Fitch Connect Excel Add-In Quick Start Guide v1.1 2

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Excel Add-in

Version: 1.1

Updated: July 2016

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started................................................................................................................................................................................3
Supported Environments ................................................................................................................................................................3
Fitch Connect Functions .................................................................................................................................................................3
Example: Single Data Point Retrieval.........................................................................................................................................3
Example: Batch Data Retrieval ..................................................................................................................................................4
Supported Entity ID Types, Currency, Date and Accounting Standards .........................................................................................6
Using the Data Dictionary ...............................................................................................................................................................6
Accessing Fitch Connect Web ........................................................................................................................................................6
Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................................................................................................................................6
Error Codes and Resolution............................................................................................................................................................6

QUICK START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 2
Getting Started
1. Go to
If you’re having trouble logging in, contact
2. Click on “Support”.
3. Click on “Excel Support”.
4. Download the Add-in.
5. Open Excel and look for the “Fitch Connect” tab.
6. Login using the login credentials emailed to you.

Supported Environments
Fitch Connect Excel Add-in currently supports Windows 7 and 10 and Excel 2007 and later.

Fitch Connect Functions

Fitch Connect Excel Add-in v1.0 uses one workhorse function (“Entity Data”) to support single data point retrieval and batch
retrieval. In other words, Entity Data accepts arrays for both the entity, data and time parameters and can return a single data
point or an array. Let’s look at a few examples.

Example: Single Data Point Retrieval

=FC.ENTITYDATA(entity_ID type!entity_ID, fitch_mnemonic!currency, [date],[accounting standard],[Consolidation Type], [Line of Business])



Example 1: Suppose we’d like to fetch Citigroup’s total assets in USD for Q42014 using the Ticker as the entity identifier.




The returned value is scaled to the reported units. In this case, $1.8bn is the “true” value of what was reported.

Note: Entity ID Type defaults to Ticker.

Currency defaults to USD.

Date defaults to the date of the latest available data.

Accounting Standard defaults to IFRS.

Consolidation defaults to CON.

QUICK START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 3
Example 2: Suppose we’d like to fetch Citigroup’s total assets in USD for Q42014 using the Fitch ID as the entity identifier.




Note: The string value “MM/DD/YY” or “DD/MM/YY” is not yet supported. To use this date, write the date into a cell and
reference the cell in your function call.

Example 3: Suppose we’d like to fetch Bank of America’s Long Term Fitch Rating.



Note: You do not need to specify the currency, accounting standard or whether the value is consolidated because this is not a
financial value.

Example 4: Suppose we’d like to fetch Barclays’ latest Net Interest Income in Pound Sterling.




Note: When the currency, accounting standard and date are not specified, the Fitch Connect Excel Add-in defaults to the
reported currency, IFRS and the latest reported values.

Example: Batch Data Retrieval

The batch retrieval accepts arrays for the entities, field name and date parameters. However, you will need to explicitly write the
reference fields. For example, suppose you want to pass to the function an array of dates. You will have to explicitly write dates
into the worksheet (e.g., A1:A16). Then, you can pass the cell locations. See the example below.

=FC.ED(entity_ID type!entity_ID, field_name!currency, A1:A16,[accounting standard],[Consolidation Type], [Line of Business])

Example 1: Suppose we’d like to fetch JP Morgan’s total assets and Fitch rating from Oct 2003 to Jan 2007.


Note: Excel mandates that you specify the write-to area. In this example, you’d have to highlight 60 cells to specify the area
where you’d like the values returned to. Once the area is highlighted, click back into the formula bar, then press Ctrl + Shift +
Enter to return the 5 x 12 matrix to the highlighted area.

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JP Morgan’s total assets and Fitch rating from Oct 2003 to Jan 2007.

Example 2: Suppose we’d like to fetch an array of entities and fields for 2015.



QUICK START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 5
Supported Entity ID Types, Currency, Date and Accounting Standards

Parameter Entity ID Date or Period Accounting Consolidation Line of

Type Type Format Standards Type Business

Default Ticker USD Last filed date IFRS Con Life

Option FitchID JPY QXYYY USGAAP Noncon NonLife

Option GroupID EUR Local Composite

Option LEI GBP YYYY HGB Syndicate

Option CUSIP Local Regulatory Broker


Using the Data Dictionary

Use the Data Dictionary to find the data fields you are interested in and the corresponding Fitch mnemonics (e.g.,

To do this, go to the Fitch Connect ribbon and click on “Data Dictionary”. You’ll get a pop-up window that tables all the Fitch
fields. This list of fields is actively using a web service to call the latest fields from Fitch’s database. The lists are organized by
data type and are easily sorted.

Accessing Fitch Connect Web

Fitch Connect Web is accessible directly from the Excel ribbon by clicking on the web icon. Fitch Connect Web provides the
same data with additional capabilities such as Portfolio, Research, Alerts, Entity Detail and League Tables.

