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1. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
1. A. laughter B. naughty C. pause D. laught
2. A.I~bel B. pgtient C. salary D. vgcant
3. A. thanks B. than C. throw D. Thursday
4. A. banks B. coasts C. shores D. sinks
5. A. ceased B. decreased C. released D. teased
2. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
6. A. bonus B. button C. coastal D. mature
7. A. healthy B. parade C. social D. temper
8. A. classroom B. deny C. enjoy D. preserve
9. A. movement B. passable C. practical 0: solution
10. A. inventory £3. literacy C. official D. stationery
1. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.
1. The news of his sudden death took us all by .
A. aback B. shock C. back D. surprise
2. Ibought these trousers in the sales. They were a real .
A. cheap B. bargain C. purchase D. buy
I gave the shop : £ 10 and she gave me four pounds change.
A. assistant B. manager . C. keeper D. seller
4. Adults have to pay £3 to get in, while children under 14 are .
A. spare B. away C. free D. off -
5. I my hand to draw her attention but she took no ' of me.
A. waved/ notice B. shook! notice C. waved! attention D. shook/ attention
6. The students clapped their hands when the scientist came forward to receive
the ..' .. of Doctor of Cambridge.
A. qualification B. degree C. certificate D. licence
7. We suggested a lot of things, which were all ..
A. returned B. denied C. rejected D. refused
8. John asked his parents if they would pay off his : .
A. credits . B. purchase C. accounts D. debts
9. .. are that you have not seen a frog for some time.
A. Posslbilities B. Chances C. Opportunities D. Occasions
10. There are no obvious reasons why certain frog are disappearing from. some
A. species B. ones C. breeds D. animals
2. Use tile correct form of tile word in capitals to fit each gap.
Let me make a suggestion to help you deal with
difficult situation. If, for example, you arc taking part in a
sports (1) • meeting someone important, or giving COMPETE
a (2L .__ in front of a large audience, you will probably PERFORM
be quite (3)__ .' and worry that you will not be as NERVE
(4)_ as you would like to be. What you need to do is SUCCEED
.to prepare yourself (5). _._. . . by running through the THOROUGH
whole (6).. . over and over again in your mind; ACTIVE
(7)_'__ ._. __ going through every detail. For example, .a CARE-
famous pianist= (8)__ ~ __ for seven years for political PRISON
reasons, could still play (9) ...__ ..on his release. When MAGNIFICENCE
asked-how he managed to play so well, his (lOL . EXPLAIN
. was that he had practised every day in his mind. -
1. Use the correct tense and form to fit each gap. .
1. Always optimistic, my grandfather looks forward to : (continue) his busy life
. as a pensioner.

2. Just (have) a beautiful or handsome face which everyone .
(recognize) causes a lot of problems.
3. In the army, all orders have to be (carry out) by the soldiers.
4. Why don't you let me (show) you around the city?
5. . (you find out) what time the train leaves yet?
6. Harry (bring up) by his grandparents after his parents had died 111 the
7, It (long know) that the earth is warm enough to support life.
8. I (work) all day so I feel worn out.
9. The reasons why people are attracted to each other (know) for a long time.
10. Frogs with lighter coloured skins might be more likely (survive) in a warm
2. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the sentence.
1. Just a minute! I've forgotten your cheque.
A. signing 8. to sign.
C. in signing D. sign
2. I'm trying to save for my holidays so I'm some money each week.
A. putting aside B. put aside
C. putting away D. put away
3. You'd better take his proposal ..~ before your final decision.
A" by surprise/ making B. by surprise/ doing
C. into account! making D. into account/ doing
4. .. in business, one must be prepared to take risks.
A. Succeeding B. Succeed
C. Succeeded D. To succeed
5. The postman couldn't make out addressed to, so he took it back.
A. the letter B. who the letter was
C. where the letter was D. the letter was
6. If I took the job, it would to the city.
A. mean I moved .. B. mean to move
C. have meant moving D. mean my moving
7. I waited for him until 8.30, I gave up.
A. which time B. at which time
C. that time D. at that time
8.' It's high time we something about the pollution.
A.. did B. had done
C. made D. had made
9. Paul said it was accidental, but I'm sure on purpose.
A. him to do B. him to make
C. he did it D. he made it
10. My uncle is still active, conversations with him to be
A. despite! tends B. though/ tends
C. although/ tend D. while/ tends
1. Choose the word or "rase in the box to fill each 00 •
residents localized former disaster discovered
disposal deadly neglect released persisted -
During the 20th century, pollution evolved from a mainly (I ) problem to one
of global consequences in which pollutants not only (2) in the environment, but
changed atniospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay (3) was the first
major indication that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste
(4) practices, in particular, hazardous waste disposal. In the years that fcllowed, many
more instances of (5) or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination . .In
1976 an explosion at a chemical factory. in Seveso, Italy, (6) clouds of toxic dioxin
. into the area, exposing hundreds of (7). and killing thousands of animals that ate

