Making An Impact - Impact Services Annual Report (2017-18)

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Making an


Annual Report
Dear Friends & Partners,
There is nothing more affirming than visible progress. Cleaner
blocks, steady paychecks to clients, veterans moving into permanent
housing and doors to new facilities opening are reminders of what we
can achieve together.

We believe that connections between people, among organizations

and through a common goal is how positive change happens.

Together, we are clearly effecting change. This year, some of the

measurable signs of progress included:

1,104 jobseekers placed in employment via our workforce

development services in Kensington and operation of our
PA CareerLink NW site;

819 kids received free lunches and fun learning activities

over the summer on Kensington Play Streets;
182 neighbors joined us to clean & green their blocks,
parks and vacant lots;
4,296 bags of trash and 86 short dumps were cleared from
neighborhood commercial corridors by our crews.

In addition to these programmatic outcomes, in 2018 we built

collaborations and partnerships that attracted support from some of the
nation's largest institutions, as well as from individual Philadelphians
who simply want to lend a hand. These new opportunities will allow us to
increase our impact in Kensington as we move into 2019, and beyond.

I look forward to more hard work and achieving exciting milestones

together next year.


Casey O'Donnell, PsyD

CEO, Impact Services

Year in 186
Review Stakeholders engaged in
HOK plan implementation

Children enjoyed activities
& free lunch at Play Streets

Neighbors participated in
Impact's community events

1,104 Residents helped clean &
green the neighborhood
People placed in jobs by
Impact & PA CareerLink NW

People obtained their
ID documentation 4,296
Bags of trash removed from
commercial corridors
Jobseekers enrolled in
skills & training programs 683
Incidents responded to by
Safety Ambassadors
People enrolled in benefits
through BenePhilly 86
Short dumps removed from
public spaces

Serving Impact offers both transitional and permanent housing for
veterans, as well as case management and employment

those who services. Impact currently operates two large facilities that
offer housing to about 200 men and women, and we are in the
process of opening up several scattered-site options for vets

served who are transitioning to more independence. Read the story of

one veteran who worked with Impact to meet his goals.

Mr. William McCulken

U.S. Air Force Veteran
Mr. McCulken joined Impact's veteran housing
program in February 2016 with a plan that he was
ready to set in motion from day one. He lived at
Impact's transitional housing facility at 124 E
Indiana for 9 months before he graduated to
independent living at Hancock Manor. From there,
Mr. McCulken became one of the first residents
eligible for a HUD Vash project - a collaborative
effort between the VA and Impact Services - and
was able to move into his own apartment in June
2018. Mr. McCulken is motivated and goal-
oriented, but never fails to greet those around him
cheerfully. He worked tirelessly to not only gain
housing and employment, but to also maintain
physical and mental health. It has been an honor
to work with him - thank you, Mr. McCulken!

For more information on Impact's Veterans Services, visit:

Community Connectors
Building Block-Level Leadership
Impact's first cohort of 5 block leaders completed Philadelphia
Impact's community
LISC's Community Connector training program this year.
engagement efforts
Connectors (as we call them) are neighbors who act as block
aim to build and
strengthen community leaders, and who received specialized training in leadership
connections, increase development and block-level engagement. Participants were able
resident engagement, to develop relationships with other Connectors from across the
enlist the support of city, as well as learn about other Philadelphia community
relevant stakeholders development corporations (CDCs) and the work they are doing in
to identify solutions, their communities.
build awareness and
take action around Impact's Connectors meet weekly at our office to continue
solving problems.
planning for their self-identified block projects and to help each
other troubleshoot issues as they arise. Block projects range from
Learn more at:
block beautification and cleaning, to coordinating neighborhood events, to creation of a mural. To date 4 of the 5 have completed
their block projects, and all have plans for some big next steps!

Greening & Gardening
Planting Seeds of Change

In September, an ongoing investigation into the sales of fentanyl and heroin

resulted in 57 arrests at the intersection of Kip & Cambria. Nestled just
between these streets? A collaborative effort between Impact Services and
Iglesia del Barrio: the Barrio Kids Community Garden. After a two-part build
day, the first in September and the second just weeks after the arrests in
October, the garden was completed, offering hope for new growth. Impact
volunteers and staff were joined by the City's Managing Director's Office and
neighboring families - including (of course) lots of kids!

