Network Infra Design

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Diploma in Computing Level 7

(Networking strand)

DC301: Network Infrastructure Design

NQF Level 7 (14 credits)

Closed book Exam Answers

(Worth 20% of the final grade)

80 Marks

Final Result: _______________ Assessor Signature ___________________

Student Name
Student ID
Student Signature


Learning outcomes targeted
LO: 1. Investigate, discuss and compare the network design processes
and models.
LO: 2. Examine and apply switching and routing in a network design.
LO: 3. Design an IP addressing plan and select appropriate IP routing
Instructions and Guidelines

o Please read the assessment instructions listed below, then sign the student
undertaking on page 2.
o Do not open this booklet until instructed to do so, and refer to the question paper for
additional instructions.

Instructions for Assessment:

1. Pens, rulers, etc., must be in a clear plastic bag or a clear pencil case and may not be
2. Candidates must not take any book or other written or printed matter or blank paper or
non-approved electronic devices to their desk in the examination room. (This does not
apply to "open book" examinations, or approved references. In the case of "open book"
examinations, any written or printed materials including books, Acts, etc are permitted).
In the case of “permitted reference” examinations, only the specified reference materials
are allowed.
3. Dictionaries are not permitted in closed book examinations.
4. A candidate may not bring into an examination an electronic calculator except by direction
of the examiner. A calculator is defined as an electronic device capable of processing,
storing or retrieving information, which has the primary purpose of mathematical
calculation. Any calculator permitted to be taken into an examination must be hand-held,
self-powered and noiseless. It must not make use of an audible alarm or facilities for
‘wireless’ transmission or reception of information.
Candidates are to be informed by each Department of the specific types of calculators
allowed for particular examinations. General Conditions: (i) other than spare batteries and
calculator, supplementary material (eg, operating manuals) related to the use and operation
of the calculator will not be permitted in the examination room. (ii) It is the candidate’s
responsibility to maintain the operation and power of the calculator. iii) No other
electronic device is allowed in the examination room unless specified by the examiner. iv)
Any cell phone brought into an examination room must have all functions, including
alarms and audible sounds, switched off and must be left in such part of the room as the
supervisor directs.
5. Candidates must present their Ntec student ID card as proof of identity. Candidates who
fail to produce their ID card will be required to confirm their identification within 24
hours. The candidate's examination answer book will not be able to be presented for
marking until proof of identity is confirmed.
6. Food must not be brought into the examination room. Clear plastic drink bottles are
permitted, and may contain water only. Drink bottles are to be placed on the candidate's
desk at all times.
7. Caps or hats are not to be worn in the examination room. The only exceptions to this rule
are those head coverings required on religious grounds.

8. Earplugs are not to be worn in the examination room.
9. Candidates are not permitted to smoke in the examination room. Wrist watch alarms must
be turned off.
10. The start of the examination
a. Candidates must place their student ID card on their desk where it is clearly visible
to the supervisor.
b. Candidates are permitted to read the examination paper ten (10) minutes before the
examination is due to commence, but must not write in their answer books or make
notes until the supervisor announces that they may commence writing.
c. Candidates must write their name and ID number clearly in the places provided on
the outside of each answer booklet and/or any other answer materials used, unless
given instructions that only ID numbers are to be entered.
d. Candidates are advised to write legibly. All answers are to be written in pen unless
otherwise stated. Any hand-writing which the examiner is unable to decipher will
not be marked. Rough working is to be done in the examination book or on the
paper provided, and clearly crossed out.
e. Late candidates are not permitted to enter the examination room later than forty
five (45) minutes after the beginning of the examination
11. Behaviour in the examination room
a. Candidates may not leave the room until one hour after the commencement of the
examination and then only by permission of the supervisor, who shall take in the
candidates' scripts. Candidates may not leave the room during the last fifteen
minutes of the examination.
b. In the unlikely event that the examination room needs to be evacuated, candidates
must follow the instructions issued by the Chief Supervisor present.
c. Any annotations made by candidates on their examination question papers,
(including annotations indicating a choice of answer) must be made in a manner
which ensures these notations are not visible to any other candidate.
d. Candidates may not communicate with another candidate in the examination room
or copy from another's answers.
e. Candidates must stop writing any answer, or modifying any answer immediately
upon the supervisor announcing the expiration of time.
f. Candidates may not communicate with examiners either in their examination
scripts or otherwise.
12. If an invigilator suspects a student’s actions and/or behaviour, they may search the
student’s belongings. Hence, please co-operate and do not feel offended.
Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students who are found cheating or not
complying with exam regulations. Student Undertaking:

 I have read and understood all the assessment instructions listed on page 1 of this
 I understand that I may be required to leave the room and my assessment may be
invalid if I am found cheating, not complying with the assessment instructions, or
engaging in any unfair practices.

