Depression Costs European Businesses Nearly 100 Billion Per Year

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05/05/2018 Depression costs European businesses nearly €100 billion per year – EURACTIV.


Depression costs
European businesses
nearly €100 billion per


Employers must be more proactive in preventing depression, as the illness costs European workplaces
€92 billion per year, according to a new report.

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05/05/2018 Depression costs European businesses nearly €100 billion per year –

Thirty million people in Europe struggle with depression, and many workplaces underestimate the
impact, says the report, which was published Wednesday (12 March) by London School of Economics'
professor Martin Knapp, and doctor Sara Evans-Lacko, of King's College.

They say workplaces face great economic loss through absenteeism and loss of productivity.

In their cross-European survey with 7,065 employees from Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Turkey and the UK, between 20 and 55% of the employees diagnosed with depression said they take
time o due to the illness.

According to the survey, female, divorced and part-time workers are more likely to su er from
depression, while university-educated professionals are less likely to take time o due to depression.
If they do, they are more reluctant to disclose the reason to their employer.

The report also states there are big di erences in tackling depression in the workplace in European
countries. For example, Italians are less likely to reveal a prior diagnosis of depression compared to
people in the UK and Turkey.

While managers in Denmark are more sympathetic towards depressed employees, and are less likely
to discriminate against them than their European counterparts, managers in France and Spain are the
most likely to recommend that the employee seek help from a healthcare professional for their

"Despite a lot of publicity surrounding mental illness, it is worrying to see that there is still a major
stigma associated with depression and many employers are not dealing with it adequately," Knapp

He added that according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression has become the leading
cause of disability worldwide and has signi cant economic consequences.

Knapp said that being o ered exible working hours and time o is not necessarily the best strategy
for depressed workers, as what they usually need to conquer the illness is social inclusion. Therefore,
managers should o er direct help to depressed employees.

Avoiding the issue will only add to a general ignorance of mental illness and not help their the
company or the sta member in question, Evans-Lacko said.

"Managers have an important role to play by creating supportive working environments that promote
social acceptance. By doing so, their employees will feel more secure discussing any potential mental
health issues," she said.


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05/05/2018 Depression costs European businesses nearly €100 billion per year –

Depression is a common mental disorder, characterised by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure,

feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness, and poor

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression can be long-lasting or recurrent,
substantially impairing an individual’s ability to function at work or school or cope with daily life. At its
most severe, depression can lead to suicide.

Depression is a disorder that can be diagnosed and treated by non-specialists as part of primary
health care.

Further Reading

Press articles

Plos One: Importance of Social and Cultural Factors for Attitudes, Disclosure and
Time o Work for Depression: Findings from a Seven Country European Study on
Depression in the Workplace

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