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Contents of refuse pit: Deseription of animal Burials Discussion of pottery and artifacts Interpretation of site SITE B Method of excavation description of buriel pits pottery Location jethod of excavation Deseription of Discussion of art Interpretation of site Previou Work of this Conelusion ORK. +++ Purpose of survey Sites surveyed 37-41 Conelusion seesee 42-50 REPORT ‘THE TIOGA POINT MUSEUM EXPEDITION FOR 1931 The archaeological field work conducted by the Tioga Point lluseum, of AthensPennsylvania during the early summer of 1931 was planned by irs. Louise Welles lurray, late direc- tor of the Museum. An application was made to the National Research Council, Division of Anthropology and Psychology, for funds to carry on field work in the vicinity of Athens. The purpose of the work was primarily to educate the local community to the value of the aboriginal remains, to stimu- late active interest in the wealth of archaeological material in the region, and to demonstrate as far as possible methods of recovering and preserving the culture of the Indians. Secondarily, but little less so, was the desire to obtain ad- ditional information as to the cultural sequences in the Che- mung-Susquehanna valley and to acquire additional material for the Museum. The unfortunate death of Mrs. Murray in the early spring was a dietinct loss to the community and to the field work. ‘The difficult Job of taking over Urs. Murray's work was capably taken care of by one of her daughter's, Kiss Jessie Welles Murray, to whom the grants of the National Re- search Council were made. Field work was begun the last week in May and extended until the middle of Julg. During that time intensive work was done on three sites sufficient to identify the culture of the remains, a survey of many of the listed sites was made and s number listed as showing excellent possibilities for fu- ture excavation, and a little less than a week was spent in

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