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JURGEN HABERMAS (Frankfurt School)

Theory of Communicative Action


Absebce of coercive force

Compelling power of the argument
Action taken by participants

Assessment based on it rationality

1. Communicative = self reflexive open to dialogue, reflectivng cultural background and question
suppositions; interact from different dialogue of participants
2. Instrumental =
3. normative
4. Dramaturgic

Frankfurt School = critique of pitfalls of modern world

The Transformation of the Public Sphere (1962)
18th century Europe = there is a kind of communicative action
Argument by free speech and free press.

Public sphere with liberal thoguhts (hobbes, kant,

Exposes the poor and undeducated..
Public sphere is a bourgouisie sphere
Egalitarian, rational lively salon conversations
Need for space thatave the same interest in the new class

The pulic sphere =

1830s, rise of consumerism

Dialectic Hegelian

Welfare states

Public and privatee sphere blurred

In revolution, in Paris started a club or journals sprang in Paris

But emergence of State stifled the growth of these free speech

Publishing companies became subject to the whims of the public

There is question on politics and economic interests became the main dominant force in the production
of communication

So there is a recreation of

Public debates dictated by public relations (gov influences puic through advertising)
It is likened to feudal society

Public sphere became an area of beurocratic and hierarchical system

Mass media is singular unilineal/ less horizontal it became more top down

Mass emdia is It is just consumed

Medium is simply consumed

Internet restored balance in rlation to the verticality vs horizontality of the public sphere

Benjamin barber
Images and speech in the net polarizes rational discussion of the mind

Internet has less control/ gatekeepers = therefore reshift in this communicative relations

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