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1A.1 General intention. It is declared and acknowledged intention and meaning
to provide and secure Two Storey Residential Apartment Building complete and
ready for use.

1A.2 General description of work. The work includes the following:

1A.2.1 The Contractor shall conduct site investigation and inspection of the
area in order to familiarize him with the extent, condition, and nature of the work

1A 2.2 The multipurpose building will occupy approximately, 715.9 square

meters floor area. The multipurpose building will be provided with reinforced con-
crete columns, beams, and floor slabs. Exterior walls shall be precast concrete
with glass curtain wall. Ceiling shall be provided with miscellaneous finishes and
plain concrete rubbed-finish. Portion of the roof will be provided with concrete
roof tiles and roof cladding. Concrete flooring for the main hall shall be granite
and ceramic, walls shall be cement and finish by paintings. Rooms shall be non-
skid ceramic, wood parquet, and others. It shall be provided with complete
plumbing, air conditioning, electrical, telephone, and television.

IA.2.3 Works not part of the General Contractor and shall be done by
specialty contractors.

1. Metal framing system

2. Waterproofing

3. Wrought-iron works and steel railings

4. General painting

5. Electrical works

6. Plumbing works

7 Air conditioning & Ventilation System

8. Structured Cabling System

IA.2.4 Owner-furnished materials are materials purchased by the Owner

and will be installed by the general Contractor, specialty Contractor, or Sub-

1. All electrical fixtures

Location. The work shall be located at 149 - C CLEOFER ST. STA. QUITERIA.

Liquidated damages. The time of the completion of construction is of the essence

to the contract. Should the Contractor neglect, or fail to complete the
construction within the time herein provided, In the event and in view of the
difficulty of estimating with exactness damages caused by such delay, the Owner
shall have the right to deduct from and retain out such money, which may be
due, or which may become due and payable to the Contractor, the sum of one
tenth (1/10) of one percent for each and every calendar day that such
construction is delayed in its completion beyond the specified time, as liquidated
damages and not as penalty. If the amount due and to become due from the
Contractor to the Owner is insufficient to pay in full any such liquidated damages,
the Contractor and its surety or sureties shall pay to and upon demand by the
Owner necessary to effect such payment in full; provided, however, that the
Owner shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of the manner in that amount
retained, deducted or claimed as liquidated damages and manner of work was

Time of Construction. Contractor agrees to commence the construction of the

project 2 days after issuance of written notice to proceed by the Owner. The
Contractor further agrees to prosecute diligently and to complete construction in
strict accordance with plans, specifications and construction drawings within the
specified time listed for each phase of work. The time stated for completion shall
include final clean-up of the premises. The whole project shall be completed and
ready for use within ten (10) months from notice to proceed.

1A.5.2 Special conditions. Prior to concrete driveway pavement work, the

Contractor shall coordinate his work for storm drainage, sanitary sewer, water
service and electrical piping in order that all said piping have been installed and
tested prior to concrete pavement work.

1A.5.2.1 Dust control. The Contractor shall control the generation of dust
and flying particles from his operations to prevent creation of a nuisance to the

1A.6 Material substitution. Whenever item or class of material is specified

exclusively by trade name, by manufacturer's name or by catalog references,
only such item shall be used, unless Architect's approval for substitution is secured.

1A.7 Samples and brochures prior to procurement. As soon as practicable and

before installation, the Contractor shall submit for approval samples and
brochures of the following materials and equipment:

Ceramic tiles Painting system

Cement roof tile Circuit breakers and panel

Fissured finish Conduits and wires

Waterproofing Sewer and water pipe

Powder coating Clay roof tiles


Toilet and bath Wiring devices


Locksets, hinges,
drawer slides and
door pulls

Other additional materials which require submittal requirements shall be as

mentioned in the other sections of these specifications.

The Architect reserves the right to take samples of materials thin those listed
above at any time during the contract to ensure conflict on to the specification

Shop drawings required of the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide for
approval, three (3) copies of shop drawings of the following prior fabrication or

Shop drawings of electrical panel boards and control equipment

Schedule of rebars, bar cutting list, splices and bending details Structured Cabling

In addition to the drawings listed above, the Contractor shall furnish any drawings,
perspectives, and/or diagrams used in connection completion of the work to the
Architect. Drawings submitted for approval shall be clearly identified as to their
intended use in the project.

Shop Drawings, samples, brochures, etc. submittal procedures. The Contractor

shall submit to the Construction Architect/Engineer all shop drawings, samples,
brochures, etc.; thereafter, the Construction Architect/Engineer endorse same to
the Architect for approval. After the Architect's action, retaining one copy; the
Construction Architect/Engineer after retaining the copy will return all copies to
the Contractor.

Material substitution. Whenever item or class of material is specified by trade

name, by manufacturer's name or by catalog references, only such item shall be
used, unless architect's approval for substitution is secured.
Project cost breakdown. A cost breakdown (labor and materials omitted by the
Contractor as approved by the Construction Architect for every item of work, shall
be used as basis for computing to the Contractor.

Owner-Furnished materials. (OFM) as listed shall be furnished free Contractor in

the manner as stated herein. All other materials and or equipment necessary to
complete the project shall be contractor-furnished

a. OFM will be delivered by the Owner at the job site within 5 days after
notification of the Contractor, if the materials, after five days, were not delivered
and will cause delay to work as determined by the Construction
Architect/Engineer, the completion time will be extended by the number of days
until the materials are delivered.

b. The Contractor, in the presence of the Construction Architect/Engineer

shall make detailed inventory of the OFM. Procedures and information required
relating to the inventory to be used will be issued in writing by the Construction

c. The Contractor shall assume custody of the item of OFM received by him
and shall be responsible for safeguarding them. Any OFM which is damaged, lost
or taken by robbery or theft while in the custody of the Contractor shall be
replaced by at the expense of the Contractor.

d. Quality of OFM shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Proper placement

and installation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

e. OFM will, at all times, remain the property of the Owner and none shall
be removed from the job site, except as directed. Excess OFM remaining at the
site after completion of the work shall be disposed of, as directed.

1B.1 General. Compensations for all work to be performed under this will be made
in Philippine Currency, with a thirty (30%) percent down payment scheme to
reduce contractor's cost of money, and progress BMW on accomplishment as
listed in the Proposal and Cost Breakdown. Price and payment for the item shall
cover all work, complete and finished in accordance with the drawings and
specifications, and shall be full compensation for all work in connection therewith.
Price and payment shall constitute full and final compensation for furnishing all
materials, equipment, labor, transportation, fuel, power, water, and all incidental
items y to complete the work, except as otherwise specified to be furnished


1C.1 General. The Contractor shall establish and maintain quality control for
testing of materials to be furnished by him in accordance with the specifications
and for determination of densities as required in the specifications to assure
compliance as specified. The testing agency shall be approve Certified copies of
detailed laboratory test reports, attesting compliance with the test requirements
as prescribed in the applicable referenced publication shall be submitted in
triplicate, together with the submission of samples for confirmation testing by the
Owner as required, and shall contain the name and address of the testing
laboratory and the date or dates of the test to which the report applies. Each
copy of the test reports shall be signed by an authorized officer of the testing
laboratory and countersigned by the Contractor. If such instance the Contractor
shall furnish written certification, prior to the performance of tests, that the results
of the work to be performed will not be used in litigation or for promotional

1C.2 Sampling and testing. Unless otherwise specified, materials to arer sampled,
time of submittal of samples, and other requirements for sampling shall be as
specified in the various sections of each division under which the materials will be
furnished. All samples for testing shall be provided by the Contractor at no
additional cost to the Owner. Testing requirements specific herein shall apply both
to Contractor testing and the Owner testing. Check testing to insure compliance
with the Quality Control program and shall be performed by the Contractor as
approved, or by an approved independent commercial testing laboratory at the
Contractor's responsibility and expense. However, the Owner reserves the right to
inspect or verify at any time the Contractor's quality control procedures by
confirmation testing which will that no cost to the Contractor. When confirmation
testing is made on test sample and the samples fail to meet specification
requirements, the materials represented by the samples shall be replaced, and
the cost of re-testing will be deducted from the payment due the Contractor.
Where reports or manufacturers certificates are required to be submitted by the
Contractor, samples may still be required for future Owner testing should the
materials appear to be defective during or after installation or application.

1C.3 Maintenance of records. The Contractor will maintain current records of all
inspections and tests performed on an appropriate approved format. These
records will provide factual evidence that required inspections or tests have been
performed, including type and number of inspections involved; results of
inspections or test; nature of defects; causes for rejection; proposed remedial
action; and corrective action taken. These records include inspection of materials
as received at the jobsite for conformance contract or submittal requirements as
well as proper storage for protection against weather and construction activities.
These records must cover conforming and defective items and must include a
statement that all supplies and materials incorporated in the work are in full
compliance with me of the contract. Legible copies must be furnished to the
Construction Architect/Engineer or his authorized representative for permanent
retention. The report will cover all work placements subsequent to the previous
report, and will be certified by the prime contractor's designated representative.
A sample format will be utilized as a minimum Daily Construction Control Report.
Additional forms for specific operations may be required by the Construction
Architect/Engineer to supplement the daily inspection forms.

1C.4 Time reports and deficiencies. Records of jobsite material inspections must
be received prior to installation or incorporation of materials into the contract
work. The Contractor will not be permitted to build upon or conceal any feature
of the work containing uncorrected defects. Payment on deficient items will be
withheld until satisfactorily corrected or other action has been taken and


2A.1 Scope. This section includes the following:

2A.1.1 Complete clearing of site, general site grading, and provision of

backfill and garden soil, as indicated.

2A.1.2 Complete excavating, filling and backfilling for building, as well as

for utilities within the building and to the points of connection with the building
utility lines or to terminal points indicated.

2A.2 General. Bids shall be based on the following:

2A.2.1 That the surface elevations are as indicated;

2A.2.2 That no pipes or other artificial obstructions, except those indicated,

will be encountered.

In case the actual conditions differ substantially from those stated and/or shown,
the provisions of the contract respecting an adjustment for changed conditions
shall apply, subject to the requirement of notification there under being given.
Hard material shall be defined as solid ledge rock, firmly cemented unstratified
masses or conglomerate deposits possessing the characteristics of solid rock not
ordinarily removed without systematic drilling and blasting, and any boulder,
masonry or concrete except pavements, exceeding 1/2 cubic meter in volume.

2A.3 Degree of compaction. Required compaction is expressed as a percentage

of the maximum density obtained by test procedure of ASTM D1557.

2A.4 Excavation, general. The Contractor shall perform excavation of every type
of material encountered within the limits of the project to the lines, grades, and
elevations indicated and as specified herein. Grading shall be in conformity with
the typical sections shown and shall be finished within a tolerance of 1/4 of 30 cm
of the grades indicated. Satisfactorily excavated materials shall be transported
to and placed in fill areas within work limits. Unsatisfactory materials encountered
below the established sub-grade shown under building or paved areas shall be
excavated 300 mm or 31 cm below grade and replaced with satisfactory
materials as directed. In the event that it is required to remove unsatisfactory
material to a greater depth than specified, an adjustment in the contract price
will be made in accordance with the contract. Surplus satisfactory excavated
material not required for fill or embankment shall be disposed of to the designated
waste or spoil areas. Unsatisfactory excavated material shall be disposed of in
designated wastes or spoil areas. Excavation and filling shall be performed in a
manner and sequence that will provide proper drainage at all times.

2A.4.1 Grades Cutting, filling and grading will be done to bring all areas of
the respective surfacing as fixed by the finished grade.

2A.5 Compaction shall be by rolling with approved tamping rollers, vibratory

rollers, pneumatic-tired rollers, three-wheel power rollers, or other approved
equipment well suited to the particular soil being compacted. Material shall be
moistened or aerated as necessary to provide the moisture content that will
facilitate obtaining the specified compaction with the equipment utilized. Each
layer shall be compacted to not less than the percentage of maximum density
specified below, determined in accordance with ASTM D1557, method D:

Fills, Embankments, Backfill and Cohesion less Cohesive

Sub-grade Preparation Soil Soil

Under proposed structures and

Building slabs 100 95

Under paved areas, top 31 cm 100 95

Under paved areas, below top

300 mm or 31 cm 100 90

Backfill adjacent to structures 90 90

2A.6 Sub-grade preparation

2A.6.1 Construction. Sub-grade shall be shaped to line, grade, and cross-

section, and compacted as specified. This operation shall include plowing,
disking, and any moistening or aerating required obtaining proper compact of
soft or otherwise unsatisfactorily excavated material or other approved material
as directed in writing. Low areas resulting from removal of unsatisfactory material
or excavation of rock shall be brought up to required grade with satisfactory
materials. Entire sub-grade shaped as specified. Elevation of finish sub-grade shall
conform to elevations shown.

2A.6.2 Protection. During construction, any excavation shall be kept

shaped and drained. Ditches and drains shall be maintained in such a manner
as to drain effectively at all times. Storage or stockpiling of materials on the sub-
grade will not be permitted. Graded areas shall be protected against action of
the elements prior to acceptance of the work. Settlement or washing that may
have occurred shall be repaired and grades shall be re-established to the
required elevations and slopes immediately prior to installation of paving.

2A.7 Excavating, filling and backfilling for building

2A.7.1General. Excavations shall conform to dimensions and elevations

indicated for the building structure, and shall extend a sufficient distance from
walls and footings to services, except where the concrete for walls and footings
is authorized to be deposited directly against excavation surfaces. All
excavations below general machine excavation for footings and foundations
shall be hand-worked. Bottoms of all footings shall be on level planes.

2A.7.2 Excess excavation. Excavations carried below indicated depths

will not be permitted except to remove unsatisfactory material. Unsatisfactory
materials encountered below grades shown shall be removed and replaced as
directed with satisfactory materials. Unauthorized material removed below
depths indicated shall be replaced, at no additional cost to the Owner, to the
indicated excavation grade with satisfactory materials placed and compacted
to 100% maximum density except under concrete footings. Any excess cut under
footing or foundations shall be filled with concrete.

2A.7.3 Drainage and pumping. Excavate in such a manner that the site
and area immediately surrounding will be continually drained. Water shall not be
permitted to accumulate in excavations. Do all necessary pumping required to
keep excavations dry. Provide well point system if needed.

2A.7.4 Shoring. During excavation shoring materials shall be furnished and

installed as necessary to protect workers, banks, adjacent paving, structures, and
utilities. Shoring, bracing, and sheeting shall be removed, as excavations are
backfilled in such a manner as to prevent injurious caving.

2A.7.5 Excavated materials. Satisfactorily excavated materials required for

fill or backfill shall be separately stockpiled as directed. Unsatisfactory and surplus
excavated materials not required for fill and backfill shall be disposed of in
designated waste area. Stockpiles and waste materials shall be graded and
sloped for proper drainage.

2A.7.6 Backfilling shall not begin until construction below finish grade has
been approved, underground utilities systems have been inspected, tested, and
approved, formed removed, and the excavation cleaned of trash and debris.
Backfill shall be brought to indicate finish sub-grade. Backfill shall not be placed
in wet areas. Backfill materials shall be satisfactory materials, free from roots and
other organic matter, trash, debris, and stones larger than 75 cm in any
dimensions. Place backfill in 23 cm maximum layers loose depth. Compaction
shall be as in paragraph 2A.5. Fill shall be compacted by power-driven hand
tampers suitable for the material being compacted. Backfill shall not be placed
against foundation walls prior to 7 days after placement of concrete or masonry.
As far as practicable, backfill shall be brought up evenly on each side of the wall
and sloped to drain away from the wall. Brace inside of the wall before backfill is
placed on the outside of basement.

2A.7.7 Protection. Settlement that occurs in backfill areas prior to

acceptance of the work shall be repaired and grades re-established to the
required elevation and slope.

2A.8 Excavation, trenching and backfilling for utilities.

2A.8.1 General. Perform all excavation of every description and of

whatever substance encountered to depths indicated or specified. Pile materials
suitable for backfilling a sufficient distance from banks of trenches to prevent
slides or cave-ins. Excavated materials shall be piled to one side only of trenches
and in such a manner as to permit ready access to and use of existing utility
system. All excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill shall be
wasted as directed. Water shall be removed by pumping or other approved
method and shall be discharged at a safe distance from the excavation.
Sheeting and shoring shall be done as necessary for protection of work and for
safety of personnel.

2A.8.2 Trench excavation. Trenches shall be of necessary width for proper

laying of pipe, while concrete lining, duct, or cable, and banks shall be as nearly
vertical as practicable. Trench excavation shall be coordinated to avoid open
trenches for prolonged periods. Bottoms of trenches shall be accurately graded
to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on undisturbed
soil at every point along its entire length, except for portions of pipe sections
where it is necessary to excavate for bell holes and for proper making of pipe
joints. Bell bottom which has been graded shall be only 12 mm greater in length,
depth and width than the bell, as required to properly make the particular type
of joints, and to ensure that the bell does not bury to the bottom of the hole.

