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Animal Welfare – Public Policy Perspectives

increasingly important. Welfare standards

W Viewpoint
ithin the community
individual views and values on will soon be pre-requisites for market
animal welfare cover a wide access for livestock and livestock products
spectrum. At one pole we have those who exported to the EU and other markets in
believe no animal should be used for the near future.
pleasure, food, clothing or other human
benefit. People who utilise animals for So what is the Role of the
pleasure or profit with blatant disregard
for their welfare are at the opposite end.
Veterinary Profession?
The broader community view sits It has been said that one should never
somewhere in between, recognising the let the facts get in the way of good public
benefits of animals to humans while policy. Too often government policy on
seeking to maximise the quality of life important issues is made on the run with
from the animals’ perspective. emotional hype driving the policy and
Blatant cruelty at the far right of the implementation decisions. I have seen
AVA President Norm Blackman
spectrum is unacceptable to the many examples of public policy on
Australian community and cruelty to science-based issues where the position is
animals is a criminal offence. Some in animal welfare science resulting in a scientifically indefensible, effective
practices that involve cruelty to animals poorly informed community. There is implementation is impossible and the
(such as dog and cock fighting), are also limited community awareness of position is still adopted because it is
prohibited. Circus acts involving animals welfare related economic and trade issues. politically irresistible. Animal welfare is
have also been prohibited in some Emotional arguments concerning an area where this can easily occur.
jurisdictions (ACT) irrespective of animal welfare are actively promoted The veterinary profession has a
whether there is evidence of cruelty. within the community. Non-scientific
responsibility to ensure that sound
Animal use for experimental and teaching anthropomorphic arguments are used to
science is introduced into the public
purposes now requires approval by an heighten the emotional response.
policy setting process. We should also be
animal ethics committee with Community views will tend to be based
on this emotional perspective if other striving for robust public debate on the
community input. various animal welfare issues so that the
The views and values of veterinarians perspectives are not considered.
Organisations promoting these emotional final policy position removes the
are also diverse. While no self-respecting emotional clutter and is based on a
veterinarian would support blatant views generally lack objectivity and rarely
provide support for objective research on balanced assessment of the facts. Within
cruelty to animals there are many who
animal welfare issues. AVA our Policy Council consideration of
support activities involving hunting,
As I see it, the RSPCA approach is welfare issues goes a long way towards
livestock production and performance
generally based on objective reasoning, achieving this.
animals with some of these activities
being unacceptable to others. recognises these differing perspectives and The AVA has a vital role in
seeks to progressively improve the welfare communicating animal welfare science
of animals over time. This approach is in and our policies to the community and
Managing the Welfare Mix – line with community expectations and government at all levels. This will ensure
the Public Policy Perspective hence government policy expectations. the profession is well represented as the
Government policy on animal welfare The social benefits of the value of provider of sound science into the animal
issues will generally reflect the animals as companions and research are welfare debate.
community expectations. The often not well understood within the From the trade perspective it will be
community perspective on what community. The use of animals in important for regulators in Australia’s
constitutes acceptable animal welfare medical research and teaching provides
overseas markets to understand our
practices involves a complex mix of significant health benefits to humans.
arguments from emotional, scientific, production systems and how welfare is
In general, organisations representing
environmental, economic, social and managed in this country. The AVA has an
livestock producers or those involved
international trade perspectives. with performance animals understand important function here to help inform
Individuals are influenced by their that animal welfare and animal health are and assist our overseas colleagues to
knowledge and personal values. intrinsically linked. Both are important develop and implement animal welfare
The community will seek to for maximising productivity or policy amongst our trade partner
progressively improve welfare outcomes performance. Obviously there are costs to countries.
so the appropriate balance of the mix be considered and these need to be
from a community perspective will vary managed. Norm Blackman
over time. From an international trade President
Unfortunately there are still many gaps perspective animal welfare is becoming AVA National

590 Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 82, No 10, October 2004

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