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Human Resource Management

(Reflective notes of each lecture)

Lecture 1
 KASH: - Full form of KASH is Knowledge, Ability, Skills, Habits. These
are the imperative assets which are to display in individual and is required at
the season of work for achieving authoritative objectives.
 6M’s of Management are: -
 Machine
 Man power
 Material
 Method
 Money
 Minutes
Among these 6M’s most important one is Man power because it has life and has
the power to drive other resources, we can also call it as an initiator. It has
unlimited potential which never get exhausted.
 HCM: - HCM is Human Capital Management. It tells us that what ever the
organization invest on human resource is a center for profit as it would let
the organization earn higher profit.

 Meaning of personal: - Person employed.

 Traditional HR Management:- In traditional times they follow hire and fire

Now in modern times HR management follow four things:-
 Hire
 Inspire
 Aspire
 Fire
To Inspire intends to excite and support, with the goal that one can achieve
something throughout everyday life. Then again, to seek intends to wish,
dream and seek after something.
Rouse and try are two terms that are regularly confounded. They may sound
comparable yet they are two distinct terms. Both are critical for individuals.
They excite as exceptionally intriguing expressions that are fundamentally
reflected in the activities of the individual and the individual is more
spurred to achieve his goals and desire. To rouse may likewise advance
from inside, while to aim is dependably drive by inward emotions.
Inspire and Aspire have been added in modern times as in today’s era
inspiring employees is most important part of organizations as it talks about
keeping the employees motivated so that they can work efficiently to
achieve the predetermined organizational goals and Aspire tells about the
growth of the employees which means how the employees will grow in the
organization after a particular period of time for e.g. promotions.

 Three Functions of HR:-

 Hatch:-You should be able to get the right kind of person.
 Match:- Characteristics , Experience and knowledge of the
person should match the job requirement while recruiting him
or her because it is very important to hire an asset.
 Dispatch:- Placement of the right person for the right job.

Lecture 2

Case study:-

 Supreme tax co.

 Sam is the manager

 Manufacturing


 Training and advancement

 Planning to actualize the arrangement


 Resistance from supervisor about the MBO

 Problem of pay checks

 Quality control

 Grievances issue

 Supervisory

 Unloading of material

 Recruitment process

 Staff meeting, Pension advantage, medicinal bundle

 Employee record

 Lack of possibility arranging

 Inability to designate

 Lack of lucidity

 Wasn't ready to oversee time

 Inability to organize undertakings

 He should achieve work environment on time

 There is no legitimate arranging

 Lack of inception/vitality/self-inspiration

 Job Description

 Standard corporate strategy

 Clarity of employment job

Whenever we need to change the organization then we need to

manage a team.


 HR challenges:-

 Managing abilities

 Employee the board

 Managing work life balance

 Managing assorted variety

 Managing all inclusive

 Maintaining execution arranged culture

 Driving groups
Lecture 3

7R’s related to human resource planning:-

o Recruiting

o Relocating

o Redeployment

o Retrenchment

o Redesign

o Redundancy management

o Retirement

Lecture 3 continued

Retirement: - Internal and external recruitment.

Relocating: - Transfer of employees from one place to another.
Redeployment: - Change in the nature of task performed.
Redesign: - To incorporate more task, enlarge jobs or enrich the jobs including
more responsibility.
Redundancy management: - To hire and retire again
Internal hiring, rehiring, team lease: - provide manpower to various organization.
Take employee on lease, third party employment.
Retirement: - End of serving.
 Problem in the process of HRP.
o Inaccuracy
o Employee resistance
o Uncertainty
o Inefficient information system
o Time and expense
Human resource planning:- HRP is the link between a firm’s strategic plan
and its overall human resource management function.

Overall strategic plan > Strategic HRP > HRM

Lecture 4

Strategic choices in HRP:-

 Reactive v/s Proactive
 Narrow v/s Broad
 Informal v/s Formal
 Loosely tied to strategic plan v/s closely tied
 Inflexible v/s flexible

Demand forecasting technique:-

HR forecast to discover the organization. Future interest of worker.

 Workforce examination

 Strategic thought of employment

 Extent to which workers can partake in occupation examination

process. Dread of swelling of the activity significance so in excess of
one occupant is utilized.

