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8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.

0 - Intermediate

class 1 lunes 4 octubre 2010

frases intermediate
Es un secreto que debo guardar = It's a secret I .
must + verbo
¿Qué pasará si alguien se entera? = What'll happen if someone ?
¿No sabes cuándo vienen? = Don't you know where they ?
No tengo ni idea = I have

clase intermediate

pronunciación carry (vocal)

vocabulario: hire = contratar gente, fire = despedir
complain verbo, complaint sustantivo
pronunciación verbo contact acento /'kɒntækt/, tanto verbo como sustantivo
vocabulario to book : I book a table
pronunciación: I usually walk to work
Spain Spanish
  Portugal Portuguese
Brazil Brazilian
The US American
Canada Canadian
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
Australia Australian
Switzerland Swiss
Sweden Swedish
Norway Norwegian
Russia Russian
India Indian
Egypt Egyiptian
Morocco Moroccan
South Africa South African
France French
Germany German
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

Denmark Danish
The Netherlands Dutch
Cuba Cuban
The UK British
  Scotland Scottish
Ireland Irish
Poland Polish
Hungry Hungarian
Ucrain Ucrainian
Turkey Turkish
Greece Greek
Austria Austrian
Algeria Algerian
Italy Italian
pronunciación: handkerchief /'hæŋkәrtʃәf/ , /-tʃi:f / || /'hæŋkәtʃɪf/ , /-tʃi:f/
probabilidad = likelihood

class 2 martes 5 octubre 2010

No tienen que llamarnos nunca = They never have to call us
pronunciación: touch, touched sonido 't'
everyday I look at you on TV
mirar algo que se mueve: I watch you on TV
to look at = fijar la atención sobre algo que no se mueve (to look at a picture or a painting)
watch TV, pero nunca con un 'picture'
to stay still = permanecer quieto
añadir 'ed': start, want,
pronunciación: yerterday /'jestәdeɪ/
pronunciación de usually /'ju:ʒuәli/, como /'ju:ʒ + әli/ para no marcar demasiado la 'u'
¿Hace viento hoy? = Is windy today?
las noticias = the news, pero es singular:
the news is very important
the news today is about ...
trabajar mucho = to work long hours

class 3 miércoles 6 octubre 2010

Todo el mundo sabe que no hay nadie allí.

Everyone know there isn't anyone there.
Ella nunca dice nada a nadie.
She never tells anyone anything.
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

Denmark Danish
The Netherlands Dutch
Cuba Cuban
The UK British
  Scotland Scottish
Ireland Irish
Poland Polish
Hungry Hungarian
Ucrain Ucrainian
Turkey Turkish
Greece Greek
Austria Austrian
Algeria Algerian
Italy Italian
pronunciación: handkerchief /'hæŋkәrtʃәf/ , /-tʃi:f / || /'hæŋkәtʃɪf/ , /-tʃi:f/
probabilidad = likelihood

class 2 martes 5 octubre 2010

No tienen que llamarnos nunca = They never have to call us
pronunciación: touch, touched sonido 't'
everyday I look at you on TV
mirar algo que se mueve: I watch you on TV
to look at = fijar la atención sobre algo que no se mueve (to look at a picture or a painting)
watch TV, pero nunca con un 'picture'
to stay still = permanecer quieto
añadir 'ed': start, want,
pronunciación: yerterday /'jestәdeɪ/
pronunciación de usually /'ju:ʒuәli/, como /'ju:ʒ + әli/ para no marcar demasiado la 'u'
¿Hace viento hoy? = Is windy today?
las noticias = the news, pero es singular:
the news is very important
the news today is about ...
trabajar mucho = to work long hours

class 3 miércoles 6 octubre 2010

Todo el mundo sabe que no hay nadie allí.

Everyone know there isn't anyone there.
Ella nunca dice nada a nadie.
She never tells anyone anything.
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

Verbos regulares pronunciación 'd' final sin añadir sílaba:

arrive, believe
Lo contrario de to break a promise: to keep a promise.
to break the news = dar la noticia
breaking news = noticias de última hora
pronunciación: April /'eɪprәl/
fechas en inglés:
the fifth of April I broke that pencil

class 4 jueves 7 octubre 2010

Pronunciación: consider /kәn'sɪdәr/

¿Quieres decir que tienes alas? = Do you you have wings?
Pronunciación: January /'dʒænjʊәri/
ago: sólo se usa con el verbo en pasado
pronunciación: during /'dʊrɪŋ /
vocabulario: to build up = enriquecer
aunque = although /ɔ:l'θәʊ/
May I speak to ... ?

class 5 viernes 8 octubre 2010

- How many bottles of wine did you drink during the dinner?
- the three, we drank almost two bottles of wine.
(Two bottles of wine among three people is a bit too much wine.)
(si hubieran sido dos personas, se diría 'between')
- to finish/end:
sujeto personal: finish
sujeto impersonal: end
the dinner , a war ended, a class, ...
I finish ...
- word of honour = palabra de honor
pronunciación: honour /'ɒnә(r)/

class 6 lunes 11 octubre 2010

We'll be right back

I'll be right back
Would you min
d putt your watc
h bac
k on?
Pronunciación de /aɪl/
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Posición de probably 
I'll probably go there.
I probably won't go there.

class 7 martes 12 octubre 2010

Yesterday I fell on the bus.

Yesterday I fell over on the bus.
Yesterday I fell down on the bus.
clumsy = patoso
accident = con tendencia a accidentarse
pronunciación disadvantage /'dɪsәd'væntɪdʒ /

class 8 miércoles 13 octubre 2010

I fell down the stairs = me caí por las escaleras

to fall down the hill
Sácalo del bolsillo de mi camisa.
Take it out my shirt pocket.

get on the bus: subir (entrar)

get off the bus: bajar (salir)

get on = subir (bus, bike, train, boat)

en todos los transportes excepto los de entrar 
  como coche y taxi

get in the car: entrar en el coche (porque es pequeño)

get on the car: estar encima del coche (en la baca)
get on the table: subirse a la mesa

I don't care = me trae sin cuidado

most = la mayoría de

class 9 jueves 14 octubre 2010

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

thank God = gracias a Dios

thank you = gracias
do you know the lyrics that song?
to be about ... = estar a punto de ...

class 10 viernes 15 octubre 2010

¿Qué más puedo hacer?
What else can I do?
Hago todo lo que puedo.
I do everything I can.

Shall we repeat whenever Kyle tells us to?

class 11 lunes 18 octubre 2010

you start to [learn/learning] English?

pronunciación de run-ran:
run /rʌn/
ran /ræn/ más abierta y nasal

class 12 martes 19 octubre 2010

to give in = rendirse, ceder

to back up = respaldar, apoyar
heir = /eә(r)/ heredero

class 13 miércoles 20 octubre 2010

ahora mismo = right now

hace un momento = just now
pasta, dinero = dough
Hicieron una fortuna = They made a fortune
Hazme una promesa = Make me a promise
Hazme un favor = Do me a favour
¿Hiciste reservas? = Did you make reservations?
Hice un crucigrama = I did a crossword puzzle
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Haz ejercicios = Do exercises

Tengo que hacer un recado = I have to do an errand
Él no hizo nada = He didn't do anything

furniture = muebles, incontable

Did you sell furniture last week?
as far as I know = que yo sepa
as far as I'm concerned = en lo que a mí me atañe
I'm concerned = estoy preocupado
go fly a kite = vete a freir espárragos
I don't care = me trae sin cuidado
to a complaint

class 14 jueves 21 octubre 2010

my car is in good (singular )

¿cuánto tiempo nos queda? = how much time do we have left?

class 15 viernes 22 octubre 2010

Dios mediante = God willing

What did you say? = ¿Qué has dicho?

 much, many, a lot of

much: para incontables o singular

I don't have much sugar, money, patience
en afirmativo nunca se usa
lo contrario de
I don't have much money, sugar, patience
I have a lot of money, sugar, patience
a lot of = lots of: I have lots of money
para contables y plural:
I don't have many problems
I have a lot of problems
también se admite (es correcto, pero no es muy inglés)
I have many problems
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
many para interrogativo y negativo
a lot of sirve para siempre: interrogativo, negativo y afirmativo, contable e incontable

class 16 lunes 25 octubre 2010

the party
how long did you start to learn English?

class 17 martes 26 octubre 2010

  siempre en ese orden

to tell someone something 
siempre con to tell
a lie, a story, the truth, a tail
to be better [doing] something than ...

class 18 miércoles 27 octubre 2010

It's more and more difficult ...

It's easier and easier ...

class 19 jueves 28 octubre 2010

livestock = ganado
gross domestic product = PIB
gross regional product = producto regional bruto
she's more and more beautiful = she's prettier and prettier
we're further and further away = estamos cada vez más lejos
He's crazy about baseball = está loco por el beisbol

de vez en cuando

from time to time [se usa poco]

every once in a while
every now and then
now and then
every now and again [BR]
se usan al principio o al final de la frase (como referencia temporal)
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate


since when = desde cuándo

to surrender = rendirse (en una guerra; en otro contexto es to give up o to give in
carne y hueso (no uña y carne )= flesh and blood
irse de vacaciones (viaje) = to go on holliday
did you have a nice holliday = ¿lo pasaste bien en tus vacaciones?
hollidays = las vacaciones

I'm going ...

to the hairdresser's
to the doctor's

class 20 viernes 29 octubre 2010

to bake = hornear
to know how to bake cakes
not long ago = no hace mucho

class 21 lunes 1 noviembre 2010

I'm not crazy about hunting.

I dropped six objects.
mall = centro comercial AM/shopping centre EN
Which part of Spain were you born in?

class 22 martes 2 noviembre 2010

also = también, siempre se pone en medio, casi nunca al final de una frase
at nine o'clock sharp = a las nueve en punto
a joke = una broma y siempre es to tell a joke
present AM = gift EN
never mind = no hagas caso

class 24 jueves 4 noviembre 2010

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Besides books, what else do you read?

to make a living = to earn a living = ganarse la vida
to take for granted = dar por hecho
sabelotodo = know-it-all
Who is his boss?
Do you know who his boss is?
What started it?
Do you know it started it? ?????????
aquí no cambia el orden porque la question word   es el sujeto

class 25 viernes 5 noviembre 2010

to speak to someone the phone

to speak to me the internet
to speak something
I spoke to you at the gym while getting fit
in all = en total
which one are in my left hand?
fiancée prometida
bride en la boda
fiancé prometido
groom en la boda

indirect questions
- Which one is it?
Do you know which one it is?
no cambia
no cambia
- Which drink tastes like Pepsi?
Do you know which drink tastes like Pepsi?
- Which book is on the table?
Do you know which book is on the table?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 26 lunes 8 noviembre 2010

to speak to someone the phone

  NUNCA by phone

indirect questions
Which one is mine? = Do you know which one is mine?
porque mine is the subject
How is she feeling? = Do you know how she's feeling?
How do you clean this? = Do you know how you clean this?

to have trouble + verbo-ing = costar trabajo + verbo

I don't have [any] trouble ...

to put on = ponerse (ropa o lo que sea sobre el cuerpo)

to take off = quitarse
maquillarse = to put on make up

class 28 miércoles 10 noviembre 2010

the count of three, we'll switch

class 29 jueves 11 noviembre 2010

- Were the people friendly?

Actually I tought they were going to be friendlier.
- Was the hotel expensive?
Actually I tought it was going to be more expensive.

class 31 lunes 15 noviembre 2010

asked you   se pronuncia como ast you   comiéndose la k

- It's raining.
I told you it was going to rain.
- They're wining.
I told you they were going to win.
- She's falling.
I told you she was going to fall.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
c ass martes 16 noviembre 2010

to take off my watch

put it back on

class 37 martes 23 noviembre 2010

Are there as many people in Wales as ?

