Hanzi WallChart 1500 MostCommonCharacters SIMPLIFIED

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Hanzi WallChart 1500 Most Common Characters SIMPLIFIED Page 1 of 66

Chinese English Keyword Pinyin

I ; me wǒ

possessive p. de

you nǐ

to be; is shì

completed action p. le

no; not bù

plural p. men

this zhè

one; a yī

he; him tā

interrogative p. me

at zài

to have; there is yǒu

general mw. gè

good; well hǎo

to come lái

man; person rén

that nà

to want; important yào

can; will; to know huì

then; just (emp.) jiù

what shén

not méi

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to arrive; until (time) dào

to speak shuō

question p. ma

because of; for wèi

to think; to want xiǎng

to be able to néng

above; top shàng

to go qù

way; method dào

she tā

very hěn

to see; to look at kàn

can; able to kě

to know zhī

complement p. de

experienced action p. guo

…right? ba

still; yet hái

correct; opposite duì

inside lǐ

to use; according to yǐ

all; both dōu

thing; item shì

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son zǐ

life; give birth shēng

time shí

manner yàng

also; too yě

and hé

below; down xià

really; truly zhēn

present; to appear xiàn

to do zuò

big dà

ah! a

how zěn

to go out chū

a dot; o'clock diǎn

to rise qǐ

day; heaven tiān

direct obj. p. bǎ

to open; to start kāi

to allow ràng

to give gěi

but; yet dàn

to thank xiè

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in progress p. zhe

only zhǐ

some; few xiē

as; as if rú

home; family jiā

behind; after hòu

son ér

many; much duō

idea; meaning yì

must not; other bié

actually; place suǒ

language; talk huà

small xiǎo

self zì

to return; to answer huí

right; so rán

fruit; result guǒ

to send; to develop fā

to see; to meet jiàn

heart xīn

to walk; away zǒu

to set dìng

to listen tīng

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Chinese English Keyword Pinyin

