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Ifsah Qureshi


Scott Mclean


Scott McLean studied at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and at Washington State
University’s Edward R. Murrow School of Communication. He and his family divide their
time between the United States and Puerto Montt, Chile.

He serves as Associate Professor of Business Communication for the W.A. Franke College
of Business, Northern Arizona University–Yuma, on a combined campus partnership with
the University of Arizona and Arizona Western College. He was the 2007-2011 Shadle-Edge
Com be Endowed Faculty Chair at Arizona Western College. Beyond his classroom
experience, Scott regularly serves as a communications advisor to the industry. He is
always open to new projects: teaching, writing, consulting, creating and worked on:
• Teaching, eLearning, mLearning, business, strategic and crisis communication.
• Teaching effective business communication, journalism, leadership, English and related
courses in 100% online formats (as well as traditional and hybrid courses).
• Social media, including new media, crowd sourcing, and strategic communication,
serving as a communication subject matter expert.
• Program evaluation, including business, public programs, and research efforts.
• CMS/LMS - Moodle, BlackBoard, WebCT, D2Learn, eCollege, and Canvas!
• Demonstrated skill and aptitude for teaching excellence, 100% online, including prompt,
actionable feedback and consistent engagement and availability - awarded the NISOD
Teaching Excellence Award.
• Related professional and academic experience, including secondary and post-secondary
course development experience
• Diverse learning styles: From the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon, to
Concepcion, Chile.

Scott is the author of many books on teaching students to communicate clearly. He in the
discipline of Communication (+ two in press; FWK, intercultural communication & group
communication) “Business Communication for Success", "Business English for Success,""
and ""Writing for Success"" with Flat World Knowledge, as well as “The Basics of Speech
Communication” and “The Basics of Interpersonal Communication,” with Pearson
Education. His other writing can be found in peer reviewed journals, newspapers, and even
classic car magazines!


Business Communication for Success starts with a concrete foundation in communication

with several opportunities to both review the essentials as well as to demonstrate mastery
and move on to more challenging assignments. Primary idea is that all businesses and
careers can benefit from confusion-free communication and is also appropriate for business
English, business presentation, professional communication courses to students, teachers,
communicators and speakers.

This book is a content (foundations, process and products, contexts) that provides
instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking`, and combines
comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and
composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses
each concept with 7 C’s and effective examples that are instantaneously strengthen with
exercises and opportunities to demonstrate, and strengthen, learning. In
each chapter there are learning objectives, exercises, real world examples, key takeaway,
chapter assignments and few online links which focuses on clear objectives. Each chapter is
divided into different section by which you can easily go through what you want to.

PART 1: Chapters 1-3 contains introduction to the principles of business communication.
These chapters tell that communication is the key to our success because it influences our
thinking about ourselves and others, how we learn, represents us and our employer and
communication skills are desired by business and industry. Communication forms a part of
our self-concept, and it helps us understand ourselves and others, solve problems and learn
new things, and build our career.

Communication means to share, or to make common. Communication process is divided

into 8 components: source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context and
interference. We have two models of communication that offer perspectives and lessons for
business communicators: Transactional Model of Communication where both participants
(source and receiver) play both roles simultaneously and constructivist Model of
Communication- in which focus on the shared meaning
Communication contexts include five communication types: intrapersonal-talking with our
own self, interpersonal- involves two people, group- a small number of people engage in a
conversation, public- one person speaks to a group of people; written communication,
where one person writes a message to be read by a small or large group and mass
communication- send a message to as many people as we weather they wan to know or
not. Communicator has two responsibilities by practicing the golden rule to treat others the

way we would like to be treated: Be Prepared by being organized, clear concise and
punctual and Be Ethical by being egalitarian, respectful and trustworthy.

Language is a system of symbols, words, and/or gestures used to communicate meaning.

Here we looked how language plays a significant role in how we perceive and interact with
the world and looked at ways to avoid miscommunication and focus on constructive ways
to get our message delivered to our receiver with the meaning we intended it has rules of
syntax, semantics, and context. The letters come together to form an arbitrary word that
refers to the thought or idea of the thing in the semantic triangle: how the word refers to the
thought, which then refers to the thing itself. We have three types of messages: Primary
message, Secondary message and Auxiliary message; message is divided into parts. Verbal
communication is based on several basic principles and we use models to understand the
world and frame our communication. Here we discuss five key principles that language has
and communication works both for us and against us. To avoid obstacles to communication
source we have to avoid clichés, jargon, slang, sexist and racist language, euphemisms, and
doublespeak. We can emphasize message by using four strategies: visuals (video still, bar
chart), signposts (conclusion), internal summaries and foreshadowing (the first item) and
repetition. To build up our Verbal communication we have strategies to: define our terms
broadly, choose precise words, consider our audience, control our tone, check for
understanding, and aim for results this can help us to enlighten or deceive, encourage or
discourage, authorize or destroy.

