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Business Proposal: Revive Meals

Kimberly Lopez

San Francisco State University

DFM 353G-01

Jennifer Stimson


Kimberly Lopez
494 California St.
San Francisco, CA

Edwin Billiot
Director of Business Development & Chief Financial Officer
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 91232

Dear Mr. Edwin Billiot:

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Kimberly Lopez, and I am a Dietetics

student here at San Francisco State University. As a student here at SFSU one of the greatest
struggles I have had is forgetting to pack a school lunch. As an SF state Alumni you and I can
both agree that being hungry on campus leads students to buying an unhealthy and expensive
meal. That is why I want to propose a new campus cafe that will provide perfectly portioned
meals and as the founder of this establishment I am making a commitment to you and the student
body that they will receive high-quality delicious meals that will not hurt their wallets. College
students are constantly on the go and need the proper fuel to complete assignments, quizzes,
papers, etc. As students pave their way into their futures, we guide the way into health, happiness
and energy with Revive Meals. As a future health professional and current student studying in
the field of nutrition, I have experienced first hand how imbalances in our diet can affect our
overall performance. Being a student has not only taught me about nutrition but it has also
trained me to be more organized, implemented teamwork and clear communication between
others, and has made me a great problem solver. I would like to incorporate these skills for
Revive Meals.
I would like to offer you the chance to invest in Revive Meals. Investors will provide
property financing and the necessary money needed for down payments and renovations. This
money will be the basis of investment for which a fixed rate of return of investment will be paid
to you, the investor. Revive Meals proposes to offer a fixed 10% annual ROI, we are confident in
the success of Revive Meals and we hope to work with you in the future.

If you would like to no more information about my plans please feel free to email here at Thank you for your time, it is greatly valued.


Kimberly Lopez

Kimberly Lopez
Kimberly Lopez
SFSU Student


Mission Statement

At Revive Meals we aim to bring back energy, motivation, and overall health to our

studious consumers. When time is of the essence and money is scarce, Revive Meals will

constantly deliver perfectly portioned meals abundant in their balance, color, and nutrient dense

ingredients without sacrificing taste and flavor. Located at San Francisco State University,

Revive Meals will unite students of every background to cohesively strive for wellness,

happiness and success.

Classification and Type of Foodservice

Revive Meals is a commercial foodservice primarily focused on a cook-serve system.

Our meals are cooked, portioned, packaged and ready to be served hot to our busy students. As

we are located in a fast paced environment, our student’s value time from the moment their food

is made to when they are able to consume it. As we stated in our mission statement, time is of the

essence, we understand that your schedule is busy and that is something other food businesses do

not take into consideration. Our setup is faster and more efficient than normal Quick-Service

styled restaurants such as McDonald’s, Chipotle, Burger King, and on campus cafes such as

Healthy U. We want San Francisco State University students to walk into Revive Meal’s, walk

through our selection of hot foods and choose from our delicious meals. Once students are ready

for checkout one of our two cashiers will be able to ring them up as quickly as possible so that

they can carry on through out their day with a Revive Meal in one hand and assignments in the


Sample Menu

To stay true to the concept of how we want to present our food, vibrancy, abundance and

nutrient density are factors we aspire to meet. It is important to us that we also take into


consideration food practices, food sensitivities and a variety of multicultural cuisines. For

example, vegetarian and vegan students often have a limited amount of meal options. At the

University of California at Berkeley, students were faced with resistance from dining services


They were sympathetic but weren't sure they could handle anything else, explained Leor

Jacobi, one of the students who spearhead the effort to make the university's cafeterias

more vegan-friendly. However, after the students set up a table with petitions outside of

the dining halls—gaining more than 1,200 signatures and the support of more than one-

fifth of Berkeley's dorm population—the food service staff soon fulfilled the students'

requests. Just four weeks and many meetings later, the University's administration

agreed to provide a fully vegan entrée at every meal (Incorporating).

Students shouldn’t have to struggle to find food that fits their lifestyle or beg institutions to make

a bargain. So when creating our menu it was important to add vegan/ vegetarian friendly meals

everyday. At Revive we want to make sure that we include a variety of vegetables and herbs to

each meal. According to research reported by North Dakota State University (NDSU), “people

who eat a variety of different of fruits and veggies may have reduced risk of certain diseases,

such as stroke, diabetes, and cancer…the colors of fruits and vegetables often correspond with

important nutrients. This means that eating fruits and veggies from every color of the rainbow

may help ensure your body is well nourished”(Health line). Our goal as a company is to provide

food abundant in their balance, color, and nutrient density. We also want to show students that

incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables does not have to lack flavor. To fulfill our

mission statement, the produce that we provide in our meals will be vibrant in color, full of

flavor, and fueled by freshness. You can access our full menu in the appendix.


Target Population and Location

Revive Meals will be located at the Cesar Chavez Student Center in the Depot at SFSU.

San Francisco is the crucible of the world’s health food movement, but the majority of students

stay on campus most of the day making it difficult to travel into the city to get a health conscious

and nutritious meal. For this reason, our company will take the initiative to provide students with

the means to obtain nutritious and filling meals. In addition, “Recent studies have demonstrated

that nutrition affects students’ thinking skills, behavior, and health, all factors that impact

academic performance” (Wilder, 2014). Poor nutrition can leave students’ susceptible to illness

or lead to headaches and stomachaches, resulting in school absences (Brown, Beardslee, &

Prothrow-Stith, 2008). If you or a person you know is in college then you know how demanding

school can be. Expectations from peers and professors are high and in order to reach a desired

goal, hours and hours must be put in. Other factors that may affect proper timely meal

consumption include jobs and personal life. This is why we hold our values so closely; in order

to perform as a business we have to adequately fuel student’s bodies.