to feel jué

too (much) tài

should gāi

act as; just at dāng

experience; manage jīng

mum mā

to use yòng

to hit dǎ

-ly structural p. de

again; then zài

reason yīn

how about…? ne

female nǚ

to tell gào

most; -est zuì

hand shǒu

front qián

to look for zhǎo

to travel; OK! xíng

rapid; almost kuài

and; as well as ér

to die sǐ

first; former xiān

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to be like; image xiàng

rank; to wait for děng

passive p. bèi

from; to follow cóng

bright míng

middle zhōng

oh ó

emotion qíng

to do zuò

with; to follow gēn

side; aspect miàn

to tell; to complain sù

to love ài

already yǐ

possessive p. zhī

to ask wèn

mistake; bad cuò

child hái

this sī

to become chéng

it tā

to feel; emotion gǎn

to do gàn

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law fǎ

electric diàn

between; room jiān

which nǎ

West xī

oneself jǐ

to wait; season hòu

mw. for time cì

letter; to trust xìn

joyous huān

just (right); correct zhèng

real; honest shí

to shut guān

to enter jìn

vehicle chē

year nián

to like xǐ

to recognize rèn

to overcome; gram kè

father bà

who shuí/shéi

place; square fāng

old prefix lǎo

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should; ought to yīng

comparison p. bǐ

to help bāng

not to have; -less wú

evening; late wǎn

to move dòng

head tóu

machine jī

to divide; fraction fēn

special; unique tè

mutual; each other xiāng

all; whole quán

to kill shā

to need; to want xū

to put fàng

always; general cháng

straight zhí

just now; ability cái

beautiful měi

in; at; on yú

to bring; belt dài

today; now jīn

power lì

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work gōng

to permit xǔ

East dōng

name míng

same; similar tóng

long; length cháng

parent; relative qīn

kind zhǒng

one who (is) zhě

hey hēi

white; pure bái

to learn xué

safe; calm ān

thus; thou ěr

to call jiào

essence; truth lǐ

mw. for books; origin běn

country guó

ordinal number dì

friend yǒu

high; tall gāo

two (used with mw.) liǎng

to defend bǎo

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to invite qǐng

not fēi

heavy; serious zhòng

public gōng

to record jì

body shēn

to receive shòu

to live; to reside zhù

to live huó

to add; plus jiā

question word hé

companion; buddy huǒ

topic; subject tí

to finish; complete wán

to receive; to join jiē

to take ná

to gaze; to hope wàng

to divide; to explain jiě

his; hers; its qí

to leave; (distance) from lí

to chat tán

again; also yòu

new xīn

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more gèng

money qián

horse mǎ

to think; to consider sī

section; part bù

open area chǎng

approval interjection en

to plan jì

to appoint; office rèn

solid; real què

to eat chī

to begin shǐ

to produce jiē

sharp; benefit lì

friend péng

police; to warn jǐng

scholar; soldier shì

outside; foreign wài

mw. for items jiàn

difficult nán

mw. for people wèi

exterior surface biǎo

just (now); hard gāng

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rare: hope xī 

to research chá

to pull lā

side; edge biān

maybe; perhaps huò

will; shall jiāng

male nán

to allow zhǔn

to change biàn

proof zhèng

thing; object wù

employee; member yuán

always zǒng

moan sound ō 

system; to connect xì

how many jǐ

to control guǎn

to play wán

place; location chù

to do; to manage bàn

master; main zhǔ

air qì

each; every měi

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few; little shǎo

to cut; to slice qiē

to lose shī

to calculate suàn

nature; gender xìng

this; these cǐ

must; will bì

get ready bèi

to close; together hé

virtue; ethics dé

team; group duì

to test; to try shì

to carry in arms bào

medical yī

to connect; open tōng

body; form tǐ

happy lè

(not) at all bìng

three sān

early; morning zǎo

door; gate mén

harm hài

to apologize qiàn

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to choose xuǎn

an exclamation hāi 

house; room fáng

life; fate mìng

moreover; both qiě

towards; direction xiàng

feeling xìng

ball; sphere qiú

clothes; to serve fú

to enter rù

according to; to shine zhào

to lift tí

to fall; to lose diào

husband fū

road lù

to act; to develop yǎn

to be enough gòu

sun; day rì

legal case; record àn

to dance wǔ

to decide jué

to look for; to request qiú

appointment; to invite yuē

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word; character zì

belch; hiccup è

to agree kěn

eye mù

to laugh xiào

wound shāng

deity; spirit shén

father fù

finger; refer to zhǐ

to announce bào

to stay; to remain liú

water; liquid shuǐ

to teach jiào

gun qiāng

clear qīng

colour sè

number hào

life; age; world shì

far; distant yuǎn

thin piece; slice piàn

official guān

mouth kǒu

teacher; master shī

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original yuán

wine jiǔ

circle; week zhōu

star xīng

to know shí

competition sài

to save jiù

bottom; end dǐ

wonderful; stick bàng

must; beard xū

to receive shōu

to deliver; to pay jiāo

to sit zuò

to stop tíng

card; to block kǎ

Buddhist nun ní

to marry hūn

grid; pattern gé

eye yǎn

metal jīn

egg dàn

breath; to rest xī

room shì

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inside; inner nèi

to move; fortune yùn

root; basis gēn

single; list dān

jewel; treasure bǎo

elder brother gē

mw. for flat obj. zhāng

to make; to set up gǎo

to fight; war zhàn

fire huǒ

gauze; to gather luó

to arrive zhì

ten thousand wàn

sound; voice shēng

cloth; to spread bù

sound; noise yīn

period of time qī

mw. long thing obj. tiáo

to vanish; need xiāo

to buy mǎi