2A.8.3 Backfilling shall be coordinated with testing of utilities. Where

damage is likely to result from withdrawing sheeting, it shall be left in place and
contract price will be adjusted accordingly. Trenches shall be carefully backfilled
with satisfactory materials, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand and gravel,
or soft shale, free from large clod of earth or stones not over 25 mm in size and
deposited in 23 cm maximum layer, loose depth. Backfill shall be brought up
evenly on both sides of pipe for a cover of not less than 31 cm for storm drains.
Care shall be taken not to damage pipe. The remainder of backfill material shall
then be deposited in the trench in 31-cm maximum layers and compacted by
mechanical means. Trenches and excavation pits improperly backfilled, or
where settlement occurs, shall be reopened to the depth required for proper
compaction, then refilled and compacted, with the surface restored to the
required grade and compaction.


2B.1 Scope. This section includes removal and disposal including salvaging of
materials, complete.

2B.2 General.

2B.2.1 Availability of work areas. Areas in which salvage and demolition

works are to be accomplished will be available upon receipt by the Contractor
of the notice to proceed.

2B.2.2 Procedures. The procedures proposed for the accomplishment of

salvage and demolition or removal work shall be submitted for approval. The
procedures shall provide for safe conduct of the work, careful removal and
disposition of materials specified to be salvaged, protection of property which is
to remain undisturbed, coordination with other work in progress, and timely
disconnection of utility services.

2B.2.3 Disconnection of utility services. Utilities shall be disconnected at the

points directed. Where such disconnection will interrupt the utility services to an
area not included in the contract, arrangements for such interruption shall be
made with the Construction Architect/Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of
the interruption.

2B.2.4 Dust control. The amount of dust resulting from the salvage and
removal operations shall be controlled to prevent the spread of dust to occupy
portions of the building and to avoid creation of a nuisance in the surrounding

2B.2.5 Use of explosives. The use of explosives will not be permitted.

2B.2.6 Burning. The use of burning at the project site for the disposal of refuse
and debris will not be permitted.

2B.3 Salvage. Items designated to be salvaged or saved shall be carefully

removed, cleaned of all dust, dirt, and foreign matter, and delivered to the
Owner’s storage area.

2B.4 Demolition.

2B.4.1 Extent of demolition.

2B.4.1.1 Existing structures. After removal of items to be salvaged as
directed, all existing structures shall be demolished or removed.

2B.4.1.2 Disposition of materials. Materials not indicated or specified to be

salvaged shall be disposed of by the Contractor outside the limits of Elastomark’s
property at his responsibility.

2B.4.1.3 Utilities. Existing utility lines shall be removed to the extent that they
would project into or interfere with the new construction.


2C.1 Scope. This section includes storm drainage system, complete.

2C.2 General. The construction required herein shall include appurtenance

structures to points of connection with the building drains and sewer 5.1 m outside
the buildings to which the drain and sewer system are to be connected.
Excavation and backfilling shall conform to Section: Earthwork. All works and
other requirements necessary for the job condition as required by the code for
storm drainage system shall be provided.

2C.3 Materials shall conform to the respective specifications and other

requirements specified below.

2C.3.1 Culvert piping shall be reinforced concrete tongue and groove, and
shall be of standard strength conforming to ASTM C76, class II.

2C.3.2 Drainage piping shall be non-reinforced concrete, tongue and

groove, of standard strength. Pipes larger than 27 cm shall be reinforced.

2C.4 Storm drains and drain inlet manhole.

2C.4.1 General. Storm drain and drain inlet manhole shall be constructed
of concrete with pre-cast concrete cover and iron frames and covers,
respectively. The invert channels shall be smooth and semi-circular in shape
conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. Changes in direction of
flow shall be made with a smooth curve of as large a radius as the size of the
manhole permits. The invert channels shall be formed directly in the concrete of
the manhole base and shall be constructed by laying full section sewer pipe
through the manhole and breaking out the top half after the surrounding
concrete has hardened. The floor of the manhole and storm-drain inlet outside
the channels shall be smooth and shall slope toward the channels not less than
25 mm per foot or more than 50 mm per foot.

2C.4.1.1 Manhole cover. Cover shall be pre-cast concrete. The letter “SD”
at least 50 mm high, shall be marked or cast into cover so as to be plainly visible.
2C.4.1.2 Drain inlet frame cover. Frame and cover shall be of cast-iron, size
and type as required or as shown.

2C.4.3 Concrete work shall be as specified in Section: Cast-In-Place


2C.5 Installation.

2C.5.1 Pipe laying.

2C.5.1.1 Pipe shall be protected during handling against impact shock and
free fall and the pipe interior shall be free of extraneous materials.

2C.5.1.2 Pipe laying shall proceed upgrade with the tongue ends of tongue
and groove pipe pointing in the direction of the flow. Each pipe shall be laid
accurately to the line and grade shown on the drawings. Pipe shall be laid and
centered so that the sewer has a uniform invert. As the work progresses, the
interior of the drainage shall be cleared of all superfluous materials.

2C.5.1.3 Before making pipe joints all surfaces of the portions of the pipe to
be joined shall be cleaned and dry. The joints shall then be placed, fitted, and
adjusted so as to obtain the degree of water tightness required.

2C.5.2 Installation.

2C.5.2.1 Mortar shall be a mixture of Portland cement, sand, and water

mixed in the proportion by volume of 1 part Portland cement to 2 parts of clean
sand. Water in the mix shall not exceed 7.5 liters per sack of cement. Water shall
be clean and free of injurious acids, alkalis, and organic impurities. Mortar shall
be used within 30 minutes from the time the ingredients are mixed with water.

2C.5.2.2 Joints in concrete pipe. Tongue and groove ends of abutting pipe
shall be cleaned with a wet brush before placing mortar. Mortar shall be placed
in sufficient quantities so that when the pipe is inserted into the line, the joint space
will be completely filled and a bead of mortar will be formed on the outside. The
interior of each joint shall be cleaned of surplus mortar and finished flush with the
interior surfaces of the pipe. The outside of each joint shall be kept damp until just
prior to backfilling.

2C.5.3 Trenches shall be kept free of water and as dry as possible during bedding,
laying, and jointing and for as long a period as required. When work is not in
progress, open ends of pipe and fittings shall be satisfactorily closed with wood
blocks or bulkheads so that no trench water or other material will enter the pipe
or fittings.

2C.5.4 Backfill. As soon as possible after the joint is made, sufficient backfill
material shall be placed along the pipe to prevent pipe movement off line or
2C.5.6 Quality assurance provisions. All work shall be proved to be in the first class
condition and constructed properly in accordance with the drawings. No piping
shall be buried, covered, or concealed until it has been inspected, tested, and
approved. Water for testing will be furnished by the contractor.

2C.5.7 Clean-up. Upon completion of the construction of the drainage and

sanitary sewer, the contractor shall remove all surplus construction materials and
debris resulting from the work.

3A.1 Scope. This section includes cast-in-place concrete, complete.

3A.2 Delivery and storage.

3A.2.1Cement. Cement shall be stored immediately upon receipt

at the site of the work. Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable
weatherproof structure, which shall be as airtight as practicable. Floors
shall be elevated above the ground, a distance sufficient to p revent the
absorption of moisture. Bags shall be stacked close together to reduce
circulation of air but shall not be stacked against outside walls. The
manner of storage shall permit easy access for inspection and
identification of each shipment. Bulk c ement shall be transferred to
elevated airtight and weatherproof bins. At the time of use, all cement
shall be free flowing, and free of lumps. Cement that has been in
storage longer than 6 months will be tested by standard mortar tests or
other test as deemed necessary by the Construction Architect/Engineer
to determine its suitability for use.

3A.2.2 Aggregates. Aggregates shall be stored on areas covered

with tightly laid wood planks, sheet metal or other hard and clean
surface, and in a manner that will preclude the inclusion of foreign
materials. Aggregates of different sizes shall be stored in separate piles.

3A.2.3 Reinforcement. Reinforcement shall be stored in a manner

that will avoid excessive rusting or coating with grease, oil, dirt, and
other objectionable materials. Storage shall be in separate piles or racks
to avoid confusion and losses of identification after bundles are broken.

3A.3 Materials.

3A.3.1 Cement. Portland cement shall conform to PNS 07, type 1.

Cement for exposed concrete surfaces shall be from the same mill.
3A.3.2 Reinforcement. All reinforcing steel bars, except No. 2,
shall be deformed conforming to PNS grade 230, 275, and 415 (ASTM
A615, grade 40, and 60 respectively) as manufactured by “Pag-asa Steel
Works, Inc”. The manufacturer shall submit certification of compliance
to this specification prior to the delivery of these materials.

3A.3.3 Fine aggregates shall be clean, hard natural sand or

manufactured sand, or combinations of both, and conforming to PNS 18,
type 1.

3A.3.4 Coarse aggregate shall be hard, durable, uncoated

gravel, crushed gravel, or a combination thereof conforming to PNS 18,
type 2.

3A.3.5 Water. Mixing water for concrete shall be fresh, clean,

and potable.

3A.3.6 Curing materials. Materials shall conform to one of the

following unless otherwise designated:

3A.3.6.1 Polyethylene sheetings for curing , 6 mils minimum

thickness, clear and conforming to commercial sta ndard CS -238.

3A.3.6.2 Waterproof Kraft paper or polyethylene-coated

waterproof paper for concrete curing shall be of commercial quality.

3A.3.6.3 Burlap, plain or polyethylene-coated burlap shall be of

commercial quality.

3A.3.7 Expansion joint filler shall be elastomeric pre-molded type.

3A.3.8 Sealing materials for expansion joints shall be single

component urethane or acrylic type sealant.

3A.3.9 Form coating shall be non-staining type mineral oil.

3A.3.10 Vapor barrier shall be a polyethylene sheet, 6 mils

minimum thickness, clear, conforming to commercial standard CS -238.

3A.3.11 Water-stop shall be rubber, neoprene or PVC

3A.4 Forms.

3A.4.1 General requirements. Forms shall be provided for all

concrete not indicated or specified otherwise. Forms shall be set true to
line and grade and maintained so as to ensure completed work within
the allowable tolerance specified, and shall be mortar -tight. The
contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy of forms and form
support. Wire ties shall not be used where the concrete surface will be
exposed to weathering and where discoloration will be exposed. All
formwork shall be provided with adequate clean -out openings to permit
inspection and easy cleaning after all reinforcement has been placed.
Where forms for continuous surfaces are placed in successive units, these
shall be fitted over the completed surface to obtain accurate alignment
of the surface and to prevent leakage of mortar. Panel forms shall be
constructed to provide tight joints betwe en panels. All forms shall be
constructed so that they can be removed without damaging the
concrete. All exposed joints, edges, and external corners shall be
chamfered to a minimum of 20 mm unless specified otherwise.

3A.4.2 Materials for forms. Forms shall be of wood, plywood,

steel, or other suitable materials. Wood forms for surfaces exposed to
view in the finished structure and requiring a standard finish, shall be
plywood. For unexposed surface, undressed square -edged lumber may
be used. Forms for surfaces requiring special finishes shall be plywood or
hard-pressed fiberboard not less than 12 mm thick. Surfaces of steel
forms shall be free from irregularities, dents, and sags.

3A.4.3 Coating. Before placing the concrete, the contact

surfaces of forms shall be coated with non -staining mineral oil or suitable
non-staining form coating compound, or shall be given two coats of
nitrocellulose lacquer, except as specified otherwise. Mineral oil sh all
be used on forms for surfaces, which are to be painted. For surfaces not
exposed to view in the finished structure and when temperature is above
4 degrees C, sheeting may be wetted thoroughly with clean water. All
excess coating shall be removed by w iping with cloths. Re-used forms
shall have the contact surfaces cleaned

thoroughly. Those which have been coated, shall be given an additional

application of the coating. Plaster waste molds shall be sized with two
coats of thin shellac or lacquer and coated with soft or thinned non -
staining grease.

3A.4.4 Tolerance and variations. The Contractor shall set and

maintain concrete forms to ensure that after removal of the forms and
prior to patching and finishing, no portion of the concrete work will
exceed any of the tolerances specified. Variation in floor levels shall be
measured before removal of supporting shore. The Contractor shall be
responsible for variations due to deflection. The specified variation for
one element of the structure will not be applicable when it will permit
another element of the structure to exceed its allowable variations.
Except as otherwise specified hereinafter, tolerances shall conform to

3A.5 Classes of concrete and usage:

3A.5.1 Strength requirements. Concrete of the various classes, if

not indicated in the drawings and as specified under other sections, shall
be proportioned and mixed for the following strengths:

Specified compressive Class Specified compressive

Class strength in 28 days strength in 28 days

Psi Mpa Psi Mpa

AA 4,000 27.57 P 600 4.136

A 3,000 20.68 P

B 2,500 17.23 P

C 2,000 13.78 P

Concrete made with high early-strength cement shall have 7-day

strength equal to the specified 28-day strength for concrete of the class
specified made with type 1 or II Portland cement.

3A.5.2 Usage. Concrete of the various classes shall be used as


3A.5.2.1 Class AA concrete. For water storage tanks, septic tanks

and other work as indicated.

3A.5.2.2 Class A concrete. For pre-cast concrete items, slabs,

beams, and walls above grade, columns, stairs, lintels, and for all
reinforced work not otherwise indicated or specified.

3A.5.2.3 Class B concrete. For slabs and grade, grade and tie
beams, footings, and for such concrete work as indicated or specified.

3A.5.2.4 Class C concrete. For all concrete not reinforced except

as otherwise indicated or specified.

3A.5.2.5 Class P concrete. For slabs on grade subject to vehicular

load and as indicated or specified.

3A.6 Proportioning, measurement and mixing.

3A.6.1 Concrete designs mix. Concrete mixes, except otherwise

indicated, shall be designed by the contractor. The proportions shall be
changed whenever necessary to maintain the workability, strength, and
standard of quality for the concrete covered by these specifications,
and to meet the varying conditions encountered during construction.
Test for slump and unit weight shall be performed under the supervision
of the Construction Architect/Engineer.

3A.6.2 Slump shall be determined in conformance with ASTM C

143, and shall be within the following limits, provided the required
strength is obtained:

Structural element Slump for vibrated concrete

Minimum Maximum

Walls, columns, and grade beams,

250 mm maximum thickness ……. 75 mm 100 mm

Other construction* ……………. 50 mm 75 mm

*Non-vibrated concrete will be placed only upon written approval.

3A.6.3 Proportioning of materials shall be accomplished by

weighing, except as otherwise provided herein. In urgent situation,
volumetric proportioning may be used temporarily, if permitted by the
Construction Architect/Engineer who will stipulate the length of the
period during which volumetric proportioning may be used. The
contractor shall furnish the necessary equipment and shall establish
accurate procedures, subject to the approval of the Construction
Architect/Engineer for determining the quantities of free moisture in the
aggregates, the true volume of the fine aggregate if volumetric
proportioning is used, and the air content of the freshly mixed concrete
if air-entrained concrete is used. Moisture , volumetric and air
determinations shall be made at intervals as directed by the
Construction Architect/ Engineer as specified hereinafter under field
testing requirements. Allowable tolerances for measuring cement and
water shall be one (1%) percent; for aggregates, two (2%) percent; and
three (3%) percent for mixtures.

3A.6.3.1 Weight measurement. The fine aggregate and each size

of coarse aggregate shall be weighed separately. Cement in standard
packages (bags) need not be weighed, but bulk cement or fractional
packages shall be weighed on a scale separate from that used for
weighing other materials.

3A.6.3.2 Volumetric measurement. The weight proportions shall

be transposed into equivalent volumetric proportions by weighing
representative samples of the aggregates in the conditions in which they
will be measured and in accordance with ASTM C29. In determining the
true volume of the fine aggregate, allowance shall be made for the
bulking effect from the moisture contained therein. Suitable allowances
shall also be made for variations in the moisture conditions of the

3A.6.4 Mixing. All concrete shall be machine-mixed. In

emergencies, the mixing may be done by hand if so authorized by the
Construction Architect/ Engineer. Mixing shall begin within 30 minutes
after the cement has been added to the aggregates. The time of mixing
after all cement and aggregates are in the mixer drum shall be not less
than one minute for mixers having a capacity of one cubic yard or less;
for mixers of larger capacities, the minimum time shall be increased 15
second for each additional cubic yard or fraction thereof of additional
capacity for continuous mixers conforming to ASTM C685 as prescribed
by the equipment manufacturer. A reduction in the aforementioned
mixing time shall be permitted in accordance with ASTM C94 if mixer
performance tests made at the contractor’s option and at his expense,
indicate adequate mixing with the reduced time. All mixing water shall
be introduced in the drum before one -fourth of the mixing time has
elapsed. The entire content of the mixer drum shall be discharged
before recharging. The time elapsing between the introduction of the
mixing water to the cement and aggregates or the cement to the
aggregates and placing of the concrete in final position in the forms
shall not exceed 60 minutes, if the air temperature is less than 85 degrees
F. and 45 minutes, if the air temperature is equal or greater than 85
degrees F. The re-tampering of concrete, i.e., re -mixing with or without
additional cement, aggregate or water, will not be permitted.

