SC41-5412-00 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support

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AS/400 IBM

Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP) Support
Version 4

AS/400 IBM
Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) Support
Version 4

Take Note!

Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page v.

First Edition (August 1997)

This edition applies to the licensed program Operating System/400, (Program 5769-SS1), Version 4 Release 1 Modification 1, and to
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 Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.

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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Chapter 1. Introduction to SNMP for
Programming Interface Information . . . . . . vi OS/400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Trademarks and Service Marks . . . . . . . . vi Definition of Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
About Simple Network Management Definition of SNMP Agent . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Protocol (SNMP) Support (SC41-5412) . . vii Definition of SNMP Manager . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Prerequisite and Related Information . . . . . vii Definition of SNMP Subagents . . . . . . . . 1-1
Information Available on the World Wide Web vii MIB Objects Supported by the AS/400 SNMP
Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Supported SNMP Protocol Elements . . . . 1-2

Part 1. Configuring and Using SNMP

Chapter 2. Configuring the OS/400 SNMP CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP for

Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Community Naming Conventions . . . . . 2-1 Chapter 3. SNMP Manager Enablement . 3-1
Object Access Specification . . . . . . . . 2-1 SNMP Manager APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Manager List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Trap Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
OS/400 Community Attributes . . . . . . . 2-2 STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager)
Procedures for Configuring a Community 2-2 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
SNMP Agent Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager)
System Contact Parameter . . . . . . . . 2-2 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
System Location Parameter . . . . . . . . 2-3 SNMP Trap Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Send Authentication Traps Parameter . . 2-3
Automatic Start Parameter . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Chapter 4. Client Inventory Management 4-1
Object Access and the Logging Requests Client Inventory Management . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Client Software Management Database
Log Traps Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Trap Manager Parameter . . . . . . . . . 2-3 QAZCADEV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Pre-Configured Community Attributes . . 2-4 QAZCADIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Configuring Your System for SNMP . . . . . 2-4 QAZCADSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for QAZCAFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 QAZCAMSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for QAZCANET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 QAZCAPRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for QAZCAPRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 QAZCAPTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) QAZCADRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 QAZCASFW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
QAZCASFX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
QAZCASTG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Part 2. Using the SNMP Subagent DPI API

Chapter 5. Introduction to SNMP SNMP DPI API Source Files . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Distributed Protocol Interface . . . . . . . 5-1 Compiling, Linking, and Running a DPI API
SNMP Agents and Subagents . . . . . . . . 5-1 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
DPI Agent Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Additional DPI Information . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 iii

Chapter 6. Subagent Programming REGISTER Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 UNREGISTER Request . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
GET Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 TRAP Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
SET Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 ARE_YOU_THERE Request . . . . . . . . . 6-6
GETNEXT Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Communicating with the SNMP Agent . . . . 6-6
OPEN Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Waiting for Work from the SNMP Agent . . . 6-7
CLOSE Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

Part 3. Appendixes

Appendix A. OS/400 SNMP Agent Set CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP SNMP)

Processing and Supported SNMP MIBs A-1 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3
OS/400 SNMP Agent Set Processing . . . . A-1 CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for
Standard RFC MIBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4
MIB-II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes)
Ethernet-like Interface MIB . . . . . . . . . A-2 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6
FDDI MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server)
Frame Relay MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-9
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB . . . . . . . . A-3 ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager)
IBM Enterprise MIBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
Advanced Peer-To-Peer Networking STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server)
(APPN) MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11
Client Management MIB . . . . . . . . . . A-5 STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager)
NetView for AIX Subagent MIB . . . . . . A-5 Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-13
DPI 2.0 MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5 RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for
SNMP Subagent MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6 SNMP) Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-14

Appendix B. Journal for SNMP Logging B-1 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1

IBM Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1
Appendix C. Problem Analysis for SNMP C-1 Communications and Programming . . . . H-1
Problem Analysis for SNMP Agent . . . . . . C-1 NetView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-1
Problem Analysis for SNMP Manager APIs . C-4 Advanced Communications Function for
Problem Analysis for SNMP Trap Manager . C-5 Virtual Telecommunications Access
Problem Analysis for SNMP Subagent APIs C-6 Method (ACF/VTAM) . . . . . . . . . . . H-1
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) . . . H-2
Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 Non-IBM Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-2
SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 Simple Network Management Protocol . . H-2
ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for SNMP)
Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-1

iv OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

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 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 v

Programming Interface Information
This book is intended to help applicaton programmers use the SNMP function of the IBM OS/400 licensed
program. This book documents General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Informa-

General-Use programming interfaces allow the customer to write programs that obtain the services of the
OS/400 licensed program.

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vi OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

About Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support
This book is intended for the administrator who is
responsible for configuring SNMP related systems Prerequisite and Related
management function in OS/400. It is also a Information
guide for the programmer who intends to write
SNMP managing applications or SNMP suba- For information about other AS/400 publications
gents. (except Advanced 36), see either of the following:
Ÿ The Publications Reference book, SC41-5003,
SNMP support in the AS/400 system includes the in the AS/400 Softcopy Library.
following: Ÿ The AS/400 Information Directory, a unique,
Ÿ Configuring and using the SNMP agent multimedia interface to a searchable database
Ÿ Configuring and using TRAP manager support that contains descriptions of titles available
Ÿ Using client inventory management from IBM or from selected other publishers.
Ÿ Using the SNMP subagent DPI API. The AS/400 Information Directory is shipped
with the OS/400 operating system at no
Using this book, the AS/400 programmer can: charge.
Ÿ Configure the AS/400 system to use SNMP
Ÿ Create SNMP subagents that can respond to
Information Available on the
SNMP managing applications World Wide Web
Ÿ Create managing applications that can request
information from appropriate SNMP suba- More AS/400 information is available on the World
gents. Wide Web. You can access this information from
the AS/400 home page, which is at the following
You should be familiar with the following to use uniform resource locator (URL) address:
the information in this book: http://www.as4ðð
Ÿ AS/400 programming terminology. You
should also be familiar with the terminology of Select the Information Desk, and you will be able
the host system. to access a variety of AS/400 information topics
from that page.
Ÿ Data communications concepts.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 vii

viii OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Chapter 1. Introduction to SNMP for OS/400
This chapter describes the Simple Network Man- management data to be managed by the SNMP
agement Protocol (SNMP), SNMP components manager. This is how the agent makes network
(manager, agent, subagent), and Management and system information available to other systems.
Information Bases (MIBs) related to SNMP. The
implementation of SNMP for OS/400 is also dis- For example, a managing application that displays
cussed. system descriptions can be running on a NetView
for AIX management platform. If a user needs to
access the AS/400 description, the managing
Definition of Simple Network application constructs a message that requests a
Management Protocol (SNMP) MIB object called sysDescr. This request is sent
to the AS/400 system where the SNMP agent
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) decodes the message and then retrieves the infor-
is an industry standard management protocol that mation from the sysDescr MIB object. The agent
originated for TCP/IP networks. SNMP is constructs a response with this information and
described by a series of Request for Comments sends it back to the managing application. When
(RFCs) that specifies and structures the informa- the application has decoded the response, the
tion that is exchanged between managing and SNMP manager can then display the AS/400
managed systems. SNMP is used predominately description information to the user.
in TCP/IP networks. However, OS/400 AnyNet
You can use both the SNMP manager APIs and
support allows OS/400 SNMP support to be used
the SNMP trap support to write an SNMP man-
in a SNA network.
agement application on an AS/400 system. You
can retrieve and set MIB data by using the SNMP
manager APIs. You can monitor for unsolicited
Definition of SNMP Agent SNMP trap messages by using the SNMP trap
support. For a more detailed description of the
SNMP agents reside on systems that are
OS/400 SNMP manager APIs, along with sample
managed. The agent receives requests to either
source code, see “Simple Network Management
retrieve or change management information by
Protocol (SNMP) Manager APIs” in the book
referencing MIB objects. Management Informa-
System API Reference: UNIX-Type APIs.
tion Base (MIB) objects are units of information
that provide information about the system and the
network to the managing system. MIB objects are
referenced by the agent whenever a valid request
Definition of SNMP Subagents
from an SNMP manager is received.
SNMP agents have predefined MIB objects that
they can access. This limits the manager in
regards to the type of information that it can
Definition of SNMP Manager request. The need to overcome this limitation
brought about the introduction of subagents. A
An SNMP manager refers to a system that runs a
subagent allows the dynamic addition of other
managing application or suite of applications.
MIB objects without the need to change the agent.
These applications depend on MIB objects for
At the same time, SNMP managers are not
information that resides on the managed systems.
impacted by these dynamic additions because
Managers generate requests for this MIB informa-
they continue to work directly with the SNMP
tion, and an SNMP agent on the managed system
agent. Therefore, an SNMP management applica-
responds to these requests. A request can either
tion can choose to work as if the MIB objects
be the retrieval or modification of MIB information.
came directly from the SNMP agent.
By accessing the MIB objects, the SNMP agent
allows configuration, performance, and problem

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 1-1

MIB Objects Supported by the
AS/400 SNMP Agent Requests
Responses Manager
MIB objects are units of managed information
that specifically describe an aspect of a system
such as the system name, hardware number, or
communication configuration. A collection of Managing System
related MIB objects is defined as a MIB. The fol-
lowing are the main MIBs that are supported by
OS/400. AS/400
Standard RFC MIBs
Ÿ MIB II (RFC1213)
Agent MIBs
Ÿ Ethernet-like (RFC1398)
Ÿ FDDI (RFC1285)
Ÿ Frame Relay (RFC1315)
Ÿ Token Ring (RFC1231) Requests
IBM enterprise MIBs
Ÿ Client Management MIB Subagent MIBs
Ÿ NetView for AIX subagent MIB
Ÿ DPI 2.0 (RFC1592)
Ÿ SNMP subagent MIB
Managed System
All of the IBM enterprise MIBs except for DPI 2.0 RV3P151-2
are provided in QSYS/QANMMIB. The DPI 2.0
MIB is not used in OS/400. For more specific Figure 1-1. SNMP Overview
information concerning the supported MIBs associ-
ated with SNMP, refer to Appendix A, “OS/400
SNMP Agent Set Processing and Supported Supported SNMP Protocol
SNMP MIBs.” Elements
Figure 1-1 provides a general overview of the The OS/400 SNMP and MIB implementations are
SNMP components and how they reference MIBs. based on the following Internet RFCs:
Responses, requests, and traps are discussed in
Ÿ RFC1157 Simple Network Management Pro-
the next section.
tocol (SNMP)
Ÿ RFC1155 Structure and Identification of Man-
agement Information for TCP/IP-based Inter-
Ÿ RFC1212 Concise MIB Definition
Ÿ RFC1213 Management Information Base for
Network Management of TCP/IP-based Inter-
nets: MIB-II
Ÿ RFC1215 Convention for Defining Traps for
Use with SNMP
Ÿ RFC1720 IAB Official Protocol Standards
Ÿ RFC1700 Assigned Numbers

1-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Ÿ RFC1592 Distributed Protocol Interface (DPI) 5. TRAPS - Unsolicited messages. Including:
2.0 coldStart, warmStart, linkDown, linkUp,
authenticationFailure, EGPNeighborLoss, and
The type of protocol used by SNMP to pass data enterpriseSpecific.
between the SNMP manager and the SNMP agent
The GET, GETNEXT, and SET requests are
is a request/response protocol. The manager
issued by the SNMP manager to the SNMP agent.
makes a request for MIB object information and
The RESPONSE request is issued by the agent to
the agent responds to that request. SNMP uses
the manager. TRAPS are sent from the agent to
five protocol operations to implement this type of
one or more managers as unsolicited messages.
1. GET - Request to inspect one or more MIB As an example: an SNMP manager requests con-
objects figuration information for a particular system. The
manager formats this request in a GET protocol
2. GETNEXT - Request to inspect the next MIB
data unit (PDU)1 and transmits the request to the
agent using a communication service. After the
3. SET - Request to alter the value of one or manager's request has been received, the agent
more MIB objects packages the requested MIB object information in
4. RESPONSE - Response to a GET, a RESPONSE PDU and transmits it back to the
GETNEXT, or SET request. manager.

1 A protocol data unit (PDU) is a protocol unit of work.

Chapter 1. Introduction to SNMP for OS/400 1-3

1-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Part 1. Configuring and Using SNMP

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997

OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Chapter 2. Configuring the OS/400 SNMP Agent
This chapter describes how to configure the SNMP (RMVCOMSNMP) commands have an
OS/400 SNMP agent. SNMP agent configuration additional parameter; translate community name
on the AS/400 consists of the following sections: (ASCIICOM). ASCIICOM determines whether a
community name is translated to ASCII characters
Ÿ Communities: You need to describe how
before it is compared with the community name in
communities are used so that the SNMP
a received SNMP manager's request. The
agent can determine which SNMP manager
ASCIICOM parameter has two possible values,
requests to honor.
*YES and *NO. Most of the time
Ÿ SNMP Agent Attributes: You need to ASCIICOM(*YES) is specified. If a community
describe the values and options that are used specifies ASCIICOM(*YES), the SNMP agent
by the SNMP agent, including the destination translates the community name from EBCDIC to
SNMP managers for traps generated by the ASCII characters before comparing it with the
agent. community name specified in the SNMP manager
request. This feature ensures compatibility
between an AS/400 system (an EBCDIC system)
Communities and ASCII managers. ASCIICOM(*NO) is speci-
fied only if the managing system sends community
The relationship between a SNMP agent and one names in EBCDIC or if the community name con-
or more SNMP managers is controlled by using sists of one or more non-readable characters.
communities. Each community consists of the fol- When ASCIICOM(*NO) is specified, translation
lowing elements: does not occur.
community name The combination of the community name and the
Specifies the name of a community. The ASCIICOM value identifies a community in
SNMP manager must specify a community OS/400. For example, community 'public'
name that is recognizable to the SNMP agent ASCIICOM(*YES) and community 'public'
so the agent can honor the manager's ASCIICOM(*NO) are two different communities.

object access specification Object Access Specification

Specifies what operations the SNMP man-
agers are allowed to perform. Object access for a community is specified on the
list of SNMP managers' IP addresses
by the OBJACC parameter. The OBJACC param-
The SNMP manager must specify an IP
eter contains one of four values:
address that is recognizable to the SNMP
agent so that the agent can honor the manag- *READ
er's request. managers in this community can access all
readable objects for all MIB groups.
Community Naming Conventions *WRITE
managers in this community can access all
A community name consists of one or more char- readable MIB objects and can change all
acters. Typically, community names consist of changeable MIB objects.
readable characters. They can also consist of
non-readable characters. These non-readable *NONE
characters can take on any value between X'00' managers in this community cannot access
and X'FF'. Because of possible non-readable any MIB objects.
characters, the Add Community for SNMP
Note: This value can be used to temporarily
(ADDCOMSNMP), Change Community for SNMP
deny access to managers in a commu-
(CHGCOMSNMP), and Remove Community for
nity without removing the community.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 2-1

*SNMPATR Ÿ Selecting option 1 on the Work with Communi-
the community is to use the object access ties for SNMP display. This work with display
value specified in the SNMP attributes. is shown by selecting option 2 after entering
Manager List command.
Existing communities are changed by either:
The list of SNMP managers in the community is
specified by the manager Internet address Ÿ Issuing the CHGCOMSNMP command
(INTNETADR) parameter on the ADDCOMSNMP Ÿ Selecting option 2 on the Work with Communi-
and CHGCOMSNMP commands. This list con- ties for SNMP display. This work with display
sists of the IP addresses of the managers in the is shown by selecting option 2 after entering
community. the Configure TCP/IP SNMP (CFGTCPSNMP)
A special value of *ANY is supported on the
INTNETADR parameter for the ADDCOMSNMP Existing communities can be removed by either
and CHGCOMSNMP commands. This value indi- Ÿ Issuing the RMVCOMSNMP command
cates that all SNMP managers in the network
Ÿ Selecting option 4 on the Work with Communi-
could be part of this community.
ties for SNMP display. This work with display
is shown by selecting option 2 after entering
OS/400 Community Attributes the Configure TCP/IP SNMP (CFGTCPSNMP)
For OS/400, a community has two additional attri-
butes: Existing communities can be listed by using the
Work with Communities for SNMP display. This
Ÿ LOGSET (log set request) - controls the display is shown by selecting option 2 after
logging of SET requests in journal QSNMP in entering the CFGTCPSNMP command. The attri-
library QUSRSYS, and butes of a single community can be shown by
Ÿ LOGGET (log get request) - controls the selecting option 5 on the Work with Communities
logging of GET and GETNEXT requests in for SNMP display.
journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.
Each of the community logging parameters has
three possible values:
SNMP Agent Attributes
*YES SNMP agent attributes are specified on the
manager's requests are logged in the journal. AS/400 by either:

*NO Ÿ Running the CHGSNMPA command

manager's requests are not logged. Ÿ Selecting option 1 on the Configure TCP/IP
SNMP menu display that is shown by running
the CFGTCPSNMP command.
the logging value specified in the SNMP attri-
butes is to be used for that community. The following are parameters which are used
when specifying an SNMP agent on the AS/400
For more information on SNMP logging, refer to system.
Appendix B, “Journal for SNMP Logging” on
page B-1.
System Contact Parameter
Procedures for Configuring a This parameter corresponds to the sysContact
Community MIB object of MIB-II. When *CNTINF is specified,
the system contact is set to the local system
New communities are defined and added to the contact value specified on the Work with Support
OS/400 SNMP agent configuration information by Contact Information (WRKCNTINF) command
either: (option 2 - Work with local service information).
Ÿ Issuing the ADDCOMSNMP command