exposed food. In 1978 it was (8) that the Love Canal housing development in Nev-i
York State was built on a (9) chemical waste dump. The development was declared
uninhabitable. The world's worst industrial accident occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A
. (10) gas leaked fr0111an American chemical plant, killing more than 3,800 people and
injuring more than 200,000.
2. Use ONE word to fill each gap.
All tournament chess games are played with a chess clock - that is two clocks joined
together. When one player makes his move, he presses a button (I ).., stops his clock and
starts his opponent's clock. (2) fails to keep to the time limit, no (3);. what
the position on the board, loses the game. Weekend tournaments with a fast .time limit and long
. sessions of play of (4)................. to twelve hours a day are very strenuous and result
(5).~ fatigue and time troubles. The play is quite sharp. Active, attaching chess
(6) the order of the day and it is difficult to maintain (7) : sustained, precise
defence against such play. A score of the game must be kept as play goes oil. Each move is
written (8) on a score sheet, which (9) to be handed to the tournament
officials at the end of each round. The only though in everyone's head is (10) win;
Talent and youth-that's (11) - is needed for success at chess, with the emphasis
(12) youth. Some approach the board with a slow, purposeful manner (13) .
giving you a second glance - you simply don't count. They seem to imply that (14) .
'outcome is a foregone conclusion for them; you only (15) ........ :.... ;... toaccept it with good grace.
,3. Pick out the 'w()rd whicti is riot 'needed ;'1 1110Stlines of the passage. Tick (y") the correct line.
i ,.
(0) ./ ' I'll never forget the first time I went to a football match. "I
(00) for, , wasn't very -interested in sport at all at that time but 'for my Dad
(1) came home with some tickets that a friend had been given him.
(2) He asked rne whether I'd like to go with him and I said that 1
(3)___ would, even though I thought' it was going to be really boring.
(4) Every one time he was watching football on television at home, 1
(5) was used to 'read a book or leave the room. However, as, I found
(6) out, the match 'I was going to was playing between our local team
(7) and the team from a nearby city. They have always been rivals.
(8) When we got into the stadium; 1 was amazed because I had never
(9) seen such an 'enormous crowd before. The noise they were making
(10) incredible and this was before that the game had even.started!
(ll)= ~hen it did start, it was really exciting. The supporters have
(12) shouted the Whole time and that when our team scored after ten
(13)= minutes long, therewere wild celebrations. Unfortunately, the
(14)__ other team scored twice times after that. I soon got to know the
(15)__ names of our players and by the end I was shouting too. We lost
the match but I had a great time and I've become a football fan.
1. Choose the word or phrase which best fits each gap of the passage.
Our school Sports were held last week, and the whole afternoon was a disaster. For a
start, very (I ) people bothered to turn (2) ..; , and there is nothing (3) ..
than trying to win a race with only three or four people cheering you on. It rained (4) ..
afternoon, from the moment the first starting pistol (5) 'fired, until the last medal had I

(6) presented. I was in the high jumps, (7). meant funning lip to do my best
jumps and then landing (8) a pool of cold muddy water. It was raining (-9) ..
hard that we couldn't see the runners, in the 5000 metres, and it (10) out that they had
all stopped (II ) the other side of the field to shelter under a tree. My other event was
~ the javelin, but (12) 'time I tried to throw, the javelin kept slipping from my hand. In
(13) case, I couldn't see where I was throwing, and when I (14) finally
manage to launch my javelin ~. into the air, it disappeared
in the di~ection of
the railway line, and
was never see (15) .

l. A. little B. small C. few D. rare
2. A. up B. about C. round D. over
3. B. better C.left D. worse
4. A. by B. the C. entire D. all
5. A. had B. was C.has D. been
6, A. to B. had C. been D. itself
7. A. which B.and C. so D. nevertheless
8. A. on B. at C. in D. to
9. A. so B. as C. and D. very
10. A. worked B. found C. looked D. turned
11. A. under B.on C. through D. about
12. A·\tP B. in C. every D. a
13. A. this B. the C. whatever D.any
14. A. did B. had C. should O. have
15. A. there B. again c. to D. back
2. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Unwanted sound, or noise, such as that produced' by airplanes, traffic, or industrial
machinery, is consiae~ed a form of pollution. Noise pollution it at its worst in densely populated
areas. It can cause hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss, distraction, and lost
.productivity. . ,. . .. ' '.'..', '.... ' ...'.
, 's: Sounds are produced objects thai vibrate at ~ rate, 'that the earcan detect. This rate is t :,

called frequency and is measured in hertz, or vibrations per second. Most humans can hear
sounds between 20 and 20,000 hertz" while dogs can hear high-pitched sounds lip to 50,000
hertz. While high-frequency sounds tend to be more hazardous and more annoying to hearing
- .~
than low-frequency sounds, most noise pollution damage is related to the intensity of the sound,
or the amount of energy it has. Measured in decibels, noise intensity can range from zero, the
quietest sound the human' ear can detect, to over 160 decibels.' Conversation takes place at
around 40 decibels, a subway train is about go decibels, and a rock concert is from 80 to 100
decibels. The intensity of a nearby jet taking off is about 110 decibels. The threshold for pain,
tissue damage, and potential hearing loss in humans is 120 decibels. Long-lasting, high-intensity
sounds are the most damaging to hearing and produce the most stress in humans. '
Solutions to noise pollution include adding insulation and sound-proofing to doors, alls,
and ceilings; using ear protection, particularly in' industrial working areas; planting vegetation to
absorb and screen out noise pollution; and zoning urban areas to maintain a separation ,between
residential areas and zones of excessive noise.
l. Noise pollution may
A. be caused by airplanes. B. put you off at work.
C. Make people deaf. D. A, Band
2. Hertz is
A. a unit of frequency.
B. a unit of sound.
C. a unit of high-frequency sounds.
D. used to measure high-pitched sounds.
3. High-frequency sounds tend to be
A. as annoying as low-frequency sounds.
B. appreciated by dogs.
C. good for h{lliian ears.
D. more hazardous than low-frequency sounds.
4. The human ear can stand up to
A~ sounds from zero to i60 decibels.
B. sounds from] 20 to ] 60 decibels.
C. sounds from zero to 120 decibels,
D. sounds from 40 upwards.
5. How many solutions to noise pollution are suggested by the passage?
. A. Three. B., Four. C. Five. ' D. Six.

1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use the word
·1. i talked to Mary and then went home.
On the way home '-- to Mary.

