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look at the Japanese instructions for the illustrations.

ハイパーESP カード
Hyper ESP Cards

What is Mental Magic?

Recently many of you may have seen a mentalist on TV who exhibits mysterious skills like
mindreading, second sight (clairvoyance), or predicting the future. Everyone can perform what
is known as “mental magic” with some practice and special gimmicks.
In general, magic expresses a visual mystery, like something appearing or disappearing. But
mental magic is about divining something in the spectator’s mind or predicting the future, so
mental magic expresses mystery with a strong and direct punch to the spectator’s mind. In
other words, the magic that has the strongest impact on the spectator’s mind is mental magic.
We have selected masterpieces in this category and modified them for easy performance. Please
demonstrate these miracles with a mysterious atmosphere so that your friends and family will
be amazed at the mind-bending magic you present.
Most mental magic relies on bold secrets using psychology that cleverly blindside the
spectator’s mind. When you read these instructions, you won’t believe how the spectator could
be fooled by such simple secrets. But this trick that you now hold in your hands has already
been performed by many magicians repeatedly.
We can guarantee the effectiveness of this trick.
Please perform your mentalism with strong confidence and use this trick as a tool for
communication with your friends.

ハイパーESP カード
Hyper ESP Cards
You can do a perfect Second Sight act while standing at a distance from the table. Many different
effects are possible in addition to Second Sight, like mindreading and foretelling the future with
the special cards used to test Extra Sensory Perception which have five different symbols. After
you learn the special secret of these ESP cards, you’ll be able to perform six piece of mental

ESP カードとは?
What are ESP Cards?
ESP Cards are used to conduct experiments to measure Extra Sensory Perception. These cards
are made up of five simple symbols: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, and Star. Each symbol is
printed on five cards, so there are a total of 25 cards in an ESP deck.
Perceptual psychologist Dr. Karl Zener and parapsychologist Dr. J.B. Rhine created these cards
in the early 1930s for their experiments in trying to detect a sixth sense. Sometimes ESP Cards
are called “Zener Cards.” In late 1930, once ESP cards were sold to the public, many mentalists
and magicians became fascinated by them because of the opportunities they provided for new

Since then, many magicians have created numerous different mysteries using ESP Cards. The
original ESP cards were not gimmicked because they were devised solely for scientific
experiments. The deck of ESP cards provided with this trick has a special secret that allows you
to read them without looking at the faces even if you’re standing some distance away.
This kind of secret has been used on the backs of many different playing cards since the 1800s,
first by gamblers, and later by magicians. On the cards provided here, it is impossible for anyone
to see anything suspicious when looking at them unless they know the secret.
In addition to the unique qualities inherent in the deck, tricks will be described using special
gimmicked cards that are also included.
Please practice these six tricks well so that the secret remains hidden from the audience and
they really believe that you can read minds.

* 25 ESP cards, five of each design (Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, and Star): call these a
“deck” of ESP cards
* 5 double-faced cards which have the same face—a symbol—on both sides
* 1 double-faced card which has a different symbol on each side: that is, one side has a Circle,
while the other side has a Square
* 5 double-backed cards (these have a back on both sides)
* Card case
* Small black envelope

ESP カードの秘密
The Secret of the ESP Cards
Take the deck out of the card case. Remove the 5 double-backed cards and the 6 double-faced
cards and place them aside. This leaves you with the regular ESP deck of 25 cards. Spread
through the deck and remove 5 cards, one each of the different symbols. Look at the backs of the
cards. All you see is a polka dot pattern. No special marks are visible. Put these 5 ESP cards on
the table in a row in the following order from left to right: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, Star.
Now turn them face down (if they aren’t already). If you look at the backs there appears to be
absolutely nothing to differentiate these cards from one another. However, they are actually
marked in a unique way! Look at figures to get started.
The Circle has a single line on its back, the Cross has two lines close together, the Wavy Lines
have three lines close together, the Square has two lines far apart, and the Star has three lines
far apart.
You’re wondering how to view the cards so the marks are visible: leave them face down on the
table and stand back about three to six feet so you are viewing them at an oblique angle (we’ll
discuss this some more in the first trick). The reason you can see these thin lines is because the
dotted pattern is not printed equally the way it first appears. Some dots are farther apart than
others, even though this is not evident when looking at the cards from directly above, sideways,
or while you are in close proximity to them. Because of this, anyone who doesn’t know how to
view the cards will see nothing unusual (fig.).