3A.6.5 Ready-mixed concrete Ready-mixed concrete shall

conform to ASTM C94 modified herein. Ready -mixed concrete is
defined in this specification as concrete produced regularly by a
commercial establishment and delivered to the purchaser in the plastic
state. Subject to the approval of the Construction Architect/Engineer,
ready-mixed concrete may be used provided that (a) the plant has
sufficient capacity and transportation equipment to deliver the
concrete at the rate desired, and (b) the plant meets the requireme nts
specified herein before for equipment, measurement of materials, and
mixing, except as modified herein. The cement, aggregates, water and
admixtures shall conform to all applicable requirements of this specifica -
tion. Ready-mixed concrete not specified otherwise shall be mixed and
delivered by means of the following methods:

3A.6.5.1 Truck mixing. Concrete shall be mixed and delivered in

a truck mixer. Mixers shall be charged with a ribbon -fed mixture of
aggregates and cement, or in the absence of facilities for ribbon
feeding, the aggregates shall be charged before the cement. When
mixing has begun during or immediately after charging, a portion of the
mixing water not in excess of that required producing the minimum
acceptable slump shall be added ahead of or with the other ingredients.
Total mixing shall be not less than 50 nor more than 100 revolutions of the
drum at the manufacturer’s rated mixing speed after all ingredients
including water are in the drum, except as follows: after 30 to 75
revolutions of the drum the slump shall be tested and additional water
shall be added if necessary to produce the required slump; if additional
water is necessary, mixing shall be continued for at least 20 revolutions
of the drum after the water is added. M ixing speed shall not be less than
rpm for revolving drum mixers, and not less that 4 RPM nor more than 16
rpm for open-top mixers. Any turning of the drum during transportation
shall be at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment,
as agitating speed. Each batch of concrete delivered at the job site
shall be accompanied by a time slip issued at the batching plant,
bearing the time of departure therefrom and the signature of the
inspector. Discharge of concrete from the drum shall be comp leted
within 1 hour or before the drum completes 250 revolutions after the
introduction of water to the cement and aggregates.

3A.6.5.2 Combination central plant and truck mixing. . Concrete

shall be partially mixed in a central plant mixer and the mixing
completed in a truck mixer. The mixing time in a central plant mixer shall
be the minimum required intermingling the ingredients and shall not
exceed 30 seconds. The mixing shall be completed in a truck mixer as
specified herein before under truck mixing.

3A.6.5.3 Central plant mixing. Concrete shall be mixed

completely in a stationary mixer at a plant and transported to the site of
the work in a truck agitator or a truck mixer opera ting at a speed of
rotation designated by the manufacturer as agitating speed. Mixing
shall begin within 30 minutes after cement has been added to
aggregates. When authorized in writing by the Construction
Architect/Engineer non-agitation equipment approved by him may be
used for transporting concrete. The time lapse betwee n the introduction
of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates and the placing of
concrete in final position in the forms shall not exceed: (a) for agitating
equipment - 60 minutes, air temperature less than 26 degrees C. 45
minutes, air temperature equal or greater than 29 degrees C., (b) for
non-agitating equipment - 30 minutes.

3A.6.6 Consistency of concrete. Except as specified otherwise,

the slump shall be from 50 mm to 100 mm and will be determined in
accordance with ASTM C143.

3A.7 Placing reinforcement and miscellaneous materials.

3A.7.1 General requirements. All reinforcement bars, stirrups,

hanger bars, wire fabric, spiral, and other reinforcing materials shall be
provided as indicated on the drawing or required by this specification,
together with all necessary wire ties, chairs, spacers, supports and other
devices necessary to install and secure the reinforcement properly. All
reinforcement, when placed, shall be free from rust, scales, oil, grease,
clay, and other coatings, and foreign s ubstances that would reduce or
destroy the bond. Rusting of reinforcement shall not be a basis of
rejection, provided that the rusting has not reduced the effective cross
sectional area of the reinforcement to the extent that the strength is
reduced beyond specified value. Heavy, thick rust or loose, flaky rust
shall be removed by rubbing with burlap or other approved method,
prior to placing. Reinforcement, which has bends not shown on the
project drawings, approved shop drawings, or is reduced in secti on by
rusting such that its weight is not within permissible ASTM tolerances, shall
not be used. All reinforcement shall be supported and wired together
to prevent displacement by construction loads or by the placing of
concrete. Unless directed otherwise by the Construction
Architect/Engineer, reinforcement shall not be bent after being partially
embedded in hardened concrete. Detailing of reinforcing shall conform
to ACI315. Where cover over reinforcing steel is not specified, it shall be
in accordance with ACI 318.

3A.7.2 Placing. Reinforcement shall be placed accurately and

secured. It shall be supported by suitable chairs or spacers or by metal
hangers. On the ground, and where otherwise subject to corrosion,
concrete or other suitable non-corrodible material shall be used for
supporting reinforcement. Where the concrete surface will be exposed
to the weather in the finished structure or where rust would impair the
appearance or finish of the structure, all reinforcement supports, within
specified concrete cover, shall be galvanized or made of a suitable non -
corrodible material.

3A.7.3 Splicing of reinforcement. Splicing of reinforcement shall

be in accordance with ACI 318, except as indicated otherwise or
modified herein. Where splices in ad dition to those indicated on the
drawings are necessary, they shall be approved by the Construction
Architect/Engineer prior to their use. Splices shall not be used in grade
beams and slabs at points of maximum stress. Except as indicated or
specified otherwise herein, in lieu of lapping, splicing of reinforcement
may be permitted provided the splicing material, equal or greater in
cross sectional area to the spliced steel, shall possess a minimum of 125
percent of the yield strength or 90 percent of the u ltimate strength of
the reinforcing steel, whichever is the greater. Splicing shall preferably
use overlapping for bar sizes no. 11 and above.

3A.7.4 Moving reinforcing steel. All placement or movement of

reinforcing steel after placement to positions other than that indicated
or specified shall be subject to the approval of the Construction

3A.7.5 Setting miscellaneous material. Anchors and bolts,

including but not limited to those for machine and equipment bases,
frames or edgings, hangers and inserts, door bucks, pipe supports, pipe
sleeves, metal ties, conduits, drains and all other materials in connection
with concrete construction, shall, where practicable, be placed and
secured in position when the concrete is placed. Anchor b olts for
machines shall be set to templates, plumbed carefully and checked for
location and elevation with an instrument, and shall be held in position
rigidly to prevent displacement while concrete is being placed.

3A.8 Conveying and placing concrete.

3A.8.1 Conveying. Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to

the forms as rapidly as practicable by proper methods, which will not
cause segregation or loss of ingredients. It shall be deposited as nearly
as practicable in its final positions in the forms. At any point in the
conveying, the free vertical drop of the concrete shall not exceed 91
cm. Chuting will be permitted only where the concrete is deposited into
a hopper before it is placed in the forms. Conveying equipment shall
be cleaned thoroughly before each run. All concrete shall be deposited
as soon as practicable after the forms and reinforcements have been
inspected and approved by the Construction Architect/Engineer.
Concrete which has been segregated in conveying shall be rem oved
and disposed of as directed by the Construction Architect/Engineer.

3A.8.2 Placing concrete. No concrete shall be placed after there

is evidence of initial set. All concrete placing equipment and methods
shall be subject to approval of the Construc tion Architect/Engineer.
Concrete placement will not be permitted when weather conditions
prevent proper placement and consolidation. Before placing concrete
on porous sub-grades, they shall be dampened as directed by the
Construction Architect/ Engineer. Forms shall be clean and free from
dirt, construction debris and water. Concrete shall be deposited in
horizontal layers approximately 31 to 51 cm deep in a manner to
preclude the formation of cold joints between successive layers. The
method of depositing concrete shall be such as to avoid displacing the
reinforcement and segregating the aggregate. Concrete shall be
worked about the reinforcement and embedded fixtures and avoid
overworking which may result in segregation. On the bottom of slabs,
the girders where the congestion of steel near the forms makes placing
difficult, a layer of mortar equal to the approved slump shall be
deposited to cover the surface to a depth of approximately 25 mm
before placing the concrete. Water which accumulates on t he surface
of the concrete during placing shall be removed by absorption with
porous materials in a manner that prevents removal of cement. Pumping
of concrete through aluminum pipe shall not be permitted.

3A.8.3 Vibration. All concrete, except for conc rete slabs 100 mm
or less in depth, shall be compacted with high frequency, internal,
mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand spading and
tamping. Concrete slabs 100 mm or less in depth shall be consolidated
by wood tamper, spading and settling with a heavy leveling straight
edge. Vibrator shall be designated to operate with vibratory element
submerged in the concrete and shall have a frequency of not less than
6,000 impulses per minute when submerged. The vibrating equipment
shall be adequate at all times to consolidate the concrete properly.
Vibration of forms and reinforcement shall not be employed except
when authorized specifically the Construction Architect/Engineer.
Vibrators shall not be used to transport the concrete in the forms.
Vibration shall be discontinued when the concrete has been
compacted thoroughly and ceased to decrease in volume.

3A.8.4 Construction joints. Joints not shown by the drawings shall

be made and located so as not to impair the strength of the structure
and shall be subject to the approval of the Construction
Architect/Engineer. In general, they shall be located near the middle of
the spans of slabs, and grade beams. Horizontal joints in walls shall be
at the underside of floor, slabs, grade beams, or girder s and at the top
of footings or grade slabs. Grade beams, brackets, and drop panels
shall be placed at the same time as slabs. Joints shall be perpendicular
to the main reinforcement. All construction joints in contact with the
grade or earth shall be provided with an approved type of rubber or
PVC water-stop to minimize water leakage. Water-stop shall be installed
so as to form a continuous watertight diaphragm. Joints and splices shall
be vulcanized or heat-sealed and as recommended by the
manufacturer, as approved.

3A.8.4.1 Reinforcement in construction joints. All reinforcing steel

shall be continued across joints. Keys and inclined dowels shall be
provided as directed by the Construction Architect/Engineer.
Longitudinal keys at least 38 mm deep shall be provided in all joints in
walls and between walls and slabs or footings.

3A.8.5 Expansion joints and cleavage joints

3A.8.5.1 Expansion joints and cleavage joints shall not be less

than 12 mm wide except as indicated otherwise. Expansion joints not
exposed to weather shall be filled completely with preforme d joint
materials. Expansion joints exposed to weather and cleavage joints
between vertical masonry surfaces and floor slabs laid on earth shall be
filled to a depth of 25 mm from the surface or face of the concrete with
pre-formed joints material. The 25 mm deep space above the pre -
formed material shall be cleaned after the concrete has been cured,
and when dry, filled with flush with joint-sealing material. Reinforcement
or the embedded metal items bonded to the concrete shall not be
permitted to extend continuously through any expansion joints.

3A.8.5.2 Sealing materials for expansion joints shall be single

component urethane sealant or equal.

3A.8.5.3 Other embedded items. All sleeves, inserts, anchors, and

embedded items required for adjoining wor k or for its support shall be
placed prior to concreting. All sub-contractors whose work is related to
the concrete supported by it shall be given ample notice and
opportunity to introduce or furnish embedded item before the concrete
is placed. All ferrous metal sleeves, inserts, anchors and other
embedded ferrous items exposed to the weather or where rust would
impair the appearance of finish or the structure shall be galvanized.

3A.8.6.1 Placing embedded items. Expansion joint material and

embedded items shall be positioned accurately and supported against
displacement. Voids in sleeves, inserts and anchors in slab shall be filled
temporarily with readily removable material to prevent the entry of
concrete into the voids.

3A.8.7 Placing concrete in hot weather. Placing concrete in hot

weather shall be in accordance with ACI305 except as modified herein.
In hot weather, extra care shall be taken to reduce the temperature of
the concrete being placed, and to prevent rapid drying of newly placed
concrete. When the outdoor ambient temperature is more than 32
degrees C., the fresh concrete shall be shaded as soon as possible after
the placing, and curing shall be started as soon as the surface of the
fresh concrete is sufficiently hard to permit it withou t damage.

3.9 Slabs on grade. Capillary water barrier or sub-grades shall conform

to Section: Earthwork.

3A.9.1 Vapor barrier. Immediately prior to placing concrete, the

capillary water barrier or sub-grades under slabs within the building shall
be covered with vapor barrier. Puncture and tear shall be patched.
Edges shall be lapped not less than 100 mm and end joints shall be
lapped not less than 150 mm. Edges and lapped joints shall be sealed
with a pressure-sensitive tape, not less than 50 mm wide, comp atible
with the membrane.

3A.10 Surface finish (except floor finish).

3A.10.1 General requirement. All formed surfaces shall be
repaired by patching minor honeycombed or otherwise defective areas
and tie holes with cement mortar. Cement mortar for patch ing shall be
the same composition as that used in the concrete. Patching shall be
done as soon as the forms are removed. Area of surfaces which are to
be cured with a curing compound shall be covered during its
application. All areas to be patched shall b e cleaned thoroughly. Minor
honeycomb or otherwise defective areas shall be cut out to solid
concrete to a depth of not less than 25 mm. The edges of the cut shall
be perpendicular to the surface of the concrete. The area to be
patched and at least 150 mm adjacent hereto shall be saturated with
water before placing the mortar. The mortar shall be mixed
approximately one hour before placing and shall be re -mixed
occasionally during this period with a trowel without the addition of
water. A grout of cement and water mixed to a consistency of paint shall
then be brushed on to the surfaces to which the mortar is to be bonded.
The mortar shall be compacted into place and screeded slightly higher
than the surrounding surface. Patches on exposed surface shall be
finished to match the adjoining surfaces, after they have set for an hour
or more. Patches shall be cured as specified for the concrete. Holes
extending through the concrete shall be filled by means of a plunger
type gun or other suitable device from the unexposed patch. The excess
mortar shall be wiped off the exposed face with a cloth. Finished
surfaces shall be protected from stains and abrasions. Standard finish
against steel, plywood and wood forms shall be equal in workmanship,
texture and general appearance to that of approved sample panels.
Concrete with excessive honeycombing, which exposes the reinforcing
steel or other defects which affect the structural strength of the member
will be rejected and the defects shall be corrected as direct ed by the
Construction Architect/Engineer, and at the expense of the Contractor.

3A.10.2 Rubbed-finish. Rubbed-finish shall be provided for all

exposed concrete beams and ceiling. The surface of the concrete shall
not vary more than 16 mm when measured from a 1-1/2 meter template.
Exposed surfaces shall be rubbed with carborundum or other abrasives
to a smooth even finish or uniform appearance. Upon completion of the
rubbing, the surface shall be washed thoroughly with clean water.

3A.10.3 Broom-finish shall be given to exterior parking area or as

approved. The concrete shall be screeded and floated to the required
finish level with no coarse aggregate visible. After the surface moisture
has disappeared and laitance has been removed, surface shall be steel-
trowelled to an even, smooth finish. The trowelled surfaces shall be
broomed with a fiber-bristle brush in a direction traversing to that of the
main traffic.
3A.11 Floor finishes.

3A.11.1 General requirement. The finishes included herein shall

be surface finishes and treatments for floor slab. Concrete toppings
except where indicated shall not be allowed for all floor slabs having
steel-trowel finish. For roof deck floors in which drains occur, special
care shall be exercised to slope the floors uniformly to the drains. Deck
roof floors shall receive single steel trowelling prior to the application of

3A.11.2 Placing and screeding normal concrete slab or base

slab. Concrete of slump within the limits specified herein b efore shall be
placed, consolidated and immediately struck off to bring the top
surface of the slab to proper contour, grade elevation. This operation
may be followed immediately by a darbying or bull floating of the
surface with wooden tools so as to correct any unevenness. Striking off
and darbying shall be completed before bleed water appears on the
surface of the freshly placed concrete. No further work shall then be
performed until the concrete has attained a set sufficient for floating
and sufficient to support the weight of the finisher and/or equipment. If
the bleed water has not disappeared by the time floating of the surface
is to start, the excess water shall be first dragged off on the surface by
using a rubber hose. At no time shall dry cemen t be used to absorb
bleed water.

3A.11.2.1Rough-finish. Shall be provided for all floors to receive

future floor finish, which will be provided by tenants. Allow 50 mm below
finish floor line.

3A.11.2.2 Non-slip finish shall be provided for ramps allocated for

disabled persons. Type of finish shall be as approved.

3A.11.3 Cleaning. Upon completion of the work, all concrete

floors shall be cleaned as follows: after sweeping with an ordinary broom
to remove the loose dirt, the finish surface shall be wetted with soap suds
and rubbed with a scrubbing machine fitted with a wire brush or fine
steel wool. The suds shall be mopped up, and the surface shall be
flushed with clean warm water, after which a final scrubbing by hand
instead of the machine scrubbing will be permitted when authorized

3A.12 Curing.

3A.12.1 General requirements. Curing for all concrete shall be

accomplished by preventing loss of moisture, rapid temperature
change, mechanical injury, or injury from rain or flowing wat er for a
period of 7 days when normal Portland cement has been used. Curing
shall be started as soon after placing and finishing, and after free water
has disappeared from the surface of the concrete. Curing may be
accomplished by any of the following m ethods or combination thereof,
as approved.

3A.12.2 Moist curing. Unformed surfaces shall be covered with

burlap or other approved fabric -type mats and shall be kept continually
wet. Forms shall be kept continually wet. If forms are removed before
the end of the curing period, curing shall be continued on unformed
surfaces that will be exposed in the finished work.

3A.12.3 Impervious sheet curing. Surfaces shall be covered with

waterproof paper, polyethylene coated waterproof paper or burlap, or
polyethylene sheets, lapped 100 mm at edges and ends, and sealed
with an adhesive tape suitable for the type off covering used. The
covering shall be weighed to prevent dis placement, and kept in place
and in repair during the curing period.