 How point by point it should be: itemized v/s principle segments.

 When a vocation investigation is to directed:

Confining or when a vocation has been included or when the turnover rate
for work is higher than organization. Normal rate.
 Whether to utilize a customary activity examination or a future
arranged one.

 Whether to have a set of working responsibilities or not? (dejobbing)

The component of a job:

o Job family (job which are similar in nature).
o Occupation
o Job
o Position
o Duty (task performed by individual for he or she is responsible).
o Task (identification unit of work act for which he is responsible).
o Element (smallest practical unit into which any work unit can be sub-

Lecture 5
Job analysis

Definition:- Job analysis involves collecting data about jobs in an org. and
knowledge skill and abilities, work activities performed, responsibilities,
duties, machine, tools, equipment and machine.
Abilities:- physical and mental capacities needed to perform tasks.
Job description: TDR’s, job specialization, KSAO’s.

Hackman and Oldham’s job characteristics model:

Case dimension Psychological states Outcome

Skill variety - meaningful needs of work - high intensive
Task identity motivation, high
Task signify performance.
Autonomy - responsibility for outcomes - high satisfaction,
Feedback - knowledge of result - turnover.
Lecture 6 & 7: - presentations are done by lt 10 members.

Lecture 8

o Job family: - A family in which similar occupation are grouped

together. Software professionals, Hr professionals.
o Occupation: - jobs that are combined across org. based upon skill.

Types of information to be collected:

o Job related tangible and intangible
o Work performance
o Job content
o Personal requirement.

Job analysis data output:

o Job description: describes the duties, responsibilities, working
condition and activities of a particular job.
o Job specialization: describes employee qualification, such as
experience, knowledge, skill or abilities that are required to perform a
o Job Advertisements:
 Attention
 Interest
 Desire
 Action

Lecture 9
Hiring trends.
 A strategy that combines online and offline hiring will help a company win
the race for talent acquisition.
 The year that is at the door-2018 is set to take the ball further.

Rise of automation:
 There is a ton going ahead as far as Robotization of HR and
ability procurement.

 Increasing progressions in man-made reasoning (AI) and

machine learning have prompt more brilliant employment
chasing stage, supported by investigation, chat bots, and
different components.

 As an outcome, it is fundamental for enrollment specialists

to keep an eye open for headways in this space and
continually assess their procedures.

 A promoting tone: - enlisting is gradually taking an advertising and PR tone,

and this will before long shake things up. As a feature of this pattern,

 Enlistment: - It is a procedure of finding and drawing in, competent

candidates for business. The procedure starts when newcomers are looked
for and closes when their applications are submitted. The outcome is a pool
of candidates from which new representatives are chosen.

 Enlistment is connecting movement uniting occupations to fill and those

looking for employments.

 A great enlistment is a connecting movement uniting employments to fill

and those looking for occupations
 Recruitment is an expensive issue. There are legitimate ramifications of
inept choice. Careless enlisting

 Minimize time and cash cost.

Presentation by learning team 8 on

 Emerging trends in employee selection and recruitment.

Role plays on the real events performed my learning teams:

Learning team 1:-

HR Manager Role in Contingency Situation, performing the roles of Production

Manager in Emergency/ Non-availability of production Manager


Breakdown of Factory Machines (Thread Manufacturing Machine) used for

manufacturing yarns and threads


1. It is the responsibility of the hr manager to handle the reported contingency

situation (like the malfunctioning of the machine) and take the immediate steps to
mitigate the hazardous situation and the likelihood of any mishap

2. He has the responsibility to go on site, check for the malfunction, call help
and/or make a team to immediately carry the situation right from there and work in
the interest of safeguard of labours and managers' life associated with that
machine's danger

3. Take the rectifying steps in which he could

 Report it to the senior manager
 Call supplier of the machine to ask for a repair, replacement or
 Arrange for another machine so that production does not hamper at any
point of time.
 Train staffs and labour and give related training on skills on how to handle
contingency situation
 Motivate Labour's and make them assure that for them their health and life
comes first
 Handle the situation prudently and without panic, as it is the responsibility of
the hr to work for the welfare of both the organisation as well as the labours.

