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THE TRIBUNE India’s maritime vulnerabilities

established in 1881 A Far Eastern Naval Command will shore up security around Andaman-Nicobar Islands
Pravin Sawhney mindset and concomitant capability

Shillong’s night of arson building here. From a defensive

ATCHING the US in mission of FORTRAN, it would have
words and deed, Prime changed to deterrence (with inbuilt
Need to interrupt the narrative against outsiders Minister Narendra Modi offensive capabilities) for FENC to

has positioned military safeguard India’s strategic interests
HE Northeast is no stranger to horror stories about treatment diplomacy at the forefront of his Act in Southeast Asia and the Malacca
meted out to outsiders by self-proclaimed defenders of “our East policy with ASEAN as its ful- Strait by rapid deployment of mili-
women”, “our jobs” and “our land”. The situation is too horrify- crum. Reading this as India’s walk- tary assets in the region. It would
ingly complex as major and minor tribes, besides different racial and back from the Wuhan understanding, also have provided logistical and
religious groups, jostle for existence and relevance. The long night of China issued a terse warning. “If India administrative support to naval
arson in Shillong last week triggered mild consternation in Punjab really seeks military access to the ships which are sent on deployment
because the targeted outsiders happened to be Valmiki Sikhs who set- strategic island of Sabang in Indone- to East Asia and the Pacific Ocean,
tled there about four decades back. The Sikhs of Shillong lost their sia (which dominates the Malacca without looking for operational,
valuables and household possessions, but were fortunately spared any Strait), it might wrongfully entrap logistics and administrative help
loss of lives, or even injury, unlike the settlers from Bengal, Nepal and itself into a strategic (which includes from the ENC in Visakhapatnam.
military) competition with China and The government, however, refused
Bihar who were at the receiving end in the `70s and 80s. Worse, few per-
eventually burn its fingers,” the Glob- to see what the naval headquarters
petrators of the earlier rounds of mayhem and murder were booked.
al Times has cautioned. had envisioned. It shelved the paper.
Besides, ethnic tensions have accentuated in the Northeast ever No one told Modi that like the dis- The reason given was that while the
since the new government in Delhi decided to take up social engi- puted land border with China, the forward-based naval command
neering to gain political supremacy in the region. The still-under- Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) island might not worry China, it was cer-
wraps Naga accord has set off apprehensions in Manipur, Arunachal chain is India’s maritime Achilles’ tain to scare friendly littoral neigh-
NOT ENOUGH: ANC suffers from limited air defence assets and poor inter-island connectivity.
and Assam about loss of territory to a “Greater Nagalim”. The move heel against the risen and militarily bours like Indonesia, Thailand,
to make Hindu religion the basis for citizenship is agitating the bold China. If the People’s Liberation Naval Command (ENC), the ANC valuable experience and intelli- Malaysia, Myanmar and Singapore.
Ahoms and Bengali Muslims alike in Assam. The expectations of the Army (PLA) could, with its successful depends on friendly ties with the gence to keep it in good stead in the The unstated reason was that sanc-
people from the Modi dispensation after it rechristened the “Look military coercion, compel Modi to Indonesian and Singaporean (which Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Given tioning a new command for the Indi-
East policy” to “Act East” have remained unmet on the crucial liveli- seek peace at Wuhan, it might not be are much closer) navies for this. Yet, the fast pace of China’s warship- an Navy would not have gone down
hood benchmark. In this tinderbox of unmet expectations and grow- long before the People’s Liberation the mission remains half done: ships building and the audacity with well with the other two defence serv-
ing resentment, a minor eve-teasing incident set off the latest round Army Navy (PLAN) does a Kargil, or on round-the-clock mission deploy- which China has moved in to ices, the Army and the Air Force.
of violence against outsiders. worse, in A&N. ment have limited firepower, with lit- reclaim islands and militarise the They, too, would have sought an
The A&N islands are 800 km long. tle possibility of help from the ANC. South China Sea, PLAN’s roadmap equal, if not more, compensation
The new government in Meghalaya has made the right noises and
Only 38 of the 572 islands which com- The problem gets compounded since for the IOR should be obvious, espe- from the government, leading to
taken appropriate measure — Army flag marches and all-party meet-
prise the archipelago are occupied. most ships do not have anti-subma- cially to the ANC, which straddles internal bickering and an escalation
ings. This was noted by a Shiromani Akali Dal delegation that visited Given the defensive and surveillance rine warfare helicopter; it cannot do the western side of the Malacca in the annual defence allocation,
the city. But the state government must give a free hand to the secu- mandate of India’s tri-service something which is anathema to the
rity forces to nab the arsonists to serve as a deterrent to any future Andaman and Nicobar Command Union Finance Ministry.
mischief. Meghalaya also needs social fixing. Malnutrition and semi- (ANC) which is located here, its limit-
Considering the emerging Chinese threat, the Modi government needs The government found an escape
starvation is on the rise, not to speak of joblessness. The incident was ed firepower and air defence assets, to safeguard India’s strategic interests in Southeast Asia and the route in the 2001 Group of Ministers’
restricted to a small part of Shillong, but points to the warped politi- the abysmal inter-island connectivity, report which recommended the for-
cal narrative that encourages victimisation of the outsider rather than insufficient infrastructure to support Malacca Strait by setting in order the Andaman and Nicobar Command. mation of a new tri-service — ANC —
and sustain naval and air operations,
. which, unfortunately, was and
diligently address the region’s broken social plumbing.
frugal maintenance ecosystem to much with its SONAR (sound naviga- Strait, commercially the busiest sea remains, nobody’s (Army, Air Force,
assist permanent berthing of heavy tion and ranging) to locate sub- lane in the world, connecting west- Navy and Coast Guard) baby.
warships and submarines, and with marines. ern Pacific with the Indian Ocean Considering that the Modi govern-