You can memorize which marks are on the back of which cards very easily by using the chart
shown in the following illustration.

Symbol The Marks How to Remember The Marks
CIRCLE One line in the center A Circle is one continuous line, so
remember 1
CROSS Two lines in the center A Cross has two lines, so
remember 2
WAVY Three lines in the center There are three Wavy Lines, so
LINES remember 3
SQUARE Two lines far apart Remember the Square with this illustration:
the right and left sides of the Square, so
remember 2 far apart
STAR Three lines far apart Remember the Star with this illustration:
the three points of the star (left, top, right) so
remember 3 far apart

Once you’ve learned how to read these secret marks, and memorized which card has which
mark, you must practice reading the backs of the cards for at least one hour. At first it may be
difficult for you to see the marks—your initial urge will be to stand too close to the cards. It may
be that you cannot see the marks from three feet away, but you can easily see them at six feet
away. You’ll have to experiment to find the distance that’s best for you.
It’s very important when you perform the tricks we’re about to explain that it never appears to
the spectators as if you’re trying to look at marks on the backs of the cards. You have to be able
to glance at the cards and immediately see the marks.
This special marking system which allows you to see marks from a distance was created by
Tenyo. Everyone is fooled by this, even magicians if they don’t know the secret.
About the special double-backed cards that are included: these five cards have no marks.

マジック 1 封筒に入れたカードを透視する!
Trick 1: X-Ray Vision

Ask the spectator to thoroughly mix five ESP cards. He is asked to place one of them (which he
remembers) face down on the table. You apparently see through this card and divine the symbol
printed on its face. The trick is repeated a second time, but instead of putting the card on the
table, the spectator is told to slide the card into a small black envelope. In this impossible
situation, you can see through the envelope and divine the symbol printed on the card inside.

* Five ESP cards, one of each type: Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square, and Star
* The small black envelope (included); put it on the table in advance of starting this effect


Phase 1
1. After you show the five ESP cards to the spectator, explain what ESP cards are (many people
have never seen them before), and hand the cards to him. Back up until you’re standing about
six feet away (fig.); you will speak to the spectator from this position.
2. Say, “Mix the five ESP cards.” After he stops, glance at the back of the top card and read the
mark. If you can’t read the mark for some reason just proceed to the next step—you’ll have
another chance.
3. Once you know the identity of the top card, turn your head to the side and continue. Say,
“Please put the top card on the table face down. Then place the rest of the packet aside on the table,
face down.” If you were not able to see the mark in Step 1, this gives you another chance, and
you would turn your head to the side after the card is dealt to the table in this case.
4. Keeping your head turned to the side, extend your right arm and hold your palm-down right
hand as close to the card as possible. Do not touch the card (which would be quite difficult
unless you are an orangutan and have six-foot long arms).
Say, “Once I put my hand near the card … ,” and here you move closer to the table so your palm is
about a foot above the card—but keep your head turned away—“… I can feel the shape of the
symbol on its face.” Concentrate intently on the tabled card, then divine the symbol printed on it.
Say something along these lines, “I can see the shape of a symbol, but it’s very dim. This symbol is
made of a curved line. So it may be a Circle … no, actually it’s Wavy Lines.” (fig.)
5. Ask the spectator to turn the tabled card face up and confirm that you have divined the
correct symbol. Now you can face forward once again. This moment is what is known in magic
as an “off beat.” All attention is on the spectator as he turns over the card to confirm that the
symbol matches what you said. At that moment, step back to the six-foot position and casually
glance at the top card of the face-down packet on the table. The misdirection is very strong at
this time, so you won’t arouse any suspicion by looking at the packet.

Phase 2
6. Again, turn your head away. Say, “We’ll do it again. Please take the top card off the packet on
the table and insert it into that small black envelope which is also on the table. Do not look at the
face of the card or show it to anyone.”
7. Once the spectator has follow your instructions, face forward, ask him to put the envelope on
the table and say, “This makes it a lot more difficult, wouldn’t you say?”
Step closer and hold your palm-down right hand about a foot above the black envelope. Slowly
divine the symbol—you read the mark in Step 5. After you’ve named it, ask the spectator to
remove the card from the envelope, turn it face up, and confirm that you are correct.

