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The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 25(5): 667–672, 2001 © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

, Philadelphia

Absence of Estrogen Receptor-␣ Expression in

Human Ovarian Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
Compared With Ovarian Serous, Endometrioid, and
Mucinous Adenocarcinoma

Masaki Fujimura, M.D., Takao Hidaka, M.D., Ken Kataoka, M.D.,

Yoshihiro Yamakawa, M.D., Shinobu Akada, M.D., Akiko Teranishi, M.D.,
and Shigeru Saito, M.D.

The mechanism that regulates growth in ovarian clear cell ad- Key Words: Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma—Estrogen
enocarcinoma (CCA) is not well understood. A high incidence receptor—Progesterone receptor—Aromatic hydrocarbon
of concurrent endometriosis with CCA may indicate that estro- receptor.
gen is a growth promotor in CCA. To determine estrogen as a
growth promotor, the authors investigated the presence or ab- Am J Surg Pathol 25(5): 667–672, 2001.
sence of estrogen receptor-␣ (ER-␣), ER-␤, progesterone re-
ceptor, and dioxin receptor (i.e., aromatic hydrocarbon recep-
tor) in clinically resected ovarian CCA, serous adenocarcinoma Clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) of the ovary is a
(SAC), endometrioid adenocarcinoma (EAC), and mucinous
adenocarcinoma (MAC) specimens using an immunohisto- strongly chemoresistant tumor among the many histo-
chemical method. Expression of ER-␣ and ER-␤ messenger pathologic types of ovarian surface epithelial carci-
ribonucleic acid was examined by reverse transcription– noma.4,34 Because of this characteristic feature, CCA of
polymerase chain reaction in three established CCA cell lines: the ovary remains one of the most difficult tumors to
KK, RMG-1, and HAC-II. None of the surgically resected CCA treat in the field of gynecologic oncology. The 5-year
and CCA cell lines showed positive staining for ER-␣. Con-
versely, 97.2% of SACs, 100% of EACs, and 70% of MACs survival rate of patients with stage I ovarian CCA ranged
showed positive nuclear staining for ER-␣ (p <0.001). Con- from 90% of patients4,34 to approximately 50% to 60%
versely, positive ER-␤ staining for CCA (39.3%) was similar to of patients,2,7,12,14,15,24,28,30 which is comparable with
that of SAC (41.7%) and MAC (30.0%). EAC (75%) showed a the other histologic types of surface epithelial ovarian
higher expression of ER-␤ (p <0.02). Progesterone receptor carcinoma. However, the 5-year survival rate for stage II
was detected in only 10.7% of CCA, compared with SAC and
EAC (SAC, 86.1%; EAC, 91.7%; p <0.01). Aromatic hydro- disease declines to only 17% to 29%,15,24,30 which is
carbon receptor was detected in all histologic types at an inci- worse, probably because of the chemoresistance of CCA.
dence of approximately 50% to 60%. Messenger ribonucleic Optimal treatment of CCA is believed to be complete
acid of ER-␣ and ER-␤ was not detected in the three CCA cell resection of the tumor; however, a complete resection is
lines. These findings indicate biologic characteristics that dis- difficult to achieve in patients with advanced disease. An
tinguish CCA from other types of ovarian epithelial cancer.
effective treatment modality for this tumor is urgently
CCA of the ovary is frequently associated with pelvic
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (M.F., T.H.,
K.K., Y.Y., S.S.), Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University; the endometriosis, with a reported incidence ranging from
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (S.A.), Habikino Prefectural 20% to 70%.4,6,15,24,27,31 Endometriosis is promoted by
Hospital; and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (A.T.), intrinsic estrogen activity. If estrogen promotes the
Nara Medical University, Japan.
Supported in part by grant no. 09671667 from the Ministry of growth of CCA, the estrogen receptor (ER) would likely
Education (M.F.). be present in CCA; however, this has never been studied.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Masaki Fujimura, Furthermore, the incidence of endometriosis is said to
MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Toyama Medical and
Pharmaceutical University, 2630 Sugitani Toyama-City, 930–0194, have increased in recent years because of an increase in
Toyama, Japan. environmental hazards, such as dioxin and related com-