Learning team 2: -

• During business downfall, HR manages the situation of laying off employees


•Personally handling employees and supporting them through this situation is one
of the major functions of a HR manager.

•Transfering employees in other departments can be a solution to the problem of

employee lay off.

• Providing them an assistance to offer them the job in future, when the company
recovers the recession.

Learning team 3: -

 HR person helps in building healthy relationships within the organization.

 HR manager not only handles the situation but also provide solutions to the

 HR manager motivates the employees and gives recognition to the

employees in the form of incentives.

 HR manager knows the pros and cons of every activity in the organization
acts accordingly.

Learning team 4: -Dealing with employees who can’t behave properly with each
and every employee even including women too is a big headache for most HR
managers and supervisors. Most employees know how to work and behave in the
workplace but there are some who got the problem in getting the right picture.
There can be the various reasons for this kind of behaviour such as cultural
differences. The best any manager can do is to try and understand the situation but
in some cases, they need to take actions and make decisions so that company
doesn’t suffer the consequences.
And in our case Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) took an action against that
1- He asked him to say sorry to the lady employee he misbehaved whom he abused
2- Gave warning if in case in future he'll try to do this again he'll be fired
3- His promotion was hold

Learning team 5: -Team leader in a company is observing that in a team full of

youngsters are witnessing decrease in efficiency of the company due to one old
employee. In this situation what should An HR do?
Roles: team leader (supervisor)
All three decides to have a meeting with d employee and ask him that will he go
for the training and development programme or else he will be transferred to some
other department as per suitability;
Also the appropriate approach could be : the HR tells the old employee that he
will be sent for some technological development programme and them will be
promoted to d advisory kind of post in d same department ( because as he is in
team and is older than others means he must be experience enough ).

Learning team 6:-

Case- At the time of recruitment process there are 2 type of candidate. Candidate A
had a sincere appearance and was very serious attitude towards the interview. On
the other hand candidate B was improperly dressed for the occasion (interview)
and was very casual towards the interview. In spite of the casual behaviour of
candidate B he was having past experience and was also confident .Which
candidate would u select as a recruiter?
 As first impression is the last impression on the basis of which company
select the candidate as their recruiter.
 Having past experience makes no sense when it is not executed in practical
 HR manager should recruit the knowledgeable person inspite of the fact that
whether they are having past experience or not.
 HR manager should give equal weightage on the training and development
process of both the candidate.

Learning team 7: -

Topic - how an hr should manage an employees who is very casual towards the
rules and regulations of the company and is rude with the employees but is
productive for an organisation as well
1- Who so ever be the employee a productive one or non-productive one should be
treated equally when do not follow the rules
2- If hr has hired the employee from a rival firm with more pay package you
should sustain that employee as he will be definitely productive for our
3- Hr should give warning to the person for his bad behaviour

Learning team 8:-

Case you have many women (female employees) in your organization at higher
posts. Your company requires these personnel to be transferred to other places to
handle problems. But they are not ready for these transfers. How will you manage
kind of situation?

Learnings from the case: -as we know that being a women in corporate world is not
so easy they pushed down at each and every level so in this case we decided to
give them the preference with their needs and offer them the best we can for the
settlement at the new place so it is not like a transfer it is more like a promotion for
them to handle them their personal life as well as their family because we want to
put their needs in front rather than enforcing any decision on them.

Learning team 9: -

Case- one of the employee in the organization has leaked the information of the
customers and was caught. As it was against the rules and regulations of the
company what should be done. As many restrictions were imposed on other
employees due to the wrong act of one employee n they r facing problems so what
should be done
1. Ethics training should be given so that the employees can decide what is right
and wrong
2. Security software or programs should be made so that no info can be leaked

Learning team 10: -

In a situation a security guard and a manager of a organisation are in a huge

argument and security guard has pointed gun towards manager.
1 HR manager has to be really careful while handling this matter because if
security guard hand pointer gun once you can do that again
2 HR manager needs to understand reason behind security guard's such behaviour
3 organisation need to do the strong background check of security guards before
hiring them for organisation
4 no harsh judgement or punishment should be done against security guard as he
might again harm the people of organisation

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