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Features of the Marvel Universe - Wikipedia

The comic book stories published by Marvel Comics since the 1940s have featured several noteworthy concepts besides
its fictional characters, such as unique places and artifacts. There follows a list of those features.

New York City
Big House
Crossmore Prison
Ice Box
Lang Memorial Penitentiary
Negative Zone Prison Alpha
Project Pegasus
The Raft
In other media
Ryker's Island
Seagate Prison
The Vault
Other locations
Regions and countries
Outer space
Alien races
Satellites and planetoids
Extradimensional places
Government agencies
Criminal organizations
Mystical artifacts

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Cosmic artifacts
Other artifacts
Elemental substances and minerals
See also

Certain places feature prominently in the Marvel Universe, some real-life, others fictional and unique to the setting;
fictional places may appear in conjunction with, or even within, real-world locales. A majority of dystopian cities have
been used for their characters since the creation of Marvel Comics in the Marvel Universe.

New York City

Most of the action of Marvel Comics takes place in New York City.

New York is the site of many places important to superheroes:

Avengers Mansion – currently in ruin, but long the home of the Avengers.
Baxter Building and Four Freedoms Plaza – fictional buildings that have, at one time or another, been the home of
the Fantastic Four.
Daily Bugle – fictional newspaper building where Peter Parker (Spider-Man) works as a photographer for J. Jonah
Fisk Towers – a fictional skyscraper owned by Kingpin Wilson Fisk, and base of operations for his criminal
Hell's Kitchen – Home and protectorate of the Defenders.
The Raft, a fictional prison for superpowered villains, located on Ryker's Island (modeled after the real-life Riker's
Island; note the different spelling); the Raft is the successor to the earlier superhuman prison called the Vault,
located in Colorado.
Sanctum Sanctorum – fictional abode of Doctor Strange located in Greenwich Village.
Stark Tower – fictional skyscraper of the Avengers.
Oscorp Tower – fictional skyscraper owned by Norman Osborn. Now the headquarters for Alchemax.
Mutant Town – a ghetto-like neighborhood of New York primarily populated by mutants. Since the Decimation, its
mutant population has largely disappeared.
The Bowery – in Fantastic Four #4 (1962), the Fantastic Four's Human Torch discovers the 1940s-era character
Namor the Sub-Mariner in this Manhattan neighborhood of "human derelicts", where Namor had taken up
residence after the onset of retrograde amnesia about his identity.
New York is a center of industry, serving as the headquarters for a few Marvel companies:

Alchemax, owned by Tyler Stone.

Cross Technological Enterprises, a multinational industrial company run by Darren Cross. It is a rival of Stark
Fisk Industries, a legitimate business on the surface founded and owned by Wilson Fisk.
Frost International, a multibillion-dollar electronics conglomerate run by Emma Frost.
Hammer Industries, founded and owned by Justin Hammer.
Horizon Labs, a leading company in creating the most advanced technology on Earth headed by Max Modell.
Oscorp, formerly owned and founded by Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin.

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Parker Industries, founded and owned by Peter Parker.

Pym Technologies, a biochemical company that was founded by Hank Pym.
Roxxon Energy Corporation, a conglomerates corporation, and one of the largest fuel companies in the world.
Stark Industries, founded and owned by Isaac Stark Sr later by Howard Stark & Tony Stark Iron Man.
Trask Industries, a weapons and technology company founded and owned by Bolivar Trask.
Von Doom Industries, an international megacorporation founded by Victor Von Doom, who is the C.E.O.
Two universities are also especially prominent in the Marvel Universe:

Columbia University – real university whose fictional alumni include Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Elektra Natchios,
and Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic).
Empire State University (ESU) – fictional university whose alumni include Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Emma
Frost, and Johnny Storm (the Human Torch).[1] Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl) is currently enrolled in ESU's
computer science undergraduate program.


Alcatraz is a real-life Californian island prison that was operational in 1859-1963. It held superhuman criminals in
special section in the 1940s; the designation "the Alcatraz Annex" has been used in various Marvel handbooks to
distinguish it from Alcatraz in general. First mentioned in Marvel Mystery Comics #26 (1941), when the android
Human Torch's foe the Parrot was being transported there. Later seen in Human Torch #8 (1942), when the golden
age Angel's foe the Python escaped.

During the Dark Reign storyline, Alactraz was occupied by H.A.M.M.E.R. where they used it as a detention center for
the mutants that the Dark Avengers have apprehended.

During the AXIS storyline, Iron Man used Alcatraz as the site of Stark Island.

Alamogordo is a New Mexico nuclear testing facility that held the Armageddon Man and perhaps others in
suspended animation. First appeared in X-Men vol. 2 #12 (1992).

Anvil is a penal colony on the planet Annoval XIV. It was the site of an attempted breakout by Nebula. First appeared
in Silver Surfer #74 (1993).

Big House
The Big House is a minuscule prison designed by Hank Pym (Ant-Man). It uses Pym particles, which have the ability to
shrink items and people, to shrink villains and keep them in containment. It is usually located in the S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is also a different Big House called the Lang Memorial Penitentiary.

The Big House appears in the introductory episodes of the animated series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

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First introduced in the eponymous micro-series episode "The Big House" (later incorporated into the first-season
episode, "The Man in the Ant Hill"), it is established as a miniaturized prison for superhuman criminals developed by
Hank Pym for S.H.I.E.L.D., housed inside a single room on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Helicarrier and internally maintained by
benign incarnations of Ultron. The placement within the Helicarrier proves disastrous in the series premiere,
"Breakout", as a massive prison escape across several superhuman penitentiaries results in the Big House growing to
full size, causing enough internal damage to force the Helicarrier to crash.

Based on a remote island in international waters, the Cage is a prison that uses a special forcefield to deprive inmates
of their superhuman powers.

The Cage was home to four prison gangs: a group of Maggia loyalists, the Skulls (a white supremacist gang that is loyal
to Red Skull), the Brothers (a black prison gang), and the Cruisers (a cabal of sexual predators who preyed on the other
inmates as best as they could). The Cage was later shut down and its role was replaced by the Raft.

Mystique was imprisoned in The Cage for one day before she escaped in All-New X-Men #14.

Created by writer Frank Tieri and artist Sean Chen in the pages of Wolverine #164 (2001).

Crossmore Prison
Crossmore Prison is Her (Britannic) Majesty's Ultimate Security Prison that was previously known as Crossmoor.

Deadpool and Juggernaut were known inmates here.

The Cube is a prison for super-powered beings such as Hulk, Abomination, Absorbing Man, and Leader. Its location is
undisclosed and only high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agents know of its existence. It has a special program where prisoners
are brainwashed to become obedient soldiers.

The Cube was created by writer Grant Morrison and artist J. G. Jones in Marvel Boy #6 (2000).

When last seen in Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4, Noh Varr (Marvel Boy) had taken control of the entire
facility. During the Dark Reign storyline, the Cube served as the base of operations for The Thunderbolts.

In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Cube is a prison for gamma-powered supervillains like Leader,
Abomination, Absorbing Man, Madman, the U-Foes, the Wrecking Crew, and Zzzax.

Ice Box
The Ice Box is a Canadian maximum security prison. The Ice Box held a crime lord named Ivan the Terrible.