Important Tip!
Don’t divine the symbol too soon after you’ve read the mark on the back of the card. If you do,
the spectators might guess that there’s a special mark. (They won’t be able to see the mark, but
that won’t convince them that there are no marks—it’s important to understand this point.)
Notice how, in the routine just explained, time is allowed to pass between the time you read the
mark and the time you divine the identity of the ESP card. This prevents the spectator from
thinking that you stared at the back of the card and then announced the symbol. He is far less
likely to connect a casual glance early on with the divination at the end of the trick. Magicians
call this a “time delay.”

マジック 2 ESPマークの予言
Trick 2: ESP Symbol Prediction

The spectator freely selects one card bearing an ESP symbol from among three. You are able to
predict the exact symbol in advance.
* Three ESP cards: Circle, Square, and Star
* 1 double-faced card that shows a Circle on one side and a Square on the other
* The small black envelope
* A Post-It Note: it must be smaller than the back of the ESP card.

1. Insert the double-faced card inside the black envelope (fig.). The side with the Square should
be facing you. (Conversely, the side with the Circle is against the flap-side of the envelope).
Remember that the Square will be facing you when the envelope is opened in a normal manner.
2. Write a prediction, such as, “You will chose the Star” on the Post-It Note. Then attach this note
to the back of card bearing the Star symbol (fig.).
3. Place the face-up Star card on top of the face-up Circle and Square cards. Insert them into the
black envelope above the double-faced card.

1. Bring out the black envelope, holding it with your left hand. Tilt the end toward you and open
the flap with your right hand. The open flap will act as a shield to prevent the spectators from
seeing the following. Insert your right thumb, first, and second fingers into the envelope. Your
first and second fingers go on the outer side of the end of the packet of cards, while your thumb
goes on the face. Your first and second fingers slide the double-faced card about a quarter inch
to the right or upward (depending upon the direction in which you’re holding the envelope).
This enables you to slip your first finger between the double-faced card and the rest of the
packet. Now, using your thumb and first finger, slide the three ESP cards out of the envelope
leaving the double-faced card inside. Close the envelope’s flap and drop it on the table as if has
no further importance.
When you remove the three ESP cards from the envelope, keep them squared—the spectators
will see the back of the rear card. Say, “These are called ESP cards and they’re used for psychic
experiments. I want to try one of these experiments involving a prediction.”
2. Turn the three ESP cards face up and deal them to the table from left to right in a row. Be
careful not to flash the back of the Star card because it has the prediction stuck to it. Say, “Please
point to any one of these three symbols. To tell you the truth, I already know which one you are
going to select.”
3. Once the spectator points to one of the three symbols, you will know how to proceed to end
the effect: there are three different paths. Magicians call this “Multiple Outs.” Say, “Are you sure
you want that symbol? You can change your mind if you like.” Of course, it doesn’t matter which
symbol the spectator picks, so saying this will make it seem even more impossible.
If the spectator chooses the Star: Say, “Let’s turn the three cards face down.” Do exactly as you say,
and turn (first) the Square and Circle cards face down. Finally, turn the Star card face down to
reveal your prediction, “You will chose the Star” (fig.).
If the spectator chooses the Circle: Say, “I’ve placed one card inside the envelope as a prediction.”
Pick up the envelope so the side attached to the flap is upward. Open the flap and pull out the
double-faced card so the side with the Circle is showing (fig.). After you show this prediction,
bow the envelope open by squeezing it with your left thumb and fingers and turn it so the
spectator can see there are no other cards inside.
If the spectator chooses the Square: Say, “I’ve placed one card inside the envelope as a prediction.”
Pick up the envelope so the side with the seam, and closed flap, is upward. Open the flap and
pull out the double-faced card so the side with the Square is showing (fig.). After you show this
prediction, bow the envelope open by squeezing it with your left thumb and fingers and turn it
so the spectator can see there are no other cards inside.
4. Whatever symbol the spectator has chosen, you are able to show a correct prediction using
this principle of Multiple Outs. Of course you must never perform this trick a second time for the
same spectator.

