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Data Analysis Template: Teacher Candidate Name

Desired Results Content Standards (Subject and ELD) Curriculum Goals & Objectives
Subject Standards ELD Language Standards Goals Learning Objectives
12.8.2. Describe the roles of ELD.PI.11-12.2.Ex Interacting Students will understand the Working in small groups of 2,
broadcast, print, and via written English – role mass media plays in their students will create a media
electronic media, including Collaborate with peers to lives, as well as understand campaign on behalf of a
the Internet, as means of engage in increasingly the electoral process. fictional character, or
communication in American complex grade-appropriate celebrity, of their choosing.
politics. written exchanges and writing
projects, using technology as
Acceptable Evidence Performance Tasks (summative) Assessment (formative - formal and informal)
Students were to choose a fictional character, or a celebrity,
and create a political media campaign either for or against the
individual (graphics, speeches, social media accounts, etc.).
Students who met or exceeded the established proficiency score:
Exceeds proficiency (4) Meets proficiency (3)
In order to earn a “4” rating, students must have incorporated more than 3 Students incorporated 3 different components, and effort into quality of the
different components, successfully used technology, and effort into quality of work (textual and visual) is above par.
the work (textual and visual) is noticeably above par.
Students who did not meet the established proficiency score:
Almost proficient (2) Beginning proficiency (1)
Students incorporated 2 different components, and effort into quality of the Students incorporated a single component which severely lacks content
work (textual and visual) is only slightly lacking
Proficient (3, 4) Non-proficient (1, 2)
Number Percentage Number Percentage
23 79% 6 21%

Exceeds proficiency (4) Meets proficiency (3) Almost proficient (2) Beginning proficiency (1)
Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
20 69% 3 10% 4 14% 2 7%

Results Analysis
Strengths (from proficient and above) Weaknesses (from below proficient)
Students who scored 3s and 4s were confident in using technology to enhance Students who scored 1s and 2s were hesitant to work with a partner,
their work, and they became more comfortable in sharing their ideas with one especially if they were not well acquainted with them. As a result, a lack of
another. communication was common among these students.
Concepts and Skills Understood (as demonstrated in assessment(s)) Concepts and Skills NOT Understood (as demonstrated in assessment(s))
Students demonstrated the ability to build up an individual’s political Students had difficulty realizing the polarized nature of politics and media.
viewpoints while not necessarily stating the obvious about their beliefs. In Nearly every piece of student work was tame, and a proponent view of their
addition, students grasped the concept of how media can have a large individual. Few students seemed to realize advertisements and media used to
influence on public opinion in regards to politics (e.g. facts are presented in attack oponents have become common.
specific ways to elicit specific emotions).

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