One sheep, two
I feel sólo en relación a la salud. Lo normal es I feel good, I feel fine.

class 38 miércoles 24 noviembre 2010

he dormido = I slept
I like apples, and I like apples on that table.
Are you scared of dogs?
Do you like cookies I made?
- I'd like to speak to XX/Can you put me through to XX?/May I speak to XX
- May I ask who's calling?
- YY from Spain.
- I'll put you through [to him right away]
- I'm sorry, XX is not in. May I take a message?
- No thank you, I'll call back later/Yes, tell him ...
- I'll put you right through to him
Genitivo sajón:
Plurales: my parents's house, se pronuncia con solo una
Nombre terminado en s: Carlos's cat, se pronuncia

class 39 jueves 25 noviembre 2010

 phone calls

Can you tell him I called?

I'm calling about a possible meeting I would like to set with him concerning English
Ah, he's not in? Could you leave him a message?
Could you tell him that I called and that I'll call back tomorrow morning?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

May I take a message

Would you like to leave a message?
May I ask who's calling?
I'll put you through [to him/her] right away.

did you understand what I said?

Mares eat oats, and does eat oats.

(Doe, a deer, a female deer ... )

 Mairzy doats


worn out = agotado, cansado

yolk /jәʊk/ = yema de huevo
queasy = mareado
to think about  something
to think of  someone

a few

a few [years, days, seconds] ago/back

a few = uno s  pocos
en el futuro: in a few days = dentro de unos días
a little = un poco
tengo un poco de agua
do you speak English?
a little ( a few)

class 41 lunes 29 noviembre 2010

there is, are, was, were

There are  a few problems with the new system.

There's some milk in the fridge.
There isn't any money in my account. (singular para incontables)
There aren't any books on my table.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

to write

Ask me who I wrote the letter to.

Who did you write the letter to?
a handwritten   letter
I'm writing [to] you to inform you ...

class 42 martes 30 noviembre 2010

to write

Ask me who the third letter was to.

Who was the third letter to/for?
did you write it [in] longhand? = ¿lo has escrito a mano?


se dice most, no the most :

Do most people own a house?

to turn on

Para encender un aparato eléctrico se usa to turn on y to switch on

Siempre implica electricidad excepto en el sentido de excitar .

class 43 miércoles 1 diciembre 2010

can you hold this for me?

here you go
there you are
fortunate /'fɔ:tʃәnәt/

class 45
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

toast es incontable: pieces of toast

lamb /læm/

class 46 lunes 6 diciembre 2010

Ask me who I ate with.

Who did you eat with?
Could you show me your cup please?
Sure, do you want me to show it to you with my left hand or with my right hand?
I don't care, you can use either hand, whichever hand you want to show me the cup.
... is the other way around = es al revés
acquaintance = conocido (persona conocida, sustantivo)
to set fire to = prender fuego a

class 47 martes 7 diciembre 2010

déjame intentarlo = let me try

let me try it = déjame probarlo, catarlo (una comida, por ejemplo)
If at first you don't succeed, try and try again .
Rain, rain go away
come again another day

class 48 miércoles 8 diciembre 2010

more/less ... than para incontables:

My sister has less money than I do.
fewer ... than para contable:
My sister has fewer opportunities than I do.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 49 jueves 9 diciembre 2010

brought (bring), bought (buy), taught (teach), caught (catch), fought (fight)
no se dice boring 
  a secas, sino more boring 
mug: cara (forma despectiva), asaltar (a una persona para robarle) y mug 

translation list 2

1. No te gustarán.
You won't like them.
2. No quiero seguir.
I don't want to go on.
3. Despídete de ellos.
Say 'good bye' to them.
4. Estoy esperando que salgan de la sala.
I'm waiting for them to leave the room.
5. Mira en ambos sentidos antes de cruzar.
Look both ways before crossing.
6. Me gustaría ser famoso.
I'd like to be famous.
7. Siéntate y escúchame un momento.
Sit down and listen to me for a moment.
8. ¿Por qué lo hiciste así?
Why did you do it [that way/like that]?
9. Me dijeron que estabas enfadado.
They told me [that] you were angry.
10. ¿Te importa que fume?
Do you mind if I smoke?
11. No son lo suficientemente altos.
They're not tall enough.
12. Hay demasiada gente aquí.
There are to many people here.

class 50 viernes 10 diciembre 2010

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

comb /kәʊm/ peine

to turn off (una corriente eléctrica)
to blow up = soplar (una vela, una llama)
to put out /to extinguish = extinguir
good day! = g'day

class 51 lunes 13 diciembre 2010


there is more sunlight in Spain than in France

there is less sunlight in France than in Spain
there isn't as much sunlight in France as in Spain
incontables: more than, less than, as much as
contables: more than, fewer than, as many as

otras cosas

encender un mechero no es to turn on lighter   sino

to light a lighter 
mason = maestro cantero
holidays EN
vacation AM
¿Puedes ayudarme a llevar ésto a la cocina?
Can you help me take this to the kitchen?

class 52 martes 14 diciembre 2010

Anybody ( singular ) can learn English if they ( plural, para evitar his/her ) put their
mind into it.
Anybody can learn English if he or she put his or her mind into it ( sería en plan
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

To be aware of that fact
take advantage of it = aprovéchalo
everybody, anybody son singulares

class 53 miércoles 15 diciembre 2010

any Tom, Dick and Harry = cualquier hijo de vecino

en inglés se usa más "to fly to, to drive to" en lugar de "to go by medio de
locomoción " como en español. Fly me to the Moon ... .
¿Te importaría usar el otro coche? = Would you mind using   the other car?
Pensé que estarías de acuerdo = I thought [that] you would agree
lever /'li:vә(r)/ BR /'levәr/ AM

class 54 jueves 16 diciembre 2010


Si en lugar de «at» se usa «in», se entiende igual. Pero no al revés.

To be «at» the farmacy: una persona que va por el servicio, está «at» the farmacy.
Un perro que se escapa y se mete en una farmacia está «in» the farmacy.
Una persona que va a ver un partido de béisbol está "at the baseball game". Si lleva
un perro, el perro está "in the stadium".
To go or to be at  school.
AM: to be at [college/the university]
EN: to be at university

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the best teacher of them all?
To look into  the mirror = mirarse en el espejo
to look at  the mirror = mirar el espejo
I'm better than the best!

class 55 viernes 17 diciembre 2010

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Diles lo que me dijiste.

Tell them what you told me.
Yo no dije eso.
I didn't say that.
Yo no te dije eso.
I didn't tell you that.
Salieron para Brasil anoche.
They left for Brazil last night.

class 56 lunes 20 diciembre 2010

in the whole wide world = en el mundo mundial

class 59 jueves 23 diciembre 2010

lo mejor de este programa = the best thing about   this program

el plural de sheep es sheep
consciousness /'kɑ:ntʃәsnәs / ||/'kɒnʃәsnɪs/
to lose a game, to lose the keys
to miss the train

class 60 viernes 24 diciembre 2010

perder = lose, lost, lost

pérdida = loss
quiero que haya una reunión mañana = I want there to be a meeting tomorrow
Will there be anyone you know there?
Yes, there will be someone I know there.
Will there be any drink there too?
Yes, there will be some drink there too.

class 61 lunes 27 diciembre 2010

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!

matchmaker = casamentero
Easy-peasy (japanese) = muy fácil
look at what I found
wallet = cartera (más de uso de hombres)
purse = monedero

Fiddler on the roof - Matchmaker

class 63 miércoles 29 diciembre 2010

tratar con gente = to deal with people

to deal with a problem = tratar un problema
significa mucho para mí = it means a lot to me

class 64 jueves 30 diciembre 2010

how many did you [miss/get right]? how many did you get wrong?
Para los años múltiplos de 100 se dice:
  two thousand, the year 
the year    nineteen hundred, etc.
to promote someone = ascender a alguien
to promote sth. = promover algo
to lack = faltar
I'm lacking ideas = me faltan ideas
to report to = depender de
Do you agree there is too much traffic in Madrid?

class 65 viernes 31 diciembre 2010

Do you see what I mean?

Do you know what I mean?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 67 martes 4 enero 2010

to beat

translation list 12

1. Yo no sabía que estabas detrás de mí.

I didn't know [that] you were behind me.
  si es físicamente; after 
, si es en sentido de  persecución .)
2. ¿Qué ibas a decir?
What were you going to say?
3. Nunca lo he hecho.
I've never done it.
4. No me gustan los coches grandes.
I don't like big cars.
5. Quiero que me escuches.
I want you to listen to me.
6. Déjales hacer lo que quieran.
Let them do whatever they want.
7. ¿Lo encontraste?
Did you find it?
8. ¿Quién lo encontró?
Who found it?
9. ¿Por qué no lo buscaste?
Why didn't you look for it?
10. Todavía hay monedas en la máquina.
There are still some coins in the machine.
11. Espero que entiendas nuestra postura.
I hope you understand our position.
12. ¿Cuánto se tarda en diseñar un producto?
How long does it take to design a product?

class 68 miércoles 5 enero 2011

Did you beat Paul Gasol basketball last february?

I beat Santa Claus a 100 meter race last Christmas.
adjetivos/adverbios +
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

  + nombre (se admite al revés en plan poético)

to be speechless = quedarse sin palabras
applicant = candidato
an fills an form to for a job

class 69 viernes 7 enero 2011

it's not low enough for me to touch

it's not close enough for me to read
how much was it? = how much did it cost?

translation list 13

1. No hemos perdido nada todavía.

We haven't lost anything yet.
2. Lo ví con mis propios ojos.
I saw it with my own eyes.
3. Tienes que pagar el precio.
You have to pay the price.
4. Es muy hermosa esta ciudad.
This city is very beautiful.
5. Llegarás a ser famoso algún día.
You'll become famous some day.
6. No olvides lo que te dije.
Don't forget what I told you.
7. Eso no es lo que quiero.
That's not what I want.
8. Lo compraré cuando tenga suficiente dinero.
I'll buy it when I have enough money.
9. Ella siempre lleva ropa extraña.
She always wears strange clothes.
10. ¿Por qué siempre dice ella tu nombre en francés?
Why does she always say your name in French?
11. El programa durará hasta la próxima semana.
The program will last until next week.
12. Él lee más rápido que la mayoría de la gente.
He reads faster than most people.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 70 lunes 10 enero 2011

to do  the shopping, the gardening, the washing [up], the house cleaning, the house
keeping, the homework, the houswork
two flights of stairs = dos tramos de escalera


whose camera is that?

whose pencils are these?
(aunque se admite whose are these pencils? )

class 71 martes 11 enero 2011

whose también es cuyo:

Peter Shakespeare is the man whose son is the poet William.
chores = tareas domésticas, faena

to teach

teach, taught, taught: |tɔːt|

fight, fought, fought: |fɔːt|
catch, caught, caught: |kɔːt|
buy, bought, bought: |bɔːt|
bring, brought, brought: |brɔːt|
thing, thought, thought: |θɔːt|
I thought I bought it and brought it = pensé que lo compré y lo traje

translation list 14

1. Yo creía que estaban hablando en alemán.

I thought [that] they were speaking [in] German.
2. No lleves cosas pesadas.
Don't carry heavy things.
3. Pide a alguien que te ayude.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Ask someone to help you.

4. Recuerda lo que pasó la última vez.
Remember what happend the last time.
5. He oído suficiente.
I've heard enought.
6. ¿Siempre suena así?
Does it always sound like that?
7. Ya no trabajan aquí.
They don't work here anymore.
8. Se marcharon de la empresa hace dos meses.
They left the company two months ago.
9. Se trasladaron a otro país.
They moved to another country.
10. Nunca he escrito una carta de amor.
I've never written a love letter.
11. Siempre hay una primera vez.
There's always a first time.
12. ¿Con qué frecuencia te llama ella?
How often does she call you?

class 72 miércoles 12 enero 2011

why ...? because ...

what are we here for? we're here to ...

class 73 jueves 13 enero 2011

to catch

translation list 15

1. Me dijeron que estabas enfermo.

They told me you were sick/ill.
2. Por eso no te invité a la boda.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

That's why I didn't invite you to the wedding.