2-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

This value can be changed by a manager that is *YES
part of a community that specifies *WRITE The SNMP agent is started.
access. It can also be read by a manager that is
part of a community that specifies *READ or
The SNMP agent is not started.
*WRITE access.
Note: The Start TCP Server (STRTCPSVR)
System Location Parameter command must be used to start the SNMP agent
in this case.
This parameter corresponds to the sysLocation
MIB object of MIB-II. When *CNTINF is specified, Object Access and the Logging
the system location is set to the local system
location value specified on the WRKCNTINF
Requests Parameters
command (option 2 - Work with local service infor-
The object access, log set request, and the log
mation). This value can be changed by a
get request function the same way as their com-
manager that is part of a community that specifies
munity parameter counterparts.
*WRITE access. It can also be read by a
manager that is part of a community that specifies
*READ or *WRITE access. Log Traps Parameter
This parameter has the following values:
Send Authentication Traps
Parameter *YES
A log entry is added to the QSNMP journal in
This parameter corresponds to the the QUSRSYS library when the SNMP agent
snmpEnableAuthenTraps MIB object of MIB-II. sends a trap.
Send Authentication Traps has a value of either
*YES or *NO.
Trap logging does not occur.
An authenticationFailure trap is sent to the Trap Manager Parameter
managers defined in the trap managers attri-
bute each time a request is received from an This parameter specifies which SNMP managers
SNMP manager with a community name that are sent the OS/400 SNMP agent's generated
is unknown to the SNMP agent. traps. Depending on the length of each element
in the manager's list, up to 300 managers can be
specified. Each element of the manager's list con-
No authenticationFailure traps will be sent.
sists of three parts:
This value can be changed by a manager that is Ÿ The contents of the manager's IP address.
part of a community that specifies *WRITE
Note: This address must be unique.
access. It can also be read by a manager that is
part of a community that specifies *READ or Ÿ The community name that the agent puts in
*WRITE access. the trap before it is sent to the manager.
Note: This name is completely independent
Automatic Start Parameter from the community names that the agent
uses to verify requests from a manager.
This parameter controls whether the SNMP agent
Ÿ An indication of whether the community name
is started when the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP)
should be translated to ASCII characters
command runs.
before it is placed into the trap. The same
translation rules used for community names

Chapter 2. Configuring the OS/400 SNMP Agent 2-3

Pre-Configured Community system's specific requirements. For additional
information on these commands, see Appendix D,
Attributes “CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP” on page D-1.
The OS/400 system is shipped with the SNMP
agent pre-configured and with one pre-configured ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community
community. for SNMP) Command
community name public
The Add Community for SNMP (ADDCOMSNMP)
command allows the user to add an SNMP com-
munity profile to the SNMP agent configuration
file. An SNMP agent uses a community profile to
determine whether or not to honor a request sent
by an SNMP manager.
The pre-configured SNMP agent has the following
This example adds community 'ourcommunity' to
the SNMP agent configuration file. The SNMP
system contact *NONE managers with the Internet addresses '' and
system location *NONE '' are the only managers in the community
send authentication traps *YES (with set capability) and are able to change MIB
autostart *NO objects.
object access *READ ADDCOMSNMP COM('ourcommunity') OBJACC(\WRITE)
log set requests *NO INTNETADR('' '')
log get requests *NO
log traps *NO Note: It is important to check to see if the
trap managers *NONE manager has multiple IP addresses. If the
manager has multiple addresses, use the same IP
address that the manager uses to send PDUs or
enter all the hosts IP addresses for the manager's
Configuring Your System for
The following commands start and stop the SNMP CHGCOMSNMP (Change
agent. The OS/400 subagent starts and ends in Community for SNMP) Command
parallel with the agent.
The Change Community for SNMP
(CHGCOMSNMP) command allows the user to
change an SNMP community profile in the SNMP
ENDTCPSVR (*SNMP) - Ends TCP/IP SNMP agent configuration file.
This example changes community 'ourcommunity'
The following commands change the SNMP con- in the SNMP agent configuration file.
figuration: CHGCOMSNMP COM('ourcommunity') OBJACC(\READ)
Ÿ Add Community for SNMP - ADDCOMSNMP
Community for SNMP) Command
Ÿ Change Community for SNMP -
CHGCOMSNMP The Remove Community for SNMP
Ÿ Change SNMP Attributes - CHGSNMPA (RMVCOMSNMP) command allows the user to
remove an SNMP community profile from the
Ÿ Remove Community for SNMP -
SNMP agent configuration file.
The following are descriptions and examples of This command removes community
the preceding configuration commands. Of ('ourcommunity') from the SNMP agent configura-
course, specific parameters would depend on your tion file.

2-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

RMVCOMSNMP COM('ourcommunity') Option 2 causes the Work with Communities for
SNMP display to be shown.
Attributes) Command Work with Communities for SNMP
Display: Option 2 of the Configure TCP/IP
The Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA) SNMP menu causes the following display to be
command allows the user to change values and shown:
options used by the SNMP agent.

This example changes the system contact infor- à ð

Work with Communities for SNMP
mation and specifies that the SNMP agent should Type options, press Enter.
System: ENDASðð3

not start when the STRTCP command runs. 1=Add 2=Change 4=Remove 5=Display

Option Community Name

_ ______________________________________________________________________
CHGSNMPA SYSCONTACT('Joe Smith, telephone 555-1212') _ Payroll
_ Finance
AUTOSTART(\NO) _ Engineering
_ Accounting



for SNMP) Command _

The Configure TCP/IP for SNMP (CFGTCPSNMP) More...
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print list F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom
command is used to display a menu that allows a
user to define or change the SNMP configuration. á ñ
This command presents the following series of Figure 2-2. Work with Communities for SNMP display
menus that are used to define or change your
SNMP configuration. Option 1 of the Work with Communities for SNMP
CFGTCPSNMP display shows the ADDCOMSNMP command in
prompt mode.

Option 2 of the Work with Communities for SNMP

à Configure TCP/IP SNMP
ð display shows the CHGCOMSNMP command in
System: ENDASðð3
Select one of the following:
prompt mode.
1. Change SNMP attributes
2. Work with communities for SNMP

Option 4 is used to remove a community. It

causes the Confirm Remove of Communities for
SNMP display to be shown.

Option 5 is used to display detailed community

Selection or command information. It causes the Display Community for
===> __________________________________________________________________________
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
SNMP display to be shown.

á ñ Pressing F6 causes detailed community informa-

tion to be printed for all communities.
Figure 2-1. CFGTCPSNMP main menu

Option 1 of the Configure TCP/IP SNMP menu Confirm Remove of Communities for
displays the Change SNMP Attributes SNMP Display: Option 4 causes the Work
(CHGSNMPA) command in prompt mode. with Communities for SNMP display to be shown:

Chapter 2. Configuring the OS/400 SNMP Agent 2-5

Display Community for SNMP
à Confirm Remove of Communities for SNMP
Press Enter to confirm your choices for 4=Remove.
System: ENDASðð3 Display: Option 5 causes the Work with Com-
Press F12 to return to change your choices. munities for SNMP display to be shown:
Option Community Name
4 badcommunity
4 badcommunity2
4 badcommunity3

à Display Community for SNMP

System: ENDASðð3
Community name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : public

Object access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \READ

Log set requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \YES
Log get requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \NO
Translate community name . . . . . . . . . : \YES
Bottom Manager Manager Manager Manager
F12=Cancel Internet Internet Internet Internet
Address Address Address Address

á ñ 8.145.15ð.129

8.145.15ð.132 8.145.15ð.137 8.145.15ð.142

8.145.15ð.133 8.145.15ð.138 8.145.15ð.143
Figure 2-3. Confirm Remove of Communities for Bottom
SNMP display Press Enter to continue.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Pressing enter causes the RMVCOMSNMP á ñ

command to be run for each entry in the list.
Figure 2-4. Display Community for SNMP display

2-6 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Chapter 3. SNMP Manager Enablement
This chapter describes how the SNMP manager is STRTRPMGR (Start Trap
enabled for OS/400.
Manager) Command
The OS/400 SNMP manager provides a rudimen-
The Start Trap Manager (STRTRPMGR)
tary base for SNMP management applications.
command allows the user to start the OS/400
The OS/400 SNMP manager consists of the fol-
SNMP trap manager job. An optional Forward
lowing functions:
Trap parameter may be specified. This parameter
Ÿ SNMP manager application program interface enables all traps received on port 162 of this
(API) system to be forwarded to the SNMP managers
Ÿ Trap manager listed in the SNMP agent's trap manager attribute.
When configuring the SNMP agent's trap manager
attribute and specifying forwarding on in the
SNMP Manager APIs STRTRPMGR command, refer to Appendix C,
“Problem Analysis for SNMP” on page C-1.
The SNMP manager APIs provide SNMP manage-
ment applications the ability to perform SNMP This example starts the trap management job.
management functions (GET, GETNEXT, and Traps that are received by the trap manager are
SET) to local or remote SNMP agents. For addi- enqueued and forwarded.
tional information on these APIs, see “Simple STRTRPMGR FWDTRP(\YES)
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Manager
The other valid value for the FWDTRP parameter
APIs” in the book System API Reference:
is *NO. For additional information on the
(Start Trap Manager) Command” on page D-13.
Trap Manager
ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager)
The trap manager receives traps, parses traps, Command
and then enqueues the traps to an internal queue.
If configured to do so, the trap manager then The End Trap Manager (ENDTRPMGR) command
sends the traps to other management destinations allows the user to end the OS/400 SNMP trap
as they are configured in the SNMP agent on the manager job.
AS/400 system. This type of function gives users
the ability to decide whether to forward traps that This example ends the trap management job.
are received from other nodes. The traps are for- ENDTRPMGR
warded through the SNMP agent that generates
and sends the actual trap PDU. Therefore, traps
are sent to all managers that are configured in the SNMP Trap Support
SNMP agent's trap manager attributes. Trap for-
warding is configurable using a CL command You can monitor for unsolicited SNMP trap mes-
interface. sages by using the SNMP trap support. These
Note: Use care when configuring the trap desti- trap messages may contain helpful data for man-
nations to avoid trap loops. (Loops are caused aging a network.
when two or more trap managers are configured
to forward traps to each other.) By using the OS/400 SNMP manager, it is pos-
sible to deliver SNMP traps to data queues. All
The following is a list of trap manager commands: traps that are received on an AS/400 system can
be routed to user-defined data queues. For addi-
Ÿ STRTRPMGR - Start trap manager tional information on configuring and using trap
Ÿ ENDTRPMGR - End trap manager support, see “SNMP Trap Support” in the book
System API Reference: UNIX-Type APIs.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 3-1

3-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Chapter 4. Client Inventory Management
Client Inventory Management can be used to CRTDTAARA DTAARA(QUSRSYS/QZCAREFI)
provide the host with information about the client. TYPE(\DEC) LEN(2 ð) VALUE(99)
TEXT('Refresh Interval')
If a client is configured to send SNMP traps to a
managing AS/400, the host collects hardware, This example sets the refresh interval at 99 days.
software, and connectivity information from the The data area must be of type decimal (integer
managed client. This chapter describes the Client value). Using this example, a refresh interval of
Inventory Management and lists the Client Man- 99 days is used for all clients that the AS/400
agement database formats. system is managing.

Using the Client Management MIB, users can

Client Inventory Management write application programs that perform resource,
asset, license, and network management functions
OS/400 gathers information about personal com- by accessing the information in the Client Man-
puter clients that are attached to the AS/400. The agement Databases.1 The Client Management
information is stored in AS/400 database files to Databases, which are a set of physical and logical
provide a comprehensive inventory of personal files, represent the client information that was
computer assets. An example of the type of infor- gathered using SNMP GET and GETNEXT
mation available is the following: requests when the client was connected to an
AS/400. The database structure is based on the
Ÿ Directory - connectivity, access, and manage- MIB objects that are being shadowed from the
ment information client.
Ÿ Software - installed software identification and
change information APIs are provided to manage the clients in the
Client Information Database. Using these APIs
Ÿ Hardware - disk drive, memory, hard file you can add, change, or remove client information
that is stored on the client.
Traps that are received by an AS/400 system are
processed differently for new clients than traps
that are received for existing clients. New client's
traps are processed immediately and are added
Client Software Management
for inventory management. Hardware and soft- Database Formats
ware information about this client is retrieved and
stored in the database. The following are the database formats used when
querying and writing applications that access client
For existing clients, hardware and software infor- management information. All of these database
mation is only refreshed if this information is more files are shipped with OS/400 in library QSYS.
than 30 days old. 30 days is the default value. The files are copied into the QUSRSYS library
The default value can be changed to any value when the first client is discovered and stored in
between 1 and 365 days. Any other value results the database. All client information is stored in
in default of 30 days. A data area QZCAREFI in the database files in the QUSRSYS library. The
library QUSRSYS should be created to change files in the QSYS library are for recovery pur-
the refresh interval. For example: poses.

1 The user is not able to write information to the databases. They are able to write programs that access the databases.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 4-1

\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ZCCDEV 9B
\ File Name: qazcadev ZCCMED 9B
\ File Type: physical ZCCRMV 9B
\ Function: Database file where the client device K ZCCIDX
\ information is maintained. The data is obtained K ZCCDEV
\ from the HOST MIB.
\ ZCAIDX --> Client Index
\ ZCADEV --> Device Index QAZCAFS
\ ZCATYP --> Device Type
\ ZCADID --> Device ID \\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ ZCASTT --> Device Status \
\ ZCAERR --> Device Errors \ File Name: qazcafs
\ ZCADSC --> Device Description \ File Type: physical
\ \
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ Function: Database file where the client file system
UNIQUE \ information is maintained. The data is obtained
ZCADEV 9B \ ZCDIDX --> Client Index
ZCATYP 9B \ ZCDFS --> File System Index
ZCADID 128A VARLEN(128) \ ZCDLMP --> Mount Point
ZCASTT 9B \ ZCDRMP --> Remote Mount
ZCADSC 64A VARLEN(64) \ ZCDACC --> Access
K ZCAIDX \ ZCDBOT --> Bootable
K ZCADEV \ ZCDSTG --> Storage Index
\ ZCDFBK --> Full Backup
\ ZCDPBK --> Partial Backup
QAZCADIR \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ R QZCAFSR
\ File Name: qazcadir ZCDFS 9B
\ File Type: physical ZCDLMP 128A VARLEN(128)
\ Function: Database file where the basic client directory ZCDTYP 9B
\ information is maintained. ZCDACC 9B
\ ZCBIDX --> Client Index ZCDSTG 9B
\ ZCBDSC --> Client Description ZCDPBK Z
\ ZCBCMN --> Community K ZCDIDX
\ ZCBIPA --> IP Address K ZCDFS
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
ZCBCLT 255A VARLEN(255) \\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
ZCBCMN 255A VARLEN(255) \ File Name: qazcamsc
ZCBIPA 15A VARLEN(15) \ File Type: physical
K ZCBIDX \ Function: Database file where the basic client directory
\ information is maintained
\ ZCBIDX --> Client Index
QAZCADSK \ ZCBMEM --> Memory size
\ ZCBUPT --> Up Time
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ZCBSTT --> System Status
\ \ ZCBMBI --> Support MIBII
\ File Name: qazcadsk \ ZCBMBH --> Support HOST MIB
\ File Type: physical \ ZCBMBA --> Support APPN MIB
\ \ ZCBMBX --> Support Extensions
\ Function: Database file where the client disk storage \ ZCBHDW --> Hardware Refresh
\ information is maintained. The data is obtained \ ZCBSFW --> Software Refresh
\ from the HOST MIB. \ ZCBCON --> Contact
\ \ ZCBLOC --> Location
\ ZCCIDX --> Client Index \ ZCBTYP --> Machine Type
\ ZCCDEV --> Device Index \ ZCBMDL --> Machine Model
\ ZCCACC --> Disk Access \ ZCBUSR --> User Profile
\ ZCCMED --> Disk Media \ ZCBOWN --> Owner
\ ZCCRMV --> Disk Media Remove \ ZCBPHN --> Owner Phone
\ ZCCCAP --> Disk Capacity \ ZCBOFC --> Office
\ \
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

4-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

UNIQUE \ Function: Database file where the client printer
R QZCAMSCR \ information is maintained. The data is obtained
ZCBIDX 12H \ from the HOST MIB.
ZCBUPT 9B \ ZCGIDX --> Client Index
ZCBSTT 9B \ ZCGDEV --> Device Index
ZCBMBI 9B \ ZCGSTT --> Status
ZCBMBH 9B \ ZCGERR --> Error State
ZCBMBX 9B \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ File Name: qazcaptn
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ File Type: physical
\ \
\ File Name: qazcanet \ Function: Database file where the client storage partition
\ File Type: physical \ information is maintained. The data is obtained
\ \ from the HOST MIB.
\ Function: Database file where the client network \
\ information is maintained. The data is obtained \ ZCHIDX --> Client Index
\ from the HOST MIB. \ ZCHDEV --> Device Index
\ \ ZCHPTN --> Partition Index
\ ZCEIDX --> Client Index \ ZCHSIZ --> Size
\ ZCEDEV --> Device Index \ ZCHFSX --> FS Index
\ ZCENIF --> Network IFIndex \ ZCHLBL --> Label
\ \ ZCHID --> Id
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \
UNIQUE \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
128H VARLEN(128)

