Public Land Policies On Bears Ears Native American Land

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ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies

Public Land Policies on Bears Ears

Native American Land
Marrion Gestat, Environmental Studies Program, California State University
Monterey Bay

(Peterson, 2017) (Bailey, 2017)

What is Bears Ears? Southeastern Utah featuring two high rising

buttes with a vast collection of cliff
On December 28, 2016 President Barack dwellings, ceremonial pits used for rituals
Obama responded to a petition from the known as “kivas”, pit houses, rock art, and
Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition and numerous ancient artifacts dating back to
proclaimed the land a National Monument over 100,000 years ago. It is currently
(Krakoff, 2018). Bears Ears is a desert federally owned and managed by the Bureau
landscape made up of 1.35 million acres in of Land Management, Forest Service, and
size located in the San Juan County of National Park Service; 1 officer from each
group is assigned to oversee the land while Navajo Nation, Zuni Pueblo of Zuni, Ute
simultaneously supervising other areas outside Indian, and the Hopi Tribe. The coalition is a
of the San Juan County (Bears Ears Coalition, strong advocate for the complete and permanent
n.d.). Bears Ears is among the most historically protection of the ancient Bears Ears monument.
significant sites in the nation for its remarkably Indigenous tribes emphasize a deep spiritual
intact land and ancient resources. Numerous connection to the land; Holding ceremonies,
Indian tribes holding significant ancestral medicinal practices, and healing rituals (Moe,
history to this monument now find their land at 2016). Remarkably enough, the dry climate of
risk for vandalism, looting, and public the land helps maintain a vast collection of
carelessness due to recent threats in public land 1,000-year-old perishable artifacts in pristine
policies (Moe, 2016). condition. Archaeologists estimate that only
10% of the 100,000 sites have been officially
Since becoming president, Donald Trump has examined and look forward to the further
assigned Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke to preservation of the land to increase research and
reduce or remove each of select national protection funds (Carswell, 2017).
monuments. Zinke intends to reduce
monuments to “the smallest area compatible” Protection of Bears Ears serves more than just
with “protection of objects of historic and environmental consciousness to the Inter-Tribal
scientific interest” (Anderson, 2018). The Coalition, their petition against the Trump
governor of Utah along with federal and state Administration’s proposed public land policy
lawmakers have also aimed to reduce or even fights for protection of their Native land and
entirely remove protection of the landmark preservation of its cultural importance.
(Davis, 2017). Trump’s administration plans to
divide Bears Ears into only 2 of the most In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt signed
commonly known sites: Moon House and Doll approval of the Antiquities Act. A law
House. Not including Cedar Mesa, among the developed to prevent vandalism and damages to
largest sites at Bears Ears with the most any land proven to be historically or
archaeological history to offer (Carswell, 2017). scientifically significant regarding an in-depth
list of criteria (Krakoff, 2018). Presidents are
Establishment of monuments in the past have permitted to establish national monuments, but
consequentially forced indigenous tribes out recent threats to numerous landmarks have
their own land under means of exploitation and created debate on the extent of presidential
privatization on the government’s behalf. Public authority on public land mandate (Davis, 2017).
land policies have disregarded Native American
rights for years, only involving voices of non- Prospect & Proposal
indigenous people seeking either environmental
Members of the Bears Ears Coalition seek to
protection or economic gain (Krakoff, 2018).
defend their “sacred lands”. A place to fulfill
Historical & Cultural Background various unique and traditional religions serving
cultural beliefs of spiritual healing; not only
The Inter-Tribal Coalition includes the support personal, but also for “human communities”
of 30 tribes defending the rights to their Native and our “natural world”. The coalition has
land. It is led by the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe,

developed a list of preservation goals for their
land including:
 Archaeological and cultural resource
 Preservation of significant historic sites,
spiritual artifacts, and continuation of
cultural practices
 Protection of native fish, wildlife, and
 Permitted access for hunting,
ceremonies, and collecting fuel wood
and herbs
 Wilderness and scenic preservation
The coalition proposes a Collaborative
Management plan between the 5 leading Tribes
and federal agencies to be the most optimal
form of mandate for the expanse and ancient
land (Bears Ears Coalition, n.d.).
Though Threats made by the Trump
Administration are circumstantially disputable
and for now undetermined, legality experts
argue that only Congress is authorized to
modify the size and area boundaries of
established monuments (Krakoff, 2018). Native
American Tribes and environmental groups are
currently awaiting a case against the reduction
of Bears Ears (Anderson, 2018).

Carswell. C. (2017, December 7).
Archaeologist uneasy as Trump shrinks
Bears Ears
monumental lands. Nature, 552, 7683.

Davis, L. Jacoby- Garrett, P. (2017, April).

Monumental achievements … and
controversy. National Recreation and
Park Association, 32+.

Krakoff, S. (2018). Public lands,

conservation, and the possibility of
justice. Harvard Civil
Rights- Civil Liberties Law Review, 53,

Moore, K. (2016, July 20). Save these sacred

lands. Washington Post. Retrieved
Literature Cited %7CA458820993&v=2.1&u=csumb_m
Anderson, T. L. (2018). Land of
many uses? Public lands should be
public – not private
playgrounds. The administration’s
scrutiny of national monuments could
restore this principle. Hoover Digest, 1.

Bears Ears Coalition. (n.d.). Proposal

Overview. Retrieved from

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