We must need to know what we want to say before we can say it to an audience, our own
perspective is a major factor in this dynamic process, whether we are aware of it or not, we
bring to the act of reading this sentence a frame of mind formed from experiences and
education across our lifetime. The audience will have a set of expectations we need to
consider, and we need to keep an open mind about the importance of those expectations;
but we also need to achieve our goal of informing, persuading, or motivating them by how
we select, organize, and interpret words and ideas. At first glance we may think we know
our audience, but if we dig a little deeper we will learn more about them and become a
better speaker. We have discussed three ways to better understand our audience; we need
to learn about their demographic traits and employment status, as these help determine
their interests, needs, and goals. For being an effective communicator is learning to receive
messages from others through active listening and reading. People communicate with
words, expressions, and even in silence, and our attention to them will make us a better

Oral and written forms of communication are similar in many ways: the first is written
communication involves the same eight basic elements as oral communication and another
is that they can be divided into verbal and nonverbal categories. Writing is a reflection of
experience and effort no one is inborn writer, when we want to share something with
friends and text them, the words (or abbreviations) come almost naturally, so we recognize

we have the skills necessary to begin the process of improving and harnessing our writing
abilities for business success. Only when we know what our errors are then we can correct
our document and do a better job next time. We have to keep our eyes and ears open for
opportunities to seek outside assistance before we finalize our document. Critical thinking
means becoming aware of our thinking process that allows us to step outside what we read
or write and ask ourselves. The truly excellent writer is one who can explain complex ideas
in a way that the reader can understand. Good writing is characterized by correctness,
effortlessness of reading, and attractiveness; it also meets reader expectations and is clear,
concise, efficient, and effective. Rhetorical elements and cognate strategies are goals that are
achieved in good business writing. We have three writing styles that depend upon
audience that which type of they are and situation to. While writing we have to pay
consideration to fine points, attempt to understand the target meaning, think about our
nonverbal expressions and review, reflect, and revise.

Before writing we must think, we need to focus our attention on our writing to be creative;
alert, ready to work, and can accomplish tasks with relative simplicity. We have to do
critical thinking too that requires established standards and attention to their use, effective
communication, problem solving, and a willingness to acknowledge and address our own
tendency for confirmation discrimination, egocentrism, and sociocentrism. People often
fear the writing process because of three main reasons: negative orientation, risk of failure
and fear of the unknown but they could be overcome. We need to actively seek ways to
develop our skills in ways that will demonstrate measurable gain and lead to positive
affirmation by taking advantage of the academic setting to set positive, realistic goals to
improve our writing. In an informative message the most common type of writing in
business we will need to cover several predictable elements: Who, What, When, Where,
How and Why. There are different channel to convey our message so must be careful which
one to use. Don’t make plagiarism and do give the credits to the source and avoid cheating
our readers. Now we have to effectively and efficiently manage our time and compile
information to conclude up. For a longer piece of writing present a quick overview, or
“executive summary,” etc. However, the first few pages of our report described systems
other than the one under consideration. Next, we presented the reasons not to implement
the new system.

Now the moment has come for performance. The purpose of business writing is to
communicate facts and ideas. Each document must answer “wh” questions and if our draft
omits any one of these elements or addresses it in an unclear fashion, we will know what
we need to do to fix it or by organizing our document with the classical proofs known as
ethos, logos, and pathos. Our business writing needs to convey some central Idea that
comes through to our audience, write a thesis statement which should be short, specific,
and to the point. Now need to decide in what order to present them to our audience, one
common organizing principle is chronology other is comparison, further is contrast and last
but not the least is cause and effect so on problem and solution, classification, biographical,
space and further more. By providing outlines we may tailor them to our needs, depending

on the specifics of our e-mails, report, letter, or other document. Each paragraph has an
introductory sentence which is followed by one or more supporting sentences and
concluded with a summary statement and transition or link to the next idea, or paragraph.
Transitions are often described as bridges between ideas, thought or concepts, providing
some sense of where we’ve been and where we are going with our document. Often we
want to add emphasis to a word so that it stands out from the surrounding text. The use of
visual aids in our writing can be an excellent option, and can reinforce the written
discussion. Active voice when we want to deemphasize the doer of the action. Passive voice
is used to create a more objective tone. Also mistakes can be occurred by us of which we
have to take care of like its or it’s, to, too, or two etc. When we make an argument in our
writing, we will want to present our position with logical points, supporting each point
with appropriate sources. To give an argument we must have some sort of evidence which
is supportive, relevant or effective. In our message to persuade consider honesty and
integrity as we assemble our arguments. We have to quote and give credit, link to related
documents with permission, paraphrase and summarize with reference, but do not

General revision requires attention to content, organization, style, and readability.