3A.12.4 Curing periods. When 7-day compression test cylinders,

representative of parts of a structure already placed, indicate that the
28-day strengths may be less than 90% of the design strengths, those
parts of the structure shall be given additional curing, as directed by the
Construction Architect/Engineer. Curing shall be as follows:

Time (minimum) Concrete Element

7 days All concrete not specified otherwise.

10 days Pavement not undercover.

3A.12.5 Removal of forms and protection. Forms shall be removed

in a manner which will prevent damage to the concrete. Forms shall not
be removed without approval of the Construction Architect/Engineer.

3A.13 Concrete sampling. The strengths specified and the design mix
shall be verified during the progress of the work at intervals by testing
standard cylinders of samples taken at the job site. Three test cylinders
shall be taken for each 60 cubic meter or fraction thereof of e ach class
of concrete placed, but at least 3 test cylinders shall be taken each day
for each class of concrete placed that day, or as directed by the
Construction Architect/Engineer. No more than 3 cylinders shall be taken
from any one batch. The making a nd curing of test specimen shall be
in accordance with ASTM C31.The Contractor shall furnish the necessary
labor, materials, and facilities for taking the samples, handling, storing
the cylinders at the site of the work, and shipping the cylinders for test ing
to the authorized and designated testing laboratory at his expense.

3A.13.1 Sample identification. Each sample shall be contained in

a clean container which shall be securely fastened to prevent loss of
material. It shall be tagged for identificatio n. The tag shall contain the
following information:

Contract no.______________________________

Sample no. ____________Quantity__________

Date of sample____________________________

Sampler _____________________________

Intended use _____________________________

For testing _____________________________

3A.13.3 Concrete testing. Testing consistency of concrete

slump shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C143. Samples for
a slump determination will be taken from the concrete during
placements in the forms. Tests shall be made.

3A.13.3.1 At the beginning of a concrete placement operation

and at subsequent intervals to ensure that the specification
requirements are met, tests shall likewise be made.

3A.13.3.2 Concrete testing shall also be done whenever test

cylinders are made.

3A.13.3.3 Compressive tests. Testing of specimens for

compressive strength shall be in accordance with ASTM C39. Test will be
made on the 7 th and on the 28th day from time of molding. When a
satisfactory relationship between 7- and 28-day strengths has been
established, the 7-day test result may be used as an indicator of the 28-
day strength. Each test shall be the average of the strengths of the three
test specimens of a set except that if one spec imen in a set of three
shows evidence other than low strength, or improper sampling, molding,
handling, or curing, the remaining two specimens shall be considered
the test result. No more than 10 percent of the cylinders tested shall
have compressive strengths less than that specified.

3A.13.4 Contractor-furnished mix design. If test results of any

concrete to be used in the project show that the concrete strength is
below the specified limits and does not meet other requirements of this
specification, the Contractor shall make all necessary adjustments, as
directed by the Construction Architect/Engineer at the Contractor’s
expense. Concrete which, at the end of 28 days, does not meet the
specified strength shall be removed or otherwise corrected, at th e
Contractor’s expense, with corrective methods subject to the approval
of the Construction Architect/Engineer.


3E.1 Scope. This section includes pre-cast C-joist for floor and roof
system, complete.

3E.2 General. The work in this section shall be in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Section: Cast-In-Place Concrete and as
specified herein.

3E.3 Materials. Materials shall be new, of quality and sizes specified or

shown on the drawings.

3E.3.1 Portland cement shall conform to PNS 07, type 1.

3E.3.2 Coarse aggregates shall be crushed gravel approximately

10 mm in diameter, conforming to PNS 18, type 2.

3E.3.3 Fine aggregates shall conform to PNS 18, type 2.

3E.3.4 C-joist shall be pre-cast concrete with 10 mm 7-wirestrand,

grade 270 ksi.

3E.4 Installation. Installation for floor and roof system shall be as

recommended by the fabricator and as specified herein.

3E.4.1 Shoring. C-joist must rest firmly before pouring of concrete

topping. Shoring members must be capable of supporting the dead
weight of C-joist and concrete topping. For C -joist more than five-(5) m.
span, quarter spacing of shoring is required. Fo r C-joist less than five (5)
m. span, only mid-span shoring is required.

3E.4.2 Steel forms Removable. Steel forms and wood stiffeners

shall be removed three (3) days after the pouring of concrete topping.
However, shoring of the C-joist must remain in place for not less than
seven (7) days.

3E.4.3 Concrete topping Concrete topping shall be provided with

a minimum compressive strength of 20.68 mpa (3,000 psi.) at 28 days.
3E.4.4 Pointing and cleaning. After removal of forms, all
damaged portions shall be pointed and repaired. Excess mortar shall
be removed and care shall be taken to prevent damage while on the
curing period.

4A.1 Scope. This section includes concrete masonry unit work, complete.

4A.2 Materials. Cement and other cementitious materials shall be

delivered to the site and stored in unbroken bags, barrels , or other
approved containers, plainly marked and labeled with the
manufacturer’s name and brand. Mortar materials shall be stored in dry,
weather tight sheds or enclosures, and shall be stored and handled in a
manner which will prevent the inclusion of foreign material and damage
by water or dampness. Concrete masonry units shall be handled with
care to avoid chipping and breakage, and shall be stored as directed.
Materials stored in newly constructed floors shall be stacked in such
manner that the uniformly distributed loading does not exceed 50 psi.
Concrete masonry materials shall be protected from contact with the
earth and exposure to the weather, and shall be kept dry until used.

4A.2.1 Concrete masonry units shall be 2 or 3-core steam-cured

modular blocks. Exterior and interior masonry units shall be load bearing
and non-load-bearing units with compressive strength of 800 psi and 400
psi respectively. However, load-bearing units may be provided in lieu of
non-load-bearing units. Surfaces of units that are to be plastered shall
be sufficiently rough to provide a suitable bond. Concrete masonry units
shall be as manufactured by “Jackbilt Concrete Blocks Co., Inc.

3A.2.2 Portland cement shall be type 1 conforming to PNS 07.

4A.2.3 Sand shall conform to PNS 18 type 1.

4A.2.4 Water for mixing shall be potable.

4A.2.5 Reinforcing steel bars shall be corrugated structural grade.

4A.3 Erection.

4A.3.1 Workmanship Concrete masonry walls shall be carried up level

and plumb all around. One section of the walls shall not be carried up
in advance of the others unless specifically approved. Unfinished work
shall be stepped back for joining with new work. Heights of masonry shall
be checked with an instrument at each floor, and at sills and heads of
opening to maintain the level of the walls. Door and window frames,
louvered openings, anchors, pipes, ducts and conduits shall be built -in
carefully and in a neat manner as the masonry work progresses. Spaces
around metal doorframes shall be filled solidly with mortar. Concrete
masonry units shall be handled with care to avoid chipping, backing,
and spilling of faces and edges. Structural steel work, bolts, anchors,
inserts, plugs, ties, lintels, and miscellaneous metal wo rk specified
elsewhere shall be placed in position as the work progresses. Unless
indicated otherwise, partitions shall extend from the floor to the bottom
of the floor or roof construction above. Non -load-bearing partitions and
interior walls shall be securely anchored to the construction above in a
manner that provides lateral stability while permitting unrestricted
deflection of construction above, scaffolding well -braced and securely
tied in position. Overloading of scaffolding will not be permitted.

4A.4 Mortar mixing. Mortar materials shall be measured by volumetric

proportioning in approved containers that will insure that the specified
proportions of materials will be controlled and accurately maintained
during the progress of the work. Measuring materials with shovels will not
be permitted. Unless specified otherwise, mortar shall be mixed in such
a manner that the materials will be distributed uniformly throughout the
mass. A sufficient amount of water shall be added gradually and the
mass further mixed not less than 3 minutes until a mortar of the plasticity
necessary for the purposes intended is obtained. Mortar boxes, pans
and/or mixer drums shall be kept clean and free of debris of dried
mortar. The mortar shall be used before the initial s etting of the cement
has taken place; re-tempering of mortar in which cement has started to
set will not be permitted. Mortar shall be mixed in the proportions of one
part Portland cement and 3 parts sand.

4A.5 Grout shall consist of a mixture of cementitious materials aggregate

as specified hereinafter; water shall be added in sufficient quantity to
produce a fluid mixture. Fine grout shall be provided in grout spaces
less than 50 mm in any horizontal dimension or in which clearance
between reinforcing and masonry is less than 20 mm. Coarse grout shall
be provided in-group spaces 50 mm or greater in all horizontal
dimensions and clearance between reinforcement and masonry is not
less than 20 mm.

4A.5.1 Fine grout shall be mixed in proportions of one part

Portland cement and 3 parts sand.

4A.5.2 Coarse grout shall be mixed in proportions of one part

Portland cement, 3 parts sand and 3 parts pea gravel passing a 10 mm
4A.6 Mortar joints shall be uniform in thickness, and the average
thickness of any three consecutive joints shall be 10 mm to 12 mm.
Changes in coursing or bonding after the work is started will not be
permitted. Exposed joints shall be rolled slightly concave with a round
or other approved jointer when the mortar is thumbprint hard . The jointer
shall be slightly larger than the width of the joint so that complete
contact is made along the edges of the units, compressing and sealing
the surface of the joint. Joints in masonry that will not be exposed shall
be struck-flush. Horizontal joints shall be struck-flush. Horizontal joints
shall be rolled first. Joints shall be brushed to remove all loose and
excess mortar. All horizontal joints shall be level; vertical joints shall be
plumb and in alignment from top to bottom of wall, w ithin a tolerance
of plus or minus 12 mm.

4A.7 Concrete masonry unit work. The first course of concrete masonry
units shall be laid in a full bed of mortar for the full width of the unit; the
succeeding courses shall be laid with broken joints. The bed -joints of
concrete masonry unit shall be formed by applying the mortar to the
entire top surfaces of the inner and outer face shell, and the head joints
shall be formed by applying the mortar for a width of about 25 mm to
the ends of the adjoining units laid previously. The mortar for joints shall
be smooth, not furrowed, and shall be of such thickness that it will be
forced out of the joints as the units are being placed in positions. Where
anchors, bolts, and ties occur within the cells of the units, su ch cells shall
be filled with mortar or grout as the work progresses. Concrete masonry
units shall not be damped before or during laying.

4A.8 Reinforcing shall be positioned accurately as indicated. As

masonry work progresses, vertical reinforcing shall be rigidly secured in
place at vertical intervals as indicated. Reinforcing shall be embedded
in grout as grouting proceeds. The minimum clear distance between
masonry and vertical reinforcement shall be not less than 12 mm. Unless
indicated or specified otherwise, splices shall be formed by lapping bars
not less than 20 bar diameters and wire tying them together.

4A.9 Bonding and anchoring. Masonry walls and partitions shall be

accurately anchored or bonded at points where they intersect, and
where they abut or adjoin the concrete frame of a building. All anchors
shall be completely embedded in mortar.

4A.10 Grout placement. Grouting shall be performed from interior side of

walls, except as approved otherwise. Sills, ledges, offsets and other
surfaces to be left exposed shall be protected from grout droppings;
grout falling on such surfaces shall be removed immediately. Grout shall
be stirred before placing to avoid segregation of the aggregate and
shall be sufficiently fluid to flow into joints and around reinforcing without
leaving voids. Grout shall be placed by pumping or pouring from
buckets equipped with spouts, not exceeding 1.22 m ; pours shall be kept
at 38 mm below the top of masonry units in top course. Grout shall be
puddled or agitated thoroughly to eliminate voids without displacing
masonry from its original position. Masonry displaced by grouting
operation shall be removed and laid in re-alignment with fresh mortar.

5A.1 Scope. This section includes miscellaneous metal work including wrought iron
works and gutters, complete.

5B.2 General. Connections for which details are not indicated shall be designed
in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction "Manual of Steel
Construction" and shall be welded or bolted, except as specified otherwise.
Welding shall be done in a manner that will prevent permanent buckling and all
welds exposed in the finished work shall be ground smooth. Steel and iron shall be
standard well-finished structural shapes, plates, or bar steels or bars iron. All
finished and/or machined faces shall be true to line and level.

5A.3 Materials.

5A.3.1 Anchor bolts and sag rods shall conform to ASTM A307 and
applicable portions of A36.

5A.3.2 Structural carbon steel for plates, angles or shapes shall conform to
ASTM Specification A36.

5A.3.3 Bolts, nuts and washers shall be zinc-coated, regular commercial

grade, size as indicated, and shall conform to ASTM Specification A307.

5A.3.4 Power driven nails shall be steel, especially formulated to produce

high ductility and hardness and capable of being explosively driven through the
medium to be attached.

5A.3.5 Welding electrodes and rods for manual are welding shall conform
to AWS Specification A5.5 E70 or AWS Specification A5.1 860.

5A.3.6 Expanded metal lath shall be as indicated and shall be of the ciose
mesh, heavy duty and rigid type.

5A.3.7 Nails shall be common or finishing of the proper sizes for intended
use and shall be of the best commercial standard.

5A.4 Workmanship and finish shall be equal to the best practice of modern shops
for the respective work. Exposed surfaces shall have smooth finish and sharp, well-
defined lines and arise. Section shall be well framed to shape and-size with sharp
lines and angles; curved work shall be sprung evenly to curves. All necessary
rabbets, lags, and brackets shall be provided so that the work can be assembled
in a neat and substantial manner. Holes for bolts and screws shall be drilled.
Fastenings shall be concealed where practicable. Thickness of metal and details
of assembly and supports shall provide ample strength and stiffness. Joints
exposed to the weather shall be formed to exclude water. Metal work shall be -
provided with the proper bevels and clearances. Work shall be fabricated and
installed in a manner that will provide for expansion and contraction, prevent the
shearing of bolts, screws, and other fastenings, insure rigidity and provide close
fitting of sections.

5A.5 Inserts and sleeves. Inserts of suitable and approved type shall be furnished
and installed where necessary for the support of piping, mechanical equipment
or apparatus, or other work. Steel pipe sleeves of suitable type and size shall be
provided where indicated and where required for all pipes passing through floors,
roof or walls.

5A.6 Anchors and bolts shall be provided where indicated and where necessary
for fastening work in place. They shall be embedded in the concrete and masonry
as the work progresses, and shall be spaced about 61 cm on centers, unless
indicated or specified otherwise. Sizes, kinds, and spacing of anchors not
indicated or specified shall be as necessary for their purposes. All anchors and
anchor bolt in exterior walls and in area exposed to weather shall be zinc-coated;
all those in other locations shall be coated heavily with bituminous paint.

5A.7 Inspection. The inspection of welding will be performed in accordance with

AWS Code DI.0 or D2.0 as applicable for the type of structure.


5B.1 Scope. This section includes structural steel work, complete.

5B.2 General. Connections for which details are not indicated shall be designed
in accordance with the "American institute of Steel Construction Manual of Steel
Construction", and shall be welded or bolted.

5B.3 Requirements.

5B.3.1 Handling, shipping and storing steel work. All materials shall be
handled, -shipped, and stored in a manner that will prevent distortion or other
damage. Materials shall be stored in a clean location and keep properly drained.
All damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired by and at the expense of
the Contractor.

5B.3.2 Structural carbon steel for bolted or welded work shall conform to

5B.3.3 Structural tubing for bolted or welded work, shall conform to ASTM-
A500 or A501.

5B.3.4 Common bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements for regular
hexagon bolts and nuts of ANSI 818.2.1 and 818.2.2. Materials shall conform to
ASTM 307.

5B.3.4 Washers. Circular washers shall be flat and smooth and shall conform
to requirements for Type A washers in ANSI B 27.2. Beveled washers shall conform
to American Standard Beams and channel shall be square or rectangular,
tapered in thickness, and shall be smoothed. Washer for use with high strength
bolts shall be hardened.

5B.3.5 Welding electrodes and rods.

5B.3.6 Submerged arc welding. Bare electrodes and flux for submerged arc
welding shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.0, and the following grades:

Steel Grade

A36 SAW-I or SAW-2

5B.4 Fabrication

5B.4.1 General. Workmanship shall be equal to standard commercial

practice in modern structural shops. Portions of the work exposed to view shall be
finished neatly. Structural materials, either plain or fabricated, shall be stored
above the ground on platforms, skits, or other supports. Material shall be kept from
dirt, grease, and other foreign matter, and shall be protected as far as
practicable from corrosion. All materials shall be clean and straight. If
straightening or flattening is necessary, it shall be done by a process and in a
manner that

*damage the material. Shearing, flame- cutting and chipping shall be done
carefully and accurately.

5B.4.2 Common bolts. Bolts transmitting shear shall be threaded to such a

length that not more than one thread would be within the grip of the metal. The
bolts shall be of such length that they will extend entirely through the nuts with the
beveled end outside the nut. Bolt heads and nuts shall be drawn tight against the
work with a suitable wrench not less than 38 cm long. Bolt heads shall be tapped
with a hammer: while the nut is being tightened.

5B.5 Cleaning. Except as modified herein, surfaces shall be cleaned to bare metal
by a suitable blasting process. Surfaces that may be damaged by blasting shall
be cleaned to bare metal by powered wire brushing or other mechanical means.
Surface that will be enclosed from the weather and subject to exposure no more
corrosive than an indoor atmosphere controlled for human comfort may be
cleaned by wire brushing or other manual or mechanical means for removal of
loose mill scale, rust, dirt, and other deleterious substances. Cleaned surfaces
which become contaminated with rust, dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants
shall be washed with solvents until thoroughly clean. Steel to be embedded in
concrete shall be free from dirt and grease. Bearing surfaces, including contact
surfaces within friction-type joints, shall not be painted nor galvanized but shall be
coated with rust preventive coating, applied in the shop. The coating shall be
removed just prior to field erection using a remover approved by the rust
preventive manufacturer. The surfaces, when assembled, shall be free from rust,
greases. dirt and other foreign matter.