2. Unfortunately, you have not passed the test.

We --'-'-".,.--
__ have not passed the test.
3. I wish I had married Mary!
regret :::: ~

____ '_' .-:-,_,.

__ M~~y.
4. We cou ld hear voices. -t>:
next door. ,...
We --------- next door.
5. I'd appreciate it if YOl;:~~re a bit quieter.
• • <;~,

try . :~" :: . -I:; - ·1

. Could -',-'-,;_' :iess noise, please?

2. Write a second sentence assimilar in;meaning as the first one. Use the word given .
• <- •.•

6. He always makes everything look so difficult!

~ : :: '" .' .


7. Thunder terrifies me! .'


8. You needn't feel so superior - you are no-better than they are!
nose . ." i

. ::
9. We have nearly reached the deadline for this job!

10.- Any personal involvement on the' part of the Prime Minister in this scan~al would be

AI. Chon til ~6 gach chan oUQc phat am khac vdi nhirng til con lai:
11 A. Complete B. Object ' C. Defend D. Prevent,
21 A. Rhinoceros . B. Habitat C. Vehicle D. Whale
31 A. Involved B. Decided C. Explained D. Swallowed.
41 A. admit B. confide 'C. decide . D. retire
51 A. lgnd B. save C. crgrnp D. cash
61 A. tapes B. cakes C. chores D. d<l:tes
B. Chon til co trong am chinh nhan V30 am tie't co vi ttf khac voi cac tit con lai:
71 A. Apology B. Canoeing C. Industry D. Disaster. "
81 A. Interview B. Shortage C.Applicant D. Supportive
91 A. certificate B. apartment C. individual" D. biology
. 101 A. scientific B. availlable C. suspicious D. supportive
Chon tu hoac ' C\lID til thich hop nha'tid€' hoan thanh cau san:
'y II/.When her for the job was refused , she felt very disappointed.
A. applicant B. applicable , C. application D. apply
121 The Red List is a special book that provides names of animals .
. . A. endangered and hunted B. extinct and killed .
- I
C. sold and hunted D. vulnerable and endangered
131 My father helps my mother with the 'housework. He proves to be especially
when she is sick.
A. support· B. supporting C. supportive D. supported
.141 They have been in love with each other they were young.
A. since 'B. while. C .. until D. all are correct
._.._!_?L~~~~ funs ..prevented .him -----,-- with his studies.
A. from continuing B. with continuing
.c. to continuing . D. of continuing
161 Parents children are in college are working longer hours to pay their tuition.
A. who B. whom' C. whose D. that
171 The room when I arrived .
A.~:.:wasbeing cleaned B. is cleaned C. was _cleaning D.was cleaned
18! It is dark in here. Can I the. lights.
A. fill in B. look at C. take off D. turn.on
19/ Many species of animals have disappeared. They have become _---'- _
A. die B. death C. extinct D. dangerous,
201 The more electricity you use, ----,- _
A. the higher your bill will be . B. the higher will be your bill
C. your bill will be higher . D: the highest' your bill will be .
211 their valuable fur, many animals are hunted.
A, Because B. Inspite of C. because of D. therefore
22/ "When ?" " In 1928 " .
A. did penicillin discovered B. penicillin·~as discovered
C. did penicillin discover D. was penicillin discovered
231 It is that I can't put it down.
A. such interesting book B. ~o interesting book
" C. too interesting book D. such an interesting book
241These .days everybody is aware _ the danger of smoking.
A. up B. of C. on D. with
25/John told me about his new job, very much.
A. that he's enjoying B. he's enjoying
C. which he's enjoying D. he's enjoying it .
26/ Sahara is _____ biggest desert in Africa.
A._/ the I B. The' _ / _ C. _, The / an D. The / the /
27/ The students are being made harder.
A. work B. worked C. to work D. working
28/ the weather is, 1 feel.
A. The warm / the good B. The wa rmer , the better
C. Warmer / better D. The warmest / the best
29rI can't speak English, _
,.. ; .
A. neither can she B. she can' l either
C. she can '·t too D. A, B are correct
30/ He told me_-,-f _' _
A. to give up smoke B. giving up smoking
C. to give up smoking D. gaveup smoking
. 31/ she said that she 'for fi ve hours .
. A. had been driving B. has been driving C. drove D. would drive
32/ If you right away ,you would probably catch the train.
A. left B.willieave C. would leave D. leave
33i my father is old, he still goes jogging. - .J

: A. Although B. Because of ": C. So that D. Despite

34/ I advised him. too much about. the result of the test.
A not worrying B. not to worrying . C. not to worry D. don't worry
35/ He asked me home the day before.
I leave
A.what t~I1!C;: B. what time I.will leave
C. what time I left D .. what time I had left
36/ Where is Mary? _ She her homework in her room.
A. is performing B. is making C. is doing D. is learning
37/ The development of wildlife habitat reservesis a good conservation measure_ .
. A. to prevent endangered species B. to feed endangered species
C . Lobenefit from endangered species. D. to save endangered species
381 Don't drink to dive. The effects of alcohq~ can be extremely in diving.
A. endanger . B. endangered C. dangerous Di dangcr
391 Men are at making decisions than women.
A. better B. good. ~ C. more D. well
. 40/ Paula wishes she . more time to spend on her hobbies
A. had B. has C. can have D. willhave
4l/ The members of the Red Cross were dedicated their whole life to the sufferings
of human beings,
A. reduction . B: reducing C. reduce D. reductive
421 My grandfather died after ~e .,- ill for a long time.
A. had been B. was' C. has been D. would be
431 It is easier to .get there foot than by car.
A. in' B. at . D. on
441 The plane took off the fog.
. :
A. because of. B. because C. despite D. although
45/ Don't worry .You --=- imformed if there is a change of plan .