NTI DC301 Network Infrastructure Design Final Exam answers
Section A

Multi choice (10 questions)

1. What type of DNS name resolution process returns the best answer when a resolver queries
a DNS database?
A. Iterative
B. Recursive
C. Resolution
D. Both A and B are correct.

2. Which of the following describes a DNS hijacking?

A. Entering information into DNS cache of a computer.
B. Modifying the contents of a DNS database to redirect traffic to illegitimate sites.
C. Restarting a DNS server.
D. Prematurely shutting down DNS server.

3. Which of the following in not part of DHCP process?

A. Discover
B. Resolve
C. Offer
D. Request

4. At what time interval does a DHCP server tries a second attempt at renewing TCP/IP
parameters that has been assigned to a DHCP client?

A. 50%
B. 80%
C. 90%
D. None of the above.

5. When data is sent from one network node to all nodes on the same network, this is known

A. Unicast
B. Anycast
C. Broadcast
D. Multicast

6. Which of the following describes IP addresses in DHCP scope that will not be allocated to
client computers?

A. Exclusion
B. Reservation
C. Rejection
D. External

7. Which of the following devices can be used to join two networks together?

A. Hub
B. Router
C. Modem
D. Both A and B are correct.

8. A collection of Active Directory trees is called a

A. Multi domain network

B. Redundant network
C. assortment
D. None of the above is correct.

9. Which of the following commands can be used to check connectivity between two

A. NBstat
B. Ping
C. IPconfig
D. Netstat

10. Which of the following is used by a computer to find the MAC address of another computer
on a network?

A. Netstat
C. Mac fetch
D. None of the above.

Section B

Section 1: IP Addressing:

1. Our current IP address is an example of a class B address. T

2. IP addresses that start with 224, are classified as a multicast addresses. T

3. IPv4 addresses have 32 octets. F

4. IPv6 addresses offer a substantially larger IP address space than IPv4 addresses. T

Section 2: DHCP Configurations:

5. A DHCP exclusion requires a MAC address. F

6. A DHCP database is by default backed up every 60 seconds. F

Section 3: DNS Configurations:

7. The top of the DNS tree is called the root. T

8. .arpa is a top level domain. T

9. Contiguous portion of the DNS namespace is called resource record. F

10. Resolving and IP address to a hostname is called forward lookup. F

Section C

Fill in the blanks (10 questions)

1. Command that can be typed to renew IP address of a computer is IPConfig/renew.

2. FQDN is an acronym for Fully Qualified Domain Name

3. is known as loopback address.

4. Before the introduction of DNS, Hosts.txt files (located on local computers) were used for
name resolution.

5. A computer that queries a DNS database for name resolution is called a client.

6. DNS lookup is a process where an IP address is resolved into a hostname.

7. Subneting is the terminology that describes dividing a network logically into numerous
smaller networks.

8. A DHCP server that is not authorised to issue IP addresses on a network but attempts to is
called a Rogue DHCP server.

9. IPv4 uses binary numbering system while IPv6 uses hexadecimal.

10. Subnet mask divides an IP address into network ID and host ID.

Section D

Outstanding Very good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Relevant content (2 Coherent content Explanation/answer Explanation/answer was A few points relating to the No relevant
marks) are very related to the mainly correct title
Depth of Excellent Near native accuracy Mainly correct Can understand but with few Cannot understand
understanding/analysis of Understanding errors the issue
issues (2
Structure and expression Clear presentation Very appropriate Acceptable presentation Explanation was fair Poor presentation
(2 marks) presentation

Problem solving All working shown and Near native style Some/most workings Can solve the problem but No workings shown
(3 marks) Extension work shown with few errors
Spelling, grammar None/few limited spelling limited grammar mistakes Many grammar mistakes Poor
and punctuation (1 grammar/spelling errormistakes
Total 9-10 out 0f 10 7-8 out 10 5-6 out 10 3-4 out 10 0-3 out 10
Originality: Please note that bonus marks is awarded for original work (i.e. thoughts, ideas etc).


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