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Department of Management Information Systems

Midterm Exam
Summer 2017 - 2018
BPMM685 - Information Systems in Supply Chain
Instructor: Abdallah Houcheimi

Date: Thursday, July 12, 2018 Section: A

Time: 16:00 – 18:00 Campus: Rayak

Student Name:
Student ID:

Marking Scheme
Sections Weight Mark Sections Weight Mark
MCQ 20%
Essay Questions 40%
Case Study 40%
Enter the Section Weight

Final Grade (out of 100)

a- Do not take the staple out. This exam booklet contains [18] pages and must remain intact.
b- No cell phones or any other form of data storage is permitted.
c- Any Attempt to cheat will result in an F grade.
d- Calculators are allowed.
e- Supplements are not allowed.
f- Closed Book Examination.

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I. MCQ Answers Sheet (20%; 1 point for each correct answer)

1. a b c d

2. a b c d

3. a b c d

4. a b c d

5. a b c d

6. a b c d

7. a b c d

8. a b c d

9. a b c d

10. a b c d

11. a b c d

12. a b c d

13. a b c d

14. a b c d

15. a b c d

16. a b c d

17. a b c d

18. a b c d

19. a b c d

20. a b c d

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MCQ Questions (20 points, 20 minutes)
1. The successful supply chain:
a- Seeks to satisfying customers at any cost
b- Consists of transporters, warehouses, and retailers
c- Ensures product availability at low costs
d- None of the above

2- The supply chain surplus calculated via:

a- Customer Value - Supply Chain Cost

b- Customers Value – Supply Chain Profits
c- Supplier Cost + Manufacturer Cost + Distributor Cost + Retailer Cost
d- All the above

3- Supply chain success is measured in terms of:

a- Profits at each supply chain stage

b- Revenue generated from the customer
c- The total cost of the product
d- Supply chain surplus

4- Competitive supply chains:

a- Should maintain supply chain surplus

b- Adapt to changing technology and customer expectations
c- Consists of all supply chain stages
d- All of the above

5- The procurement cycle is set of processes exists between:

a- Supplier and Manufacturer

b- Manufacturer and Distributor
c- Customer and Retailer
d- Manufacturer and Customer

6- In the Supply Chain push/pull processes:

a- Push is reactive
b- Push speculative and Pull is reactive
c- Pull is reactive and Push is reactive
d- Pull is Speculative and Push is reactive

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7- The company’s competitive strategy should be based on:

a- The supply chain stages

b- The Cycle and Push/Pull processes
c- Current operations and service functions
d- Customer needs and satisfaction priorities

8- Achieving strategic fit is possible when:

a- The company achieves coordinated overall strategy

b- Processes and resources execute the adopted strategy successfully
c- All supply chain stages are aligned to support the supply chain strategy
d- All the above

9. Understanding the supply chain capabilities:

a- Is the first basic step towards achieving strategic fit

b- The second step to achieving strategic fit
c- a&b
d- Can be the first or the second step based on the company’s strategy

10. Customer’s demand varies based on the following attributes:

a- The implied demand uncertainty

b- Product quantity, response time, and service level
c- Price, variety, service, quantity, oversupply
d- b&c

11- A responsive supply chain is capable of:

a- Respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded

b- Meet short lead times
c- Handle a large variety of products
d- All the above

12- Supply chain efficiency is:

a- The cost of making and delivering a product to the customer

b- The cost that decreases when responsiveness increases
c- Low when the cost of supply operations is low
d- Increased at each additional responsiveness level

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13- The environment and sustainability:

a- Are key challenges on the supply chain strategy

b- Part of the business and technological challenges
c- The same as the fragmentation of Supply Chain Ownership
d- Not considered in the supply chain strategy

14- Distribution in the supply chain occurs:

a- Between every pair of stages in the supply chain

b- At supplier and manufacturer level
c- At every stage in the supply chain except the supply stage
d- b&c

15- Distribution networks are evaluated based on:

g- Satisfying customer needs

h- Customer value and the resulted costs
i- Costs incurred to satisfy customers
j- None of the above

16- The supply chain costs affected by the distribution network design:

a- Sourcing and pricing

b- Inventories and transportation
c- Inventories, transportation, sourcing, pricing
d- Inventories, transportation, information, pricing

17- The total logistics costs:

a- Include inventory, transportation, and information costs

b- Decrease as the number of facilities increase
c- a&b
d- Consists of inventory, transportation, and facility costs

18- In the manufacturer storage with direct shipping design:

a- The product comes from different locations

b- Package carriers are used to transport products
c- Information flows from the manufacturer to the customer
d- The product is shipped directly to the end customer

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19- The distributor storage with last-mile delivery design:

a- Inventory is stored at the manufacturer warehouse

b- Package carriers are used to transport products
c- The distributor/retailer delivers the product to the customer
d- None of the above

20- Selecting a distribution network design:

a- Requires considering the product characteristics

b- Requires considering the distribution network requirements
c- a&b
d- Should be focused on cost efficiency

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Essay Questions (40 points, 40 minutes)
Answer 4 out of 5 of the following questions:

1- Explain the decision phases in a supply chain?