pounds.22 Many biologic responses to dioxin are known patients (28.6%) were associated with concomitant en-
to be mediated through ligand binding to the aromatic dometriosis. Thirty-six patients with ovarian SAC, 12
hydrocarbon receptor (AhR).21 No information, how- with ovarian EAC, and 10 with ovarian MAC who were
ever, is yet available about the relationship between also treated in our institute were the control subjects.
ovarian CCA and AhR status. After pathologic review by one of the authors (M.F.), an ap-
A higher expression of ER-␣ relative to the expression propriate block was selected for each of the 28 patients
of ER-␤ has been observed in surface epithelial ovarian and 58 control subjects, and then continuous, 5-␮m-thick
cancer.29 The frequent occurrence of ovarian surface ep- paraffin sections were obtained from each block. Immu-
ithelial carcinoma, especially of serous adenocarcinoma nohistochemical staining was performed using the usual
(SAC), in patients with mutated BRCA-1 was observed.1 streptavidin–biotin method using an immunohistochem-
The BRCA-1 gene was found to inhibit the signaling by ical staining kit (Nichirei Co., Tokyo, Japan) after a high-
the ligand-activated ER-␣ through the estrogen- temperature antigen unmasking procedure (121°C, 15
responsive enhancer element and to block the transcrip- minutes) and blocking of intrinsic peroxidase were per-
tional activation function AF-2 of ER-␣.11 When the formed. The first antibody used was rabbit polyclonal
BRCA-1 gene mutates, it loses this inhibitory effect, re- anti-ER-␣ antibody HC-20 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
sulting in tumorigenesis of the breast and ovary. The CA, USA) at a concentration of 1:100 of the primary,
inhibitory and maturing effect of the BRCA-1 gene in the as applied by the manufacturer, at 4°C overnight; goat
proliferation of human mammalian tissue was also de- polyclonal anti-ER-␤ antibody N-19 (Santa Cruz
scribed recently in one clinical study.16 These observa- Biotechnology) at a concentration of 1:100 at 4°C over-
tions strongly suggest that estrogen has some role in the night; mouse monoclonal anti-PR antibody (NCL-PGR;
carcinogenesis of common epithelial surface ovarian Nobocastra Laboratories, Tyne, UK) at a concentration
cancer. of 1:50 at 4°C overnight; and goat polyclonal antibody
Taking these previous studies into account, we used raised against a peptide mapping at the carboxy terminus
the immunohistochemical method to examine the pres- of AhR of human origin C-18 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
ence or absence of ER-␣ and ER-␤ in surgically resected at a concentration of 1:100 at 4°C overnight. Diamino-
ovarian CCA specimens, in SAC, in endometrioid ad- benzidine was used as the staining substrate. The result
enocarcinoma (EAC), and in mucinous adenocarcinoma was interpreted as positive when more than 10% of the
(MAC) specimens, and in three established human ovar- tumor cell nuclei were stained positively under the high-
ian CCA cell lines. The results demonstrated that ER-␣ power field of the microscope.
was not detected in surgically resected ovarian CCA Immunohistochemical study for ER-␣ and ER-␤ was
cases nor was it detected in CCA cell lines, suggesting also performed on the three ovarian CCA cell lines cul-
that the biologic response to estrogen may be different tured on glass slides using the same procedure.
from that of other ovarian surface epithelial cancer.
Expression of ER-␣ and ER-␤ Messenger
MATERIALS AND METHODS Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) in the Three Established
Ovarian CCA Cell Lines
Culture Conditions For Three Human Ovarian
CCA Cell Lines Total RNAs were prepared from the three ovarian
CCA cell lines using RNAzol according to the manufac-
KK,33 RMG-1,17 and HAC-II26 were cultured in turer’s instructions (TEL-TEST Inc., Friendswood, TX,
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (Nissui, Tokyo, USA). Two micrograms of total RNA were reverse tran-
Japan) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum scribed using an mRNA selective PCR Kit (Takara Co.,
(Mitsubishi Chemicals Co., Tokyo, Japan) at 37°C in 5% Tokyo, Japan). Subsequently, one-quarter volume of the
CO2 under stable growth conditions. resulting complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA)
samples were used for each polymerase chain reaction
ER-␣ and ER-␤ Progesterone Receptor (PR) and (PCR) examination.
AhR Status: Immunohistochemical Staining The primer sequences used were 5⬘-TGCCAAG-
Twenty-eight patients with ovarian CCA who had TC-3⬘ (263 base pairs [bp]) for amplifying ER-␣,36 and
been treated initially in the Department of Obstetrics and 5⬘-GTCCATCGCCAGTTATCACATC-3⬘ and 5⬘-GCC-
Gynecology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical TTACATCCTTCACACGA-3⬘ (242 bp) for ER-␤.8 PCR
University Hospital and Nara Medical University was performed using an mRNA selective PCR Kit
Hospital from 1982 to 1999 were registered in this study. (Takara Co.) to avoid genomic DNA amplification. The
The age of these patients ranged from 32 to 65 years PCR buffer contained 1× mRNA selective PCR buffer, 5
(mean age, 51.9 years; median age, 51.0 years). Eight mM MgCl2, 1 mM deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2001