3. ¿Me puedes traer un vaso de agua?
Can you bring me a glass of water?
4. Tengo mucha sed.
I'm very thirsty.
5. No he comido nada desde ayer.
I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
6. Estoy cansado de ser pobre.
I'm tired of being poor.
7. Quiero hacer lo que hace la gente rica y famosa.
I want to do what the rich and famous people do.
8. ¿Qué hacen?
What do they do?
9. No tienen que preocuparse por el dinero.
They don't have to worry about money.
10. Enseñame cómo hacerlo.
Show/teach me how to do it.
11. La línea está ocupada.
The line's busy/engaged (AM/EN).
12. ¿Dónde guardas tu colección de sellos?
Where do you keep your stamp collection?

class 74 viernes 14 enero 2011

to take on (responsabilities) = asumir (responsabilidades), aceptar trabajo, contratar

(a gente)
aloud = out loud = en voz alta
excepto  pensar en voz alta   = to think

to take on

to take on more responsabilities

ask me if we tooke on more teachers for these course?
did you take to help you at work?
ask me if I took on another project
do you think is good to take on too much work?
Tienes que asumir más responsabilidades.
You have to take on more responsabilities.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Ellos tienen que contratar a un jardinero para ayudarles con el jardín.

They have to take on a gardener to help them with the garden.
Voy a encargarme de ese proyecto.
I'm going to take on that project.
Contrataron a muchas enfermeras el año pasado.
They took on [many/a lot of] nurses last year.

 what's ... like?

¿qué tiempo hace? = what's the weather like?

how's the weather? es un poco flojo
¿cómo es Chicago? = what's Chicago like?

class 75 lunes 17 enero 2011

to spend money or time: I spent 7 days in Rome = I stayed in Rome for 7 days
to hitch-hike = hacer autostop o dedo
we spent quite a bit of money = gastamos bastante dinero
to spend money groceries

translation list 16

1. Habrá varias demostraciones.

There will be several demonstrations.
2. Tengo que asistir a una reunión urgente.
I have to attend an urgent meeting.
3. Todo el mundo fue a la fiesta, incluso mi jefe.
Everybody went to the party, even my boss.
4. Nadie sabe nada acerca de aquello.
Nobody knows anything about that.
5. Se tarda media hora en llegar al aeropuerto.
It takes half an hour to get to the airport.
6. Hay demasiada gente en esta empresa.
There are too many people in this company.
7. Había demasiado humo en la sala.
There was too much smoke in the room.
8. Alcanzarás tu potencial.
You'll reach your potential.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

9. Lleva esto a mi secretaria.

Take this to my secretary.
10. Dáselo.
Give it to her.
11. Él no dijo por qué se marchaba.
He didn't say why he was leaving.
12. Tiene algo que ver con el dinero.
It has something to do with money.

class 76 martes 18 enero 2011

what did you spend it on?

hay trabajo que hacer = there's work to be done

the present perfect

class 77 miércoles 19 enero 2011

La conozco desde hace mucho tiempo.

I've known her for a long time.
en lo que va de mes ...
so far this month ...

to take

Little Child - Meet The Beatles

Little Child, little child,
little child won't you dance with me?
I so sad and lonely,
Baby take a chance with me.
... a risk, a chance, a shower, the day off, to take pictures, to take a nap, to take
sb. somewhere, to take a rest

translation list 17
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

1. ¿Cuánto tardaste en aprender tu trabajo?

How long did it take you to learn your job?
2. ¿Me estás hablando a mí?
Are you talking to me?
3. Creí que hablabas contigo mismo.
I thought you were talking to yourself.
4. No sé dónde están.
I don't know where they are.
5. Entrégalo lo antes posible.
Deliver it [as soon as possible/asap]. ( pronunciado /ˈeɪsɒp/ )
6. ¿Dónde has estado?
Where have you been?
7. ¿Dónde estuviste anoche?
Where were you last night?
8. ¿Dónde estás ahora?
Where are you now?
9. ¿Dónde estarás a las 10 de la noche?
Where will you be at 10?
10. ¿Dónde estarías ahora sin mí?
Where would you be now without me?
11. Hay muchos errores en el informe.
There are a lot of mistakes in the report.
12. ¿Estás seguro de que quieres hacerlo?
Are you sure you want to do it?

class 79 viernes 21 enero 2011

Ejercicio Present perfect , con una lista de verbos:

I saw her last week, but I haven't seen her this week. ( negativo )
I didn't see UFO last week, but I've seen three this week. ( afirmativo )
How many did you see yesterday? How many people have you seen today? ( interrogativo )
I bought you lunch yesterday = te a comer ayer
invite: to invite   es por ejemplo llamar a alguien para que se una a un evento.

translation list 18

1. Atiende este asunto ahora, no más tarde.

[Handle/take care of] this matter now, not later.
2. No dejes las cosas para más tarde.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Don't leave things for later.

3. Dime todo lo que sabes.
Tell me everything you know.
4. Quiero que ellos vayan conmigo.
I want them to go with me.
5. No pararán para esperarte.
They won't stop to wait for you.
6. ¿Quién está haciendo ese horrible ruido?
Who's making that horrible noise?
7. Incluso mi mujer estaba de acuerdo conmigo.
Even my wife agreed with me.
8. Nadie le dió nada a él.
Nobody gave him anything.
9. ¿Qué hacía él cuando le viste?
What was he doing when you saw him?
10. Puedes encontrar todo en el manual de instrucciones.
You can find everything in the manual.
11. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para conseguir ayuda?
What do I have to do to get help?
12. No me pidas nada.
Don't ask me for anything.

class 80 lunes 24 enero 2011

to ask for = pedir

pídeselo a él = ask him for it
pídele un café = ask him for a coffee
pídeselo ahora = ask him for it now
pídele a ella un lápiz = ask her for a pencil
pídemelo = ask me for it
do you know whose class this is?

answer in the negative

Do you know whose shoes they are?

No, I don't know whose shoes they are.
Do you know whose boss we had the meeting with?
Do you know whose house the burglar broke into?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Do you know whose couch we're sitting on?

Do you know whose turn it is?
Do you know whose purse that is?
Do you know whose story won the competition?
Do you know whose song is on the radio?
Do you know whose necklace you're wearing?
Do you know whose brother I run into?
Do you know whose office we're in?
Do you know whose hometown I visited?
Do you know whose mess you're tidying up?
Do you know whose telephone is ringing?
Do you know whose idea this was?

I'm in a seafood diet: I see food and I eat it.

class 81 martes 25 enero 2011

to look up to someone = admirar a alguien

to see = es pasivo
to watch = es mirar con intención
to see someone = salir con alguien
to see out the client = acompañar a la puerta al cliente
to forsee = prever

translation list 19

1. Siento que perdieras tanto dinero.

I'm sorry you lost so much money.
2. Dime lo que estás pensando.
Tell me what you're thinking.
3. No dijeron a dónde iban.
They didn't say where they were going.
4. Ella estaba segura de que ganaría la apuesta.
She was sure she would win the bet.
5. ¿A dónde vas?
Where are you going?
6. ¿Qué haces?
What are you doing?
7. ¿Es esto lo que quieres?
Is this what you want?
8. Estoy sorprendido por los resultados.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

I'm surprised by/at/with the results.

9. Nadie creía que ellos terminarían tan pronto.
Nobody thought they would finish so soon.
early es temprano , soon es  pronto
10. Forman un equipo fantástico.
They [form/make up] a fantastic team.
11. Trabajan bien juntos.
They work well together.
12. Se entienden los unos a los otros.
They understand [each other/one another].

class 82 miércoles 26 enero 2011


Diferencia entre finish/end   (clase 5): Vaughan 4.0

Sujeto impersonal > end Intermediate
Sujeto personal > finish
This class will end when I finish it. Advanced
to look it up: en diccionario, en la guía telefónica, en un cuadro horario ...
to look for sth. = buscar algo perdido clases 1 a 20
Have you ever heard of ...? 21 a 40
Have you ever heard about ...? = ¿Has oído lo último sobre ...?41 a 60
61 a 80
to look into
81 a 100
to look into = investigar, mirar, considerar o estudiar posibilidades, alternativas
101 a 120
121 a 140
Will you look into the mather lately?
Did you ask him to look into it yesterday? 141 a 160
Did they ask you to look into the problem? 161 a 180
Did he ask them to look into it? 181 a 195
Have they looked into it?
Will you look into it?
Did you look into it yesterday?
Ask me if I'll look into it tonight. Elementary
Ask me if I looked into it yesterday. Intermediate
Ask me if my sister has looked into it too. Advanced
Ask me if I always look into all the posibilities. Super-Advanced

Common Mistakes
class 83
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Have you heard The Who?

... and the Japanese, the French, the Americans could defeat ...
Disraeli Gears (LP del grupo Cream en donde estaba Eric Clapton)
to get
The older we get, the more we forget.
I'll look into the matter = lo investigaré
carnet de conducir = driver's license [AM]
driving licence [UK]
Almost everybody gets their driver's license when they're sixteen.
Error gramatical a propósito, que consiste en que el sujeto es singular y no concuerda
con el pronombre posesivo (poseedor plural), para evitar "...
driver's license when is sixteen", que sería lo correcto.
El sujeto almost everybody es singular.
I'm not getting tired answering questions.

translation list 20

1. Una vez que empiezan, no acaban.

Once they start, they don't stop.
(begin es correcto, pero no se dice en este caso)
2. Por eso siempre terminan los primeros.
That's why they always finish first.
3. ¿Estás seguro de que es ésto lo que quieres?
Are you sure this is what you want?
4. Deja tu coche al lado del mío.
Leave your car next to mine.
5. No me lo puedo creer.
I can't believe it.
6. ¿Cuánto tardaste?
How long did it take you?
7. ¿Dónde estabas cuando ocurrió?
Where were you when it happened?
8. Es peor de lo que yo pensaba.
It's worse than I tought.
9. Déjame verlo.
Let me see it.
10. ¿Cómo hiciste eso?
How did you do that?
11. Estás loco si crees que te voy a seguir.
You're crazy if you think I'm going to follow you.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

12. Prefiero hacer las cosas a mi manera.

I prefer to do things my way.

class 84 viernes 28 enero 2011

I'm glad to see your back = I'm glad to see you're back

class 85 lunes 31 enero 2011

Have you ever taken any golf lessons?

Me encantaría = I'd love it

translation list 21

1. Hablemos de ellos.
Let's talk about them.
2. ¿Qué quieres que te diga?
What do you want me to tell you?
3. Mira el cuadro y dime lo que ves.
Look at the picture and tell me what you see.
4. Veo un hombre montando a caballo.
I [can] see a man riding a horse.
5. ¿Me puedes traer un clip?
Can you bring me a paper clip?
6. No soy tan alto como él.
I'm not as tall as he is.
7. Mantén la espalda recta.
Keep your back straight.
8. ¿Sabías que esto iba a ocurrir?
Did you know this was going to happen?
9. Oí algo, pero no sabía qué era.
I heard something, but I didn't know what it was.
I heard they burned a bird = /aɪ h d ðeɪ b nd ә b d/
10. Mis ideas son parecidas a las tuyas.
My ideas are similar to yours.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

11. Estaban volando por encima de las nubes.

They were flying above the clouds.
above love = /әˈb v l v/
12. Mi nivel es inferior al de ellos.
My level is below theirs.

class 87 miércoles 2 febrero 2011

to dwell = morar, habitar

to dwell on = ocuparse en, preocuparse por


How long have you been awake?

How long have you known me?
How long have you had that necklace?
How long have you lived in your current house?
How long have you considered English to be an important language?
How long have you been my student?
How long have you known that English was important?
How long have you lived in Spain?

translation list 22

1. Me siento como un hombre nuevo.

I feel like a new man.
2. Siento como si estuviera flotando.
I feel as if I were floating.
como si = as if
3. No me cuentes la misma historia otra vez.
Don't tell me the same story again.
4. Alguien tendrá que venir.
Someone [will have/has] to come.
5. Levántate y contesta el teléfono.
Get up and answer the telephone.
6. Si es Pepe, dile que no estoy.
If it's Pepe, tell him I'm not .
7. Dile que me he ido a la playa.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Tell him I['ve gone/went] [/AM] to the beach.

