genomic approaches endophytic growth-promoting bacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans
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