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Step 1:

Write down the date/time and the ritual you are going to perform in your journal. (If you do
n’t have a journal, start one NOW. This step is important. Don’t skip on keeping track of ALL
your rituals!)

Step 2:


Quietly read the following words aloud, listening to what you are saying. Read slowly and ca
refully, pausing between sentences, and stopping for about three seconds wherever you find
three periods (...) in the text. It should take you a full four minutes to read the words aloud f
rom beginning to end. You may record this on your computer and play it back for yourself in
stead of reading it each time. The point is to completely relax and feel good for a few minute

"I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual. I call on the Inner Planes to witness. I state m
y purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY.

I begin to wind down, to let go and be rid of all the tensions of my body. To let my muscles r
elax, unwind and let go.

The tensions are beginning to drain from my body. Soon, a gradual heaviness will start to we
igh down my thighs, my arms, my hands, my feet, my legs, my body.

My muscles unwind and let go. All my muscles are relaxing, unwinding, and relaxing.

Very soon I shall feel the winding, the letting go. Unwinding and letting go. Unwinding, lettin
g go. Unwinding. Letting Go.

Deeper and deeper...letting go...unwinding and letting go.

The tensions drain from my muscles and they will soon become loose, letting go, relaxing an
d unwinding.

Breathing easily and deeply. Easily and deeply.

Unwinding and letting go...drifting into the peace and serenity of complete relaxation. And a
s my body unwinds and relaxes so I enter the peace and quiet, where only these words have
meaning, and nothing else disturbs me.

Letting go..unwinding...letting go...unwinding...relax...relax...relax...let go...let go...let go...r

elax...relax...relax...let go...let go...let go.

I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel, who stands in the East, to assist me this and all my ventures.
I know now that New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface. I now close my eyes gently."
Allow 5 minutes for the New Avatar Power to flood to the surface on its own as you


Step 3:

After reading the New Avatar Power Ritual then read ONE of the following depending on you
r goal:

Invocation for Money

"In the Power of the Names EH-HEH-YEH, YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM, & YEH-HO-VO-AH-VAY

-DAH-AHS I place this Invocation with Thee, NEE-TEE-KAH, Genius of Wealth. Know that I re
quire and command Thee to bring me gold. Thou has dominion over wealth and Thou shalt b
egin this very instant to shape the future such that money shall come to me, enough and to
spare, by the powers of these Words and Invocation. Be Thou ruled by me the Names SHAH
-DYE-ELL-KYE & AH-DOE-NYE-HA-AH-RETZ. So mote it be."

Invocation to Bring Success

"In all my undertakings henceforward I conjure and command Thee, mighty ELL-YOU-BAIT-
ELL, to protect me, bear me up and carry me forward to the pinnacle of success. Thou shalt
give me clarity of mind to confound my opposers; Thou shalt bend the Laws of the Cosmos t
o my and Thy will, bringing each and every one of my desires to pass. I shall be enwrapped i
n Thy faultless Powers, and tread ever higher to that glittering peak which I covet. Hear this,
and obey me: AH-NAH-FAX-EE-TONE which Aaron heard and spoke. Thou shalt guide me to
success. So mote it be."

Invocation to Win A Legal Action

"Mighty EYE-EEL-AH-HE-YAH who holds sway over the decisions of men, Thou shald bring T
hy power to bear on my behalf in the legal action which is pending. I command that I shall b
e successful in this, my hour of need. Thou hast the ability to aid me in achieving this desire.
Hear the Word and be obedient to It and me: NAB-RAT-AGLA-SURE-AN-AT. So mote it be."

Invocation For Protection from Evil

"I invoke Thee, GAH-DEE-ELL, in Thy power and wisdom to place around me a shield agains
t which evil shall be powerless. Those who would harm me shall be powerless, and their evil
shall return to them a thousandfold. Be Thou ready and able to place this protection, as I se
al it with Thee with the Words: EE-YOTE-EEYAH-VAW-ARE-ZALL. I am within Thy protection
now and my enemies cannot harm me. So mote it be."
Invocation To Excite Love

"Hear me, AH-NAY-ELL & JAHZ-AIR, Thou spirits of Venus and love. I desire to excite love an
d passion in the heart of a suitable partner. Stretch forth Thine hands and pluck the heart str
ings such that my desire is returned a hundredfold. I conjure this command thus: HOR-TA-E
LL-RACK-AH-MAY. So mote it be."

Invocation To Rekindle A Mate's Interest

"I invoke Thee, PA-GEE-ELL, to light a flame in the heart of my mate - a flame that will burn
ever higher, so that s/he turns to me in fervor and in love, blind to my faults, and desiring o
nly to please me in whatever way s/he can. I command that our companionship shall becom
e perfect, each fulfilling every need and deisre for the other. I also demand that any shortco
mings, be they physical or mental, be swept aside such athat our partnership shall be perfec
t. Hear this Word of Power, Thou Pagiel and obey me: VEDGE-EED-OR-AH-MEET-EYE. So mo
te it be."

Invocation to Give Secret Knowledge

"Titanic KAH-DREE-ELL, I invoke Thee. I require Thee to transform me to one who can know
things that are hidden from others. I desire to know what will befall the future. I wish to kno
w the thoughts of others. I demand insight into the comings and goings of my fellow creatur
es. All this shalt Thou do for me, placing the knowledge within my mind during both waking
and sleeping. I seal this command thus: EE-BAN-HER-EE-ON-AH-DOH-NYE. So mote it be."

Invocation To Give Power Over Others

"Mightiest DYE-NAH-MISS! There are those over whom I would have ultimate power so tha t
hey obey my every word and thought. Bring Thy mystic energy to bear on me, such that I ra
diate your power. Impress those that I command to bend to my will at all times. I command
Thee with the Words: AH-GAH-LAH-OH-TEEMEE-TYE. So mote it be."

Invocation to Bring Health

"I call Thee ZO-ROE-ELL & SAH-BREE-ELL who hath dominion over physical and mental heal
th. At my command, banish from (me or name of party) all diseases, discomfort, sickness an
d malfunction of body and mind. Send down Thy beneficial healing rays, for Thou art able to
bring this to pass. During each passing hour Your powers will bring youthfulness and freedo
m from pain. I seal this command with the healing words EEM-AHN-YOU-ELL which Shadrac
h, Meshach and Abednago sang in the fiery furnace and were delivered. Thus shall Your pow
ers dispel this sickness and disease. So mote it be."
General Purpose Invocation

"In the Powers vested in Thee, EE-AH-OAT, PATE-AH-YAH, and OH-PEA-ELL, I command Thi
ne aid. Bring Thy influences to bear on my affairs. My desire is ______ . Thou has heard, an
d in the Name of VEE-NOKE-OH-TEE-SEE-AWN, Thou shalt fulfill my will in all things which s
eem good unto me. So mote it be."

Step 4:

Write down any final thoughts/feelings in your journal. You are done for the day.

Step 5:

Repeat these steps ONCE a day, EVERYDAY, at the same time each day. Do this until your re
sult manifests or you realize you don’t want the result anymore. You will definitely get some
sort of result. Most people jiggle lose results close to what they want within hours or days. S
ometimes you get something similar but isn’t quite what you wanted. You can decide if the m
anifestation was close enough, or if you need to keep repeating the ritual. If this is a difficult
goal, you may have to repeat the ritual dozens of times of the course of weeks.

Also note that these instructions are deceptively simple. Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it!
If you’ve tried it with sincerity then post here and tell me how “this crap didn’t work” but NO
T until you’ve tried!

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