8. Dile cualquier cosa.
Tell him anything.
9. Yo no sé mentir.
I don't know how to lie.
10. ¿Cuánto quieren por el cuadro?
How much do they want for the picture?
11. No me lo des todavía.
Don't give it to me yet.
12. No hay mercado para un producto como ése.
There isn't a market for a product like that.

class 88 jueves 3 febrero 2011

where, wear = /weә/ (si no se aspira la h  como en AM)

class 89 viernes 4 febrero 2011

(to wear = llevar puesto)

to wear out = deteriorar
wear = desgaste (sustantivo)
wear and tear = desgaste natural
to write a typewriter
to look up = buscar (consultar) en un diccionario, una tabla, una guía
to look for = buscar
to look for a job
también, buscar algo que se ha perdido
to search for = buscar, en plan campaña organizada de búsqueda
to search = registrar (para encontrar algo)
Did you look for help with your English?

translation list 23

1. Pon la fecha en la parte superior.

Put the date the top.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

2. Firma al pié.
Sign at the bottom.
  the corner
3. Estoy un poco cansado, eso es todo.
I'm a little/bit tired, that's all.
I know how to take care of myself.
4. ¿Quieres que me siente?
Do you want me to seat down?
5. Espera hasta que estén listos.
Wait until they're ready.
6. ¿Están listos ya?
Are they ready yet?
7. Nunca haces nada por mí.
You never do anything for me.
8. Hay alguien esperándote.
There's somebody/someone wainting for you.
9. ¿Quién es?
Who is it?
10. Yo no sé quién es.
I don't know who it is.
11. Le preguntaré quién es.
I'll ask him who he is.
12. No conozco a nadie por ese nombre.
I don't know anybody by that name.

class 90 lunes 7 febrero 2011

to look + preposition

Do most men look the mirror when they are shaving?

How often do you look up the stars?
Did you look the book this morning?
Am I looking you with both eyes or just one eye?
Am I looking at you or am I looking at George?
Am I looking at her or am I looking at you?
Are you looking a new car at the moment?
Do people look with their eyes or with their ears?
Are you looking at me or are you looking at the floor?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Do you look at cartoons with your children on the television?

Do you look at yourself on TV?
Do you look at the keyboard while typing?

Will you me take a few pencils out?

to let = to allow = to permit (en ese orden de frecuencia de uso)
Let me give you [a piece of/some] advice.
Did your parents let you play outside whenever you wanted you?
You get out of it what you put into it.
I'll call you back two hours = Te llamo dentro de dos horas

class 91 martes 8 febrero 2011

Ask me if I let my students not do their homework?

Where did you go for your holidays last year?
Last year I went to the US holidays.
Do you ever go for a swim in the sea?
  comer = I've just eaten
acabar de + infinitivo = to have just + past participle
acabar de + infinitivo = just + past simple [AM]
I'm about to = estoy a punto de
imitarte = to do an impression of you
Él acaba de salir = He's just gone out = He just went out

translation list 24

1. Siempre tengo hambre.

I'm always hungry.
2. Esto va a ser un desastre.
This is going to be a disaster.
3. Conozco un lugar que te va a gustar.
I know a place you're going to like.
4. ¿Cuáles son nuestras alternativas?
What are our alternatives?
5. Aparca donde puedas.
Park wherever you can.
6. ¿Dónde dejaste las llaves?
Where did you leave the keys?
7. ¿Conoces el camino hasta mi casa?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
Do you know the way to my house?
8. Estás jugando con mis sentimientos.
You're playing with my feelings.
9. ¿Les puedes llevar al hotel?
Can you take them to the hotel?
10. Más de la mitad de ellos fuman.
More than half of them smoke.
11. Viven al otro lado del río.
They live on the other side of the river.
12. Incluso el profesor comete errores algunas veces.
Even the teacher makes mistakes sometimes.

class 92 miércoles 9 febrero 2011

to tell him off = regañarle

es separable: cuando hay pronombre va entre el verbo y la preposición

class 93 jueves 10 febrero 2011

Have you ever thought about...?

translation list 25

1. ¿Sabes cuánto tardarán?

Do you know how long it'll take them?
2. Siempre tardan mucho tiempo.
It always takes them a long time.
3. Mueve las sillas al otro lado de la habitación, por favor.
Move the chairs to the other side of the room, please.
4. Dame otro, no éste.
Give me another [one], not this [one].
5. De hecho quiero el que tenías ayer.
In fact I want the one you had yesterday.
6. Estoy cansado de mirar cifras.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

I'm tired of looking at figures.

7. Comprueba este cálculo, por favor.
Check this calculation, please.
8. Está fuera de mi alcance.
It's out of my reach.
9. La situación económica está mejorando.
The economic situation is improving.
10. Habrá opiniones interesantes.
There will be interesting opinions.
11. No llueve demasiado en esta región.
It doesn't rain much in this region.
12. Si le ves, díle que me llame.
If you see him, tell him to call me.

class 94 viernes 11 febrero 2011

Hace mucho que no sé nada de ella = I haven't heard her in a long time
No tengo noticias sobre ella = I haven't heard her
Have you ever heard Andrew Jackson?
Last I lost 767,676 at bingo.

class 95 lunes 14 febrero 2011

translation list 26

1. Tienes 10 minutos para preparar una respuesta.

You have 10 minutes to prepare an answer.
2. Los tigres son animales peligrosos.
Tigers are dangerous animals.
3. ¿Por qué quieres saber lo que hay dentro?
Why do you want to know [what there is/what's] inside?
4. Va a ser un día muy triste.
It's going to be a very sad day.
5. ¿Quién dijo que íbamos a perder?
Who said we were going to lose?
6. ¿Te estás cansando?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Are you getting tired?

7. ¿Te cansas fácilmente?
Do you get tired easily?
8. Él nunca se cansa.
He never gets tired.
9. ¿Qué pasó con los papeles que dejé aquí?
What happened to the papers I left here?
10. Los dejé aquí mismo, al lado del teléfono.
I left them right here, next to the telephone.
11. Alguien ha estado utilizando tu mesa.
Someone has been using your desk.
12. Tu jefe estuvo aquí hace media hora.
Your boss was here half an hour ago.

class 96 martes 15 febrero 2011

to type the computer

to [have to/must]

en caso de duda entre have to y must, usar have to

casi siempre es to have to : imperativo externo
I have to work
to must   es por imperativo moral personal:
I must find a way to work less
to must   también cuando es conclusión lógica:
she must be rich (usa un rolls )
don't have to = don't need or needn't
you don't have to worry
you needn't worry about it
don't have to = no necesidad
mustn't es alarma
you mustn't go there
should  y shouldn't   es un consejo, recomendación

class 97 miércoles 16 febrero 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

party pooper = aguafiestas [US]

translation list 27

1. ¿No hay una forma más rápida de aprender inglés?

Isn't there a faster way to learn English?
2. Incluso había gente de Australia.
There were even [some] people from Australia.
3. ¿Qué hacían aquí esos japoneses?
What were those Japanese people doing here?
4. Querían aprender nuestros métodos de trabajo.
They wanted to learn our work/working methods.
5. Les dejamos salir antes que a los demás.
We let them leave before the rest/others.
6. La gente no quería marcharse.
The people didn't want to leave.
7. Todo el mundo se lo pasó bien.
Everyone had a good time.
8. Alguien robó el dinero que (yo) tenía en el bolsillo de mi abrigo.
Someone stole the money I had in my coat pocket.
9. Dejaron las llaves, pero se llevaron el dinero.
They left the keys, but they took the money.
10. ¿Me puedes prestar dinero para un taxi?
Can you lend me [some] money for a taxi?
11. Hoy no es mi día.
Today's not my day.
12. Lo leerán antes de tomar una decisión.
They'll read it before making/taking (/[UK]) a decision.

class 98 jueves 17 febrero 2011

I get up early on Mondays/Monday.

Do you have to get up early on Mondays/Monday?
to fight
to buy, bring, fight, think, teach, seek, catch.
as it happens I was teaching the same verbs...
da la casualidad = as it happens
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 99 viernes 18 febrero 2011

Da la casualidad que tenemos un amigo en común.

As it happens we have a friend in common.
Da la casualidad que a los dos nos encanta la música.
As it happens [we both/both of us] like music.
Da la casualidad que nos conocimos en un restaurante.
As it happens we met at a restaurant.

translation list 28

1. ¿Quién va a ganar la carrera?

Who's going to win the race?
2. Le ví a él en medio de la multitud.
I saw him in the middle of the crowd.
3. Esto mata insectos en menos de cinco segundos.
This kills insects in less than five seconds.
4. Y el efecto dura tres meses.
And the effect lasts [for] three months.
5. Déjame ver tu informe.
Let me [see/go over] your report.
6. Tienes suerte de tener una jefa como ella.
You're lucky to have a boss like her.
7. Cada vez que voy allí me piden el pasaporte.
[Every time/Whenever] I go there they ask me for my passport.
8. ¿Has leído todos esos libros?
Have you read all those books?
9. ¿Por qué llueve tanto aquí?
Why does it rain so much here?
10. ¿Quién escribió esta carta?
Who wrote this letter?
11. Todavía estoy esperando una respuesta.
I'm still waiting for an answer.
12. Dame el azul, no el verde.
Give me the blue one, not the green one.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 100 lunes 21 febrero 2011

Yet  al principio de frases afirmativas significa sin embargo :

I like potatoes, yet I rarely eat them.

class 101 martes 22 febrero 2011

tax return = declaración de la renta

tax rebate = devolución de impuestos
What time do I need to be there?
You need to be there 7 o'clock (at the latest).
US: the show had to begin at quarter past eleven
UK: the show had to begin at quarter past eleven

translation list 29

1. ¿Por qué son tan largas estas listas?

Why are these lists so long?
2. Hablas demasiado.
You talk to much.
3. Ocurre de vez en cuando.
It happens from time to time.
from time to time
now and then
every now and then
every now and again
every once in a while
4. ¿Con qué frecuencia ocurre?
How often does it happen?
5. ¿Fué tan fácil como decían?
Was it as easy as they said?
6. ¿Hubo problemas?
Were there any problems?
7. Tardarás alrededor de una hora.
It'll take you around/about an hour.
8. Estaban muertos cuando los encontré.
They were dead when I found them.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

9. Yo no tenía nada contra de él.

I didn't have anything against him.
10. Eran buenos amigos.
They were good friends.
11. Nunca ganarás tango como tu jefe.
You'll never earn as much as your boss.
12. Estoy de acuerdo con ellos.
I agree with them.

class 102 miércoles 23 febrero 2011

to sleep

What did you sleep in last night?

I slept in my pyjamas.
What else did you sleep in?
I slept in my bed (on the mattress).

to must

no tiene pasado: se usa

to moan = quejarse

class 103 jueves 24 febrero 2011

Which side of your bed did you sleep on?

Tengo que dejar de fumar.
I must quit smoking.
No debes hablar en la biblioteca.
You mustn't speak the library.
No debes fumar en las gasolineras.
You mustn't smoke in petrol stations.

translation list 30
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

1. ¿Puedes coger el sobre que dejé en tu mesa?

Can you get the enveloppe I left on your desk?
2. Todavía vivo allí.
I still live there.
3. Ya no vivo allí.
I don't live there anymore.
4. Están luchando por sus derechos.
They're fighting for their rights.
5. Gastaré mi dinero en cosas que me gustan.
I'll spend my money things I like.
6. No puedo mantener los ojos abiertos.
I can't keep my eyes open.
7. Tengo sueño.
I'm sleepy.
8. Déjeme sacar la foto.
Let me take the picture.
9. Quiero dejar un mensaje para Juan.
I want to leave a message for Juan.
10. Esta ciudad es la más hermosa de Europa.
This city is the most beautiful in Europe.
11. Todo el mundo quiere conocerte.
Everybody wants to meet you.
12. Llámame cuando tengas una oportunidad.
Call/phone/ring me when you have a chance.

class 104 viernes 25 febrero 2011

you mustn't do that: es una prohibición

you don't have to: no es necesario
Seeing that/as you're here, I guess I should start.
En vista de...

class 105 lunes 28 febrero 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

oa  siempre es /әʊ/

excepción: broad   /brɔ:d/

translation list 31

1. ¿Saben cargar un rifle?