Together, everyone worked diligently to convert and beautify two abandoned

vacant lots into a garden, with new wire fencing and two raised garden beds.
Children helped to plant rose bushes, blueberry bushes, annual flowers, and
veggies and herbs - including ginger, mint, broccoli, kale, green onions and
the hands-down favorite - garlic! The kids were eager to get their hands in the
dirt and plant their seedlings. They talked excitedly about their experiences,
remarking on how gardening got their minds off other things going on in the

The Barrio Kids Community Garden will continue to grow over time,
incorporating education about food, plants, healthy living, and most
5 importantly, how to work together to build up our community.
HOK Plan Updates
The HOK Collective Impact 2022 Plan was the result of a 14-month planning process that
engaged 453 local residents, community organizations and other stakeholders as decision
makers, leaders and doers. The plan describes a vision for the future of Kensington as a safe,
healthy and clean community and outlines a road map to achieve a vision that has been crafted
by people who live, work, worship and serve in the Heart of Kensington. The plan is meant to be
a guide for organizations working in the neighborhood, highlighting areas for potential
partnerships, and aims to align a multitude of resources and initiatives toward a unified
outcome. This approach has already proven to be fruitful in our first year of implementation,
setting the stage for new collaborations in moving these ambitious goals forward.

Pro-Neighborhoods Healthy People & Places

Impact Loan Fund, FINANTA, Community First Fund, and Impact developed a trauma-informed community
Philadelphia LISC are collaborating through a grant from engagement curriculum with support from LISC, the
JP Morgan Chase to make loans to fund small businesses, Scattergood Foundation, and in collaboration with Village
increase entrepreneurship via Jumpstart, and offer of Arts and Humanities and Dr. Sandra Bloom. The
financing for home purchases. curriculum is being rolled out on 2 blocks!
$5 million (over 3 years) 120 surveys | 2 focus groups

Crime Prevention
Impact, NKCDC, and HACE were awarded a 3-year grant
from the Department of Justice to support innovative,
community based approaches to crime reduction.
$1 million (over 3 years)

Kensington CLEAN
Impact is partnering with Shift Capital, SEPTA and Conrail
to enhance street cleaning along the K&A corridor, around
transit stations, and on land adjacent to the railways,
building on existing funding from the Commerce Dept. and
Aramingo BID

Health & Harm Reduction

Impact was awarded a contract from the Dept. of Public
Health to pilot a Community Clean-Up and Overdose
Prevention Program in collaboration with Prevention Point
$125,000 (1 year)

Impact Vacant Land Fund

Citizens Bank and Bank of America are funding Impact to
maintain and clean vacant land with resident engagement.
$35,000 (1 year)
Julio Alvelo Tyrone Foster Angel Ortiz
Jonathan Arrieta Shakeda Gaines Theodore Palmer

Impact Staff
Denise Atwell April Gibson Vilma Pastrana
Edna Barber Erik Gorbsky Cassie Perry
Marcus Barnett Stephanie Graham Latoyia Pettiford
Michael Barr Evelyn Greenwood Ronald Piedra
Gajuan Bell Darryl Guess John Plocharski
Kevin Billups Edward Hamilton Dennis Powner
Leah Boozer Debra Harris Richard Rannie
Darrell Briddell Howard Harrison Sandra Rios
Temicherie Brooks Christina Havlicek Angentina Marie Roane
Mercedes Brown Adele Hedgesperth Lacretia Robinson
Robert Brown Marie Hicks Elisa Roche-Rodriguez
Nicole Brown-Lanier Gamine Howe Martha Rodriguez
Kerry Bunch Carol Hughes William Rosado
Shontae Campbell Shawne Hunter Dana Sample
Alexis Candelario Cameron Hutchinson Rolando Sanchez
Joseph Carter Lakeshia Jackson Michael Santiago
Nicole Chisholm Charles Jameson Joel Schofield
Iisha Choice Kimberley Johns Eleanor Shepherd
Ashley Christopher Damond Johnson Natalie Short
Bryant Chuong David Jones, Jr. Brittany Smalls
Patricia Codina Michael Jones Crystal Spraggins
Jorge Collazo Marketta Kelly Tamara Taliaferro
Luis Colon Charles Kennedy Timekia Taylor
Taajudeen Cousin Jeannine Lawson Hasker Thomas
Kenneth Crosby Shintele Lewis Jacqueline Thomas
Gail Cutter Taneshia Lewis Ronald Thomas
Brian Dandridge Pedro David Lopez, Jr. Darron Thompson
Ronald Darie Elvis Lopez Daquan Tolbert
Shona Davis Bernadette Lynch Bari Turner
Tiffany Day Clarence Major Marisol Valetine Lopez
Michael Don Pailin Charity Marshall Zoë Van Orsdol
Joseph Douglas Fracisca Martinez Jasmin Velez
William Dukes Eileen Mays-Voss James Walliker
Sharon Edgerson Amber McDaniels Theodore Wanamaker
April Edwards Danita Milton-Stevens Dallars Way
Sandy Ellis-Johnson Leroy Mitchell Herbert Whren
Shaquita Ely Robert Moore Denise Williams
Rhakeem Favors Idriys Muhammad Shina Williams
Perla Felipe Harve Nichols Tasha Williamson
Thomas Brandon Fields Eriatlov Nunez Marcia Zimmerman
Michael Florius Casey O'Donnell