In a 2010 Health and Wellness study, a diverse sample of college students were surveyed

on how nutrition and weight related issues affected college students:

About 57.9% of young adult participants reported experiencing time constraints in

general, that is, they often felt too busy with school or other demands, and only 37.1% felt

they had a healthy balance in their lives. About a third to a half of participants reported

that they had difficulty finding time to sit down and eat a meal, eat regularly scheduled

meals, and go food shopping, while a similar proportion reported that they did not have

difficulty finding time for these activities. Nearly 46.4% of participants reported that


preparing healthy meals took time away from other activities and that they would eat

healthier if they were less busy.

Time management correlates with nutrition and nutrition is correlated with overall performance.

Factors such as time management are also related to a “ the freshman fifteen”, there are studies

showing again why students tend to gain weight and some factors included increased

consumption of junk food, recent dieting, increased snacking, and “all you can eat” dining halls

(Ferrara 25).

Revive Meals was specifically created around these exact reasons. We know what it’s

like to be a student, which is why we brought the food to you, the place that you will constantly

be at for the next four or so years.

Market Analysis

Our major competitors include Healthy U, a quick stop-shop-and-go located on the plaza

level of Cesar Chavez. Similar to Revive Meals, they provide quick on the go foods that were

previously prepared. Items offered include cold sandwiches ($5.99), sushi ($6-8), Asian-style

chicken bowls ($5.99), and cut up fruit ($3.99). Healthy U is convenient, quick and offers many

options, but what it lacks in Revive Meals makes up for. To begin Healthy U’s daily food

selection stays constant, whereas Revive Meals menu changes daily. Creating different menu

options everyday allows us to get creative, reduces food waste, and guarantees the freshest

produce. If students are limited in their food options, especially healthy ones, the likelihood of

them getting bored is high.

As previously mentioned our company prides itself in including a variety of

vegetables and that is something that Healthy U does not completely fulfill. In a recent trip to

Healthy U it was discovered that they only included one piece of broccoli in their chicken bowls


leaving the rest of the bowl with a larger portion of rice and chicken then necessary, leaving

students with an unbalanced meal. Revive Meals hopes to receive the opportunity of providing

balanced meals to students.


Affordability is important to us and we want students to understand that eating healthy

does not have to break the bank. Our average check would cost around $7 with a total of 400

guests per week, our total sales come out to $873,600 with food cost expected to be 33% of total

food revenue, and beverage cost expected to be 20% of total beverage totaling to $269,240.

Salaried employee wages are estimated at 14% of total sales, with wages for all other employees

forecast to be 13% of total sales. Benefits are expected to be an additional 15% of total salaries

and wages. We are open Monday through Friday from 10am -7pm(9 hours) so our total working

hours per month would average out to 180 hours for a total of 2160 hours annually. In 2018 the

minimum wage for students working on campus will be rising from $13.00 to $14.25 per hour.

Ideally we would need around five employees, two in the front of the house and three working in

the back of the house preparing meals. At $14.25 an hour this means $30,780.

Other controllable expenses are estimated at 5% of total sales equaling to. Starting with

income before occupancy costs, interest, depreciation & income tax per year, depreciation is

expected to be 2% of, interest 5% of, and occupancy costs approximately 20% of this value.

After off of this our restaurant profit loss would add up to $211,281.86. For a more detailed and

organized view refer to Appendix B.


Our goal is not to simply just make healthy delicious foods, but to benefit our students and the

community at SFSU. Our profits are cyclical, meaning what we make will be put back into our


business to improve everything from quality menu selection to the freshest ingredients possible.

Our mission statement focuses on the health and wellbeing of every type of student, similar to

the diversity on this campus our meal diversity is key, as we want to cater to every student and

make the effort to create and modify recipes as we please to satisfy our consumers.

Thank you for taking the time to believe in who, what and where Revive Meals is, our

establishment will continue to strive for health, happiness and success. We want to make it

known just how important nutrition is to college students and the implications on how nutrition

and learning go together. Not only will establishing this business on campus help students, it

well assist anyone looking to make the switch into a healthier lifestyle. We want to bring back

life, energy, and motivation to SFSU students so that they can continue their lives and further



Reference Page

A. (2017, March 29). Incorporating Vegetarian Meals on College Campuses. Retrieved

November 7, 2017, from




RESEARCH. Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline (JEPonline), 12(1), 23-35.

Retrieved from

Pelletier, J. E., & Laska, M. N. (2012). Balancing Healthy Meals and Busy Lives: Associations

between Work, School, and Family Responsibilities and Perceived Time Constraints

among Young Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(6), 481-489.


Stimson, J. 2017. In Class Budget Worksheet.

W. (2014, January). Nutrition and Students’ Academic Performance. Retrieved from





Appendix A: Menu


Appendix B: Budget Profit and Loss

Meal Period # of Seats Average # of Days # of Weeks Total Food Beverage Total
Check per wk. Sales (a) % Beverage Sales
400x $7x 5x 52 = $728,000 x 20 $145,600
Total Food Sales Total
Beverage Sales

$728,000 $145,600

Food (a)
Beverages (b)
Total Sales (c) c=a+b
Food (d) d = 33% x a
Beverages (e) e = 20% x b
Total Cost of Sales (f) f=d+e
GROSS PROFIT (g) g=c-f
Fixed Payroll (h) h = 14% x c
Variable Payroll (i) i = 13% x c
Employee Benefits (j) j = 15% (h + i)
Other Controllable Expenses (k) k = 5% x c
Total Controllable Expenses (l) l=h+i+j+k
Occupancy Costs (n)
INCOME TAX (o) $231,541.76
Interest (p)
Depreciation (q)
Restaurant Profit/(Loss): (r) r=o–p-q


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