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Bobby Joe • www.github.


Education University of X
Computer Science Honours GPA - 3.61

Professional Company A August 2018 – December 2018

Experience Junior Software Developer (Part Time Position)
• Applied UI + UX principles to design the model training GUI for the ML division

Company B April 2018 – August 2018

Junior Software Developer (Co-op Work Term III)
• Developed a data scraping application which saved the ML team from having to continue on with
manually gathering data (5,000 records manually gathered by the whole team in 5 days versus
250,000 records gathered in 5 days using my application)

Company B December 2017 – April 2018

Junior Software Developer (Part Time Position)
• Developed an Android Studio application which displayed real-time call center agent statistics for
team leaders to assess agent performance

Company B September 2017 – December 2017

Junior Software Developer (Co-op Work Term II)
• Presented a machine learning demonstration to the COO of Company B and a second time to
over fifteen developers on the IT team explaining how to train and predict on ML models
• Developed a Worker Pool Manager to act as a coordinator for multiple services performing real-
time speech-to-text transcriptions

Company C January 2017 – April 2017

Programmer / Analyst (Co-op Work Term I)
• Developed an electronic signatures application for the creation, viewing and signing of documents
for the IT department
• Visually upgraded the user interface after sharing and discussing aesthetic improvements with
co-developers and management

Technical Skills Languages: Java, Python, C#, C++, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Software: Jira, Bitbucket, Sourcetree, Git, GitHub, SSMS, Beyond Compare
IDE : Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Pycharm, Intellij
Operating Systems: Windows, Ubuntu

Projects Project A Android Studio Application

• Shows users how to create delicious cocktails based off the ingredients they have in their bar
Project B C# Application
• Automatically pays for credit card transactions and sends text confirmations to a smartphone to
confirm payment
Project C C++ Project
• Infinite-runner game with smooth movement and visuals including pressure-sensitive buttons,
gravity, collisions and rendering
Project D Java Project
• Developed a GUI that utilizes the CYK algorithm to determine if a string can be generated by a
context-free grammar

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