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QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING For BE, IETE, AMIE, GATE, CERA, NTPC, BHEL, BEL, HAL, ITI, MTNL, INDIAN AIR LINES, AIR INDIA, UPSC (Engineering and Civil Services), CPWD and Several State and Central Level Services Examinations, Admissions and Recruitment Tests Fundamentals of Utilization Electricity Electromagnetics Power Electronics Circuit Theory and Networks Control Systems Engineering Materials Semiconductor Devices Electrical Machines Digital Techniques Transformers Microprocessors Measuring Systems Communication Systems “Power Systems. Avionics. HARISH C. RAI GALGOTIA a. Sse Galgotia Publications put. Itd. Copyright © 1996, by Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. First Edition-1996 Reprint 2009 ISBN 81-7515-045-9 Published by Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 5, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002 and printed at Earam Offset Printers, Delhi-110053 CONTENTS Chapter 1. F NOTES QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY Chapter 2. | ELECTROMAGNETICS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN ELECTROMAGNETICS, Chapter. CIRCUIT THEORY AND NETWORKS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN CIRCUIT THEORY AND NETWORKS Chapter 4, © ENGINEERING MATERIALS QUESTION BANK IN ENGINEERING MATERIALS ‘Chapter 5. =DC MACHINES (QUESTION BANK IN DC MACHINES Chapter 6. © TRANSFORMERS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN TRANSFORMERS Chapter7. _ ALTERNATOR AND SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES NOTES QUESTION BANK IN ALTERNATOR AND SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES PAGE LB 14-55 55-74 75-134 135-163 164-202 224-243 244-252 253-281 282-285 286-321 Chapter 8. INDUCTION MOTORS NOTES 00885 QUESTION BANK IN THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS 346-382 AND SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Chapter 9. | MEASURING SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTATION NOTES 383-399 QUESTION BANK IN MEASURING SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTA- _ 400-459 HON ‘Chapter 10. POWER SYSTEM - I (GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION) NOTES ag 0 (QUESTION BANK IN POWER SYSTEM-I (GENERATION 493-526 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION) Chapter 11. POWER SYSTEM-II (PROTECTION, STABILITY AND HIGH VOLTAGE NOTES 527-540 UESTION BANK IN POWER SYSTEM-II OTECTION, HIGH VOLTAGE) 541-565 Chapter 12. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ILLUMINATION NOTES 566-583 (QUESTION BANK IN UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ILLUMINATION 584-609 Chapter 13, CONTROL ENGINEERING NOTES 610-624 (QUESTION BANK IN CONTROL ENGINEERING 625-670 Chapter 14, INDUSTRIAL AND POWER ELECTRONICS NOTES 671-698 QUESTION BANK IN INDUSTRIAL AND POWER ELECTRONICS 659-739 Chapter 15. SEMICONDUCTORS AND DEVICES NOTES 740-764 (QUESTION BANK IN SEMICONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 765-805 ‘Chapter 16. Chapter 17. Chapter 18. Chapter 19. DIGITAL TECHNIQUES AND COMPUTERS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN DIGITAL TECHNIQUES AND COMPUTERS (COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS QUESTION BANK IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AIRCRAFTS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. (AVIONICS - 1D NOTES (QUESTION BANK IN AIRCRAFTS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (AVIONICS - 1) AIRCRAFT AVIONICS (AVIONICS-I1) QUESTION BANK IN AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 806-827 828-861 862-894 895-969 970-974 975-1009 1010-1076 1077-1098 Copyrighted material CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS | OF ELECTRICITY Copyrighted material CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 11 Unit Vectors and Their Conversion Coordinate Systems, The unit vectors for the cartesian system shown in Fig. 1-1(a) are x,y, a and all three vectors are constant. The unit vectors for the cylindrical coordinate system shown in Fig. 1.1(b) are Ap, dg, a where a: is constant ‘The unit vectors for the spherical co-ordinate system shown in Fig. 1.1(c) are Gr, 0, @=const z az xconst 7 seoust yecoust } ty axf ~~ z=const. $= const (b) Fig. Conversion between cartesian and cylindrical: x= reos 6; r=Veey y = rsing; = tan” (y/x) zen zee ay cos@ sing 0 4 | =| sing cos® 0 4 0 o\1 4, cos sing \ 0 4 |=|-sing cosg 0 I | 2] 0 0 QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Conversion between cartesian and spherical: rsin O.cos 4; re (tty ey? rsin @.sin @; © = tan (x +y")'7/2) reos@; — @ = tan! (y/x} dy sinOsing —cas@sing —cos |} do ay sin@cos@ — cos@cos — - sing] [ a a: cos 8 sin ® 0 a dq cos@cos@ cos @sing = = sin@ || dy sing cos 0 a. ae 1.2 The Coulomb's Law. Charges of same polarity repel one another and that of opposite polarity atiract each other. The force ( F) between the two charges q, and q as shown in Fig. 1.2 is (i) directly proportional to the product of the charges q, and 92 : (i inversely proportional to the square of distance d between them; (ii) depends on the nature of medium surrounding the charges. Mathematically 4, [aes sin@sing cos] [ ae a a o_o a | Fig. 12 where € is the permittivity of air and its value is 8-854 10°"? F/m, &, is the relative permittivity of surrounding medium with respect to air and G, is the unit vector pointing in direction of line joining the two charges. 