Personal Pronouns (I, You, We, They, It, She, He)

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Personal Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

1. John and Peter are brothers. I know ………………………. very well and my father
likes ………………….. very much.

2. This book has many interesting pictures and stories. I like ………………………… very much.

3. The woman gave sweets to the children, but ……………………………. did not thank ……………………

4. The teacher said, ‘John, you’re a naughty boy. ……………………. don’t obey …………………………’

5. The boys were late so the teacher scolded …………………………..

6. We have a good teacher. ………………………… advised ……………………….. to work harder.

7. My father told my mother, ‘I want ……………………….. to take these jewels and

put …………………….. in a box. When …………………………. have done that come and
see ………………………… and ……………………….. will tell ………………………………….. why ……………………….
don’t want ………………………….. to keep …………………….. in that box.
Personal Pronouns
Replace the bold word(s) with the correct pronoun (I, you, we, they, it, she, or he):

1. My cousin and her friend were at the mall. __________ were at the mall.

2. Peter is a little sick. __________ is a little sick.

3. Does your aunt know what happened? Does __________ know what happened?

4. The door is locked. __________ is locked.

5. My friend Linda and I are going on a trip. __________ are going on a trip.

6. Am I a good student? Yes, __________ are a good student.

7. My cats are hungry. __________ are hungry.

8. Mr. Jones is a good teacher. __________ is a good teacher.

9. Is Swedish a difficult language. Yes, __________ is a difficult language.

10. My brother and I live together. __________ live together.

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