Organization is another key aspect of any document also pay special attention to transitions
and our conclusion should mirror our introduction and not introduce new material.
Evaluate the style and readability. The revision process requires filtration. Now is the time
to make our writing shine. The several strategies to help clarify our writing style are: break
up long sentences, revise big words and long phrases, evaluate long prepositional phrases,
delete repetitious words, eliminate archaic expressions or references, avoid fillers, eliminate
slang, evaluate clichés, emphasize precise words, evaluate parallel construction, obscured
verbs,. The more we practice them the more they will become good habits that will boost
our writing. We can increase the probability that our estimation of someone else’s writing
will be fair, constructive, and useful by five steps in evaluation: understand the assignment,
evaluate how well the writing carries out the assignment, evaluate assertions, check facts
and look for errors. At last publishing, proofreading and design are the final stages a book
undergoes before it is published. If we are asked to review a document design it (put the
finishing touches).

To complete the communication process, to close the writing process, we need to gather
and evaluate feedback. Indirect feedback is a response that does not directly come from the
receiver or source. Direct feedback is a response that comes from the receiver that can be
both verbal and nonverbal and we can receive feedback in external and internal way too.
An interview involves an interviewer, and interviewee, and a series of questions. Surveys
feedback can be valuable, particularly if some of the questions are open-ended. Focus
groups involve a representative sample of individuals, brought together to represent a
larger group or audience. Research can be qualitative or quantitative, and it is important to
assess the validity, reliability, and statistical significance of research findings. We need to
assess the degree of strength or weakness of the information, its reliability, or validity, and

be prepared to act on that information. One point of reference within the information or
response we define as feedback may, in itself, be almost meaningless, but taken together
with related information can indicate a highly complex response, and even be used to
predict future responses. Carl Rogers divides feedback into five categories: evaluative-
judgment, interpretive, supportive, probing and understanding. This framework draw
attention to aspects of feedback that serve as opportunities for the writer and is always an
opportunity for growth, as he or she recognizes feedback as an essential part of writing and
the communication process.

Writing in an online environment requires tact and skill, and awareness that what we write
may be there forever and our goal is to make it clear, concise, and professional, where as
text messaging and emails are valuable tools to connect. Texting is useful for short
exchanges. E-mail can be very useful for messages that have slightly more content than a
text message, but it is still best used for fairly brief messages and follows the rules of
netiquette. A memo (or memorandum, meaning “reminder”) is normally used for
communicating policies, procedures, or related official business within an organization,
one-to-all perspective that has its own format. Letters are brief messages sent to recipients
that are often outside the organization which serve to introduce us to a potential employer,
announce a product or service, or even serve to communicate feelings and emotions.
Business proposals are documents designed to make a persuasive appeal to the audience to
achieve a defined outcome, often proposing a solution to a problem. Business Proposals can
be of two types: solicited if we have been asked to submit a proposal and unsolicited
proposals are the cold calls of business writing. Reports are documents designed to record
and convey information to the reader. There are two main categories for reports:
informational report informs or instructs and presents details of events, activities,
individuals, or conditions without analysis and analytical report presents information with
a comprehensive analysis to solve problems, demonstrate relationships, or make
recommendations. A résumé is a document that summarizes our education, skills, talents,
employment history, and experiences in a clear and concise format for potential employers.
We have to maximize scan able résumé content by: using key words, follow directions,
insert a key word section, make it easy to read, printing, packaging and delivery. Sales
messages are often discussed in terms of reason versus emotion. Our product or service
may sell itself, but if we require a sales message.