The Ice Box first appeared in Maverick #8. It also appeared in the 2018 film Deadpool 2, housing mutant fugitives
such as Deadpool, Rusty Collins, Black Tom Cassidy, and Juggernaut (although his status as a mutant in the X-Men
film universe is unknown).


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The Kyln were a series of artificial moons at the edge of known space, which served both as a superhuman prison and a
source of nearly unlimited power. Operations at the Kyln were overseen by the Nova Corps. All life on the Kyln moons
was extinguished in Annihilation Prologue #1.

The Kyln appears as a Nova Corps prison in the film Guardians of the Galaxy. Before coming together, the members of
the Guardians of the Galaxy had been imprisoned here alongside other unnamed inmates where some of them have
personal issues with Gamora. The Kyln was later destroyed by Nebula on Ronan the Accuser's orders to "cleanse" it.

Lang Memorial Penitentiary

Also known as the Pym Experimental Prison #1 (and ironically dubbed "The Big House"), Inmates in the Lang
Memorial Penitentiary are shrunk down using Pym Particles for cheaper storage and easier control. It is also
known as the Ant-Hill due to operators using versions of the Ant-Man helmet to influence ants to act as security within
the prison.

Known inmates of the facility were 8-Ball, Absorbing Man, Dragon Man, Electro, Figment, Grey Gargoyle, Mad
Thinker, Mandrill, Rhino, Sandman, Scarecrow, Scorpion, Silencer, Southpaw, Titania, Tiger Shark, the U-Foes
(Ironclad, Vapor, Vector, X-Ray), Vermin, Whirlwind, and the Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Bulldozer, Piledriver,

Negative Zone Prison Alpha

Introduced in Civil War: Frontline #5, it is a prison originally constructed to house super-villains but which acted as a
holding facility for unregistered heroes during the civil war. The portal to the prison is operated by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
The prison itself is an automated facility. Designed by Reed Richards and built by Stark Enterprises and Fantastic Four
Inc., it is located in the Negative Zone. The inmates call the facility "Fantasy Island" and "Wonderland", probably
because prisoners who are unable to manipulate technology to their own ends are connected to virtual reality systems.

It is also referred to as "File 42" due to it being the 42nd item on a list written by Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Hank
Pym of ways to make a world with super-powered beings safer. The prison is an extremely secure, clean facility with
cells custom-designed for each inhabitant. Notable inmates during the war include Daredevil stand-in Danny Rand,
Robbie Baldwin and Cloak & Dagger. After the war, it is now used for super-villains, and was known to house at the
very least Taskmaster and Lady Deathstrike until Taskmaster made a deal with Camp Hammond to become an
instructor and Lady Deathstrike somehow escaped as she appeared in X-Men: Messiah Complex. However, the prison
was later overrun by Negative Zone ruler Blaastar.

Known inmates of Prison 42 are Bison, Blastaar, Blizzard II, Carrion, Cloak and Dagger, Condor, Devos the Devastator,
Diablo, Dragon Man, Dreadface, Gorilla-Man II, Grey Gargoyle, Hydro-Man, Iconoclast, Iron Fist (posing as
Daredevil), Jack Flag, Kang the Conqueror, Klaw, Lady Deathstrike, Mad Thinker, Mahkizmo, Mandrill, Megaman,
Miek, MODOK, Molecule Man, Mole Man, N'Kantu, the Living Mummy, Occulus, Overmind, Prodigy (Ritchie
Gilmore), Prowler, Psycho-Man, Puppet Master, Red Ghost and his Super-Apes, Robbie Baldwin, Ruined (B'arr, Exalt,
Stem), Skeleton Ki, Sphinx, Staak, Stegron, Taskmaster, Terrax, Threska, Tinkerer, Trapster, Typeface, and Wizard.

Prison 42 appears in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes season 2 episode "Assault on 42", without the Civil War
background as the event never happened in the cartoon's continuity. Instead, it simply serves as a new prison for
superpowered individuals which is eventually attacked by Annihilus.

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Project Pegasus
Created in Marvel Two-in-One #42 (August, 1978) by writers Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio, Project Pegasus'
(Potential Energy Group/Alternate Sources/United States) was originally intended to research alternative (and
unusual) forms of energy, but is also used as a prison for super-powered individuals with energy-based powers. It is
located in the Adirondack Mountains, New York.

The Raft
The Raft is a fictional prison facility for super-human criminals (predominantly supervillains) in the Marvel Universe.

Created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist David Finch, it first appeared in The New Avengers #1 (2005) as the
"Maximum-Maximum Security" wing of the Ryker's Island Maximum Security Penitentiary. The Raft is introduced as
the setting of a large-scale prison break, with the New Avengers being concerned when their analysis of computer
records shows that some of the Raft's inmates are listed as having been dead for years. One of the former guards notes
that the prison developed various 'hierarchies', with prisoners congregating with those inmates who shared some
aspect of their powers or nature, such as Crossfire forming a small gang consisting of himself, Controller, Corruptor,
Mandrill and Mister Fear, due to the fact that all of them relied on manipulating the minds of others.

The Raft is the setting of a multi-part story in Spider-Man's Tangled Web featuring Tombstone as a villain-

The Raft was later converted into Spider-Island Two by Doctor Octopus, during the period when his mind inhabited
Peter Parker's body until it was destroyed by the Goblin King.

In other media
The Raft appears as a level in Lego Marvel Super Heroes. It is broken into by Sabretooth and Mystique, who start a
prison riot and free Magneto. The riot is contained by Iron Man, Hulk and Wolverine, and Sabretooth is captured, but
Magneto and Mystique escape.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Raft is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Sam Wilson / Falcon, Wanda
Maximoff / Scarlet Witch, Clint Barton / Hawkeye and Scott Lang / Ant-Man are held in the prison in Captain
America: Civil War after they help Steve Rogers / Captain America and Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier evade capture
in violation of the Sokovia Accords. Rogers subsequently breaks them out at the end of the film. In the mid-credits
scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Adrian Toomes and Mac Gargan are shown as the Raft's prisoners.

The Raft was mentioned by Jeffrey Mace in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot episode "John Hancock". Jessica
Jones talks about the Raft in the second-season episode "AKA Ain't We Got Fun" of Jessica Jones.

An Easter egg pertaining to The Raft is also included in a deleted scene in the film Deadpool, in which the main
antagonist Ajax is being escorted on a boat to "The Raft Prison." It is most likely cut out due to legal complications with
the MCU.[2]

The Raft appears in the 2018 video game Spider-Man. Electro, Rhino, Scorpion, Vulture and later Mister Negative are
shown as prisoners, they are later broken out by Doctor Octopus and they all defeat Spider-Man when he tries to
prevent the breakout.

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Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane was a maximum security asylum for the mentally ill. Many
insane murderers and supervillains were kept at Ravencroft.

The institute was first mentioned in Web of Spider-Man #112, written by Terry Kavanagh.

The institute is officially opened in Web of Spider-Man Annual #10 (1994). The institute is featured in a number of
Spider-Man storylines. Dr. Ashley Kafka was the founder and first director of Ravencroft. John Jameson was head of
security. Both were fired in Spectacular Spider-Man #246 and Dr. Leonard Samson became Ravencroft's new director.
In Leonard Samson's next appearance, he owned a private practice instead of running the institute.

Known patients at Ravencroft include Carnage, Chameleon, D.K., Doctor Octopus, Electro, Gale, Jackal, Massacre,
Mayhem, Mysterio, Prism, Pyromania, Ramon Grant, Shriek, Venom, Vulture, and Webber.