illness; disease bìng

ordered zhěng

strange qí

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young brother dì

to violate; to offend fàn

clothing; to pretend zhuāng

shell bèi

you (polite) nín

to give; to deliver sòng

to fear pà

to protect hù

degree; measure dù

flower; to spend huā

festival jié

near jìn

odd; monster guài

to maintain; to manage chí

bright; only guāng

and; with yǔ

to wear chuān

to hope; willing yuàn

elephant; form xiàng

image yǐng

to hit jī

to cause shǐ

two èr

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to drink hē

moon; month yuè

device; tool qì

to examine; to observe chá

to manufacture zhì

obvious p.; pause p. ma

laughter hā

to help zhù

to reach dá

ocean; sea hǎi

to wait; about to dài

support; to entrust tuō

to remove chú

to write xiě

sever; absolutely jué

boundary; scope jiè

emperor dì

older sister jiě

contrary; opposite fǎn

to undertake dān

to manage; department sī

strong; powerful qiáng

from; by yóu

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opinion; theory lùn

to fly fēi

Asia yà

to continue xù

to look at shì

mother mǔ

empty; air kōng

army jūn

to run pǎo

prefix for names ā

to greatest extent jìn

pay attention; to register zhù

to do nòng

secret mì

thread xiàn

to substitute; era dài

busy máng

bad; broken huài

long (time) jiǔ

to discuss yì

clothes yī

blood xiě

clock; o'clock zhōng

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to carry on jì

gift; ceremony lǐ

number; figure shù

mw. for papers, sets fèn

insane fēng

flat; equal píng

to prohibit zhǐ

ten shí

to pay respect bài

ghost guǐ

to sleep shuì

exclamation p. la

to transfer; tone diào

to stick to; close to bā

elder brother xiōng

strict; tight jǐn

to stop; station zhàn

goods; product pǐn

brave yīng

guilt; crime zuì

language; culture wén

bright; clear liàng

to grab zhuā

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to jump tiào

to unite; to join lián

to mix hùn

ordinary; convenient biàn

dog gǒu

brain; mind nǎo

occupation yè

song gē

essence; vitality jīng

to wrap; bag bāo

to turn zhuǎn

but; however què

to participate cān

courtyard; institution yuàn

affair; business wù

base; foundation jī

platform tái

other; another lìng

grace ēn

book shū

to unite tǒng

wind fēng

situation kuàng

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four sì

black hēi

to deny fǒu

danger xiǎn

words; speech yán

rice mǐ

distinguished jié

school xiào

fortunate xìng

to transfer; send chuán

to return; to repeat fù

quantity; amount liàng

head; chief shǒu

to change gǎi

to forget wàng

method; technique shù

office; narrow jú

customer; guest kè

fake; to borrow jiǎ

forever yǒng

to maintain wéi

years (of age) suì

according to; to seize jù

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school of thought pài

ticket piào

orchid lán

evil; ugly è

to trouble fán

to take qǔ

to swim; to travel yóu

dregs zāo 

command; to order lìng

to follow; comply suí

five wǔ

holy shèng

type; style shì

to explore tàn

mouth zuǐ

poison dú

to climb over yuè

law lǜ

expense fèi

division kē

hemp; rough má

simple jiǎn

easy yì

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to flow liú

to govern; solve zhì

to sing chàng

to reply; answer dá

to invert; actually dào

to paddle huá

to accuse; manage kòng

taste; smell wèi

area qū

to rinse piǎo

to support zhī

in; at; from hū

diary; record lù

to test kǎo

to exceed; super- chāo

to clap; to take (photo) pāi

light; gentle qīng

to link; even… lián

towards wǎng

to organize; group zǔ

to fill; satisfied mǎn

to build; to make zào

bullet dàn

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still; calm jìng

old; happening gù

to breathe; inhale xī

call attention wèi

to gather; to collect jí

extremely jí

to speak; lecture jiǎng

colloq. money; lump kuài

interesting qù

kind; category lèi

surprise p. yā

drama; trick xì

once; already céng

to contain; appearance róng

a step bù

to cast tóu

to change into huà

not; have not wèi

to bind; bundle shù

to wake up xǐng

power wēi

team; class bān

end; finish zhōng

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inferior; bad chà

dream mèng

to win yíng

medicine yào

to enlighten dí

inn; shop diàn

beautiful lì

to sell mài

prominent; to show xiǎn

to supervise jiān

diagram; map tú

half bàn

language; speech yǔ

to pay; hand over fù

hot rè

a row; to arrange pái

distinct; clear chǔ

to steal tōu

to dare gǎn

oil yóu

meal cān

broken; to destroy pò

cup bēi

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market; city shì

city; town chéng

child cry sound wā

authority; power quán

some; a certain mǒu

to excite; fierce jī

to stand lì

rule; order chéng

he; she yī

to invite; to discuss tǎo

duty zé

yesterday zuó

to close; to shut bì

main hall; courtyard tíng

to set; to decline luò

food; meal fàn

forest lín

to change huàn

to reach; up to jí

boat chuán

to strive for zhēng

to guess cāi

level; rank jí

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matron mǔ 

thunder léi

quarter (hour); to cut kè

to establish jiàn

round tuán

king wáng

frightened jīng

to welcome yíng

section duàn

sign; prize biāo

to check jiǎn

each; every gè

justice yì

hundred bǎi

the people mín

result; achievement gōng

yes wěi

night yè

to show shì

to lean on kào

to explain shì

face liǎn

to pull; to guide yǐn

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to select zé

to doubt yí

to hurry gǎn

wo (coll. 两)two (coll. 两)two (coll. 两)two (coll. 两)two (coll. 两)two
liǎ (coll. 两)two (coll. 两

