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Criterion A: Investigating
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

states a ​ goal and context  outlines ​a b

​ asic and  defines a​ c
​ lear and  defines a
​ c​ lear and highly 
for the project, based on  appropriate ​goal and  challenging ​goal and  challenging ​goal and 
personal interests, but this  context for the project,  context for the project,  context for the project, 
may be ​limited i​ n depth or  based on personal interests  based on personal  based on personal 
accessibility  interests  interests 
identifies b​ asic ​prior learning 
identifies prior learning and  and subject-specific 
subject-specific knowledge,  identifies prior learning and  identifies prior learning and 
knowledge r​ elevant t​ o  subject-specific knowledge  subject-specific knowledge 
but t​ his may be ​limited i​ n  some a ​ reas of the project 
occurrence or relevance  generally relevant​ to the  that is ​consistently highly 
  project  relevant t​ o the project 
  demonstrates a ​ dequate 
demonstrates ​limited     
research skills.  demonstrates s​ ubstantial  demonstrates e ​ xcellent 
research skills.
research skills.  research skills. 

Task specific clarifications:

Check out the clarifications ​here

Student justifications: 7 Teacher Justifications:

Strand 1 - ​Extensive discussion on the 
Global Contexts 
Strand 2 - ​Prior knowledge relevant to the 
Strand 3 - ​You have an abundance of 
relevant information from a wide range of 
different sources, that have been effectively 

Criterion B: Planning
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

develops​ limited​ criteria for  develops ​adequate​ criteria  develops ​substantial and  develops ​rigorous​ criteria 
the product/outcome  for the product/outcome  appropriate​ criteria for the  for the product/outcome 
presents a l​ imited or partia​l  presents an a​ dequate​ plan    presents a ​detailed and 
plan and record of the  and record of the  presents a ​substantial​ plan  accurate​ plan and record of 
development process of the  development process of the  and record of the  the development process of 
project  project  development process of the  the project 
demonstrates ​limited  demonstrates a ​ dequate    demonstrates e ​ xcellent 
self-management skills self-management skills. demonstrates s​ ubstantial  self-management skills.
self-management skills.

Task specific clarifications:
Check out the clarifications ​here

Student justifications: 7 - holistic grade Teacher Justifications:

Strand 1 - ​Specifications are linked to your 
goal/product ​and ​show how they have been 
chosen ​based on your research 
Strand 3 - Affective skills: ​show how you 
demonstrate persistence and 
perseverance, overcome distractions and 
difficulties, bouncing back after failure (if 
you changed your project explain why and 
the pain you went through here 

Section 1
Criterion A: Investigating

Define a clear goal and global context for the project, based on personal interests

To me, the Personal Project is seen as an opportunity to take charge of my own learning and be
independent while finding answers. It is very important to choose a topic that will inspire me to
remain focused and submersed in the project throughout the work period. Not only is the Personal
Project a good demonstration of the skills learnt as an IB learner, it will also lead me to learn more
about my passions. The goal of my Personal Project is to learn about Lanna architecture and its
influence on Thai culture and people’s lifestyle. Throughout my project, I will be exploring and
investigating the Lanna architecture in Northern Thailand, especially in Chiang Mai. After, I will film
and make a series of short documentary style video that will teach others about my findings about
Lanna architecture and publish it on Youtube. The documentary will be “on-site” which highlights
some of the most important Lanna structures in the old city.

I considered this to be a highly challenging goal since while research contains many techniques
and components, most of my project is focused on investigating the style and characteristics of
Lanna architecture and documenting my research. Also, not only researching specific about the
Lanna architecture, I will also be exploring how have this architecture influenced modern
architecture, Thai culture and their people’s lives. Also, this project required me to learn a new skill
in order to complete this project. I had to film and edit the videos in order to create a
well-completed series of short documentaries as well as researching how to make an engaging
documentaries by watching the different styles. Furthermore, I would had to conduct interviews to
gather my research as there isn’t much information on the internet. Therefore, I would also need to
learn how to correctly conduct an interview.