Gangsters uninterrupted
the naval reinforcements on the A few more statistics would put the north through the Andaman Sea. ment has since 2016 upgraded the
mainland being 1,200 km away, there maritime threat in perspective. Appreciating the vulnerability of ANC to a strategic command, it
are reasons for PLAN to consider mil- A&N is 163 km from Sabang and 770 the A&N, the Indian Navy had in should first set its own house in order
Punjab has to look beyond police to rein in criminality itary coercion by temporary occupa- km from the coast of Myanmar. The 2000 under its chief, Admiral Sushil before flexing muscle in the Indo-
tion of uninhibited islands. Kra canal, which China has pro- Kumar, forwarded a paper to the Pacific Region. Instead of giving the

ANGSTERS in Punjab seem to be taking tips from terrorists. Moreover, while the Malacca mis- posed to build in Thailand as part of Defence Ministry for consideration. Commander-in-Chief, ANC, post per-
Choose targets for their sensational worth, and the effect sion-deployment started by the Navy its OROB initiative, will open into It was proposed that the existing manently to the Navy, which is being
makes it easy to ply their trade. The recent reports of popular in 2016 to support the Act East policy the Andaman Sea, barely 600 km Fortress Andaman and Nicobar contemplated, the need is to name
is steered by the ANC, it is unable to from Port Blair. Since 2008, when it (FORTAN), which was set up by the the ANC under the Chiefs of Staff
singers and actors being attacked or threatened for extortion have
support it even for its operational started its regular anti-piracy voy- Navy in the ’60s primarily for sur- Committee into the Navy-led and-
created a second wave of fear psychosis among people who can be
turn-round, which involves providing ages to the Gulf of Aden, China’s veillance, be upgraded to Far East- owned FENC. Nothing less than this
potential targets, essentially those with heavy cash flow; these fuel, rations and servicing. So, instead PLAN under the garb of innocuous ern Naval Command (FENC). This would help in meeting the emerging
include arhtiyas and doctors. While it is hard to know what exactly is of seeking help from the Eastern sea forays, has gained a decade of would have changed the mission, Chinese threat.
brewing in the underworld at a given point in time, there was a per-
ception of a lull in gangster violence after the killing of Vicky
Gounder. That now seems broken. There have been reports of two
political persons being killed by gangsters too.
After a number of gangsters were neutralised in quick succession
by the state police last year, the Chief Minister congratulated them for
their work. Some figures were given out on the number of gangsters
in the state, and how many had been killed or arrested. There was
An odd twosome defies caste line
hope. But with the apparent resurgence of gangster activity, it seems
the police did not have the complete story. There is obviously a new Brig Gurinder Singh (retd) temperamental, lean Harijan widow caste. Roshni often hurled abuses at ing willingness to mix up with Har-
who owned six acres allotted to her them and often quarrelled with any- ijans and despising the upper-caste,

