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China’s ‘great leap forward’ in military tech

China’s domestic military-industrial complex has made huge advances in weapon production, turning the once weapons
importer into a lead exporter. These need to be studied for lessons and a calibrated response.
Bhartendu Kumar Singh producer AVIC and the land systems pro- focussed on production of front-end
Indian Defence Accounts Service ducer NORINCO) may be in the top 10. defence technology and weapons. In March
Most importantly, Chinese exports are 2017, China declassified some 3,000 defence

HEN China sent its first shifting from low-end weapons to increas- patents for civilian use. In October 2017,
domestically produced air- ingly advanced ones. For example, China President Xi Jinping announced in the 19th
craft carrier for maiden sea tri- has one of the best fourth generation fight- Party Congress grandiose plans to enter the
als recently, it joined a select er jets in J-20 and developing countries that first tier of most innovative countries by
group of countries capable of domestic can't afford to buy fifth generation aircraft 2035 and establish leadership by 2050. Chi-
production, maintenance and operation of from the US etc, won't mind settling for the na is fast developing the necessary infra-
aircraft carriers. Glorious moments same. Similarly, China has inducted Y-20, structure to achieve these milestones.
notwithstanding, China's domestic mili-
tary-industrial complex (MIC) has success-
fully achieved a 'great leap forward' in all
the heavy transport aircraft, into its PLA Air
Force in 2016 and is ideal for transporting
cargo and people over long distances in
1 First, as David Shambaugh in his book
(China's Future, Polity Press, 2016)
notes, China is investing 2.1 per cent of
segments of weapon production, turning diverse weather conditions. its GDP in R&D. A substantial portion of
the once front-ranking weapons importer China's MIC advances are being noticed this would fund defence R&D. Even with
into a lead exporter. In the process, it has in the US and elsewhere. Annual reports by the current investment trajectory, Sham-
emerged as the mainstay of China's mili- the US Department of Defence on Chinese baugh feels that China would overtake
tary power projection. military power include dedicated segments US investment figures by 2022.
Till early nineties, China's domestic MIC
was in shambles, both in quantitative and
qualitative terms. It was producing vintage