マジック 3 読心術で当てる!
Trick 3: Divining a Chosen Symbol with Mind Reading

You need two spectators to perform this trick. Hand the deck of ESP cards to one spectator, then
turn your back. Ask him to mix the cards, then request that each spectator choose one ESP card,
look at and remember it, then put it in a pocket.
Ask the spectator to put the remainder of the ESP deck into its card case and then hide it
It appears that you have no evidence what the selections might be, but you can apparently read
the spectators’ minds and divine the symbols on both selections.

* The deck of 25 ESP cards
* The card case

The Order of the Deck
Arrange the cards in the following order from the face to the rear—Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines,
Square, Star, and repeat this sequence of five cards throughout the entire deck (fig.). When you
are finished, the Circle will be the face card and the card on top when the deck is face down will
be the Star.
This specific order of the ESP symbols follows a simple rule in which each symbol equates to a
number from 1 to 5. Memorize the following.
How to Learn the Symbol and Number
1 = Circle, because this symbol is composed of only one line.
2 = Cross, because this symbol is composed of two lines.
3 = Wavy Lines, because this symbol is composed of three lines.
4 = Square, because this symbol is composed of four lines.
5 = Star, because this symbol has five points.
Once you set all 25 cards in order, put the deck into the card case and you’re ready to perform.

1. You require two spectators in order to do this trick. Remove the ESP cards from the card case,
which you then place aside. Hold the ESP deck face up and spread it between your hands. Say,
“These are special cards used for psychic experiments. There are 25 cards … five cards each of
special symbols.”
2. Square the deck, then turn it face down. Hold it in dealing position in your palm-up left hand,
while your palm-down right hand holds the deck from above—thumb at the inner end, fingers
at the outer end.
Your right hand lifts off approximately half the deck (fig.) and places it under the cards held by
your left hand—you are simply cutting the deck (fig.). If you cut the deck a few times, the
spectators will think you’ve mixed the cards. But actually, since the deck is set up in a specific
order of repeating groups, like a loop, the order of the cards remains the same even though the
top and bottom cards may change.
3. After you’ve demonstrated how to cut the deck a few times, give the deck to one of the
spectators and ask him to cut the deck a few times in the same way you did. After he’s finished,
ask him to hold the deck, face down, in his left as if he is “going to play cards” (he will hold the
deck in dealing position).
4. Say, “Take the top card with your right hand, keeping it face down, and place it under the deck
[fig., which shows the spectator’s hands]. Repeat this, moving cards to the bottom one at a time. I
don’t want to see the cards, so I’m going to turn my back to you.” Do as you say and turn around.
5. Say, “Please continue moving cards from top to bottom one at a time and stop anytime you like.”
Once the spectator has stopped, say, “Please put the deck of ESP cards on the table. Now pick up
the top card and look at it. Remember the symbol you see. After you are certain that you will
remember it, please put the card in your pocket.”
If the spectator has no pockets, ask him (or her) to conceal the card under something, like a
handkerchief, or in a purse, or (if the spectators are sitting) on the chair under their leg.
6. Direct your next comments to the second spectator, and say, “Please take the top card off the
deck, look at and remember the symbol just as the first person did, then put the card out of sight in
your pocket.”
7. Once you’re sure that both spectators have hidden their selected cards, face forward again.
Continue, “I forgot one thing—please put the rest of the deck inside the card case and also hide
that. I want to erase all evidence of your chosen cards.” As you speak, point at the tabled deck and
at that moment secretly read the mark on the back of the top card. Once you know what symbol
is on the top card of the deck, you can then figure out what both selections are.
For example, if the top card of the deck is now the Circle (1 line), since you have the order of the
deck memorized, you know that the card above it—chosen by Spectator 2—is the Cross (2
lines), and the card chosen first, by Spectator 1, is the card above the Cross—the Wavy Lines (3
lines). The number that you have assigned to each symbol, based on the number of lines which
compose the symbol, makes it extremely simple to remember the order of the cards.
8. Once the spectator has put the deck into the card case and hidden it, begin the act of
mindreading. Take your time and slowly reveal the card each spectator has hidden in his pocket.
This is an absolutely stunning piece of mentalism that will leave your audience amazed.

マジック 4 無意識に決められた順に並べてしまう!
Trick 4: ESP Swindle

Created by Paul Curry and So Sato

After the spectator thoroughly mixes 10 ESP cards, he deals them to the table. You turn over the
card case to reveal a small picture that shows the cards in the same order—you have predicted
the order of his cards!