Do they know how to load a rifle.
2. Deja que los alumnos trabajen juntos.
Let the students work together.
3. ¿Qué harás cuando te jubiles?
What will you do when you retire?
4. Cuando lleguen aquí, les mandaré a tu despacho.
When they get here, I'll send them to your office.
5. ¿No sabes lo que pasó?
Don't you know what happened?
6. Siempre tengo que hacer lo que él dice.
I always have to do what he says.
7. Él dice que estás un poco verde todavía.
He says you're still a little green.
8. Si no me ayudas, ¿cómo lo voy a hacer?
If you don't help me, how am I going to do it?
9. Vamos a perder mucho dinero este año.
We're going to lose a lot of money this year.
10. Sus (de él) últimas palabras eran difíciles de entender.
His last words were difficult to understand.
11. Estoy tan cansado que no me puedo ni mover.
I'm so tired I can't move.
12. Enseñame cómo lo hiciste.
Show me how you did it.

class 106 martes 1 marzo 2011


uso de must  en una conclusión lógica:

The educational system must be doing something wrong.

to shut
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

I'll try = lo intentaré

sin complemento
I'll try it = lo probaré (una comida, por ejemplo)
to shut = to close
advice   es incontable:
Would you like some advice?
shut up   = cerrar el pico
es una expresión fuerte
shut es equivalente a close: shut the door, shut your eyes,
to shut down = cerrar, referido operaciones comerciales
to shut down a business
the factory has shut down, it has gone out of business because the company's
diferencias shut/close:
cerrar la mano: to close the hand
en caso de duda, usar close
  puede entenderse como cierre (físico)
to close the factory 
El participio también se usa como adjetivo.

 must + not...

He must be rich
No debe de ser pobre: he can't be poor
En Norteamérica no lo dicen así, sino:
he be poor
sin contracción: musn't   es obligación
must not be = must + not be
must: conclusión lógica
not be
El resto de angloparlantes usan
He must be thirsty, because he keeps taking sips of water during the class
Hoy no bebe nada: he can't be thirsty
Hoy no bebe nada: he must not be thirsty

class 107 miércoles 2 marzo 2011

8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

translation list 32

1. ¿Qué quieres que yo haga?

What do you want me to do?
2. Vendí el único cuadro que tenía.
I sold the only painting I had.
3. Necesitaba dinero para ayudar a un amigo.
I needed money to help a friend.
4. Quédate allí hasta que suene la campana.
Stay there until the bell rings.
5. ¿Y si no suena?
And if it doesn't ring?
6. Espero que tengas razón.
I hope you're right.
7. Elijo mis propias corbatas.
I choose my own ties.
8. Enséñales dónde pusiste el dinero.
Show them where you put the money.
9. Déjame si ya no me quieres.
Leave me if you don't love me anymore.
10. Tengo que hacerlo de nuevo.
I have to do it again.
11. ¿Qué camisa llevas hoy?
What shirt are you wearing today?
12. ¿Cuándo quieres estar ahí?
When do you want to be there?

Big Spender
Rock Around the Clock

class 108 jueves 3 marzo 2011

review: still

to tell the time

8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

it's three o'clock

(of the clock)
tres en punto:
three o'clock sharp
three o'clock on the dot


recommendation, suggestion
you shouldn't arrive late

class 109 viernes 4 marzo 2011


telling the time



Should I or shouldn't I?

translation list 33

1. No andes tan deprisa.

Don't walk so fast.
2. Se tardan 10 minutos en cruzar el río.
It takes 10 minutes to cross the river.
3. No íbamos deprisa cuando ocurrió.
We weren't going fast when it happened.
4. ¿Habrá un examen mañana?
Will there be an exam tomorrow?
5. ¿Y quién dijo eso?
And who told you that?
6. He tenido problemas con él últimamente.
I've had some problems with him lately.
7. Ya saben lo que ocurrió.
They already know what happened.
8. Esta semana ha sido muy agradable.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

This week has been very pleasant.

9. ¿Cuánta gente había en la tienda?
How many people were there in the shop/store?
10. Hay otra forma de hacerlo también.
There's another way to do it too.
11. Esto se está poniendo difícil
This is getting difficult.
12. Saldré con él si no llueve.
I'll go out with him if it doesn't rain.

class 110 lunes 7 marzo 2011

to sit

estar sentado = to be sitting

en inglés se usa sit y stand mucho más que el equivalente en español; se usan en
ocasiones en que en español se usa estar 
to sit a chair, the sofa/couch, the bed.

to have ... left

I have 14 pencils left = me quedan...

How much time do I have left?

class 111 martes 8 marzo 2011

It's five past = son y cinco

translation list 34

1. ¿Te importa que abra la ventana?

Do you mind if I open the window?
2. Tendrás que hacer un gran esfuerzo.
You'll have to make a big effort.
3. Déjame ir con él si no te importa.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
Let me go with him, if you don't mind.
4. Enséñales cómo funciona la nueva máquina.
Show them how the new machine works.
5. Dámelos.
Give them to me.
6. ¿Cuál fue tu primera impresión?
What was your first impression?
7. Ella no me gustó en absoluto.
I didn't like her at all.
8. Puede que sea importante.
It may be important.
9. ¿Hay cambios?
[Are there] any changes?
10. Estoy preparado para lo que sea.
I'm prepared for anything/whatever.
11. No discutas conmigo.
Don't argue with me.
12. Quiero que lo hagas ahora.
I want you to do it now.
Let it be - Beatles

class 112 miércoles 9 marzo 2011

to ought to...

ought to = should
ought /ɔ:t/
I think you ought to (do it).

to turn up

to turn up = aparecer [UK]

to turn down = rechazar
(to turn down/up = bajar/subir el volumen)
aparecer [US] = to show up
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
 jueves 10 marzo 2011

Lo haré cuando pueda = I'll do it when I can

 When I'm sixty-four - The Beatles

translation list 35

1. No va a ser fácil venderlo.

It's not going to be easy to sell it.
Selling it is not going to be easy.
2. Se van a enfadar.
They're going to get angry.
3. Te vas a poner nervioso.
You're going to get nervous.
4. Se van a casar.
They're going to get married.
5. Te vas a cansar de mí algún día.
You're going to get tired of me someday.
6. Vas a envejecer como todo el mundo.
You're going to get old like everybody.
7. Se están preparando para el acontecimiento.
They're getting ready for the event.
8. Vas a engordar si sigues comiendo así.
You're going to get fat if you keep eating like that.
9. Van a darnos lo que necesitamos.
They're going to give us what we need.
10. No te pierdas.
Don't get lost.
11. No te disgustes si algo sale mal.
Don't get upset if something goes wrong.
12. Esperas mucho de ellos.
You expect a lot from them.

class 114 viernes 11 marzo 2011

to throw
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
to throw a pencil sb
tirar algo con violencia
to throw a pencil sb
lanzar algo lejos sin violencia
(lo mismo pasa con to shout , se usa con to  y con at)

should have

should've + pp

class 115 lunes 14 marzo 2011

review: to throw, should've, shouldn't have

at/to: to shout, to point:

don't point at people
to point to the blackboard
I meant to throw this pen, but I got confused.
Mi intención era lanzar...
shouldn't have
(I'm sorry, I'm here: I shouldn't be here.)
I'm sorry, I was here yesterday: I shouldn't have been here.
I'm sorry I met María: I shouldn't have met her.
I'm sorry I hit the table: I shouldn't have hit it.
I'm sorry I drank the water: I shouldn't have drunk it.
He shouldn't have taken more than he could chew.
I'm sorry I did it, I shouldn't have done it.
I'm sorry I didn't go, I should've gone.
I'm sorry I went, I shoudn't have gone.

It's Too Late - Carole King

translation list 36

1. No vendrán si no les llamas.

They won't come if you don't call them.
2. El mundo se está haciendo más pequeño.
The world is getting smaller.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
3. Quién los va a recoger?
Who's going to pick them up?
4. No vas a alcanzar tu potencial.
You're not going to reach your potential.
5. No me escuchas cuando te hablo.
You don't listen to me when I talk to you.
6. ¿De cuántos profesores dispones?
How many teachers do you have available?
7. Vamos a necesitar muchos.
We're going to need a lot.
8. Vamos a necesitar bastantes.
We're going to need quite a few.
9. Dejemos este tema hasta (para)   el final.
Let's leave this subject until the end.
10. Quiero que la gente disfrute de su trabajo.
I want the people to enjoy their job.
11. Deberías cuidarte.
You should take care of yourself.
12. No deberías hablar así.
You shouldn't talk like that.

class 116 martes 15 marzo 2011

You should've invited me to have a coffee.

You should've treated me to a coffee.
I'm moving the pen towards/toward you.
I'm moving it away from you.
towards/toward, backward, forward, sideward,

Quizás, quizás, quizás - Nat King Cole

class 117 miércoles 16 marzo 2011

review: should've, shouldn't have

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
distrustful /dɪs'trʌstfәl/ desconfiado

to be in a hurry

hurry up!
why are you in such a hurry?
there's no need to rush
the rush hour = la hora punta (en circulación)

translation list 37

1. ¿Cuánto crees que vamos a tardar?

How long do you think it's going to take us?
2. ¿Tenemos gente suficiente?
Do we have enough people?
3. Mi marido no está de acuerdo con tu sugerencia.
My husband doesn't agree with your suggestion.
4. Pues dile que me llame.
Tell him to call me.
5. ¿Funciona?
Does it work?
6. El sol está detrás de las nubes.
The sun is behind the clouds.
7. Tenemos que darnos prisa.
We have to hurry [up].
8. Echo de menos mi antiguo trabajo.
I miss my old job.
9. ¿Puedo sugerir algo?
Can I suggest something?
10. La habitación está llena de humo.
The room is full of smoke.
11. No sé cómo puedes fumar tanto.
I don't know how you can smoke so much.
12. ¿Paga bien esa compañía?
Does that company pay well?

Dale Evans & Roy Rogers - Happy Trails

class 118 jueves 17 marzo 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

to drive

I'm going crazy, because she's driving me crazy.

I'll stop by, pick you up and take/drive you to work.
to drive the cattle

 must have

She must have been in a big hurry.

He must have been in love with her.
Something must have happened.

People - Barbra Streisand 

The Beatles - Drive my Car
Blues Brothers - Rawhide

class 119 viernes 18 marzo 2011

to make up stories

you're making that up!

cross my heart and hope to die

translation list 38

1. Déjame ponerte un ejemplo.

Let me give you an example.
2. Esa música es de cuando yo era joven.
That music is from when I was young.
3. Hemos estado buscándote.
We've been looking for you.
all over the place = por todas partes
4. Avísame la próxima vez.
Let me know the next time.
5. Espera hasta que el teléfono deje de sonar.
Wait until the telephone stops ringing.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
6. Estás buscando algo que no existe.
You're looking for something that doesn't exist.
7. Aprenderemos este proceso paso a paso.
We'll learn this process step by step.
8. Déjame que te guíe a través de los primeros pasos.
Let me guide you through the first steps.
9. Había incluso uno para tí.
There was even one for you.
10. Falta una línea en el informe.
There's a line missing in the report.
11. Casi todo el mundo estaba sorprendido.
Almost everyone was surprised.
12. Necesito a alguien que sepa alemán.
I need someone who knows German.
Eric Burdon And The Animals - When I Was Young
Frank Sinatra - Younger Than Springtime

class 120 lunes 21 marzo 2011

as soon as
tan pronto como, en cuanto,


class 121 martes 22 marzo 2011

level with me , be sincere...