China has used various tactics to consoli- the world's largest arms importer. However,
in Chinese advances in weapons produc-
tion. Additionally, the US China Commis-
sion (USCC) takes authoritative updates
2 China has 52 per cent of university
students graduating in science and
technology every year. This talent pool
aircraft, tanks and other armory that were date, strengthen and expand its MIC. as per the latest SIPRI figures, China was from various sources about the narrowing would enhance research in MIC.
inferior to products available in the interna-
tional arms market. There were simply too
many men producing too little things in the
Apart from liberal budgetary allocation,
China resorted to reverse-engineering
and technology-thefts, wherever possible.
the fifth largest arms exporter in 2013-17,
accounting for 6 per cent of the global sales.
Its arms exports rose by 38 per cent
gap between the US and Chinese military
scorecards. For example, on May 12 this
year, the USCC heard from the Jane's
3 China has the best model of civil-mili-
tary integration on dual use of technol-
ogy, unlike other countries where the two
archival MIC. China's weapons require- Techno-nationalism was the driving force between 2008-12 and 2013-17. China exports (reputed publishers on defence matters) on are often in competition and conflict.
ment was primarily met through imports
from Russia and other sources. The budget-
ary support was limited and the MIC units
enabling China to develop, and in due
course, lead in innovation, diffusion and
proliferation of defence technology and
weapons to 55 countries worldwide, cover-
ing Asia, West Asia and Latin America, and
many of its clients are developing countries.
China's advanced weapons systems. The
core hypothesis of the 250-page document,
ie about the US lead being eroded, is alarm-
4 As the second largest economy, with a
complete integration with the global
market, China could pillion-ride on front-
were making ends meet through conver- research and development (R&D) in South Asian neighbours of India (except ing for Pentagon since Chinese advances end technology available at competitive
sion of defence technology for civilian use expanding MIC. The shipbuilding indus- Bhutan) heavily depend upon Chinese may have a potentially disruptive impact on rates elsewhere for defence purposes.
and commercial entrepreneurship. The try, perhaps, best exemplifies cataclysmic weapons supplies. Though Chinese arms global security. The emergence of a powerful and innova-
MIC's poor state of affairs was one of many advances made by MIC. China has been companies are not covered by the SIPRI tive MIC in China is influencing Chinese
reasons in China's mid-nineties strategic producing the largest number of ocean- Fact Sheet (December 2017) on top 100 arms Plan to be world leader behavioural outcome towards its neigh-
retreat in the Taiwan Straits. going tankers and big ships for quite some producing and military services companies China's domestic MIC maturity and its con- bours and great powers. China is supplying
time. This also explains how China's sec- due to lack of data; based on military spend- sequential rise notwithstanding, Beijing is weapons at competitive rates and playing
Rise of China’s military might ond aircraft carrier, built indigenously, ing, China's arms sales and limited infor- aware that 'technological parity' with the alliance and coalition-building exercises.
Techno-nationalism: The US advances in sprang up so fast! mation on individual companies, at least 9 US is a distant milestone. This has com- Chinese advances in MIC, therefore, need
Revolution in Military Advances (RMA), From importer to exporter of weapons: Chi- to 10 companies would almost certainly be pelled China to design a strategic plan to to be studied carefully for iterating the les-
evident in the Gulf War of 1991, provided nese MIC's rising profile is evident in Chi- in the top 100 if figures for arms sales were overtake the US. The 13th five-year science sons and a calibrated response.
the necessary impetus for China's MIC na's role reversal in the international available. Of these, four to six would proba- and technology plan, announced in 2016,
reforms and modernisation. Since then, weapons market. A decade back, China was bly be in the top 20; and two (the aircraft along with 'make in China plan 2025'are Views are personal

Remembering Mountbatten’s June 3 Plan

RK Kaushik sent Lord Ismay, his Chief of Staff, with the Notably, Lord Ismay was earlier Sir Win- ment, which was formally approved by the
Secretary, Government of Punjab plan on May 2 to London which was ston Churchill's Military Staff officer. He Partition Council. At the time of his appoint-
approved by the British Cabinet. It said that assisted Mountbatten in partition matters. ment, Radcliffe was Vice-President of the