\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ K ZCHDEV

\ File Name: qazcaprc
\ File Type: physical
\ Function: Database file where the client processor
\ information is maintained. The data is obtained \\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ from the HOST MIB. \
\ \ File Name: qazcadrl
\ ZCFIDX --> Client Index \ File Type: logical
\ ZCFDEV --> Device Index \
\ ZCFLOD --> Processor Load \ Function: Database file where the basic client directory
\ ZCFFRM --> Processor Licensed Internal Code \ information is maintained
\ \
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ZCBIDX --> Client index
R QZCAPRCR \ ZCBDSC --> Client Description
ZCFIDX 12H \ ZCBCMN --> Community
ZCFDEV 9B \ ZCBIPA --> IP Address
K ZCFIDX \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ZCBDSC 255A VARLEN

\ File Name: qazcaprt ZCBIPA 15A VARLEN
\ File Type: physical ZCBCPN 17A VARLEN

Chapter 4. Client Inventory Management 4-3

\ information is maintained. The data is obtained
QAZCASFW \ from the HOST MIB extensions.
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ZCKIDX --> Client Index
\ \ ZCKSFW --> Software Index
\ File Name: qazcasfw \ ZCKSFX --> Software Fix Index
\ File Type: physical \ ZCKFIX --> Software Fix Id
\ \
\ Function: Database file where the client software \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ information is maintained. The data is obtained UNIQUE
\ from the HOST MIB extensions. R QZCASFXR
\ ZCJIDX --> Client Index ZCKSFW 9B
\ ZCJSFW --> Software Index ZCKSFX 9B
\ ZCJTYP --> Software Type ZCKFIX 16A VARLEN(7)
\ ZCJSTT --> Software Status K ZCKIDX
\ ZCJID --> Software Id K ZCKSFW
\ ZCJVER --> Software Version K ZCKFIX
\ ZCJOPT --> Software Option
\ ZCJFTR --> Software Feature
\ ZCJMNF --> Software Manufacture
\ ZCJPTH --> Software Path QAZCASTG
\ ZCJDAT --> Software Date
\ ZCJNAM --> Software Name \\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\ ZCJSN --> Software SerialNumber \
\ \ File Name: qazcastg
\\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ File Type: physical
R QZCASFWR \ Function: Database file where the client storage
ZCJIDX 12H \ information is maintained. The data is obtained
ZCJSFW 9B \ from the HOST MIB.
ZCJSTT 9B \ ZCIIDX --> Client index
ZCJID 128A VARLEN(7) \ ZCISTG --> Storage index
ZCJOPT 16A VARLEN(4) \ ZCIDSC --> Description
ZCJFTR 16A VARLEN(4) \ ZCIALU --> Allocation Units
ZCJPTH 255A VARLEN(128) \ ZCIUSD --> Used
ZCJDAT Z \ ZCIALF --> Allocation Failure
ZCJSN 64A VARLEN(32) \\\ End of Specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
\\\ Start of specifications \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ZCISIZ 9B
\ File Name: qazcasfx ZCIALF 9B
\ File Type: physical K ZCIIDX
\ Function: Database file where the Client software fix

4-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Part 2. Using the SNMP Subagent DPI API

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997

OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Chapter 5. Introduction to SNMP Distributed Protocol
The Simple Network Management Protocol Ÿ unregister
(SNMP) agent distributed protocol interface (DPI) Ÿ close
permits users to dynamically add, delete, or
replace management variables in the local Man- The SNMP subagent can initiate these DPI
agement Information Base (MIB) without requiring requests:
you to recompile the SNMP agent. Ÿ open, close
Ÿ register
This chapter describes the SNMP DPI routines
Ÿ response
that are supported by OS/400. This Application
Ÿ trap
Programming Interface (API) is for the DPI suba-
gent programmer. The SNMP subagent communicates with the
SNMP agent using these functions:
For additional information, you may also want to
obtain a copy of RFC1592 (SNMP DPI 2.0 RFC). Ÿ connect, disconnect
Ÿ receive, wait
Ÿ send
SNMP Agents and Subagents
The GET, GETNEXT, and SET requests corre-
SNMP agents are responsible for answering spond to the SNMP requests that a network man-
SNMP requests from network management agement station can make. The subagent
stations. Examples of management requests that responds to a request with a response packet.
are performed on the MIB objects are GET, The response packet can be created using the
GETNEXT, and SET. mkDPIresponse() library routine, which is part of
the DPI API library.
A subagent extends the set of MIB objects that
are provided by the SNMP agent. With the suba- COMMIT, UNDO, UNREGISTER, and CLOSE
gent, you define MIB variables useful in your own requests are specific SNMP DPI requests.
environment and register them with the SNMP
agent. The subagent normally responds to a request with
a RESPONSE packet. For the CLOSE and
When the agent receives a request for a MIB vari- UNREGISTER requests, the subagent does not
able, it passes the request to the subagent. The need to send a RESPONSE.
subagent then returns a response to the agent.
The agent creates an SNMP response packet and
sends the response to the remote network man- SNMP DPI API Source Files
agement station that initiated the request. The
existence of the subagent is transparent to the The following source file is provided:
network management station. qtossapi.h The public SNMP DPI 2.0 API
as provided to the DPI suba-
gent programmer. The DPI
DPI Agent Requests subagent code must include
this file.
The SNMP agent can initiate several DPI
requests: This source file is available in source file H,
Ÿ get member QTOSSAPI, in library QSYSINC. (If you
Ÿ getnext cannot locate this file, contact your system support
Ÿ set, commit, and undo department. The QSYSINC library can be selec-
tively installed at any time.)

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 5-1

tion, see the ILE C/400 Programmer’s Guide. and
Compiling, Linking, and Running the ILE C/400 Programmer’s Reference.
a DPI API Application
Programs using the SNMP subagent API must be Additional DPI Information
written in the C language. Use ILE C/400 to
compile the program with the Create C Module For information on the SNMP APIs, see “Simple
(CRTCMOD) CL command. After the *MOD Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Subagent
object is created, specify APIs” in the book System API Reference:
BNDSVRPGM(QTOSSAPI) in the Create Program UNIX-Type APIs.
(CRTPGM) CL command. For additional informa-

5-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Chapter 6. Subagent Programming Concepts
The DPI API for OS/400 is the 2.0 level of the pro- Ÿ If you receive an error RESPONSE on the
tocol. This is designed to be highly compatible OPEN packet, you will also receive a DPI
with SNMPv2 even if the SNMP Agent is CLOSE packet with an
SNMPv1. This compatibility allows future SNMP_CLOSE_openError code. In this situ-
upgrades of a subagent implementation for use ation, the agent closes the connection.
with a SNMPv2 Agent. Specifically:
Ÿ Please realize that DisplayString is only a
Ÿ Use only the SNMP Version 2 error codes textual convention. In the SNMP PDU (SNMP
even if there are definitions for the SNMP packet), the type is just an OCTET_STRING.
Version 1 error codes.
When the type is OCTET_STRING, it is not
Ÿ Implement the SET, COMMIT, UNDO pro- clear if this is a DisplayString or any arbitrary
cessing as described in the sections that data. This means that the agent can only
follow. know about an object being a DisplayString if
the object is included in some sort of a com-
Ÿ For GET requests, use the SNMP Version 2
piled MIB. If it is, the agent will use
approach and pass back noSuchInstance
SNMP_TYPE_DisplayString in the type field of
value or noSuchObject value if such is the
the varBind in a DPI SET packet. When you
case. Continue to process all remaining
send a DisplayString in a RESPONSE packet,
the agent will handle it as such.
Ÿ For GETNEXT, use the SNMP Version 2
approach and pass back endOfMibView value Related Information
if such is the case. Continue to process all
RFC1440 through RFC1452 are the SNMP
remaining varBinds.
Version 2 RFCs.
Ÿ When you are processing a request from the
UNDO), you are supposed to respond within GET Processing
the time-out period. You can specify the
time-out period in the OPEN and REGISTER The DPI GET packet holds one or more varBinds
packets. that the subagent has taken responsibility for.
If you fail to respond within that time-out
If the subagent encounters an error while pro-
period, the agent will most probably close your
cessing the request, it creates a DPI RESPONSE
DPI connection and then discard your
packet with an appropriate error indication in the
RESPONSE packet if it comes in later. If you
error_code field. The subagent then sets the
can detect that the response is not going to
error_index to the position of the varBind at which
be received in the time period, then you might
the error occurs. The first varBind is index 1, the
decide to stop the request and return an
second varBind is index 2, and so on. No OID,
type, length, or value information needs to be pro-
Ÿ You may want to issue an SNMP DPI vided in the packet. This is because, by definition,
ARE_YOU_THERE request periodically to the varBind information is the same as in the
ensure that the agent is still connected and request to which this is a response and the agent
still knows about you. still has that information.
Ÿ Generally, SNMP agents and managers use
If there are no errors, the subagent creates a DPI
the printable ASCII character set to represent
RESPONSE packet in which the error_code is set
DisplayString values. For additional informa-
to SNMP_ERROR_noError (zero) and error_index
tion on the mkDPIopen() API, see “Simple
is set to zero. The packet must also include the
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Suba-
OID, type, length, and value of each varBind
gent APIs” in the book System API Reference:

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 6-1

When you get a request for a non-existing object ginal SNMP request it received. This may be to
or a non-existing instance of an object, you must the same subagent or to one or more different
return a NULL value with a type of subagents.
SNMP_TYPE_noSuchObject or
SNMP_TYPE_noSuchInstance respectively. Once all SET requests have returned a no error
These two values are not considered errors, so condition, the agent starts sending DPI COMMIT
the error_code and error_index should be zero. packets to the subagents. If any SET request
returns an error, the agent sends DPI UNDO
The DPI RESPONSE packet is then sent back to packets to those subagents that indicated suc-
the agent. cessful processing of the SET preparation phase.

When the subagent receives the DPI COMMIT

SET Processing packet, all the varBind information will again be
available in the packet. The subagent can now
A DPI SET packet contains the OID, type, length, carry out the SET request.
and value of each varBind requested, plus the
value type, value length, and value to be set. If the subagent encounters an error while pro-
cessing the COMMIT request, it creates a DPI
If the subagent encounters an error while pro- RESPONSE packet with value
cessing the request, it creates a DPI RESPONSE SNMP_ERROR_commitFailed in the error_code
packet with an appropriate error indication in the field. An error_index that lists at which varBind
error_code field and an error_index listing the the error occurs is also created. The first varBind
position of the varBind at which the error occurs. is index 1, and so on. No OID, type, length, or
The first varBind is index 1, the second varBind is value information is needed. The fact that a
index 2, and so on. No OID, type, length, or value commitFailed error exists does not mean that this
information needs to provided in the packet. This error should be returned easily. A subagent
is because, by definition, the varBind information should do all that is possible to make a COMMIT
is the same as in the request to which this is a succeed.
response and the agent still has that information.
If there are no errors and the SET and COMMIT
If there are no errors, the subagent creates a DPI have been carried out with success, the subagent
RESPONSE packet in which the error_code is set creates a DPI RESPONSE packet in which the
to SNMP_ERROR_noError (zero) and error_index error_code is set to SNMP_ERROR_noError
is set to zero. No OID, type, length, or value (zero) and error_index is set to zero. No OID,
information is needed because the RESPONSE to type, length, or value information is needed.
a SET should contain exactly the same varBind
data as the data present in the request. The So far we have discussed a successful SET and
agent can use the values it already has. COMMIT sequence. However, after a successful
SET, the subagent may receive a DPI UNDO
This suggests that the agent must keep state packet. The subagent must now undo any prepa-
information. This is the case. The subagent rations it made during the SET processing, such
keeps state information to make it able to pass the as free allocated memory.
data with a DPI COMMIT or DPI UNDO packet.
Because there are no errors, the subagent must Even after a COMMIT, a subagent may still
have allocated the required resources and pre- receive a DPI UNDO packet. This will occur if
pared itself for the SET. It does not yet carry out some other subagent could not complete a
the set. That will be done at COMMIT time. COMMIT request. Because of the SNMP require-
ment that all varBinds in a single SNMP SET
The subagent sends a DPI RESPONSE packet, request must be changed as if all changes were
indicating success or failure for the preparation simultaneous, all committed changes must be
phase, back to the agent. The agent will issue a undone if any of the COMMIT requests fail. In
SET request for all other varBinds in the same ori- this case the subagent must try to undo the com-
mitted SET operation.

6-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

If the subagent encounters an error while pro- should be zero. If required, the SNMP agent will
cessing the UNDO request, it creates a DPI call the subagent again, but pass it a different
RESPONSE packet with value group ID (prefix). This is illustrated in the dis-
SNMP_ERROR_undoFailed in the error_code cussion below.
field. An error_index that lists at which varBind
the error occurs is also created. The first varBind Assume that there are two subagents. The first
is index 1, and so on. No OID, type, length, or subagent registers two distinct sections of the
value information is needed. The fact that an tree: A and C. In reality, the subagent supports
undoFailed error exists does not mean that this variables A.1 and A.2, but it correctly registers the
error should be returned easily. A subagent minimal prefix required to uniquely identify the var-
should do all that is possible to make an UNDO iable class it supports.
The second subagent registers section B, which
If there are no errors and the UNDO has been appears between the two sections that are regis-
successful, the subagent creates a DPI tered by the first agent.
RESPONSE packet in which the error_code is set
to SNMP_ERROR_noError (zero) and error_index If a management station begins browsing the MIB,
is set to zero. No OID, type, length, or value starting from A, the following sequence of queries
information is needed. of the form get-next(group ID,instance ID) would
be performed:
Subagent 1 gets called:
GETNEXT Processing get-next(A,none) = A.1
get-next(A,1) = A.2
get-next(A,2) = endOfMibView
The DPI GETNEXT packet contains the objects on
which the GETNEXT operation must be per- Subagent 2 is then called:
formed. For this operation, the subagent is to get-next(B,none) = B.1
return the OID, type, length, and value of the next get-next(B,1) = endOfMibView
variable it supports whose (ASN.1) OID
Subagent 1 gets called again:
lexicographically follows the one passed in the
get-next(C,none) = C.1
group ID (subtree) and instance ID.

In this case, the instance ID may not be present

(NULL) in the incoming DPI packet implying that
OPEN Request
the NEXT object must be the first instance of the
After a successful connection is made, a DPI sub-
first object in the subtree that was registered.
agent must open a connection with the agent. To
It is important to realize that a given subagent do so, the subagent must send a DPI OPEN
may support several discontiguous sections of the packet in which these parameters must be speci-
MIB tree. In that situation, it would be incorrect to fied:
jump from one section to another. This problem is Ÿ The maximum time-out value in seconds. The
correctly handled by examining the group ID in the agent is requested to wait this long for a
DPI packet. This group ID represents the reason response to any request for an object being
why the subagent is being called. It holds the handled by this subagent.
prefix of the tree that the subagent had indicated it
The agent may have an absolute maximum
supported (registered).
time-out value which will be used if the suba-
If the next variable supported by the subagent gent asks for too large a time-out value. A
does not begin with that prefix, the subagent must value of zero can be used to indicate that the
return the same object instance as in the request. agent's own default time-out value should be
For example, the group ID and instance ID with a used. A subagent is advised to use a reason-
value of SNMP_TYPE_endOfMibView (implied ably short interval of a few seconds. If a spe-
NULL value). This endOfMibView is not consid- cific subtree needs a (much) longer time, a
ered an error, so the error_code and error_index specific REGISTER can be done for that
subtree with a longer time-out value.

Chapter 6. Subagent Programming Concepts 6-3

Ÿ The maximum number of varBinds that the If you receive an error RESPONSE on the OPEN
subagent is prepared to handle per DPI packet, you will also receive a DPI CLOSE packet
packet. Specifying 1 would result in DPI with an SNMP_CLOSE_openError code. In this
Version 1 behavior of one varBind per DPI situation, the agent closes the connection.
packet that the agent sends to the subagent.
A value of zero means the agent will try to If the OPEN is accepted, the next step is to REG-
combine up to as many varBinds as are ISTER one or more MIB subtrees.
present in the SNMP packet that belongs to
the same subtree. This sequence is depicted in Figure 6-1.

Ÿ The character set you want to use. By

default, a 0 value. This is the native character │
set of the machine platform where the agent │
runs. Since the subagent and agent normally 6
run on the same system or platform, you want │
to use the native character set, which on │
many platforms is ASCII. sendDPIpacket()

If your platform is EBCDIC based, using the │
native character set of EBCDIC makes it easy waitDPIpacket()
to recognize the string representations of the │

fields, such as the group ID and instance ID. 6
At the same time, the agent will translate the pDPIpacket()
value from printable ASCII to EBCDIC and │

vice versa for objects that it knows from a 6
compiled MIB to have a textual convention of // check packet return code
DisplayString. This fact cannot be determined
Figure 6-1. Subagent initiation DPI API call sequence.
from the SNMP PDU encoding because in the
PDU the object is only known to be an
CLOSE Request
Ÿ The subagent ID. This an ASN.1 Object Iden-
tifier that uniquely identifies the subagent. When a subagent is finished and wants to end
This OID is represented as a null-terminated processing, it should first UNREGISTER its sub-
string using the selected character set. trees and then close the connection with the
agent. To do so, the subagent must send a DPI
For example:
CLOSE packet, which specifies a reason for the
Ÿ The subagent description. This is a closing. You should not expect a response to the
DisplayString that describes the subagent. CLOSE request.
This is a character string that uses the
selected character set. A subagent should also be prepared to handle an
incoming DPI CLOSE packet from the agent. In
For example: DPI sample subagent Version
this case, the packet will contain a reason code
for the CLOSE request. A subagent does not
Once a subagent has sent a DPI OPEN packet to have to send a response to a CLOSE request.
an agent, it should expect a DPI RESPONSE The agent just assumes that the subagent will
packet that informs the subagent about the result handle it appropriately. The close takes place
of the request. The packet ID of the RESPONSE regardless of what the subagent does with it.
packet should be the same as that of the OPEN
This sequence is depicted in Figure 6-2 on
request to which the RESPONSE packet is the
page 6-5.

