Electrical Questions

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1 A fundamental law in electricity which states that like charges repel, unlike charges attract
each other.
A) Law of electrostatic fields C) Electron Theory
B) Law of Charges D) Electromotive force

2 The basic electrical tool for measuring resistance, voltage and current.
A) Ohmmeter C) Voltmeter
B) Volt-Ohm-Meter(VOM) D) Ammeter

3 Source of electricity used by space sattelites in charging batteries through a metal known as
cesium which emit electrons when light strikes the surface, producing electric current.
A) Thermal process C) Chemical process
B) Photoelectric process D) Hydropower process

4 A substance with high resistance and can prevent electric currrent from flowing.
A) Electrical circuit C) Insulator
B) Conductor D) Micrometer Caliper

5 Given the following data solve for the voltage, current, resistance and power.
Current I = 3 amps Voltage(volts) = Current(amps) X Resistance(Ω)
Voltage E or V=12v V=IxR = 3 amps x 6 ohms
Resistance R= 6 ohms = 18 volts
Resistance(R)(ohms) = Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Current(I)(amps)
R=V÷I = 12 volts ÷ 3 amps
= 4 ohms

Power(P)(watts) =Current (I)(amps) x Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=I xR = (3 amps) x 6 ohms
= 9 amps x 6 ohms
= 54 watts

6 Given the following data solve for the voltage, current, resistance and power.
Current I = 6 amps Voltage(volts) = Current(amps) X Resistance(Ω)
Voltage E or V= 10v V=IxR = 6 amps x 8 ohms
Resistance R= 8 ohms = 48 volts
Resistance(R)(ohms) = Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Current(I)(amps)
R=V÷I = 10 volts ÷ 6 amps
= 1.667 ohms

Power(P)(watts) =Current (I)(amps) x Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=I xR = (6 amps) x 6 ohms
= 36 amps x 6 ohms
= 216 watts

7 Given the following data solve for the voltage, current, resistance and power.
Current I = 9 amps Voltage(volts) = Current(amps) X Resistance(Ω)
Voltage E or V= 24v V=IxR = 9 amps x10 ohms
Resistance R= 10 ohms = 90 volts
Resistance(R)(ohms) = Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Current(I)(amps)
R=V÷I = 24 volts ÷ 9 amps
= 2.667 ohms

Power(P)(watts) =Current (I)(amps) x Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=I xR = (9 amps) x 10 ohms
= 81 amps x 10 ohms
= 810 watts

8 Current in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and indirectly

proportional to the resistance.
A) Current C) Voltage
B) Resistance D) Ohm's Law

9 The carriers of current or negative part of an atom.

A) Neutron C) Proton
B) Electron D) Nucleus

10 They are used as a means of receiving, securing, holding electrical wires and in bringing
the current to output devices like lamps, heaters, motors etc.
A) Electrical devices C) Power Supplies
B) Electrical appliances D) Wires and connections

11 A part of electrical circuit that is the path of electric current.

A) Load C) Conductor
B) Control D) Source

12 When the circuit has no continuous flow of electric current because it is switched off
or the wire is cut.
A) Closed circuit C) Open circuit E) Overload circuit
B) Short circuit D) Grounded circuit

13 The flow of electric charge is only in one direction.

A) Dynamic electricity C) Alternating Current
B) Static electricity D) Direct Current

14 A type of electrical circuit with one path only and current is the same to all loads, total
resistance is the sum of all individual resistances in a circuit and voltages too.
A) Parallel circuit C) Series & Parallel or complex circuit
B) Series Circuit D) Crystal

15 It must conform to to the National Electrical Code and National Fire Protection when installat
installation of electrical wiring circuits in residential areas. It includes open conductors,
concealed knobs and tube wiring etc.
A) House wiring C) Hertz
B) Wooden raceway D) Friction

16 In a series circuit, how do you find the total resistance, total current and total voltage.
A) Rt=R1 + R2 + R3 C) Vt=V1+V2+V3
B) It=I1=I2=I3 D) All of the above

17 If you have three 5 ohms resistors in parallel, the total resistance will be:
A) 15 ohms C) 5/3 ohms
B) 1 and 2/3 ohms D) 3/5 ohms
18 If three 10 ohms resistors are connected in parallel , the total resistance will be:
A) 30 ohms C) 3/10 ohms
B) 3 and 1/3 ohms D) 10/3 ohms
19 If two 10 ohms resistors are connected in series , the total resistance will be:
A) 20 ohms C) 2/10 RT = (R1 + R2 + R3...)
B) 5 ohms D) 1 and 2/10

20 Basic principles of good house wiring include the following:

A) Shutt off the power to begin any electrical repair and use neon tester or better yet
remove main fuse or trip the main breaker
B) Color code of electrical wires
C) Always use the same size cable for a continuation of extended wiring any circuit
D) Study the wiring diagram
E) All of the above

21 It looks like a mini solar sytem with charged particles , electrons around the nucleus
with protons. The neutrons or the neutral particles are combined in the nucleus.
A) lightning C) Atom
B) comb rubbed several times with the D) fly-away hair effect
hair attracting pieces of paper