My Personal Project goal initially derived from my passion for travelling. I started to travel at a very
young age with my parents, I even travelled when I was in my mother’s womb. This background
has influenced me to like travelling and I have been travelling abroad and inside the country,
therefore I have noticed how fun is travelling from my childhood. I truly enjoy every aspect of
travelling. By travelling, I have looked around different tourists attractions, experienced many
different new foods and try other new experiences which was the country’s distinct culture.
Therefore, I also became interested in world culture and geography and wanted more people to
enjoy travelling, therefore I decided to encourage people to visit new places and travelling. I chose
to focus on Lanna architecture for my project since as a young adult, I feel like many of my peers
don’t know their own culture, values and belief as well as other cultures and differences that are
surrounding them in this multicultural world. Therefore, I wanted to know more about one of the
unique culture that are shown in Chiang Mai which is the region I am living in and decided to
explore about Lanna architecture. I aimed to teach my classmates and other people about this

distinct culture of Chiang Mai and encourage people from other culture to visit Chiang Mai in order
to experience the uniqueness and beautiness of Lanna architecture.

Global Context
I have chosen a global context that will allow me to make my ideas more detailed and focused on
my goal. The global context that will be guiding through my exploration is Personal and Cultural
Expression. My project specifically deals with the subheading, “the ways in which we discover and
express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values.”, therefore it fits perfectly with my
project which looks at understanding and expressing Lanna architecture which is a distinct culture
in Thailand. (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2014). I chose this global context since it
will also help me to focus on second subheading, “the ways in which we reflect on, extend and
enjoy our creativity.” My project fits into this subheading since I will also be looking at how Lanna
architecture reflects and influences Thai Lanna culture and people’s life and this will help me to
extend my knowledge on Lanna architecture.

Identify prior learning and subject-specific knowledge relevant to the project

My prior learning varied for two different aspects of the project. For the knowledge aspect about
Lanna architecture, I have heard about the term “Lanna architecture” several times during past few
years when I was in Chiang Mai, however I have never done extra research about the architecture,
therefore I had little prior knowledge and it required me to do an extensive research. In Thai
Language Acquisition and Culture Class, we have been studying about different tourists attractions
in Chiang Mai during our Exploring Chiang Mai unit. I have gained a lot of knowledge from this
class about different tourist attraction places. As part of my research, I have researched the
information of some temples relating to Lanna architecture as a tourist attraction such as Wat Phra
Singh, Wat Suan Dok and Wat Phra That Doi Suthep and I was able to know some of the
characteristics and structures of Lanna architecture that are revealed in the temple. I can apply this
knowledge when developing deeper research questions about characteristics of Lanna
architecture and researching them as well as allowing me to explain about the main features of
Lanna architecture when I am filming the documentary on these sites.

I also went on a field trip to Lanna Folklife Museum relating to the previous unit. From this field trip,
I have gained the basic knowledge and content about Lanna culture, such as the history, their
beliefs and traditions. Since I have went to Lanna Folk Museum long time ago, I had forgotten a lot
of what I had been taught and learned in terms of content, but when I began to research, it came
back to me. This allowed me to gain knowledge about general Lanna culture and helped me better
to connect Lanna architecture with the culture as well as people’s lifestyle.

I had a little prior knowledge and experience with the technical part of the project as well. In 8th
grade, during Physical and Health Education class, we had to create a video of a circuit training
program for a specific program that we chose. I had to film and edit the video so that it is easy to
watch. Since this was my first time editing, I had to research basic skills for editing videos. Even

though I had some struggles editing the video, this project allowed me to have prior experience
and basic idea of filming at the best shot and editing the video, however I think I will need to
research about different softwares to edit the video. This prior experience will be useful since I will
need to make a series of short documentary style video that teach others about my findings and
publish these to the public for my final product, so that people can see my documentaries and get
interested in Lanna architecture which will involve in filming and editing process of the video.

