WNX - Goldeneye: Source Commands

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Goldeneye: Source

server console command cheat-sheet

Command Description Default
Remote Commands
sm_rcon [command] When sm_rcon is enabled, allows the remote use of console commands ---
adminlost In servers that allow it, reloads the admin list. Does not require sm_rcon ---
Basic Server Commands
changelevel [name] Changes immediately to the specified map ---
maps * Creates a list of available maps ---
ge_gameplay [mode] Changes the game play mode. Default Modes: capturekey, deathmatch, deathmatch
gungame, liveandletdie, livingdaylights, ltk, mwgg, tournamentdm, yolt
Other Modes: drnoarmor, assassination, klobberingtime, thunderball,
practice, barrelsoccer, rockets, casinoroyale
ge_gameplaylist Prints a list of available game modes ---
ge_roundtime [seconds] Defines the duration (in seconds) of each round. 0 disables this timer 300
mp_timelimit [minutes] Defines the duration of the match. 0 disables this timer. 1 ends the match 20
ge_restartround Forces the round to restart ---
ge_weaponset [set] Changes the weaponset for the next round pistols
ge_weaponsetlist Prints a list of available weaponsets ---
ge_teamplay [0/1] 0 disables teamplay; 1 enables teamplay in gamemodes that allow it 0
ge_startarmed [0/1/2/3] Sets starting weapon behavior. 0
0 Slappers; 1 Knife; 2 Knife + Base Weapon; 3 Slappers + Base Weapon
ge_allowradar [0/1] Enables use of the radar in-game 1
ge_allowjump [0/1] Enables jumping in-game 1
ge_paintball [0/1] Enables paintball mode 0
mp_flashlight [0/1] Enables use of the flashlight in-game 0
mp_friendlyfire [0/1] Enables friendly fire in-game 0
sv_gravity [#] Sets the strength of gravity in-game 700
sm_cvar sm_turbo_enable [0/1] Sets the speed at which players move in game. The commands must 0
sm_cvar sm_turbo_multiplier [#] be done in order. Range goes from 0.5 to 4.0 for speed multiplier 1.0
sm_vote “Q” “A1” “A2” Sets up a vote. “Q” is the question, “A” is a possible answer. Quotes required ---
sm_cancelvote Cancels a vote in-progress ---
sv_password [Password] Protects the server using a password. Putting “” disables the password “”
sv_lan [0/1] 0 enables people to join from web; 1 is local network only 1
Advanced Server Commands
mp_forcerespawn [0/1] Forces players to respawn after dying 0
ge_respawndelay [seconds] Sets the amount of time before forcing a dead player to respawn 5
ge_radar_range [inches] Sets the radar range in inches 1500
ge_radar_showenemyteam [0/1] If radar is enabled, shows the enemy team on your radar 1
ge_teamautobalance [0/1] Enables auto-balancing (automatically balances team sizes) 1
ge_gameplay_mode [0/1/2] 0 Keeps same gameplay for every map; 1 Selects random gameplay; 0
2 Select next gameplay from gameplaycycle.txt
ge_autoteam [0-32] For values greater than 0, automatically enables teams at that 0
number of players
Goldeneye: Source
server console command cheat-sheet
Command Description Default
Gameplay-Specific Commands
ge_fraglimit [frags] Sets a frag limit at which the round will end. 0 disables the limit 0
Tournament Deathmatch
tdm_warmuptime [seconds] Sets the warmup time before the main round begins 30
tdm_fraglimit [frags] Sets a frag limit at which the tournament will end. 0
0 disables the limit
Capture the Key
ctk_teamplaylimit [players] Sets the number of players required to automatically enter team mode 5
ctk_overridetime [seconds] Sets the amount of time required for a capture override 5
Live and Let Die
ctk_overridetime [seconds] Sets the amount of time required for a capture override 5
Casino Royale
cr_power [0/1] Enables the use of the “power” feature in the mode 1
cr_timer [seconds] Sets the amount of time between weapon switches 40
Living Daylights
ld_playersperflag [players] Number of players required to spawn a new flag 4
ld_teamguardians [players] Limits the number of flags to: 0
[Size of Smallest Team - # of Team Guardians]
gg_warmup [seconds] Sets the warmup time before the main round begins 20
gg_deathmatch [0/1] Allows players to respawn immediately after being killed 0
gg_avglevel [0/1] Starts new players on the average level of the current players 1
Miscellaneous Commands
ge_weaponset random Changes the weaponset for the next round to randomly selected weapons ---
Cheat Commands
sv_cheats [0/1] Enables the use of certain commands in the console by players. 0
Note: Only use this command with people you trust as players can
execute malicious commands!
noclip When cheats are turned on, removes clipping allowing the player to fly ---
around the map. Entering the command again disables it
impulse 101 When cheats are turned on, gives user full armor, ammunition and all ---
Jetpack Commands
sm_jetpack [0/1] Enables the use of an assigned key to be used as a jetpack. Requires 0
the server to have this feature enabled
!setjet [key] Assigns the key to be used for the jetpack. ---
**This command must be entered into the in-game chat**
Created by WNxEuphonic. Visit Warrior Nation at ges.warriornation.net
created for GE:S 4.2

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