West and Central Asia-Outline 2018-2019

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West and Central Asia

Islamic Art
(600-1600 CE)
2018-2019 revised July 5, 2018

Enduring Understanding
7-1 The arts of West and Central Asia play a key role in the history of world
art, giving form to the vast cultural interchanges that have occurred in these
lands that link European and Asian peoples.

7-2 Religious works of this region united by traditions of Buddhism and


7-3 Figural imagery is very rarely represented in Islamic art but is present in
Buddhist art (often as icons); not at all in religious imagery but it is present
in secular works such as decorative arts and manuscript painting

7-4 Art includes forms such as ceramics, metalwork, textiles, painting and

Essential Knowledge
• 7-1a Art of this period divided into vast geographical regions,
governing cultures, identifiable styles with considerable overlap.
Includes Silk Road that connects the Greco-Roman world with China
and India
• 7-1c Region with a dominant Islamic culture. Arts are both religious
and secular and share similarities of content and visual characteristics.
• 7-1e. Arts of this region had great international impact through trade
with textiles most paramount art form. Metal works and ceramics as
• 7-1d Audiences for the artwork included royal and wealthy patrons, lay
and monastic religious practitioners, and foreign collectors who
acquired works through gifts or trade
• 7-2b Architecture frequently religious in function
• 7-2c Pilgrimages important religious practice in both Islam and
Geographic/Cultural Context

Islam began with Arabic peoples of Arabic peninsula-were traders,

merchants, nomads
Vast territory became Muslim, from Spain in West to Egypt and North
Africa in South to Indus River in East – all in about 100 years

Islam, meaning “submission to God”; Muslim meaning “those who have

submitted to God”

Muhammad (570-632 CE) -founder of Islam, prophet/messenger

Islam has had a wide influence-geographic, political, scientific, artistic
across the globe

1. Originated in Mecca 610 CE (Muhammad’s birth city)
a. Founded by Muhammad
i. Said God revealed his word to him at age 40 in a cave
1. Teachings were formalized in the Qur’an-the
Muslim holy book
b. Muhammad expelled from then returned to Mecca from Medina
(Muhammad’s burial site) in 640
i. Established the kaaba -a cubicle shrine that was emptied
of all pagan idols = this is reason why figures rarely
depicted in Islamic art
2. Five pillars of Islam
a. Only one God-Allah
b. Must pray 5 times daily
c. Must pay annual tax=1/4 of assets
d. Must feast during Ramadan
e. Should visit Mecca during lifetime

Art Context

1. Shrines, mosques, palaces
The horseshoe arch
2. Elaborate figural decoration
a. Plant motifs, animals, abstract geometric design, Arabic
lettering (calligraphy)
3. Influenced by design and thinking from lands/cultures they
subjugated contacted
a. Roman, Byzantine, Persian
i. Roman basilicas, arches; Christian central plan

Because of where it was founded Islam would have noticed the art and
architecture of existing Byzantine churches and their decorated walls = text
(OK), images (NO), color (YES), decorative bands (YES) of geometric
figures and patterns of interconnecting plant forms

Mosque-from Arabic meaning place of worship or prostration
Mihrab-niche in the wall of a mosque indicating the proper direction
a muslim should face for worship
Minaret – large tower from which prayer is announced to faithful
Qibla – wall marked by mihrab niche; on wall closest to Mecca
Minbar – pulpit in mosque used for sermon my imam

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