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SAT Il Biology Practice Test | SAT Il BIOLOGY PRACTICE TEST 1 ANSWER SHEET 19@000 2@@8000 3 ®®000 4®20000 5 ®@00® 6 B00 7 @®@000 8 o0000 9@@O00 WBBOO® 1 @900® 12882000 13 D®OO® 4 ®®00® 15 D@®OOD 16 DOO 17 ®@0O0 18 ®®OOO 19 B®OOD 20 SOHOOO 21@@008 22@@000 23 ®@OOO 24 @OOOO 25 DOOD 26 2@OOO 27 @@OOO 28 DOOOO 29 H@OOO 30 DOOGO 31 ®@008 32 @@000 33 DHOOO 34 DOOD 35 DDOOO 36 @@OOO 37 DHOOO 38 @OOOO 39 DOGO 40 2@O00 41 @2000 42 D®OOO 43 2@O0O 4 DOOOO 45 DOOD 46 DHOOO 47 D@OO 43 @OOOO 49 @@OOO 50 DDOOO 51 ®@O0® 52 D008 53 @@OOO 54 DOHOOO 55 ©OOOO 36 DOOD 57 @@O00 58 DHOOO 59 DOOD 60 ®OOOO 61 ®@O0O 62 DHOOO 63 BOOS 64 22000 65 DHOOO 66 @@OOO 67 DOOD 68 2@OOO 69 DHOOO 70 BOO 71902000 72@@000 73 B@OOO 74@OOOO 75 OOOO 76 ®@OOO 77 B@OOO 73 OOOO 79 BOOS 80 S000 1 SOOO 82 D@O008 83 D@OOO 14 DOOOO 85 ©@OOO % DOOD 87 BOOOO 88 DOOOO 89 DOOOO 9 BHOOO 91 HOOD 92 DDOOO 3 OOOO 94 DHOOW 95 DHOOD 3% DOOOD 97 @@O0O % DOOD 9 BHOOD 10B800® BIOLOGY E/M TEST FOR BOTH BIOLOGY-E AND BIOLOGY-M, ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-60 Directions: Each set of lettered choices below refers to the numbered questions or statements immediately following it Seleet the one lettered choice that best answers each question or best fits each statement, and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet. A choice may be used onee, more than once, or sets Questions 1-8 refer to the following molecules: Questions 7-9 refer to the following processes: (A) proteins (A) Krebs cycle (B) monosaccharides (B) oxidative phosphorylation (©) lipids (©) aerobic respiration (D) DNA ©) glycolysis (&) RNA (B) anaerobic respiration 1. Contain earbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio, 7. Stage at which one molecule of 6-carbon glucose is broken in half to produce two molecules of pyruvate. 2, Are often not soluble in water "Two ATP are generated in this stage. ‘This group includes enzymes 8, Process occurring in the mitochondria of eukaryotes ‘and resulting in the total oxidation of acetyl-CoA to Questions 4-6 refer to the following groups: ‘carbon dioxide, Two ATP are generated in this stage. (A) producer 9. Occurs in the fermentation of alcohol (B) primary consumer (©) secondary consumer Questions 10-12 refer to the following behavior types: (D) tertiary consumer (B) decomposer (A) imprinting (B) habituation 4, The group in the food pyramid with the fewest () conditioning ‘number of members (D) insight learns (B) _ fixed.action patterns 5. Creates glucose from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 10, When confronted with a nonharmful stimulus many times, an animal will learn to ignore it. 6. Omnivores most often fall into this group 11, When an animal associates two unrelated events that, occur simultaneously, this is known as 12, This behavior involves an animal's recognition ofits mother. OC ah a4

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