Demonstrate research skills

A large part of my Personal Project is conducting research to extend my knowledge further. For my
research, I have been looking at various internet sources, books and observational research which
was to find examples of what I read ad found out from the interview. First, I used the internet to find
about the Lanna kingdom since the Lanna architecture originates from this kingdom and wanted to
know about the historical background of Lanna architecture. I used ​Wikipedia ​as a start point to
begin my research to gain general information about the historical background of Lanna Kingdom.
Since anyone can edit ​Wikipedia​, it may not have been a reliable source but the information
obtained was precise and had very little bias. I have learned that Lanna kingdom was an
independent state in Northern Thailand from 13th to 18th century, therefore the Lanna culture was
also developed from 13th century when the kingdom was first established and has their own
distinct culture nowadays (“Lan Na”, 2018).

After, I have researched the most essential thing I had to learn for this project which were the
characteristics of Lanna architecture. By researching this information, we could know where the
building is or not a Lanna style architecture. I found a slideshow about Thai architecture and since
this slideshow has summarized the characteristics of different architecture styles, I thought this
would be a good source to start looking at (Mendoza, 2012). I also found a website called
Radchada Garden Café,​ and it showed detailed explanation of some characteristics and distinctive
features that are found in Lanna tradition house settings (Appendix A). It was helpful as it gave me
a sense of the main characteristics and structures of Lanna architecture that are used for
traditional houses (“Lanna Thai style”, 2017). Furthermore, I visited ​Chiang Mai City Life​ website to
examine the significance of Lanna culture to Thai people. This website was effective in terms of
how Lanna became the identity of Northern Thailand today, however there was limited information
about the significance of Lanna culture. I have learned while the concept of Lanna was forgotten in
80’s and 90’s, ​it is a very important landmark of Northern Thailand and people took great pride in it
nowadays (​Kemasingki & Tananchai, 2018).​ ​To make sure that all the information that I found was
reliable, I applied Purpose, Audience, Authority, Bias and Currency for my sources. (Appendix C)
This helped me to determine which source was valid and helpful for my project. ​Other sources
used for my research can be found in Appendix D.

After the information I found online, I thought do some observational research which was to find
different examples of what I have read or found it out from online sources. I have researched some
different places that highlights some of the most important Lanna structures in Chiang Mai and

decided 4 different places that I wanted to go for my research to collect the samples. The places I
have chosen were Radchada Garden Cafe, Wat Ton Kwen, Chiang Mai International Airport
Domestic Passenger Terminal Building and Kad Farang Starbucks. Later, I have photographed
these samples (Appendix B). First, I chose Radchada Garden Cafe since it highlights 2 main
features of Lanna architecture well. One of the distinctive feature that are shown in this
architecture is a kalae which is a V-shaped decorative feature at the end of the roof and the other
feature is known as ventilation which is the structure elevated of the floors from the ground which
is shown in traditional Lanna house. Next, I chose Wat Ton Kwen since it is a classical and finest
example of Lanna temple. There are Lanna style flower patterns at the end of the roof and there
are large mythological Naga snakes guarding the entrance which most Lanna temple has. Finally, I
chose Kad Farang Starbucks to demonstrate how Lanna architecture is used in modern settings
and the airport to show how the architecture is used in daily architectures. The last essential thing I
had to learn is how to make an engaging documentary. I am researching this by watching the
styles of different documentaries. I am currently watching the documentary called “Baroque: From
St. Peter’s to St Paul’s”. This helps me to learn how to communicate effectively with the audience
with using variety of media to help my audience understand such as maps and drawings.

Section 2
Criterion B: Planning

Develop criteria for the product/outcome

After successfully completing Criterion A, which was coming up with the goal, global context,
identifying prior knowledge and researching about what I wanted to know, I have came up with five
different specifications relating to my goal, which is to learn about Lanna architecture and its
influence on Thai culture and people’s lifestyle.

1. My documentary will be completely finished and edited well-organized in documentary style,

it should contain detailed information but easy to understand.
2. My documentary will be aimed for anyone, specifically for people who doesn’t have any
knowledge of Lanna architecture.
3. My documentary will inform the audience on the characteristics of Lanna architecture and
the influence on Thai culture and people’s lifestyle.
4. My documentary will contain 3 series of documentary and each documentary will last about
10 minutes, total documentary will be taken on more than 10 sites.
5. My documentary will gain 5-10 views each week.

