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1. Introduction.

a. Good afternoon. Tell you a bit about myself.

b. Name
c. 2 years of experience in .NET, C#, SQL Server
d. Joining Mitrais in Java Bootcamp program
2. Personal background
a. Hometown, quite okay.
b. Very crowded
c. Notorious for the public transportations
d. Time to move forward, leaving to another city
3. University
a. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
b. Want to take English Literature, parents want STEM
c. Take Computer Science, I like computer.
d. I still think it was a pretty good decision.
4. Bad grades
a. Got hit by reality
b. My grade tanked
c. Lack of self-control
d. Play video games and socializing
e. Try to improve my grade in the second semester
5. First job
a. It was a moderate success. I improved my grade
b. Lots of free time, applying a remote job as a translator
c. Landed the job! It paid well for a university student in Jogja
6. Living independently
a. Financially stable because of the job
b. Told my parents to stop giving me monthly allowance
c. Pay my tuition fee and house rent
d. Live free and independently
7. Pastimes
a. Still a lot of free time, looking for other activities
b. I studied French a bit in high school, and learned Piano in Junior High school
c. Took French course and learn music by myself.
8. Foreign Language, Music, and IT
a. There’s a common ground between Language, Music, and IT.
b. Try to fully grasp the concept instead of focusing on syntax (or musical notes)
c. My hobbies helped my academic performance
9. Summer in Japan
a. During my final year, I decided to take one final break before graduating
b. Used my hard-earned savings to take two week’s vacation to Japan
c. Travel alone, lots of fun, life-changing experience
10. Graduation
a. Graduated, but what now
b. Stay in Jogja for one more year
c. Decided to take a new career in IT, move to Jakarta
11. First Job
a. Got my first job in Jakarta
b. Employee development program, learn new skills
c. C#, .NET Webforms, SQL Server
d. Built a dummy project
12. First Client
a. Major oil company
b. Business partnership management application
c. Pretty nervous, my very first project.
d. Missed deadline, but not by much. Client happy anyway
13. Not much free time
a. Lost much free time due to work
b. Less time for music and foreign language
c. Financially more stable and learned new knowledges, so worth it
14. Big project
a. I got assigned to a big project, a procurement application, really excited.
b. Several modules, I was assigned to two modules, Vendor Management and HSE
Certification for Vendors.
c. Finished the modules before the deadline, Mission Complete! Ready to tackle
another projects
15. Project extension
a. Changes in regulation, project extended
b. Had to rework or add features
c. The client also didn’t quite understand the new regulations
d. Pretty stressful, took a bit longer than it should.
16. Modules completed
a. My modules are completed in time
b. Passed the final test
c. Ready to deploy to production
d. I’m ready to move forward and take another project (again)
17. Other modules
a. The other devs were not so fortunate.
b. A module had to be heavily reworked because changes in regulation.
c. Affected the SAP team from another company, which adds to the complexities
d. Assisting them
18. Free times
a. Most of the problems in the project has been sorted out early 2018.
b. Realized I’m stuck with old technologies, looking for new opportunity.
c. Looking for financial upgrades too!
d. Learned about Mitrais from my friend in university.
19. Moving back to Jogja
a. Applied for the Bali office, but offered to work in Jogja office.
b. Pretty happy to move back to Jogja
c. Brings back many happy memories, happy to settle in this city once again
20. Final
a. That’s a brief introduction.
b. Looking forward to contributing to the company
c. It’s an honor to be able to work here, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

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