6-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

that the agent converts a GETBULK into mul-
│ tiple GETNEXT requests.

6 Once a subagent has sent a DPI REGISTER
│ packet to the agent, it should expect a DPI
│ RESPONSE packet that informs the subagent
disconnectSNMP() about the result of the request. The packet ID of
the RESPONSE packet should be the same as
Figure 6-2. Ending a subagent. that of the REGISTER packet to which the
RESPONSE packet is the response.

REGISTER Request If the response is successful, the error_index field

in the RESPONSE packet contains the priority that
Before a subagent will receive any requests for the agent assigned to the subtree registration.
MIB variables, it must first register the variables or
subtree it supports with the SNMP agent. The This sequence is depicted in Figure 6-3.
subagent must specify a number of parameters in
the REGISTER request: mkDPIregistr() %────────────────┐
│ │
Ÿ The subtree to be registered. This is a null- │ │
terminated string in the selected character set. 6 │
sendDPIpacket() │
The subtree must have a trailing dot. │ │
│ │
For example: 6 │
waitDPIpacket() │
Ÿ The requested priority for the registration. │ │
│ │
The values are: 6 │
pDPIpacket() │
-1 Request for the best available pri- │ │
ority. │ │
6 │
0 Request for the next best available // check packet return code │
│ │
priority than the highest (best) pri- └──────────────────────────┘
ority currently registered for this
subtree. Figure 6-3. Subagent registration DPI API call
sequence. (multiple subtrees can be registered.)
NNN Any other positive value requests
that specific priority if available or
the next worse priority that is avail- UNREGISTER Request
Ÿ The maximum time-out value in seconds. The A subagent may unregister a previously registered
agent is requested to wait this long for a subtree. The subagent must specify a few param-
response to any request for an object in this eters in the UNREGISTER request:
subtree. The agent may have an absolute Ÿ The subtree to be unregistered. This is a null-
maximum time-out value which will be used if terminated string in the selected character set.
the subagents ask for too large a time-out The subtree must have a trailing dot.
value. A value of zero can be used to indi-
cate that the DPI OPEN value should be used For example:
for time-out. Ÿ The reason for the unregister.
Ÿ A specification if the subagent wants to do
view selection. If it does, the community Once a subagent has sent a DPI UNREGISTER
name from SNMP Version 1 packets will be packet to the agent, it should expect a DPI
passed in the DPI GET, GETNEXT, and SET RESPONSE packet that informs the subagent
packets. about the result of the request. The packet ID of
the RESPONSE packet should be the same as
Ÿ A specification if the subagent wants to
receive GETBULK packets or if it just prefers

Chapter 6. Subagent Programming Concepts 6-5

that of the REGISTER packet to which the
RESPONSE packet is the response. ARE_YOU_THERE Request
A subagent should also be prepared to handle A subagent can send an ARE_YOU_THERE
incoming DPI UNREGISTER packets from the packet to the agent. This may be useful to verify
agent. In this situation, the DPI packet will contain that the SNMP agent is still active and the con-
a reason code for the UNREGISTER. A subagent nection is working.
does not have to send a response to an UNREG-
ISTER request. The agent just assumes that the If the connection is in a healthy state, the agent
subagent will handle it appropriately. The registra- responds with a RESPONSE packet with
tion is removed regardless of what the subagent SNMP_ERROR_DPI_noError. If the connection is
returns. not in a healthy state, the agent may respond with
a RESPONSE packet with an error indication.
But, the agent might not react at all. In this situ-
TRAP Request ation, you would time-out while waiting for a
A subagent can request the SNMP agent to gen-
erate a trap. The subagent must provide the
desired values for the generic and specific param- Communicating with the SNMP
eters of the trap. The subagent may optionally Agent
provide a set of one or more OID, type, length, or
value parameters that will be included in the trap An SNMP subagent communicates with the SNMP
packet. agent on the same AS/400 system using these
It may optionally specify an Enterprise ID (Object connectSNMP()
Identifier) for the trap to be generated. If a NULL disconnectSNMP()
value is specified for the Enterprise ID, the agent sendDPIpacket()
will use the subagent Identifier from the DPI waitDPIpacket()
OPEN packet as the Enterprise ID to be sent with
the trap. The trap is sent by the SNMP agent to
The technical details about these APIs (parame-
the set of trap manager's that are currently config-
ters, return codes, and so on) can be found in
ured for the SNMP agent using the CHGSNMPA
“Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
CL command. In other words, the subagent does
Subagent APIs” the book System API Reference:
not determine where the trap is sent.
UNIX-Type APIs. This section provides some
This sequence is depicted in Figure 6-4. additional information on how to use these APIs.

The connectSNMP() call is the very first subagent

mkDPIset() %──┐ API that is used. The call establishes a logical
│ │
│ │ connection with the SNMP agent (running on the
├─────────┘ same AS/400 as the subagent) and prepares the

6 agent for the next logical subagent event. The
mkDPItrap() next event is to perform a DPI open function (see

│ mkDPIopen() section). The parameters to
6 connectSNMP() specify a data queue that the sub-
agent wants the SNMP agent to use when
Figure 6-4. Subagent initiated trap. sending work to the subagent. This data queue
name is used by the agent (For example, in the
SNMP subagent MIB. The SNMP subagent MIB
is described in “SNMP Subagent MIB” on
page A-6.) as part of the identity for a subagent.
Hence, only a single subagent may use a partic-
ular data queue at any one time. Note that this
API does not create the data queue for the suba-

6-6 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

gent — the data queue should have already been The waitDPIpacket() and receiveDPIpacket() are
created when this call is made. alternative ways of getting responses and work
from the SNMP agent. Generally, a given suba-
The disconnectSNMP() call is the logical opposite gent implementation chooses one or the other,
of the connect function and is the very last suba- and does not need both. But both can be used in
gent API that is used. The call ends or closes the the same subagent, if desired. The difference
logical connection between the SNMP agent and between the two APIs is that waitDPIpacket()
the subagent. All DPI subagent functions are pre- completely handles the subagent's data queue,
formed within the logical bracket formed by a logically doing these steps:
connect and disconnect.
1. Check data queue for an incoming message
At any given time, a subagent may have: 2. When data queue has a message, receive the
Ÿ 0 or 1 connections with the SNMP agent message

Ÿ 0 or 1 opens with the SNMP agent 3. Check the message, if not from SNMP agent,
return it to caller
Ÿ 0 or n registrations (no logical upper bound)
4. If the message is from the SNMP agent, copy
Zero opens is not a useful normal condition for a DPI packet to subagent buffer
subagent. This would occur briefly only between
a connectSNMP() call and the sending of a DPI In contrast, receiveDPIpacket() does only the last
open packet. Zero registrations might be useful step. In which case, the subagent implementation
for a subagent that only sends traps and does not must perform the first three. (Note that the DPI
implement any MIB groups. More than a single packet itself is not the message that is placed on
subtree registration may be useful for a variety of the subagent's data queue. See the
reasons: sa_dataq_msg structure in qtossapi.h for the
format of the data queue message from the SNMP
1. Perhaps separate MIBs are being imple- agent. The purpose of the data queue message,
mented by separate people, but it is decided is to signal the subagent that a DPI packet is
to have these MIB implementations all run pending.)
within a single job, which will perform the sub-
agent API functions on behalf of the MIB
implementers Waiting for Work from the SNMP
2. Perhaps a few OIDs within a MIB are known Agent
to be relatively large overhead, compared to
the rest of the subtree, for a DPI request type The main purpose for which an SNMP subagent is
(for example, set). There may be perfor- developed is to provide additional MIB groups to
mance benefits to registering these OIDs sep- SNMP manager applications. Therefore, an
arately than the rest of the subtree, with a SNMP subagent spends most of its time waiting
different time-out value. for (and processing) requests that an SNMP
manager has sent to the local SNMP agent.
The sendDPIpacket() API does just this — for any
type of DPI packet a subagent wants to send, this Figure 6-5 on page 6-8 shows the structure for
routine is used to send it. the core processing loop of a subagent implemen-

Chapter 6. Subagent Programming Concepts 6-7

GETNEXT, or SET, in which case the path to the

│ MIB implementation is taken. If it is some other
6 DPI packet (for example, unregister), the subagent
waitDPIpacket() %───────────────────┐
│ │
will take some other appropriate action.
│ │
6 │ The MIB implementation is the heart of a suba-
pDPIpacket() │
│ │ gent and generally comprises well over one half of
│ │ the total subagent implementation size. (Of
├────────5 // other │
│ │ course, it can go much higher if the MIB being
6 │ implemented is very large.) The MIB code per-
// MIB implementation %───┐ │
│ │ │ forms the requested operation (GET, GETNEXT,
│ │ │ SET, COMMIT OR UNDO) on an OID, and a
6 │ │
mkDPIset() │ │ resulting varBind is built using the mkDPIset()
│ │ │ routine.
├────────────────────┘ │
6 │
mkDPIresponse() │ If the incoming DPI packet had multiple varBinds,
│ │ it can be handled as the loop suggests; by going
│ │
6 │ back into the MIB implementation for the next
sendDPIpacket() │ OID, and adding that result to the varBind list
│ │
└──────────────────────────────┘ using mkDPIset().

Figure 6-5. Normal processing loop for a subagent. When all the varBinds have been processed, the
list of varBinds is used to build a response DPI
The waitDPIpacket() is at the top of the loop. packet by calling mkDPIresponse().
When a request arrives from the SNMP agent, this
API will receive it, verify that it is from the SNMP Lastly, the DPI response is sent back to the
agent, and then return it to the caller. The DPI waiting SNMP agent by calling sendDPIpacket().
packet is then parsed by using the pDPIpacket() Then the subagent calls waitDPIpacket() again,
routine so that the packet contents are available. with an appropriate time-out, to again another
cycle of the normal processing loop.
A key decision point occurs after a successful
parse. The DPI packet may be a GET,

6-8 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Part 3. Appendixes

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997

OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Appendix A. OS/400 SNMP Agent Set Processing and
Supported SNMP MIBs
This appendix lists and describes the following
MIBs that are related to SNMP: OS/400 SNMP Agent Set
Standard RFC MIBs
Ÿ MIB II (RFC1213) RFC 1157 requires that each set request variable
Ÿ Ethernet-like (RFC1398) assignment be effected as if simultaneously set
Ÿ FDDI (RFC1285) with respect to all other assignments specified in
Ÿ Frame Relay (RFC1315) the same message. This means that a set
Ÿ Token Ring (RFC1231) request with multiple instance ID/value pairs
should be processed in an all-or-none fashion.
IBM enterprise MIBs
That is, either all the new values of the variables
Ÿ APPN MIB are assigned without error, or else none of the
Ÿ Client management MIB values of the variables in the request are
Ÿ NetView for AIX subagent MIB changed. This requirement is also known as
Ÿ DPI 2.0 (RFC1592) atomic commit with rollback.
Ÿ SNMP subagent MIB
For the MIB objects that are supported, the
For more detailed information on these and other OS/400 SNMP agent checks the specified values
MIB groups, please refer to the concise MIB for the MIB variables in the set request. If a spec-
description. ified value does not meet the check requirements,
the set request is rejected. The actual implemen-
MIBs are distributed through the following mech- tation for the set request is technically a best
anisms: effort, not a true atomic commit and rollback.
Ÿ If you have Internet access with FTP capa-
During the set process when the agent is actually
bility, MIB modules can be obtained from the
changing MIB object values, if a failure occurs, the
NetView Association MIB server at
original values of the MIB objects already set are
not restored.
Ÿ IBM enterprise MIB modules supported by
OS/400 are shipped with OS/400. Each MIB
module is contained in a member of physical
file QANMMIB in library QSYS. The physical
Standard RFC MIBs
file member name for each MIB module is
listed as the MIB module name in the section MIB-II
that describes each enterprise MIB in this
appendix. Overview: MIB-II describes those objects that
Ÿ If you have Internet access with FTP capa- are implemented by managed nodes that run the
bility, MIB modules for vendor MIBs registered Internet suite of protocols.
under the enterprises subtree (including IBM
MIBs) can be obtained by anonymous FTP
RFC: RFC 1213
from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA) anonymous FTP server at RFC noted exceptions: The egp group is
Ÿ As a last resort, MIB distribution can be initi- not supported. The set operation is not supported
ated through the Internet address: for the following MIB object, which is defined as
as4ðð having read-write access.

Note that ifAdminStatus tracks the desired state of

a network interface as set with an OS/400

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 A-1

command (for example, NETSTAT). Therefore, ipRouteDest., with the value
the get operation can still be used on
ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus to determine if
Ÿ atPhysAddress: There is no default value for
there is a problem with an interface.
this MIB object. The value of this MIB object
must be set in order to create a new row in
The set operation is accepted for the following
the atTable.
MIB objects, which are defined as having read-
write access. However, the values will not change Ÿ ipRouteNextHop There is no default value for
as a result of the set operation. This behavior this MIB object. The value of this MIB object
allows an SNMP manager to successfully perform must be set in order to create a new row in
a set operation on an entire row of a table. A the ipRouteTable.
subsequent get operation will show which values
Ÿ ipRouteType: indirect(4)
have actually changed.
Ÿ ipRouteMask: Corresponds to the network
Ÿ ipRouteIfIndex
class. For example, the mask of a class-A
Ÿ ipRouteMetric1
network will default to
Ÿ ipRouteMetric2
Ÿ ipRouteMetric3 Ÿ ipNetToMediaPhysAddress: There is no
Ÿ ipRouteMetric4 default value for this MIB object. The value of
Ÿ ipRouteAge this MIB object must be set in order to create
Ÿ ipRouteMetric5 a new row in the ipNetToMediaTable.
Ÿ ipNetToMediaType: static(4)
For some MIB objects, the set operation is not
supported for all values that are defined as being
valid. These MIB objects are listed here, along MIB Subtree Description: Management
with the values to which they can be set. information base for network management of
TCP/IP-based internets.
ipRouteType invalid(2), indirect(4)
ipNetToMediaType invalid(2), static(4) MIB Subtree Object Identifier: mib-2 ::= {
tcpConnState deleteTCB(12) mgmt (1) }
In order to set the value of atNetAddress, its
syntax must be encoded as OCTET STRING, Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
rather than NetworkAddress. Note that it is never RFC1212
necessary to set the value of atNetAddress
directly. This is because a row can be added to
or deleted from the atTable by setting the value of Ethernet-like Interface MIB
only atPhysAddress.

The result of changing the value of a MIB object Overview: Ethernet-like Interface MIB defines
that is an index to an instance of that MIB object objects for managing ethernet-like object interface
is undefined. For example, the result of the oper- types.
ation set ipRouteDest.9.13ð.38.28=9.13ð.38.29
is undefined. RFC: RFC1398

When adding a row to a table by setting the value RFC noted exception: The dot3CollTable
of a MIB object, default values are assigned to the is not supported.
other objects in the row.
Ÿ indexes: The value of a MIB object which is MIB Subtree Description: Ethernet-like
an index to an instance of that MIB object MIB.
need not be set explicitly. For example, the
operation set MIB Subtree Object Identifier: dot3 ::= {
ipRouteNextHop.9.13ð.38.28=9.13ð.25.25ð transmission 7 }
will implicitly create the MIB object instance

A-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155, Overview: IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB
RFC1213, RFC1212 defines managed objects used for managing sub-
networks which use the IEEE 802.5 Token Ring
technology described in 802.5 Token Ring Access
Method and Physical Layer Specifications, IEEE
FDDI MIB Standard 802.5-1989.

Overview: FDDI MIB defines objects for man- RFC: RFC1231

aging devices which implement the FDDI.
RFC noted exception: The dot5TimerTable
RFC: RFC1285 and the SET operation are not supported for this
RFC noted exceptions: The Attachment
group is not supported. The set operation is not MIB Subtree Description: Token Ring MIB
supported for this MIB.
MIB Subtree Object Identifier: dot5 ::= {
MIB Subtree Description: FDDI MIB. transmission 9 }

MIB Subtree Object Identifier: fddi ::= { Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
transmission 15 } RFC1212

Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,

RFC1213, RFC1212 IBM Enterprise MIBs

Advanced Peer-To-Peer
Frame Relay MIB Networking (APPN) MIB
Overview: Frame Relay objects for managing Overview: The APPN Node Group provides
Frame Relay. global information about the APPN node, which is
either a network node or an end node.
RFC: RFC1315
The APPN Topology Group represents the entire
APPN network topology including network nodes,
RFC noted exception: The set operation is virtual nodes, and all transmission groups (TGs)
supported for only frTrapState.
that are associated with these nodes.

MIB Subtree Description: Frame Relay The APPN Local Topology Group describes the
MIB. local topology. This MIB group defines the
required objects for retrieval of information about
MIB Subtree Object Identifier: frame- this node and the objects that represent the local
relay ::= { transmission 32 } topology about end nodes.