22 In a parallel, 3 resistors are connected with 2, 4, 6 ohms respctively. Give the total resistance.
A) 1 and 1/11 C) 12/11 E) A and D
B) 11/12 D) 1.09

23 In a parallel, 3 resistors are connected with 3, 6, 9 ohms respectively. Give the total resistance.
A) 11/18 C) 1.64 E) C and D
B) 18/11 D) 1 and 7/11

24 if 10 ohms and 15 ohms are connected in a series, the total resistance will be:
A) 150 C) 15 RT = (R1 + R2 + R3...) RT = (10 ohms + 15ohms)
B) 25 D) 10 RT = 25ohms

25 In a series circuit, the total current is equal to the current flow.

A) True B) False

26 In a series circuit, certain amount of the applied voltage is lost in pushing the electrons through
a resistor. This is called a :
Answer :________________

27 It may be switch, circuit breaker, push button which closes or opens the circuit to regulate
A) Source C) Load E) Electrical Circuit
B) Conductor D) Control

28 It is a source of electricity that can not be depleted.They do renew themselves in a

reasonable of time.
A) Renewable energy source C) Nuclear fuels
B) Fossil fuels D) Electric power plants

29 It governs the relations among current, voltage and resistance in an electrical circuit.
A) Electric current C) Ohm's Law E) Electromotive force
B) Resistance D) Terminal voltage

30 Electric circuits are protected from overloading by:

A) fuses C) junction box
B) circuit breaaakers D) A and B

31 When we use electricity genarated by power plants using non-renewable

energy source, we contribute to the negative effect on the ozone layer
and on the quality of air leading to :
A) global warming C) carbon are transformed into CO2
B) burning fuels releases carbon D) All of the above

32 Transistors act as "amplifiers" for analog applications and _____________

for digital applications.

33 Solve for the resistance of the combination of resistors.

R2=3.5 ohms; R3=2.5ohms
R23=R2+ R3
R23= 3.5 + 2.5 ohms

34 A working mother does a week's washing one evening:

Washing machine works at 470 watts for 3 hours 0
Drier at 500 watts for 1 hour
40-watt light bulb for 3 hours
150-wattelectric fan for 3 hours
746-watt electric pump for 3 hours
What was the total energy consumption of the mither in doing the week's wash.
The price for generating 1.0 kwh is P4.53. How much will the mother have to pay
for the generation charge.?
= 4.718
= 4.718 X P4.53
= 21.37254
Current(I)(amps)) =Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)
I=V÷R = 12 volts ÷ 6 ohms
= 2 amps
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage(V)(volts) X Current(I)(amps)
P=VxI = 12 volts X 3 amps
= 18 watts
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage (V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=V ÷R = (12 volts) ÷ 6 ohms
= 144 volts ÷ 6 ohms
= 24 watts

Current(I)(amps)) =Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)

I=V÷R = 10 volts ÷ 8 ohms 1.67
= 1.25 amps
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage(V)(volts) X Current(I)(amps)
P=VxI = 10 volts X 6 amps
= 60 watts
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage (V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=V ÷R = (10 volts) ÷ 8 ohms
= 100 volts ÷ 8 ohms
= 12.5 watts

Current(I)(amps)) =Voltage(V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)

I=V÷R = 24 volts ÷ 10 ohms
= 2.4 amps
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage(V)(volts) X Current(I)(amps)
P=VxI = 24 volts X 9 amps
= 216 watts
Power(P)(watts) =Voltage (V)(volts) ÷ Resistance(R)(ohms)
2 2
P=V ÷R = (24 volts) ÷ 10 ohms
= 576 volts ÷ 10 ohms
= 57.6 watts

n when installat
1 1
RT = RT =
1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
1 1
RT = RT =
1/5 ohms + 1/5 ohms+ 1/5 ohms 1/10 ohms + 1/10 ohms+ 1/1
1 1
RT = Note: Change the division sign to RT =
3/5 ohms multiplication sign and then reverse the 3/10 ohms
RT = 1x ohms RT = 1x
RT = 5/3 ohms RT = 10/3 ohms

RT = (10 ohms + 10 ohms)

RT = 20 ohms

RT = 1
1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
RT = 1
1/2 ohms + 1/4 ohms+ 1/6 ohms
RT = 1
6/12 ohms + 3/12 ohms+ 2/12 ohms
RT = 1
11/12 ohms
RT = 1x ohms
RT = 12/11 ohms
1 1/11 ohms

RT = (10 ohms + 15ohms) RT = 1

1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
RT = 1
1/3 ohms + 1/6 ohms+ 1/9 ohms
RT = 1
6/18 ohms + 3/18 ohms+ 2/18ohms
RT = 1
11/18 ohms
RT = 1x ohms
RT = 18/11 ohms
1 7/11 ohms
The energy E in kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day is equal to the power P in watts
(W) times number of usage hours per day t divided by 1000 watts per
E(kWh/day) = P (W) × t (h/day) / 1000(W/kW)
= (470 x 3)/1000
= 1.41
= (500 x 1)/1000
= 0.5
= (40 x 3)/1000
= 0.12
= (150 x 3)/1000
= 0.45
= (746 x 3)/1000
= 2.238
1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
1/10 ohms + 1/10 ohms+ 1/10 ohms

3/10 ohms
10/3 ohms

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