ésto es lo que quiero
this is what I want
ésto es todo lo que quiero
this is everything [that] I want
con everything, no
anything else anything more tienen connotaciones diferentes
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
anything else: alguna otra cosa, lateral
anything more: algo más, acumulativo
en caso de duda, usar

translation list 39

1. Tenemos que fijar los objetivos.

We have to set the objectives.
2. No me consideran una persona clave.
They don't consider me a key person.
3. Mis responsabilidades son las siguientes.
My responsibilities are the following.
4. Estoy encargado del mantenimiento.
I'm in charge of maintenance.
5. Dependo del jefe de producción.
I report to the production manager.
6. Nos conocemos bien.
We know each other well.
7. Nos conocemos desde hace años.
We've known each other for years.
8. Siempre estamos discutiendo.
We're always arguing.
9. Él no sabe delegar.
He doesn't know how to delegate.
10. No hagas tanto ruido.
Don't make so much noise.
11. Voy a estudiar tu propuesta.
I'm going to study your proposal.
12. Va a ser divertido.
It's going to be fun.

Habanera de Carmen de Bizet

class 122 miércoles 23 marzo 2011

Don't let it go to your head = que no se te suba a la cabeza

I could swear I heard it ringing.
I'm starting to get the hang of it = estoy empezando a cogerle el truquillo
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys

 Are you sleeping?
The Kingston Trio- "Tom Dooley"

class 123 jueves 24 marzo 2011

to pull one's weight: ¿hacer lo que le corresponde, poner de su parte?

ring me when you have a chance = llámame cuando puedas
any suggestion ? = ¿alguna sugerencia?
if I remember right...: equivalente a si no recuerdo mal...
to do sth on the spot   = hacer algo en el acto

translation list 40

1. Va a haber una reunión esta tarde.

There's going to be a meeting this afternoon.
2. Tú no viste lo que yo ví.
You didn't see what I saw.
3. No fuiste a donde yo fuí.
You didn't go where I went.
4. No estuviste donde yo estuve.
You weren't where I was.
5. No oíste lo que yo oí.
You didn't hear what I heard.
6. No escribiste lo que yo escribí.
You didn't write what I wrote.
7. No trajiste lo que yo traje.
You didn't bring what I brought.
8. No elegiste lo que yo elegí.
You didn't choose what I chose.
9. No me dijiste que estaban tan enfadados.
You didn't tell me [that] they were so angry.
10. ¿Te estoy molestando?
Am I bothering you?
11. No quiero crearte problemas.
I don't want to [create any problems for you/cause you any problems].
12. Me temo que sí/no.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
I'm afraid so/not.

class 124 viernes 25 marzo 2011


what to, how to, when to

to give up

abandonar, rendirse
= to throw in the towel
to drop dead = caer muerto
En UK también es dejar de hacer algo definitivamente:
to give up smoking
AM es to quit

as long as...

siempre que... (condición)

(siempre que   también es whenever , pero con otro sentido)
leeway = flexibilidad

class 125 lunes 28 marzo 2011

a student came up to me = se me acercó

acercarse = up to
acercarse andando = to walk up to
acercarse nadando = to swim up to
acercarse arrastrándose = to crawl up to
acercarse corriendo = to run up to
acercarse = to come/go up to
to annoy = molestar, irritar, fastidiar
to bother = molestar, interrumpir
frecuencia de to bother se usa mucho más que to annoy
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

translation list 41

1. Dile que espere mi decisión.

Tell him to wait for my decision.
2. Les conté tu versión de la historia.
I told them your version of the story.
3. Alguien va a tener que llamarle.
Someone's going to have to call him.
4. ¿Me puedes sumar estas cifras?
Can you add up these figures for me?
5. ¿Quién tuvo la genial idea?
Who had this great idea?
6. No me mires a mí.
Don't look at me.
7. No fue culpa mía.
It wasn't my fault.
8. Nos costará una fortuna.
It'll cost us a fortune.
9. Los papeles estaban por aquí esta mañana.
The papers were around here this morning.
10. Nada de lo que él dice es cierto.
Nothing he says is true.
11. He intentado todo.
I've tried everything.
I've turned over every stone
12. Haré lo que sea.
I'll do whatever/anything.

class 126 martes 29 marzo 2011

definitely = sin lugar a dudas

to choose
might   expresa menos posibilidad que may 
It may rain today
en reported speech se diría: he said it might rain, como si might fuera pasado de may
she needs to stay for another two hours:
se usa porque después hay un número
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 127 miércoles 30 marzo 2011

wage = salario, paga

translation list 42

1. Iré a donde sea.

I'll go anywhere.
2. Lo harán de cualquier forma.
They'll do it anyway.
3. No sé lo que van a decidir.
I don't know what they're going to decide.
4. No van a tomarnos en consideración.
They're not going to take us into consideration.
5. Tengo algo que decirte.
I've something to tell you.
6. ¿Dónde estuviste anoche?
Where were you last night?
7. Deja que yo atienda este asunto.
Let me [take care of/handle] this matter.
8. ¿No tienes frío?
Aren't you cold?
9. No vas a creer lo que te voy a contar.
You're not going to believe what I'm going to tell you.
10. Déjame pensarlo un rato.
Let me think about it for a while.
11. No tienes que tomar una decisión ahora.
You don't have to take/make a decision right now.
12. Coge mañana libre para pensarlo.
Take tomorrow off to think about it.

class 128 jueves 31 marzo 2011

might, might not

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 129 viernes 1 abril 2011


translation list 43

1. Ya tenemos profesor.
We already have a teacher.
2. Toma libre el resto del día.
Take the rest of the day off.
3. Agradezco tu deseo de ayudar.
I appreciate your desire to help.
4. ¿Tienes idea de dónde pueden estar?
Do you have any idea where they could be?
5. Nadie quiere saber nada.
[Nobody/No one] wants to know anything.
6. Yo doy mi cien por cien y espero lo mismo de tí.
I give my hundred percent and I expect the same from you.
7. No deberías tomar tantas pastillas.
You shouldn't take so many pills.
8. Se está haciendo tarde.
It's getting late.
9. No podemos cubrir todos los temas hoy.
We can't cover all the subjects/items/topics today.
10. No te harás rico trabajando para otros.
You won't get rich working for others.
11. Hay miles de oportunidades ahí fuera.
There are thousands of oportunities out there.
12. Tienes que aprovecharlas.
You have to take advantage of them.

class 130 lunes 4 abril 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

ante la duda, percent, en lugar de a hundred 

as of right now

a partir de ahora
as of = a partir de ( formal )
as of = starting

to leave sb. alone

leave me alone!

Pink Floyd - The Wall (not mentioned in the program but by me)

class 131 martes 5 abril 2011

UK: at university or at uni

Are you at university?
What do you study at university?
US: at college or at the  university
titulación universitaria = university/college degree
carrera universitaria = degree
estudiar una carrera = to do a degree
career = carrera profesional
especializarse en xx (en la universidad) US = to major in xx
especializarse en xx = to do xx at university UK
to have/get a degree from the Unviversity of Texas

translation list 44

1. Quiero aprovechar esta ocasión para expresar mi gratitud.

I want to take [advantage of] this occasion to express my gratitude/appreciation.
2. ¿De qué te ríes?
What are you laughing at/about?
3. Hay ciertas cosas que no me gusta hacer.
There're certain things I don't like to do.
4. Como aprender programas informáticos.
Like learning computer programs/applications.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
5. Se me olvidó por completo.
I completely forgot about it.
olvidar una acción: forget about it
olvidar un objeto: forget it
6. Alguien dejó esto [aquí/para tí].
Somebody left this [here/for you].
7. Estás equivocado si crees que lo voy a hacer.
You're wrong/mistaken if you think I'm going to do it.
8. No hago cosas así.
I don't do things like that.
9. Lo hice porque alguien tenía que hacerlo.
I did it because someome had to do it.
10. Me dijiste que sería muy difícil.
You told me it would be very difficult.
11. Necesito tu autorización antes de efectuar el pago.
I need your authorization before making the payment.
12. ¿De cuánto dinero estamos hablando?
How much money are we talking about?

class 132 miércoles 6 abril 2011

to drink

 what do you do?

[for a living]

class 133 jueves 7 abril 2011

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

La reunión tendrá lugar en dos semanas.
The meeting will take place in two [weeks/ ].
minute's time, hour's time, day's time, etc.
aunque en este último caso significa que como mucho   será en dos semanas.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
Me jubilaré en dos años = I'll retire in two year's time

translation list 45

1. No lo he hecho todavía.
I haven't done it yet.
2. Mándamelo en cuanto puedas.
Send it to me as soon as you can.
3. No me dí cuenta de que estabas aquí.
I didn't realize you were here.
4. Estoy tan cansado que no me puedo mover/levantar.
I'm so tired that I can't [move/get up].
5. Esto no me pertenece.
This doesn't belong to me.
6. No sé cuál es el mío.
I don't know which one is mine.
7. Son los que se marcharon primero.
They're the ones who/that left first.
8. Yo fuí el primero en marcharme.
I was the first one to leave.
9. Nos queda mucho tiempo.
We have a lot of time left.
10. Nunca es suficiente tiempo.
There's never enough time.
11. Es una promesa que no puedo incumplir.
It's a promise I can't break.
12. Es gracioso oirte decir eso.
It's funny to hear you say that.

class 134 viernes 8 abril 2011

to miss

to miss the plain, the fly, the train

to miss the beginning of the movie
hinge = bisagra
to hinge on = depender de
I missed what you said.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
They missed their chance.
You missed out on the opportunity.
to miss out on sthg = perderse algo
to miss = perder, echar de menos
Sometimes when I start speaking quickly you probably miss a few things.
to miss [an opportunity/a chance]

to lose

You can lose a plain on the radar screen, but you can't lose a plain.
lose /lu:z/ perder (objetos que desaparecen o control)
loose /lu:s/ flojo, suelto
loosen /'lu:sn
̩ / aflojar
to lose weight -> to gain weight (AM)/to put on (BR)
to lose contact with a friend

class 135 lunes 11 abril 2011

translation list 46

1. Avísame cuando llegue el paquete.

Let me know me when the packet/parcel/package arrives.
2. ¿Por qué estás tan nervioso hoy?
Why are you so nervous today?
3. ¿Te pasa algo?
Is something/anything wrong?
4. ¿Te puedo invitar a una copa?
Can I invite/treat you to/for a drink?
5. Deberías evitar a gente como él.
You should avoid people like him.
6. Me temo que sea demasiado tarde.
I'm afraid it's too late.
7. Me encanta madrugar.
I love [to get/getting] up early.
8. No bebas tanto.
Don't drink so much.
9. ¿Por qué te trata tan mal tu jefe?
Why does your boss treat you so badly?
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10. Casi todo el mundo se marchó pronto.
Almost everybody/everyone left early.
11. Me estoy cansando de estas listas.
I'm getting tired of these lists.
12. Te quedan siete listas.
You have seven lists left.

class 136 martes 12 abril 2011

to make up one's mind 

assets = activo financiero
liabilities = pasivo financiero

to shut up

callarse, cerrar el pico, según la entonación

puede ser fuerte
why don't you shut up?
be quiet es equivalente, pero más suave
con una entonación normal
be quiet   está bien
shut up   es fuerte

The Lovin' Spoonful - Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind 

class 137 miércoles 13 abril 2011

to make

to do = hacer, realizar o llevar a cabo

to make = hacer en el sentido de fabricar, elaborar o confeccionar
to make = causar, provocar:
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
no me hagas reir
don't make me laught

translation list 47

1. No te canses todavía.
Don't get tired yet.
2. No te enfades conmigo.
Don't get angry with me.
3. No te pongas nervioso.
Don't get nervous.
4. No te cases.
Don't get married.
5. Estoy engordando.
I'm getting fat.
6. Te acostumbrarás a mi estilo.
You'll get used to my style.
7. Esto se está poniendo interesante.
This is getting interesting.
8. Voy a ir directamente al grano.
I'm going to get straight/right to the point.
9. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aquí?
How long have you been here?
10. ¿Cuánto sabes acerca de él?
How much do you know about him?
11. Él es un amigo mío.
He is a friend of mine.
12. Es difícil hacer amigos en este pueblo.
It's difficult/hard to make friends in this town.

