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Suggested Personal Sadhanas

Here are some of the many yogic techniques available to

master each of the 10 bodies:

To Master the 1st Body (Soul):

1. Recite Japji Sahib by Guru Nanak every day for 1,000 days.
2. Sing any shabad written by or about Guru Nanak (for Sikh)
3. Do the Exercise Set for Balancing Head and Heart in Yoga for Youth
and Joy and also video.

KY for balancing head and heart KY kriyas (From Kundalini Yoga for
Youth and Joy)

1) Sit in Easy Pose, arms straight out to the

sides from the shoulders with the hands bent
up at the wrists at a 90° angle, palms facing
out and fingers together. The movement is in
4 parts, starting with the beginning position
(A). On count 2 rotate the hands at the wrists
so that the fingers point straight forward (B)
On count 3 return to the original position (A),
and on count 4 rotate the wrists so that the
fingers point straight backwards (C). The
elbows will rotate. Move in a rhythm of one
full cycle per 4 seconds. Keep the arms
straight and continue for 6-7 minutes, inhaling
in position A, exhaling in positions B and C.

This exercise changes the chemistry of the

brain fluid.
2) Still in Easy Pose. extend the arms straight
out to the sides, palms facing out (A). In the
first part of the exercise, inhale as the arms
are raised up to form an arc with the palms
crossing over and slightly in front of the top of
the head without touching (B). Lower the
arms to the original position as you exhale,
and then raise the arms again as you inhale,
this time cross the paLms over and slïghtly
behind the top of the head (C). Continue the
motion powerfully and always keep the arms
parallel to the floor when in position A.
Continue for 1-2 minutes.

3) Stand up and add Crow squats to the arm

movements of exercise 2. As you exhale
come down into Crow Pose, a crouching
position with the knees drawn into the chest
and soles of the feet flat on the floor (A). As
you inhale and bring the arms up over the
head. come into a standing position.
Continue alternately squatting in Crow Pose
and standing up with the arm movement for
3-4 minutes at a speed of 1 second per

4. Do the Pulse Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of

Consciousness (page 24).
5. Do

KY meditation three meditations for the heartcentre


1) Sit in an easy pose with an erect spine. Make the right hand into a fist with
the thumb up. Grasp the fist with the left hand and press the right thumb into
the navel point. (la & Ib) Then begin long deep and slow breathing.
Concèntrate on the flow of the breath and feel the pulse of the breath go
between the navel point and the root of the nose. Measure the breath along
this path. Continue for 11 minutes.

2) In the same position, make a lotus mudra with the hands 4 or 5 inches in
front of the heart center.
In this mudra, only the sides of the thumbs and the tips of the little fingers and
the base of the palms touch. The rest of the fingers spread to form the lotus
petals. (Ila & lIb)
Begin long, deep and slow breathing. Focus your eyes down on the thumb
tips. Feel the exhaled breath touch the thumbs. Continue for 11 minutes.

3. In the same position place your thumbs under the arms at the sides. There
is a nerve there that should be pressed. The hands are on the chest with the
palms toward the body. (Illa & IlIb) Inhale deeply through the mouth with a
whistle. Listen to the whistle and mentally hear the mantric sound, “So.” As
you exhale throught the nose, mentally hear the sound “Hung.” The mantra
means “I am that infinite.” Continue for 11 minutes.

All of these exercises are to balance the frequency and quality of the heart
center. It is a most important center that opens the potentials of compassion
and humility.
Man is now going through a global transition. He is preparing to have
kingship over the service of the universal force. There are two ways of earning
the universal consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra.
Mantra is the easier way. The difficulty is that mantra opens the heart center
and your mind has difficulty following its frequency since its habit has been
very different. In this state you realize man creates his own suffering by not
recognizing and living the essence of self which is truth. In these meditations
the mind is focused into the channel of the heart.
taught April 4' 1972, from Kundalini Mediation Manual for intermediate students
To Master the 2nd Body (Negative Mind):

1. Recite Shabd Hazare by Guru Arjan every day.

2. Chant the mantra Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio, out
loud, 8 repetitions per breath, for 31 minutes daily.
3. Meditate and read about Guru Angad (for Sikh)
4. Do the Exercise Set for the Lungs and Bloodstream in Kundalini Yoga
for Youth and Joy.