. A. would be B. will C. will be D. had
46/ This is the shortest way to the city center; it is not the only way ..
A. however B. although C. therefore D. while
47/ A mystery is something that --"-
A. must explain B. mustn't explain
C. can be explained D: can't be explained
48/ That is the interesting novel I've ever read.
A. more B. so C. most 9..very
49/ At present, gazelles are danger because of human poaching.
A. up B. in C. on D. with
50/ Columbus was one of first people to cross __ ~ Atlantic.
A. _ 1 the I_ , B. The I the 1 the C. _ 1 the 1 the D. j a 1 an
511 If we your address, we'd ha vc written to you.
A. knew B. could know C. have known D~ had known
52/ During the school' year I'm. not allowed T.V until I have finished my
A. watched B. watch C. to watch D. watches
.·531 I gave the little boy some biscuits, he ate immediately.
A. that B. which C. who D. what r
54/ By 2050, medical technology _.: many diseases.
A. will have conquered B. conquered C. has conquered D. is conquering
55/ Neither of them will be treated preferentially, ?
A. won't they B. will they C. won't them D. will them
56/ We have enough food at heme, so we go shopping today.
A. must B. needn't. C. should D. might
571 We try to help our mother household chores.
A. make B.take C. build
58/ It was quite cold it was very sunny.
A. although B. because C. so that D. as
59/ I like Nha Trang , ~.
A. which has a beautiful beach B. it has a beautiful beach
C. where has abeautiful beach D. that it has a beautiful beach
60/ He asked me to her party the day before.
A. whether I corne . B. if I would come C. whether I came D. if I had come
AI. Xac dinh ttl' hoac cum tit co gach chan, r.~n phai sti'a diSdiu trd thanh chfnh X2.C:
6i/ My parents (A) let ( B )~. (C) to go out without ( D ) saying anything.
62/ The students ( A ) were (B-) interesting (C) in taking a trip to the National History
Museum, but they (D 2~e not able to raise enough money.
631 George (A) hasn'l completed (B) the as~ignment yet, (C) SLn_Q_Maria(D) hasn't_toQ.
64/ The (A) more you (B) practice, (C) the fluently YOll can (D) speak.
65/ Janet and Betty ( A ) plays ( R ) tennis every ( C ) afternoon with (D ) Jack and mc.
A. Xac (Jjnh tit hOijc cum tit co gach chan, dn phai sli'a di cau trd thanh chfnh xac:
661 Tom (A) used to ~oing to (B) a 'Jot of partic-s (C)_ ,\ihen (D) he was astudent,
61/ He (A) apologizeq (B) with me (C) for arriving (D) late.
68/ As (A) chilcli grow (B) older, (C) their bones become (D) thicker and longer.
69/ We didn't (A) go out (B) because of (C) the· (D)'heavilY rain.
70/ This bed, (A) where he (B) used to rest on, (C) is made (D) of wood ...
B.·ChQn diu (ting vOi A hoac B! C, D ) thich ~qp cau sau :

711 Noone has used that door 1'or20 years.
A. That door wasn't used for 20 years. B. That door has not been used for 20 years.
C. That door has been not used for 20 years.
D. That door has been used by none for 20 years.
721 The police officer said to us ;"where are you going?"
A. The police officer wanted to know us where we were going.
B. The police officer wanted to know where were we going.
C. The police offi~er asked us where you Were going.
D. The police officer asked LIS where we were going:
731 I ha ve tried hard bur I can not earn enough money.
A. AlthoughI have tried hard, I can't cam enough money.
B. I have tried hard and so 1 can earn enough money.
C. I have tried hard so that I can cam enough money.
D. I have, tried hard; therefore I can't earn enough ~?ney.
741 As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
A. The mo.r~ popular be corrlc television programme~~ the worse they seem.
B. The popular television programmes, the worse they seem ..
.C. The more popular television programmes become, the worse they seem.
D. The most popular television programmes become, the worst they seem.
751 She started working as a secretary five years ago -.
I. • :. ~ • •

A. 'She used to. work as; a seCtet~ry five years ago.· ~ ·1

B: It's fiv~ y;ears since she started workingas a .secretary.

~:,.' She has ~p!ked as a :secretary for five years.
D. , Both B &. C arc correct.
B. Chon ,cau (u·ng v.o.i. ~ hoac B, C, D ) thfch hop diu sao. :.
761 I like-classical
and he does, too.
A .. Both he and I like classical music. B. Neither he nor I like classical music.
C.· I like classical music more- than him.
D. I like classical music, but he likes. it more than me.
77/ Jane hardly ever enjoys eating vegetables.
A.~.hc enjoys eating vegetables. B.She is fond of eating vegetables.
C.She almost never eats v.9·gi:lables. D.She sells' vegetables for living.
781 You drink too rnuchcoffcc ; that's why you can't sleep.
A;·· If you didn't prink too much coffee, you could sleep .
.B. You couldn't sleep although you drank too much coffee.
Co If you hadn't-drunk too-much coffee, you could have slept.
D. If you don't drink too much coffee, youcan sleep. '.
791 Why don't we go to\ the beach this Sunday"
1\.. This Sunday is the best time to go to the beach.
B. Let's go to the beach this Sunday.
C. 1 suggest we should go r.O the beach this Sunday.
D. Both Band Care correct.
'801 She said to us " Don't be late again ''.
A. She said us not to be late aga,in . B. She told us not to be late again.
C. She told us not be late again. D. ·She told us to be not late again.