crop of criminals rising, eager to replace those plucked out; and there
WAS in my teens and still too family during land distribution to one who questioned her relation- Bhagatji, as Bagha was affectionate-
is no way for the police to know their numbers. That is a problem for young to figure out how they Harijans in the early ’60s. Her chil- ship with Bagha. Finally, one day, ly called by few well-meaning peo-
the government to tackle — to give hope to the disoriented youth who intrigued me. Roshni was a mid- dren and grandchildren were when asked by her sons, she boldly ple, questioned the caste narrative
find few options to channelise their energy and aspirations. dle-aged, outspoken and extrovert engaged in shoe making/mending declared her resolve to live with in the 1970s.
Amidst the stir caused in the entertainment industry of Punjab, who loved her land more than any- work and lived in Hisar city, some Bagha for the sake of the land. Lat- Recently, when the Haryana Gov-
the singers too would not have missed the irony of their music glori- thing, and Bagha Ram, on the other 10 km away. They did not have any er, they purchased a pair of oxen, ernment decided to relocate Dalit
fying gun and muscle power, mixed with false pride, often casteist, hand, was a quiet, introvert, hard- interest in tilling the land. and their jhuggi under a kikar tree victims of Mirchpur violence at
and then being stung by the same culture. It is not hard to imagine working man in his mid-thirties. With only one ox, the stout Bagha gave way to a mud-plastered house. Dandhoor village in Hisar, it
how today’s gangsters just five or six years back would have come of Every evening, she went to the city filled in for the second ox, with Almost 50 years ago, it was brought back the memories of this
age swaying to pop Punjabi music, fancying themselves as purvey- and returned the next morning. Roshni holding the plough. They extraordinary for a low-caste widow couple. Dandhoor is less than 2 km
ors of all they saw. The cycle will continue, occasionally touching fun- They worked, rested and ate togeth- started cultivating the land. Bish- to live with an upper-caste man in a from Bagha and Roshni’s land.
damentalist activity and politics, till the Punjabi community as well er as if nothing else mattered. nois and other upper-caste men Harijan-majority area. Illiterate They both are long gone, hopefully
as the government do not come to terms with the reality that breeds Much later did I learn that Bagha chided Bagha for being a ‘servant’ Bagha and Roshni had the stead- their spirit will guide the people of
was not a Harijan (as Dalits were to a foul-tempered low-caste woman. fastness to uphold human values Dhandoor to accept and absorb the
such degenerate behaviour.
known then), but from a Bishnoi Bagha maintained stoic silence, but despite widespread untouchability migrants forced out of their homes.
(upper caste) family from a nearby he was unforgiving to his own com- and caste and community divide in But I do wonder why must the Dalit
Thought for the Day village. He was thrown out by his munity for abandoning him. those days. Firebrand Roshni had victims migrate? Let the errant ele-
brothers with one ox as his share in Harijans, who were looking to the tenacity to not only stand up to ments and criminals be shifted out
The important thing about security systems isn’t how they work, it’s how the property. Nowhere to go, Bagha grab Roshni’s land, questioned her criticism, but also question the of notorious Mirchpur. Is it not time
they fail. — Cory Doctorow was offered shelter by Roshni, a alliance with a man from the upper- morality of such people. By display- to change?