* The deck of 25 ESP cards
* The card case

First, remove two sets of five cards from the ESP deck. Arrange them in the following order,
from face to rear: Cross, Star, Square, Circle, Wavy Lines, Star, Square, Wavy Lines, Cross, Circle.
Square the packet—the Cross will be on the face (fig.).
On one side of the card case you will note that there is a design of 10 ESP cards in the shape of a
backward letter “S.” These cards are in the same order just given for the packet (fig. —you can
see the design on the card case in the drawing on the upper right). While the drawing functions
as a prediction in this trick, under normal circumstances it seems to be no more than a
decoration on the card case and no one will even notice it. They will see it, but it won’t have any
meaning, and so it will be ignored.
Put the 10 arranged cards on the face of the deck and place the whole thing back into the card

1. Bring out the card case, open it, and remove the deck. Say, “These special cards with different
symbols are used to conduct psychic experiments. There are 25 cards in the deck, with five different
symbols. The five symbols are repeated five times throughout the deck.”
2. Put the deck in face-up dealing position in your left hand and, with your left thumb, spread off
the first 10 cards without changing their order and take them with your right hand. Place them
on the table and spread them (fig. shows the order), then return the balance of the deck to the
card case and place it on the table near the spectator with the side that has the drawing of the
10 cards upward. It should be off to the side (fig.).
3. Say, “I want to try a special experiment with just these 10 cards.” As you talk, square the 10
cards, turn them face down, and hold them in your left hand in dealing position.
Say, “I’m going to deal these cards to the table one at a time. When I deal each card, please say
‘Deal’ or ‘Change.’ Whenever you say ‘change’ I will exchange the top two cards.” Start dealing
cards to the table face down, one on top of another (fig.).
4. When the spectator says “change,” spread off the top two cards and grasp both of them with
your right hand (fig.). Turn both cards face up end over end (fig.).
5. Say, “I’ll exchange [in this example] the Square and the Star.” Your right hand takes the Star
card and places it under the Square card (fig.).
Once you’ve exchanged the two cards, your right hand takes both (fig.) and turns both face
down at the same time then places them on the tabled packet (fig.).
6. Continue dealing all 10 cards, and whenever the spectator says “change,” repeat the switching
of the cards as explained in Steps 4 and 5.
* If the spectator says “change” when you deal the 10th card, explain that you can’t exchange the
10th card because it’s the last one. Then simply deal it face down onto the tabled packet.

Additional Note: Steps 3 to 6 explain Paul Curry’s “Swindle of Sorts” concept. It looks like you are
exchanging two cards, however the packet remains in the same order afterward. It’s amazingly
deceptive. It’s absolutely no different than if you dealt the entire packet of 10 cards to the table
without changing anything! The packet on the table is now in reverse order, that is, the Cross
will be the top card and the Circle will be on bottom.

7. Say, “I will do it again.” Pick up the packet and repeat the entire thing (Steps 3 to 6)
apparently allowing the spectator to change the positions of the cards again. Because you are
dealing the face-down cards to the table once more, the packet will return to its original order
with the Cross on the bottom and the Circle on the top.
8. Say, “We’ve mixed these cards exactly as you wanted, changing the positions whenever you liked.
So the order of the ESP cards has been dictated by you. But you actually had no free will! Take a
look at the card case that’s on the table. Do you see the drawing on it? You actually saw it earlier
and were subconsciously guided by it. Can you believe it?”
As you talk, pick up the card case and place it on the table in front of you, pointing out the
illustration. Then start dealing the cards off the top of the tabled packet, turning them face up
one at a time and placing them onto the table in the same configuration—a backward “S”—as
shown on the card case (fig.). When you are done, the order of the cards will match those shown
on the card case and they will recreate the image.
マジック 5 ESP サイコ
Trick 5: ESP Psychic

Created by Masao Atsukawa

The late mystery writer and amateur magician Masao Atsukawa, who won Japan’s highest
award for his work as creator of mystery fiction, invented many ingenious magic tricks. This is
one of his most famous, “Psychic,” which we have adapted for use with our ESP deck.
You and your spectator each hold five ESP cards. Both of you put the cards behind your backs.
Tell the spectator to mix his cards while you do the same.
You bring out one face-down ESP card and put it on the table. The spectator is instructed to do
the same thing, putting his face-down card on top of yours.
Repeated this again: you put a second face-down card on the tabled pile, and the spectator is
instructed to do the same thing.
Continue the same sequence until both of you have put all of the cards into the tabled pile.
You pick up the first two cards off the packet and turn them over to reveal that the symbols
match. Do this four more times, showing that the symbols in every pair match.

