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Su m m ar y: DC Riot s

At 8 pm on a cool, spring night in 1968,

the people of Washington were headed POL I TI CAL
home when news came in of MLK's
assassination (Rindler and Ruane DI SOBEDI ENCE
Emamdjomeh). This sparked an uprising "Congress shal l make no I n Washington DC
four days long that would change the l aw... prohi bi ti ng the f ree
city forever. exerci se thereof ... or the right
of the peopl e peaceabl y to Nat an Kimelman-Block
Riots are a form of disobedience in
America. Rioters are passonate and want
assembl e, and to peti ti on the Avi Kedia
change, but their tactics cause
Government f or a redress of Bobby Padmore
su per f icial an d per m an an t dam age to
gri evances." (US Const. Amend. I )
a city. Another form of disobedience The first amendment in the Bill of Rights
used by passionate Americans is protest. gives the people the freedom of speech,
Protesters are similar to rioters but use religion, press, petition, and to peaceably
assem ble. However, w h en r iot s occu r ,
non-violent, civil tacticts to show their
t h e law n o lon ger su ppor t s t h em as they
point. Acts of disobedience such as riots
are no longer peaceful. Protests are used as
and protests should be used as a a vehicle for people to express their
m et h od t o expr ess on e?s belief s about opinions within the law. Some believe that
how a system is functioning and changes protest don't affect anything. Whether
that should be made. people believe protests influence policy or
not, it still remains a constitutionally valid
method of expr ession t o cr it icize
gover n m en t .

Ask You r self ...

Why do protesters protest?
Do protests cause pol icy change?
How can protests and riots permanentl y
change a city?
What pol icies have actual l y changed
because of protests?
Leffler Downing
Th ose Opposed To Pr ot est

Many people argue that disobedience

doesn't change any policy. They argue that
pr ot est s can't ch an ge polit ician s m in ds
an d r iot s on ly r esu lt in dam age t o t h e
cit y.

Österstam Zigler
After the Charlottesville riots, the Unite
Pr ot est er s the Right, white supremacist group People of Wash in gt on
Protesters believe they are catalysts for wanted to rally again one year after. They The business owners, police department,
bringing awareness to an issue. By planned on rioting in D.C. but their and citizens of Washington are most
turning passion into action these people turnout was below 50 people, and they effected by the disobedience in the city.
have done everything from storming the were considerably outmatched by In t h e Riot s of 1968 1,200 f ir es bu r n ed
capital to dismantling the streets and counter-protesters, making their r esu lt in g in $13 m illion s of dam ages
shops of DC. movement seemingly redundent (Heim et (Muller). The money lost in damages was
al.). Furthermore after Kavanaugh?s never fully paid back. Washington is still
"I t is better to protest nomination, followers of the #MeToo facing the consequences of the riots.
than to accept i nj usti ce." Protests on the other hand effect less of
- Rosa Parks the physical buildings in the city and
more of the culture.
In one way or another, ever y pr ot est er
an d r iot er is polit ically in volved and
while acts of disobedience may not Washington, as the capital of the United
immediately produce policy change, it States, is where many protests occur.
allows citizens an outlet to express beliefs Because of the constant protests in
and views to the government. A study Washington, It has become an incredibly
researching if political protests matter political city, w it h 1 in 3 Wash in gt on ian s
revealed that the mass of motivation in h avin g pr ot est ed Tr u m p (Swartzman
protesters caused a significant social and Guskin). The People of Washington
impact which eventually allowed for policy are always being effected by the type of
change (Madestam et al.). Killen disobedience in their city.

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