Board of Directors
Casey O'Donnell, PsyD (CEO) Soneyet Muhammad
Dylan Walker, Esq. (Chairman) Hon. Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez
Tracee Hunt (Secretary) Randy Rolfe
Lisa Melroy CPA (Treasurer) Hon. Mark Squilla
Joe Brandolo Shawn Ward Esq.
Mark Butler

Impact Services would like to thank the individuals who have
made donations to support our work over the last year. Any
amount, from $5 to $5,000, is a huge help! If you would like to
add your name to this list, please visit:

Deborah Abelow Eric Krewson

Dennis & John Abrams Neil Kugelman
Dana Axelrod Jan Leseur
Jordan & Pierre Bastien Terrie Lewine
Barb & Cliff Baumbach Susie Lowry
Charles Bentham Janice Manzi
Russell Bishop Mahalah Markovitz
Susan Bloch Rosanne Mistretta
David Bromley Soneyet Muhammad
Mary Ellen Caffrey Donald Nogowski
Jane & Ted Century John O'Connell
Denise Chapline Julia O'Connell
Phil Chapline Casey O'Donnell
Donna Chappelle Kevin O'Donovan
Enrico & Joyce Colzani Katie Parla
John Coneys Joe & JoMarie Pearson
Louise D'Alessandro Todd & Linda Pearson
Dr. Joanne Darken Debby Polak
Peggy Feerick Phillip Price
Malcolm & Darryl James Ford Randall & Denise Rolfe
Lynn Gallagher Amy Sabsowitz
Beth Glascott Laura Schwingel
Greg Goldman Kirk Smothers
Caren Goldstein Hon. Mark Squilla
Maury & Kiri Harris Ronald Stoner
Tracee Hunt Joan Topper
Charles Jameson Corinthia Van Orsdol
Jeff Kahn Dylan Walker
Thomas Kehan Paul Walsh
Cathy & Harry Kilpatrick Loretta Witt
Melissa Kim Scott Yanover
Barbara Kraus-Blackney Sue & Michael Young
Financial Overview
5% Rental Income

Revenues 5%

$11,535,689 Service Projects


Grants & Awards



Workforce Development


Expenses 10%
Community & Economic Development

Thank you!

Institutional Funders
Bank of America
Benefits Data Trust
Citizens Bank
Community College of Philadelphia
Fairmount Park Conservancy
Five Together Foundation
George Mason University
Health Partners Plans
Hispanic Community Counseling Services
Independence Blue Cross
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
Merck Foundation
Nevil Memorial Church of St. George
PA Dept. of Community & Economic Development
PA Dept. of Corrections
Panama Street Fund
Philadelphia Activities Fund
Philadelphia Dept. of Commerce
Philadelphia Dept. of Prisons
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Works
Project HOME
Railroad Insurance Management Association
Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation
U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development
U.S. Dept. of Labor
U.S. Dept. of Veterans Administration
Wells Fargo Regional Foundation

Impact Services Corp

1952 E Allegheny Ave, Philadelphia PA 19134
215-739-1600 |

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