5B.6 Priming. Treated surfaces shall be primed as soon as practicable after the
pre-treatment coating has dried. Except as modified herein, the primer shall be
two coats of epoxy type or as specified in Section: Field Painting applied to a
minimum dry film thickness of 3 mils. Surfaces that will be concealed after
construction and will require no over-painting may be primed. Damage to primed
surfaces shall be repaired with primer.

5B.7 Erection.

5B.7.1 General. Except as modified herein, erection shall be in accordance with

the applicable specifications and standards of the AISC "Manual of Steel
Construction". Erecting equipment shall be suitable for the work and shall be in
first class condition. Where parts cannot be assembled or fitted properly because
of errors in fabrication or of deformation due to handling or transportation, such
condition shall be reported immediately to the Construction Architect/Engineer
and his approval of the method correction obtained. The correction shall be
made in his presence. Bent or damaged parts shall be rejected. Steelwork shall
be drained properly. Pockets in structures exposed to the weather shall be filled
with waterproof material. Safety belts and lines shall be used by workers on high
structures, unless safe working platforms or safety nets are provided.

5B.8 Assembly. The frame of steel structures shall be carried up true as shown and
all match markings shall be followed. Temporary bracing shall be used wherever
necessary to support all loads to which the structure may be subjected, including
equipment and operation thereof and piles of materials. Such bracing shall be
left in a place as long as may be required for safety. The various members forming
parts of a completed frame after being assembled shall be aligned and adjusted
accurately before being fastened. Fastening of splices of compression members
shall be done after the abutting surfaces have been brought completely into
contact. No riveting, welding, or bolting shall be done until much of the structure
will be stiffened and has been aligned properly. Bearing surfaces and surfaces
which will be in permanent contact shall be cleaned before the members are
assembled. As erection progresses, the work shall be bolted or welded sufficiently
to take care of all dead load, wind, and erection stresses. Splices will be permitted
only where indicated. Erection bolts used in welded construction may be
tightened securely and left in place; if removed, the holes shall be filled with plug

5B.9 Inspection.

5B.9.1 General. Contractor's inspection shall be made promptly to permit

immediate correction of defects. The inspector shall stamp each piece which is
accepted, with the mark assigned to him. The Contractor shall be fully responsible
for the accuracy and character of the work in all details. Errors or faults which are
discovered after delivery or during erection shall be corrected by the Contractor
in accordance with the requirements of the contract and without increase in the
contract price. He shall provide competent supervision and visual inspection of
all fabrication through shop inspectors whose primary duty is inspection.


6A.1 Scope. This section includes carpentry work, complete.

6A.2 General. Lumber and woodwork shall be covered and protected from the
elements until used. Building shall be thoroughly dry before the finish is placed in
them. As far as practicable, nailing shall be done in concealed places, and all
nails in exposed work shall be set. Exterior and interior finish shall be dressed and
smooth. Finishing woodwork shall be hand-smoothed and sanded at the site as
necessary to produce the proper finish. When practicable, millwork shall be
fabricated in the shop, doweled, mortised and tensioned together, backed up
and glued, machine and hand-sanded to a smooth surface, and delivered to the
site, ready to be secured in place. All lumber shall be surfaced four sides. All
cutting, framing and fitting necessary for the accommodation of other work shall
be provided. All nails, spikes, screws, bolts, clips, anchors, shapes, and any other
rough hardware necessary for the completion of the work shall be provided. All
lumber surfaces in contact with concrete and masonry shall receive one brush of
bituminous paint.

6A.3 Moisture content. Except where otherwise specified, lumber shall

be sun-dried or kiln dried. At time of installation, the maximum moisture
content, expressed as a percentage of the weight of the over -dry wood,
shall be as follows:

6A.3.1 Rough carpentry and framing:

Framing lumber 50 mm and less in thickness 19%

Framing lumber over 50 mm thick 25%

Boards 19%

6A.3.2 Interior millwork, siding and trim. 17%

6A.3.3 Exterior millwork, finish and trim 17%

6A.4 Delivery and storage. Lumber delivered to the site shall be carefully
piled off the ground and stacked in such a manner as to ensure proper
drainage, ventilation, and protection from the weather. It shall be
stored in a well-ventilated building and shall not be exposed to ex treme
changes in temperature or humidity.

6A.5 Materials.

6A.5.1 Expansion shields shall be of the type, class and style best
suited for the intended use or as indicated. Shield shall be accurately
recessed and unless otherwise indicated, shall be not l ess than 64 mm
into concrete or masonry.

6A.5.2 Wood screws shall be steel, type and size best suited for
the purpose. Nails may be of the annular ring or the screw type with
mechanically deformed shanks.

6A.5.3 Lumber.

6A.5.3.1 Lumber for wood jambs, stair framing, girders, girt and all
lumber in contact with concrete shall be hardwood: Yakal, Guijo or
Paitan, good grade.

6A.5.3.2 Lumber for rafters, bottom chords, plate caps, studs and
nailers shall be Apitong or Tanguile and good grade.

6A.5.3.3 Wood framing, base boards, planks and trims exposed to

view shall be Narra or Tanguile, kiln dried as indicated, good grade.

6A.5.3.4 Wood preservatives shall be applied on all wood roofing

members, ceiling joist, door and window jambs, base board, underne ath
of planks and trims and other surfaces where necessary as directed.
Preservative shall be clear for exposed surfaces and/or tinted on hidden
surfaces, conforming to the best commercial standard.

6A.5.4 Particle board shall be 9 mm thick, water resista nt, density

700 to 800 kg/m, of best commercial standard and of good and sound
grade for paint finish as distributed by “Tektite Technologies
6A.5.5 Medium density fiberboard(MDF) for built-in cabinets and
kitchen systems, partitions and ceiling shall be made from high quality
fine rubber wood chip fibers homogeneously compacted with special
resins, 6, 12, 16, 25 mm thick as indicated, of good and sound grade for
paint finish as distributed by “Tektite Technologies Corporation.”

6A.5.6 Plywood for wall sheeting or others shall be Tanguile

thickness as indicated, conforming to the best commercial standards.

6A.5.7 Plastic laminates, where indicated, shall be of the best

commercial standard design, pattern and color shall be as approved.

6A.6 Light-metal-plate connectors shall be “Gang-nail”, galvanized, as

distributed by “Trussmaker Gang-nail, Enterprises.”

6A.7 Nails, common and finishing, shall conform to the best commercial
standard size and type best suited for the purpose intended.

6A.8 Installation of framing and miscellaneous wood members.

6A.8.1 General. Framing lumber and other rough carpentry shall

be fitted closely, set accurately to the required lines and levels, and shall
be secured in place in a rigid and substantial manner. Framing members
shall be free from pronounced defects. All framing members, not
indicated or specified shall be provided as necessary for the proper
completion of the work. Nailing shall be done in an approved manner;
nails shall be of the proper size, and care shall be taken so as not to split
the members.

6A.8.1.1 Fabricated wood trusses and other fabricated structural

members. The design shall be as indicated. Connections shall be made
with light metal-plate-connectors. Members shall be adequately braced
before erection. Members shall be aligned and all connections
completed before removal of bracing. Individually wrapped members
shall be unwrapped only after adequate protection by a roof or other
cover has been provided. Scratches and abrasions on factory-applied
sealer shall be treated with two brush-coats of the same sealer used at
the factory.

6A.8.1.2 Sill plates shall be set level, square, and anchor -bolted
at not more than 1.8 meter on centers and not more than 0.30 m from
each end of each piece. A minimum of 2 anchors shall be used for each

6A.8.1.3 Partition and wall framing. Unless otherwise shown, studs

shall be spaced 0.40 m or 0.60 m on centers. Studs shall be doubled at
openings. Unless otherwise indicated, headers for o penings shall be
made of two pieces of stud material sets on edge, or solid lumber of
equivalent size. Corners shall be constructed of not less than three full
members. End studs of partitions abutting concrete or masonry shall be
anchored thereto with expansion bolts, one near each of studs and at
intermediate intervals of not more than 1.20 meter. Plates of partitions
resting on concrete floor shall be anchored in place with expansion
bolts, one near each end of each piece and at intermediate intervals
of not more than 1.80 m between bolts. Anchoring into concrete with
power-driven threaded studs of suitable type and size, and at 0.90 m on
center in lieu of bolts. Walls and bearing partitions shall be provided
with double top plates with members lapped at least 0.60 m and well-
spiked together. Blocking for fire -stopping shall be provided so that the
maximum dimension of any concealed space is not over 1.80 meter.
Corner bracing shall be installed when required by the type of sheeting
used or when siding other than panel siding is applied directly to studs.
Corner bracing shall be let into the exterior surfaces of the studs at an
angle approximately 45 degrees, and shall extend completely over wall
plates. It shall be secured at each bearing with two na ils.

6A.8.1.4 Floor and ceiling framing. Except where otherwise

indicated, joists shall have bearings not less than 100 mm on concrete
or masonry and 38 mm on wood or metal. Joists, trimmers, headers, and
beams framing into carrying members at the same relative levels shall
be carried on joists’ hangers. Joists shall be lapped and spiked together
at bearings or butted end -to end with scab and ties at the joint and
spiked to plates. Openings in floors shall be framed with headers and
trimmers. Headers carrying more than two tail joists and trimmers
supporting headers carrying more than one tail joist shall be doubled,
unless otherwise indicated. Joists shall be doubled under partitions
parallel with floor joists.

6A.8.1.5 Roof framing with rafters. Tops of rafters shall form a true
plane. Valley, ridge, and hip members shall be of depth equal to cut on
rafters where practicable, but in no case less than the depth of the
rafters. Valleys, hips, and ridges shall be straight and true intersections
of roof planes. Necessary crickets and watersheds shall be formed.
Rafters, except hip and valley rafters, shall be well spiked to wall plate
and to ceiling joists or bolted by clip angles. Hip and valley rafters shall
be secured to wall plates by clip angl es. Openings in roof shall be
framed with headers and trimmers. Unless otherwise indicated, headers
carrying more than two rafters and trimmers supporting headers carrying
more than one rafter shall be double. Hip rafters longer than the
available lumber shall be butt-jointed and scabbed. Valley rafters
longer than the available lumber shall be double, with the pieces
lapped not less than 1.20 m and well spiked together.

6A.8.1.6 Bridging. Wood bridging shall have ends accurately

bevel-cut and shall be nailed at each end with two nails. The lower ends
of bridging shall be driven up tight and secured after sub -flooring or roof
sheeting has been laid and a partition framing has been installed.

6A.8.1.7 Blocking shall be provided as necessary for the

application of siding, sheeting, sub-flooring, wallboard, and other
materials or building items, and to provide fire -stopping. Blocking shall
be cut to fit between framing members and rigidly nailed thereto.

6A.8.1.8 Nailers and nailing strips shall be provided as necessary

for the attachment of finish materials. Strips shall be run in lengths as
long as practicable, butt jointed, cut into wood framing members when
necessary and rigidly secured in place.

6A.9 Interior finish carpentry.

6A.9.1 General. Finished woodwork shall be machined (flat) or

hand (molded) sanded. Grades and species of wood shall be as
specified. Interior finish shall be set plumb, level, square, and in true
alignment. Joints shall be tight and formed to conceal shrinkage. Where
practicable, jointing and nailing shall be concealed. Face nailing in trim
and millwork and elsewhere as indicated, shall be set for putty stopping.
Woodwork specified to receive a natural finish shall be selected for
uniformity in color and graining.

6A.10 Hardware. Items of finishing hardware specified under Section:

Builders’ Hardware shall be fitted carefully and attached securely. Care
shall be exercised so as not to mar or injure the work.

6A.11 Submittal requirements. Prior to procurement, the Contractor shall

submit sample of wood preservatives, plastic laminates, cabinet finishes
and other special boards as may be required for approval. Specified
kiln-dried lumber shall be checked and approved prior to use.


7A.1 Scope. This section includes elastomeric membrane waterproofing system,

7A.2 General. The membrane waterproofing shall be a complete system of

compatible materials supplied by the manufacturer to create a seamless
waterproof membrane.

7A.3 Product delivery. storage and handling.

7A.3.1 Delivery. Materials shall be delivered in original sealed containers,
clearly marked with brand name and type of materials.

7A.3.2 Storage. Materials shall be stored at 29°C with normal handling to

prevent damage to container. Do not store for long periods in direct sunlight.

7A.4 Materials. Manufactured coating materials shall be delivered to the site in

the original sealed containers or package bearing the manufacturer's name and
brand designation. Acceptable product is "LARADEK" by "The Elastomark

7A.4.1 Elastomeric waterproofing coating shall be from heavy-duty high

solid contents polyvinyl acetate elastomeric, water-based, high elasticity,
abrasion resistant and chemical resistant to most acid. The elastomeric coatings
shall have a world-class quality distinction. It shall have been in use for a period of
20 years to prove its adaptability, reliability and dependability.

7A.5 Surface preparation. All surfaces to which coating is to be applied shall be

dry, clean, smooth, and free from oil or grease and from projections that might
puncture the coatings. Final cleaning method, if necessary, shall be treating the
concrete surfaces with 10% to 15% solution of muriatic acid to remove laitance
and impurities. After acid has stopped foaming or boiling, immediately rinse
thoroughly with water. Keep the surfaces that will receive application completely
dry prior to and during installation. Concrete surfaces and all surfaces that slope
to drain shall be checked and approved before installation of any coating is
started. All defects or inaccuracies in the surfaces shall be corrected in a
satisfactory manner to eliminate poor drainage, hollows, and low spots.

7A.6 Inspection. Verify that the concrete work done under other section meets
the following requirements:

7A.6. 1. That the concrete slab surface has sloped to the drainage system
and is free of ridges or sharp projections.

7A.6.2. That the concrete be finished by a wood or hand steel trowel

followed by soft hair broom to obtain light textured finish.

7A.7 Application.

7A.7.1. At all integral flashing, apply 40-mil film thickness of elastomeric

coating to the surface to be flashed extending 150 mm unto the floor slab and
up the vertical wall.

7A.7.2 Apply a minimum of 40 dry mils of elastomeric coating at protrusions

or projections, such as service pipes, to a height equal to desired wearing surface

7A.7.3 Membrane waterproofing coating

7A.7.3.1 Apply elastomeric coats approximately 2 mils thick as first coat at
15 square meters per 4-liter container.

7A.7.3.2 Apply elastomeric coating for six (6) coats as top coating,
approximately 7 mils thick per coat (at 10 square meters per 4-liter container) after
other coat has completely dried. Total thickness of membrane waterproofing shall
be approximately 40 mils. Others shall do mortar setting beds for tile works to cover
the membrane waterproofing. Provide an average of 38 mm thickness and this
shall slope to drain.

7A.8 Material application shall be made by roller, brush, or squeegee.

7A.9 Field quality control.

7A.9.1 Flood testing (optional).

7A.9.1.1 Waterproofed area shall be given a 24-hour flood test upon

complete installation of the waterproofing system. Allow system to cure 48 hours
prior to flood test.

7A.9.1.2 Plugs drains and place barrier to contain the water.

7A.9.1.3 Repair any leak that may appear.

7A.10 Cleaning. All debris resulting from completion of work shall be removed from
the project site.

7A.11 Performance of waterproofing. Waterproofing works shall be done in a skillful

manner, completely watertight, and free from loose applications. The Contractor
shall submit a guarantee certificate against water leaks for a period of five (5)

7A.12 Submittal requirements. Prior to procurement and delivery, the Contractor

shall submit brochure and sample of elastomeric waterproofing materials to be
used for approval. Work shall not be started until approval of materials is received.


7C. 1 Scope. This section includes cementitious waterproofing system, complete.

7C.2 General. The Cementitious waterproofing coating shall be a complete

system of compatible materials to create a seamless waterproof application.

7C.3 Product delivery, storage and handling.

7C.3.1 Delivery. Materials shall be delivered in original sealed containers,

clearly marked with brand name and type of materials.

7C.3.2 Storage. Materials shall be stored at 29 degrees C. with normal

handling to prevent damage to container. Do not store for long periods in direct

7C.4 Materials. Acceptable materials are "Elastomark" or approved equivalent,

and shall be delivered to the site in the original sealed containers or packages
bearing the manufacturers name and brand designation.

7C.4.1 Cementitious coating shall be a mixture of high early-strength

portland cement with fine silica sand and water-white elastomeric chemicals for
polymerization - to provide a cementitious water barrier for concrete. Application
of cementitious coatings shall be 90 mils thick.

7C.5 Surface preparation. All surfaces on which coating is to be applied

shall be steel-trowelled finish, dry, clean, smooth, and free from oil or grease and
from projections that might puncture the coatings. Floor surfaces shall be kept dry
prior to and during installation. Final cleaning method, if necessary, shall be
treating the concrete surfaces with 10% to 15% solution of muriatic acid to remove
laitance and impurities. After acid has stopped foaming or boiling, immediately
rinse thoroughly with water. Keep the surfaces dry prior to and during installation.
Concrete surfaces and all surfaces that slope to drain shall be checked and
approved before installation of any coating is started. All defects or inaccuracies
in the surfaces shall be corrected in a satisfactory manner to eliminate poor
drainage, hollows, and low spots.