FIG. 1. (A–D) Immunohistochemical staining for estrogen receptor (ER)-␣ in clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) (A), serous
adenocarcinoma (SAC) (B), endometrioid adenocarcinoma (EAC) (C), and mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) (D). Im-
munohistochemical staining for ER-␣ showed no positive finding in CCA cells; however, staining for ER-␣ showed strong
positive reactions in the nuclei of SAC, EAC, and MAC cells.

(dNTP)/analog mixture, 2.5 U/␮L Avian Myeloblastosis Statistical Analysis

Virus (AMV)-optimized Taq polymerase, and 0.4 ␮M
sense- and antisense-specific primers. A total of 5 ␮L To evaluate the results of ER-␣, ER-␤, PR, and AhR
cDNA from each cell line and sterile distilled water was status in surgical specimens, we compared ovarian SAC,
added to adjust the final concentration to 50 ␮L. As a EAC, and MAC cases and ovarian CCA cases using the
positive control for ER-␣, cDNA from the Ishikawa hu- ␹2 test at a significance of p <0.05. All statistical analy-
man endometrial cancer cell line was used, and human ses were performed using StatView for the Macintosh
granulosa cells collected from a woman of reproductive (version 4.5; Abacus Concepts, Berkeley, CA, USA).
age after informed consent was obtained were used as a
positive control for ER-␤. All transcripts were analyzed
in a DNA thermal cycler (Perkin–Elmer, Norwalk, CT,
USA) with the following cycle: a denaturation step of ER-␣, ER-␤, PR, and AhR Status:
85°C for 1 minute to avoid genomic DNA amplification, Immunohistochemical Staining
an annealing step of 50°C for 1 minute, and an extension
step of 72°C for 1 minute, repeated for 30 cycles. A final ER-␣ was not detected in any of the 28 surgically
primer extension step of 72°C for 5 minutes followed the resected ovarian CCA specimens (Fig 1A). However,
30 cycles of PCR. PCR products were analyzed by elec- ER-␣ was detected in 35 of 36 cases of ovarian SAC
trophoresis through a 6% polyacrylamide gel and visu- (97.2%; p <0.001), in 12 of 12 cases of ovarian EAC
alized by ethidium bromide staining under ultraviolet (100.0%; p <0.001), and in seven of 10 cases of ovarian
illumination. MAC (70.0%; p <0.001; Fig. 1B–D and Table 1). ER-␤,

FIG. 2. (A–D) Immunohistochemical staining for estrogen receptor (ER)-␤ in clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) (A), serous
adenocarcinoma (SAC) (B), endometrioid adenocarcinoma (EAC) (C), and mucinous adenocarcinoma (MAC) (D). Im-
munohistochemical staining for ER-␤ showed positive findings in the nuclei of CCA, SAC, EAC, and MAC cells.

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2001


TABLE 1. Results of immunohistochemical positive staining

ER-␣ (%) ER-␤ (%) PR (%) AhR (%)

Clear cell 0/28 (0.0) 11/28 (39.3) 3/28 (10.7) 15/28 (53.6)
with EMosis 0/8 (0.0) 3/8 (37.5) 0/8 (0.0) 5/8 (62.5)
without EMosis 0/20 (0.0) 8/20 (40.0) 3/20 (14.3) 10/20 (50.0)
Serous 35/36 (97.2)* 15/36 (41.7) 31/36 (86.1)* 19/36 (52.8)
Endometrioid 12/12 (100.0)* 9/12 (75.0)† 11/12 (91.7)* 7/12 (58.3)
Mucinous 7/10 (70.0)* 3/10 (30.0) 1/10 (10.0) 6/10 (60.0)

EMosis, endometriosis.
* vs clear cell adenocarcinoma p <0.01.
† vs clear cell adenocarcinoma p <0.02.