After coming up with my five different specifications which will guide me what I want to achieve
throughout my project, I have came up with student-design criteria and test or method of
evaluation to come up with the success criteria.

Goal​: to learn about Lanna architecture and its influence on Thai culture and people’s lifestyle

Prompts Student-design criteria Test or method of evaluation

Form ● My documentary will be ● The audience should be

● What will your project completely finished and able to identify and
look like? edited well-organized in know what my project is
● What materials will you the documentary style, about by looking at my
use? What size will it will contain detailed documentary.
your project be? What information but easy to
tools will you use? understand.
● How will you assemble ● I am going to use
your project? various types of media
for further information
such as maps and

User/Audience ● My document will be for ● My documentary helps

● What is the product for? anyone who are students to have a

● What do you want this interested in learning better understanding of
product to do? about Lanna Lanna architecture.
● Where/Why will they architecture, specially ● My audience should be
use it? for people who doesn’t entertained by my
have any knowledge documentary, however
about the architecture. also have to learn about
the Lanna architecture.

Function ● My documentary will ● My audience should

● What is the purpose of inform and teach the enjoy the documentary
the product? What will it audience on the that I have created.
do? How will it do this? characteristics of Lanna ● My audience should be
architecture and its able to learn about the
influence on Thai characteristics of Lanna
culture and people’s architecture and its
lifestyle. influence on Thai
culture and people’s
lifestyle by looking at
my documentary.

Size/Content ● My documentary will be ● After I have completed

● What will the product taken on more than 10 the documentary, I will
include? sites which highlights going to look at the
● How long or many will some of the most number of sites as well
the product be? important Lanna as the length of the
structures in Chiang documentary to make
Mai city. sure my product meets
● My documentary will this criteria.
contain 3 series of
documentary and each
documentary will last
about 10 minutes.

Popularity ● My documentary will ● After each week, I will

● How many people will gain 5-10 views each look at number of views
view the product? week. for my final
● How many people will documentaries to make
enjoy and like the sure my product meets
product? this criteria and is
popular enough.

Success Criteria
Later on, based on the specifications and the student-design criteria, I have created a rubric for
each of my specifications. By creating the rubric, this will allow me to self-assess my product
throughout the process of my project and help me to improve my project and make my final

product excellent which meets all of my specifications. When creating the rubric, I will use the IB
MYP grading system from since it seems this fits when grading the success of my project.

Band Levels 1-2 Limited 3-4 Adequate 5-6 Substantial 7-8 Rigorous

Form My documentary My documentary My documentary My documentary

is unfinished and is completely is completely is completely
it contains bad finished and it finished and it finished and
quality contains contains some edited
information, hard moderate quality good well-organized in
to understand information. understandable the documentary
information style, it will
I haven’t used I have used few contain detailed
any media for medias for further I have used information but
further explanation. some medias for easy to
explanation. further understand.
I have used
various types of
media for further

User/Audience My documentary My documentary My document is My document is

is only for is only for for anyone who for anyone who
teenagers and up teenagers and up are interested in are interested in
and they must who are learning about learning about
have a basic interested in Lanna Lanna
understanding of learning about architecture. architecture,
Lanna Lanna specially focused
architecture in architecture. for people who
order to doesn’t have any
understand my knowledge about
information. the architecture.

Function My documentary My documentary My documentary My documentary

attempts to informs and informs and informs and
inform and teach teaches the teaches the teaches the
the audience on audience only on audience on the audience on the
the the characteristics of characteristics of
characteristics of characteristics of Lanna Lanna
Lanna Lanna architecture and architecture and
architecture. architecture. some of its its influence on
influence on Thai Thai culture and
culture and people’s lifestyle.
people’s lifestyle.

Size/Content My documentary My documentary My documentary My documentary

is taken on less is taken on more is taken on more is taken on more

than 5 sites than 5 sites than 7 sites than 10 sites
which highlights which highlights which highlights which highlights
some of the most some of the most some of the most some of the most
important Lanna important Lanna important Lanna important Lanna
structures in structures in structures in structures in
Chiang Mai city. Chiang Mai city. Chiang Mai city. Chiang Mai city.