The APPN port table provides information on

Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
APPN ports and allows their state to be changed
RFC1213, RFC1212, RFC1215
from an SNMP manager using SNMP SET on the
port state object. (On the AS/400, APPN ports
are APPN-capable lines.)
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring MIB
The APPN link station table provides information
on APPN link stations and allows their state to be
changed from an SNMP manager using SNMP
SET on the link station state object. (On the

Appendix A. OS/400 SNMP Agent Set Processing and Supported SNMP MIBs A-3
AS/400, APPN link stations are APPC controllers ibmappnLocalThisNode
that are attached to APPN-capable lines.)
RFC: Informational RFC 1593 ibmappnLocalTg - table of local trans-
mission groups (TGs)
RFC noted exceptions: Some groups of ibmappnLocalEnTopology
RFC 1593 are implemented with some extensions.
ibmappnLocalEnTable - table of adjacent end
Refer to the concise MIB description (MIB module)
for details.
ibmappnLocalEnTgTable - table of adjacent
MIB Subtree Description: SNA APPN MIB end node TGs

The following objects are supported from the

MIB Subtree Object Identifier: ibmappn APPN port table:
::= { internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2)
prod(6) ibm6611(2) 13 } ibmappnNodePortName
MIB Module Name: IBMAPPN ibmappnNodePortPortType
The ASN.1 for this MIB is available in member
The list of supported link station table objects
Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155, follows. Any AS/400-specific considerations
RFC1212 regarding the objects are listed in parenthesis
after each object name.
APPN MIB object groups that sup- ibmappnNodeLsName
ported: Groups that are supported under the ibmappnNodeLsPortName
ibmappnNode subtree: ibmappnNodeLsDlcType
ibmappnGeneralInfoAndCaps ibmappnNodeLsDynamic (controller value for
ibmappnNnUniqueInfoAndCaps control owner)
ibmappnEnUniqueCaps ibmappnNodeLsState
ibmappnSnmpInformation ibmappnNodeLsCpName
Groups that are supported under the ibmappnNn ibmappnNodeLsLimResource (controller value
subtree: for switched disconnect)
ibmappnNnTopo (only 4 objects are sup-
ibmappnNnTopoMaxNodes ibmappnNodeLsEffCap (0 implies *MAX, 1
ibmappnNnTopoCurNumNodes implies *MIN)
ibmappnNnTopoNodePurges ibmappnNodeLsConnCost
ibmappnNnTopoTgPurges ibmappnNodeLsByteCost
ibmappnNnTopology - tables for APPN
network topology:
ibmappnNnTopologyTable ibmappnNodeLsUsr2
ibmappnNnTgTopologyTable ibmappnNodeLsUsr3
ibmappnNnTopologyFRTable ibmappnNodeLsHprSup: yes(1) iff APPN HPR
ibmappnNnTgTopologyFRTable capable is *YES
Groups that are supported under the
ibmappnLocalTopology subtree:

A-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Client Management MIB MIB Subtree Object Identifier:
nv6saComputerSystem ::= { internet(1) private(4)
Overview: The Client System Group provides enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6)
global information about the client, connectivity, netView6000SubAgent(4) 5 }
and capabilities.
MIB Module Name: IBMNV6SA
The Client Hardware Group provides information
that is related to storage, devices, file systems, The ASN.1 for this MIB is available in member
and printers. IBMNV6SA in file QSYS/QANMMIB.

The Client Software Group provides information Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
that is related to installed software and fixes. RFC1212
Note: A NetView for AIX application provides
RFC: None support for this data.

RFC noted exception: None NetView for AIX subagent MIB object
MIB Subtree Description: Client Manage-
ment nv6saComputerSystemLoad OBJECT-TYPE
MIB Subtree Object Identifier: ACCESS read-only
clientMgmtSubAgent ::= { internet(1) private(4) STATUS mandatory
enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmprod(6) 50 } DESCRIPTION
The CPU load as a percentage. For
example, 25% is 2500.
MIB Module Name: IBMCLTM
::= { nv6saComputerSystem 1 }
The ASN.1 for this MIB is available in member
Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
RFC1212 Overview: An extension to SNMP agents that
permits end-users to dynamically add or replace
management variables in the local MIB without
NetView for AIX Subagent MIB requiring recompilation of the SNMP agent.
Although SNMP subagents are supported by an
AS/400 system, this support does not use the DPI
Overview: One MIB object in this MIB is sup- 2.0 MIB. This is because the AS/400 subagent
ported. The object provides the average per-
support does not use TCP or UDP between the
centage of load (processor utilization) during the
agent and subagents. A transparent, internal
elapsed time. Each retrieval of this value is calcu-
mechanism is used by the subagents. This MIB is
lated in the same manner as the value that is dis-
supported by the AS/400 SNMP agent even
played by the DSPSYSACT command when the
though the communication between the agent and
restart function key is used.
subagent on the AS/400 does not use TCP or
UDP. This is done for compatibility.
RFC: None
This MIB is implemented by the AS/400 system
RFC noted exception: None but is not currently used. For detail on the MIB,
see RFC1592.
MIB Subtree Description: NetView for AIX
subagent ComputerSystem group RFC: RFC1592

Appendix A. OS/400 SNMP Agent Set Processing and Supported SNMP MIBs A-5
RFC noted exception: None. saNumber
number of currently registered subagents
MIB Subtree Description: SNMP Distrib- saAllPacketsIn
uted Protocol Interface Version 2.0 total number of subagent packets that are
received from all subagents
MIB Subtree Object Identifier: dpi20MIB
::= { ibmDPI 1 }
total number of subagent packets that are
sent to all subagents.
Prerequisite MIB Modules: SNMPv2-SMI
The saTable provides information about specific
subagents such as status, address, and
SNMP Subagent MIB
The saTreeTable provides information about spe-
cific subtrees that subagents have registered with
This MIB is experimental and is subject to the SNMP agent.
change in future releases.
RFC: None
Overview: The SNMP subagent MIB provides RFC noted exception: None
information about subagents to facilitate manage-
ment activities. The MIB is designed to handle
multiple types of subagents, including DPI suba- MIB Subtree Description: SNMP suba-
gents (see RFC1592), for which the DPI 2.0 API is gent MIB
provided. All the SA MIB information is dynamic,
for the duration of the SNMP agent job. The SA MIB Subtree Object Identifier: saMIB ::=
MIB consists of six summary OIDs and two tables. { internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2)
The summary OIDs are: ibmResearch(2) 12 }

default value for subagents for response
The ASN.1 for this MIB is available in member
saMaxTimeout IBMSNMPSA in file QSYS/QANMMIB.
largest value a subagent may use for
response time-out Prerequisite MIB Modules: RFC1155,
RFC1212, RFC1213
flag to allow duplicate subagent OIDs, or not

A-6 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Appendix B. Journal for SNMP Logging
This appendix lists the format of journal entries for Ÿ This entry is the log of the response to the
SNMP logging. It also provides examples of dif- previous GET request. The error status fields
ferent display journal entries. SNMP agent and error index fields show that the
logging records are kept in journal QSNMP in noSuchName error was returned for the
library QUSRSYS. Each journal record contains second object that is specified in the GET
118 columns of alphanumeric characters. For request.
more information on the use of journals, see the - Column \...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
ðððð1 'Rprivate 913ð 38 282 2ð ðsysUpTi'
Backup and Recovery book. ððð51 'me.ð sysUpTime '
ðð1ð1 ' '
The format of journal entries for SNMP agent
Ÿ This entry indicates that a GETNEXT request
logging is listed below.
specifying community private was sent by an
column 1: log type
- G: GET request SNMP manager at internet address
- N: GETNEXT request Error status, error index, and the
- S: SET request
- R: response trap type fields all have the value zero. The
- T: trap object descriptors that are specified in the
2-21: community name
22-33: internet address of SNMP manager sending request or receiving GETNEXT request are shown.
response, or internet address of first SNMP trap manager
- Column \...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
receiving trap
ðððð1 'Nprivate 913ð 38 28ð ðð ðat atIf'
34: error status
ððð51 'Index.ð.25.58 atIfIndex.ð.25.195 '
- ð: noError
ðð1ð1 ' '
- 1: tooBig
- 2: noSuchName
- 3: badValue Ÿ This entry is the log of the response to the
- 5: genErr previous GETNEXT request. Other than the
35-38: error index
39: trap type log type field, only the object descriptors field
- ð: coldStart has changed. It now shows the object
- 1: warmStart
- 2: linkDown descriptors of the objects that are returned in
- 3: linkUp
- 4: authenticationFailure
response to the GETNEXT request. Because
- 5: egpNeighborLoss the object descriptor of the third returned
- 6: enterpriseSpecific
4ð-43: enterprise specific trap type
object cannot completely fit within the
NOTE: If the enterprise specific trap type value is less remaining object descriptors field space, the
than -999, it will be logged as -999. If the
enterprise specific trap type value is greater than descriptor is not shown at all.
9999, it will be logged as 9999. - Column \...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
44-118: object descriptors ðððð1 'Rprivate 913ð 38 28ð ðð ðatIfInd'
ððð51 'ex.ð.25.58 atIfIndex.ð.25.195 '
ðð1ð1 ' '
The following examples of journal entries are dis-
played when using the CL command DSPJRN Ÿ This entry indicates that a trap was sent to the
JRN(QUSRSYS/QSNMP). trap manager at internet address Error status and error index are
Ÿ This entry indicates that a GET request speci-
both zero, and the trap type is linkUp. The
fying community private was sent by an
link that has come online is associated with
SNMP manager at internet address
the object descriptor ifIndex.3. The trap did The error status, error index,
not specify a community name.
and trap type fields all have the value zero.
- Column \...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
The object descriptors that are specified in the ðððð1 'T 913ð 38154ð ð3 ðifIndex'
GET request are shown. ððð51 '.3 '
ðð1ð1 ' '
- Column \...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5
ðððð1 'Gprivate 913ð 38 28ð ðð ðsysUpTi'
ððð51 'me.ð sysUpTime '
ðð1ð1 ' '

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 B-1

B-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1
Appendix C. Problem Analysis for SNMP
This appendix is to be used for determining solutions to problems that are encoun-
tered while using SNMP.

Problem Analysis for SNMP Agent

The most common problems, causes, and solutions for the SNMP agent are shown
in Table C-1.

Table C-1 (Page 1 of 3). SNMP Agent Problem Analysis

Problem Cause Solution
SNMP agent jobs do not start when the SNMP attribute AUTOSTART is set to *NO. Use the CHGSNMPA command to change
STRTCP command runs. AUTOSTART to *YES.

SNMP agent jobs do not start when the Another application is listening on UDP port Make sure no other applications are using UDP
STRTCPSVR command runs. 161. port 161 and then start the SNMP agent again
using the STRTCPSVR command.

SNMP managers are not receiving any The OS/400 SNMP agent is not active. Make sure TCP/IP (or AnyNet) and the OS/400
responses from the OS/400 SNMP agent for SNMP agent are active. The OS/400 SNMP
any SET, GET, or GETNEXT requests. agent is active if jobs QTMSNMP and
QTMSNMPRCV are running in subsystem
QSYSWRK. Use the WRKACTJOB command
to determine if these jobs are active.
The SNMP manager is sending the request Make sure that the SNMP manager is sending
to a system other than the intended AS/400. the request to the intended AS/400.
The SNMP manager is comparing the The SNMP agent will always send the response
response PDU source IP address with the PDU to the IP address which sent the original
destination IP address in the PDU it sent, PDU. Verify, especially for an SNMP manager
and they are not equal. system with multiple IP-addresses, that the
manager is using the expected IP address.
The SNMP manager is comparing the source The OS/400 SNMP agent does not use UDP
UDP port number in the response PDU with port 161 to send response PDUs, due to tech-
the destination UDP port number (the well- nical reasons. The SNMP management appli-
known port 161) in the PDU it sent to cation should not check the response PDU port
OS/400, and they are not equal. number. Instead, the SNMP manager applica-
tion needs to rely on checking the response
PDU IP address and, within the PDU, the
request-id to verify the PDU.
The SNMP manager is specifying a commu- Make sure that the SNMP manager is speci-
nity name that is unknown to the OS/400 fying a community name that is known to the
SNMP agent. OS/400 SNMP agent. The list of community
names may be displayed by using the
CFGTCPSNMP command. Community names
are case-sensitive, so make sure that the
SNMP manager is specifying the community
name correctly (example: PUBLIC and public
are two different community names). Also,
make sure that the value for the Translate com-
munity name (ASCIICOM) parameter for the
OS/400 community corresponds to the commu-
nity name being specified by the SNMP
manager. If the SNMP manager is an ASCII
system, the ASCIICOM parameter for the
OS/400 community should be *YES. If the
SNMP manager is an EBCDIC system or the
community name has one or more characters
that cannot be displayed, the ASCIICOM
parameter for the OS/400 community should be
*NO. If the community name or ASCIICOM
parameter need to be changed, the community
must be removed by using the RMVCOMSNMP
command and then added with the correct
values by using the ADDCOMSNMP command.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 C-1

Table C-1 (Page 2 of 3). SNMP Agent Problem Analysis
Problem Cause Solution
The SNMP manager is specifying a commu- Make sure that the IP address of the SNMP
nity name that is known to the OS/400 manager is defined in the OS/400 community.
SNMP agent, but the IP address of the If the system the manager is running on has
SNMP manager is not part of the community. multiple IP addresses, ensure that the IP
address used to send UDP packets to the
AS/400 agent is the included in the IP
addresses for the community name configura-
tion intended for the manager.
The SNMP agent has the capability to selec-
tively log (in a journal QSNMP, in library
QUSRSYS) get and set PDUs and traps.
When logging get and set PDUs, both the
incoming and outgoing PDUs are logged.
These are controlled with the CHGSNMPA and
CHGCOMSNMP commands. Verify, with the
SNMP logging capabilities, that the expected
PDUs are being received and sent by the
SNMP agent. See Appendix B, “Journal for
SNMP Logging” on page B-1 for information
about how to use this function. The IP address
of the SNMP manager can be added to the
community by using the CHGCOMSNMP
Object access in the OS/400 community defi- Make sure object access for the community is
nition specifies *NONE. either *READ or *WRITE depending on if you
desire SET requests to be honored. The object
Object access in the OS/400 community defi-
access may be changed by using the
nition specifies *SNMPATR and object
access in the OS/400 SNMP attributes is
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet network support. for more information about network problem
analysis. If network problems are suspected,
use the System Service Tool (STRSST) to gen-
erate and format a communications trace of
UDP datagrams, to verify that expected PDUs
are arriving and being sent by the AS/400.

SNMP managers are receiving error responses The SNMP manager is specifying an incor- Make sure the SNMP manager is specifying an
from the OS/400 SNMP agent for GET or rect object identifier in the request. object identifier for an object that is supported
GETNEXT requests. by the OS/400 SNMP agent.
The SNMP manager is specifying an object
identifier for an object that is not supported
by the OS/400 SNMP agent.

SNMP managers are receiving error responses The SNMP manager is specifying an incor- Make sure the SNMP manager is specifying an
from the OS/400 SNMP agent for SET rect object identifier in the request. object identifier for an object that is supported
requests. by the OS/400 SNMP agent.
The SNMP manager is specifying an object Make sure the SNMP manager is specifying an
identifier for an object that is not supported object identifier for an object that can be
by the OS/400 SNMP agent. changed.
The SNMP manager is attempting to set an Make sure the SNMP manager is specifying a
object that is defined as read-only. valid value for the object.
The SNMP manager is attempting to set an
object to a value that is not valid.
The object access for the community is not Make sure that the object access for the
*WRITE. OS/400 community is *WRITE. The object
access for the community may be changed by
The object access for the community is
using the CHGCOMSNMP command. The
*SNMPATR and the object access in the
object access in the SNMP attributes may be
OS/400 SNMP attributes is not *WRITE.
changed by using the CHGSNMPA command.

SNMP managers are unable to access any The OS/400 subagent job is not active. End the SNMP agent by using the
objects found in the APPN MIB, Client Manage- ENDTCPSVR command and then start the
The OS/400 subagent job is active, but is
ment MIB, or NetView for AIX MIB. SNMP agent by using the STRTCPSVR
inactive according to the OS/400 SNMP
command. The OS/400 subagent runs in job
QSNMPSA in subsystem QSYSWRK. Use the
WRKACTJOB command to determine if this job
is active.

C-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Table C-1 (Page 3 of 3). SNMP Agent Problem Analysis
Problem Cause Solution
Traps are not being received by an SNMP The IP address of the intended SNMP Make sure that the IP address of the SNMP
manager. manager is not specified correctly in the manager to receive the trap is specified cor-
OS/400 SNMP attributes. rectly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes. The IP
address of the SNMP manager may be
changed by using the CHGSNMPA command.
The community name to be placed in the Make sure the trap community name is speci-
trap is not recognized by the SNMP fied correctly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
manager. The trap community name may be changed by
using the CHGSNMPA command.
The SNMP agent has the capability to log traps
(in journal QSNMP, in library QUSRSYS). This
is controlled with the CHGSNMPA command.
Verify, with the SNMP logging capabilities, that
the expected trap PDUs are being sent by the
SNMP agent. See Appendix B, “Journal for
SNMP Logging” on page B-1 for information
about how to use this function.
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet support. for more information about network problem

authenticationFailure traps are not being The IP address of the intended SNMP Make sure that the IP address of the SNMP
received by an SNMP manager. manager is not specified correctly in the manager to receive the trap is specified cor-
OS/400 SNMP attributes. rectly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes. The IP
address of the SNMP manager may be
changed by using the CHGSNMPA command.
The community name to be placed in the Make sure the trap community name is speci-
trap is not recognized by the SNMP fied correctly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
manager. The trap community name may be changed by
using the CHGSNMPA command.
The Send authentication traps Make sure the SNDAUTTRP SNMP attribute is
(SNDAUTTRP) SNMP attribute is specified specified as *YES. The SNDAUTTRP SNMP
as *NO. attribute may be changed by using the
CHGSNMPA command.
Verify, with the SNMP trap logging capabilities,
that the expected trap PDUs are being sent by
the SNMP agent. See Appendix B, “Journal for
SNMP Logging” on page B-1 for information
about how to use this function.
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet support. for more information about network problem

Entries are not being made in journal QSNMP SET logging is specified as *NO in the Make sure that SET logging is specified as
in library QUSRSYS for SET requests received OS/400 community definition. *YES in the OS/400 SNMP community defi-
from SNMP managers. nition. The SET logging for the community may
SET logging is specified as *SNMPATR in
be changed by using the CHGCOMSNMP
the OS/400 community definition and is spec-
command. The SET logging in the SNMP attri-
ified as *NO in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
butes may be changed by using the
CHGSNMPA command.