4 9


A. Chon tu thich hop d& ditn vao ch6 trong trotrg doan van sau:
A large supermarket was looking for a manager for a new store they were
planning to open. Out of over 90 people who had applied for the post they had chosen
five and asked them to come for an interview.
The first _ (81 )__ , Mr Riley. walked into the interview room. He was
smartly dressed, but it was clear that he was listening to a personal stereo. He sat
down, _(82) __ off his shoes and lit a cigarette. One of the interviewers said that
they would prefer him not to smoke and Mr. Riley apologized. Just at that moment, a
telephone rang. Mr. Riley reached into his pocket, took __. _(83) __ his mobile
phone and began a conversation with a friend of his. After a, minute or two, the
interviewers had enough and said they wanted to begin. "Certainly, go ahead,"said t,

Mr. Rilcy. They __ (84) him why he wanted the job. "lt~on'l." he replied.
"But I .........
(8S)_likc a day in London, and you've already paid my train fare to come
up here for the interview.

81. A. applied B. application' C applicant J:?applier

82. A. took B. put C wore D..taken
83. A off B. in C. out D. over
84."]\. said B. told C. warned D, asked
85. A. felt B.wanted Co was D. needed

, I

A.ChQn tu
thfch hop d~ di~n vao chc5 tr6ng trong doan van sau:
. Once there were lots of pandas in
the mountains of western ,China. To day, they
are _"_"(86) __ ext-net. The reason is that they can not find enough food. Pandas eat
_(87) __ They do 'not like anotherfood.
leaves. The bamboo grows very slowly. It
can take 10 years for a bamboo ~o grow from a seed to fl big plant. B()~le types of
bamboo have seeds only once every 60 years. Pandas _:;___(~8L"r- wait many years
for their food to grow. While the bamboo is growing, 'pandas do not have enough
leaves to eat. China and World Wildlife Fund ( WWF ) arc trying; to save th-e panda.
In 1979·they began ro set up special parks _,_" (89) , pandas live. Scientists come
here to study the panda's eating and mating habits. By learning more about the
panda's habits, scientists can save it from _,_, (90) __ .
.86. A~.being B·. becoming C. having D. making
87. A. banana B. cabbage C. grass D. bamboo
88. A. must B. should C. ought D. might
99. A. what B. because C. where D. when
90. A. appearance B. destruction C. extinction ,D. damage
B. HQc ky doan van va tra l(li cac Call hOi b~ng each ChQD phuong an dung.
The elephant is the largest animal to walk on Earth, An elephant can carry a
load of 1,200 pounds. They eat 300 pounds of food a day. An elephant baby can weigh
200 pounds at birth. Elephants can live 'up to 70 years. Elephants can he tra incd to
carry logs with their trunks. They also usc their trunks for drinking. water, bathing,
eating and communicating. There are two kinds of elephants: the African 'elephant
and the Indian elephant. African elephant can be characterized as larger ears. The
African elephant grows up to 10 feet and weighs as much as 12,000 pounds. The
Indian elephant grows up to 9 feet tall, and weighs up to 800 pounds. This elephant is
characterized as smaller ears. Another name for the Incian elephant is the Asian


9l/ What is the topic of the passage?
A. African elephant· B. Indian elephant
C. Elephants D. Elephants' trunks
92/ How much does a baby elephant weigh at birth?
A. 70 pounds B ..200 pounds
. C. 300 pounds D. 1,200 pounds
93/ According to the passage, elephants can use their trunks for the following
activities EXCEPT?
A. Bathing B. communicating
C. Sleeping D. Drinking
94/ Which kind of elephant is the largest?
A. The Indian elephant B. the African elephant
C. the As~an elephant D. the Indian and Asian elephant I
95/ An Indian elephant has --'- than an African elephant?
A. alonger tail B. a stronger trunk
'C: smaller ears D. bigger teeth
B. DQc ky doan 'Van va tra I'Oi de cau hOi biing each chon phuung an dung.

The stud~nt. Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) was started after a

University of North Carolina student ad in a Greenpeace magazine in

'1988 requesting
that there
.be". . some tJ~d,s of international,

students - based coalition - .J

of environmental activists.' Now SEAC includes more than 1,500 different high
. . ,.'
:. ::. .. (.'

schools and colleges around the world. The site's' primary goal is to raise awareness

and encourage activism about current, environmental issues among students and youth.

This page is a starting point, for those interested in the social and political aspects of

these activities .. '

96/ What is the fir~t"~ork ofSEAC ?

A. To publish an ad in a greenpeace magazine.
B. To raise awareness and encourage activism about current environmental
issues among students and youth.
C. To build-many high schools andcolleges around the world.
D. To help students understand the environment.
97/ How many high 'schoois' arid colleges' arc there in SEAC?
A. mort;,~hao 1,500 B. less than 1,500
C. only a few' , D. few
98/ Which of thefollowing is not true?
A. SEAC includes more than 1,500 high schools and colleges.
B. The goal of- 8EAC is to raise awareness about environmental issues.
C. SEAC was started in 1988.
" D. The members of SEi\C arc politicians.
99/ What is SEAC concerned about?
A. politics B. economics
C. environment D. culture
100/ The word "aspect" means most nearly ?
A. problem. B. particular part
C. face D. difficulty


,.. I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from,;<~he others in the
.'.same line. (Sp) ...
1. A. Uruguay B. Argentina C. Germany D. Egypt
l 2. A. host B. trophy C. wqn D. polo
~~ 3. A. squash B. bgdminton C. jgvelin , .D. r~ppel
'lui to 4. A. scene B. sequence C. development D. completely
5. A. North America B. Thailand C. South Korea D. Ethiopia
!:I II: Choose the word which has different prominent stress from the others' in the same line. (Sp)
6. A. Brazil B. Italy C. Germany D. Mexico c-