The institute reappeared in Vengeance of the Moon Knight. In this incarnation it housed mostly non-superpowered
psychopaths and had an imposing metal front gate a gothic facade similar to Arkham Asylum.

Ravencroft has also appeared in several TV series. It appeared in the 1990s Spider-Man TV series. It is also appeared
in The Spectacular Spider-Man animated TV series, having housed Electro, Doctor Octopus, Cletus Kasady, John
Jameson, and Venom.

Ravencroft was also mentioned in several books. Chameleon is listed as being held in Ravencroft in Christopher L.
Bennett's book Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder. It is also mentioned as being used to institutionalize Rhona
Burchill in Iron Man: Armored Adventures.

Ravencroft appears in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 where Dr. Kafka is in charge and both Electro and Harry Osborn
are prisoners.[3] Set photos indicate that the State University of New York Maritime College is being used to represent
Ravencroft Institute in the movie. A plaque dedicated to the memory of Thomas Warren has been seen on the set.

Ryker's Island
Ryker's Island is the Marvel Universe counterpart to the real-world Rikers Island, New York City's largest jail facility,
which also includes the 415 acre (1.7 km²) island on which it sits.

The fictional Ryker's houses both conventional criminals and costumed offenders lacking superpowers. Daredevil is
held there after his arrest in Daredevil vol. 2 #80.

In Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4 #1, Ryker's Island has been renamed the "Cellar" when it was bought and improved by
Empire Unlimited.

Others held there include Alistair Smythe, Blacklash, Black Tarantula, Blizzard, the Brotherhood of Mutants
(Avalanche, Blob, Destiny, Mystique, Pyro), Bullseye, Carnage, Chemistro, Cheshire Cat, Cobra, Commanche, Dontrell
"Cockroach" Hamilton, Enforcers (Fancy Dan, Montana, Ox II), Griffin, Hood, Jigsaw, Kingpin, Melter, Mister Hyde,
Mr. Fish II, Nitro, Punisher, Rhino, Sandman, Spear, Spider-Man, Turk Barrett, Ulik, Venom, Vin Gonzales, Wizard,
and the Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, Wrecker).

Ryker's Island has a special branch for dangerous superhuman criminals called the Raft.

Seagate Prison

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Seagate Prison (also called "Little Alcatraz") where the wrongly convicted Carl Lucas agreed to become a test subject
for Dr. Noah Burstein. These experiments lead to him gaining super powers. He changed his name to Luke Cage.

Known inmates of Seagate Prison are Beetle, Commanche, Crimebuster (Eugene Mason), Noah Burstein, Plantman,
Robert Rackham, and Shades.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the prison appeared on-screen in the Marvel One-Shot short All Hail the King and
the Netflix series Luke Cage. Justin Hammer, Trevor Slattery, Luke Cage, Comanche and Shades were all inmates in
the MCU version, while Noah Burstein and Reva Connors were among Seagate's faculty.

A 31st-century prison planet in the Guardians of the Galaxy universe, shown in Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 1 #21 and
#51-53. Known inmates of Stockade have included Charlie-27, Tork and Teju.

The Vault
The United States Maximum Security Installation for the Incarceration of Superhuman Criminals., known as The
Vault, is a defunct prison facility for super-human criminals (predominantly supervillains) in Marvel Comics' Marvel
Universe. It first appeared in Avengers Annual #15 (1986) and figured prominently in the 1990 Marvel crossover "Acts
of Vengeance". It was destroyed in Heroes for Hire vol. 1 #1 (February 1997).

Other locations
Avengers Compound – the former headquarters of the West Coast Avengers.
Citrusville, Cypress County,[4] Florida is in the Everglades and appears most frequently in stories related to
Man-Thing. Much of its importance lies in that it is physically near what is termed as the Nexus of All Realities.
The town is depicted as very traditional and conservative.[5] However, it is also home to the Cult of Zhered-Na, its
leader, Joshua Kale, and his grandchildren, Jennifer and Andy. The high school newspaper is called the Quill.
Avengers Hydro-Base – Hydro-Base is a floating seacraft disguised as a natural island floating off the coast of
North America outside US territorial waters. Its first known user was the mad ecologist Dr. Herman Frayne (aka
Doctor Hydro) who used it both as a laboratory and an airbase on which to land hijacked planes. Doctor Hydro
planned to turn the planes' passengers into amphibious people, using Terrigen Mist he acquired from the
renegade Inhuman Maelstrom.[6]
Caldecott – Fictional western Mississippi county and town where the X-Men's Rogue was born.
The Massachusetts Academy is a prep school founded in the 18th century in Snow Valley, in the Berkshire
Mountains of Massachusetts. The Academy is one of the oldest and most respected college preparatory schools
in the United States. Administered by Emma Frost for most of its modern history, the Massachusetts Academy
also had a long-standing alliance with the Hellfire Club. In addition to a large student body, the Academy also
houses a clandestine school for young mutants. During her time as the Hellfire Club's White Queen, Frost trained
a group known as the Hellions; the Hellions would become long-standing rivals with the New Mutants.
Salem Center – a hamlet in the town of North Salem, Westchester County, New York.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

X-Mansion – home of the X-Men, located in Salem Center.

Danger Room – training center for the X-Men.

Graymalkin Industries is the undercover name for X-Men new headquarters in San Francisco following their
departure from their former X-Mansion, destroyed during Messiah Complex. It is the base of operations and
training site of the X-Men. It is located on the Marin Headlands just north of San Francisco, being built into the
long-abandoned military bunkers that line the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Grand Nixon Island is an island owned by disgraced ex-U.S. Army general General Kreigkopf. The island itself

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contains Kreigkopf's military base surrounded by a vast jungle environment. The island features in The Punisher
comic book series in issue #3 to issue #5. The former introduces General Kreigkopf and Grand Nixon Island.
Darkmoor is the location of both the Darkmoor Energy Research Centre (a high-tech, top secret government
facility at which University student Brian Braddock is doing work experience) and a stone circle which was a
centre of great mystical power. As the Captain Britain mythos expanded, it also played host to Darkmoor Prison
and to the sinister Darkmoor Castle, home of the Black Baron.
The Fridge – S.H.I.E.L.D's most secure base. Home of the Slingshot Program and detainment area of most
S.H.I.E.L.D prisoners. Contains the unstable element Gravitonium on a top secret level at the bottom. The Fridge
was raided and taken over by HYDRA (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).
HUB – S.H.I.E.L.D's main HQ. The HUB was once taken over by HYDRA. S.H.I.E.L.D retook the HUB with Agent
Phil Coulson's team (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).

