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Drink Machine Simulator

 Write a program that simulates a soft drink machine.

The program should use a structure that stores the
following data:
o Drink name
o Drink cost
o Number of drinks in machine
 The program should create an array of five structures.
The elements should be initialized with the following data:

Initialization Data
Cost in

Pepsi RM2.00 20

Root beer RM2.00 20

Sprite RM1.20 30

Milo RM3.00 20

Coca Cola RM2.50 20

 Each time the program runs, it should enter a loop that
performs the following steps:

o A list of drinks is displayed on the screen. The user

should be allowed to either quit the program or pick a
o If the user selects a drink, he or she will next enter
the amount of money that is to be inserted into the
drink machine.
o The program should display the amount of change
that would be returned and subtract one from the
number of that drink left in the machine.
o If the user selects a drink that has sold out, a
message should be displayed.
o The loop then repeats.
o When the user chooses to quit the program it
should display the total amount of money the machine

 Input Validation:

When the user enters an amount of money, do not

accept negative values or values greater than RM1.00.

/* Assignment 2 (Grouping)

Group Name =

Group member :

Muhammad Syahmi Bin Sufakhi A18CS0161

Ramkumarhrao a/l Subramaniam A18CS0238

Nur Atikah Binti Sawal A18CS0188

Nur Atikah Binti Hanif A18CS0187


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std ;

// all constant parameter being declared here

const int row = 15 ;

const int col = 30 ;

const char KOSONG = '#' ;

const char PENUH = '*' ;

int totalSeat = 450 ;

char tempat[row][col];

// Function Declaration

void displayChart();

int menu();

void pilihanpenuh(int);

void harga();

int main()

int bawah, tepi , Quit, option ,kos, semua, answer;

int x, kotakharga =0;

int rege[15] ;

//Opening an input file, to read & transer the data into rege array

ifstream myfile("priceofticket.txt");

if (!myfile)

cout << "Unable to open" << endl;

if (myfile.is_open())

while ( true)

myfile >> x; //copy data into array

if (myfile.eof())


rege[kotakharga++] = x;

for (int Nrow = 1; Nrow <= row ; Nrow++) //initializing the empty seat

for (int Ncol = 1;Ncol<=col ; Ncol++)

tempat[Nrow][Ncol] = KOSONG;

menu ();


cout << "\n";

cout << "==> Display Ticket Price [1] <==\n" ;

cout << "==> Display Ticket Seat [2] <==\n" ;

cout << "==> Buy Ticket [3] <==\n" ;

cout << "==> Total number ticket sale & price [4] <==\n" ;

cout << "==> Quit [5] <==\n" ;

cin >> option ;

switch (option)

//showing each row of price

case 1:

cout << "Seat Price:" << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)

cout <<"ROW " << (i+1) << "\t: RM "<< rege[i] << endl;

case 2:

//function call to display the seat chart



case 3:


cout << "\nPlease select row you want to sit(1-15)): ";

cin >> tepi;

cout << "\nChoose your number of seat(1-20)): ";

cin >> bawah;

if (tempat[tepi][bawah] == '*')

cout << "\nSorry that seat is sold-out, Please select a new seat.";

cout << endl<< endl;;


kos = rege[tepi] ; //Take the price ticket of row to display

cout << "Price ticket: " << kos << "\n \n";

cout << "Enter 1(YES) to comfirm purchase, 2()NO) if you are not

cin >> answer;

if (answer == 1)

cout << "\nYour ticket purchase has been confirmed." << endl;
tempat[tepi][bawah] = PENUH; // changing the seat from
KOSONG(#) to PENUH(*) in array

totalSeat-- ;

semua = semua + kos ;

else if (answer == 2)

cout << "\nEnter 1(YES) if you want to look another seat, 2(NO)
if you want to go to Menu";

cout << endl;

cin >> Quit;

cout << "\nEnter 1(YES) if you want to look another seat, 2(NO) if you
want to go to Menu";

cin >> Quit;

while (Quit==1);

break ;

case 4:

cout << "\nTotal Ticket left: " << totalSeat ;

cout << "\nTotal ticket sold :RM " << semua<< endl;

break ;

case 5:

cout << "\nThank You for purchasing ticket with us. Have a nice day!\n";


default : cout << "Error input\n";


while(option != 5);

// Function Definiton

int menu()

{ int pilih ;

cout << "#######################\n" ;

cout << "# #\n" ;

cout << "# Welcome to #\n" ;

cout << "# MEGAPLEX #\n" ;

cout << "# THEATER #\n" ;

cout << "# #\n" ;

cout << "# #\n" ;

cout << "#######################\n" ;

void displayChart()

cout << "\tSeats" << endl;

cout << " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0\n";

for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++)

cout << endl << "Row "<< (i) << "\t";

for (int k = 1; k <= 30; k++)

cout << " " << tempat[i][k];

cout << endl;

return ;

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