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Joe A.

Kunzler Prepared Remarks to ACHP Hearing

Good evening ACHP, Joe A. Kunzler here. I stand 525 feet away or closer to EA-18Gs

and formerly EA-6Bs conducting Field Carrier Landing Practice at OLF Coupeville as is the case

with jets since January 1967 so OLF Coupeville use IS a public benefit and there have been jets

in Ebey’s NHR since January of 1967i, thanks. Since the Section 106 process cannot find

alternative Field Carrier Landing Practice sites; the Section 106 process was doomed to fail for

as the Ebey’s Trust Board wrote in collusion with Sound Defense Alliance as proof will be turned

over to the ACHP, “Because noise is the cause of the adverse effect, the only way to resolve or

mitigate the adverse effect is to reduce the increase in noise that this undertaking will bring.”ii

Of course with e-mails like, “I continue to believe that the Navy’s offer and deadlines are

disrespectful to the Section 106 process and that we should not take the Navy's money”iii and

finally, “You community activists have known what projects we have been pushing and the

amounts of money we have been asking for. WHY ARE YOU JUST NOW TELLING ME I

SHOULD NOT TAKE ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY? It would have been nice to know at the

beginning of the process that no amount of money would be acceptable to you.”iv I am of the

view Sound Defense Alliance and Ebey’s NHR sought to sabotage this process plus peacemakers

Kendall Campbell and Dr. Allyson Brooks acted most honorably – the question is now what?

First, maximum easement and soundproofing funding into Central Whidbey to help

property values and the civilians – place the money in the Navy or Island County Government’s

care – not any colluding member of Sound Defense Alliance like Kristen Griffen or Mayor Hughes.

Second, tell the story of OLF in Central Whidbey in a negotiated manner to replace the entryway

proposal. Third, I am fully supportive of Scenario 2A for OLF and Kendall Campbell, thanks.

SOURCE: 26 January 1967 Whidbey News-Times “Navy Works on Coupeville Strip”
SOURCE: 26 Oct. 2018 Ebey’s NHR Trust Board Letter to Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, RE: Continuing Section
106 Consultation - EA-18G Growler Operations at NASWI (letter of June 25, 2018; SERN442096)
SOURCE: 30 Nov. 2018 3:33 PM E-mail by Maryon Attwood, COER President, “Re: MOA proposal for Growler
aircraft and operations”.
SOURCE: 30 Nov. 2018 4:19 PM E-mail by Molly Hughes, Mayor of Coupeville, “Section 106 MOU”
VOLUME 75 Ook Harbor and oupevllle, Woshinglon, T hu rsday, Jonuory 26, 196 7 NUMBER> 19

Navy Works On Coupeville Strip ·

The n.1vy conduclc;.td rliJ!hl up ' r· n:wy 3'~ ycurs ngo. i. bcin ' ;tCIJ· n or... <·annttl lL" l' the ficld unUl ar-
miuns on CoUfX'\'illc·~ air11Lrip ..lim· V;tl cd lO Ct15C the ('fU\\ dCdt r:-aHil' fl~ltnt: ~l·a r b tnH:tllcd. This gear
ttnry ~ for the fu~l time in .!-JCVcrnl t>allcrn s t Ault Ftc !d brought on ~ hnulrl h~· 111 pi:Jcc about rnid-
yen~. h)' lhc.• ndditton of i\fi;\ lm ntdl•r Fl'lwm:ary ~
Three A6A fntnlficrs from Hc>il'\'Y squadron!\. Intruders and t\ :lB 1n!-tall:tt mn or runway Ugbts 1s
Allack Squorlron lZl IOJ.!Scd 42 t" In j''' Skywal'rlor:-. w 1p U.Sl' the l'~ l: 'l'lcd in Mar ·h to uUuw a.lght
''bounce:," Md C!)lllbli. hcd lk .MiA ('OUJ)C\' iJIC Slrip for doy and rught looolr.f;s. Ot hc.:r equipment (or lull·
Hight pattern for field carrier bmd· landsng!\. IJmt· op r..ttion should be installed
ing pracpce. Mnr\! \\'Orlc i ~ing 1'\m·~· crew~ clcanet! nnd rhcc.·kcd b~ .Jut~· .\t present. the navy does
done to ~ equip the aiNtrlp fo r the foupc\'illc ,nJO\\JYS la...,l Dl'- nut plan to base pel1i0f\Del at
,·artier prnc:ticc " touch ond ~o" <'t·m~r. Arter tht· run\' ~y 1 prn1U • rvul)\'\ ilk· 0\'Cr nia;bl, _
13nding.s. The n:1Vy cxpccl<o. to hove ('fl. the ril'ld <·<m :tl'l'Oinntodal l' ti:~y · , , , • n~vy stalc.od thnl ao.ooe
the field In lull OJ)l'f'alions for day l. mli n~~ ;It foupcvilll' at"C lU'CY.IJC·
.:md nighl Ja.ndings by July I. lime loncii n~ hy 1111 n tcit:r ;1jr•
• lnl for ft ...t.·ul year IOC,U, with a
The central Wh dbcy fi •Ill.· \ 'l'lll t. Y'-';trly a\·c r:t\!c afltr Uml uf Ubuul
~ completely obllndoncd b)' the Tia~ J:u",.:cr a nd h\.'a\ I •r l'ky\\ ttl ' · landinss. ·
Pam Dill