alone dú

cold lěng

younger sister mèi

building; floor lóu

leather; skin pí

to exist; to deposit cún

to practice liàn

mother; young lady niáng

to pause; mw. for meals dùn

to break; definitely duàn

to set up shè

loose; to relax sōng

rich; extensive bó

to place zhì

to escape táo

to watch guān

ache; pain tòng

mad; wild kuáng

foot zú

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number; code mǎ

afraid kǒng

lucky jí

calendar; to experience lì

slow màn

wife qī

mountain shān

general; popular pǔ

price; value jià

unit of money yuán

angle; 0.1元 jiǎo

bosom; heart huái

bed chuáng

obscure ào

to imitate mó

to examine yàn

to search; to ask suǒ

street jiē

to call hū

to wish; to pray zhù

material; stuff liào

to rest xiū

quick; effective líng

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prison; lawsuit yù

drama; play jù

messy; disorder luàn

to spread out zhǎn

board; plank bǎn

to bear; to carry chéng

in contrast; norm zé

to look after gù

deep; profound shēn

give birth; to produce chǎn

to wash xǐ

political zhèng

fan (of) mí

neck lǐng

noon wǔ

to receive; to bring in nà

lie huǎng 

tool; ability jù

to retreat; to decline tuì

luck; fortune fú

to study; habit xí

secret mì

milk; breast nǎi

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to meet; to encounter yù

office; duty zhí

to support; framework jià

namely; at once jí

to stand upright tǐng 

history shǐ

to bear fù

thousand qiān

to take off tuō

auspicious ruì

back of object bèi

barely; merely jǐn

to chase zhuī

relationship lún

to fry in oil zhá

property; wealth zī 

to draw; picture huà

footprints; traces zōng 

to shoot shè

to abandon qì

foolish shǎ

to conceal; to store cáng

fart; nonsense pì

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to glance at qiáo

to repair xiū

corpse shī 

to hear; news wén

common; general gòng

to understand dǒng

stem of plant dì

danger wēi

specialized zhuān

stupid dāi

to introduce jiè

Bodhisattva sà

devil; magic mó

urgent; worried jí

to bump pèng

very shèn

cake gāo 

bitter; pain kǔ

to miss (sb); thought niàn

to fit; suitable shì

flower huā

to clash; to rinse chōng

to cheat piàn

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to loathe yàn

model; type xíng

wheat; oats mài

-like sì

red hóng

value zhí

foot jiǎo

six liù

plan; scheme móu

cover; mw. for sets tào

triumphant kǎi

many; crowd zhòng

to advance; prepare yù

border; between jì

we; us zán

wave bō

to guard wèi

to chat liáo

to raise; to bring up yǎng

to guide dǎo

to think over lǜ

private sī

to put on dài

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to destroy huǐ

fish yú

to boil gǔn

sign; ambition zhì

mixed zá

to reside; residence jū

word cí

food shí

promise nuò

to read dú

mistake wù

to release sā

to dash; sudden tū

cow niú

building; shop guǎn

a rule; compass guī

to accompany péi

a state zhōu 

flesh; meat ròu

form; appear xíng

culprit; scary xiōng 

forest sēn

commerce shāng

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order; to discipline jì

wave làng

stone shí

to obey; along shùn

to lift jǔ

to press; to restrain àn

journey lǚ

to exert nǔ

strong jiān

to measure cè

to exempt; to avoid miǎn

I see; oh ō

silk sī

mw. for vehicles liàng

tall; lofty qiáo

to protect fáng

sentence jù

to print; image yìn

to feel attached to liàn

not, negative fú

season jì

strict; tight yán

to push tuī

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eldest uncle bó

white jasmine lì

martial wǔ

victory shèng

hair; coarse máo

to push down yā

to defeat bài

after all; to investigate jiū

to comment; criticize píng

house; room wū

pair; double shuāng

tooth yá

to fight dòu

chicken jī

to examine shěn

South nán

fast; rapid sù

stupid chǔn 

husband zhàng

to guard shǒu

to capture; to reap huò

eight bā

fine; delicate zhì

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thin; fine xì

