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South, East and Southeast Asia

The Art of Later Japan
(1300 to present)
2018-2019 edited January 8, 2018

Enduring Understanding
• 8.1 Art of South, East and Southeast Asia represent some of the
world’s oldest, most diverse, most sophisticated visual traditions;
included both visual and architectural expression
• 8.2 Many of world’s great philosophic, religious traditions developed
in South and East Asia; art forms supporting these developed here as
• 8.4 Asian art was/is global. Linked through trade, politics, religious

Essential Knowledge
• 8-1a Artworks as old as 10,500 BCE
• 8-1c Core cultural centers in Asia became home to many of the world’s
great civilizations and ruling dynasties including Heian Japan. The
shared cultural ideas in each region and civilization gave birth to
visual traditions that employed related subjects, functions, materials,
and artistic styles.
• 8-2b Cultures promoted interconnection between natural and spiritual
worlds through religions of Daoism, Confucianism (5th cent BCE).
Buddhism too. Shinto veneration of the land with animistic nature
• 8-2e Architecture mostly religious in function. Used natural materials
with wood structures and tile roofs
• 8-3b Art forms included ceramic, stone, calligraphy, architecture
• 8-3d Artistic expression through courtly and secular art forms
(including literati)
• 8-4d Major trade routes linked Asia with Europe as well as maritime
networks; artistic traditions, styles, mediums shared as well – textiles,

Geographic/Cultural Context
Japan’s cultural history tied to continental eastern Asia
But a distinct identity was developed

Art Context

Asymmetry, abstraction, bold expression, narrative hand scrolls

Ceramics also developed

Shogun- head of a powerful military family
Shogunate – military government, not the imperial family

Muromachi Period
In 1336 Shogun (head of a powerful military family) Ashikago
Takaiji led his family’s domination of the country was start of Muromachi
Despite a front of control, it had wained, and real authority rested with
shogunate (military government, not the imperial family)
The shogunate oversaw samuri
Such a structure required administrative skills
Even though above power structure existed order and control was still
tenuous=frequent, violent confrontation over territory and control
Period late 15th –late 16th centuries known as Age of Wars
Led to societal change=more egalitarian, rise of wealthy merchants to
positions of power
Art flourished

Strength of Zen Buddhism which promotes rigorous discipline and personal

responsibility=achieving enlightenment usually via meditation
Was appealing to upper ranks of warrior class who admired the ideals of
loyalty, courage, self control
Zen appealed to other groups in society as well
Other Buddhist systems were also accepted by those following Zen such as
Pure Land Buddhism-reliance on the saving power of Amida to achieve
salvation, the Buddha of the West (China) and focus on death and salvation)
Zen temples became places of secular culture –arts, literature
Link to traditional tea ceremony

Pictures in India Ink

Styles and subjects followed Chinese example (via Korea)
Most masters were Zen monks
Use of broken or flung-ink style
Artist would look at scene, load brush and them rapidly apply strokes-a
somewhat legible and also abstract image
Subjects included portraits, icons, narrative handscrolls, folding screens

16 (207) Ryoan-ji. Kyoto, japan. Muromachi Period, Japan. C. 1480

C.E. current design most likely dates to the 18th century. Rock Garden

Momoyama Period
Government centralized, Japanese nation began its formation
Warlords built large elaborate fortresses/palaces
Elaborately decorated
Images of power, militarism

Chinese Lions
Lions as source of strength and power
Originated in Chinese legends

Goal is to experience enlightenment
All people can attain enlightenment but our worldly knowledge and
everyday thoughts prevent this
To break through one should meditate
The importance of having a teacher to lead this process
Takes years of training
Some prayer to deities

Tea Ceremony
Zen Ritual
Was example of shift towards a more equal society as tea ceremony would
host anyone
One entered the tea house by crawling=humility and egalitarianism

Edo Period
Capital moved by shogun from Kyoto to Tokyo
Kano school of painting continued as established (government sponsored)
New school of painting emerged=Rimpa; depicted literary themes liked by
the nobility
Use of varied color, use of gold, and silver, decorative patterning

Inspiration and interest from/in found in China and the West

Chinese literati style
Chinese literati were amateur, who painted as one of several interests of
educated, cultural individuals
Japanese literati who knew to some extent Chinese literature, they were
professional painters
Had less of a defined style than their Chinese counterparts

19 (210) White and Red Plum Blossoms. Ogata Korin. 1710-1716

C.E. Ink, watercolor and gold leaf on paper

20 (211) Katsushika Hokusai, The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Edo

Period, 1826-1833

Modern Japan

Meiji and Taisho Period


Increasing pressure/influence from the West

Direct sovereignty restored to imperial throne
Westernizing was embraced by some (i.p.792) and resisted by others
School of Japanese painting (nihonga) established-which combined Western
and Japanese techniques) vs. the yoga (Western painting) school
• Has low horizon, shading effects (Western)
• Figures at corners, strong brushwork, use of washes and glue
based pigments

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