Regions and countries

Atlantis – Atlantis was a small continent with many human settlements. Over 21,000 years ago, an event called
the "Great Cataclysm" caused it to be submerged into the sea. The inhabitants of ancient Atlantis built an
enormous glass-like dome over the capital city, also known as Atlantis. When barbarians sent by the Deviant
Lemuria empire attacked Atlantis, King Kamuu opened the magma-pits which were the city's means of heating.
This caused the continent to sink.[7] Kamuu was warned of the Great Cataclysm by the seer, Zhered-Na. When
she refused to recant, he had her exiled to the mainland, where she was later stabbed to death by survivors of the
Attilan (also called The Hidden Land) – Home of the Inhumans. Originally an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, it
has moved several times, including to the Andes, Himalayas, to the Blue Area on the Moon, the homeworld of the
alien Kree, Hala. Attilan is destroyed during the events of Infinity by Black Bolt when he detonates the Terrigen
Bomb. The remains of Attilan subsequently reside within New York, in the Hudson Estuary.
Deviant Lemuria – Undersea home of the Deviants located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Dynamo City – An interstellar city and space port for dynamism controlled by a Municipal government.
Genosha – Island dwarf-nation off the coast of Africa, north of Madagascar; an apartheid-like state where mutants
were once enslaved.
Hyboria – the main continent of the Hyborian Age where Conan the Barbarian lived
Imaya – Fictional country located in North Africa.
Kamar-Taj – A small kingdom in the Himalayas.
Krakoa – Living island in the South Pacific.
K'un-Lun – K'un-Lun is a mystical city that only appears periodically on the earthly plane. The father of Daniel
Rand, the boy who would later become Iron Fist, discovered K'un-Lun. It was there that Danny gained his powers
and became the Iron Fist.[10] Its most prominent inhabitants are Master Khan, Yu-Ti, and Lei Kung. The usual
means of access to this dimension is through magic.
Latveria – Country in Europe ruled by Doctor Doom.
Lemuria – Lemuria had been a small continent and group of islands in the Pacific Ocean 21,000 years ago, which
was ruled by the Deviants. Lemuria became the center of the Deviant Empire, and the only remaining free land
was Atlantis, the continent that held its greatest enemy, the Atlantean Empire. When the Deviants attacked
Atlantis, the Atlantean King Kamuu opened the magma-pits which were the city's means of heating. This caused a
chain reaction which collapsed and sank the continent. At that same time, when the Second Host of the Celestials
came to Earth, the Deviants attacked them. In retaliation, the Celestials sank Lemuria in what is now known as
the "Great Cataclysm." The Eternal Ikaris guided a ship of humans to safety.
Madripoor – City, modeled after Singapore, to which Wolverine has connections.
Monster Isle – Island where monsters rule.
Muir Island – Island off the north west coast of Scotland, containing Moira MacTaggert's mutant research lab.
Muir Island's (/mjʊәr/) significance stems from the fact that it is the home of Earth's largest and most
comprehensive mutant research complex, located to the north of Scotland, founded by Dr. Moira MacTaggert.
Originally, she created the facility to help her son, Kevin (a.k.a. Proteus), an extremely powerful and destructive
Nova Roma – Home of Magma in Brazil. Ancient Rome-like city.
Olympia – Mountain city of the Eternals, located on Mount Olympus in Greece.
Project Pegasus – A scientific base which has been the location of a variety of stories for superheroes and

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supervillains, most notably in the title Marvel Two-in-One. Created in Marvel Two-in-One #42 (August 1978) by
writer Ralph Macchio, Project Pegasus was originally intended to research alternative (and unusual) forms of
energy, but has also been used as a prison for super-powered individuals. The location of this facility is described
as being in the Adirondack Mountains in New York State.
Providence was an artificial island made of parts from Cable's old space station, Graymalkin, located in the South
Pacific Ocean, southwest of Hawaii. Providence was intended to be a place where the best minds on Earth could
gather, live, and find new ways of doing everything in hopes of giving the world a peaceful future. Providence was
open to all who wish to immigrate there, though all residents must undergo various psychological and skills tests.
Providence would later be self-destructed, by Cable himself, to keep the future evidence of the messiah child's
birth away from the Marauders.
Savage Land – Place with tropical climates and prehistoric animals located in the heart of Antarctica.
Slorenia – An eastern Slavic nation.
Sokovia – an Eastern European nation. The nation first appeared in Avengers: Age of Ultron where the titular
Avengers fought Ultron as a result of the damage and chaos during the "Battle of Sokovia" it led to the UN
creating the "Sokovia Accords". Sokovia has since appeared in mainstream comics.
Symkaria – Country in Europe adjoining Latveria, home of Silver Sable
Transia – Birthplace of Spider-Woman, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch. One location is Mount Wundagore, a
mountain with strong ties to the history of Chthon and the Darkhold In the sixth century AD, a cult of Darkholders
led by the sorceress Morgan le Fey attempted to summon Chthon but found him to be uncontrollable. While the
Darkholders were incapable of banishing him altogether, they bound him to Mount Wundagore, in what would one
day become Transia.[11]
Vorozheika – A country to the northeast of Chechnya, formerly part of the USSR and now ruled by the Eternal
Wakanda – An African nation ruled by T'Challa, the current Black Panther.

Outer space

Alien races

Kree, a blue-skinned alien race

Skrulls, a race of green-skinned shape-shifting aliens.
Shi'ar, a race of bird-like species.


Hala, the home world of the Kree

Skrullos, the home world of the Skrulls
Ego the Living Planet

Satellites and planetoids

Asteroid M – secret base of Magneto

Blue Area of the Moon – An artificial, self-sustaining, Earth-like environment on the far side of the Moon, the Blue
Area was created roughly one million years ago as part of a competition between two alien races, the Kree and
the Cotati. The Skrulls, then a benevolent race, moderated this contest, whose goal was to determine the
worthiness of both races by discovering which could achieve more within a set period of time. After being taken to
the area of Earth's Moon where the Skrulls had created the artificial atmosphere, the Kree used their strength and
rudimentary Skrull technology to create a giant city while the Cotati were taken to another barren world in a
different solar system where they created a long-term sustainable ecosystem. Learning that the Cotati were going
to win the contest, the enraged Kree first slaughtered the Cotati and then attacked and killed the Skrull delegation,
stole their starship, and initiated the millennia-long conflict now known as the Kree-Skrull War, which would force
the Skrulls to become a society of warriors.[12]

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Birj – sixth moon of Marman (see above) and where Terrax is from.
Titan – main moon of Saturn and technologically advanced home to the Titan Eternals.
Taa II – a space station of Galactus.

Extradimensional places
Asgard – home planet of the Norse gods.
Avalon – Also known as Otherworld. Home of Merlyn, Roma, and the Captain Britain Corps; and location of
Camelot, the Green Chapel, and the Starlight Citadel. Based on the mythical "Avalon".
Heliopolis is a celestial city in a dimension adjacent to Earth's, founded by the gods who were once worshipped
in Egypt. This godly realm appears to be built upon a small planetary object much like the realm of Asgard, and its
passage to earth is a golden bridge through space called the Path of the Gods.[13]
Limbo – Associated with Immortus and Rom the Spaceknight, not to be confused with Otherplace.
Microverse – Microverses are dimensions formerly defined as any universe only accessible through vibrational
attunement (shrinking). The belief that these worlds exist "within" atoms may have given rise to the stock phrase
"There are worlds within worlds". It is not actually the microverses that are microscopic in size but rather the
nexuses which make them accessible. It is thus theoretically possible to enter the same microverse from different
points on Earth. The volume of these microverses are contained within spacewalls which can only be breached at
certain points. It is these breaches that create accessible portals. The microverse makes an appearance in the
films Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp, called the "Quantum Realm" by Hank Pym.

Micronaut homeworld – a chain of connected worldlets, resembling a ball-and-stick molecular model.