My documentary My documentary My documentary My documentary

contains 1 contains 1 contains 2 series contains 3 series
documentary and documentary and of documentary of documentary
will last about 10 will last about 20 and each and each
minutes. minutes. documentary will documentary will
last about 10 last about 10
minutes. minutes.

Popularity My documentary My documentary My documentary My documentary

gains 5-10 views gains 5-10 views gains 5-10 views gains 5-10 views
in more than two in two weeks. in one week, each week.
weeks and about however not
1-2 views per each week
week. regularly.

Plan and record the development process of the project

In order to complete my project, I have created a plan and timeline with due dates to ensure that
none of the work was delayed or that I did not have sufficient time to complete. Most of these plans
can be seen in Appendix E which is the overall plan for personal project. I have made a specific
plan and timeline for each part of the project which are process journal, report and product. After, I
have made a GANTT chart which summarizes my overall plan and timeline. A series of time
periods were sectioned and small goals were set for each time period. This way all of the work
would get done on time and well. After creating the timeline, I will be keep track of my plan and
record the development process. In order to record my development process I have been
collecting some samples of Lanna architecture that are the examples what I have found out from
my research. After, I have been experimenting for the product by taking some sample videos on
some sites and practicing explaining about the architecture and the Lanna architecture
characteristics that have been shown by using some medias such as drawings. I have created a
table to show the development process of my project and divided into two different columns. The
first column is a picture and the other column is the reflection about the process.

Pictures/Videos Reflection

First of all, I have been collecting some
samples of the example of Lanna architecture
what I have found out from the research. After,
I have photographed these samples by myself
and have analyzed the characteristics of Lanna
architecture that are shown in the temple.
Overall, I am proud of myself that I was able to
find out different samples of Lanna architecture
my own and able to know if these architectures
are Lanna architecture or not. This means that
I did a great job on my research, especially
about the characteristics of Lanna architecture.
However, I think I will have to improve on my
photography skills in order to make my photo
more balanced and aesthetically pleasing for
the next time when I am collecting more
samples of Lanna architecture and photograph
these by my own in the future.

After I have collected some samples of the

example of Lanna architecture that I found out
from the internet and photographed them,
been experimenting for the product by taking
some sample videos on some sites and
practicing explaining about the architecture
and the Lanna architecture characteristics that
have been shown. Since this was my first time
trying to film the video in Wat Ton Kwen and
explain about the architecture and they were
few visitors of this temple, I was very nervous,
therefore I had to film the video several times
and also my voice is small in the video. Also, I was sometimes looking at the script that I
pL3BeY3AXzukeDd6ASF/view?usp=sharing wrote for my explanation, therefore next time, I
would like to completely memorize and know
what I have to say in order to communicate
more effectively and in a loud and clear voice.
Lastly, since this was the first time, I haven’t
used any medias throughout my video,
therefore when I film the next video, I am going
to use further media to help my explanation.

Next, I have filmed the video in Radchanada
Garden Cafe. First of all, the one this I regret
about is that I had to do further research about
the place. I have noticed that Radchanada
Garden Cafe has already closed few months
ago and it has changed to other restaurant.
Since I didn’t know this, I almost wasn’t able to
see the architecture, however I have
communicated with the owner of the restaurant
and he thankfully let me in and allowed me to
take a video. For this video, I have also used
sketches as my media to help further my
research, however the camera isn’t zoomed
enough so that I couldn’t really see my sketches from my video. I also have noticed
Vuoog3OfOH2Oq-0DcMzcj/view?usp=sharing that I have using too many hand gestures,
therefore I have to limit the amount of use of
hand gestures throughout my video.
Throughout this video, I haven’t looked at the
script and my communication with the
audience became more confident, however I
still need further improvement in

