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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Semester – I
(Book ID B1522)
Model Question Paper
Duration: 3 hours Total marks: 70

Section A
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
[Please answer ALL the following questions , each question carries TWO marks]
(2*10=20 marks)

1. i. Consider the following statements:

1. The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the
2. The World Wide Web is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the
State True or False:
a. 1 - True, 2 - False
b. 1 - False, 2 - True
c. 1 - True, 2 - True
d. 1 - False, 2 - False
ii. ______ security measures are difficult to work with for most users, as they
have to maintain many security-related practices on a ________ basis while
working with systems.
a. Complex, regular
b. Most, timely
c. Excessive, regular
d. Multiple, timely

iii. Consider the following statements:

1. Most transaction ________ systems present carefully designed interfaces to the
user that guide transactions.
2. A transaction _________ system helps the user during a transaction by changing
screens and the information on the screen.
a. 1- management, 2- management
b. 1- allocation 2- allocation
c. 1- processing, 2- processing
d. 1- execution, 2- execution

iv. Considers the following statements:

1. Planning is a set of activity that is taken by managers.
2. Planning involves forecasting situations in the future and arranging for activities
that will address them.
a. 1. True, 2-True
b. 1-True, 2-False
c. 1-False, 2-True
d. 1-False, 2-False

v. Which of the following structures contribute to DBMS Organization?

I. Relational.
II. Network.
III. Hierarchical.
IV. Slant.

a. I, II & III
b. I, III & IV
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III & IV.

vi. Consider the following statements:

1. The competitive position of a commercial firm that enables it to serve its customers and be
successful in the market is determined by a set of ‘forces’.
2. These forces are based on its competitive relationship with its suppliers, customers, rivals,
and substitute products.
State True or False:
a. 1- True, 2- True
b. 1- False, 2- False
c. 1- False, 2- True
d. 1- True, 2- False
vii. A class of employees, similar to managers, but not directly involved with_________, are the
_________ knowledge workers such as designers, planners, and analysts.
a. managers, high
b. decision making, specialised
c. managers, standard
d. decision making, standard

viii. _________ systems process the information generated by the transaction processing
systems of an organisation and create _______ for use by the management.

a. Managerial information, documents

b. Management, documents
c. Management information, reports
d. Managerial information, reports

ix. State True or False

1. Data is stored in computers as 1s and 0s. All data is stored in this manner.
2. The information can be used for decision making and for planning about future activities.
a. 1- True, 2- True
b. 1- True, 2- False
c. 1- False, 2- True
d. 1- False, 2- False

x. Consider the following statements:

I. A set of standards were developed to enable sharing of data and messages between
computers thus facilitating the formation of________.
II. The first of these was the __________ network set up in the University of Hawaii in 1970.
a. 1- computer networks, 2- ALOHA
b. 1- ALOHA 2- computer
c. 1- Web, 2- ALOHA
d. 1- Intranet, 2- ALOHA

Section B
[Please answer any FOUR questions on the Answer Sheet provided separately for the purpose.]
(4*5=20 Marks)

2. List out the various functions of Management Information System.

3. How Life Cycle Approach is different from Phototyping Approach of information system


4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Neural Networks.

5. List out the functions of DBMS.

6. Explain about Data Flow diagrams (DFD).

7. Write a brief note on ‘E-Commerce’

Section C


[Please answer any THREE questions on the Answer Sheet provided separately for the purpose.]
(10*3=30 Marks)

8. Explain the history of invention of computers and Internet. Also, discuss the role and importance of

Internet for organisations and an individual.?

9. Explain different types of Management systems.

10. Write about Internet, Intranet and Extranet.

11. Case Study Online Payment System Mr. Manoj had to pay his telephone bill to a known telecom

service provider. He wanted to pay it online and created an online account in the service provider’s
website. Mr. Manoj normally pays this bill by cash at the pay point but it was a time taking task and

about five k


After sometime, the service provider started various online facilities. The new online payment system

saving the transaction ID for reference of the payment

As seems clear, the first process needs at least two hours, while the second process needs fifteen

minutes maximum. This made him chose to pay online and he went on paying bill online before the

last date.

This time, his bank has sent him notice along with the next bill stating that he has not made his

payment of earlier bill. He verified payment details and found that he was a victim of phishing. He

provided his financial details to an unknown website designed exactly like his bank’s website. Now,

he made payments after checking the authentication of the website.


Q1. Why did Mr. Manoj shift himself to an online payment system from his conventional payment


Q2. What problem Mr. Manoj faced from using an online payment system for his telephone bill?

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