While presenting we will be judged on how well we present ourselves, so take the time
when available to prepare. As we begin to think about choosing our topic, there are a few
key factors to consider. These include the purpose of the speech, its projected time length,
the appropriateness of the topic for our audience, and our knowledge or the amount of
information we can access on the topic and finally we are ready to commit to a topic. We
have several stratagems we can use to help select and narrow the topic appropriately like:
know ourselves and our audience, save time by considering the information we already

have close at hand and conduct a search and our subject area to get an overview of the
subject, recognize the demand, suitability, and talent, self-inventory of things we already
know should get we started and it’s time to write a thesis statement. As we edit our topic,
considering what essential information is and what can be cut, we’ll come to focus on the
key points naturally and reduce the pressure on ourselves to cover too much information in
a short amount of time. Last, compile our information into an expressive sequence of key
point. Speaking in public itself is not inherently stressful, but our response to the stimulus
can contribute to or reduce our level of stress. We still take turns, and the speaker will take
a longer turn as part of an enlarged conversation. Some obstacles we’ll want to avoid in
order making our content as accessible to our audience as possible.

Nonverbal communication plays an imperative role in communication. It is the process of

conveying a message without the use of words which includes gestures and facial
expressions, tone of voice, timing, and posture and where we stand as we communicate
and is irreversible. Often nonverbal communication is universal but sometimes it’s
confusing and contextual and communicates our feeling and attitude. People believe more
on nonverbal communication then verbal and are input in speaker audience rapport. To use
movement advantageously in our presentation, we have to maintain it normal and think
about using the speaker’s triangle, the three-step sequence, facial gestures, and eye contact.
Visual aids are an important nonverbal aspect of our speech that we can control. Well we
can improve our nonverbal communication too by watching reactions of others, enrolling
our observer and spotlight on a specific type of nonverbal communication.

Organization in our speech is helpful both to us and to our audience. Our audience will
appreciate hearing the information presented in an organized way, and being well
organized will make the speaking situation much less stressful for us. In the classical
tradition, the art of public speaking is called rhetoric; the circumstances in which we give
our speech or presentation are the rhetorical situation in which we need to explore the
concept in depth, judge our audience and have convincing purpose. The nine cognate
strategies all contribute to our success in conveying the speech to the audience that are:
emphasis, tone, engagement, clarity, conciseness, arrangement, credibility, expectation and
reference. We can organize our speech in different manners depending upon situation.

Informative presentations focus on helping the audience to understand a topic, issue, or

technique more clearly and they focus to share, understand, and change perception of
people and to provide them new skills. Exposition means a public exhibition or display,
often expressing a complex topic in a way that makes the relationships and content clear
where as interpretation involves adapting the information to communicate a message,
perspective, or agenda. Lucratively delivering an informative speech requires adopting an
audience-centered perspective by motivating the listener, framing (placing an imaginary set
of boundaries), limit the details, focus on clear main points, provide visual reinforcement,
include time for questions, look for ways to involve listeners actively etc. Informative
presentations serve to present specific information for specific audiences for specific goals

or functions and they explain, describe, and instruct the audience on subject and course of

Mass communication contains persuasive messages, often called propaganda, in narrative

form, in stories and even in presidential speeches. Persuasion is an act or process of
presenting arguments to move, motivate, or change our audience and can be implicit or
explicit and can have both positive and negative effects. Our audience hostile, negative,
neutral, positive and supporter will have a range of opinions, attitudes, and beliefs.
Presentation to persuade is range of functions to consider, and they may overlap or we may
incorporate more than one as we present by stimulating thinking, convince, call to action,
increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives. Psychologist
Abraham Maslow provides seven basic categories for human needs, and arranges them in
order of priority, from the most basic to the most advanced. Irwin Altman and Dalmas
Taylor articulated the social penetration theory, which describes how we move from on the
surface talk to friendly and enlightening talk and how we attempt to learn about others so
that we can better understand how to interact. Here again get to know about what
argument are its types and fallacies which have been discussed before. An elevator speech
engage and interest the listener, inform and/or persuade, and be memorable and is a
presentation that persuades the listener in less than thirty seconds, or around a hundred

Sound bites are brief statements that zero in on the point of a larger or longer message, are
often excised from interviews and articles, and presented apart from the context in which
they are originally written or spoken and the characteristics of effective sound bites are
clear and concise, use vivid, dynamic language, easy to repeat and memorable. We have
five stages in a telephone conversation which lack nonverbal indications; they oblige
additional consideration to response. A meeting is a group communication in action
around a defined agenda, at a set time, for an established duration and they can be useful,
attractive, and well-organized when good planning and preparation is made. Toasts are
formal expressions of goodwill, appreciation, or calls for group attention to an issue or
person in a public setting where as roasts are public proclamations that ridicule or criticize
someone to honor them and both of them honor a member of the community. A media
interview is a discussion involving questions and answers for the purpose of broadcast
which involves an opportunity even challenge and threat for us. A master of ceremonies is
the conductor of ritual gatherings which have the dignity and stage presence to start,
conduct, and conclude a formal ceremony for a group or community. Viral messages are
words, sounds, or images that compel the audience to pass them along, rapid people to act,
and mobilize communities and give life and attention, or ignore them.