7C.6 Inspection. Verify that the concrete work done under other sections meets
the following requirements:

7C.6.1 Concrete surfaces like basement, deck, plant boxes, and the like are
free of ridges or sharp projections.

7C.6.2 Concrete must be cured for a minimum of 14 days.

7C.6.3 Concrete shall be finished by a power or hand steel trowel followed

by soft hair broom to obtain light texture or "light sidewalk" finish.

7C.7 Application.

7C.7.1 Method of application shall be as per manufacturer's

specifications to attain the thickness specified.

7C. 7.1.1 At all integral flashing, apply 120-mil thick of cementitious coating
to the surface to be flashed extending 150 mm unto the floor slab and up the
vertical wall.

7C.7.1.2 Apply a minimum of 120 dry mils of cementitious coating at

protrusions or projections, such as service pipes, to a height equal to desired
wearing surface height.

7C.7.1.3 Membrane waterproofing coating.

7C. Apply cementitious coating primer as first coat at 15 square
meters per 4-liter container.

7C. Apply two (2) coats of cementitious top coating approximately

45 mils thick per coat after other coat has completely dried. Total thickness of
membrane waterproofing shall be approximately 90 mils. Others shall do mortar
setting beds for tile works to cover the membrane waterproofing.

7A.7.2 Material application shall be made by trowel, brush, or squeegee.

7C.8 The waterproofing system shall be guaranteed for a minimum of five (5) years
against leakage, supported with a certificate of maintenance guaranty.

7C.9 Field quality control.

7C.9.1 Flood testing (optional).

7C.9.1.1 Waterproofed areas shall be given a 24-hour flood test upon

completion of the waterproofing. Allow system to cure 48 hours prior to flood test,
or until dry enough to support foot traffic and test.

7C.9.1.2 Plug drains and places barrier to contain the water.

7C.9.1.3 Repair any leaks that may occur.

7C.10 Cleaning. All debris resulting from completion of work shall be removed
from the project site.

7C. 11 Performance of waterproofing. Waterproofing works shall be done in a

skillful manner, completely watertight, and free from loose applications. The
Contractor shall submit a guarantee certificate against water leaks for a period
of five (5) years.

7C. 12 Submittal requirements. Prior to procurement and delivery, the

Contractor shall submit brochure and sample of cementitious waterproofing
materials to be used for approval.


7H.1 Scope. This section includes corrugated galvanized steel roofing and sheet
metal roofing.

7H.2 General. The work includes furnishing all materials and performing all
operations to gated galvanized steel roofing and bended sheet metal items as
required to provide a watering Surfaces to which roofing is to be applied shall be
thoroughly clean, dry, and free from any de affect the application. Specific
installation details shall be in accordance with recognized she lation practice.

7H.3 Materials

7H.3.1 Galvanized steel roofing shall be gauge 26 and shall be of best

commercial standard

7H.3.2 Ridge roll and flashing shall be galvanized steel flat sheets same
gauge as the roofing ration shall be as approved.

7H.3.3 Gutters shall be galvanized steel sheets, gauge 24, S-type design and
as approved.

7H.3.4 Fasteners. All fasteners shall be of the underneath type. Straps shall
be pre-formed or steel not lighter than gauge 0.60 mm.

7H.3.5 Solder shall be commercial composition Sn 5n

7H.3.6 Soldering flux not otherwise specified shall he resin.

7H.3.7 Rivet shall be copper type to fasten ridge roll, flashing and gutter
joints prior to sold

7H.4 Installation. Except as specified herein, all materials shall be installed in

accord manufacturer's printed erection instructions. Care shall be exercised in
storing, handling, or, prevent any damage to roofing and siding sheets. The sheets
shall be of the standard size or 1 with no end lapping. Size of fasteners used in
erection shall be as recommended by the man metal shavings shall be swept
from roof upon completion of the work.

7H.4.1 Joint sealing material shall be provided to seal all joints in and around
sealing the eaves, valleys and bolt holes before inserting fasteners for all flashing
and elsewhere as fences: watertight construction.

7H.4.2 Fastenings. All end laps in roofing shall not be less than 31 cm. All
roofing sheets shall be connected to framing members with the fasteners
specified herein.

7H.4.3 Sheet metal flashing shall be secured to roofing with cadmium-

plated or zinc-coati screws in accordance with the manufacturer's

7H.4.4 Sheet metal works like gutters, flashing, eaves roll and ridge roll shall
be provided as shown and where necessary to make the work watertight.
Flashing shall not be bent at sharp angles but shall be worked to as large a radius
as possible. Allowance shall be made for expansion and contraction of all sheet
metal works. All joints shall be soldered and primed to provide a watertight

7H.5 Performance of roofing. Roofing and all sheet metal works shall be
completely weather tight, free of abrasions, loose fasteners and deformations.
The installation shall be guaranteed against leakage for a period of one (1) year.


8A.1 Scope. This section includes wood flush, sliding doors, and frames, complete.

8A.2 General. Interior wood flush, panel and sliding doors shall conform to the best
commercial standard. Doors shall have wood preservative treatment, insect-
treated and kiln-dried.

8A.3 Storage and protection. Wood flush, panel and shall be protected against
damage and dampness. Doors shall be stored under cover in a well-ventilated
building where they will not be exposed to extreme changes of humidity. They
shall not be brought into the building until plastering has been completed and is
thoroughly dry.

8A.4 Materials.

8A.4.1 Flush doors.

8A.4.2 Panel door swing doors.

8A.4.3 Panel type doors.

8A.5 Installation. Flush, panel and sliding doors shall be leveled, hung plumbed,
and fitted accurately allowing 2-mm clearance at the jambs and heads. Lock
stiles of doors, 45 mm thick or thicker, shall be beveled 3 mm in 50 mm. Knob locks
and latches shall be installed 1 m from finished floors to the center knobs. Apply
hardware with fastenings of the size, quality, quantity and finish to provide
workable door system and as specified in Section: Builder’s Hardware.

8A.6 Submittal requirements. Prior to fabrication of flush, panel and sliding doors,
and frames, shop drawings shall be submitted indicating materials used, sizes,
fastening devices, and finish for approval.


8C.1 Scope. This section includes aluminum sliding win dows, complete.

8C.2 Storage and protection. Materials shall be stored out of contact

with the ground and shall be arranged to avoid bending, warping or
otherwise damaging the fabricated windows.
8C.3 Materials.

8C.3.1 Aluminum sliding windows shall be horizontal type; frames

shall be standard sizes or as indicated, with analok finish. Glass shall be
tempered, 5.55 mm thick, tinted or clear, as approved.

8C.3.2 Weather stripping shall be the standard type of the

manufacturer, as approved, and shall be easily replaced without special

8C.4 Installation.

8C.4.1 Windows shall be installed without forcing or distortions so

that sills and heads are level and jambs are plumb. Window frames shall
be securely anchored into the supporting construction. Joints between
aluminum windows and aluminum members, including mullions, shall be
set in mastic and weather-stripping of the type recommended by the
window manufacturer and as approved, to provide completely
watertight joints. After installation and glazing, each window shall b e
checked for proper operation and adjusted as necessary to provide an
even sash edge contact of operating sash. Aluminum surfaces shall be
cleaned and any staining or discoloring of the finish shall be restored or
the unit replaced.

8C.5 Submittal requirements. Prior to fabrication and delivery, brochure,

catalogs or shop drawings, samples of aluminum frames, mullions,
weather stripping, type of finish, and glass shall be submitted for


8D.1 Scope. This section includes glass steel casement windows,

8D.2 Storage and protection. Materials shall be stored out of contact

with the ground and shall be arranged to avoid bendin g, warping or
otherwise damaging the fabricated windows.

8D.3 Steel casement windows shall be as indicated with 4 mm clear

glass. Handle and operating device shall be of the heavy -duty type
bronze finish. Glazing and glazing, including sealant of window s, shall be
as specified in Section: Glass and Glazing. Construction and
workmanship shall be in accordance with Section: Miscellaneous Metals.
Provide a fixed grille, 12 mm square bar, connected to the main frames
of the casement windows. Grille design shall be as approved.
8D.4 Finish painting shall be as specified in Section: Field Painting , or
powder-coated as approved. Application of finish paints shall be of first
class standards.

8D.5 Installation. Windows shall be installed without forcing or distortions

so that sills and heads are level and jambs are plumb. Window frames
shall be securely anchored into the supporting construction. Joints
between metal windows and metal members including mullions shall be
set in mastic of the type recommended by the window manufacturer
and as approved, to provide completely watertight joints. After
installation and glazing, each window shall be checked for proper
operation and adjusted as necessary to provide even edge contact of
operating sash. Metal surfaces shall be cleaned and any staining or
discoloring of the finish shall be restored or the unit replaced.

8D.6 Submittal requirements. Prior to fabrication and delivery, brochure,

catalogs or shop drawings, samples of steel casement frames, type of
finish, sealant and glass shall be submitted for approval.

9A.1 Scope. This section includes plastering, complete.

9A.2 General. All masonry unit work or concrete work not specifically specified
with a finish, exposed to view shall be cement-plastered. Plastering work shall be
coordinated properly with the work of other trades. The work of other trades shall
be protected properly from damage during plastering operations. Floors and
finished work shall be properly protected with a covering of polyethylene sheets
or heavy kraft waterproof paper, with lapped and sealed joints. Scaffolding shall
be amply strong, well braced, tied securely and inspected regularly. Overloading
of scaffolding will not be permitted.

9A.3 Delivery and storage of materials. Manufactured materials shall be delivered

in the original packages and containers bearing the name and brand of the
manufacturer. Cement and lime shall be stored off the ground under watertight
cover, and away from sweating walls and damp surfaces, until ready for use.
Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises.

9A.4 Materials.

9A.4.1 Portland cement shall conform to PNS 07-1992, type 1.

9A.4.2 Sand shall be clean natural sand or manufactured sand passing a

3 mm screen and retained in a No. 100 mesh sieve.
9A.4.3 Water for mixing shall be potable.

9A.4.4 Lime shall be hydrated lime with the requirement that the free
(unhydrated) calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) in the hydrated
product shall not exceed 8 percent by weight calculated on the “as received”

9A.5 Mixing of plaster. Except where hand mixing of small patches is approved,
mechanical mixers of an approved type shall be used for the mixing of plaster.
Materials shall be accurately measured in a device that will maintain the
specified proportions within a plus or minus tolerance not in excess of 5 percent
by volume. Caked or lumped materials shall not be used. Mechanical mixers,
mixing boxes, and tools shall be cleaned after mixing each batch and kept freely
of plaster from previous mixes. Plaster shall be thoroughly mixed with the proper
amount of water, until uniform in color and consistency. Re-tempering will not be
permitted, and all plaster that has begun to stiffen shall be discarded.

9A.6 Proportioning of plaster. Portland cement plaster shall be a two-coat

application. Each coat shall be proportioned as follows: one part Portland
cement, three parts sand, and 1/5 part lime putty.

9A.7 Application of plaster.

9A.7.1 Workmanship. Base coats shall be applied with sufficient pressure

and the plaster shall be sufficiently plastic to provide good bond on masonry or
concrete base. Plaster work shall be finished level, plumb, square, and true, within
a tolerance of 3 mm in 3 m, without eaves, cracks, blisters, pits, grazing,
discoloration, projections, or other imperfections. Plasterwork shall have no visible
junction marks where one day’s work adjoins another. Finished work shall be
covered and protected in an approved manner to prevent damage.

9A.7.2 Portland cement plaster shall be applied in two coats double-up

method on masonry or concrete to a thickness of not less than 12 mm. Base coats
shall be applied with sufficient pressure and excessive evaporation during hot or
drying weather conditions. Care shall be taken to prevent staining the finished

9A.8 Patching and pointing. Upon completion of the building and when directed,
all loose, cracked, damaged, or defective plastering shall be cut out and re-
patched in a satisfactory and approved manner. All point-patching of plastered
surfaces, and plaster work abutting or adjoining any other finish work, shall be
done in a neat and workmanlike manner. Plaster droppings or splattering shall be
removed from all surfaces. Exposed plastered surfaces shall be left in a clean
unblemished condition ready to receive paint or other finish. Protective coverings
shall be removed from floors, other surfaces, and all rubbish and debris shall be
removed from the building.

9A.9 Sample requirement. Prior to application of plasterwork, the

Contractor shall apply a one-small-wall sample of plastering of the
expected completed work on a designated area at the job site for
workmanship approval by the architect.


9B.1 Scope. This section includes provision of ceramic or mosaic tile work,

9B.2 General. The work shall be started until rough-in for plumbing and electrical
work has been completed and tested. The work of all other trades in the area
where tile work is to be done shall be protected from damage in a skillful manner
and as directed.

9B.2.1 Delivery and Storage. Manufactured materials shall be

delivered in the manufacturer’s original unbroken packages or containers that
are labeled plainly with the manufacturer’s name and brands. Containers for tiles
shall be grade sealed. Materials shall be stored in watertight enclosures, and shall
be handled in a manner that will prevent damage by wear and dampness.

9B.3 Materials.

9B.3.1 Ceramic tiles shall be of good quality grade; heavy duty or medium
duty, gloss smooth finish, same color and size code should be strictly followed.
Color, design and texture shall be as approved.

9B.3.2 Listed or trim units shall be provided as required by the architect for
a completely and neatly finished installation. Trim units shall be of material
identical to the tiles or of different material such as plastic or other synthetic

9B.3.3 Tile adhesive and grout shall be ABC as manufactured by

Allgemeine-Bau-Chemie Phil., Inc. or as specified otherwise.

9B.3.3.1 Tile adhesive (tile bonding agent) shall be used as the dry-set
mortar to install tiles on walls and floors employing the thin-set method conforming
to ANSI A108.1b. Use ABC-Redifix with Tile Adhesive for combination of latex-dry
set installation to conform to NASI A108.5.

9B.3.3.2 Tile grout shall be used as ceramic tile joint filler conforming to ANSI
A118.6. Color shall match the design of tiles.

9B.3.4 Polyurethane construction joint sealant and sanitary grade silicone

sealant as recommended by adhesive manufacturer shall be provided as
movement joint sealant for intersecting walls and floors and for areas where wide
area installations are required to minimize cracks.
9B.3.5 Grout Sealers shall be clear, as recommended by adhesive
manufacturer, and used on all tile grout installations for lasting color retention.

9B.3.6 Portland Cement shall be gray color for use on screening and
plastering. This shall conform to the requirements of PNS 07- type 1.

9B.3.7 Hydrated lime shall be the same quality as that used for masonry

9B.3.8 Sand for screening and plastering work shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM specifications C35.

9B.3.9 Water shall be potable.

9B.4 Installation.

9B.4.1 Mortar materials. For screening and plastering shall be

measured in approved containers, which will insure that the specified proportions
of materials will be controlled and accurately maintained during the process of
the work. Measuring materials with shovels, “shovel count,” will not be permitted.
Unless specified otherwise, mortar shall be mixed in proportions by volume, in
approved mixing machines or containers. The quantity of water shall be
controlled accurately and uniformly throughout the mass. A sufficient amount of
water shall be added gradually and the mass further mixed until a mortar of the
plasticity necessary for the purposes intended is obtained. Mortar containers,
pans, floor slabs and mixer drums shall be kept clean and free from debris and
dried mortar. Mortar shall be used before the initial setting of the cement has
started to set. Re-tempering will not be permitted. All mortar materials shall be
mixed by volume in the proportion of 1 part Portland cement, 4 parts dry sand
and ½ part lime.

9B.4.2 Application of wall plasters and floor screeds. Surface preparation

shall be of the utmost importance in every tile work. Special care must be taken
into consideration on the application of wall plasters and floor screeds. Tiles shall
be installed over a firm surface or substrate. The surfaces should be sound, clean
and free from substances that may cause bonding to fail. In addition to being
structurally sound, surfaces to be tiled shall also be flat and level. An uneven
surface will result to tile installation with an uneven surface. Use a spirit level to
check whether floors and countertops are level. All walls shall be plumbed as

9B.4.3 Floor and wall tiles installation. Make sure that floor surface to be
tiled shall be sound, smooth and clean. Use ABC-Tile adhesive as your dry-set
mortar (thin-bed method). For tile installations on other substrates like old tiles,
granolithic floors, marble, fiber cement boards and gypsum boards, use ABC-
Redifix with ABC-Tile adhesive for increased bonding strength and flexibility. Mix
the tile adhesive in a non-absorbent material like plastic pail or tin can only. Wet
substrate lightly before applying the tile adhesive especially during hot or windy
conditions and on areas exposed directly to sunlight. Spread the adhesive mortar
over one (1) square meter area at a time and comb with a special notched
trowel. Fix the tiles immediately within the adhesive’s open time of 15 minutes.
Adjust and align the tiles accordingly and carry out random checks every 5
square meters to determine whether the back of tiles are fully covered with
adhesive and check if the tile adhesive mortar still adheres to your fingers. If not,
remove the adhesive layer and throw away. Follow the manufacturer’s
recommendation on mixing and application.