1.3. Electric Field Intensity. The space around the charge which is under stress, and experiences a force on another charge when placed there, is known as electrostatic fieid. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.3 (a), If the force F experienced by a resting positive charge qo placed at a point as shown in Fig. 1.3 (b) at a distance R metres from the charge of q, then the field intensity is defined as: 5, Newton Ee Sim @ o Fig 13 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY: 3 ‘This field intensity is a vector in the direction of the force. Its value is given by E = —4 i Newton/Coulomb 4nE, eR where i is the unit factor along the distance R and directed away from the charge. 14 Electric Dipole Moment. Itisa vector p whose magnitude is 2aq and direction is from the negative to positive charge When the dipole is placed in a uniform external electric field Fig. 1.4, the two charges experience equal and opposite forces. Fe gE ‘Thus the net force on the dipole is zero but there is a net torque t about an axis at point P at right angles to the plane of the paper. 1=2F (asin®) =2 (gE) (asin @) = 2agE sin 8 =pE sin® Fig E, as shown in ‘Thus torque is the product of magnitude of force and the perpendicular distance between the forces. ‘Ih Vector form, pxE In order to change the orientation of the electric dipole placed in an external field, some amount of work is to be done and this work is stored as potential energy in the system. If the dipole is to be rotated from its reference vertical position ( ie. @= 90° ) to angle @, the potential energy is given by 2 oe u = J 1d0=JpE sin@d0=-pE cos 0 ce 0" or uv 1.5, Flux of an Electric Field, It refers to a hypothetical surface, closed or open and is measured by the numbers of lines of force cut through the surface. An arbitrary closed surface can be divided into a large number of infinitesimal surfaces represented by a vector A'S whose direction is at right angle to the small surface as illustrated in Fig 1.5. Then its flux can be defined as A, =E.AS=E AScos® which means itis the product of AS and component of E parallel to vector 4S or at right angles to the surface. If both vectors point in the same direction, the flux is positive otherwise negative he For the whole surface, of Ea ZT) ; C= The electric field intensity of a point charge is thus directed —— everywhere radically away from the point charge, and on any spherical surface at the point charge. its magnitude is constant. 4 QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 16 Electric Field of Many Charges. If there are several point charges q).2. 43... dy located at ifferent points, then by superposition, the force F experienced by a test charge situated at a point, is the vector sum of the forces experienced by the test charge due to the individual charges. = 45, +l a7, Fo GneoR"* anegRl ten kh™ The electric field intensity at point P will be —_n_j, —h_j, “grok? aoe ik, Fig. 16 1.7_ The Gauss’s Law of Electricity. The surface integral of the normal component of electric field intensity E over a closed surface containing point charge as shown in Fig 1.6 is given by bE.d= This can be interpreted as the net flux of electric field emanating from the surface 5 containing a point charge q is equal to go. If this arbitrary surface does not enclose the point charge, the net electric field flux ‘emanating from the surface must be zero, ie. bE. d-0 If there are more than one point charges enclosed, then the above equation can be generated as follows GE. d=b ES +h By. +6 Bs. d+... 3 5 5 5 eUtRte gn charge enclosed by the surface S € ® An important outcome of this law is that excess charge placed on an insulated conductor resides entirely on its outer, surface. 1.8. The Gauss’s Law in Differential Form. Consider a volume distribution with the charge density p. The charge enclosed by arbitrary closed surface S is given by the volume integral of charge density throughout the volume V enclosed by surface, that is { pdv. According to Guass's law v sae $8 .d = 2 J pde 5 fy Ifthe Volume is shrunk to a very small Av, the surface area becomes very small AS =< $ pav Lim § 2-4 ~ Lim A Lim PAY. i avaogs AV avo fosvno dV & Pp

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