The Lovin' Spoonful - Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind 

class 138 jueves 14 abril 2011

to lend 

to borrow
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

to make it

I can't make it.

to make it = poder llegar, conseguir llegar
Yesterday it was snowing a lot and I never made it to Barcelona.
I don't think I'm going to be able to make it.

Get me to the Church on time - My Fair Lady

class 139 viernes 15 abril 2011

to lend/borrow

lend it to me
lend me his pen
borrow something from them
borrow it from them
lend to/borrow from
give to/take from
to check out a book from a public library
you return the book
to give it back (to a friend)


translation list 48

1. Me miran como si fuera de la Luna.

They look at me as if I were from the Moon.
2. Y por ello me siento incómodo.
That's why I feel uncomfortable.
3. Tenemos que hacer algunos cambios.
We have to make [a few/some] changes.
4. Significa mucho para mí.
It means a lot to me.
5. ¿Cómo se dice pan en árabe?
How do you say bread in arabic?
6. ¿Qué significa esta palabra?
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What does this word mean?
7. Tenemos que mejorar estos resultados.
We have to improve these results.
8. ¿Quieres decir que ya no quieres trabajar aquí?
Do you mean [that] you don't want to work here anymore?
9. Sigue mis consejos y te harás rico.
Follow my advice and you'll get/become rich.
10. A veces me siento muy solo.
Sometimes I feel very lonely.
11. Mi trabajo me pone en contacto con mucha gente.
My job puts me in touch with a lot of people.
12. Él ya no fuma tanto.
He doesn't smoke so much anymore.

The Beatles- Eight Days a Week

If I Were A Rich Man - Fiddler on the Roof
Only The Lonely - Roy Orbison
Only the Lonely - Frank Sinatra

class 140 lunes 18 abril 2011

weary = cansado, harto

wager /'weɪdʒәʳ/ = apuesta en sentido figurativo
I'm wagering on you.

to say/tell

say something, tell me something

to say, to tell = decir
tell se usa cuando hay complemento indirecto, excepto cuando tell   significa contar (to
tell a story, a joke)
cuenta un chiste = tell a joke
cuéntame un chiste = tell me a joke
dilo = say it
cuéntalo = tell it
decir la verdad = to tell the truth
decir mentiras = to tell lies
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

  no tiene complemento indirecto

to say 
say it politely, say your name
to tell = decir algo con contenido
to tell es transmitir información


(Over there (lyrics))
And we won't come back till it's over, over there.
I finish, it ends.
The party is over.
The time is up, the class is over.

Only the Lonely - Frank Sinatra

The Beatles - Tell Me Why
Lionel Richie - Say you say me
Over There

class 141 martes 19 abril 2011

yet, already

translation list 49

1. ¿Dónde conseguiste eso?

Where did you get that?
2. Yo creía que ya no hacían ese modelo.
I thought they didn't make that model anymore.
3. ¿Fué tu idea o de ella?
Was it your idea or hers? ( Whose idea was it, yours or hers? )
4. ¿Por qué llueve siempre cuando canto?
Why does it always rain when I sing?
5. Presto atención a lo que él dice.
I pay attention to what he says.
6. ¿Cuánto te cobran por ese servicio?
How much do they charge you for that service?
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
7. ¿Tu casa tiene aire acondicionado?
Does your house have air conditioning?
8. Paso mucho tiempo en mi coche.
I spend a lot of time in my car.
9. Gasto mucho dinero en comida/ropa.
I spend a lot of money food/clothes.
10. Trato de controlar mis gastos.
I try to control my expenses.
11. ¿Cuándo puedo verle?
When can I see him?
12. Si lo quieres, tendrás que luchar por ello.
If you want it, you'll have to fight for it.

class 142 miércoles 20 abril 2011

to throw

to throw sth. away/out = tirar a la basura

to throw at/to sb.
to keep them all = to keep all of them
throw them all away
throw that old document away = throw away that old document


no longer
I use to ..., but I don't ... anymore.

class 143 lunes 25 abril 2011

no longer

anymore, no longer, any longer

I no longer do that.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
I don't do that anymore.

translation list 50

1. El dinero no trae la felicidad.

Money doesn't bring happyness.
2. Es fácil para tí decir eso.
It's easy for you to say that.
3. Tienes más dinero del que jamás necesitarás.
You have more money than you'll ever need.
4. Yo ni siquiera puedo pagar el alquiler.
I can't even pay the rent.
5. Además de tus derechos, también tienes obligaciones.
Besides your rights, you also have obligations.
6. Este problema no te concierne.
This problem doesn't concern you.
It's none of your business.
7. Llevamos tres días aquí.
We've been here for three days.
8. No les dejes abrir las ventanas.
Don't let them open the windows.
9. ¿No crees que deberíamos irnos?
Don't you think we should leave?
10. Me quedaré hasta que todo el mundo haya salido.
I'll stay until everyone has left.
11. Les encontré en medio del campo.
I found them in the middle of the country.
12. Ella me está empezando a odiar.
She's starting to hate me.

class 144 martes 26 abril 2011

to begin

to begin with...
I began [learning/to learn] Spanish

seven out of [every] ten times/people...

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate


class 145 miércoles 27 abril 2011

 present perfect continous

I have only been living in Spain for two days.

translation list 51

1. Te estás haciendo viejo.

You're getting old.
2. Yo no hice lo que él hizo.
I didn't do what he did.
3. ¿Qué hace él cuando eso ocurre?
What does he do when that happens?
4. Si ingresas el dinero ahora, ganarás más intereses.
If you deposit the money now, you'll earn more interest.
5. ¿Me ibas a decir algo?
Were you going to tell me anything?
6. ¿Te llegó mi fax?
Did you get my fax?
7. ¿Por qué utiliza él tu dirección?
Why does he use your adress?
8. Guardo su correspondencia a él mientras está fuera.
I keep his mail while he's away.
9. Eso es lo que yo pensaba.
That's what I thought.
10. No puedes complacer a todo el mundo.
You can't please everyone.
11. Al menos podrías darme una oportunidad.
At least you could give me a chance.
12. No me gustaría estar en tu lugar.
I wouldn't like to be in your place.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 146 jueves 28 abril 2011

 present perfect continuous (negative)

... before the last

the day before yesterday, the week before the last

se usa más que: two days ago, two weeks ago
it was a Thursday...

class 147 viernes 29 abril 2011


en negativo, con adverbio de tiempo se puede decir:

, no es necesario time
for [very] long 
Italy hasn't been a country for very long.
en afirmativo, es :
Spain has been a country for a long .
se puede decir it's been a country for long .

 present perfect continuous (interrogat ive)

how long have you been...?

translation list 52

1. Italia está sólo a dos horas en avión.

Italy is only two hours away by plane.
2. Entonces, ¿por qué no pasamos un par de días en Venecia?
Then, why don't we spend a couple of days in Venice?
3. Tu inglés ha mejorado desde la última vez que te ví.
Your English has [[got/gotten better]/improved] since the last time I saw you.
4. ¿Desde cuándo llevas gafas?
Since when do you wear glasses?
5. ¿Tu jefe te trata siempre así?
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Does your boss always treat you like that?
6. Les cobro cien dólares por hora.
I charge them a hundred dollars an hour.
7. Tenemos que ahorrar energía.
We have to save energy.
Ahórrame tus discursos.
Spare me your speeches.
8. Agradezco tu esfuerzo.
I appreciate your effort.
9. No puedo prometerte nada.
I can't promise you anything.
10. ¿Puedes cuidar mis gatos mientras estoy fuera?
Can you [take care of/look after] my cats while I'm away?
11. Fue lo que yo esperaba.
It was [what] I expected.
12. Deja que te lo explique.
Let me explain [it to you].

I never promised you a rose garden - Martina Mcbride

class 148


'Twas the night before Christmas

to leave

I like to beat the crowd = me gusta llegar antes del mogollón


class 149 martes 3 mayo 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

I can tell

se nota

translation list 53

1. ¿Cómo voy a ayudarte si no me dejas?

How am I going to help you if you don't let me?
2. Llevo dos años trabajando aquí.
I've been working here for two years.
3. Tenéis que tener cuidado con ellos.
You have to be careful with them.
4. Él quiere tener hijos, pero ella, no.
He wants to have children, but she doesn't.
5. Él quería casarse, pero ella, no.
He wanted to get married, but she didn't.
6. Tus llamadas nos van a costar una fortuna.
Your calls are going to cost us a fortune.
7. ¿Vas a estar aquí cuando yo vuelva?
Are you going to be here when I come/get back?
8. Me encuentro mucho mejor ahora que estás tu aquí.
I feel much better now that you're here.
9. Yo estaba preocupado cuando oí la noticia.
I was worried when I heard the news.
10. ¿Me puedes hacer un favor?
Can you me a favour?
11. Yo no entendía al taxista.
I didn't understand the taxi driver.
12. Se rompe cada vez que lo abro.
It breaks every time I open it.

Jiminy Cricket "E-n-c-y-c-l-o-p-e-d-i-a!"

class 150 miércoles 4 mayo 2011

to focus on sth.

to get lost
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 151 jueves 5 mayo 2011

to be wrong/right

translation list 54

1. ¿Me puedes dar una idea del coste?

Can you give me an idea of the cost?
2. Va a costar mucho más esta vez.
It's going to cost much more this time.
3. La mayoría de las ciudades tienen un sistema similar.
Most cities have a similar system.
4. No me consideran parte de la familia.
They don't consider me part of the family.
5. Te alegrarás de saber que Juan ya no trabaja aquí.
You'll be glad to know that Juan doesn't work here anymore.
6. Si no terminamos pronto, perderemos el autobús.
If we don't finish soon, we'll miss the bus.
7. Me gusta dar un paseo después de comer.
I like to take a walk after [having] lunch.
8. No pude cobrar tu cheque.
I couldn't cash your check.
9. Quiero estar incluído también.
I want to be included too.
10. ¿Tienes que hacer tanto ruido?
Do you have to make so much noise?
11. No deberías tener miedo de ellos.
You shouldn't be afraid of them.
12. Yo no sabía que eras tan artístico.
I didn't know you were so artistic.

class 152 viernes 6 mayo 2011

I was in my early twenties

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

how old were you when... ?

class 153 lunes 9 mayo 2011


cumplir (años) = to turn

I turned 21 four months after arriving in Spain

to allow

= to let, to permit
let me start, allow me start
se usa más let
se usa más allow 
  en forma pasiva: to be allowed 

translation list 55

1. Mi jefe tiene un acento británico.

My boss has a British accent.
2. Se te cayó.
You dropped it.
3. Me encanta mezclar bebidas.
I love [to mix/mixing] drinks.
Con like y love  se puede usar infinitivo o gerundio, excepto en el condicional,
en que sólo se usan con infinitivo: I'd love to meet XX.
4. No sé cómo ahorrar dinero.
I don't know how to save money.
5. Siempre estás cambiando las reglas.
You're always changing the rules.
6. Hay polvo en todas partes.
There's dust everywhere.
7. No cambies de canal.
Don't change [the channel/channels].
8. Emborrachémonos.
Let's get drunk.
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9. ¿Cómo puedes beber tanta cerveza?
How can you drink so much beer?
10. Quiero cerrar esta cuenta y abrir otra.
I want to close this account and open another [one].
11. No he tenido una vida fácil.
I haven't had an easy life.
12. ¿Qué va a pasar?
What's going to happen?