* Two sets of five ESP cards, that is, two each of all five symbols
* One additional ESP card—the symbol does not matter

* Arrange both five-card packets in the following order, from the face to the rear: Circle, Cross,
Wavy Lines, Square, Star (fig.). Memorize the order of the packet—there are only five cards so
this is quite simple. You can use an abbreviation such as “CCWSS” and remember that the Circle
covers the Cross, and the Square covers the Star (kind of like the game Rock Paper Scissors
where the paper covers the rock and the scissors).
* When you perform this trick you must be standing about three to six feet from the table. Tuck
the extra ESP card under your belt in the center of your back (fig.). Remember which way the
card is facing!

1. Put the sets of five ESP cards on the table and spread them (fig.), displaying that both consist
of the same ESP cards and are in the same order.
2. Square one set of ESP cards, turn it face down, and give it to the spectator. Square the other
set, pick it up, turn it face down, and place it into left-hand dealing position (fig.). Step back from
the table and say, “These are called ESP cards and are used for special experiments to determine if
a person has ESP—Extra Sensory Perception. I’ve been trained in using my psychic abilities with
these cards for many years and I want to show you the results.”
3. Ask the spectator to put the ESP cards behind his back and thoroughly mix them. Place your
own set of ESP cards behind your back and makes some sounds with the cards as if you are
mixing them, but do not change the order. They are still in the same order afterward, 1 to 5
“CCWSS” from top to bottom.
4. Say, “We will now alternate putting cards on the table one at a time, but remember that I put my
card on the table before yours. I’ll place my first card on the table—I think it’s a good guess … .” As
you speak, take the extra ESP card from under your belt and bring it out. Then place it face
down on the table (fig.). Be careful not to flash the face of this card to the spectator.
Say, “I believe you will choose the same symbol.” Ask the spectator to bring out one card face
down and place it on top of yours on the table (fig.).
5. Remember that you should be standing three to six feet away from the table so you can view
the cards on it at an oblique angle. Now look at the back of the card the spectator just put on the
table and read the markings (which are explained in Trick 1). You immediately know the
identity of the ESP symbol on the card which the spectator has just dealt to the table. Say, “Let’s
do a second round … maybe you will choose this card.” As you speak, locate the card with the
same symbol in the packet held behind your back, take it with your right hand, and place it on
top of the packet on the table (fig.). You are working one ahead.
Say, “Please remove another card from those behind your back and place it on top of the packet on
the table.”
6. Read the mark on the second card the spectator has placed on the packet. Remove the ESP
card with the same symbol from the cards behind your back and place it on top of the tabled
And here you have to be careful: recall that you removed one card from your packet of five in
Step 4. The spectator’s card will dictate which one it is, and you must remember the number
associated with its identity. For example: first you place the dummy ESP card on the table. Then
the spectator places one card on top of that. (End of the first deal.) You read the back of his card,
and remove the matching card from behind your back—let’s say it’s the Cross—and place it on
the tabled packet. Now the spectator places another card on the packet. (End of the second
deal.) You read the back of this card, which we’ll say is the Square (just as an example). When
you locate the Square card, you must remember that one of the cards above it has already been
removed. Using our example of CCWSS, it’s easy to keep this sequence of letters in mind and
imagine a slash through each letter as you remove that card. So, after you have removed the
Cross, you are then keeping CCWSS in mind. After you remove the second card, the Square, you
are keeping CCWSS in mind.
7. Ask the spectator to remove a third card from behind his back and deal it on top of the tabled
packet. (End of the third deal.)
8. Read the back of the spectator’s third card. Let’s assume it’s the Wavy Lines. Remove that
card from your packet (it’s now second from the top: CCWSS) and place it on top of the tabled
cards. Now you are remembering CCWSS. Ask the spectator to bring out a fourth ESP card and
place it on top of the packet (End of the fourth deal.)
9. You have two cards left but the spectator thinks you are holding only one. With your hands
behind your back, secretly turn the top card face up (let’s assume it’s the Cross) and square it
precisely with the face-down card beneath it. Because your hands are out of sight behind your
back, this is easy to do. Now read the back of the spectator's fourth card, which he has just
placed face down on the tabled packet. Let’s assume it’s the Square. Depending upon which
mark you see when the spectator deals his fourth card, you must do one of two things: either
place the double card (currently behind your back) on top of the packet "as is" (without turning
it over), or you must turn it over. So, if the fourth card dealt by the spectator is the Square, then
you do not turn over the double card—you need the Square to be the lower card so it matches
the spectator's choice and goes on top of it. If, on the other hand, the spectator has dealt out the
Cross as his fourth card, then you must secretly turn over the double card which is behind your
back so the Square is now upward. This way, when you deal the double card on top of the pile,
the Cross will be lowermost and go on top of the spectator's card—the Cross.
The best way to put the double card onto the packet is by holding the two cards together as one
with your right hand, thumb at the inner end, fingers at the outer end. Bring it out from behind
your back and immediately place it on top of the tabled packet (fig.—in which we’ve assumed
that the Cross is the face-up card, but of course it will be different when you actually perform it
based on how the spectator shuffled his packet). Make sure that the two cards are perfectly
aligned. If they slip out of alignment, when you put them on top of the packet, at the same
moment spread the packet just a bit. This will camouflage any problem.