Mojoverse – dimension of spineless aliens

Subatomic universe
Negative Zone – a universe made of anti-matter that is contracting instead of expanding.
Nexus of All Realities – located in the Florida Everglades (name also refers to a Cosmic Artifact, M'Kraan Crystal).
Olympus – home planet of superhuman beings analogous to the Greek gods.
Otherplace, also called the Demonic Limbo, is home to demons of various sizes, strengths, and intellects.
Therea is a mystic extra-dimensional realm where two benevolent gods dwell who appear in the form of dogs to
human eyes. It is an Earth-like land of peace and tranquility, and is the counterpart to Thog's realm of Sominus.
Therea is ruled by twin gods, Zokk and Maftra. Zokk and Maftra are worshipped by the barbarian Korrek and his
people, and even revered by Dakimh the Enchanter.
The White Hot Room is a quasi-mystical place that holds the essences of Phoenix hosts. In-between her
frequent resurrections, this is apparently where the soul of Jean Grey finds herself. It also appears to be where
the Phoenix Force itself goes when it is killed, and how it always flares back to life (hence its name). The
essences trapped in the White Hot Room do not seem to notice the passage of time, yet are able to see events
occurring in the normal universe. Jean Grey has shown the ability to "project" herself to the X-Men on at least two
occasions, although it is unknown if this ability is a function of the Phoenix Force or the White Hot Room itself.

Government agencies
Aladdin – In the Ultraverse setting, Aladdin was a U.S. government agency apparently founded sometime in the
1960s to deal with the growing number of Ultras (super-powered beings) in their world. In 1970, their scientific
division, using a synthesis of organic brain tissue and computer systems called G.E.N.I.E. (Genetically
Engineered Neural Intelligence Experiment), was examining alien technology and corpses discovered by U.S.
soldiers during the Vietnam War, when some unknown event caused the corpses to release a cloud of material
which caused G.E.N.I.E. to develop sentience and grow into a true fusion of organic and mechanical technology.
Aladdin Assault Squad – In the Malibu Ultraverse, the Aladdin Assault Squad was a special department within the
government agency known as Aladdin. The Aladdin Assault Squad was created in response to the growing

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number of Ultras (superhumans). The A.A.S. operated out of Aladdin's Groom Lake facility, and functioned as an
independent internal security force. They also assisted ongoing Ultra research. Known members of the Aladdin
Assault Squad are: Dirt Devil, Foxfire, the Grip, Hardwire, Headknocker, and War Eagle.[14]
Black Air
The Commission on Superhuman Activities (also known as the Commission on Superhuman Affairs or CSA
for short) is a government agency created by the President of the United States of America. It is a very special
appointed task force, which has been requested to supervise the American citizens possessing superhuman
powers and coordinate government projects aimed at creating government controlled superhumans. They have
an office in Washington, D.C. A number of members of the Commission when created were involved with various
government projects regarding superhumans: Project Wideawake, former and current Avengers liaisons, Freedom
Force liaison and super soldier projects.
Department H – A fictitious branch of Canada's Department of National Defence that deals with super-powered
persons. Department H was responsible for bringing together and managing the Marvel Comics team known as
Alpha Flight and its related teams Beta Flight, Gamma Flight, and Omega Flight.[15] It was mentioned in the
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode "End of the Beginning" and the films X2: X-Men United and Captain America: The
Winter Soldier.
Department K – The Canadian government group which secretly operated the Weapon X Project.[16]
Euromind – Another European subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D., called Euromind, was introduced in the Marvel Italia
series Europa.[17]
F.I.6 – British Intelligence agency, former employers of Micromax. Led by Brigadier Theodore 'Inky' Blott.
Employed psychics. Disbanded after most agents, including Blott, were killed by Necrom. Introduced in Excalibur
and created by Alan Davis.[18]
G.R.A.M.P.A. – The covert organization known as G.R.A.M.P.A., the Global Reaction Agency for Mysterious
Paranormal Activity, debuted in Amazing Fantasy vol. 2 #15. G.R.A.M.P.A.'s most prominent field operatives are
Ace and One-Eyed Jacquie; the two agents refer to themselves collectively as "Blackjack". G.R.A.M.P.A. is tasked
with protecting the world from paranormal threats.[19]
H.A.T.E. – H.A.T.E., the Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort, better known by its acronym, is one of two antagonistic
organizations in Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. H.A.T.E. and its leader, Dirk Anger, are parodies of Marvel's
S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury. H.A.T.E. is a government agency that is funded by the Beyond Corporation, a
company that was formerly a terrorist cell called S.I.L.E.N.T. (the acronym has not been explained yet).
The Lodge – Created by Basil Wentworth towards the end of World War II, the Lodge's purpose was to prepare
for the Cold War that was destined to come about. The Lodge started covert operations in China, the Soviet
Union, and East Germany, and has continued its "dirty tricks" into the present day.
Mutant Response Division – The Mutant Response Division is a mutant-hunting group. It is also referred to by
its abbreviated name MRD. The organization's first appearance outside comic books was Wolverine and the
X-Men. The MRD will also appear in Deadpool 2 as the Department of Mutant Control (with its name
abbreviated as DMC).
Office of National Emergency – The Office of National Emergency, commonly referred to as O*N*E, is known as
the originator of the Sentinel squads that were assigned to protect/observe the X-Men and the remaining mutants
after the event known as M-Day, which reduced the number of mutants on Earth to only a few hundred.[20]
Project Pegasus – An organization that was originally intended to research alternative (and unusual) forms of
energy. It has also been used as a prison for super-powered individuals, prior to the creation of The Vault.[21]
Project Wideawake – Project Wideawake is a government program with the purpose of detecting and capturing
mutants, which employs the robots known as Sentinels.[22][23]
R.C.X. – The Resources Control Executive is a British intelligence agency, introduced in Captain Britain as a
replacement to S.T.R.I.K.E. and created by Jamie Delano and Alan Davis. The British intelligence agency for the
investigation of paranormal and superhuman activity known as S.T.R.I.K.E. was infiltrated by a criminal
organization and nearly all of its members were killed. A weakened S.T.R.I.K.E., unable to deal with the
consequences of the Jaspers' Warp, was subsequently disbanded, and the Resources Control Executive (R.C.X.)
was created to take its place. The members of the R.C.X. use codenames based on biblical figures to hide their
true identity.[24]
S.A.F.E. – Introduced in Marvel's line of novels in the mid-1990s, S.A.F.E. (Strategic Action For Emergencies) is
the United States' answer to S.H.I.E.L.D. They first appeared in Spider-Man & the Incredible Hulk: Rampage
(Doom's Day Book 1), and may not be part of comics canon. Whereas S.H.I.E.L.D. is a UN-funded and run

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organization dealing with international incidents, S.A.F.E. is tasked with similar duties inside of America's borders.
It is run by Colonel Sean Morgan and a prominently featured agent is Joshua Ballard, who, among other things,
survived an encounter with Doctor Doom and later Baron Zemo.[25]
S.T.A.R.S. – The Commission on Superhuman Activities, created a special division of the federal government's
U.S. Marshals called S.T.A.R.S., the Superhuman Tactical Activities Response Squad. A federal organization
authorized to monitor and manage all activities regarding the supervision, apprehension, and detention of
superhuman criminals in the United States. The group's leader was John Walker, the U.S. Agent. S.T.A.R.S.
uncovered a Ruul plot to use Earth as a penal colony for alien criminals. U.S. Agent and S.T.A.R.S. were
ultimately responsible for exposing and defeating the Ruul.[26]
S.T.A.K.E. - Special Threat Assessment for Known Extranormalities.
Superhuman Restraint Unit
Ultimate S.H.I.E.L.D.
W.A.N.D. – Wizardry Alchemy Necromancy Department, the magical division of S.H.I.E.L.D. Introduced in the
Marvel NOW! relaunch of Thunderbolts.[27]
Weapon X
W.H.O. – The Weird Happenings Organization was mandated by the UK government with the investigation into
and research of supernatural and paranormal phenomena until it was replaced by Black Air. It was featured in