The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (live)

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria

class 154 martes 10 mayo 2011

to pay

invoice, bill = factura

to pay the taxi fare, to pay the bill
to pay services, for classes, for the gasoline, for the lunch
to go dutch = pagarse cada uno lo suyo

to have a good time

pasárselo bien
también (en ese orden de frecuencia de uso)
to have fun
to enjoy oneself

class 155 miércoles 11 mayo 2011

to let

translation list 56

1. Si no inviertes más dinero, el proyecto morirá.

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If you don't invest more money, the project will die.
2. Deja una propina del 15%.
Leave a 15 percent tip.
3. ¿O sea, el servicio no está incluído en el precio?
In other words, the service isn't included on the price?
4. Deja que yo decida eso.
Let me decide [on] that.
5. He perdido cinco kilos en un mes.
I've lost five kilos in one month.
6. ¿Cuál quieres: éste o aquel?
Which one do you want: this one or that one?
7. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
What's the date today?
8. ¿Mencionaron tu nombre en el artículo?
Did they mention your name in the article?
9. Tienden a olvidar quién soy en esta empresa.
They tend to forget who I am in this company.
10. Voy a subir tu nivel de inglés.
I'm going to raise your English level.
11. Mi abuela me dijo que la luna estaba hecha de queso verde.
My grandmother told me the moon was made [out] of green cheese.
12. Ahora sé que no es verdad.
Now I know it's not true.

class 156 jueves 12 mayo 2011

to bring up

to bring up = criar, educar

se usa mucho en voz pasiva:
I was brought up in Houston.
I was brought up by my parents.
I had a good upbringing.
to bring up = sacar un tema
No voy a sacar el tema (en la reunión) = I'm not going to bring up the subject
¿Quién ha sacado este tema? = Who brought [this subject up/up this subject]?

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 157 viernes 13 mayo 2011


translation list 57

1. No estoy de acuerdo con tu forma de hacer las cosas.

I don't agree with your way of doing things.
2. Tengo las manos mojadas.
My hands are wet.
3. Lo más importante de momento es empezar.
The most important thing for now is to start.
4. Lo más difícil para mí es levantarme por la mañana.
The most difficult thing for me is to get up in the morning.
5. Resuélvelo.
Solve it.
6. Si no entregas la mercancía hoy, vamos a cancelar el pedido.
If you don't deliver the merchandise today, we're going to cancel the order.
7. Apága todas las luces.
Turn off/out all the lights.
8. Si quieres aprobar, mejora tu actitud.
If you want to pass, improve your attitude.
9. Uno de mis sueños es llegar a ser millonario.
One of my dreams is to become a millionaire.
10. Apunta lo que te voy a decir.
Write down what I'm going to tell you.
to take down = apuntar algo muy corto
I'll take down your telephone number.
11. Dile lo que dije.
Tell him what I said.

The Beatles - Something

The Beatles - We Can Work It Out

class 158
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate



The Beatles- Eleanor Rigby

class 159 martes 17 mayo 2011

on my own/by myself

I did it myself
I did it by myself = lo hice estando solo
I did on my own = lo hice solo

translation list 58

1. ¿Dónde guarda tu secretaria las llaves?

Where does your secretary keep the keys?
2. Te vamos a trasladar a otra división de la compañía.
We're going to transfer you to another division in the company.
3. Necesito que me ayudes con esto.
I need you to help me with this.
4. Sólo quedan tres días.
There are only three days left.
5. ¿Les has llamado?
Have you called them?
6. Dí algo.
Say something.
7. ¿Qué les dijiste?
What did you tell them?
8. ¿En qué lado de la calle vives?
Which side of the street do you live on?
9. Tengo la piel seca.
I have dry skin/My skin is dry.
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10. Está entrando un fax.
A fax is coming in.
11. Llámales y diles que lo vuelvan a mandar.
Call them and tell them to send it again.
12. Prefiero una cena ligera.
I prefer a light dinner.

 Neil Diamond - Solitary Man

class 160 miércoles 18 mayo 2011

to quit

= to give up [BR]
to give up + sth. = renunciar, abandonar, rendirse
to give up my rights
to give up the ship
to quit + gerundio = dejar de hacer algo
he stopped cold turkey = paró sin mas

anything en frases negativas

class 161 jueves 19 mayo 2011

anything   en frases afirmativas

translation list 59

1. Ésta es la última lista por ahora.

This is the last list for [now/the time being/the moment].
2. ¿Por qué no coges unos días libres?
Why dont' you take a few days off?
3. Pero hay tanto trabajo que hacer...
But there' so much work to [do/be done]...
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
4. Necesitas un descanso.
You need a rest.
5. Tienes que organizar el trabajo en tu departamento.
You have to organise the work in your department.
6. Nadie sabe por qué él se fue.
Nobody knows why he left.
7. No dijo a nadie que pensaba marcharse.
He didn't tell anyone/anybody [that] he was planning to leave.
8. Simplemente dejó de venir a la oficina.
He just stopped/quit coming to the office.
9. Deja de hacerme tantas preguntas.
Stop asking me so many questions.
10. Estoy aquí para ayudarte.
I'm here to help you.
11. Pues entonces deja de hablar tanto.
Then stop talking so much.
12. Este libro ha sido muy fácil.
This book has been very easy.

 Anything you can do, I can do better

class 162 viernes 20 mayo 2011

I'm (maniático [AM])

terminación-ed   en el pasado de verbos regulares

stayed, played, enjoyed, cleaned, believed, cried, fried

pay, raise, carry, turn, file, fill, kill, fail, answer

to leave, to quit, to pay

Under Pressure - Queen & Bowie

Glenn Miller - In The Mood 
Bruce Springsteen - Old Dan Tucker
 Manfred mann - Do wah diddy
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 163 lunes 23 mayo 2011

review: pasado de verbos regulares

1. terminación -ed 
, sin añadir sílaba, sonido d 
  dura: stay, play, die, lie...
2. terminación -ed 
, sin añadir sílaba, sonido t  explosiva: work, park, talk,
3. añadiendo sílaba, decide, lift, last,


to earn, to gain, to win

translation list 60

1. El próximo (libro) será un poco más difícil.

The next one will be a [little/bit/little bit] more difficult.
2. Tardo media hora en repasar cada lista.
It takes me half an hour to review/check each list.
3. Mucha gente ni siquiera las estudia.
[A lot of/Many] people don't even study them.
4. No quiero causar más problemas.
I don't want to cause any more problems.
5. Tienes una forma extraña de pedir las cosas.
You have a funny/strange way of asking for things.
6. No voy a poder terminar hoy.
I'm not going to be able to finish today.
7. Estoy convencido de que saben la verdad.
I'm convinced [that] they know the truth.
8. Si no funciona, me mataré.
If it doesn't work, I'll kill myself.
9. No lo tomes a la ligera.
Don't take it lightly.
10. Ven aquí y cuéntame lo que pasó.
Come here and tell me what happened.
11. Estoy de mal humor.
I'm in a bad mood.
12. Esta frase no tiene verbo.
This sentence doesn't have a verb.
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

 Manfred mann - Do wah diddy

Europe - The Final Countdown

class 164 martes 24 mayo 2011

 pasado de verbos regulares

grupo 2:
, sonido de t  explosiva, sin añadir sílaba:
work, walk, wash, talk, pick, park, kick, finish, like, watch, sack, lack, attack,
back, ask.


class 165 miércoles 25 mayo 2011

to meet

conocer a una persona por primera vez (once in one's life)


Rock-A-Bye Baby - Lullaby

Pop Goes the Weasel
Los Pekenikes - Palomitas de maíz

class 166 jueves 26 mayo 2011

review: to meet
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate
They met in Texas.

to divide, to attend, to accept

regulares del 3er grupo: se añade una sílaba en el pasado.

short answers

class 167 viernes 27 mayo 2011

to be in a good/bad mood 


a university, a unicorn, a European problem

an honest man, an honorable man, it's an honor to be here

 Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Etta James
It's Not Unusual - Tom Jones

class 168 lunes 30 mayo 2011

verbos regulares

pasado acabado en -ed 

, añadiendo una sílaba


class 169 martes 31 mayo 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate


siempre va antes del verbo principal, pero después del auxiliar:

did you also visit...?
I've also been to...

umpteenth = enésimo

class 170 miércoles 1 junio 2011

to steal

in the long run

eventually, in the long run = a la larga

class 171 jueves 2 junio 2011

have/have got

negativo: I [don't have/haven't got]

interrogativo: [have you got/do you have]?

el auxiliar do 

The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling

G. Gershwin - I got Rhythm 

class 172 viernes 3 junio 2011

also, too, as well

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

also   is stronger than too  and as well

to grow

to grow up = hacerse mayor, criarse
our company is growing
What do you want to be went you grow up?

class 173 lunes 6 junio 2011


not only..., but also = no sólo..., sino también

have got

I don't have = I haven't got

have got   no sirve para consumiciones, ni para pasado

to ask for

pídemelo = ask me for it

Come And Get It - Badfinger

class 174 martes 7 junio 2011

to rise

"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"
verbo intransitivo, subir por sí solo, como go up
to raise es transitivo: el sujeto sube el objeto
8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

to be able to

I'm able to do it = I can do it

I was able to... es correcto para el pasado
  es correcto para el pasado, y también para el condicional

Theme from "77 SUNSET STRIP"

class 175 miércoles 8 junio 2011



the fastest, the quickest

class 176 jueves 9 junio 2011

the past perfect


Have you ever seen a flying soccer?

She asked me if I had ever seen a flying saucer.
Before I came to Spain I had already been to Europe once.

late last night

late yesterday evening, late...

Frank Sinatra - Fly me to the moon

class 177 viernes 10 junio 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

to be able to

futur: I'll be able to

present perfect: I've been able to


class 178 lunes 13 junio 2011

to mean

 what is it for? what does he do that for?

Love Makes The World Go Round - Deon Jackson

class 179 martes 14 junio 2011

the more... the more...

The more you study, the more you learn.

The faster you drive, the sooner you arrive.

Europe - The Final Countdown

class 180 miércoles 15 junio 2011

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

nunca va con el verbo to be

siempre con verbos de acción
dentro = in, inside
I'm into that.
He's into drugs

 what was it about?

class 181 jueves 16 junio 2011

I like to, I want to, I need to, I have to

class 182 viernes 17 junio 2011

to lead 

to have just + participio

acabo de + infinitivo

class 183 lunes 20 junio 2011

can you tell me how to...

to put up with

to put up/away = guardar (objetos en un sitio)

put/hold up your hands = manos arriba
to put up with = aguantar
no aguantar algo = can't stand sth.
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

class 184 martes 21 junio 2011

how come?

I can't put up with life in Madrid. I can't put up with it.

how come = why


I'm just an English teacher

I'm only an English teacher.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

class 185 miércoles 22 junio 2011

since when?

as... as...

as cool as a cucumber
as stubborn as a mule
as deaf as a post
as dry as a bone

The Beatles - It Won't Be Long

class 186 jueves 23 junio 2011

and what about... ?

8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

class 187 viernes 24 junio 2011

review: what about...?

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell
Hi-ho, the derry-o
The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife
Hi-ho, the derry-o
The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child (2x)

Hi-ho, the derry-o
The wife takes a child

The child takes a nurse (2x) . . .

The nurse takes a cow (2x) . . .

The cow takes a dog (2x) . . .

The dog takes a cat (2x) . . .

The cat takes a rat (2x) . . .

The rat takes the cheese (2x) . . .

The cheese stands alone

The cheese stands alone
Hi-ho, the derry-o
The cheese stands alone

to keep

 what if...?
8/1/2015 Vaug han 4.0 - Intermediate

Europe - The Final Countdown

The Farmer In The Dell - Nursery Rhymes Childrens Song
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria

class 188 lunes 27 junio 2011


ante la duda: every

to find out

I've just found out... = me acabo de enterar de...

to find out = enterarse, descubrir, averiguar, saber
No lo sabía antes de ayer, porque lo supe ayer.
I didn't know about it the day before yesterday, because I only found out about
it yesterday.
I'm going to find out if it is true.
When I find out, I'll get back [in touch] to you.

Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Monterey 1967)

class 189 martes 28 junio 2011

how + adjective!

to lead, to keep, to mean

to lean out of = asomarse por

Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Monterey 1967)

8/1/2015 Vaughan 4.0 - Intermediate

class 190 miércoles 29 junio 2011

to deny and to refuse

negar o desmentir
to refuse = negarse a hacer algo


These cost 10 cents each.

class 191 jueves 30 junio 2011

to sum up

 whatever, whoever, however, whenever, wherever

Europe - The Final Countdown

class 192 viernes 1 juli o 2011

substitute: suplente (temporal)

replace: reemplazo (definitivo)


on the whole

on the whole, by enlarge, in general = en términos generales

class 193

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