10. Say, “Please bring out the last card from behind your back and turn it face up like this.” When
the spectator brings out his final card, it will match the face-up card on top of the tabled packet
11. Pick up the entire tabled packet and place it into dealing position in your left hand. Take the
face-up card from the spectator with your right hand and place it on top of the cards in your left
hand. Your left thumb spreads off the face-up pair and your right hand takes them (fig.). Your
right hand turns the pair face down and places them under the packet in your left hand.
12. Your left thumb spreads off the next two face-down cards. Your right hand takes them,
spread, and turns over to reveal that the pair matches (fig.).
13. Turn them face down and place them beneath the cards in your left hand (fig.).
14. Repeat this maneuver three more times, revealing that each of the remaining three pairs
also match, and each time placing the face-down pair under the cards in your left hand.
Finally, turn the entire left-hand packet face up and spread the cards between your hands,
holding the bottom two cards together to conceal the extra card (fig.).

A different handling: if you prefer to avoid holding the double card at the end of the trick, then
you can proceed in a slightly different manner. At the start of the trick, in full view of the
spectator, begin with the deck of 24 ESP cards in your hand. Turn it face up and remove the two
packets of five cards each, placing them in order on the table. After you’ve completed this, turn
the remainder of the deck face down and place it on the table at about center.
Now begin the trick, but instead of you and the spectator dealing cards into a packet on the table,
each card is placed on top of the deck.
At the end of the trick, take the two face-up Cross cards off the top of the deck and drop the pair
to the table.
Next, take one card off the top of the deck with your right hand and the next card with your left
hand. Turn them face up to reveal that they match, and drop them to the table.
Do exactly the same thing with the three remaining pairs to reveal that each matches.
The extra card remains face down on top of the deck and no one will suspect it was ever used in
the trick.

マジック 6 相手の行動をコントロールする!
Trick 6: ESP Telekinetics

Created by So Sato
Hand 10 ESP cards to the spectator and ask him to mix them under the table. Some will be face
up and others face down after the jumble. While the spectator believes he mixed the cards using
his free will, you can control everything he does. You know how many cards are face up, and
which symbols appear on them.

* The deck of 25 ESP cards
* 5 double-backed cards
* 5 double-faced cards (these cards have the same symbol on both sides).

* Put 5 double-backed cards on top of the face-down ESP deck. Put 5 double-faced cards on the
face of the ESP deck.
* Write a message on a piece of paper: “Five cards will be face up, and the face-up cards will be
the Cross, Circle, Star, Square, and Wavy Lines.” Fold the message and place it aside on the table.