however, was detected in 11 cases of CCA (39.3%), 15 DISCUSSION

cases of SAC (41.7%), nine cases of EAC (75.0%;
p <0.02), and three cases of MAC (30.0%; Fig. 2 and Because of the dramatic evolution of anticancer che-
Table 1). In the three ovarian CCA cell lines, neither motherapy in recent years, especially after the clinical
ER-␣ nor ER-␤ was detected by immunohistochemical introduction of platinum-containing chemotherapeutic
staining. PR was detected in only three cases of ovarian regimens and the recent appearance of paclitaxel for
CCA (10.7%). Conversely, 31 of 36 SACs (86.1%; p ovarian cancer, therapeutic effect, prognosis, and quality
<0.01) and 11 of 12 EACs (91.7%; p <0.01) were posi- of life for ovarian cancer patients have improved.23
tive for PR (Table 1). One of 10 MACs (10%) were Ovarian CCA, however, because of its resistance to these
positive for PR. AhR was detected in 53.6%, 52.8%, regimens, has eluded an effective treatment modality.15
58.3%, and 60.0% of CCA, SAC, EAC, and MAC re- Although the importance of developing a new approach
spectively. No significant difference in AhR status was to this tumor is apparent, little information about the
observed among these four histologic types of surface biologic characteristics of this tumor that would yield
epithelial ovarian cancer. In CCA cases, ER status was clues for developing a new regimen has been available so
compared with the presence or absence of endometriosis. far. However, one of its characteristics, association with
ER-␤ was found in 37.5% of cases with endometriosis endometriosis, is well-known. Because endometriosis is
compared with 40.0% of cases without endometriosis. related closely to intrinsic estrogen activity, growth regu-
Also 0% versus 14.3% was found in PR, and 62.5% lation of ovarian CCA could be promoted by estrogen.
versus 50.0% was found in AhR. No significant differ- Komiyama et al.18 reported the prognostic advantage in
ence was found in ER-␤, PR, and AhR status in cases cases with endometriosis compared with those without
with or without concomitant endometriosis. endometriosis. They assumed that some negative influ-
ence affected the growth of this tumor when concomitant
endometriotic tissue was present. In the current study,
Expression of ER-␣ and ER-␤ mRNA in the Three 28.6% of cases were associated with endometriosis.
Established Ovarian CCA Cell Lines However, the cases with endometriosis did not show any
significant difference of expression of ER-␣, ER-␤, PR,
In the three ovarian CCA cell lines examined, no and AhR (Table 1) or survival benefit compared with the
specific bands for ER-␣ and ER-␤ mRNA were found cases without endometriosis in our study (data not
(Fig. 3). shown).

FIG. 3. Expression of estrogen re-

ceptor (ER)-␣ and ER-␤ messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in human
ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma
(CCA) cell lines: KK, RMG-1, and
HAC-II. Neither band corresponding
to 263-base pair (bp) ER-␣ mRNA
and 242-bp ER-␤ mRNA was ex-
pressed in these ovarian CCA cell
lines, whereas a distinct band corre-
sponding to ER-␣ mRNA was found
in an Ishikawa cell line. A band cor-
responding to ER-␤ mRNA was also
found in human granulosa cells.

Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2001


Our current data indicated no existence of ER-␣ in AhR, which is known as the receptor of dioxin, was
CCA specimens and established cell lines. However, the detected in 53.6% cases of CCA, 52.8% cases of SAC,
question still exists whether these observations were ac- 58.3% cases of EAC, and 60.0% cases of MAC. This
tually the result of histopathologic type rather than finding demonstrates that environmental factors may
nuclear differentiation. In our previous study, we exam- have some impact on the proliferation or carcinogenesis
ined the nuclear grade of CCA cases according to the of surface epithelial ovarian carcinoma; however, no dif-
grading of renal cell carcinoma by Fuhrman et al.13 As a ference in expression rate was observed between histo-
result, all CCA cases were divided into grades 2 and 3 logic types.
evenly. However, none of these cases were stained posi- In conclusion, ER-␣ was not present in ovarian CCA,
tively for ER-␣, as mentioned earlier. If ER-␣ immuno- but it was present in SAC, EAC, and MAC. This differ-
reactivity depended on nuclear grading, some cases in ence could be a fundamental biologic characteristic that
grade 2 would fall into the positive-staining category. segregates CCA from other types of ovarian surface ep-
Also in the cases of SAC, EAC, and MAC, we could ithelial carcinoma. This could be a clue for establishing
observe evenly distributed nuclear grade according to a a novel treatment modality for CCA. 䊐
previously proposed nuclear grading system for ovarian
cancer,3 despite the high positive rate of ER-␣ immuno-
reactivity observed in these histopathologic types. From REFERENCES
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Am J Surg Pathol, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2001

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