Demonstrate self-management skills

I have improved my self-management skills a lot by doing this project. When I first started the
Personal Project, I haven’t used a lot of process journal effectively since I have found it hard to
document my thoughts into the process journal. However, after I have noticed that process journal
is a place where we keep the process of our project and jotting down the ideas, I have used
process journal more effectively. The process journal is an evidence of my self-management skills
since this is a place where we record all of the research, planning or evidences throughout the
process of my project. Therefore, after I have noticed the importance of using process journal, I
have started to put all of my research that I collected, planning or evidences in my process journal.
I also have created a timeline and schedule for my project which will help me to ensure that none
of the work was delayed and to do every work on time. I also have been creating a “G10 Personal
Project” folder which will help me to keep my digital files such as photos and videos organized.
Overall, I think I am pretty good at self-management skills in different aspects.

Section 3

Appendix A - Research about Lanna architecture

I learned that founded 700 years ago, Lanna kingdom was an independent state which dominated
most of now Northern Thailand from 13th to 18th century, therefore the Lanna culture was also
developed from 13th century when the kingdom was first established and has their own distinct
culture nowadays (“Lan Na”, 2018). Lanna architecture has been evolved over centuries and have
many different distinctive features. I also learned about the characteristics and structures of Lanna
architecture. These are some of the main features that I have found.
● The architectural style has its own distinctive characteristics which emphasizes on the
enormous size of shrines and relatively small sermon or temple’s hall. (Mendoza, 2018)
● The walls are lean outward which gives a sturdier look and the windows are often smaller.
● There are kalae which is a V-shaped decorative feature at the end of the roof. There are
several historical origins of kalae.
○ They were instigated during Burmese occupation when Thai’s were required to add
them to houses to indicate Thai occupation.
○ They represent buffalo horns or pairs of birds to provide deterrent or to chase crows
which were regarded as a symbol of a bad luck.
○ They were a structural feature to beautify the building.
● The structure is elevated of the floors from the ground. (Ventilation)
○ This is to prevent it from flooding during rainy season.
○ This provides accommodation underneath for use during dry season for working
activities such as weaving or other handicrafts.
○ This is to prevent from wild animals.
● Rice barns are raised on pillars and with a ladder for access, there are few windows and
used to store grain. The structure is also elevated from the ground.
● At the end of the roof, it contains Lanna style flower patterns.
● There are large mythological Naga snakes guarding the entrance.

In addition, I also learned how Lanna culture and architecture reflects and influences Thai people’s
lives. These are some information that I have found relating to this topic.
● Lanna architecture have derived from the Lanna people’s spiritual and animist beliefs
allowing them to live in harmony with their spiritual neighbours.
● Many people still retain their unique Lanna culture such as dress, foods, customs and
architecture within the local community today.
● While the concept of Lanna was forgotten in 80’s and 90’s, ​it is a very important landmark of
Northern Thailand and people took great pride in it nowadays.

Appendix B - Examples of Lanna architecture that I found out

❖ Radchada Garden Cafe

❖ Wat Ton Kwen

❖ Chiang Mai International Airport Domestic Passenger Terminal Building

❖ Kad Farang Starbucks

Appendix C - Evaluating Sources

Number Source

1 Lan Na

The purpose of this website is an encyclopedia, which is to provide a summary or

inform people about the particular knowledge. The purpose of this specific article is
to provide a summary of inform people about the Lanna kingdom. This mostly
informs people about the history of Lanna kingdom and some aspects of Lanna
culture from this kingdom such as languages. The audience of this article is anyone
who are curious about the Lanna kingdom and wants to know more about this topic.
Wikipedia is opened for anyone to access if they want to gain knowledge about the
specific topic. In terms of authority, anyone can access to Wikipedia page and
anyone can edit the article, therefore there is no official author of the article. Because
of this, there might be containing false information. However, after reading through
this article, this article included mostly factual informations and these informations
were not subject to bias. There might be some opinions or bias that I haven’t noticed
reading this article, however overall the evidence of bias in this article is limited. This
Wikipedia is being updated regularly and the most recent update was August 27,
2018 which is not more than 1 year, therefore this source is a recent source.