From: maryon <>

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 3:33 PM
To: Griffin, Kristen;; zz district*!; Zipp, Roy
Cc: Brooks, Aliyson (DAHP); Baumgart, Jim (GOV); Katims, Casey (GOV)
Subject: Re: MOA proposal for Growler aircraft and operations

Importance: High

All - It seems clarity is hard to come by right now.

Many conversations and email threads have been flying around today to various networks.

Because this is so important - I would like to clarify a morning email that I sent out to consulting parties.

This email is for consulting partners who have been on the email threads for today.

Early this morning I had a flurry of phone calls that started before 10am. People were getting calls from the Governor's
staff about a new deal from the Navy with a short deadline,
I was in the midst of informng people in my nework about Aliyson Brook's letter from yesterday that resulted from our
viist to the Governor office that stated the Governor was not supporting the signing the Section 106 MOA. I think all of
the consulting parties received that letter.

I called Allyson's office at around 10:10 and left a message for a call back. I sent a message to my network that a
message had been left but I had not yet been able to talk to Aliyson right after that call.

Although many people were getting calls from Aliyson Brooks and Jim Baumgart - neither Jim nor Aliyson called me. I
am a consulting partnen in the MOA but did not get any emails or calls regarding the new offer by the Navy of $4M.

Many other people called me, including Nancy Nordhoff who had received a call from Jim Baumgart to see if she would
support $4M from the Navy. After saying' no way' she called me to report what had happened. Nancy is not a
consulting partner.

I sent out an email shortly after this trying to inform people that I believed there was a breach of the process. Aliyson
has informed me that she was just doing her job .I'll take her at her word. And - I continue to believe that the Navy's
offer and deadlines are disrespectful to the Section 106 process and that we should not take the Navy's money.

Although I still have not spoken to Aliyson, we have been in email contact. I have asked Dr. Brooks to include me in any
new communications and would appreciate being kept informed.

If I offended anyone, I apologize. I was totally blindsided by the change in the offer from the Navy and the deadlines
that! was hearing that were being placed on the process, and although am a conslting partner - was left uninformed.

My efforts have been completely on the behalf of this community.

Thanks, Maryon

P.S. I trust you will share this email to others who may have received previous emails.

Maryon Attwood
Sound Defense Alliance, Chair
640 Patmore Road,
Coupeville, WA 98239
phone: 360-678-1414

From: Maryon Attwood <>

Date: Friday, November 30, 2018 at 11:03 AM
Cc: "Katims, Casey (GOV)" <>, Kristen Griffin cKristen>,
"" <>, "Price Johnson, Helen (DOHi)"
<>, Dave Bricklin <>, "David Louter (David"
<David>, "Zipp, Roy" <roy>, ""
<,gov>, "Modaff, Pete (Cantwell)" <Pete>, "Hale, Jonathan
(Cantwell)" Jonathan>
Subject: Re: MOA proposal for Growler aircraft and operations

All, The is a move afoot RIGHT NOW that is being pushed forward by Allyson Brooks and Jim Baumgart being offered by the
Navy for $4 million dollars for the state to sign on to the Section 106 MOA.
Yesterday it was $1M and we told them we were not for sale.
The Governor agree with us and he stood with us agains the Navy's mitigations that don't mitigate any effects in the APE.
He agreed NOT to sign! That is big news and helps us in our battle against this proposed expansion.
Today it's $4M.
A one hour deadline in a verbal offer is probably illegal.
We urge everyone to hold firmly against accepting the money. Yesterday we s aid we were not for sale.
The Reserve has always been able to raise the money - this $4 should be seen for what it is.
And - it is highly disrespectful and arrogant to think that we would be given 1 hour to accept something so flagrantly