9B.4.4 Grouting. Grouting can be applied on newly installed tiles after 24

hours curing. Use ABC-Tile Grout as your ceramic tile joint filler. Prior to application
of grout, ensure that the grout lines are clean and if needed, remove excess tile
adhesive on the tiles. Mix tile grout in a plastic pail only. Spread the paste
diagonally across the tile joints using a rubber-faced float. Apply enough pressure
to fill the joints uniformly and after about five (5) minutes or when the residue on
the tiles begin to form a haze, apply a wet sponge using the same diagonal
strokes until the grout is flush with the tiles. Wash the sponge and wring out as
much water as possible, then tool the filled joints by lightly running the sponge
along the tile grout lines. Wipe any remaining dry residue with a clean, soft and
dry cloth to reveal the tile’s true color and texture. Grouted areas may be
opened to foot traffic at least 24 hours. Follow the manufacturer’s
recommendation on mixing and application.

9B.4.5 Expansion joints. Provide expansion joints for wide area tile
installations to accommodate structural movements. Use Polyurethane
Construction Joint Sealant spaced approximately every six (6) meters on both
ways. Also provide movement joints at intersecting tiled walls and floors as in the
case of toilets and kitchens. Use Sanitary Grade Silicone Sealant with mildew
resistance (fungicide) for this application.

9B.4.6 Grout sealers. Apply grout sealers on the tile grouts 24 hours after
grouting. Grout sealers shall be used primarily to protect the grout from damage-
stains and discoloration.

9B.4.7 Cleaning and curing. Floors shall be covered with waterproofed

paper with all joints lapped at least 100 mm and the laps tape-sealed or held
down with planks or other weights and allowed to damp-cure for at least 72 hours
before foot traffic is permitted thereon. All completed tile work shall be
thoroughly cleaned and polished. Acid cleaning, when necessary, shall not be
done within 14 days after grout application and protect all metal or plastic trims
from the solution. Use only a ten (10%) percent muriatic acid solution and after
acid, the tiles shall be flushed with clean water.

9B.4.8 Protection. Finished floor tiles shall be covered with clean building
paper before foot traffic is permitted on them. Board walkways shall be placed
on floors that are to be continuously used as passageway by workers.
9B.5 Submittal requirements. Samples of actual tiles and grout colors to be
provided shall be submitted for approval before tile work is started. The finished
work shall match the approved samples in size, color pattern, finish and texture.


9D.1 Scope. This section includes provision of tile adhesive and grouting work, and
shall supersede applicable sections where mortar or cement setting beds and
cement grouting are specified in other sections of these specifications, complete.

9D.2 General Application:

9D.2.1Tile adhesive shall be used in lieu of mortar or a skim coat of neat

Portland cement setting beds for ceramic, cement, marble and granite tiles, and
natural stone works as specified in their corresponding specification section.

9D.2.2 Tile adhesive shall be used for adhering new tiles on granolithic,
existing tiles, plywood, cement board and other non-concrete substrate, where
conditions warrant and no other method of application is specified otherwise.

9D.2.3 Tile grouting shall be used in lieu of cement grouting work, and in
conjunction with the use of tile adhesive for ceramic, cement, marble and granite
tiles, and natural stone works which has an open or gap joints, as specified in their
corresponding specification section.

9D.3 Delivery and storage. Materials shall be delivered to the site in an

undamaged condition and stored out of contact with the ground. Upon arrival
of the tile adhesive packages at the jobsite, the Contractor shall check these for
damages. Packages found damaged, which, in the opinion of the Construction
Architect/Engineer, may affect the authenticity of the adhesives, shall not be
used in the work.

9D.4 Materials.

9D.4.1 Tile adhesive and grout shall be ABC as manufactured by

"Allgemeine-Bau-Chemie Phil., Inc."

9D.4.2 Tile adhesive shall be ABC tile bonding agent or adhesive, cement-
based, powder type with natural sand fillers and chemical additives, applicable
for thin-bed application. Adhesive shall prevent tile bonding failure and
efflorescence. It shall have high adhesive tensile strength, non-sag and high initial
adhesiveness, greater workability due to long pot life and open time. It should be
applicable to interior as well as exterior areas.

9D.4.3 Tile grout shall be ABC tile grout, high quality ceramic tile joint filler
with best quality cements, pigments, marble sands and chemical additives
formulated to be used in conjunction with ABC Tile Adhesive. The tile grout shall
have a uniform color, non-fading, crack-free, easy to mix and apply, and molds
and mildew resistant. Grout color shall be as approved.

10A.1 Scope. This section covers toilet accessories, complete.

10A.2 General. Accessories are as shown on the drawings and as specified herein.
The Contractor shall furnish and install all toilet accessories as listed or indicated
on the drawings.

10A.3 Product delivery, storage and handling. Delivery of materials shall be so

scheduled as to allow for immediate installation. Products shall be protected and
kept under cover both during transit and at the jobsite. Handle products carefully
to prevent damage.

10A.4 Materials. Manufactured materials shall be delivered in the manufacturer’s

original unbroken packages or containers that are labeled plainly with the
manufacturer’s name and brand. Materials shall be stored in any weathertight
enclosures, and shall be handled in a manner that will prevent damage

10A.4.1 Models shall be as specified herein and shall be provided with color
as indicated in the drawings or as approved. Contractor shall furnish and install
all indicated toilet accessories including all required fittings.

10A.4.1.1 Water closet shall be “HCG”, model C4283T, with matching seat

10A.4.1.2 Lavatory shall be “HCG” , L323.

10A.4.1.3 Soap holder shall be “Sabrina” model 2.01.9031.

10A.4.1.4 Paper holder shall be “Sabrina” model 2.01.9032.

10A.4.1.5 Faucet for lavatory shall be “HCG” single hole faucet model

10A.5 Installation. Toilet and bath accessories shall be installed on locations as

shown. Surfaces of fastening devices exposed after installation shall have the
same finish as the attached accessory. Exposed screw head shall be oval.
Installed heights shall be as shown on the drawings. Upon completion of the
installation, accessories shall be protected with strippable plastics or by other
approved means until the installation is accepted. The manufacturer’s accessory
mounting details shall be coordinated with other trades as their work progresses.

10A.6 Quality assurance. Toilet and bath accessories shall be in accordance with
“Saniwares” catalog or brochures.

10A.6.1 Submittal requirements. Brochures and technical publications

relative to the product specified shall be submitted for approval.

15A.1 Scope. This section includes the plumbing system, complete.

15A.2 General. The project drawings show the general requirements as

to sizes, arrangement, extent of piping, and location of equipment.
Unless otherwise indicated or specified herein, all work shall be
accomplished in accordance with the National Plumbing Code.

15A.2.1 Standard products. Materials and equipment furnished

under this specification shall be standard products of manufacturer
regularly engaged in the production requirements.

15A.2.2 Defective equipment. Defective equipment or fixtures, or

equipment or fixtures damaged in the course of installation or testing
shall be replaced or repaired by the contractor in a manner approved
by the Construction Architect/Engineer.

15A.2.3 Proposed changes. If departures from the contract

drawings are deemed necessary by the Contractor, details of such
departure, including changes in related portions of the work and the
reason therefore, shall be submitted when practicable for written
approval after contract award to th e Construction Architect/Engineer.
Approved departures shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner.

15A.2.4 Coordination. The contractor shall be responsible for

proper coordination of the work of all trades and shall provide clearance
drawings where necessary.

15A.3 Pipes and fittings.

15A.3.1 Soil, waste, and vent pipes shall be polyvinyl chloride

(PVC), heavy-duty type.

15A.3.1.1 PVC cement shall be as recommended by the PVC pipe

manufacturer, solvent type.
15A.3.2 Cold and hot water line pipes shall be “APO G.I. pipes”,
hot-dipped galvanized, standard schedule 40, heavy gauge,
conforming to ASTM A53 or PNS 26 1992, and “Mayon Pipes” based on
ISO Light Series-II, as manufactured by “Apo Pipe Industries

15A.3.2.1 Couplings and pipe fittings shall be of the heavy duty

type and as recommended by the pipe manufacturer.

15A.3.4 Valves.

15A.3.4.1 Angle, check and glove valves shall be bronze, 56.8

kilos, and type suitably for the application. Check valves shall be swing

15A.3.4.2 Gate valves. All valves used for shut-off valves or gate
valves shall be bronze, with screwed ends, and 56.8 kilos pressure

15A.3.4.3 Clean-outs shall be provided in all soil, storm or waste

lines at every change in direction greater tha n 45 degrees, size same as
the pipe served. Clean-outs shall be extended to an easily accessible
place or where indicated on the drawings.

15A.3.4.4 Pipe sleeves shall be installed and properly secured in

place at all points where pipes pass through masonry or concrete,
except unframed floors on earth with sufficient diameter to provide
approximately 6 mm clearance around the pipe or insulation. Pipe
sleeves in walls, partitions and through floors shall be of PVC pipe.

15A.3.4.5 Pipe hangers, inserts and supports shall be provided to

all horizontal runs of pipes and shall be hanged with adjustable wrought
iron or malleable iron pipe hangers spaced not over 1.5 me ters apart for
PVC pipes and 3.0 meters apart for steel pipes. Trapeze hangers may
be used in place of separate hangers on pipes running parallel to and
close to each other.

15A.3.4.6 Shock absorbers or air-capped chambers shall be

provided, where shown on the drawings, on all individual branch water
lines to equipment or fixtures.

15A.3.5 Hose bibb shall be with metal handle, heavy -duty type,
chrome plated, compression type, with hose threads; size shall be as

15A.3.6 Faucets for water system shall be as specified herein or as

indicated and shall be heavy-duty type, chrome-plated and/or as
specified in Section 10A Toilet and Bath Accessories for specific uses.
15A.3.7 Floor drain shall be stainless steel with strainer, size 100
mm x 100 mm with stainless fastening screw.

15A.4 Toilet fixtures and accessories shall be as specified in Section 10A,

Toilet and Bath Accessories.

15A.5 Installation.

15A.5.1 General. Piping shall be installed as shown on the

drawings, as recommended by the manufacturer and as directed during
installation. It shall be straight and as direct as possible, forming right
angles or parallel lines with building walls and other pipes, and neatly
spaced. Erect pipe risers plumb and true, parallel with walls and othe r
pipes neatly spaced. Before being placed in position, pipes and fittings
shall be cleaned carefully. All pipes shall be maintained in a clean

15A.5.2 All piping shall be properly supported or suspended on

stands, clamps, hangers, or equivalent of approved design. Supports
shall be installed in such a manner as to permit pipe free expansion and
contraction while minimizing vibration. Do not install pipes in a manner
that interferes with other pipes, ducts, conduits, equipment and
adjacent structures of the building. The arrangement, position and
connection of pipes, fixtures, drains, valves, and the like indicated on
the drawings shall be followed as closely as possible. All pipes shall be
cut accurately to measurement and shall be worked into place without
springing and forcing. Changes in pipes shall be made with reducing
fittings. Pipes shall not pass through columns, footings, and beams,
except where noted on the drawings.

15A.5.3 Rough-in for pipes and fittings shall be carried along with
the building construction. Correctly located openings of proper sizes
shall be provided where required in the walls and floors for the passages
of pipes. All items to be embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly
cleaned and free from all rust and scale.

15A.5.4 Pipes in trenches. Sewer and water piping shall be

placed in separate trenches.

15A.5.5 Installation of screw-jointed piping. All pipes shall be cut

accurately to measurements established by the Contractor and shall be
worked into place without springing or forcing. Proper provision shall be
made for the expansion and contraction of all pipelines. Pipe and
fittings shall be free from fins and burrs. Screw joints shall be made with
a lubricant applied on the male threads only. Threads shall b e full cut
and not more than three threads on the pipe shall remain exposed. All
exposed ferrous pipe threads after being installed and tested, shall be
given one coat of zinc chromate and enamel paint.

15A.5.6 Installation of fixtures. Connections between the

earthenware of fixtures and the flanges on soil pipe shall be made gas
and watertight. All bulk materials including putty and plastics shall not
be used for gaskets. Floor drains shall be secured in a watertight

15A.5.7 Protective coating for galvanized steel piping buried in

the ground. All galvanized steel piping buried in the ground shall be
given a protective coating of zinc chromate primer and enamel paint.

15A.6 Quality assurance provisions.

15A.6.1 Test. All defects disclosed by tests shall be rectified and

the test repeated. All labor materials, and equipment used for tests shall
be provided by the Contractor

15A.6.1.1 Water piping. Water piping shall be subjected to a

hydrostatic pressure test of 100 psi or 0.60 mpa. All p otable water piping
shall be disinfected by a mixture containing not less than 0.27 kilo of high
test calcium hypochlorite, or an equivalent amount of chlorinated lime
(about 0.91 kilo), to each 3780-liters of water, which provides not less
than 50 ppm of available chlorine. The mixture shall be injected into the
system shall then be drained, flushed with potable water, and placed in

15A.6.1.2 Sanitary piping. Before the installation of any fixtures,

the ends of the system shall be capped and al l lines filled with water to
the roof or 3 m above the highest fixture connections if test is done in
sections or by floors. It shall be allowed to stand for at least 30 minutes
without leakage. Test tees having cast iron screwed plugs shall be
installed in the vertical stacks when tests are made in sections or by
floors. Test within building shall be made with piping exposed.
Underground piping shall be tested before backfilling.

15A.6.1.3 Plumbing systems and equipment. Plumbing system and

equipment, after complete, installation shall be given an in -service test.
After fixtures are installed the entire vent and sewer systems shall have
a final test. Final test shall be either the smoke or peppermint test.
Before proceeding with either test all tra ps shall be filled with water.
Smoke test shall be accomplished by filling the entire sewer system with
a pungent thick smoke produced by one or more smoke machines.
When smoke appears at stack openings on the ceiling or roof, they shall
be closed. A pressure equivalent to a 25 mm water column shall be
exerted and maintained for 15 minutes before inspection starts.
Peppermint tests shall be accomplished by introducing a minimum of
56.70 grams of oil of peppermint into each stack. All stacks and line
openings shall be closed during test, for a mini mum period of 1/2 hour.

15A.7 Guarantee. The contractor shall furnish to the Owner a written

guarantee covering the satisfactory operations of the plumbing
installation. This shall be for a period of one year after the date of
acceptance. During this period, the Contractor shall repair or replace
any defective work and pay for any repair or replacement cost. All
damages due to improper use or caused by the Owner or his
representatives/employees shall be at the Owner’s expense.

15A.8 Submittal requirements.

15A.8.1 Before starting installation. The contractor shall submit, for

approval, list of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work.
These shall be supported by sufficient descriptive materials such as
catalogs, diagrams, and other data published by manufacturer to
demonstrate conformance to the contract requirements.

16A.1 Scope. This section covers the requirements for the provision of a
complete and operable electrical installation including all labor,
supervision, materials, equipment, tools, apparatus, transportation,
warehousing, rigging, scaffolding and other equipment and services
necessary to accomplish the electrical installation, complete.

16A.2 General. The work includes but not necessarily limited to the
installation of interior lighting and power system, including all feeders,
branch circuits and connections to all lighting outlets, fixtures and

16A.2.1 Best standard practice of the trade. Install all equipment

and materials in a neat and professional manner. Leave all exposed
parts of the electrical work in a neat, clean and usable condition , with
painted surfaces unblemished and polished surfaces re -polished.

16A.2.2 The work as laid out on drawing is to some extent

diagrammatic and the location thereon indicated may be approximate
only, except where fixed by dimensional notations or archit ectural
elevation. Adhere to the location indicated as much as possible and if
significant deviation is necessary request direction from the Construction
16A.2.3 If anything has been omitted in any item of work usually
furnished which are necessary for the completion of electrical works as
outlined herein, such items must be hereby included in the electrical

16A.2.4 Repairs, cutting and patching. Perform cutting

necessitated by installation of the electrical work and repair a ll damage
affected on existing and new construction. Patch to match the
surrounding work to the satisfaction of the Construction

16A.3 Quality assurance.

16A.3.1 Materials shall by a popular brand of manufacturer as

specified herein and as approved by the Construction

16A.3.2 Electrical equipment and materials shall conform to the

applicable requirement. Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL), National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA), National Electrical Manufacturer ’s
Association (NEMA) and other related publications.

16A.3.3 Workmanship shall be equal to the best standard practice

recognized and adopted for this trade.

16A.3.4 Inspection and test shall be conducted by the Contractor

in the presence of the Construc tion Architect/Engineer.

16A.4 Application codes, regulations and requirements.

16A.4.1 Applicable codes and regulations.

A. Philippine Electrical Code.

B. Bureau of Labor Standards.

C. National Fire Protection Association

D. National Electrical Code, latest edition.

E. Power Company Regulations.

F. Regulations of all other authorities having jurisdiction.

16A.5 Permits and inspection. Obtain and pay for all permits required.
Arrange for and schedule inspections by Office of the Building Official
and utility companies and secure their approval.

16A.6 Structural conditions. Obtain the consent of the Construction

Architect/Engineer before installing conduits, which will pass through or
interfere with any structural members or where notching, boring or
cutting of the structure is necessary to accommodate the electrical

16A.7 Materials.

16A.7.1 Lighting Fixtures and Lamps. The Contractor shall provide

and install all lighting fixtures of the size and type as indicated on the
drawings. All fixtures shall be completely wired and installed including
all lamps and/or tubes, transformers, ballasts, supports, brackets,
canopies, globes and other parts and devices necessary for complete
installation and operation.

