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Assignment 2

Nile University MENG 308; Fluid Mechanics.

Instructions :
1. Due Date : Friday , 21th of December 11 PM.

2. Late assignment wont be accepted , you have a week to sumbit it

3. Dont copy from the solution manual or you will lose marks

Problem 1(Munson & Okiishi 6th edition)

5.45 Determine the magnitude and direction of the anchoring force needed to hold the horizontal
elbow and nozzle combination shown in Fig. P5.45 in place. Atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa(abs).
The gage pressure at section (1) is 100 kPa. At section (2), the water exits to the atmosphere.

Figure 1: problem 1

Assignment 2
Nile University MENG 308; Fluid Mechanics.

Problem 2(Munson & Okiishi 6th edition)

Two water jets of equal size and speed strike each other as shown in Fig. P5.53. Determine the
speed, V, and direction, u, of the resulting combined jet. Gravity is negligible.
Take V1 and V2 = 10 m/s , and Area 1 and 2 equal 0.03 m2 , and note that A3 isnt given .

Figure 2: problem 2

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