Criminal organizations
Advanced Idea Mechanics – Advanced Idea Mechanics first appeared in Strange Tales #146. A.I.M. is a
conglomeration of brilliant scientists and their hirelings dedicated to the acquisition of power and the overthrow of
all governments by technological means. A.I.M. was organized late in World War II by Baron Wolfgang von
Strucker to develop advanced weaponry for his subversive organization HYDRA. They were close to developing
and attaining nuclear weapons when HYDRA Island was invaded by American and Japanese troops. Although
HYDRA suffered a major setback, it survived and grew in secret over the following decades.[28]
Beyond Corporation – What is now the Beyond Corporation was once a high-tech terrorist cell known as
S.I.L.E.N.T. which legitimized itself as the Beyond Corporation, yet did not abandon their ulterior motive—the
location, activation, distribution, and testing of various Unusual Weapons of Mass Destruction at various points
throughout the United States of America. Also, through "faith-based bidding", the Beyond Corporation became the
sole financial backer of the H.A.T.E. (Highest Anti-Terrorism Effort), providing them with extremely advanced
Black Spectre – Jerome Beechman, the Mandrill, created Black Spectre by organizing his female followers, who
disguised themselves as men using bulky armor. Beechman planned to use Black Spectre to confuse America
through terrorism and racism, instilling chaos in the world and intending to rule it after anarchy ensued.[30]
Brotherhood of Mutants – The Brotherhood of Mutants, originally known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and
briefly as the Brotherhood, is a Marvel Comics supervillain team devoted to mutant superiority over normal
humans. They are adversaries of the X-Men. The original Brotherhood was created by writer Stan Lee and
artist/co-writer Jack Kirby and first appeared in X-Men #4 (March 1964).
Friends of Humanity – The Friends of Humanity is a human-supremacist hate group started by Graydon Creed, a
man infamous for his bigotry against mutants. Groups inspired by or splintered from the Friends of Humanity
include the survivalist Humanity's Last Stand and the religious fundamentalist Church of Humanity.[31]
Gene Nation – On the anniversary of the Mutant Massacre, a horrific event in which Mr. Sinister's henchmen the
Marauders killed many Morlocks, the members of the terrorist group known as Gene Nation reappeared in the
main universe (Earth-616). Their mission was to destroy one human for every Morlock life that was lost.
The Hand – The Hand is a cult of evil, mystical ninjas who are heavily involved in organized crime and mercenary
activities such as assassination plots. The Hand covets power above all other objectives. They are primarily
based in Japan, but operate internationally. They were founded in the 16th century, and soon became servants of
the primordial demon known only as the Beast.
Hellfire Club – Although the club appears to merely be an international social club for wealthy elites, its Inner
Circle consists of mutants who try to influence world events for the accumulation of power. They dress in 18th

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century garb and rank themselves in a system of chess pieces (Black Rook, White Queen, etc.). The group first
battled the X-Men in the classic "The Dark Phoenix Saga" and the club, or branches of it, have since appeared
periodically in various X-Men series. The club is based on the actual Hellfire Club, a secret society of 18th century
Humanity's Last Stand – Humanity's Last Stand is a radical anti-mutant hate group and enemies of the X-Men. In
the group's first appearance they were behind the creation of a false Mutant Liberation Front, formed by human
members of H.L.S. posing as mutants through the use of mutagenic drugs and or technologically enhanced suits,
in order to mimic mutant powers.[32]
HYDRA – The fictional terrorist organization first appeared in Strange Tales #135. In its original continuity, it was
headed by nondescript businessman Arnold Brown, who was killed as S.H.I.E.L.D. apparently crushed the
organization. It soon returned, however, headed by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, under the aegis of the Nazi Red
Skull; HYDRA's changing origin was one of the earliest Marvel retcons. After its initial defeat, several of its
branches surfaced, appearing to be unrelated and independent. HYDRA's scientific branch was initially A.I.M.
(Advanced Idea Mechanics), which later split off into its own organization. Other factions included THEM and the
Secret Empire.
Maggia – The Maggia is an international crime syndicate, somewhat similar to the Mafia, but the Maggia differs in
that it frequently hires supervillains and mad scientists to work for them. Count Nefaria and his daughter Madame
Masque have both been leaders of an important Maggia family.[33]
Maelstrom's Minions – Maelstrom's Minions are a trio of supervillains that work for Maelstrom. They are Gronk,
Helio, and Phobius.[34]
Mys-Tech – The board of Mys-Tech, a multinational corporation, were originally seven mages who in AD 987 sold
their souls to the demon Mephisto in exchange for immortality. The Mys-Tech board members must provide a
steady stream of souls to the demon otherwise they will breach their contract and forfeit their own souls. Over the
years the board accumulated power and wealth and in the modern age this power and wealth became a business
National Force – The National Force is a neo-fascist organization founded by Doctor Faustus. Faustus had
captured William Burnside the fourth Captain America and his partner Jack Monroe, both heroes from the 1950s
frozen in suspended animation. Faustus took control of the mind of the replacement Captain America in an
attempt to use him against Steve Rogers, the original Captain America, and later turned him into the Grand
Purifiers – The Purifiers, also known as the "Stryker Crusade", are a paramilitary group of Christian terrorists led
by Reverend William Stryker. The group debuted in the graphic novel X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills. The Purifiers
see themselves in a holy war against mutants, believing them to be the children of the Devil and thus deserving of
Roxxon – Roxxon Oil is a massive petroleum corporation notorious for its determination to make massive profits
regardless of any laws or moral principles, often employing superhuman criminals in order to achieve their
Secret Empire – The subversive organization known as the Secret Empire has followed a number of different
leaders, always known as "Number One". The Secret Empire began as a subsidiary of HYDRA, which provided it
with financial support. The Secret Empire served to distract the attention of authorities such as S.H.I.E.L.D. from
HYDRA's activities, although the original Number One sought to break away from HYDRA.[39]
Serpent Society – The Serpent Society is an organization of snake-themed terrorists in the Marvel Comics
universe. The group was initially formed from the membership of a previous supervillain team, the Serpent
Squad. The group, like its predecessor, has been made up of longtime antagonists of Captain America and his
fellow Avengers. The Serpent Society was the brainchild of Seth Voelker (Sidewinder), and is a descendant of
sorts from the original Serpent Squads.
Sons of the Serpent – The Sons of the Serpent is a subversive organization of costumed American racist super-
patriots who oppose all racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. They sought to subvert America through hate
crimes and organized protests, and were opposed by the Avengers and the Defenders.[40]
THEM – THEM through its founder Baron Strucker is the managing power of a supraorganization which includes
HYDRA, A.I.M., and the Secret Empire. THEM was founded by Nazi war criminal Baron Strucker after World War
II. Later Strucker appointed a businessman named Arnold Brown to the position of Supreme Hydra; Hydra's highly
visible operations served as a front for THEM.[41][42]
U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. – The Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind is a fictional
terrorist organization in the Marvel Comics universe. It was founded by the Flag-Smasher in his attempts to
destroy nationalism.[43] Most notably, they have been engaged in a feud with Deadpool ever since he slaughtered
many of them aboard their own helicarrier, downed it (dooming the remaining),[44] and confronted them (led by a
new Flag-Smasher) in a final revenge showdown on a Kansas farm, where Deadpool slaughtered every single

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one of them (presumably ending them for good).[45]

Zodiac Cartel – The original Zodiac group debuted in the title the Avengers[46] and is established as a criminal
organization founded and funded by member Cornelius Van Lunt (who adopts the identity of Taurus). The group's
identity is based on the zodiac from the discipline astrology, with each member adopting the persona of a sign of
the zodiac, being twelve in all. The group members share leadership of the organization, with the position rotating
just as the astrological zodiac changes.