We communicate with others in order to meet basic needs, and our meetings, interactions,
and relationships help us meet those needs and not all our needs are met by any one
person, job, experience, or context. According to social penetration theory, we fear that
which we do not know that includes people. Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe, and Mark
Redmond offer us five principles of self-disclosure that remind us that communication is an
integral part of any business or organizational setting and involves risk and reward which
are normal part of communication. A skilled business communicator knows when to speak,
when to remain silent, and to always stop speaking before the audience stops listening.
Ritual of conversation is one of the main ways we interact in the business environment, and
it is ripe for misunderstandings. For many if not most, the employment interview is
surrounded with mystery and a degree of fear and nervousness where as preparation,
performance and feedback that is part of the communication process: follow up promptly
with a thank-you note or e-mail, expressing our appreciation for the interviewer’s time and
interest. Conflict is universal, but how and when it occurs is open to influence and
interpretation and view it as an opportunity for clarification, growth, and even
reinforcement of the relationship.

The negative news message delivers news that the audience does not want to hear, read, or
receive. Internal and external communication environments over and over again have an
extent of overlap. Persuading to avoid face-to-face interaction for fear of confrontation, but
delivering negative news in person can be quite effective, even necessary, in many business
situations but consider the preparation and implementation of the discussion. Negative
news may not be easy to deliver, but it is necessary at times and should be done with clarity
and brevity and all parties should be clearly identified. Eliciting negative news all the way
through feedback is an essential method to ward off tribulations, protection valuable
relationships, and pull off standard transfers. Feedback may be qualitative or quantitative
and may be requested during open-ended or closed-ended questions. A crisis
communication plan is the prepared scenario document that organizes information into
responsibilities and lines of communication prior to an event to minimize the spin damage
from the incident by providing necessary facts, even if they are unpleasant or even tragic.
The press conference normally requires a seasoned representative of the company or
business with established credibility and integrity that may look forward to questions and
prepare possible responses.

We may be tempted to think of intercultural communication as interaction between two

people from different countries or as the exchange of information between individuals who
are unalike culturally. Cultures reflect this inequality, this diversity, and the divergent
range of values, symbols, and meanings across communities. People in individualistic
cultures value individual freedom and personal independence, and cultures always have
stories to reflect their values where as collectivist cultures focus on the needs of the nation,
10 | P a g e By: IFSAH QURESHI

community, family, or group of workers. In an explicit-rule culture rules are clearly

communicated so that everyone is aware of them whereas in an implicit rule culture rules
are often understood and communicated nonverbally. The monochronic time-oriented
cultures consider one thing at a time, whereas polychronic time-oriented cultures schedule
many things at one time, and time is considered in a more fluid sense. Hofstede describes
the masculine-feminine dichotomy in terms extent to which that culture values certain
traits that may be considered masculine or feminine. International communication can be
defined as communication between nations, but we recognize that nations do not exist
independent of people who include political systems, legal systems, economic systems and
ethical systems to guide them in transacting business domestically and globally. The three
most commonly discussed management theories are often called X, Y, and Z. An
international assignment requires work and preparation, and should be given the time and
consideration of any major life are a reflection of increased global trade, and as trade
decreases, they may become an expensive luxury.

Some groups may be assembled at work to solve problems, and once the challenge has been
resolved, they dissolve into previous or yet to be determined groups and can be described
in terms of status, power, control, as well as role, function, or viewpoint. There are
fundamentally two types of groups that can be observed in many contexts the primary
groups meet most if not all, of one’s needs where as groups that meet some, but not all,
needs are called secondary groups. They experience similar steps and stages and take on
many of the characteristics we associate with life which are forming, storming, norming,
performing and adjourning. The group members fulfill different roles during this life cycle.
Business and professional meetings are a part of the communication climate of any
business. Two important aspects of group communication especially in the business
environment are teamwork and leadership. Each member must fulfill his or her own
obligations for the team to succeed, and the team, like a chain, is only as strong as its
weakest member includes a lot of challenges. Leaders take on the role because they are
appointed, elected, or emerge into the role. A democratic leader is elected or chosen by the
group. An emergent leader contrasts the first two paths to the role by growing into the role,
often out of necessity. The appointed leader may know little about the topic or content, and
group members will naturally look to the senior member with the most experience for
leadership. A valuable leader smooths the progress of his teamwork course of action.
11 | P a g e By: IFSAH QURESHI

This book is very informative, organized and easy to follow and read. All readers can improve
their communication skills. It might not contain many new ideas, but it certainly
emphasizes the time-tested rules of communication, organization and editing, while
providing tips on overcoming writer’s block, framing our fundamental ideas and making
successful presentations. The order of the chapters clears overall understanding of subject. This
book will help us achieve our purpose in business and life.


