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s –March-A
April, 2017

Social Science

Support for
f Underachiever from f Prim
mary Classes: An Orientation m meeting wa as held for
the parents of stude
ents shortlisted for Re
emedial Cllasses on 04.03.2017
0 7. Mrs. Reeta Arora
apprised the
t parents with the need of these classe es and the kind of parental supp port
teachers require to maximise the benefitts for stude
ents. Princcipal.Mr.Vivvek addresssed the
gathering and reiterrated the im
mportance of coordinnation required betwe een parents s and

Designing Worksh
hop for XII std on 17
7 March, 2017

Ms. Meennakshi, alumna of NIFFT, conduccted an engaging sesssion with students of

o XII std on
nal and carreer opporttunities in Designing

A PPT pro ovided glim

mpses of various dom
mains in de
esigning ra
anging from
m apparels to
furniture, ceramics and
a Product design etc.
e She exxplained th he scope of Visual

Students were given

n detailed information
n on premiier Design Institutes, admissionn
e, components of enttrance testts , solved question papers, feee structure
e etc
Educatioonal Guida
ance: Options in Coommerce Stream-Mr
S r.Satnam SSingh, alum
mnus of
Shaheed Sukhdev SSingh Colle
ege and an n eminent Career Co
ounselor ha
ad an interractive
session with
w Commerce stude ents of XII std

He informmed studennts about educationall opportunities available in diffe

erent Collegges &
Institutes and Unive
ersities. Hee insisted th
hat students should collect
c auth
hentic information
about varrious opporrtunities fro
om official websites or
o brochurees issued bby the Institutes or
colleges respectivel
r ly

He urged the studen nts to deveelop a multti-layered pyramid

p of their prefe
erences ba
ased on
their personality, ab
bilities and aspirations
Teacher Workshop
W ps:

Mrs. Dam manjeet Kau ur attended d a two da

ays workshop on 18 & 19 April 2
2017 at Re
emal Publicc
Ms. Geettanjali Kum
mar & Ms. UshaU Anan
nd, resourcce persons
s, CBSE, fo
ocused on strategies
for Inclusiive Educattion in the classroom

Ms Garim
ma Madan attended
a a workshop
p at St Marrks School Paschim VVihar on 22
2 April
2017. Res source Perrson, Mr. J.P
J Goel gaave valuabble inputs regarding
r P
va Voce
and otherr changes in
i CBSE curriculum ofo econommics.

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