7. A. committee B. compete C. combat D. compose"

8. A. victory , B. volunteer C. trophy D. tournament
9. A. forward B. defender C. rnidfielder D. goalkeeper
10. A. half-moon B. halfback C. halfway' D. halftime .
III: Use th'Ccorrect. form of the capitalized word given on the right to fill in each blank. (lOp)
1]. There were three .. in the first round of the competition.
o •• 0 o. 0 ELIMINATE

12. There's a 101 of .. 00 betweenfootball clubs today.

•• 0 0 •• 0 •• COMPETE0.,' 00'

13. They played .... .' 0 yesterday and lost the match easily.
0" 0 •••••••• PASSION .,
14. ~:;ll10kingtan cause diseases.
0 ••••••• RESPIRE 0 0 o. 0.' 0 00. •• 000.00 ••from all over the country took part in the competition.
16. Nigeria was the first team to for the World Cup. QUALITY
17. The ' team were loudly cheered by their fans VICTORY
18. 32 .: will be chosen from aJl national football teams. FINAL
19. Vietnamese football needs ~for its better development. PROFESSION
20. He's one of this country's top professional.................. SPORTS
IV~ Circle the BEST. answer for each of the following sentence (lOp)
21. The coach usually standsby the ..... -: .. supervising his team during a football match. 0 ... ,

A. goal line B.' center line C touchline D. goal

22 •.A plays in the middle of the field, in front of the fullbacks and behind the forward.
A. striker B. defender C. halfback D. goalkeeper
23. in the final match, Brazil beat Germany ......... 2 - O.
A. at B. by C. with D. over
24. Vietnam was by Thailand in almost an soccer encounters.
J.\. defeated B. won C. beat D. Either A or C
25. PI FA was in 1904.
A. find B. found C. founded D. held
. 26. Despite losing, all the players agreed that it had been a good ..
tl.... play B. score, C. sport D. game
27. Manchester United an easy victory .. : Chelsea in yesterday's match.
A. earned over B. gained .. at C. earned .... at D. gained .... over 0

28. :Sportsmen their political differences on the sports field.

A. take part B. .put aside ' C. take place D. keep apart
29. Co~entry 1-1 with Manchester United in the semi-finals.
A. defeated B. equaled C. evened ~ D. drew
30. Spectators are reminded that it is .... to take photographs during the match . 0 ••••••

.A. prevented B. restricted ' . C. forbidden D. banned

V: Each line below contains ONE mistake. Circle the correct letter to identify the mistake
31. Sports have an important role in American life. Professional baseball and football sports
32. Attract.lgrge crowds and many people watch i! on television. Atthough many parents
33. complain about their children being couch potatoes, there are sportv sessions at school for all
ABC D ,.
34. ages. Co.11egestudents are usually required to have ph!,sical education classes to complete'
'. A ·B C' . D
35~ their study. But art official report publish~d. in 1996 said that more than 60% of adults in the .
36. United States were not physical active. As for the British, they are very keen .
. ABC ,. D,
37~ on sports, but many' people prefer to watch to take Bart; Most people today take relatively
-A .. r~.·. B .. C D
38. littfu"general exercise, Over the last 30 or 40 years lifestyles change considerably and
.. ..' A". ·:,·B . t:;. ~, C ':/'. " .' . ,...," .: D " ~: 'J

39. many ~eopl(;!~6vnravel

" .. ,". A
even' the shortest gi'stances by
:...j" . B
or bus. '~~~ck in exercise combined>
. , .:.,:. C D
c~l~ t ,,:

. 40. witlt eating too mail)' fattyand sugar food~ has meant th~t':people'~'becoming too fat.
A . : '. B .C '" ;.'.' ... ~ '.'D - .j

VI: Read1,h'c passag'~;:caref~llY.and fill hi each gap with ONE suitableword.Ilup) ~

.,' . Worl~ Cup is the most important competition in, and the world's most
representative team sport event. Organized by 'the Federation Intemation~le de Football Association
{FIFA);t~e"~port's governing (4i) ~.the World <;-up·isconte~t.~ci by men's national football
teams which are FIFA membersThe World Cup is held ev.~ry four. y~ars (except in times of (42)
.\::..; ,'.: ),)ut the elimination .(4.3) , , of the competition. which narrows t~e field of as
(44) .:.: ,.,.; as 197 teams down to the final '32 teams take place over a three - year period, using
regional (4'~) ' ~ s , tournaments. -.
.The 'final tournament phase, often called the ':'f.'inals" involves' 32 national teams (46)
..:; over a four - week period in a previously nominated host nation. Only seven nations
. have (47) .'............... the World Cup ~Finals. The most recent, football World Cup was (48)
.. ; : in Germany between June 9 ~,riQ. July 10, 2006. The World Cup Finals is the most
widely viewed and followed sporting (49) .: _ in the world. The' (50) ' match
of2002 World Cup was watched by more than ~ billion people.
.VII: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning the first one, using the to
word given. Donot change the given word. {lOp)
51. The first'World Clip was not held until 1'930. (NOT UNTIL)
~ Not until • of·
' : :..i".';~:.. . I

, , : 52. Her latest movie made me bated: (FOUND)

-7 ' :' ;.. :..' '.. : : ' : ' :.. ~ ',' \ .. ;','....... ;
53. They take up exet~ise more ~e~ularly because Of their health. (ACC'QUNT)" . , .
~ .. ;,,'; . .. "

f /_ • eo.·.· ~ • eo ••••••••• '.: '.' • o· _ ". ~ ,~. ~ •••••• '0 • ~ •••• '. : •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••• ~ ••• ~ ~ I •• ; ' .. : , •••••••

54. If I ha'd~~t taken your advice, I would have failed the examination. (~UT FOR)
~ :. ~ ',' ~ " ~..~.. : ' : .
55. She is able to.explain things clearly and concisely. (ABILiTY)
-:7 '......•......................... ,. .