Kundalini Yoga for the lungs and bloodstream

7. How to Do It
8. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Hold onto your knees with your
hands. Inhale completely stretching
your ribcage to your maximum capacity. Do not sip more air in later, and
dont leak. Place your tongue behind the teeth against the back of the upper
teeth at the roof of the mouth. Relax the spine, keeping the breath held in.
Begin flexing the spine rapidly until you can no longer hold the breath in
and then exhale. Gradually increase the time you hold your breath to one
minute. Continue for 11 minutes.
9. What It Will Do for You
10. This exercise is an excellent way to build stamina, to make the blood suck
up the oxygen from the lungs, and
to help the heart muscles regulate and reorganize themselves. It will
pressurize the kidneys, gonads and adrenals. It is necessary to be able to
hold a full inhale for 1 minute in order to supply optimum oxygen to the
bloodstream. When less than the required oxygen is available in the blood,
the brain, organs and glands are unable to function properly and the
systems break down causing ill ness. When this exercise is done for 11
minutes a day or a maximum of 22 minutes, it will totall purify the
It is suggested that if you do it for 22 minutes to take a rest after the first 11
minutes and then continue for 11 minutes more.
12. (From Kundalini Yoga for Youth and Joy)
13. Do the Meditation for Negating False Identity in The Ten Light
Bodies of Consciousness (page 52).
To Master the 3rd Body (Positive Mind):

1. Read Anand Sahib by Guru Amar Das daily.

2. Do the Exercise Set for the Lungs and Bloodstream in Kundalini Yoga
for Youth and Joy.
3. Do the Rebirthing Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (page 71 and part of page 72).
4. Sing or meditate on the mantra Ardas Bhaee. Multiple recorded
versions of this mantra are available to purchase.

Ardaas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru

Amar Das Guru, Ardaas Bhaee
Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru
Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahaee

To Master the 4th Body (Neutral Mind):

1. Do So Darshan Chakra Kriya in The Ten Light Bodies of

Consciousness (page 87).
2. Do the Exercise Set for the Lungs and Bloodstream in Kundalini Yoga
for Youth and Joy.
3. Sing the songs of Guru Ram Das or meditate on Guru Ram Das using
the mantra Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru.

To Master the 5th Body (Physical Body):

1. Engage in strong physical exercise daily.

2. Read Sukhmani Sahib by Guru Arjan every day.
3. Do the Meditation for Projection and Protection from the Heart in A
Woman’s Book of Meditation by Hari Kaur Khalsa.
4. Do the Prosperity Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (page 135).

To Master the 6th Body (Arcline)

1. Meditate daily for at least 31 minutes with any meditation.

2. Do the Drib Dhristi Lochina Karma Kriya

To Master the 7th (Auric) Body:

1. Do the exercise set Balancing the Aura in Kundalini Yoga for Youth
and Joy.
2. Do the Meditation for the Divine Shield.
3. Do the exercise set Strengthening the Aura in Kundalini Yoga
Sadhana Guidelines.
4. Sing! Sing out loud, often and joyfully. Elevate others with your
5. Do the Seventh Body Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (page 166).
To Master the 8th (Pranic) Body:

1. Do the Exercise Set for the Lymph System in Kundalini Yoga for
Youth and Joy.
2. Do Narayan Kriya on p. 96, Man to Man.
3. Chant the mantra Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio, out
loud, 8 repetitions per breath, for 31 minutes daily.
4. Do any or all of the Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung healing
5. Master the technique of Long Deep Breathing.

To Master the 9th (Subtle) Body:

1. ANY meditation that you do consistently for 1,000 days will work on
the ninth body.
2. Do the Breath Meditation Series for Glandular Balance in Kundalini
Yoga Sadhana Guidelines.
3. Do the Meditation for Conquering Death in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (pages 196 & 197).

To Master the 10th (Radiant) Body:

1. Recite Jap Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh every day.

2. Do the Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation in Kundalini Yoga
Sadhana Guidelines.
3. Do Archer Pose for 11 minutes (each side) every day.
4. Do Varuyas Kriya in Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines.
5. Keep your hair long and uncut.
6. Do the Gobinda Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (page 223).

To Master the Number Eleven:

1. Read from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib every day for 1,000 days.
2. Chant the Mul Mantra in the 2½ breath cycle found in Kundalini Yoga
Sadhana Guidelines.
3. Chant the mantra Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad for 31 minutes daily.
4. Do the Ra Ma Meditation in The Ten Light Bodies of
Consciousness (page 244).

Kundalini Yoga manuals and music can be obtained from: KRI:

The Source and Spirit Voyage

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