Essay Template

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Template for the technology-related essay:


Note: This template can be used for any invention, technology and
discovery related topic i.e. mass media, television, radio, computers,
mobiles etcetera.

In the tech-savvy era, it is an irrefutable fact that humankind has

progressed tremendously and current era is enriched with inventions.
Our researchers and developers have developed many new innovations
and the process is still going on. The________ (topic) invention is made
possible to explore other invention and discoveries more rapidly. I will
share my viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs.
To begin with, __________(topic) have myriad advantages. Firstly and
foremost, ________________________ Moreover,
__________________Furthermore, _______________(topic) is the electronic
marvel which is been used in almost every sector like education,
medical, scientific, robotics, airplanes, transportation and space
Further reinforcing, with the help of ___________, sentence
1_____________________. This example clearly shows how
__________________________ which changed the face of communication.
Thus, the _________(topic) is indeed the greatest invention.

In a nutshell, (topic)_____ have touched our lives in every way and have
entirely changed the way humans had led there since the time
immemorial. ________(topic) are the indispensable and elixir of our life.

Example with sample answer:

In the tech-savvy era, it is an irrefutable fact that humankind has

progressed tremendously and current era is enriched with inventions.
Our researchers and developers have developed many new innovations
and the process is still going on. The computer invention is made
possible to explore other invention and discoveries more rapidly. I will
share my viewpoints in the upcoming paragraphs.

To begin with, computers have myriad advantages. Firstly and foremost,

it has multitasking features that can minimize your work, they can
display and let you manipulate stored information, and they are used in
almost all fields for any purpose. Moreover, it has the huge storage
capacity to store videos, audios etcetera and it has become easy for the
doctors to do major surgeries with minor stitches, MRIs, X-rays and CT
scan. Furthermore, the computer is the electronic marvel which is been
used in almost every sector like education, medical, scientific, robotics,
airplanes, transportation and space research.

Further reinforcing, with the help of computers, anyone can search

anything on the internet and can also download the whole encyclopedia
and Wikipedia within few minutes. This example clearly shows how
computer led to internet and high storage which changed the face of
communication. Thus, the computer is indeed the greatest invention.

In a nutshell, computers have touched our lives in every way and have
entirely changed the way humans had led there since the time
immemorial. Computers are the indispensable and elixir of our life.


There can be three different types of essays
that you usually get in your PTE Academic.
All three types are mentioned below with their
template will help you get 90 in writing.
Following templates also include high scoring
vocabulary also and you need to have good
grammatical skills then only you can use this
Basic structure of the Writing Task

 1st body paragraph ( 1-Topic sentence, 2-Example 3- Discussion,

4- Conclusion )
 2nd body paragraph (1-Topic sentence, 2-Example 3- Discussion,
4- Conclusion )


1. The importance/ effect of (topic), which was always debatable,

have become more controversial.
2. The substantial influence of/change in (topic) has sparked the
controversy over the potential impact of this trend on…topic… in
recent years.
3. Intriguingly, however, some people concern (-ve) / claim (+ve)
4. It can be agreed that…This essay will elaborate both advantages
and disadvantages of the (topic) and thus, will lead to a
logical/reasoned conclusion.

Essay Topics 1st Body Paragraph:

1. At the outset, there are innumerable/numerous ways how

/reasons why (Topic)
2. the most important/conspicuous/prominent lies from the
fact/rooted in fact/stems(Idea)

Essay Topics 2nd Body Paragraph:

1. Another key justification for upholding this notion is that

2. Nevertheless, some people holding an opposing view and to
believe that or Nevertheless, their remain some drawbacks,
which can overwhelm the potential influence of the topic but, the
most alarming the most important/conspicuous/prominent lies
from the fact/rooted in fact/stems(Idea)
3. Approaches/steps/methods to deal/cope with topic/
problems/alarms/concerns are numerous and the most effective
is solution of topic which is not impracticable and unattainable
but comprehensive
4. In addition to these factors that are visible, some aspects are
less obvious and tend to be subjective which include……

Examples: Use any of the following lines.

1. For example, according to a startling new research

2. As an illustration, remarkable research in this area inevitably
reveals that
3. For instance, international studies have shown repeatedly that

Discussion: Write one more sentence about the topic or you can
explain the example and relate to the topic.
1st part: Start with any of the following line

 From what has been discussed above,

 According to the above analysis,
 Based on the above mentioned facts,
 In the light of the above discussion,
 In the view of the arguments outlined above,

2nd part:

 It can be concluded that…

 One can reach to the conclusion,

3rd Part:

 The topic is not advantage, but a set of trade-offs with both

advantages and disadvantages.
 The impact of(topic) on…… is prominent, although it has a
number of drawbacks which should be well handled.

Both Positives:

 Not only does topic plays a vital role to/ for (key
words from question with verb), but it also has prominent effect
on it/them
 Topic corroborates the assertion that it has undisputed impacts
which has direct bearing on the key worlds.

Concluding sentences:

 The advantages/positive sides of the topic outweigh the

disadvantages/ negative sides
 People should weigh up the pros and cons of the topic before
reaching the conclusion
 Topic is not disadvantage; moreover, it is a combination of both
advantage and disadvantage.
 When some people are overwhelmed / concerned by the impacts
of topic, it is important to evaluate both sides before reaching
to conclusion.

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