Black Knight's Atomic Steed – The Black Knight sometimes employs one of the "Atomic Steeds" built by the
Knights of Wundagore, engineered by the High Evolutionary.
Blackbird – The Blackbird is the X-Men's primary aircraft.
Fantastic Four's Pogo Plane – so called because of its tail-down landing/take-off attitude, was the first significant
air-breathing engine design of Reed Richards. Employing new turbine blade configurations and a new titanium-
alloy process, Richards increased overall engine performance to a very high thrust-to-weight ratio. It is loosely
based on the never mass-produced Convair XFY Pogo.
Fantasticar – Various flying hovercraft used by the Fantastic Four, most versions are able to split into four smaller
Freedom's Lady – The original Guardians of the Galaxy operate from the Starship Freedom's Lady, a medium-
weight, 700-foot (210 m) Annihilator-class battleship of 30th century Earth design. Trans-light power is furnished
by inter-reacting tachyon and anti-tachyon beams. Fully equipped for deep-space and inter-galactic excursion, it
carried a full complement of offensive weapons as well as an impenetrable energy barrier, divided into 14
overlapping segments.
Green Goblin's Goblin Glider – a metal bat-shaped glider that Green Goblin uses to travel around the skies.
Kang's Time-Ship – Kang the Conqueror's time-ship is a 20-foot (6.1 m) long, non-aerodynamic, space-worthy
vehicle, and is mostly a housing for the large energy-generating devices that power the time machine. The time
machine itself is a device whose major timestream-bridging components are the size of a two-drawer file cabinet.
It utilizes energy to generate a chronal-displacement internal field, enabling a being or object to break through the
"reality walls" of the timestream into the trans-temporal realm of Limbo, from which all time eras and alternate
worlds are accessible.
The Leapfrog – The Leapfrog is the method of transportation for the Runaways.
Quinjet – Used primarily by the Avengers, the Quinjet first appeared in The Avengers #61 (February 1969).
Hawkeye's Sky Bike – Hawkeye sometimes travels about in a custom-built sky bike (also called a sky-cycle or
skymobile), designed and built at Cross Technological Enterprises. It is voice-operated and requires no hands to
steer. The sky bike first appeared in Hawkeye #1 (September 1983). It was also featured in the Iron Man
animated series. Hawkeye also uses the bike in the animated series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
Hellcycle – Ghost Rider's flaming motorcycle. The vehicle is created by the Ghost Rider's own mystical hellfire
being imbued in an otherwise normal motorcycle, usually the property of the Ghost Rider's host at the time.
Mooncopter – Moon Knight's copter is a VTOL vehicle capable of precision, computer-assisted maneuvering for
air-land-and-sea rescues, tracking automobiles through traffic, and many other purposes. Moon Knight is in
constant contact with the copter, piloted by Frenchie (but also with a sophisticated, computer-aided auto-pilot), at
all times via a miniature transceiver with a microphone in his cowl. The on-board computer performs navigation
functions, remote sensor image-enhancement, and radar interpretation. Moon Knight has had at least two
different designs of copter. One resembled a conventional helicopter with a crescent moon tail. The second
actually resembled an airship more than a helicopter, but was also crescent shaped.
Punisher's Battle Van – The Battle Van was used by the Punisher as his primary mode of transportation. It is
customized with a various array of weaponry and armor, and serves as a mobile armory.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Car – The flying car is a S.H.I.E.L.D. personal vehicle that looks like a car but can fly. It made
appearances in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends and Spider-Man: The Animated Series. In Captain America:
The First Avenger, Howard Stark unveils a flying car at Stark Expo. A flying car appears in the possession of Phil
Coulson in the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier: The aircraft used by S.H.I.E.L.D. around the world.
Shockwave Rider - The superhero team Nextwave steals the Shockwave Rider, its base of operations, from
H.A.T.E., a compromised anti-terrorist organization. The Shockwave Rider is powered by a Zero-Point Squirt
Drive, giving it a nearly unlimited fuel supply. The Rider contains 5 tesseract zones, allowing it to be spacious on
the inside while keeping it compact on the outside. To deploy in the field, the team dives through a pool of an

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orange membrane to exit via the underside of the ship. It was destroyed in Nextwave's final battle with the Beyond
Ship – Apocalypse's gigantic, self-aware AI ship which was simply known as "Ship". It is hinted to have been built
by the Celestials. It made several appearances in the comics as well as the 1990s X-Men cartoon series.
Skuttlebutt – Korbinite-designed sentient starship, vehicle of and companion to Beta Ray Bill.[47]

Black Widow's Bite stingers and gauntlets

Blade's sword
Captain America's shield
Cyclops' visor
Daredevil's billy club
Deadpool's katanas and guns
Doctor Octopus' tentacles
Ebony Blade, a sword wielded by Black Knight
Elektra's sais
Gamma Bomb
Ghost Rider's chain and hellfire shotgun
Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs
Hawkeye's bow and trick arrows
Iron Man's armors
Kraven the Hunter's spear
Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor
Moon Knight's Crescent Darts
Namor's trident
The Nova Force of Nova
Punisher's arsenal of weapons
The Soulsword, wielded by Magik
Stormbreaker, the hammer of Beta Ray Bill
The Tactigon
Taskmaster's sword and shield
War Machine armor
Wolverine's adamantium claws
Doctor Strange's cape
Spider-Man's cobwebs

Some items have been created specifically for the Marvel Universe and many of them carry immense powers:

Mystical artifacts
Book of the Vishanti is a grimoire most closely associated with Doctor Strange.[1] It is the greatest known source
of "white" magical knowledge on the Earth of the Marvel Universe dimension.
The Casket of Ancient Winters – An Asgardian relic and the greatest weapon of Malekith the Accursed. When
opened, it can reproduce the infinite icy cold of Niflheim. Later entrusted to the care of Edwin Jarvis, butler to the
Avengers, by Thor. Causes its holder to grow younger gradually.
The Cloak of Levitation is a potent mystical item worn by Doctor Strange. It has the primary purpose of granting its