2- Explain the understanding the Customer and Supply Chain Uncertainty step?
3- Explain the Challenges to achieving and maintaining Strategic Fit?
4- Discuss the factors Influencing Distribution Network Design?
5- What are the design options for a distribution network, explain three of these designs?


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Case Study (40 points, 60 minutes)
The world’s largest home furnishing retailer has 355 stores in 29 countries.
What are the best-kept secrets behind IKEA’s supply chain management
IKEA impresses not just its consumers with affordable, high-quality furniture, but also
competitors and companies around the world – especially with its unique supply
chain and inventory management techniques. Each IKEA store is huge and holds more than 9,500
products! How in the world does IKEA offer so much at such a low price while always being able
to keep items in stock?
IKEA's vision: supported by efficient supply chain management
To start off, IKEA has a clear vision – to provide well designed, functional home furnishings at
prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them. Its various functions;
supply chain operations and inventory management included work together to support its
distinctive value proposition. IKEA is distinctive in committing to a catalog of products that will
be stocked for a year at a guaranteed price.
Cost savings in furniture design & Sustainable relationships with suppliers
IKEA stock incurs low manufacturing costs while meeting strict requirements for function,
efficient distribution, quality, and impact on the environment. IKEA seeks to use as few
materials as possible to make the furniture, without compromising on quality or durability. By
using fewer materials, the company cuts down on transportation costs because it uses less fuel
and manpower to receive materials and ship products. IKEA is a very high volume retailer – it
buys products from more than 1,800 suppliers in 50 countries, and uses 42 trading service
offices around the world to manage supplier relationships. They negotiate prices with suppliers,
check the quality of materials, and keep an eye on social and working conditions. Although IKEA
fosters competition among suppliers to ensure it attains the best prices and materials, the
company also makes longstanding commitments to suppliers by signing long-term contracts,
thus lowering prices of products further.
In-store logistics
IKEA also relies on something rare and unique concerning its logistical management of
reordering products – it employs in-store logistics personnel to handle inventory management
at its stores. According to the ARC Advisory Group (professionals and consultants on logistical
and supply chain operations), there is an in-store logistics manager responsible for the ordering
process and a store goods manager responsible for material handling logistics at all IKEA stores.
The duties of the logistics personnel are to monitor and record deliveries, carefully check
delivery notices, sort and separate the goods, and get them off to the correct sales area or
designated overstock locations. Overall, they ensure an efficient flow of goods within IKEA
stores, which is essential to maintaining high sales and enhancing customer loyalty.
Maximum/minimum settings as a proprietary system
The in-store logistics managers use an inventory replenishment management process
developed by IKEA called ‘minimum/maximum settings’ to respond to store-level inventory
reorder points and reorder products.

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Minimum settings: The minimum amount of products available before reordering.
Maximum settings: The maximum amount of a particular product to order at one time.

Since all IKEA inventory is only stocked at night after opening hours, the logic of its min/max
settings is based on the number of products that will be sold from the reserve stack of the bin
in a single day or two-day period. The process meets customer demand while minimizing
ordering too few or too many products. This strategy also ensures that IKEA has inventory
ready to meet customers’ demands, lowering the cost of lost sales.Using IKEA’s proprietary
inventory system, logistics managers know what is sold through point-of-sale (POS) data and
how much inventory comes into the store through direct shipping, and from distribution
centers through warehouse management system data. Using this data, they can forecast
sales for the next couple of days and order in the suitable amount of products to meet that
demand. IKEA believes its process and system allows for the right goods to be in the store with
greater certainty, and at a lower cost, than the traditional retail forecasting and replenishment
Following in IKEA's footsteps
Take a cue from IKEA and see what you can shake up in your own inventory management
practices and supply chain management strategy.

Answer the following questions (cite evidences from the case while answering all

1- What are the main supply chain planning and operational decisions that are
supporting IKEA’s supply chain?
2- How IKEA is handling the customers’ demand uncertainty?
3- What is the strategic scope of IKEA’s supply chain?
4- How do you evaluate IKEA’s distribution mode in terms of customer value
and the resulted costs?

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