to rein in; to compel lè

to weigh; name chēng

pagoda; tower tǎ

to lose diū

ice bīng

attitude tài

to scare xià

ancient gǔ

to die wáng

suit; strong zhuàng

foolish, Shandong lǔ 

to be healed liáo

to operate cāo

to lose; to omit yí

to judge pàn

sound; noise xiǎng

net; network wǎng

box; chest xiāng

goods huò

to encircle wéi

to sign; label qiān

card; tablet pái

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door; household hù

to search xún

character; quality zhì

to supply gōng

prize jiǎng

pocket dài

beard; moustache hú

dirty zāng 

hall; mw. for furniture sets táng

extended màn

effect xiào

dew; to reveal lù

on behalf tì

elegant; delicate nuó

seat zuò

park yuán

to embrace yōng

eye; eyeball jīng

to emit mào

sweet tián

portion; thigh gǔ

fragrant xiāng

pen; brush bǐ

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sand shā

to disturb rǎo

to choose tiāo

aunt gū 

to explode bào

suppress; small town zhèn

violent; cruel bào

sleepy; difficult kùn

item; back of neck xiàng

approximate gài

to rub mó

although suī

knot; button; knob niǔ 

to enjoy xiǎng

to join; to match pèi

traces; ruins jì

to ascend dēng

give birth dàn

unexpectedly jìng

father's younger brother shū 

to arrest bǔ 

to gamble dǔ 

to obstruct zǔ

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colour; variety cǎi

to move (house) bān

category; affiliation shǔ

to recruit zhāo

grandmother pó

opportunely; timely qiǎo

bone gǔ

to stop up sāi

to remain shèng

ruthless; cool kù

coffee; morphine fēi 

subject; lesson kè

cigarette; to smoke yān

to absorb shè

to grant; title fēng

coffee (phonetic) kā 

low; beneath dī

skill jì

late; slow chí

paper zhǐ

to cook; roast/bake shāo

to entrust wěi

dark; gloomy àn

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left zuǒ

to lose shū

bent qū

still; yet réng

to tell; to teach xùn

to lend; to borrow jiè

to throw rēng 

virtuous; kind shàn

society shè

wheel; by turns lún

apex; to replace dǐng

intelligent cōng

handsome; elegant xiù

knife dāo

no; not mò

leg tuǐ 

race; nationality zú

shoes xié

soldiers bīng

lock suǒ

girl nī 

different; other yì

swear; oath shì

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tree shù

tree; wood mù

to plunder qiǎng 

grade (of goods); shelves dǎng

to employ gù

wide guǎng

cinnabar dān 

silver yín

mirror jìng

group qún

flat; smooth tǎn 

Han people hàn

earth tǔ

short; brief duǎn

partner bàn

to scatter bō

ring; to circle huán

to hate hèn

to move; to alter yí

to organize; to compile biān

warm wēn

to stab; to pierce cì

fine hair háo

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right yòu

field; wild yě

to cry kū

everywhere; all over biàn

warehouse kù

to put up dā

healthy kāng

disease; illness zhèng

glory; honour róng

to fill; to satisfy chōng

a wound chuāng

taste; experience cháng

to arrange; list liè

the whole of; to finish bì

sort; kind bān

to assemble jù

to toil láo

to attack gōng

to endure rěn

power; potential shì

senior; to honour zūn

kiss; lips wěn 

soup; hot water tāng

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excellent yōu

border; place jìng

cover; ignorant méng

accidental ǒu

cooked; ripe; familiar shú

camp; barracks yíng

to revive sū

father; grandfather yé

tiny wēi

fine dust; dirt āi 

to draw out chōu

lid; cover gài

light; lamp dēng

sedge grass shā

seat of power fǔ

to penetrate tòu

soul; spirit hún

skill; art yì

palm of hand zhǎng

what? shá

to ascend; promote shēng

trousers kù

to face lín

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wisdom zhì

plate pán

study; research yán

fragrant; luxuriant fēi 

to return guī

to hit zhuàng

secret yǐn

to be close to; to add fù

to seek sōu 

to arrange bǎi

to scatter sàn

male; sun yáng

to cooperate xié

to hire zū

safe; grand tài

island dǎo

healthy jiàn

biscuit bǐng 

comparatively jiào

to flee; to avoid bì

cat māo