16A.7.1.1 Fluorescent fixture unit shall be complete. The tube

shall be accessible without removing the fixture. Fixture shall be directly
connected to 220 volts system as shown.

a. Ballast shall be built to the specification adopted by the certified

ballast’s manufacturer approved by the Electrical Testing Laboratory with lowest
sound rating with UL label. Ballast’s shall be 220V rapid start high power factor
series type “P” (0.95) p.f. capacitative “A” sound rating. Ballast’s manufactured
by “General Electric Company”, “Philips”, and Electrodynamics and
“Westinghouse” are acceptable.

b. Fluorescent tubes shall be of standard cool white rapid start of wattage

and quantity shown.

c. Fluorescent fixture housing shall be US gauge 22 sheet steel minimum.

Reflecting surfaces shall have baked white; acrylic finish preceded by one coat
of baked gray primer. Acrylic shall be color stable and non-aging. Non-
reflecting surfaces shall be finished with baked light gray enamel proceeded by
one coat of dark gray primer.

d. Acrylic glasses of the size and configuration shown shall be provided.

16A.7.2 Emergency lighting system. Emergency lighting system

shall be provided as shown on the drawing similar to the existing. The
Contractor shall verify on site the actual configuration and data of the
existing emergency lighting system. Emergency lighting system shall be
battery-powered type. Brackets shall be provided for wall and column
mounting for each emergency battery unit.

16A.7.3 Wires and cables.

16A.7.3.1 Wires and cables for lighting, intercom, telephone,

televisions and other requirements shall be “Philflex” as manufactured
by” Philips Wire and Cable Co.” or approved equivalent. Sizes and type
of wires shall be as indicated, and shall pass the stringent quality
requirements set by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of
Japan and the Philippine standards.

16A.7.3.2 All wires shall be copper, soft-drawn and annealed;

shall be of ninety-eight (98%) conductivity; shall be smooth and true and
of a cylindrical form; and shall be within one percent (1%) of the actual
size called for.

16A.7.3.3 Wires or cables for lighting and power systems shall be

plastic insulated for 600 volt working pressure, type THW unless otherwise
noted on plans or specified below. All wires AW G No. 8 and larger shall
be stranded copper.

16A.7.3.4 Control leads for motors or lighting shall be type THW for
lighting and power systems. No wire smaller than No. 12 gauge or as
indicated shall be used, except for control leads.

16A.7.4 Conduit.

16A.7.4.1 Conduit for interior systems shall be PVC conduit or

metal conduit as shown..

16A.7.4.2 No conduit shall be used in any system smaller than 12

mm electric trade size, nor shall have more than four ninety degree
bends in any one run, and where necessary, pull boxes shall be provided
as directed.

16A.7.4.3 No wire shall be pulled into any conduit until the conduit
system is complete in all details; in the case of concealed work, until all
rough plastering or masonry has been completed; in the case o f
exposed work, until the conduit has been completed in every detail.

16A.7.4.4 The ends of all conduits shall be tightly plugged to

exclude plaster, dust and moisture while the building is in the process of
construction. All conduits shall be reamed to remove all burrs.

16A.7.4.5 All pipes and fittings on exposed work shall be secured

by means of metal clips spaced at maximum of 1.5 m, which shall be
held in place by means of a machine screw. When running over
concrete surfaces, the screws shall be hel d in place by expansion
sleeves. All pipes on exposed work shall run at right angles to and
parallel with the surrounding walls and shall conform to the form of the
ceiling. No diagonal runs shall be allowed and all ends and offsets shall
be avoided as far as possible. Where necessary, conduit fittings shall be
used. Piping, in all cases shall run perfectly straight and true, satisfactory
to the Construction Architect/Engineer.

16A.7.5 Outlet boxes and fittings.

16A.7.5.1 All outlets of whatever kind for all systems shall be
provided with a suitable fitting which shall be either a box or other
device specially designed to receive the type of fittings to be mounted

16A.7.5.2 The Contractor shall consult the Construction

Architect/Engineer as to the nature of the various fittings to be used
before installing his outlet fittings. This has to conform to the appliance
design finish.

16A.7.5.3 In the case of fixtures, their outlet fittings shall be

provided with suitable fixture supports of a size and kind required by the
fixture to be hung. Fixture studs in general shall be 10 mm.

16A.7.5.4 All outlets on exposed conduit work shall be cast alloy

conduit fittings of proper type.

16A.7.5.5 At all outlets on concealed conduit work , provide

galvanized pressed steel outlet boxes of standard make.

16A.7.6 Junction and pull boxes. Junction and pull boxes, of

code gauge steel, shall be provided as indicated or as required for
facilitating the pull ing of wires and cables. Pull boxes in finished places
shall be located/installed with the permission of and to the satisfaction
of the Construction Architect/Engineer.

16A.7.7 Wall switches. Wall switches shall be rated at 15 amperes,

250 volts, one-way, as required. The type of switch shall be tumbler -
operation. Color, plating and appearance of wall plates shall be
submitted for approval by the Architect prior to the purchase of wall
switches and face plates. Switches shall conform to the best
commercial standard.

16A.7.8 Wall receptacles. Receptacle outlets shall be for flush

mounting duplex rated at 15 amp, 250 volts, and parallel slots with
grounding slot as required. Type and color of receptacle outlet plates
shall be as selected by the Architec t. Appropriate samples of outlets and
plates shall be submitted prior to purchase of devices.

16A.7.9 Panels and cabinets.

16A.7.9.1 Standard panels and cabinets, as far as possible , shall

be dead front construction furnished with trims for flush mountin g as
required. Cabinets shall be code gauge steel with gutters at least 100
mm wide and wider if necessary. The trim for all panels shall be finished
in gray enamel over a rust inhibitor. Manufacturer’s shop drawings in
triplicate shall be submitted.
16A.7.9.2 220 volt lighting panels shall be equipped with 20A
circuit breakers in the branch circuits and a three -pole circuit breaker in
the main unless noted otherwise on plans. As indicated on plans the
panels shall be assembled in two or more selectio n if over 20 two-pole
circuits or 40 one pole circuits

16A.7.9.3 Distribution panels shall be of same type as lighting

panels except equipped with one -pole, two-pole and three-pole circuit

16A.7.10 Individual breakers and switches.

16A.7.10.1 Provide individual circuit breakers, safety switches and

disconnect switches as indicated on plans. Voltage ratings shall be
suitable in each case of service application. Enclosures shall be General
Purpose, NEMA Type I, except where specifically noted on plans or
assembled on panel cabinets. All protective devices shall meet NEMA
and UL specifications.

16A.7.10.2 Circuit breakers shall consist of a quick-make,

quick break type entirely trip-free operating mechanism with contacts
arc interrupter, and thermal-magnetic trip unit for each pole, all
enclosed in a molded-phenolic case. The thermal magnetic trip unit
shall provide time-delayed overload protection and instantaneous short -
circuit protection, and in case of overload or short -circuit in any one
pole. Circuit breaker shall be trip indicating, with the tripped position of
breaker handle midway between “ON” and “OFF” positions. All circuit
breakers rated above 225 amperes shall have interchangeable trip units.

16A.7.11 Motor Starters.

16A.7.11.1 Provide proper size, characteristics and HP rating as

required by the particular motor. Use motor nameplate data for
selection of overload relays. Provide an overload for each conductor.

16A.7.11.2 Provide an enclosure for all starters . NEMA 1 for

general use and the equivalent of NEMA 3R for exterior or wet or damp

16A.7.11.3 Across the line for 7-1/2 HP or less and reduced

voltage type for 10 HP and larger.

16A.7.12 Grounding and Bonding Equipment shall be in

accordance with Article 250 N. E. C. as amended by the office of the
Building Official (DPW).

16A.7.13 Grounding Conductors. Non-metallic raceways size per

table 250-95 N. E. C.

16A.8 Location of wiring and outlets.

16A.8.1 The Contractor shall coordinate his work with all trades
involved so that exact locations may be obtained for all outlets,
apparatus, appliances and wiring. Care should be exercised when
running a common neutral that the phase wires are of different phases
so that the multi-circuit will be balanced around the neutral conductor.

16A.8.2 The location of outlets shown on the electrical plans shall

be considered as approximate; and it shall be incumbent upon the
Contractor before installation of outlet boxes to study all pertinent
drawings and obtain precise information from the architectural
schedules, scale drawings, large scale drawings, la rge scale and full
details of finished rooms, approved shop drawings of other trades from
the Construction Architect/Engineer. It shall be understood that any
outlet may be relocated on a distance not exceeding 4.5 m from the
location shown on the drawings, if so directed by the Construction
Architect/Engineer. Contractor shall make any necessary adjustment of
his work to fit conditions for recessed fixtures and for outlets occurring in
glazed tile, block, terra cotta, marble, wood paneling, or other spec ial
finish materials in order that all boxes may register flush with finish and
shall be centered properly. In centering outlets, due allowance shall be
made for overhead piping, duct, window, and door trim, variations in
thickness of plastering, etc., as erected, regardless of conditions which
may be otherwise shown on small scale drawings. Outlets incorrectly
located shall be properly relocated at the Contractor’s expense. Local
switches are shown near doors shall be located at the strike side of the
door as finally hung, regardless of swing shown on the drawings.

16A.8.3 The center of wall outlets, socket-outlets, switches,

telephone outlets, pilot lights, indicating lights and clock outlets shall be
installed at heights above finished floor as indica ted on the drawings.
Where mounting heights are indicated on the Electrical Drawings, they
shall be verified with Architect’s drawings before installation. When
glazed tile block and terra cotta occurs, outlets shall be centered on
the joint nearest the height given.

16A.9 Installation.

16A.9.1 Electrical installation shall conform to the National

Electrical Safety Code, Philippine Electrical Code, and the National
Electrical Code and to the requirements specified herein. All equipment
and materials shall be new as specified otherwise. The Contractor shall
submit proof, if requested by the Construction Architect/Engineer, that
the materials, appliances, equipment or devices that he furnishes and
installs under this contract, meet the requirements of the Underwriter’s
Laboratories, Inc. as regards fire and casualty hazards. The label of, or
listing by, the Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. will be accepted as
conforming to this requirement. In lieu of the label of listing, the
Contractor may submit independent proof satisfactory to the
Construction Architect/Engineer that the materials, appliances or
devices conform to the published standards, including methods of test
of the Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.

16A.9.2 Conduit installation shall be made with rigid metal

conduit and fittings, electrical metallic tubing, or nonmetallic conduit.
Electrical metallic tubing shall not be installed underground, encased in
concrete or used in outdoor work. Rigid metal conduit installed
underground shall be encased in concrete or covered with a protective

16A.9.2.1 Exposed conduit shall be installed parallel with or at

right angles to the building walls and ceilings and shall be supported by
pipe straps, wall brackets, hangers or ceiling trapeze. Faste nings shall
be by wood screws or screw type nails to wood; by toggle bolts on
hollow masonry units; by concrete inserts, or expansion bolts on concrete
or brick; by machine screws, welded threaded studs, or spring tension
clamps on steel work. Threaded studs driven in by a power charge and
provided with lock washers and nuts may be used in lieu of expansion
bolts or machine or wood screws. Threaded C -clamps may be used on
rigid steel conduit only. The load applied to fasteners shall not exceed
1/4 of the proof test load. Fasteners attached to concrete ceilings shall
be vibration and shock resistant. Holes cut to a depth of more than 12
mm in reinforced concrete beams or to a depth of more than 20 mm in
concrete joints shall not cut the main reinforcing bars. Holes not used
shall be filled. In partitions of light steel construction, sheet -metal screws
shall be used. In suspended ceiling construction, conduit shall be run
above the ceiling and only lighting system branch circuit raceways shall
be fastened to the ceiling supports. Spring steel fasteners may be used
for lighting branch circuit raceway supports in suspended ceilings in dry
locations. Conduits shall be fastened to all sheet metal boxes and
cabinets with two lock-nuts where required by the National Electrical
Code, where insulated bushings are used and where bushings cannot
be brought into firm contact with the box. Locknuts shall be the types
with sharp edges for digging into the wall of metal enclosures. Bushings
shall be installed on the ends of all conduits and shall be of the insulating
type where required by the National Electrical Code. U -clamp hangers
at each floor shall support (exposed risers in wire shafts of multi -story
building level and at intervals not to exceed 3 meter. Fi ttings for steel
conduit and electrical metallic tubing shall be iron or steel only.)
16A.9.2.2 Conduits installed in concrete floor slabs shall be
located so as not to affect the structural strength of the slabs. Conduit
shall be installed within the middle one-third of the concrete slab except
where necessary as not to disturb the reinforcement. Outside diameter
of conduit shall not exceed one-third of the slab thickness and conduits
shall be spaced not closer than three diameters except at cabinet
locations. Curved portions of bends shall not be visible above the finish
slab. Slab thickness shall be increased as necessary to provide a
minimum 25 mm cover over conduit. Where embedded conduits cross
expansion joints, suitable watertight expansion fitt ings and bonding
jumpers shall be provided. Conduit larger than 25 mm trade size shall
be parallel with or at right angles to the main reinforcement

When at right angles to the reinforcement, the conduit shall be close to

one of the supports of the slab.

16A.9.2.3 Conduits installed in contact with earth shall be rigid

steel. Rigid steel conduits shall be encased in concrete. Zinc coating
may be omitted from steel conduit, which has a factory -applied epoxy
coating. Field made joints, fittings, abrasion s or imperfections shall be
coated with material equivalent to the above.

16A.9.2.4 Changes in direction or runs shall be made with

symmetrical bends or cast-metal fittings. Field made bends and offset
shall be made with a hickey or conduit-bending machine. Crushed or
deformed raceways shall not be installed. Trapped raceways in damp
or wet locations shall be avoided. Plaster, dirt or trash shall be
prevented from lodging in raceways, boxes, fittings and equipment
during construction. Clogged raceways shall be freed of all

16A.10 Boxes, outlets and support.

16A.10.1 Boxes shall be in the wiring or raceway systems wherever

required for pulling of wires, making connections and mounting of
devices or fixtures. Boxes shall be sheet steel. Each box shall have the
volume required by the National Electrical Code for the number of
conductors enclosed in the box. Boxes for mounting lighting fixtures shall
not be less than 100 mm except that smaller boxes may be installed as
required by fixture configuration as approved. Boxes installed for
concealed wiring shall be provided with suitable extension rings or
plaster covers, as required. Boxes for use in masonry block or tile walls
shall be square-cornered tile type, or standard boxes having squa re-
cornered tile type covers. Cast metal boxes installed in wet locations
and boxes installed flush with the outside of exterior surfaces shall be
gasketed. Separate boxes shall be provided for flush or recessed fixture
when required by the fixture terminal operating temperature and fixtures
shall be readily removable for access to the boxes unless ceiling access
panels are provided. Boxes and pendants for surface -mounted fixtures
or suspended ceilings shall be supported independently of the ceiling
supports, or adequate provisions shall be made for distributing the load
over the ceiling support members in an approved manner. Boxes and
supports shall be fastened to wood with wood screws or screw -type nails
of equal holding strength, with bolts and expans ion shields on concrete
or brick, with toggle bolts on hollow masonry units, and with machine
screws or welded studs on steel work. Threaded studs driven in by
powder charge and provided with lock washers and nuts, or nail type
nylon anchors may be used in lieu of wood screws, expansion shields, or
machine screws. In open overhead spaces, cast boxes threaded to
raceways need not be separately supported except where used for
fixture support; cast metal boxes having threadless connectors and
sheet metal boxes shall be supported directly from the building structure
or by bar hangers. Where bar hangers are used, the bar shall be
attached to raceway, which shall be supported with an approved type
fastener not more than 0.60 m from the box. Penetration into r einforced
concrete members shall avoid cutting any reinforcing steel.

16A.10.2 Pull boxes of not less than the minimum size required by
the Philippine Electrical Code shall be constructed of code gauge
galvanized sheet steel. Boxes shall be furnished wit h screw-fastened
covers. Where several feeders pass through a common pull box, the
feeders shall be tagged to indicate clearly the electrical characteristics,
circuit number, and panel designation.

16A.10.3 Conduit stubbed up through concrete floors for

connections to free standing equipment shall be provided with a short
elbow and an adjustable brass tap or coupling brass or bronze threaded
inside for plugs, set flush with the finished floor. Wiring shall be extended
in rigid threaded conduit to equipment, except that where required,
flexible conduit may be used 150 mm above the floor. Screw driver -
operated threaded flush plugs shall be installed in conduit from which
no equipment connections are made.

16A.11 Device plates of the one-piece type shall be provided for

all outlets and fittings to suit the devices installed. Plates on unfinished
walls and on fittings shall be of zinc -coated sheet or cast metal having
rounded or beveled edges. Plates on finished walls shall be of steel with
ivory baked-enamel finish. Screws shall be of metal with countersunk
heads, in a color to match the finish of the plate. Plate shall be installed
with all four edges in continuous contact with finished wall surfaces
without the use of mats or similar devices. Plaster f illing will not be
permitted. Plates shall be installed with an alignment tolerance of 2 mm.
The use of sectional type device plates will not be permitted. Plates
installed in wet locations shall be gasketed. Device plates for telephone
and intercommunication outlets shall have a 10 mm bushed opening in

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