NDIA’S then Governor-General and each of the 11 provinces of British India and Mountbatten now went to London with London Bar Association.
Viceroy Lord Mountbatten addressed each of the 559 princely states would be giv- his final plan of partition and transfer of According to this 3rd June Mountbatten
the nation over All India Radio on June en the option to join India or Pakistan or power. Prime Minister Sir Clement Attlee's Plan, a referendum would be held in the
3, 1947. He announced his 3rd June remain independent. However, Nehru Cabinet endorsed the plan, and Sir Winston NWFP (as Nehru had agreed earlier), and
Plan, according to which India would be opposed this as he felt that it would Balka- Churchill (hitherto glowering at every twist another in the Muslim-majority Sylhet dis-
given independence on August 15, 1947. nise India, allowing tens of little nation and turn of what he saw as Britain's capitu- trict of Assam (the rest of which would
Under this Plan, the British would trans- states to emerge. Fearing that opposition by lation to Congress) was delighted that India remain in India). Remarkably, no referen-
fer power to two successor authorities — the the Congress might end his career, Lord had agreed to dominion status. Mountbat- dum was called for the Chittagong Hill
Congress and the Muslim League. In terri- Mountbatten sought advice from the then ten showed him written evidence of Con- Tracts, where non-Muslims (Buddhists,
torial terms, the dominions of India and Secretary of State's Department, VP gress' support. And when told that Jinnah Hindus and Christians) were in a strong
Pakistan would remain within the British Menon, who advised that power be trans- had not yet endorsed the plan, Churchill majority or for the cities of Karachi or
Commonwealth. British paramountcy over ferred to two independent British Domin- retorted, "It is a matter of life and death for Hyderabad, Sindh, (with clear non-Muslim
559 princely states in India would not be ions, India and Pakistan. This was opposed Pakistan to accept this offer with both majorities) as they would almost certainly
transferred to the two dominions and, con- by Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who wanted ref- hands. By god! He (Jinnah) is one man who have voted to remain within India.
Lord Mountbatten. sequently, would lapse constitutionally. The erendum in the North West Frontier cannot do without British help." Jinnah had deputed Iskander Mirza to
princely states would be free to join either of Province (NWFP) and Baluchistan. On June 3, 1947, Mountbatten was able to start a jihad in the NWFP when referendum
the two dominions. The third option of VP Menon had suggested that Mountbat- bring Nehru, Patel, JB Kripalani (as Con- was held there in July 1947. Iskander Mirza
The 3rd June Plan of them becoming independent and not join- ten give an assurance to Nehru and Sardar gress president) Baldev Singh, Jinnah, was a great grandson of traitor Mir Jafar,
India’s partition led to ing either dominion was kept open. This
was denied to the British Indian provinces.
Patel that Britain would oppose the prince-
ly states becoming independent, and
Liaquat Ali Khan and Abdur Rab Nishtar,
around a conference table, where they col-
who had conceded to Lord Clive in the Bat-
tle of Plassey in 1757, after taking huge
the migration of more Those were melancholic times: Khizar instead persuade them to join either of the lectively endorsed Mountbatten's plan, bribes. Iskander Mirza was later rewarded
Hayat Tiwana's government had resigned two new nation states (which would ensure under the watchful gaze of Lord Ismay. with presidentship of Pakistan in the 1950s.
than 13 million people, in Punjab on March 2, 1947 and communal that 90 per cent of them would join India) in As per the plan, a Boundary Commission It can be summed up that seldom any
savage death to a riots had started in Rawalpindi and other exchange for Congress support of a fresh (eventually headed by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, a 'plan' in history had such a walloping, nay
cities of Punjab. Initially, the then Governor 'reference to the electorate' in the NWFP London barrister who had never previously humungous and searing, effect on human-
million innocent, of Punjab, Sir Evan Jenkins (ICS 1920), had and Baluchistan. In less than half a day, this visited India), was formed as suggested by ity as the 3rd June Plan had because it led
overnight forcible thought of inviting the Muslim League
leader, the Nawab of Mamdot, to form a gov-
new plan was adopted by Mountbatten and
presented to Nehru, who was much more
Lord Listowel, Secretary of State for India,
which was tasked to delineate the precise
to the migration of more than 13 million
people, savage death to a million innocent,
change of religion of ernment in Punjab, but later he decided receptive. However, in the process, he was boundaries between India and Pakistan in overnight forcible change of religion of
about 2 lakh and against it and Governor's rule was imposed.
Lord Mountbatten arrived in India on
successful in getting the proposal dearest to
Britain accepted, which meant dominion
the provinces of Bengal and Punjab. Rad-
cliffe had worked with Mountbatten earlier
about 2 lakh and kidnapping of about
80,000 women.
kidnapping of about March 22, 1947. status for India and Pakistan and the sepa- and since he had never been to British The tremors generated by that plan are
After consulting Indian leaders, he made ration of Baluchistan and the NWFP from India, he was considered unbiased. Both still felt — after 71 years — in millions of
80,000 women. a plan known as DICKIE Bird Plan and India and giving that to Pakistan. Nehru and Jinnah agreed to the appoint- households in South Asia.

on this day... 100 years ago quick crossword su do ku forecast

1 Decide, 4 Cliche,
9 6
Lahore,tuesday, June 4, 1918.

Defence Force Meeting.