J. Circle the letter beside the word whose underlined ptll1 is pronounced differentlv (rom the
others. (5 pis)
1. A guarantee B,' ~ccount C. bgnk D. internationgl
2. A. barter B. market C. scarcity D. bargain
3. A. system B. specify C. service D. ~ure
4. A. credit B. transit C. price D. import
5. A. goods B. food C. took D. look
II. Circle the letter beside the word whose main stressed syllable is different (rOi1~ tlte others. (5
/!Jll '
1. A. agency B. exchange C. complex D. bankruptcy
2. A. scarcity B. foreigner " C. creditable D. deposit,
3. A. specify 8. service C. transaction D. 'transit
4. A. value B. valuable ; ',C. valuation D. valueless
5. Ataccount B. currency C. money D. monetary
III. ~Relld the following passage and circle the best answer. (10 piS)
The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January I, 1995, aims to encourage
international trade to flow as freely as possible, making.sure that trade agreements are respected
and that any disputes can be settled. In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become
well known 'as' one' of the world's most powerful economic organizations, taking its place
alongside" the World Bank and' International Monetary Fund. Thesystem of global rules for
international trade, however, dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GAIT) was formed after World War II. As time went by, it became clear that
the GATT had two major drawbacks-the ·Iimited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an . "

effective system to settle 'disput~s .. '

After seven years of trade talks ending in 1,,994,the so-called Uruguay Round finally g~ve birth
to the WTO, complete with aneffective system to settle disputes and to form new rules covering
trade in services and intellectual property. Even after seven years of talks and with 22,500 pages
of agreements 'reached, problems remained, especially in the difficult-to-deal-with areas of
agriculture and 'services. ..
1. What is the purpose of the WTO?
A. To encourage international-trade to flow freely.
B. To make sure that trade agreements are respected.
C. To, settle any disputes. D..A~I of theabove
2. According to the passage, the GATT stopped working .
A. in 1948 ' B.ln 1994
C. after World War ended
D. during the seven years of the Uruguay Round talk
3. The TYTO is better than the GATT in that ..
A. it can settle disputes in' more areas of international trade.
R, it enables its members to sign agreements more easily.
C. it deals with problems in agriculture and services more effectively.
'0. it pays more attention to serviceand intellectual property. .
4. TI!e word "drawbacks "in paragraph 4 niearis ..
A. weak points' B'. strong points C. improvements D. changes
5. According 10 {he last paragraph: which of the lo110 wing statements is true?
A. The· WTO is the world's most powerful economic organization: '
B. Th~'GA IT was, founded in Uruguay in 199,S..
C. The WTO has an effective system to settle disputes and to form 'new rules.
D. All the countries in the world are membernations of the WTO.
V7. .Choose the most appropriate words to {ill in the blanks. (10 pts)
The need for money originates from the (-1) .. : that different people in society
produce different' things. This means' that people depend on each other (2)
............................... goods . and services. Let LIS take the case of a farmer- who produces (3)
, food than he requires and a carpenter who lives by selling the tables and
chairs that he has made. It will be obvious that (4) some means of exchange is
found, the farmer will (5) : be able to get rid of his (6) food
and the carpenter will starve! Clearly, the simplest means of exchange will be for them to use
barter, in other (7). , to exchange a certain amount of one kind of goods (let's
say flour) for a certain amount of another (tables or chairs, in this case). Obviously, barter can
work only in a very simple society. In an (8) : society, one cannot go around
carrying things in the (9) that we can exchange them for the things we need.
So we need something (IO) will stand for the goods and services that we want
to exchange.
I. A. fact B. cause C, condition D. case
2. A. in B. for C. at D. on
3. A. more B. less C. few D. little
4. A. if B. whether C. when D. unless
5. A. surely B. not C. soon D. actually
6. A. remaining B. surplus C. available D. little
7. A. forms B. cases C. meaning D. words
8. A. advanced B. advanceable C. achieved D. achievable
9. A. wish B. need C. hope D. belief
10. A. this B. that C..these D. those

V. Complete tire (o/lorving sentences WillI all appropriate form o(the word gh~;:n.(J 0 pts)
":: I. I'm not saying he is but he is not very good with money •. (HONES~:';
.~ 2. After several., attempts we have finally done it. (SUCCEED)
.o l) 3 .. We have a bed in the spare room in case visitors arrive .... :............................ <EXPECT)
"""'\> Y'1(", 4. If you behave with this sort oL : to your other customers, ( don't think YOLI
~V't" . will remain in business !Qng.· . (POUTE)
5. The speaker showed his nervousness by constantly :..~.::..: : his tit. <S~RAIGHT)
6. J apologize fat the mistake made by my office. There appears to have been a slight
......... , ,................. ". (UNDERSTAND)
7. Burning coal is an : wayof heating ahouse. Gas is cheaper :ECO'NOMY)
!I 1 8. Tom spoke because he was so excited . (BREATHE)
'- ~. . 9. His boss told him off because he had behaved :.:::.: .: (RESPONSIBLE)
10. She got every angry but later she apologized for her : _ ,(pATIENT)

. I

VI Circle am[ correct one u/1([ei'Une(/_p_artin eacli sentence tltat is the .!'listakr:.·,_{i'0 pts)
I. You waste too much time doing thing's as sitting in cafes aJI day.
2. Children enjoy telling ane! listening to ghosts stories especially on Halloweerl nlgh!.
3. I ~anted to know his address so tha~ to contact him ~asily.
.4. The boys are collecting sticks. to put them in the fire.
5. Although the stone in your ring looks like a diamond, I'm afraid it's invaluab1t.'.
6. Give-the package to ~ever has the authority to sign for i!.
7. Stood among so many strangers; the ftiglltened child began·to sob uncontrollagLr.
8. The young girl dreamed a dream that she was carrieq away !2y a monster.
A B . C 0
9. Unfortunately, the natural resources are becoming unadeguatc for the support of the
increasing population.
10. Gemstones are usually bright, colour, opaque or transparent minerals found ill the
A B ~ 0