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wearer levitation. The greatest advantage of this is that its wearer need know little about the mystic arts in order to
operate it, nor must the wearer use any of his "mystical strength" in order to operate it.
The Darkhold – A collection of iron-bound scrolls containing the collected magical knowledge of Chthon, the first
practitioner of dark magics.
Dragonfang – an enchanted sword said to be carved by the wizard Kahji-Da from a tooth of an extra-dimensional
The Eye of Agamotto, worn by Doctor Strange.
The Orb of Agamotto
Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor.
The Serpent Crown – Created by the demon Set, it links the wearer to its creator, providing various physical and
mental powers.
The Siege Perilous is the name of two fictional devices appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. The first
appeared in books starring Captain Britain, and the second in books featuring the X-Men. Both devices were
created by writer Chris Claremont, who named it after the Siege Perilous, the empty chair at the round table of
King Arthur.
Stormbreaker, the hammer of Beta Ray Bill
The Wand of Watoomb is an artifact controlled by the thoughts of the wielder, and can used to project and
absorb mystical energy; create forcefields; control weather; open dimensional portals; observe events in other
locations and heal wounds. Used thousands of years before the modern era by priestess of the god Yog against
the barbarian Conan, it is sought out by Xandu in modern times to destroy Doctor Strange. The Wand first
appears in The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2 (December 1965) and was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Cosmic artifacts
The Cosmic Cube
The Cosmic Egg
The Phoenix Egg – Every time it is destroyed, the Phoenix Force is always reborn within a cosmic egg. This
process has happened several times in the past.[48]
Infinity Gems/Infinity Gauntlet – Six gems that grant their owner supreme power over six different aspects of
existence: Mind, Power, Soul, Time, Space, and Reality. They can be combined in the Gauntlet. A seventh gem
was discovered in another dimension. This gem, called the Ego gem, contained the essence of the entity
Nemesis, whose self-destruction created the gems.
M'Kraan Crystal – The "nexus of realities" (unknown if it is connected to the "Nexus of Realities" located in the
Florida Everglades). By entering the crystal, the user can enter any universe they wish. The protector of the
crystal is singular in all universes, with the same memories in each, which suggests that the reality immediately
surrounding the crystal is anchored in place.
Quantum bands, used by Quasar and temporarily used by Silver Surfer to wield cosmic energy.
The Silver Surfer's surfboard, (his source of power in the movie) which he is mentally linked to. When destroyed,
the Surfer can recreate another at will.
The Ultimate Nullifier

Other artifacts
The Legacy Virus, a devastating plague that tore through the Mutant population.
The Mandarin's Ten Rings
The Tallus
Terrigen Mist, a mutagen which can alter Inhuman physiology.

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Elemental substances and minerals

Adamantium, a virtually indestructible metal alloy which is best known for being integrated into the skeleton and
claws of Wolverine and was created in an attempt to duplicate the Vibranium-steel alloy of Captain America's
Promethium, a magical metal found only in Belasco's dimension, known as Otherplace.
Tritonium, an unstable radioactive mineral.
Vibranium, a metal which comes in two forms; one variety (Wakandan) absorbs vibratory and kinetic energy, while
the other (Antarctic) causes all nearby metals to melt. Vibranium is a component of Captain America's shield alloy.
Uru, the Asgardian metal of which Thor's hammer is made.
Scabrite, a god-like metal which can only be found in the mines of Surtur's realm. Surtur possesses the giant
sword Twilight, also known as the Sword of Doom, composed of Scabrite. The sword is magical, capable of
manipulating vast amounts of mystical energy.
Gravitonium, a fictitious element on the periodic table. This substance can control gravity fields (Agents of
S.H.I.E.L.D. television series).
Yaka, a sound-sensitive metal found on Centauri IV
Plandanium, a metal used by the Spaceknights of Galador to make their armor

Goblin Serum (Oz Formula) – The chemical formula that gave Green Goblin his powers.
Growth Pills – Capsules containing the size-altering Pym Particles that allow Giant Man, Ant-Man, and the Wasp
to change their size.
Extremis – A techno-organic virus created in an attempt to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum that gave Captain
America his powers.
Red Skull's Dust of Death – A red powder which kills a victim within seconds of skin contact. The powder causes
the skin of the victim's head to shrivel, tighten, and take on a red discoloration, while causing the hair to fall out.
Hence the victim's head resembles a "red skull".
Super Soldier Serum – An experimental military drug that enhances physical abilities and gave several
superheroes their powers, most notably Captain America.
Terrigen Mists – A mutagenic catalyst discovered and used by the Inhumans that can grant superpowers, but
leaves many subjects with deformities and amnesia.

List of fictional towns in comics

DC Comics:

List of locations of the DC Universe

List of DC Comics teams and organizations
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Comics portal

1. Sanderson, Peter (2007). The Marvel Comics Guide to New York City. New York City: Pocket Books. pp. 30–33.
ISBN 1-4165-3141-6.

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Features of the Marvel Universe - Wikipedia

2. Included In "Deleted/Extended Scenes" section of Deadpool (2016) Blu-Ray Edition.

3. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Welcomes You to Ravencroft" (
the-amazing-spider-man-2-welcomes-you-to-ravencroft). SuperHeroHype. March 18, 2013.
4. Man-Thing (vol.2) #6
5. Man-Thing vol. 1 #17-18.
6. Sub-Mariner #61
7. The Sub-Mariner #62, "Tales of Atlantis" backup story. Written by Steve Gerber and Howard Chaykin.
8. Fear #15
9. Marvel Spotlight #17
10. Marvel Premiere #15 (May 1974)
11. Avengers #187
12. Avengers vol.1, #133 (March 1975)
13. "Heliopolis" ( Marvel Directory. Retrieved
22 November 2011.
14. Break-Thru #1 (December 1993)
15. "Department H" ( Retrieved 13 October 2014.
16. "Department K" ( at
17. "Euroforce" ( at
18. "Micromax" ( at
19. Amazing Fantasy vol. 2 #15 (November 2004)
20. Decimation: House of M — The Day After (January 2006)
21. Marvel Two-In-One #42, August, 1978
22. Uncanny X-Men #142
23. New Mutants Vol.1 #2
24. First appeared in Captain Britain vol. 2 #1 (January 1985)
25. First appeared in the paperback novel Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk: Rampage (September 1996)
26. "S.T.A.R.S." ( at
27. Beard, Jim (7 November 2013). "TUESDAY Q&A: THUNDERBOLTS ANNUAL" (
/2013/11/5/21461/tuesday_qa_thunderbolts_annual). Retrieved 3 July 2014.
28. Strange Tales #146 (July 1966)
29. Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. #1 (March 2006)
30. Daredevil #108 (March 1974)
31. Uncanny X-Men #299 (April 1993)
32. Uncanny X-Men Annual #19 (November 1995)
33. Avengers #13 (February 1965)
34. Rovin, Jeff (1987). The encyclopedia of super villains. Facts on File Publications. p. 200.
ISBN 978-0-8160-1356-2.
35. Warheads #1 (June 1992)
36. Captain America vol. 1 #232 (April 1979)
37. X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills (1982)
38. Captain America #180 (December 1974)
39. Strange Tales #149 (October 1966)
40. Avengers vol. 1 #32 (September 1966)

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Features of the Marvel Universe - Wikipedia

41. Strange Tales #135 (August 1965)

42. "Hydra" ( Retrieved 13 October 2014.
43. Captain America #321 (September 1986)
44. Deadpool (2012) #23
45. Deadpool (2012) #45
46. Avengers #72 (January 1970)
47. Thor #337
48. New X-Men #150

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