seven qī

dish; cuisine; vegetable cài

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sugar; sweets táng

imbecile chī

rich; abundant fù

to drop; descend jiàng

to pity lián

already; both… jì

to weave zhī

to execute; to grasp zhí

to warn jiè

Buddha fó

to resist; anti- kàng

stupid bèn

boat; to sail háng

wonderful miào

to pass by mài

ear ěr

spoon chí

to announce xuān

soft; rotten làn

a second miǎo 

to hang; to register guà

beside; side páng

brave yǒng

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key; lock yào/yuè

sorrow bēi

married woman fù

ring; to circle quān

to respect jìng

strong; tough jìn/jìng

handkerchief pà

grass cǎo

intoxicated zuì

to tie bǎng 

layer; floor (of building) céng

to quarrel chǎo

dragon lóng

to wave; to disperse huī

to strive fèn

to remember yì

to break; to turn zhé

that; those bǐ

tip; final mò

North běi

scenery jǐng

to irrigate wò

to abolish fèi

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secondary; vice- fù

silent mò

iron tiě

at first chū

snow xuě

tile; pottery wǎ 

raw silk; nature sù

to prohibit jìn

honest; sincere chéng

yellow huáng

enemy; to resist dí

Summer xià

expensive guì

Europe ōu

dawn dàn

to depend on yī

to forgive liàng

table zhuō

male (non-human) xióng

male; fourth dīng

leisurely; to stretch shū

powder fěn 

old jiù

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dynasty cháo

hall tīng

polite gōng

steam qì

to make up for bǔ

apprentice tú

somewhat; a little shāo

to shake yáo

to hide duǒ 

window chuāng

source; origin yuán

blue lán

chapter zhāng

to extinguish miè

aches; pains téng

lonely gū

to slip; cunning huá

to break; broken suì

weak ruò

meticulous; young zǐ

section kuǎn

to resist jù

river hé

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to associate with wǔ

line; streak wén

smell; stink chòu

fantasy huàn

child tóng

writing brush hàn

to dodge; flash shǎn

to injure; cruel cán

bird niǎo

to ride qí

to translate; to flip fān

continent; island zhōu

to submerge; sink chén

hungry è

to smash zá

mutual hù

roll; to roll up juǎn

to drag tuō

melon guā

example; case lì

money; wealth cái

bottle; vase píng

wall qiáng

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fist; boxing quán

prison; stable láo

dictionary; law diǎn

waste lā 

to dye; to acquire rǎn

free; to inundate màn

to touch chù

ribs; to threaten xié

garbage jī 

to grant shī

breast; chest xiōng 

cloudy; female yīn

be pregnant yùn

to irritate rě 

hard yìng

to seize dài

to melt xiāo

country; nation bāng

to take by force jié

to raid xí

to bring up yù

insects chóng

to hate xián

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tired lèi

terror; fear bù

to grasp wò

rain yǔ

lack quē

gem lín

black; corrupt mò

to force pò

to select; looks cǎi

generation bèi

to submerge xiàn

to stamp feet dǎo 

limit xiàn

huge jù

dried fish bào

needle zhēn

elegant yǎ

now; here; this zī 

tail wěi

green/blue; young qīng

mat; banquet xí

to pressure bī 

like; similar to yóu

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to dress up bàn

to praise; to support zàn

to invite yāo 

clean jìng

noisy nào

to call on; to inquire fǎng

good; very much liáng

to rebel; rebellion pàn

to operate vehicle jià

pattern; model fàn

sudden(ly), Russia é

pig zhū

hot taste; hard xīn

pine/fir tree shān 

wash in sieve táo

cave; hole dòng

hat; crown guān

big; great wěi

precious zhēn

plum méi

clear; bright lǎng 

owe; lack qiàn

rip up; haul chě 

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clown; ugly chǒu 

to compete jìng

liquid solution jì

fierce; intense liè

plum lǐ

village cūn

strict lì

kitchen chú

to grant yǔn 

to teach shòu

to pile up; heap duī

to celebrate qìng

rate lǜ

anger; rage nù

residence yù

sap; juice yè

to speak; meaning wèi

to estimate gū

fresh xiān

grind; rub mó

handsome shuài

prostitute biǎo 

urine niào