1.................................................................. 6 .
2 :.................... 7 : .
3.................................................................. 8.~ ..
4: ,£................................... 9 ..
5 :...................... 10 ..
Jf VII. Combine two sentences ;l1to one llsing the suggestion given in the bracket. (20 pts)
1. 1 thought-they might be hungry so I offered them something to eat. ( -ing clause)

.2. I whispered. I didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation. (so that)

. : .3. He has.a .box. He plans to put his savin~s in it. (to)

4: The b~.d.has no mattress. I sleep on this bed. (relative clause)
., ) . ..
5. He was suspected to have stolen credit cards. The police. have investigated him for days .
. (reduced clause) i' .

~ " ": : '!' ..

6. We had spent nearly all our money. :So 'we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel. (-ing clause)

. 8. The girl packed the vase in polyester foam. Sh.~ didn't want it to get broken in the post. (so
that) . , ,. ,I

, .

9. Th~ ~rin' is sending me to York.'! work for this firm. (relative clause) .

., O. We ~~ve been friends for years. It is quite easy to share secrets between us. ( -ing clause)
4}' ..

.......... .. ; ~ ~""";'" ~ "" .. " ~ '" " 0· ; ."; ~ 10" It : ; " co "" ..

VIII. CliiJose the best sentence CA, B, C or D) that is made from the given prompts. (20 pts)
. 1. English/ now I become I effective / medium / international I communication..
A. English has now become (in effective medium for international communication .
B. English has new become an effective medium of international communication.
C. English has now become an effective international medium in communication.
D. English has now became an effective medium in international communication.
2, Since/ wei have/ nothing else I do, wei decide/ ,go/ walk.
A. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
B. Since we have had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
e. Since we have nothing else to do, ~J.Nedecide to go for a walk.
D. Since we have had nothing do, we decided to go on walking.
3. I/ mistake/ that man/her brother -in-law
A. I mistook that man for -in- law ..
R. I mistook that man as her brother -in- law -.
C. I mistook that manthat he was her brother -in- law.
D. .lmistook that '!lCinbecause he was her brother -in- law.
4. It .I myrefusal/ obeyl policeman (that /cause/arrest
A. It was my refusal of not obeying the policeman that caused my arrest.
. B. J~ was my refusal not to obey the policeman that caused my arrest.
e. It is illy refusal to obey the policeman' that causes my arresting.
D. It was my refusal to obey the policeman that caused my arrest.
5. When/ inform/ the deathl grandmom/ he! rush/ home
. A. When informing about the death of his grandmom, he rushed to home.
8. When be informed of the death of his he rushed home.
C. When informed about the death of his grandmom,. he rushed home.
D. When informed ofth~ death of his grand mom, he rushed at home.

6. What/ amaze/n.~~1 the mistake! he/ make

A. What amazes. mii was the mistakes that he made.
B .. What amazed me is the mistakes that he makes.
C. What amazes me is the mistakes that he has made.
D. What amazing me is the mistakes that he makes.
7. Havel boars/your window/.prevent/ people/ break into/ house
A. Having bars on your WIndow preve~llleople from breaking into_ your house.
B. To havebars on your window preve~t people from breaking into your house.
C. Having bars on your window can prevent people from breaking into your house.
D. Having bars on your window can prevent people to break into your house,
8.: You/ supposei' bel here/ ov~r/ houri ago '
A. You are supposed to '~"~yebeen here for over an hour ago.
B. You were supposed j~; be here over an hour ago. .
C. You are supposed to had been .here over an hour ago.
0.. YO,uwere supposed that youshould havebeen here: for over an. hour ago:
I - .
9. Walk! the rain! ghif!/ himi/pleasure. "
A. Walking in the rain gives him pleasure.
B. To walk i't:ithe rain give him pleasure.
C. Walked in. the rain gave him pleasure. - ,I

D. Walkirig u~der the rain-gives him pleasure,

10. As longlyditl)ceep} calri(;iiJiJ Ipas~1 drivingtest . ..
A. As long if you keep calm, you will pass your drivingtest.
B. As long will keep calm, you can pass your driving test.
C. As.longas YPI}will keep calm, you will pass Y9~r driving-test.
. D. As long ~~~0U keep calm, you can passyour driving test. '
L¥. Choose the word or phrase which best completes eaclz sentence. Of} pili
l: Your English'is very fluent. Iwish'I could speak ~ ~, ;!.you.
A. as·' .. .. :B. such as . C. like 0. alike
·2 · your own business can cause a lot of financial worries.
A. Manage' '·B. Managing C. Management 'D. Managering
3. The examiner spoke in amournful voice. His voice was :
. A. lamentable . B. pitiful C. sorry D. sorrowful
4. The police have already found the jewels.
A. Steal B. stealing C. stole . '. D. stolen
5 ~ the man.ager, she has to make many important decisions.
A. As B. Like c..Alike D. Likes .

6. He repeated the conversation that he had heard word word I

A. by· .'. . ,B. for . Ciafter D. to I

7. Apilot noticed a balloon .: for a Royal Air Force Station.

A. make , £3. use C. making D. using _..
8:'This coffee smells :~·.~: :.·.oil
A. for ' ~B'.like C. as .D. of
,9;. The campersheard a ~tra~~ge rustling in the treesThe underlined word is in closet meaning
with .
. A. stealing . B: movement C. pillaging D. ~fight
19- Vasanthi found him by himself in the park,
A. sit B. sitting C" sits D. sat

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