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Std 551-2006 CHAPTER 9

Table 9-1—Rotating equipment reactances per IEEE Std C37.010 and

IEEE Std C37.13—Induction motor X" = 16.7% (continued)

Reactance for
Medium- and single
high-voltage multivoltage
Source type network per
network IEEE system IEEE Std
IEEE Std C37.13
Std C37.010 C37.010/IEEE
Std C37.13

Above 1000 HP X" X" X"

Above 250 HP, 3600 r/min X" X" X"

Medium induction motors

All others, 50 Hp and above 1.2 X" 1.2 X" 1.2 X"
(see Note 1)

Small induction motors

All smaller than 50 hp × X" 1.67 X"

(see Note 2)

Interrupting time calculations, 1.5–5 cycles

Utility Xs N/A Xs

Synchronous machines

All turbo alternators, hydro X"d N/A X"d

with dampers and
synchronous condensers

Hydro without dampers 0.75 X"d N/A

Synchronous motor 1.5 X"d N/A 1.5 X"d

Large induction motors

Above 1000 hp 1.5 X" N/A 1.5 X"

(see Note 3)

Above 250 hp, 3600 r/min 1.5 X" N/A 1.5 X"
(see Note 3)

Medium induction motors

All others 50 hp and above 3.0 X" N/A 3.0 X"

Small induction motors

All smaller than 50 hp × N/A ×

202 Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.


Table 9-1—Rotating equipment reactances per IEEE Std C37.010 and

IEEE Std C37.13—Induction motor X" = 16.7% (continued)

Reactance for
Medium- and single
high-voltage multivoltage
Source type network per
network IEEE system IEEE Std
IEEE Std C37.13
Std C37.010 C37.010/IEEE
Std C37.13

NOTE 1—For larger size low-voltage induction motors, described as “medium > 50 hp, etc.”
using a contribution of “4.8 times rated current,” attributed in IEEE Std C37.13 to synchronous
motors and considered also applicable to these induction motors, determines a 20.8% reactance.
This is effectively the same as multiplying the 16.7% assumed reactance by approximately 1.2 as
shown in column 2 of Table 9-1. For this motor group, therefore, there is reasonable
correspondence of low and medium-voltage procedures.a
NOTE 2—For a typical induction motor, the subtransient reactance of 16.7% is determined by
the initial magnitude of symmetrical root-mean-square (rms) current contributed to a terminal
short circuit, assumed to contribute six times rated current. For smaller induction motors, “small
< 50 hp” per Table 9-1, a conservative fault current estimate, according to IEEE Std C37.13 is
“3.6 times rated current” (equivalent of 0.278 per-unit reactance). This is effectively the same as
multiplying the 16.7% subtransient reactance by 1.67 as shown in column 3 of Table 9-1.
NOTE 3—Large induction motors (> 1000 hp, 4-poles or more and >250 hp, 2-poles) are
assumed to contribute six times their rated current to a terminal short circuit, when better data is
not available. The corresponding 16.7% reactance is modified, per Table 9-1, depending on the
calculation time. The same multipliers, however, apply if motor reactance data is known. For
example, a 500 hp, 900-r/min motor with a known locked-rotor reactance of 15% would have a
first cycle reactance of 18% or an interrupting time reactance 45%, (three times 15%).
aNotes in text, tables, and figures are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to
implement the standard.

Using the approach of a single multivoltage level network, as outlined in Table 9-1, first
cycle duty calculations for circuit breakers and fuses at both low and high voltages can be
made with one set of network impedances.

It is important to emphasize at this point that accurate induction motor data for short cir-
cuit are paramount for simulation accuracy, particularly for industrial systems featuring a
large content of induction motor loads. Motor data accuracy requirements are, as a rule, a
function of the motor size. The best possible data should be sought for larger motors
which also have the highest influence on calculated short-circuit duties. For small motor
groups using first cycle reactance of 28% (0.28 p.u.) as typical is probably sufficiently
conservative. Individual representation of large and medium motors (or separate groups of
medium motors) is normally justified and increases confidence in the obtained results. It is
recommended to consult the manufacturer for accurate locked-rotor current data (or first
cycle reactances), whenever possible, to properly establish first cycle impedances before
applying the impedance correction multipliers shown in Table 9-1 for interrupting duty
simulations. For the cases in which induction motor contributions are critically important,
additional data pertinent to motor time constants reflecting more exactly ac decrement
characteristics for every machine may be justified. Higher-efficiency motors also feature

Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved. 203

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