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CSD 303


T F Concerns about response bias arise when thresholds are measured with
the Method of Limits, but there are no response bias problems with the
Method of Constant Stimuli.

(FALSE. All of the classical psychophysical methods will be

affected by response bias.)

T F A vibration with a frequency that falls outside a filter’s pass band will be
attenuated as it passes through the filter.


T F Absolute threshold refers to the smallest value of a stimulus that a

subject can just barely detect.


T F The upper limit of the auditory response area corresponds to the

absolute threshold of hearing curve.
(FALSE. Absolute threshold is the LOWER limit of the auditory
response area.)

T F The Weber Fraction for Intensity is approximately 2%.

(FALSE. The Weber Fraction for intensity is approximately 25.0%)

T F You would expect sound A to mask sound B better if A and B were

both in the same critical band than you would if they were in different
critical bands.
You find that a person can just barely tell the difference between a barbell that weighs
16 pounds and one that weighs 18 pounds. According to Weber-Fechner, this same
person should be able to just barely distinguish between two barbells weighing ___ and
___ pounds.

a) 8 and 9
b) 8 and 10
c) 40 and 45
d) two of the above

(D. Both a and c are correct.)

A psychometric function is generated when you measure thresholds with the _____?

a) Method of Limits
b) Ratio comparison technique
c) Method of Constant Stimuli
d) None of the above


The 100 phon equal loudness contour is _______ compared to the 20 phon contour.

a) longer
b) shorter
c) flatter
d) more curved


Approximately how long is the window of temporal integration?

a) 3 milliseconds
b) 300 milliseconds
c) 1/300 second
d) None of the above


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