We can give a lot of real life examples after reading this book:
 When I was in Hamdard Public School I received the pass of Awari Tower to visit the
seminar where we listens a lot of speeches after listening a speaker who was telling
about how Bangladesh separated from Pakistan he spoke many thing which were
unethical to speak living in Pakistan which were absolutely wrong in front of us,
afterwards he didn’t receive a single positive feedback which favors his idea.

 One of my friends recently consulted a Doctor, to get rid of his "Head-ache". And the
Doctor started asking him,
Do you have any tension?
Do you sleep late in the night, why?
Do you have any responsibilities which make you tense?
Are you not sleeping or not being able to sleep because of tension?
Do you read more because of upcoming exams which make you tense? And so on.
Finally, My friend who is doing BCS at UBIT, got up and said to the doctor, Thanks sir,
Now I came to know the real reason for my Head-Ache and don’t worry, I'll get rid of
So this is the way, in which sometimes, “repetitive” use of a word can create humor and
relieve us from stress.

 My Cousin told me that he work as an Area Development Officer in a service industry

for a well known Private University in Lahore. On one particular day he was suppose to
meet a local Bank manager to arrange for educational loans for his students. Since my
cousin had some personal work he thought he could combine his personal work and
then continue to go to the banker and informed through phone the Admin Officer who
is In charge for recording the movements of the staffs. When he told him that he shall
combine both the work, he asked him not to do that but he would project to the
principal as if he had gone for the Official work. He said OK. Later he had told the
Principal of college that my cousin had called him and said 'some work was there and
he will come late'. This irritated the principal and he called me through phone and
started talking in a tone which was as if he had not gone to the bank and my cousin was
taking advantage. My cousin got irritated by his tone and started answering him in a
harsh manner and my cousin told him that he should not check his loyalty towards the
12 | P a g e By: IFSAH QURESHI

organization and kept the phone. The Admin Officer who had been waiting for a long
time to see a drift in the relationship between my cousin and the Principal told him that
my cousin had applied for a job, and only because of that my cousin used harsh words.
The principal who believed this sent an e-mail to the headquarters stating that my
cousin has left the organization.
You should note that all this has happened in 24 hours. Since the top management
knows about my cousin performance the top guys came running from the headquarters
to see that my cousin continue here. So my cousin rejoined after taking leave for 2 days.
They went and shouted at the principal and principal did not have face to see my cousin
for the next 2-3 days. My cousin told the management what has happened and who has
mis-communicated to assassinate my cousin’s image.
So what my point is, do not keep any mediators, or else we may have to face many
problems than he faced.

 I read somewhere before reading this book. A person did his training in an organization
where he is currently working, during his final semester, that time they offered him job
for HR saying that they don’t have HR dept they would like to see him working with
them. So he joined, the major job was to handle the reporting system which was not
properly scheduled and implemented, he designed the reporting system as per the
requirements given to him and implemented it but then employees resented back and
strongly resisted and then started the politics in organization, they never use to report
and then the person have to run as his boss asked him to submit the report. He was not
supposed to own that system, the communication was like such that person was never
involved in the discussions regarding this thing, they influenced the director and he
asked the person to stop the system. Now that person is doing nothing other than doing
all donkeys work, the problem is that being an outsider he never get what they are
saying in other language even they know English they never speak to harass the person.
He doesn’t know what to do?
Language is something which should be common in any organization, so that other people
can understand, and respond back.

 In classroom we have a large number of presentations the one student who is not well
prepared, reading from the paper or not clear about what he is speaking diverts the
attention of receiver from his side.
13 | P a g e By: IFSAH QURESHI

Hence this book is a nutshell for business communication, from what communication is,
understanding audience, message, writing, presenting, delivering, to Group
Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership we can find each aspect briefly, which is
helpful for us.

P.S: I can’t find relevant references of this book on internet. Even not why world consider
him as a good communicator. I readout book from links given below:

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