9 Vivaldi, 10 Taunt,
11 Catch, 12 5 4 3 Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

Impasse, 13 In a
THE meeting to encourage recruitment to the Indian Defence
Force which had to be adjourned, was continued on Sunday last.
nutshell, 18
Outsize, 20 Rider,
8 2 5 Chandigarh 39
New Delhi 40
The Hon'ble Mr. Justice Shadi Lal, President of the Central 22 Froze, 23
Recruitment Committee, was again voted to the chair on the Unaided, 24 Likely, 6 5 3 Amritsar 42 27
motion of Raja Narendra Nath. Shrimati Sarala Devi Chaudhrani 25 Adhere. Bathinda 44 29
in an eloquent speech moved the resolution that as decided by the
Down 1 5 6 Jalandhar
Central Committee for recruitment of Indian Defence Force, dis- 1 Device, 2 Covet,
trict committees be formed. She examined the criticism made by
some people that the call of the Empire was not the call of the coun-
3 Dolphin, 5 Let-
up, 6 Counsel, 7
7 8 5 Patiala
39 27

try and that the duty did not lie on the people until they were giv- Ambala 39 27
en a share in the Government. The speaker said as regards the first
Esteem, 8 Nip in
the bud, 14 8 2 3 Bhiwani 45 29
contention those who shut their eyes to the presence or possibility Network, 15 Hisar 44 29
of danger lived in a fool's paradise, and ignored the danger in case Harvard, 16
Woeful, 17 Grudge,
2 4 7 Karnal 38 25
of disorder from the grip of the frontier freebooter. To the latter Sirsa 44 30
1 6
19 Ideal, 21
class of critics she replied that half a loaf was better than no bread HIMACHAL PRADESH
and if they rose to the occasion, the other half would follow soon. Dharamsala 33 23
Manali 26 12
The War.
ALTHOUGH the latest news from the Western Front is somewhat
Saturday’s solution calendar Nahan 34 22
ACROSS 19 Devious (7) 5 Acute water shortage (7) Shimla 28 16
reassuring, in as much as the advance of the enemy is reported � � � � � � � � � June 4, 2018 Monday
Solan 33 20
1 Having lofty principles 21 Including many items (7) 6 Trip in a car (5) ■ Vikrami Samvat 2075
to have been checked, there is little doubt that one of the fiercest (4-6) 22 Large bay window (5) 7 Shabby (4-2-4) � � � � � � � � � ■ Shaka Samvat 1940 JAMMU & KASHMIR
battles of the whole war is being fought. It is difficult to believe 8 Overturn (5) 23 Seeking to avoid notice 8 Engaged in wrongdoing � � � � � � � � � ■ Jyeshtha Shaka 14 Jammu 41 29
■ Jyeshtha Parvishte 22
that this battle or any battle that may be fought in the immediate � � � � � � � � � Hijari 1439 Leh 26 08
9 Conditional stipulation (7) (3-7) (2,2,2,4) ■
future will be decisive. At the same time there is much force in � � � � � � � � � ■ Krishan Paksha Tithi 5 up to Srinagar 32 14
the comment of a French journal that Germany herself is seek-
10 Instructor (7) 13 Medieval weapon (7) 6.53 am
� � � � � � � � � Ender Yog up to 10.03 pm UTTARAKHAND
ing a decision for long months, for every day she realises more 11 Gather facts bit by bit (5) DOWN 15 Original (7) ■
■ Shravan Nakshatra up to Dehradun 35 23
12 Annoy (6) 2 Immediate (7) 16 Intermittent hot spring (6) � � � � � � � � � 3.05 pm
and more that time is against her. The Allies have only to hold Mussoorie 23 16
their ground sufficiently long for their object to be realised. 14 Exact (6) 3 Concoct in secret (5) 18 Abolish (5) � � � � � � � � � ■ Moon enters Aquarius sign at
4.34 am Nainital 24 15
17 Small hard particle (5) 4 Communicate (6) 20Distant (5) � � � � � � � � � ■ Panchak starts 4.34 am TEMPERATURE IN OC

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