Maryon Attwood
Sound Defense Alliance, Chair
640 Patmore Road,
Coupeville, WA 98239
phone: 360-678-1414
Pam Dill

From: Molly Hughes <>

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 4:19 PM
To: Griffin, Kristen; zz district
Cc: Owen Dennison; Executive Director; Lori Taylor - Home; Fran Einterz; Anne Harvey; Jan
Pickard; maryon
Subject: Section 106 MOU

Well, as we all know by now, the $4 million mitigation proposal did not exist, nor the one hour deadline to accept it. I
have wasted a day of time I could have put too much better use. I know it's hard to believe but my staff and I do have
other work we need to get done for the town. I have enough legitimate navy crisis to deal with, without making up new

Now, some random thoughts, and I don't want 10 phone calls telling me why I'm right or wrong today. I have a few
precious hours left in the day to try and accomplish some real work.

• We have been in Section 106 negotiations for some time. You community activists have known what
projects we have been pushing and the amounts of money we have been asking for. WHY ARE YOU JUST
NOW TELLING ME I SHOULD NOT TAKE ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY? It would have been nice to know at the
beginning of the process that no amount of money would be acceptable to you. In the meantime, Helen,
the Trust Board and I have been putting dollar amounts on priority projects. If the Navy gets close to those
requests, and now we don't approve them, it make us look like we were not negotiating in good faith. You
may not care, but I have a relationship to maintain with the DoD, NW Navy Regional office, and the
Commander of our Base. I am trying to get a $3 million water treatment plant built. I will need a good
relationship with our local Navy folks so we can try to make operational adjustments to whatever the final
number of flights ends up being. If we don't negotiate honorably, why should they care about our
requests for no flights on the weekends, or during our special events or during school testing?
• I feel strongly that there is a separation between the Section 106 process and the EIS process. I don't
believe taking mitigation money for Section 106 is blood money or precludes us from continuing to
advocate for fewer FCLP's or from trying to get additional funds to mitigate the adverse effects of noise
and the future APZ's for non-historical resources.
• If the offer is less than $2 million for the Wharf I would probably feel comfortable recommending
disapproval from the Council. However, keep in mind, that those of us who are trusted to be good
stewards of our tax payers' money, will have a hard time explaining why we turned down a millions bucks
when the Port District goes out for increased taxes to pay for this needed restoration work. Big picture
here guys - some of us are wearing many hats.
• To date the Governors' office has not been very involved in the Section 106 or the EIS and has even
appeared very pro-military with this ridiculous Military Compatibility Guidebook his office has been
pushing. I'm glad the community members who met with him yesterday feel good about their meeting,
but let's not put all of our eggs in his basket.
• We all asked and asked Congressman Larsen to help us, to advocate for us, and now that he has, we are
not going to support what he has gotten the Navy to do for us? I don't see this as an all or nothing
proposition as some of you do. It's called a negotiation, not blackmail and negotiation means
compromise. It's called mitigation, not a 100% solution.
• I understand that whatever happens, this is going to be a hard one to explain to the community. This
particular 106 process has not been conducted in public and the Section 106 process, in general, is hard to
understand on its own and even more confusing when conducted at the same time we are waiting for a
final EIS decision. If we take mitigation funds, some will view us as being beholden to the Navy. If we turn

down mitigation funds, we will be viewed as not putting preservation first or costing the taxpayer's
money. This is an absolute no-win situation. I will be looking for the least harmful outcome.
• I heard and understand what some of you were saying this morning. I understand that you think taking
mitigation money lessens your power to mitigate for no new flights. There may be some truth to this, or,
the EIS and 106 could truly be two different processes, funded by different pots of money, with different
decision makers. We have many different Navy issues going on in our community right now. They are all
intertwined simply because they are all Navy and on the other hand they are three different issues
effecting different people and different resources. I think about all of them constantly, I work on them
constantly, I try to do my best to do what is right for the majority of our citizens.

And finally, I want to end by sincerely thanking you for all your hard work. I depend on the knowledge you have all
shared with me. I respect the time away from your jobs and families you have given. I really want to hear what you
think (just not anymore today!), your opinions are important to me. Most of all, I have meaningful, personal
relationships with most of you that are very important to me. I appreciate your support and patience as we work our
way through this mess. We may not always be on the same page but I hope we can continue to respect and recognize
the different roles we all have to play.

Come to the parade on Saturday! Let's forget about the Navy for a couple of hours and enjoy our beautiful town


Molly Hughes, Mayor

Town of Coupeville
PO Box 725
4 NE 7th Street
Coupeville WA 98239

360-678-4461, ext. 2

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