Entries are not being made in journal QSNMP GET logging is specified as *NO in the Make sure that GET logging is specified as
in library QUSRSYS for GET or GETNEXT OS/400 community definition. *YES in the OS/400 SNMP community defi-
requests received from SNMP managers. nition. The GET logging for the community may
GET logging is specified as *SNMPATR in
be changed by using the CHGCOMSNMP
the OS/400 community definition and is spec-
command. The GET logging in the SNMP attri-
ified as *NO in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
butes may be changed by using the
CHGSNMPA command.

Entries are not being made in journal QSNMP Trap logging is specified as *NO in the Make sure that trap logging is specified as
in library QUSRSYS for traps sent to SNMP OS/400 SNMP attributes. *YES in the OS/400 SNMP attributes. The trap
managers. logging in the SNMP attributes may be changed
by using the CHGSNMPA command.

Appendix C. Problem Analysis for SNMP C-3

Problem Analysis for SNMP Manager APIs
The most common problems, causes, and solutions for the SNMP Management
application developer are shown in Table C-2.

Table C-2 (Page 1 of 2). SNMP Management application developer problem analysis
Problem Cause Solution
The SNMP management application received The SNMP API has run out of resources to The management application can try reducing
an out of memory or out of buffers error. complete the operation. the size of the requested operation. If the
problem persists, report the error using the
ANZPRB command.

The SNMP Management application received The requested operation has exceeded the The management application can try reducing
an out of varBinds error. allowable number of varBinds for a single the number of varBinds in the varBind list.

The SNMP Management application received An Object IDentifier in the varBind list was The management application should specify the
an invalid OID error. not specified in the correct dotted decimal Object IDentifier in the correct dotted decimal
notation. notation.

The SNMP Management application receives The SNMP API's will do some rudimentary The management application should specify the
an invalid value error. checking on the value supplied during a value on a set in the correct form as specified
snmpSet operation. The API's will detect an by the ASN type.
incorrect length on integer types, and will
also check for incorrect dotted decimal nota-
tion on IP addresses and OID's when sup-
plied as values.

The SNMP Management application receives The ASN type specified for a particular OID The management application should specify a
an invalid value representation error. in the varBind list is not recognized as a known ASN type as listed in the QTOMEAPI
common ASN type. CLEINC file in QSYSINC library. (If you cannot
locate this file, contact your system support
department. The QSYSINC library can be
selectively installed at any time.)

The SNMP Management application receives The PDU specified could not be encoded or Retry the command. If the problem persists,
an encode or decode error. decoded for transmission across the wire. report the error to IBM using the ANZPRB

The SNMP Management application received The value in community name length field The management application should specify a
an invalid community name length error. was not in the range of 1 to 256. community name length that is greater than 0
and less than or equal to 256.

The SNMP Management application received a The value in the time-out parameter field was The management application should specify a
time-out parameter error. not in the range of 1 to 100. time-out value that is greater than 0 and less
than or equal to 100.

The SNMP Management application received The hostname specified was not recognized The management application should specify the
an unknown host error. as a valid host on the network. correct hostname, or specify the dotted decimal
notation of the IP address.

The SNMP Management application received a The value length field on a varBind in the The management application should specify a
not OK error. varBind list was less than 0. value field greater than or equal to 0.

SNMP management application receives a The time-out value is set too low. Increase the time-out value and try again.
time-out from the SNMP APIs.
The SNMP agent receiving the SNMP opera- Make sure that the receiving agent is active.
tion is not active.
The SNMP management application is speci- Specify the correct community name.
fying a community name that is unknown to
the SNMP agent.
The SNMP management application is speci- Make sure the IP address is know to the SNMP
fying a correct community name, but the IP agent as a valid SNMP manager.
address of the manager is not part of the
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet support. for more information about network problem

C-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Table C-2 (Page 2 of 2). SNMP Management application developer problem analysis
Problem Cause Solution
SNMP management application receives a The SNMP API could not connect properly to Make sure TCP/IP support or AnyNet support is
sockets error while trying to initiate a SNMP sockets to perform its operation across active on the system, and then retry the
operation. TCP/IP or AnyNet. command.

SNMP management application receives an The SNMP management application tried to Make sure that the PDU type matches that of
invalid PDU type. issue an SNMP operation of one type while the SNMP operation being performed.
specifying a PDU built for another type.

SNMP management application receives an The SNMP management application tried to Make sure that the IP address is either in the
invalid IP address. issue an SNMP operation with an Hostname form or in the dotted decimal form.
unrecognizable IP address. (example of hostname form:
(example of dotted decimal form:

SNMP management application received a The SNMP management application speci- The SNMP management application should not
Domain Error, Invalid pointer, or Invalid pointer fied a pointer which caused an object domain use system state references, retry the operation
type return code from the SNMP APIs. error, reference location in a space that does passing in a valid pointer to user state storage.
not contain a pointer, or the pointer refer- See the previously discussed message
enced storage in system state. These errors descriptions for further information.
are equivalent to escape messages
MCH6801, MCH3601, and MCH3602.

SNMP management application received an The SNMP management application speci- The SNMP management application should use
Invalid PDU, Host, Community, or Invalid fied a Null pointer. a non-NULL pointer.
pointer type return code from the SNMP APIs.

SNMP management application received a This states that the amount of space allo- The SNMP management application should
Return code 1 from the APIs. cated for the value returned in one or more specify a greater value in the val_len field of the
varBinds, for a GET or GETNEXT operation, _varBind structure.
was not sufficient.

SNMP management application receives a non- The SNMP agent could not fit the contents of If the management application specified more
zero return status in the Error Status field of the the returned data in the SNMP message. than one object identifier to retrieve, then
SNMP PDU on a Get or GetNext operation. reduce the number of object identifiers until the
returned data fits into a SNMP message.
The SNMP management application is speci- Make sure that the SNMP management appli-
fying an incorrect object identifier in the cation is specifying an object identifier for an
request. object that is supported by the receiving SNMP
agent or its subagents.
The SNMP management application is speci-
fying an object identifier that is not supported
by the receiving SNMP agent or its suba-

SNMP management application receives a non- The SNMP management application is speci- Make sure the SNMP manager is specifying an
zero return status in the Error Status field of the fying an incorrect object identifier in the object identifier for an object that is supported
SNMP PDU on a Set operation. request. by the receiving SNMP agent or its subagents.
The SNMP management application is speci- Make sure that the SNMP management appli-
fying an object identifier that is not supported cation is specifying an object identifier for an
by the receiving SNMP agent or its suba- object that can be changed.
The SNMP management application is
attempting to set and object that is defined
as read-only.
The SNMP management application is Make sure that the SNMP management appli-
attempting to set an object value that is not cation is specifying the correct ASN syntax in
valid. This value could be the incorrect ASN the ASN type field. Also, Make sure that the
syntax, or it may not be in the acceptable SNMP management application is specifying
range of values. the value with the acceptable range.

Problem Analysis for SNMP Trap Manager

The most common problems, causes, and solutions for the SNMP trap manager
are shown in Table C-3 on page C-6.

Appendix C. Problem Analysis for SNMP C-5

Table C-3. SNMP Trap Manager Problem Analysis
Problem Cause Solution
SNMP trap manager jobs do not start when the Another application is listening on UDP port Make sure no other applications are using UDP
STRTRPMGR command runs. 162. port 162 and then start the SNMP trap manager
again using the STRTRPMGR command.

Traps are not being received by the SNMP trap The IP address of this system is not speci- Make sure that the IP address of this system is
manager. fied correctly on the SNMP agent system specified correctly on the SNMP agent system.
sending the trap.
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet support. for more information about network problem

Traps are not being forwarded to other SNMP The IP address of the intended SNMP Make sure that the IP address of the SNMP
manager systems. manager is not specified correctly in the manager to receive the trap is specified cor-
OS/400 SNMP attributes. rectly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes. The IP
address of the SNMP manager may be
changed by using the CHGSNMPA command.
The community name to be placed in the Make sure the trap community name is speci-
trap is not recognized by the SNMP fied correctly in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
manager. The trap community name may be changed by
using the CHGSNMPA command.
Trap forwarding was not specified when the Make sure that trap forwarding is specified
SNMP trap manager was started on this when the SNMP trap manager is started. The
system. SNMP trap manager is started by using the
STRTRPMGR command.
The SNMP agent on this system is not Make sure the SNMP agent is active. The
active. OS/400 SNMP agent is active if jobs
QTMSNMP and QTMSNMPRCV are running in
subsystem QSYSWRK. Use the WRKACTJOB
command to determine if these jobs are active.
There are problems with the TCP/IP network See the TCP/IP Configuration and Reference
or AnyNet support. for more information about network problem

Jobs QTMSNMP, QTMSNMPRCV, It is possible that this may be caused by trap Do one or more of the following:
QTRAPMGR, and QTRAPMGRRCV in sub- forwarding being specified and the IP
Ÿ Turn off trap forwarding by ending the trap
system QSYSWRK are consuming a large address of this system being listed as a trap
manager using the ENDTRPMGR
amount of processor resource. manager in the OS/400 SNMP attributes.
command. Then start the trap manager
It is possible that this system is part of a ring using the STRTRPMGR command with trap
of trap managers in your network that forwarding specified as *NO.
forward traps to each other.
Ÿ Remove the IP address of this system from
the trap manager list in the OS/400 SNMP
attributes using the CHGSNMPA command.
Ÿ Make sure there are no rings of trap man-
agers in your network.

Problem Analysis for SNMP Subagent APIs

The most common problems, causes, and solutions for the SNMP subagent devel-
oper are shown in Table C-4.

Table C-4 (Page 1 of 3). SNMP subagent developer problem analysis

Problem Cause Solution
A SNMP subagent cannot 'connect' to the SNMP agent job is not running. Make sure the SNMP agent job on the AS/400
SNMP agent. (QTCP/QTMSNMP) is running. (Use the
WRKACTJOB CL command. Another way to
check is to send a SNMP 'get' request for some
easy OID (for example, sysContact.0) using a
SNMP manager or a utility such as snmpinfo
(widely available on Unix systems).)

C-6 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

Table C-4 (Page 2 of 3). SNMP subagent developer problem analysis
Problem Cause Solution
A return code of snmpsa_RC_timedout was Make sure that the duration of the time-out (the
returned by connectSNMP(). third parameter) is not too small, with respect to
system load. Generally, 20 or so should be suf-
A return code of snmpsa_RC_parmerr was Make sure the data queue and library name
returned by connectSNMP(). parameters are not NULL pointers and are
between 1 and 10 bytes in length, and specify
valid library and queue names.
Verify that the library name is not QTEMP.

The SNMP subagent is unable to successfully The subagent receives a NULL pointer from A NULL pointer from mkDPIopen() is usually
perform the open function the mkDPIopen() routine. caused by a simple error in one of the parame-
ters. Verify that each of the parameters in the
call are correct.
Verify that the subagent OID does not violate
SNMPv2 limits; no more than 128 subids and
each subid must be representable in a 32-bit
unsigned integer field.
The subagent cannot send the DPI open Verify that prior to calling sendDPIpacket(), a
packet. call has successfully been made to the
connectSNMP() routine.
The subagent receives an An SNMP_ERROR_DPI_otherError (101) in the
SNMP_ERROR_DPI_otherError (101) in the DPI response packet from the agent usually
DPI response packet from the agent. occurs due to some invalid value in the DPI
open packet. For example, the subagent's OID
must be null terminated and end with a subid,
not a '.'.
The subagent receives an The subagent receives a
SNMP_ERROR_DPI_duplicate- SNMP_ERROR_DPI_duplicate-
SubagentIdentifier (109) in the DPI response SubagentIdentifier (109) when the SNMP agent
packet from the agent. already has a active subagent with the same
OID, and the subagent MIB
saAllowDuplicateIDs is set to 2. Either change
the OID the subagent uses in the mkDPIopen()
call, or change the subagent MIB
saAllowDuplicateIDs to 1 to allow duplicates.

The SNMP subagent is unable to successfully The subagent receives a NULL pointer from A NULL return usually indicates some param-
perform the register function. the mkDPIregister() routine. eter error. Check the subagent's job log for
exceptions. If any are found, correct them,
rebuild the subagent code and try the call
again. If no exceptions are found, verify that the
parameters are valid (for example, group_p is
not NULL).
The subagent receives an The most common cause of an
SNMP_ERROR_DPI_otherError (101) in the SNMP_ERROR_DPI_otherError (101) in
DPI response packet from the agent. response to a DPI register packet is that the
subtree OID did not end with a '.'; verify that the
subtree OID ends with a '.'.
The subagent receives an The most common cause of an
SNMP_ERROR_DPI_alreadyRegistered SNMP_ERROR_DPI_alreadyRegistered (103)
(103) in the DPI response packet from the error is that the subagent attempted to register
agent. a subtree that would cause a protected subtree
to be affected. Verify that the subtree to be
registered (parameter group_p in the
mkDPIregister() call) is not above, at, or within
one of the SNMP agent's protected subtrees
(see the list of these in the mkDPIregister() API
The subagent receives an For an SNMP_ERROR_DPI_higher-
SNMP_ERROR_DPI_higher- priorityRegistered (104), re-request the subtree
priorityRegistered (104) in the DPI response registration with a higher priority or 0 (which
packet from the agent. requests the highest). If the already registered
subagent has priority 0 (get the subagent MIB
saTstatus for the subtree), then there is no
higher priority to request, so the other subtree
must be unregistered or its subagent end
before you can register the subtree.

Appendix C. Problem Analysis for SNMP C-7

Table C-4 (Page 3 of 3). SNMP subagent developer problem analysis
Problem Cause Solution
The SNMP subagent has successfully done The SNMP agent job is not running. Make sure the SNMP agent job on the AS/400
connect, open and register, but does not (QTCP/QTMSNMP) is running (use the
receive any DPI packets (from the SNMP WRKACTJOB CL command) and responding to
agent). PDUs in a normal way.
There have not been any SNMP PDUs for Verify that a SNMP PDU (Get, Getnext or Set)
the subtrees registered by the subagent. for an OID in the subagent's subtree, has been
sent to the SNMP agent.
The subagent or the subagent's subtree reg- Check the status OIDs in the subagent MIB and
istration status is not 'valid' (1). verify the values are 'valid' (1). These OIDs are
in the SNMP subagent MIB in the saTable and
saTreeTable, and are the saStatus OID (for the
right subagent) and saTstatus OID (for the right
subtree). (The ASN.1 definition for the suba-
gent MIB can be found in QSYS/QANMMIB,
member IBMSNMPSA.)

The SNMP subagent works for awhile, but then There is insufficient memory to build the Ensure that the fDPIset() routine is called so
mkDPIset() return NULL, when trying to build internal structures for the DPI packet, that memory use does not monotonically
structure for a response packet. because it has not been freed, after having increase while the subagent is running. (see
been dynamically allocated. “Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Subagent APIs” in the book System API
Reference: UNIX-Type APIs.
Some other exception condition occurred. See the messages in the job logs for both the
SNMP agent job (QTCP/QTMSNMP) and the
subagent job. Correct them and retry the suba-
gent job.

The SNMP subagent works for awhile, but then There is insufficient memory to build the Ensure that the fDPIparse() routine is called so
pDPIpacket() returns NULL, when trying to internal structures for the DPI packet, that memory use does not monotonically
parse a new incoming DPI packet. because it has not been freed, after having increase while the subagent is running. (see
been dynamically allocated. “Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Subagent APIs” in the book System API
Reference: UNIX-Type APIs.
Some other exception condition occurred. See the messages in the job logs for both the
SNMP agent job (QTCP/QTMSNMP) and the
subagent job. Correct them and retry the suba-
gent job.

The SNMP subagent occasionally gets a DPI The subagent has taken too long to respond Re-open or re-register with a longer time-out, or
unregister or close packet from the agent with to some SNMP agent request. That is, longer use a smaller max_varBinds value in the
reason_code of SNMP_UNREGISTER_time-out than the time-out value used by the subagent mkDPIopen() call, or both. Important note: the
or SNMP_CLOSE_time-out. in the mkDPIopen() or mkDPIregister() calls. entire SNMP agent waits for up to the time-out
value for a response to each DPI request. If
requests for a particular OID or subagent
subtree takes a long time (relatively) for the
subagent to process, then consideration should
be given to registering that OID or subtree sep-
arately (by the same subagent), with a appropri-
ately longer time-out.

The SNMP subagent gets a snmpsa_RC_err A run-time exception occurred, which is not See the messages in the job logs for both the
return code. covered by some other, more specific, return SNMP agent job (QTCP/QTMSNMP) and the
code. subagent job (that received the snmpsa_RC_err
return code) for exceptions. Correct them and
retry the subagent API calls. (By its nature this
return code is fairly rare, and the cause for the
exception is usually obvious, in either the agent
or the subagent job.)