letters to the editor

Leaving out Punjab got eclipsed by globalised English lan- being made around the scheduled vis- make profit on a daily/weekly/monthly the department. These primary teach- ways. The Swachh Bharat campaign has
In response to the editorial ‘Sin of guage and literature. The time is ripe for it of former President Pranab Muker- basis after spending fixed hours. Our ers are qualified to teach only up to class had negligible impact on people at large.
omission’ (June 4), you have rightly necessary rectification by the university jee to address the RSS cadre at Nag- sympathies should be with the farmer. V. If these primary teachers improved People are still dumping their house-
castigated the makers of the syllabus authorities by incorporating translations pur? After all, the RSS is not SS SOBTI LADHOWAL, LUDHIANA class XII results, where remains the hold rubbish in and around vacant plots.
of MA English paper of Panjab Uni- of Punjabi language and literature at the infectious, rather it is a social organi- need for specialist teachers? Stopping them from doing so is to invite
versity for excluding Punjabi writers graduate and postgraduate level. sation. The former President is a free SURINDER KUMAR JINDAL, MOHALI a quarrel. Also, railway track is used
of literary excellence. It is intriguing VK ANAND, CHANDIGARH citizen now and must be allowed to Depends on teachers too extensively and unabashedly for throw-
that works from Odisha, Karnataka conduct himself independently. If there is will to serve society, ‘com- ing litter. The government asserts that it
and Maharashtra have been includ- AKHTAR MAHMOOD, CHANDIGARH mensurate’ results can be achieved by Get serious about education gives money to people to construct toi-
ed. Punjabi is the main language of AAP yields to Cong teachers (‘1.5 lakh kids join lost gener- Refer to ‘1.5 lakh kids join lost genera- lets in their houses, why then are people
the region and denying this rich liter- This is with reference to the editorial ations, yet again’; June 4). The require- tions, yet again’ (June 4); the glaring still defecating in the open? Only if peo-
ature to students is wrong. The gov- ‘AAP’s reach-out to Congress’ (June Protest by farmers ment of subject specialist teachers for failures of the PSEB indicate grave ple’s mindset changes, can the desired
ernment should immediate take 4). The ‘alliance’ of the AAP with the Does a single consumer support a good results cannot be undermined. mismanagement and improper poli- results be achieved.
steps to include the rich literature of Congress reflects dirty politics played farmer’s demand? After much hard- Yet, there have been government cies. It seems that successive govern- TARSEM S BUMRAH, BATALA
Punjab in the syllabus. by Arvind Kejriwal to meet his selfish ship, what does he get? Farmer is schools where students of class X this ments were never serious about the
JATINDER BIR SINGH NANDA, LUDHIANA ends. But it is to be understood here Anndaata. The media says ‘mixed year fared much better even in the education of children. It is a fact that
that the Indian electorate is not a fool response’ to farmers’ agitation. The absence of the respective subject majority of children in state-run Displaced allottees
to not understand these tactics for media should highlight the genuine teacher throughout the year. But they schools belong to lower middle and low- As many as 124 bona-fide allottees
Include Punjabi lit gaining votes. Recently, wherever the demands of farmers. There should be fared poorly in subjects (even ‘easy’ er-income classes. The state is jeopar- were displaced for the dream project,
Punjab University College, Lahore, the AAP contested, it has failed miserably. fixed minimum wages even for a ones) for which they had a full-time dising their prospects of a better future. City Centre Scheme Ludhiana. Plots
predecessor of Panjab University, was This is because there is no clear-cut farmer. Even if the government was teacher working on a full pay scale for Adarsh or smart schools are a political were acquired by the then Capt
established in 1870 with the prime objec- policy of the party, in other states too. ready to provide everything free of cost the entire session. The issue of quality gimmick. What is the use of these new Amarinder Singh government in 1999,
tive ‘to encourage the research and In this scenario, even if the party — seed, fertiliser, power, tools, tractors education is complex. It is the dedica- models when the existing structure and since then, we are going from pil-
study of eastern classical languages and reaches out to the Congress, it will not — and give an assurance to compensate tion of a teacher that matters more than cannot be elevated to a higher level? lar to post to get the plots at the reserve
literature’. In the same university, step- benefit in the next elections. losses of every kind to the producer, full pay scale, permanent/regular post- ISHAN CHAUHAN, JALANDHAR price with all basic civic amenties. But
motherly treatment to Punjabi language SANJAY CHAWLA, AMRITSAR even then, no one will be ready to accept ing, etc. Political will is paramount. we have failed to get a positive
is bound to raise eyebrows. Punjabi liter- this hardship except the poor farmer. Class XII students are taught by lectur- response from the Punjab Govern-
ature is rich in cultural heritage and The Modi government’s assurance of ers. There has been no shifting of lectur- Lest the lesson is lost… ment. A Special Investigation Team,
philosophical dispositions. The works of Why the big deal? return of ‘one and a half times’ of a ers from panchayat control to the educa- Apropos ‘Little girls and little louts’ headed by a retired judge, should be
the greats like Bulle Shah, Amrita Pri- Apropos the news report ‘No surprise farmer’s inputs is a gimmick. Who will tion department. Only some primary (June 4), the bold act of the girls was, constituted to investigate the matter
tam, Balwant Gargi, Varis Shah, Gur- in Pranab’s Nagpur visit, says RSS’ calculate this and this will be possible schools were once brought under pan- indeed, praiseworthy. We should learn and give justice to those concerned.
baksh Singh Preetlari, unfortunately, (June 4), why is so much hue and cry only twice a year, whereas other trades chayat control and later handed over to from this incident and mend our messy DAVINDER KUMAR, LUDHIANA

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

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