1. Pick up the folded prediction and say, “I want to perform a special experiment which
demonstrates that I can remotely control your behavior. On this folded piece of paper, I’ve already
written the outcome of our experiment. Please stare at this piece of folded paper and concentrate
on it. Once I snap my fingers, my special instructions will tap into your subconscious mind.”
Snap your fingers at the appropriate moment during the patter.
Say, “Do you feel anything? Nothing? All right. Later we’ll look at what I wrote before we started.”
Put the folded paper on the table off to one side.
2. Pick up the deck of ESP cards and hold them face up in left-hand dealing position. Spread the
upper half of the deck between your hands (fig.). Explain that you use ESP cards to conduct
special psychic experiments, and that the deck is comprised of 5 different symbols. When you
spread the cards, don’t accidentally flash the 5 double-backed cards which are under the deck.
3. Take the top 5 face-up cards off the face of the deck with your right hand (fig.). Put them on
the table. These are the double-faced cards.
4. Square the deck and turn it face down. Spread off the top 5 face-down cards and take them
with your right hand (fig.). Place them on top of the 5 face-up cards already on the table.
5. Say, “We donʼt need the rest of the cards.” As you talk, spread off half of the face-down deck
and take it, still spread, in your right hand. Your left thumb spreads the cards still in the left
hand (fig.). Turn both hands over to flash the faces of the cards (fig.). Turn your hands so the
cards are once again face down. Put the right hand’s cards back on top, square the reassembled
deck, and put it on the table. This display has to be performed in a casual manner. It reinforces
the idea that the ten cards on the table are normal.
6. Say, “Now I’m going to mix all 10 cards together.” Pick up the 10 cards on the table (half face
up and half face down) and mix them together without flashing the undersides of any of the
cards. After you’ve mixed them, spread the cards between your hands to display their condition
7. Say, “In addition, I’ll mix them again.” At the same time, square the cards. Your right hand cuts
off about half the cards (fig.) and turns them over onto the packet (fig.). After you square the
cards, shuffle the packet again. Then cut off half the packet, flip it over, and replace it on top.
Again shuffle the packet. This is repeated a few times. Because the double-faced cards and the
double-backed cards are the same on both sides, you can continue this mixing procedure as
much as you want but the identities of the 5 face-up cards will never change.
8. Say, “I want you to do the same thing, but please mix the cards under the table so no one can see
what you’re doing. Please be very careful and don’t drop any cards on the floor.” Hand the 10
cards to the spectator and ask him to put his hands under the table and carefully mix the cards.
He can shuffle them, turn some over … whatever he likes. No matter how well he mixes them,
the face-up cards will never change!
9. Say, “Are you finished mixing the cards? All right. Please bring the cards above the table.” Once
he brings the cards up, ask him to put the packet on the table. Spread the cards on the table (fig.).
Next pick up the folded piece of paper and open it. Hand it to the spectator and ask him to read
it out loud: “Five cards will be face up and five cards will be face down." Ask him to look at the
cards and verify that this is so. Next, ask him to read the second part of the prediction: "The face-
up cards will be the Cross, Circle, Star, Square, and Wavy Lines.” As he reads the message, point to
each ESP symbol as he says its name.

How to Switch the Cards During Performance
* This is a method which allows you to switch 10 normal ESP cards for the 10 gimmicked cards
during your performance.
* Prepare by taking the 5 double-backed cards and the 5 double-faced cards and mixing them
together. There should be a back showing on the top of the packet afterward. Place this packet
in your lap (fig.).

First, begin with the ESP deck. Remove any 10 cards from the deck and display both sides in a
casual manner. Mix the cards face up and face down, topsy-turvy, and tell the spectator that
you’re purposefully mixing them in this strange way. Make sure that when you’re finished, the
top card is face down.
Say, “I want you to mix them up under the table so no one can see the cards.” At the same time,
duck your left hand (holding the packet) under the table to demonstrate what you would like
the spectator to do. Once your hands are out of sight, your right hand picks up the packet of
gimmicked cards already in your lap (fig.). Your left hand drops its packet in your lap and both
hands continue under the table as you proceed to mix the switched-in packet a bit. Then bring
the cards out from under the table and hand them to the spectator for mixing.
Continue the rest of the performance as described in Steps 8 and 9.

Created by Toru Suzuki and So Sato
Japanese instructions by So Sato
Instructions by Richard Kaufman and Yukishige Kadoya

©2016 TENYO

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