C-8 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP

This section provides syntax diagrams and explanations of the CL commands for AS/400 SNMP.

ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for SNMP) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

(P) ─┬────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────5
│ ┌─\YES─┐ │
│ ┌─\ANY───────────────────────────┐ │ │ ┌─\SNMPATR─┐ │
│ │ ┌──
────────────────────────────┐ │ │ └─OBJACC(──┼─\READ────┼──)─┘
(1) ┴─┴──)─┘ ├─\WRITE───┤
│ ┌─\SNMPATR─┐ │ │ ┌─\SNMPATR─┐ │
└─LOGSET(──┼─\YES─────┼──)─┘ └─LOGGET(──┼─\YES─────┼──)─┘
└─\NO──────┘ └─\NO──────┘
P All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

1 A maximum of 300 repetitions.

Purpose get-next requests are used to read management

information base (MIB) variables, and a set
The Add Community for SNMP (ADDCOMSNMP) request is used to modify MIB variables. For a
command defines an SNMP community profile request from an SNMP manager to be accepted
and adds it to the SNMP agent community list. by the AS/400 SNMP agent, all of the following
An SNMP agent uses a community profile to must be true:
determine whether or not to honor a request sent 1. The community name in the SNMP manager
by an SNMP manager. The community profile request specifies a defined community.
consists of a community name, an object access
specification, and a list of the SNMP managers 2. The internet address of the manager that sent
that are part of the community. The combination the request must be listed in the community
of the community name (COM) and the translate profile.
to ASCII community (ASCIICOM) parameters 3. For a set request, the community object
defines a community. access must allow write operations to occur.
For a get request or get-next request, read
Multiple community profiles, each having a unique operations must be allowed.
community name may exist in the SNMP agent
community list at one time. Similarly, the same 4. For a set request, the object specified in the
internet address may appear in more than one request must be able to be changed. For a
community profile. get request or get-next request, the object
must be readable.
The OS/400* SNMP agent does not support com-
munity views. A view is a subset of the objects in Required Parameter
the management information base (MIB). Each
OS/400 community consists of all of the objects in COM
the MIB. Specifies the name of the SNMP community
being added. Each SNMP community name
Restrictions: An SNMP manager sends three must be unique.
types of requests: get, get-next, and set. Get and

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 D-1


community-name: Specify the name of the the Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
SNMP community being added. The name command is used for this community.
may contain characters that cannot be dis-
*READ: Allow SNMP managers that are part
played (for example, X'60619E').
of this community to read all management
information base (MIB) objects with get or get-
Optional Parameters next requests. Modification of MIB objects by
SNMP managers is not permitted.
Specifies whether the community name is *WRITE: Allow SNMP managers that are part
translated to ASCII characters when the com- of this community to change all MIB objects
munity profile is added to the SNMP agent that are able to change with set requests.
community list. Specifying *WRITE implies *READ access.
*YES: The community name is translated to *NONE: Do not allow SNMP managers that
ASCII characters when the community profile are part of this community any access to MIB
is added to the SNMP agent community list. objects.
This value should be specified if the SNMP
manager system defines its community names
Specifies whether set requests from SNMP
entirely of ASCII characters. An error
managers in this community are logged in
message is sent if the community name
journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.
cannot be translated to ASCII characters.
*SNMPATR: The value defined with the
*NO: The community name is not translated
Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
to ASCII characters when the community
command is used for this community.
profile is added to the SNMP agent commu-
nity list. This value should be specified if the *YES: Set requests are logged.
SNMP manager system defines its community
*NO: Set requests are not logged.
names using EBCDIC characters or charac-
ters that cannot be displayed. LOGGET
Specifies whether get requests and get-next
requests from SNMP managers in this com-
Specifies the internet addresses of the SNMP
munity are logged in journal QSNMP in library
managers that are part of this community.
*ANY: Allow any SNMP manager to be part
*SNMPATR: The value defined with the
of this community.
Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
manager-internet-address: Specify the command is used for this community.
internet address of the SNMP manager. The
*YES: Get requests and get-next requests
internet address is specified in the form
are logged.
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal
number ranging from 0 through 255. An *NO: Get requests and get-next requests are
internet address is not valid if it has a value of not logged.
all binary ones or all binary zeros for the
network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID Example
portion of the address. If the internet address
is entered from a command line, the address ADDCOMSNMP COM(ROCHESTER)
must be enclosed in apostrophes. Up to 300 INTNETADR('' '')
unique internet addresses may be specified. OBJACC(\WRITE)
The same internet address may appear in
This command adds the community ROCHESTER
more than one community profile.
to the SNMP agent community list. SNMP man-
OBJACC agers with internet addresses and
Specifies the object access for the community. are the only managers in the community and are
able to change all MIB objects.
*SNMPATR: The object access defined with

D-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP SNMP) Command

Job: I Pgm: I REXX: I Exec



command is used to display a menu that allows a LOGSET *NO
user to define or change the Simple Network Man- LOGGET *NO
agement Protocol (SNMP) configuration. The
menu options include: See the Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
command for the default values for SNMP attri-
Ÿ Change SNMP attributes butes.
Ÿ Work with communities for SNMP
There are no parameters for this command.
It is not necessary to run the CFGTCPSNMP
command before using the SNMP agent. The Example
SNMP agent is shipped with a community that has CFGTCPSNMP
the following characteristics:
Community Name public This command displays the Configure TCP/IP
SNMP menu.

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-3


CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for SNMP) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

(P) ─┬────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────5
│ ┌─\YES─┐ │
│ ┌─\SAME──────────────────────────┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME────┐ │
└─INTNETADR(──┼─\ANY───────────────────────────┼──)─┘ └─OBJACC(──┼─\SNMPATR─┼──)─┘
│ ┌──
────────────────────────────┐ │ ├─\READ────┤
(1) ┴─┘ ├─\WRITE───┤
│ ┌─\SAME────┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME────┐ │
└─LOGSET(──┼─\SNMPATR─┼──)─┘ └─LOGGET(──┼─\SNMPATR─┼──)─┘
├─\YES─────┤ ├─\YES─────┤
└─\NO──────┘ └─\NO──────┘
P All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

1 A maximum of 300 repetitions.

Specifies whether the community name is
The Change Community for SNMP translated to ASCII characters before it is
(CHGCOMSNMP) command changes an SNMP compared with the community name specified
community profile in the SNMP agent community in a request from an SNMP manager. This
list. An SNMP agent uses a community profile to parameter is used in combination with the
determine whether or not to honor a request sent community name to determine the community
by an SNMP manager. The community profile to be changed. If this parameter is not speci-
consists of a community name, an object access fied and two communities have the same
specification, and a list of the SNMP managers name but different ASCIICOM parameter
that are part of the community. The combination values, the community that is changed is the
of the community name (COM) and the translate community with ASCIICOM set to *YES.
to ASCII community (ASCIICOM) parameters *YES: The community name is translated to
defines a community. ASCII characters before it is compared with a
community name specified by an SNMP
Required Parameter manager.

COM *NO: The community name is not translated

Specifies the name of the SNMP community to ASCII characters before it is compared with
being changed. The community must already a community name specified by an SNMP
exist in the SNMP agent community list. You manager.
can define an SNMP community using the
Add Community for SNMP (ADDCOMSNMP)
The internet addresses of the SNMP man-
agers that are part of this community.
community-name: Specify the name of the
*SAME: The value does not change.
SNMP community being changed. The name
may contain characters that cannot be dis- *ANY: Allow any SNMP manager to be part
played. of this community.
manager-internet-address: Specify the
Optional Parameters internet address of the SNMP manager. The
internet address is specified in the form

D-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal *SAME: The value does not change.
number ranging from 0 through 255. An
*SNMPATR: The value defined with the
internet address is not valid if it has a value of
Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
all binary ones or all binary zeros for the
command is used for this community.
network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID
portion of the address. If the internet address *YES: Set requests are logged.
is entered from a command line, the address *NO: Set requests are not logged.
must be enclosed in apostrophes. Up to 300
unique internet addresses may be specified. LOGGET
The same internet address may appear in Specifies whether get requests and get-next
more than one community profile. requests from SNMP managers in this com-
munity are logged in journal QSNMP in library
Specifies the object access for the community.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*SNMPATR: The value defined with the
*SNMPATR: The object access defined with Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
the Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA) command is used for this community.
command is used for this community.
*YES: Get requests and get-next requests
*READ: Allow SNMP managers that are part are logged.
of this community to read all management
information base (MIB) objects. Modification *NO: Get requests and get-next requests are
of MIB objects by SNMP managers is not per- not logged.
*WRITE: Allow SNMP managers that are part Example
of this community to change all MIB objects CHGCOMSNMP COM(ENDICOTT) INTNETADR(\ANY)
that can be changed. Specifying *WRITE OBJACC(\READ)
implies *READ access.
This command changes community ENDICOTT to
*NONE: Do not allow SNMP managers that have an object access of read and to allow any
are part of this community to access any MIB SNMP manager to read the MIB objects on this
objects. system. All of the other community values are
LOGSET unchanged.
Specifies whether Set requests from SNMP
managers in this community are logged in
journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-5


CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

│ ┌─\SAME──────────┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME───────────┐ │
└─SYSCONTACT(──┼─\NONE──────────┼──)─┘ └─SYSLOC(──┼─\NONE───────────┼──)─┘
├─\CNTINF────────┤ ├─\CNTINF─────────┤
└─system-contact─┘ └─system-location─┘
│ ┌─\SAME─┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME─┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME──┐ │
└─SNDAUTTRP(──┼─\YES──┼──)─┘ └─AUTOSTART(──┼─\YES──┼──)─┘ └─OBJACC(──┼─\READ──┼──)─┘
└─\NO───┘ └─\NO───┘ ├─\WRITE─┤
│ ┌─\SAME─┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME─┐ │ │ ┌─\SAME─┐ │
└─LOGSET(──┼─\YES──┼──)─┘ └─LOGGET(──┼─\YES──┼──)─┘ └─LOGTRP(──┼─\YES──┼──)─┘
└─\NO───┘ └─\NO───┘ └─\NO───┘
│ ┌─\SAME──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ ┌──
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ ┌─\YES─┐ │
1 A maximum of 300 repetitions.

Specifies the name of the contact person for
The Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA) this AS/400 system, along with information on
command changes values and options used by how to contact this person. This value is used
the OS/400 SNMP agent. The command also is only by SNMP-specific functions. This value
used to specify which SNMP managers receive also may be read or modified by an author-
traps generated by the local AS/400 system. ized SNMP manager.
*SAME: The value does not change.
The SNMP agent is shipped with the following
values for the SNMP attributes. *NONE: No system contact exists.
Keyword Value *CNTINF: The value is obtained from the
service contact information specified by using
the Work with Contact Information
SYSLOC *NONE (WRKCNTINF) command. The value obtained
consists of the contact person and the contact
telephone numbers.
system-contact: Specify the name of the
OBJACC *READ contact person and other contact information.
LOGSET *NO All of the characters specified must be able to
be translated into the ASCII character set.
LOGTRP *NO Specifies the physical location of this AS/400
TRPMGR *NONE system. This value is used only by
SNMP-specific functions. This value also may
be read or modified by an authorized SNMP
Optional Parameters manager.

D-6 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


*SAME: The value does not change. *WRITE: Allow SNMP managers that are part
of a community to modify all MIB objects that
*NONE: No system location information
can be modified. Specifying *WRITE implies
*READ access.
*CNTINF: The value is obtained from the
*NONE: Do not allow SNMP managers that
service contact information specified by using
are part of a community to modify any MIB
the Work with Contact Information
(WRKCNTINF) command. The value obtained
consists of the mailing address. LOGSET
system-location: Specify the physical location Specifies the default value for whether set
of the system. All of the characters specified requests from SNMP managers in a commu-
must be able to be translated into the ASCII nity are logged in journal QSNMP in library
character set. QUSRSYS.
*SAME: The value does not change.
Specifies whether the SNMP agent may send *YES: Set requests are logged.
any authenticationFailure traps to any defined
*NO: Set requests are not logged.
SNMP managers. An authenticationFailure
trap is sent by the SNMP agent if a request is LOGGET
received from an SNMP manager that con- Specifies the default value for whether get
tains a community name that is not recog- requests and get-next requests from SNMP
nized by the SNMP agent. This trap is only managers in a community are logged in
sent when SNDAUTTRP is *YES and when at journal QSNMP in library QUSRSYS.
least one trap manager has been defined.
*SAME: The value does not change.
This value may also be read or modified by an
authorized SNMP manager. *YES: Get requests and get-next requests
are logged.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: Get requests and get-next requests are
*YES: authenticationFailure traps may be
not logged.
*NO: authenticationFailure traps are not sent. LOGTRP
Specifies whether traps are logged in journal
Specifies whether the SNMP agent is started
*SAME: The value does not change.
when the STRTCP command runs.
*YES: Traps are logged.
*SAME: The value does not change.
*NO: Traps are not logged.
*YES: The SNMP agent is started when the
STRTCP command runs. TRPMGR
*NO: The SNMP agent is not started when Specifies which SNMP managers receive
the STRTCP command runs. traps generated by this AS/400 system.
*SAME: The value does not change.
Specifies the default object access for SNMP *NONE: No SNMP managers receive traps.
Element 1: Manager Internet Address
*SAME: The value does not change.
manager-internet-address: Specify the
*READ: Allow SNMP managers that are part internet address of the SNMP manager. The
of a community to read all management infor- address must be of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn,
mation base (MIB) objects. Modification of where nnn is a decimal number ranging from
MIB objects by SNMP managers is not per- 0 to 255. This address is independent of the
mitted. manager internet address specified on the

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-7


Element 2: Community Name Examples

community-name: Specify the SNMP commu-
nity name to be placed in the traps sent to this Example 1: Changing System Contact and
SNMP manager. The community name speci- Automatic Start
fied in this element is independent of the com- CHGSNMPA SYSCONTACT('JOE SMITH, PHONE 555-1212')
munity name specified on the AUTOSTART(\NO)
RMVCOMSNMP commands. The name may This command changes the system contact infor-
contain characters that cannot be displayed. mation and specifies that the SNMP agent should
not start when the STRTCP command runs. All
Element 3: Translate Community Name other values are unchanged.
*YES: The community name is translated to
ASCII characters when a trap is sent to the Example 2: Changing Trap Managers
SNMP manager. This value should be speci- CHGSNMPA TRPMGR(('' 'TRAPCOMMUNITY')
fied when the community name consists ('' 'TRAPCOMMUNITY2'))
entirely of characters that can be displayed.
An error message is sent if the community This command causes any traps generated by the
name cannot be translated to ASCII charac- local AS/400 system to be sent to SNMP man-
ters. agers that have internet protocol addresses and Community name
*NO: The community name is not translated TRAPCOMMUNITY is placed in traps sent to
to ASCII characters when a trap is sent to the, and community name
SNMP manager. This value should be speci- TRAPCOMMUNITY2 is placed in traps sent to
fied when the community name contains one For both managers the community name
or more characters that cannot be displayed. is translated to ASCII characters before being
placed in the trap.

D-8 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

55──ENDTCPSVR──┬──────────────────────────────────┬─── (P) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────5%

│ ┌─\ALL─────────────┐ │
│ │ ┌──
───────────┐ │ │
(1) ─┴──)─┘

1 A maximum of 5 repetitions.

P All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

Purpose *TELNET: All TELNET server jobs are

The ENDTCPSVR command is used to end the *FTP: All FTP server jobs are ended.
TCP/IP application server jobs that are specified in
the SERVER parameter. If the jobs have any *SMTP: All jobs associated with SMTP in the
current active connections, these connections are QSYSWRK subsystem are ended. The bridge
ended immediately. If the ENDTCPSVR job in the QSNADS subsystem is not ended.
command is used to end a server that is not *LPD: All LPD server jobs are ended.
active, a diagnostic message is returned.
Optional Parameter
Example 1: Ending All TCP/IP Servers
Specifies which of the TCP/IP application ENDTCPSVR
server jobs is to be ended by this command.
This command ends all active TCP/IP application
*ALL: All of the TCP/IP server jobs are server jobs running in the QSYSWRK subsystem.
*SNMP: All jobs associated with the SNMP Example 2: Ending the LPD Servers
agent in the QSYSWRK subsystem are ENDTCPSVR SERVER(\LPD)
This command ends the TCP/IP LPD application
server jobs.

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-9


ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec


The End Trap Manager (ENDTRPMGR) command
allows you to end the OS/400 SNMP Manager
Framework trap manager job.

There are no parameters for this command.

D-10 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

55──STRTCPSVR──┬──────────────────────────────────┬─── (P) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────5%

│ ┌─\ALL─────────────┐ │
│ │ ┌──
───────────┐ │ │
(1) ─┴──)─┘

1 A maximum of 5 repetitions.

P All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

Purpose *TELNET: The TELNET server is started.

Subsequent usage of the STRTCPSVR
The Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command SERVER(*TELNET) command starts one
is used to start the TCP/IP application servers that additional TELNET server.
are shipped with the Operating System/400 Note: Having more than one TELNET server
product or the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities/400 job running reduces the chances of
product. This command starts TCP/IP jobs in the having connection attempts refused.
QSYSWRK subsystem for the application servers
specified with the server (SERVER) parameter. *FTP: The File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The number of server jobs started by this servers are started based on the number of
command is specified, where appropriate, in the servers configured with the Change FTP Attri-
configuration for each TCP/IP application. butes (CHGFTPA) command. Subsequent
All servers have an autostart (AUTOSTART) command starts one additional FTP server.
parameter on the associated configuration Note: Having more than one FTP server job
command (for example, Change FTP Attributes running can improve the performance
(CHGFTPA)). This parameter indicates if the of initiating a session when multiple
server should be started when the Start TCP/IP users attempt to connect to the server
(STRTCP) command is entered. The in a short period of time.
STRTCPSVR command ignores the value of a
server's autostart parameter. *SMTP: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) client and server jobs are started.
Additional SMTP client and server jobs cannot
Optional Parameter be started. Subsequent usage of the
Specifies the TCP/IP application servers to be results in a diagnostic message if the SMTP
started by this command. server jobs have already been started.