2 What is Lanna? How Lanna Became the Identity and Brand it is Today

This article is written to inform or teach the audience about the overall history of
Lanna kingdom as well as how the Lanna culture became the identity of Northern
Thailand nowadays. The audience of this article is anyone who are curious about the
significance of Lanna architecture in Northern Thailand, however this website is
specifically targeted for the foreigners to read and to inform and teach them about
Lanna culture. The authors of this article are Pim Kemasingki and Thitika Tananchai.
They are both editor of the website “Chiang Mai City Life” and they are both from
Northern Thailand region, therefore this article is reliable in terms of authority. After
reading through this article, most of the article contained facts, however I could also
find some personal opinion and bias of the author such as “I believe” as well as
personal experiences. This article was published on May 1, 2017 which is about 1
year and half, however since this article deals with the history of Lanna kingdom and
looking at the past about the significance of Lanna culture and how it changed, the
currency of the article isn’t important in general.

3 Lanna Thai Style Architecture

The purpose of this website is to teach and inform about the some of the
characteristics and distinctive features that are found in Lanna traditional house. The
audience of this article is anyone who are curious about the main characteristics and
structures of Lanna architecture and wants to know about this topic. In terms of
authority, there is no official author for this website, however the author might be the
manager of Radchada Garden Cafe and since the Lanna architecture is shown
inside the cafe, he might have a knowledge about the characteristics of Lanna

architecture, therefore this website is reliable in terms of authority. After reading
though this website, the information was mostly facts and these information were not
subject to bias. Even though there might be some opinions or bias that I haven’t
noticed, there is a limited evidence of bias. This article was lastly updated on June
30, 2017, however the characteristics of Lanna architecture is a factual information
that doesn’t change, therefore the currency of the website isn’t important in general.

Appendix D - Bibliography

Allen, D. (2016, May 14). Chiang Mai Lanna architecture, Thailand. Daniel J Allen Photography. Retrieved

from ​

Hays, J. (2018, April 21). Elements and parts of Thai architecture. ​Facts and Details.​ Retrieved from

Kemasingki, P., & Tananchai, T. (2018, April 23). What is Lanna? How Lanna became the identity and


it is today. ​Chiang Mai City Life​.​ ​Retrieved from


Mendoza, M. (2012, September 21). Thailand architecture. ​Slideshare.​ Retrieved from

Min, L. L. (2007, May 07). The struggle to save classic Thai architecture. ​The New York Times​. Retrieved

from ​

Lan Na. (2018, August 27). ​Wikipedia​. Retrieved from ​

Lanna Thai style architecture. (2017, June 30). ​Radchada Garden Cafe​. Retrieved from

Li, Z. (2016). Architecture of Lanna. ​Issuu.​ Retrieved from

Luna. [Perfect Homes Chiang Mai]. (2018, February 26). Modern Lanna style house. Retrieved from


Setthasiri San Sai. (2017, June 06). ​Sansiri.​ Retrieved from

Wat Inthrawat. (2017, June 30). ​Renown Travel.​ Retrieved from

Appendix E - Overall Plan for Personal Project

Time Period (Month) Process Journal Report Product

August Decide topic, goal, global context, product, etc.

September ● Start entries ● Investigating —

● Intro research section start
● Reference list

October ● Identify prior ● Continue —

knowledge investigating
● Continue section
research ● Continue
reference list
and source

November ● Continue ● Planning —

research section start
● Develop plan
and criteria for

December ● Finish research ● Taking action ● Experimenting

● Entries about section start for the product
the project ● Continue and ● Start making
process finish planning draft of the final
section product
● Continue and

January ● Entries about ● Continue and ● Continue
the project finish taking making and
process action section finishing the
draft of final

February ● Reflecting on ● Reflecting ● Reflect on

process section start evaluation of
draft product
● Change
according to
the reflection

March ● Reflecting on ● Continue and ● Final should be

process finish Reflecting finished
● Exhibition Section ● Exhibition
● Make final
changes or
● Exhibition

Task/Tim Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar


m ideas
final goal



plan and
criteria for

nting of
and draft

the final

on the



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