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key(board) jiàn

surplus yú

to continue shào

baby; doll wá

to punish xíng

to sweep sǎo

seed hé

to decrease; damage sǔn

to dispute biàn

accustomed to guàn

proud ào

to lower jiǎn

bubble; to steep pào

feel with hand mō

outstanding zhù

way; route tú

jetty jī 

drum gǔ

fortress bǎo

stupid yú

quick mǐn

edition bǎn

small box hé

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to agree dìng

to mail jì

to earn zhuàn

feudal title jué

material cái

to ladle chéng

especially yóu

emperor huáng

to take by force duó

post; mail yóu

all; together jù

nine jiǔ

to steal dào

Chinese "foot" chǐ

pleasant yú

order; sequence xù

rat shǔ

curtain mù

kick tī 

to regret hàn

excessive tài

to partition gé

to penetrate chè

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to insert; pierce chā

to hunt liè

still; yet; to value shàng

to hide; hidden qián

to assign; faction gòu

bake; roast kǎo 

quickly huò

to regret huǐ

temporary zàn

bright; crisp shuǎng

to pierce zhā

beginnings; thread xù

to question xùn

to vomit tù

to blow chuī

guest; visitor bīn 

spy zhēn 

particle kē

peaceful níng

penalty fá

to wish for; desire yù

countryside xiāng

hat mào

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to prevent dù

heroic háo

to recruit zhēng

to enclose; to include kuò

stare at dīng 

steady; stable wěn

gall; bravery dǎn 

first; shell jiǎ

to depend on; bad lài

beer pí

to respect; wear (belt) pèi

to start; to open qǐ

embryo; foetus tāi 

screen zhàng

to bestow shǎng

throw (away) pāo 

meet by chance zāo

seem like ruò

ladder tī 

to shake zhèn

to tell shù

short time zhèn

ceremony yí

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clever; shrewd guāi

palace gōng

bite; gnaw yǎo 

to pray dǎo 

ancestor zǔ

honey mì

to frolic shuǎ 

to join together pīn

to cherish xī

loyal zhōng

policy cè

nose bí

to drill zuān

pond; reservoir chí

emptiness; modest xū

mulberry tree sāng 

to collect shí

to dive; swim yǒng 

frequently pín

sharp; acute jiān 

to extend; to state shēn

to disobey wéi

zero líng

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to diagnose zhěn 

to exhale xū 

to fear jù

to help; to save zhěng 

scar hén

to criticize pī

green lǜ

to ride chéng

beautiful jiā

bear xióng

hot; spicy là

to lie down tǎng 

to pray qí

fat; plump féi

location zhǐ

divination zhān

net luò

to cover yǎn 

to save; province shěng

sheep yáng

wasteland huāng 

to supervise dū

to omit chè

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fat pàng

words cí

to increase; add zēng

to help yuán

young man láng

to offer xiàn

to wipe cā 

agriculture nóng

demonic; evil xié

marriage yīn 

to restore huī 

to copy miáo

mw. for horses pǐ

soft; flexible ruǎn

to bury mái

miserable cǎn

ocean yáng

pure chún

to bathe yù

to paste; to post tiē

officer wèi

summary; sketch lüè

symbol; charm fú

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to invade qīn 

shore; land lù

to carry zài

to crawl; climb pá

to dig wā 

pride jiāo 

beast shòu

to marry jià

clean jié

early morning chén

to shout hǎn 

to play music zòu

ashes huī 

to stumble shuāi 

disgrace; shy xiū 

neighbour lín

chair yǐ 

face yán

cheat qī 

to hold; end points duān

congratulate hè

tea chá

to block zhàng

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kind; charitable cí

enemy; hate chóu

factory chǎng

to blame yuàn

humble; worse xùn

dawn; black lí

scissors jiǎn 

Spring chūn

forehead é

bean dòu

to stop; to suspend bà

crack liè

to obstruct dǎng

to lean; oblique piān

paste hù

to crouch wò

to strike qiāo 

funeral sāng 

crow wū

to purchase gòu

field; region yù

idle xián

universe yǔ

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surname xìng

to bury (dead) zàng

party; association dǎng

to sell shòu

to apply (paint) tú


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