*ALL: All of the TCP/IP application servers *LPD: The line printer daemon (LPD) servers
are started. are started based on the number of servers
configured with the Change LPD Attributes
*SNMP: The Simple Network Management (CHGLPDA) command. Subsequent usage of
Protocol (SNMP) agent jobs are started. Sub- the STRTCPSVR SERVER(*LPD) command
sequent usage of the STRTCPSVR starts one additional LPD server.
SERVER(*SNMP) command results in a diag-
nostic message if the SNMP server jobs have Note: LPD works most efficiently when two
already been started. or more servers are running. Running
only one server works, but no jobs can

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-11


be received while a current job is example is also true for other TCP/IP application
running. If a large print job is running, servers.
new jobs have to wait before LPD is
ready to accept any new line printer Where appropriate, the number of servers to start
requester (LPR) requests. is based on the number of servers configured for
the server being started. The configuration option
to automatically start the servers (AUTOSTART) is
Examples ignored by the STRTCPSVR command. The
AUTOSTART parameter is used only by the
Example 1: Starting all TCP/IP Servers STRTCP command.
Example 2: Starting the TELNET Server
This command starts all of the TCP/IP application STRTCPSVR SERVER(\TELNET)
servers that have been configured to be started.
For example: If the Change FTP Attributes This command starts the TCP/IP TELNET applica-
(CHGFTPA) command had previously been used tion server. If the TELNET server had been previ-
to configure two FTP servers, both servers would ously started, one additional TELNET server job
be started when STRTCPSVR is issued. This would be started.

D-12 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1


STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

│ ┌─\NO──┐ │

Purpose *YES: Received traps are forwarded using

the facilities provided in the SNMP agent and
The Start Trap Manager (STRTRPMGR) DPI interface.
command allows you to start the OS/400 SNMP *NO: Received traps are not forwarded.
Manager Framework trap manager job. An Traps are only enqueued.
optional Forward Trap parameter may be specified
which enables traps that are received on other
systems to be forwarded to other Network Man- Examples
agement stations. The trap manager uses the
Example 1: Start Trap Manager Job (Enqueue
trap generation and sending facilities provided in
Traps Only)
the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) agent and Distributed Protocol Interface STRTRPMGR
(DPI) interface.
This command starts the trap manager job. Traps
received by the trap manager are enqueued only.
Optional Parameters
FWDTRP Example 2: Start Trap Manager Job (Enqueue
Specifies whether traps received on the & Forward Traps)
system are to be forwarded to other network STRTRPMGR FWDTRP(\YES)
management stations.
This command starts the trap manager job. Traps
received by the trap manager are enqueued and

Appendix D. CL Commands for AS/400 SNMP D-13


RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for SNMP) Command

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec

(P) ─┬────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────5%
│ ┌─\YES─┐ │
P All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

Specifies whether the community name is
The Remove Community for SNMP translated to ASCII characters before it is
(RMVCOMSNMP) command is used to remove a compared with the community name specified
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) in a request from an SNMP manager. This
community profile from the SNMP agent commu- parameter is used in combination with the
nity list. The community profile consists of a com- community name to determine the community
munity name, an object access specification, and to be removed. If two communities have the
a list of the SNMP managers that are part of the same name and you don't specify the
community. The combination of the community ASCIICOM parameter, the community with
name (COM) and the translate to ASCII commu- ASCIICOM set to *YES is removed.
nity (ASCIICOM) parameters defines a community. *YES: The community name is translated to
ASCII characters before it is compared with a
Required Parameter community name specified by an SNMP
Specifies the name of the SNMP community *NO: The community name is not translated
being removed. The community must already to ASCII characters before it is compared with
exist in the SNMP agent community list. a community name specified by an SNMP
community-name: Specify the name of the
SNMP community being removed. The name
may contain characters that cannot be dis- Example

This command removes community ROCHESTER

Optional Parameter from the SNMP agent community list.

D-14 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

If you want more information on a topic while you are debugging programs. Also includes programming
using this book, see the Publications Reference book, considerations for interlanguage program and pro-
SC41-5003, and the Advanced 36 Information Directory cedure calls, locales, handling exceptions, data-
book, SC21-8292, for related AS/400 publications. base, externally described and device files.
Ÿ System API Reference: UNIX-Type APIs book,
The following publications provide additional information
SC41-5875, and System API Reference: Client
about the topics described or referred to in this book.
Support APIs book, SC41-5851, provide
The books are listed with their full titles and order
descriptions of the OS/400 application programming
numbers. When AS/400 books are referred to in this
interfaces (APIs).
book, a shortened version of the title is used.
Ÿ TCP/IP Configuration and Reference book,
SC41-5420, provides information for configuring and
IBM Publications using AS/400 TCP/IP support. The applications
included are Network Status (NETSTAT), Packet
InterNet Groper (PING), TELNET, File Transfer Pro-
Communications and tocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP),
line printer requester (LPR), and line printer daemon
Programming (LPD). The TCP and UDP Pascal application
The following IBM AS/400 publications provide addi- program interface (API) is also discussed.
tional information about topics described or referred to
in this book: NetView
Ÿ APPN Support, SC41-5407, provides information Ÿ Learning About NetView: Network Concepts,
about the concepts of AS/400 advanced peer-to- SK2T-0292 (PC Diskette)
peer networking (APPN) and about planning APPN Ÿ NetView Administration Reference, SC30-3361
networks. Ÿ NetView Command Lists, SC30-3423
Ÿ Backup and Recovery book, SC41-5304, provides Ÿ NetView Command Summary, SX27-3620
information to help you become familiar with AS/400 Ÿ NetView Customization, LY30-5586
functions, develop a backup plan, and recover from Ÿ NetView Diagnosis, LY30-5587
system failures. Ÿ NetView Hardware Problem Determination Refer-
ence, SC30-3366
Ÿ Communications Management, SC41-5406, con- Ÿ NetView Installation and Administration book,
tains information about operating communications SC30-3360
and handling communications errors. Ÿ NetView Messages, SC30-3365
Ÿ Communications Configuration, SC41-5401, con- Ÿ NetView Operation, SC30-3364
tains general configuration information, including Ÿ NetView Operation Primer, SC30-3363
descriptions of network interface, line, controller, Ÿ NetView Operation Scenarios, SC30-3376
device, modes and class-of-service descriptions. Ÿ Network Program Products Bibliography and Master
Information about configuration lists and connection Index, GC30-3353
lists is also included. Ÿ Network Program Products General Information,
Ÿ CL Programming, SC41-5721, provides a dis-
Ÿ Network Program Products Planning, SC30-3351
cussion of AS/400 programming topics, such as a
Ÿ Network Program Products Samples: NetView,
general discussion of objects and libraries, control
language (CL) programming, messages and
Ÿ Network Program Products Storage Estimates,
message handling, user-defined commands and
menus, and application testing.
Ÿ CL Reference, SC41-5722, provides a description of
the AS/400 control language (CL) and its com- Advanced Communications
mands. Function for Virtual
Ÿ ILE C/400 Programmer’s Guide, SC09-2069 and Telecommunications Access
ILE C/400 Programmer’s Reference book, Method (ACF/VTAM)
SC09-2070, Provides information on how to develop
applications using the ILE C/400 language. Ÿ ACF/VTAM* General Information, GC38-0254
Includes information about creating, running and Ÿ ACF/VTAM System Programmer’s, SC38-0258

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 H-1

Systems Network Architecture Simple Network Management
(SNA) Protocol
Ÿ Systems Network Architecture Technical Overview, Ÿ Case, J. D., Fedor, M. S., Schoffstall, M. L., and
GC30-3072 Davin, J. R. A Simple Network Management Pro-
Ÿ Systems Network Architecture Formats, GA27-3136 tocol. RFC 1157, SNMP Research, May 1990.
Ÿ Systems Network Architecture Format and Protocol Ÿ Case, J. D., Davin, J. R., Fedor, J. R., and
Reference, SC30-3112 Schoffstall, M. L. Network Management and the
Ÿ Systems Network Architecture–Sessions Between Design of SNMP, ConneXions--The Interoperability
Logical Units, GC20-1868 Report, 3(3):22-26, March 1989, ISSN 0894-5926.
Ÿ Rose, M. T., and McCloghrie, K. Concise MIB Defi-
nitions. RFC 1212, Performance Systems Interna-
Non-IBM Publications tional, Inc., March 1991.
Ÿ Rose, M. T. Network Management is Simple: You
just need the "Right" Framework. In Integrated
Network Management, II, pages 9-25, IFIP WG 6.6,
North Holland, April 1991. ISBN 0-444-89028-9.
Ÿ Rose, M. T. The Simple Book: An Introduction to
Internet Management, Englewood Cliffs:P T R
Prentice-Hall, 1994.

H-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

client software management database formats 4-1
A CLOSE request 6-4
access specification, object 2-1 command, CL
ACF/VTAM reference book Add Community for SNMP (ADDCOMSNMP) 2-4
list H-1 ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for SNMP) 2-4
Add Community for SNMP (ADDCOMSNMP) CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP for SNMP) 2-4
command 2-4 Change Community for SNMP
ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for SNMP) 2-4 (CHGCOMSNMP) 2-4
agent Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA) 2-4
attributes 2-2 CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for
communicating with subagent 6-6 SNMP) 2-4
configuring 2-1 CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) 2-4
DPI requests 5-1 Configure TCP/IP for SNMP (CFGTCPSNMP) 2-4
problem analysis C-1 End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) 2-4
relationship with subagent 5-1 End Trap Manager (ENDTRPMGR) 3-1
set processing A-1 ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) 2-4
waiting for work 6-7 ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager) 3-1
API Remove Community for SNMP
compiling a DPI application 5-2 (RMVCOMSNMP) 2-4
DPI source files 5-1 RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for
manager problem analysis C-4 SNMP) 2-4
subagent problem analysis C-6 Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) 2-4
APIs, manager Start Trap Manager (STRTRPMGR) 3-1
See System API Reference: UNIX-Type APIs, STRTCPSVR (Start TCP Server) 2-4
SC41-5875 STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager) 3-1
APIs, subagent communicating with the SNMP agent 6-6
See System API Reference: UNIX-Type APIs, communications books
SC41-5875 list H-1
application, compiling a DPI API 5-2 community
APPN MIB, description A-3 attributes 2-2
ARE_YOU_THERE request 6-6 configuring 2-2
attribute definition 2-1
community 2-2 naming conventions 2-1
pre-configured community 2-4 pre-configured attributes 2-4
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
changing D-6 adding D-1
SNMP agent 2-2 changing D-4
authentication traps parameter, send 2-3 removing D-14
automatic start parameter 2-3 compiling a DPI API application 5-2
concepts, subagent programming 6-1
C command 2-4
CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP for SNMP) 2-4
configuring a community 2-2
Change Community for SNMP (CHGCOMSNMP)
configuring the SNMP agent 2-1
command 2-4
Change SNMP Attributes (CHGSNMPA)
command 2-4 D
CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for SNMP) 2-4 data queues, delivering traps to 3-1
CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) 2-4 database formats
client inventory management 4-1 QAZCADEV 4-2
client management MIB, description A-4 QAZCADIR 4-2

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 X-1

database formats (continued)
QAZCAFS 4-2 FDDI MIB, description A-3
QAZCAMSC 4-2 formats, client software management database 4-1
QAZCANET 4-3 Frame Relay MIB, description A-3
GET processing 6-1
GETNEXT processing 6-3
database formats, client software management 4-1 I
definitions IEEE 802.5 MIB, description A-3
communities 2-1 information
MIB object 1-1 related printed information H-1
SNMP 1-1 introduction, distributed protocol interface
SNMP Agent 1-1 (DPI) 5-1
SNMP manager 1-1 inventory management, client 4-1
SNMP subagents 1-1
trap manager 3-1
delivering traps to data queues 3-1 L
descriptions, MIB linking a DPI API application 5-2
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking A-3 log traps parameter 2-3
APPN A-3 logging requests parameter 2-3
client management A-4
DPI 2.0 A-5
Ethernet-like interface A-2 M
FDDI A-3 management database formats, client software 4-1
Frame Relay A-3 Management Information Base
IEEE 802.5 A-3 See MIB
MIB-II A-1 management, client inventory 4-1
NetView for AIX A-5 manager APIs
subagent MIB A-6 problem analysis C-4
Token Ring A-3 manager enablement, SNMP 3-1
distributed protocol interface (DPI), manager list 2-2
introduction 5-1 managing client inventory 4-1
DPI manual, reference
agent requests 5-1 ACF/VTAM H-1
API application, compiling 5-2 communications H-1
API source files 5-1 NetView H-1
introduction 5-1 SNA H-2
DPI 2.0 MIB, description A-5 SNMP H-2
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking A-3
E descriptions
enablement, SNMP manager 3-1 APPN A-3
End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) command 2-4 client management A-4
End Trap Manager (ENDTRPMGR) command 3-1 DPI 2.0 A-5
ENDTCPSVR (End TCP Server) 2-4 Ethernet-like interface A-2
ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager) 3-1 FDDI A-3
Ethernet-like interface MIB, description A-2 Frame Relay A-3
examples IEEE 802.5 A-3
client inventory refresh interval 4-1 MIB-II A-1
refresh interval, client inventory 4-1 NetView for AIX A-5
SNMP subagent A-6
Token Ring A-3

X-2 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

MIB (continued) QAZCASTG database format 4-4
supported by SNMP A-1
MIB (Management Information Base) 1-1
MIB-II, description A-1 R
monitoring for trap messages 3-1 REGISTER request 6-5
Remove Community for SNMP (RMVCOMSNMP)
command 2-4
N request
naming conventions, community 2-1 ARE_YOU_THERE 6-6
NetView CLOSE 6-4
reference books, list H-1 OPEN 6-3
NetView for AIX MIB, description A-5 REGISTER 6-5
TRAP 6-6
O requests, DPI agent 5-1
object access parameter 2-3 RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for
object access specification 2-1 SNMP) 2-4
OPEN request 6-3 running a DPI API application 5-2

parameters send authentication traps parameter 2-3
automatic start 2-3 server
log traps 2-3 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Pro-
logging requests 2-3 tocol)
object access 2-3 ending D-9
send authentication traps 2-3 starting D-11
system contact 2-2 SET processing 6-2
system location 2-3 set processing, SNMP agent A-1
trap manager 2-3 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
pre-configured community attributes 2-4 See SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
problem analysis C-1 SNA reference books, list H-2
agent C-1 SNMP
manager APIs C-4 reference books, list H-2
subagent APIs C-6 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
trap manager C-5 add community for D-1
processing agent attributes 2-2
GET 6-1 agent problem analysis C-1
GETNEXT 6-3 agent set processing A-1
SET 6-2 agent, communicating with subagent 6-6
programming concepts, subagent 6-1 agent, configuring 2-1
agent, definition 1-1
agent, waiting for work 6-7
Q agents 5-1
QAZCADEV database format 4-2
QAZCADIR database format 4-2
changing D-6
QAZCADRL database format 4-3
community for
QAZCADSK database format 4-2
changing D-4
QAZCAFS database format 4-2
DPI API source files 5-1
QAZCAMSC database format 4-2
manager enablement 3-1
QAZCANET database format 4-3
manager list 2-2
QAZCAPRC database format 4-3
manager problem analysis C-4
QAZCAPRT database format 4-3
manager, definition 1-1
QAZCAPTN database format 4-3
MIBs, supported A-1
QAZCASFW database format 4-4
problem analysis C-1
QAZCASFX database format 4-4
protocol elements, supported 1-2

Index X-3
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) (con-
tinued) U
protocol operations 1-3 UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 1-3
remove community D-14 UNREGISTER request 6-5
subagent MIB, description A-6 User Datagram Protocol
subagent problem analysis C-6 See UDP
subagent, communicating with agent 6-6
subagents 5-1
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Pro-
Virtual Telecommunications Access
Method/Network Control Program (VTAM/NCP)
configuring D-3
reference books, list H-1
trap manager problem analysis C-5
VTAM/NCP (Virtual Telecommunications Access
trap support 3-1
Method/Network Control Program)
software management database formats, client 4-1
reference books, list H-1
source files, SNMP DPI API 5-1
start parameter, automatic 2-3
Start TCP Server (STRTCPSVR) command 2-4 W
Start Trap Manager (STRTRPMGR) command 3-1 waiting for work, SNMP agent 6-7
STRTCPSVR (Start TCP Server) 2-4
STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager) 3-1
communicating with agent 6-6
problem analysis C-6
subagent MIB, description A-6
subagent programming concepts 6-1
subagents, relationship with agent 5-1
supported protocol elements 1-2
supported SNMP MIBs A-1
system contact parameter 2-2
system location parameter 2-3

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Pro-
ending D-9
starting D-11
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
configuring D-3
Token Ring MIB, description A-3
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
See TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
trap manager
ending D-10
problem analysis C-5
starting 3-1, D-13
stoping 3-1
trap manager parameter 2-3
TRAP request 6-6
trap router 3-1
trap support, SNMP 3-1

X-4 OS/400 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Support V4R1

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