Keyboard Shortcuts
 Show shortcuts menu: Shift + F10
 Refresh active worksheet: Shift + F9
 Refresh all workbooks: Ctrl + Alt + F9

Error Codes and Resolution

Failure Classes Short Description

API_ACCESS A failure while accessing the API or interpreting the results

INVALID_INPUT A failure caused by the arguments supplied by the user

EXCEL_SERVER A failure due to an internal, unexpected error

Failure Class Failure Code Short Description Resolution

API_ACCESS AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE Displayed if the user can't be Recheck your username and
authenticated password

API_ACCESS FIELD_IN_ERROR Displayed if the API reports that a Try reducing the amount of history
single field is in error (e.g. API returned
does this if we supply > 20 dates)

API_ACCESS FIELD_RESTRICTED Displayed if the API reports the Contact client services to upgrade
field is not available for the user your package

API_ACCESS OVER_MAX_LOAD Displayed if API returns http status Reduce the amount of data you

QUICK START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 6
Failure Class Failure Code Short Description Resolution
413 (request entity too large) are requesting

API_ACCESS REQUEST_FREQ_ERROR Displayed if API returns http status Please wait a few minutes and try
429 (too many requests) your request again.

API_ACCESS SERVER_ERROR Displayed if API returns Please wait a few minutes and try
unexpected http status your request again.

EXCEL_SERVER UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR Displayed in an unexpected issue Please wait a few minutes and try
occurs your request again.

EXCEL_SERVER UNKNOWN_FAILURE Displayed in an unexpected issue Please wait a few minutes and try
occurs your request again.

EXCEL_SERVER UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE Displayed if API returns data that's The information you are trying to
not a String or a Number retrieve cannot be fetched, please
change your parameters.

INVALID_INPUT COMPOSITE Displayed if user supplies too few The information you are trying to
or too many components in a retrieve cannot be fetched, please
composite argument change your parameters.

INVALID_INPUT COMPOSITE_NOT_SUPPORTED Displayed if user uses "!" in a non- Check the use of ! In the formula
composite text argument and make sure that the parameter
supports it

INVALID_INPUT ENTITY_ID_TYPE_NOT_ Displayed if a user supplies an Refer to the supported entity types
SUPPORTED entity ID type that's not supported listed in this document.

INVALID_INPUT ENTITY_UNKNOWN Displayed if the API can't resolve The entity cannot be found.
the user supplied entity reference

INVALID_INPUT FIELD_REQUIRED Displayed if mandatory String Ensure that all mandatory fields
argument is not populated by user have been supplied.

INVALID_INPUT FIELD_UNKNOWN Displayed if the API doesn't The field mnemonic is either
recognise the supplied field incorrect or not available, use the
data dictionary to get a list of
supported data fields.

INVALID_INPUT INVALID_TEXT Displayed if String argument Ensure that the arguments are set
doesn't comply with length correctly.

INVALID_INPUT INVALID_TYPE Displayed if DateOrPeriod Check the date and period

parameter is not a String or parameter.

INVALID_INPUT INVALID_YEAR Displayed if user supplied period Correct the year supplied.
year is not between 1900 and

INVALID_INPUT INVALID_YEAR Supplied period year is < 1900 Correct the year supplied.

INVALID_INPUT MISSING_ARG Displayed if a mandatory field is Ensure that all mandatory fields
omitted have been supplied.

INVALID_INPUT MULTI_ARRAY_SIZE_HORIZONTAL Displayed if the user supplies Correct the mismatch in the
multiple horizontal arrays as input number of arguments in the array.
but they have different lengths

INVALID_INPUT MULTI_ARRAY_SIZE_VERTICAL Displayed if the user supplies Correct the mismatch in the
multiple vertical arrays as input but number of arguments in the array.
they have different lengths

INVALID_INPUT MULTI_DIMENSION_INPUT_NOT_ Displayed if the user supplies a 2D Multidimensional array inputs are

QUICK START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 7
Failure Class Failure Code Short Description Resolution
SUPPORTED array as an argument not supported.

INVALID_INPUT NO_DATA Displayed if the server can't find Check the input arguments
data using the supplied arguments supplied.

INVALID_INPUT NOT_A_NUMBER Displayed if the system expects Ensure that the argument is
the user to supply a Number and formatted as a number.
they supply something else

INVALID_INPUT TEXT_REQUIRED Displayed is the system expects Ensure that the argument is
the user to supply text but they formatted as text.
supply something else (e.g.

INVALID_INPUT YEAR_NOT_A_NUMBER Displayed if the user supplies a Ensure that the period ends with a
Period but it does not end in a 4 4 digit year.
digit year

START GUIDE: Fitch Connect Excel Add-in | Version 1.0 Page 8

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