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Hea lwell Plus Homoeopathic Pharmacy

3, Shanti Towers, Nea r Manekbaug Hall, Nehrunagar,
Ambawadi, Ahmedabad - 380015 . Gujarat, India
Phone: +91-79-26610048 Email:

PACKING: 25 gms, 450gms

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 1 INDICATIONS: A naemias due to blood loss from any part of the body,
(ANAEMIA) Waxy appearance of skin. Depression due to over
work. Neurasthenia. Especially for children who are
anaemic due to poor digestion.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 2 INDICATIONS: Bronchial asthma, aocompanied w~h cough, gasping

(ASTHMA) and dysponoea, irregular pulse. Dry tickling cough,
spasmodic cough.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 3 INDICATIONS: Colic pain in children, adult caused by flatulence or

(COLIC) constipation w~h formation of gas. Colic pain in c hildren
during teething.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 4 INDICATIONS: Constipation due to apparent cause, dry hard stool, dull
(CONSTIPATION) headache, foul breath, coated tongue, Sluggish liver
and bad taste in mouth.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 5 INDICATIONS: Coryza w~h dull headache continuous, thick white
(CORVZA) discharge from nose or bronchial tubes. Sneezing,
headache febrile catarrhal conditions.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 6 INDICATIONS: Conditions of cough, due to common cold, Throat Dry,
(COUGH, COLD) rattling in chest w~h painful respiration, cold, headache,
sneezing and bronchitis.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 7 INDICATIONS: For conditions asscciated with diabetes like increased
(DIABETES) : urination, excessive thirst, dryness of mouth, pain in
lower leg region, nervous prostration and
sleeplessness. Aids assimilation of glucose and
improves impaired liver and kidney functions.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 8 INDICATIONS: This watery stool during dentition. Greenish stool with
(DIARRHOEA) : foul smell due to undigested food. Pulsation in rectum
with raw soreness.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. 9 INDICATIONS: Dvsenterv with mucous and blood. Urae for oassina
(DYSENTERY) : stool. Pain while emptying bowels.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : lnflammed Tonsils with pain and fever. Feeling of
10 (ENLARGED TONSILS) lassitude. White coated tongue with foul breath and
poor appetite.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Fever due to any cause. Feeling of chills. Initial stages
11 (HIGH BODY of inflammatory diseases.
BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : For sick or nervous headache. Throbbing pain in
12 (HEADACHE) : occipital region. Headache due to sun-heat or rush of
blood to head. Neuralgia, headache due to worries and

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Conditions of Leukorrhea like white of eggs acrid and
13 (LEUCORRHOEA): watery during puberty, pregnancy and in the
climacteric. Also indicated in general weakness of
young girls hysteria.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : It is helpful in conditions of measles accompanied with

14 (MEASLES) : sneezing discharge from nose, watery eyes and fever.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Irregularity in menses. Pain with scanty flow in young
15 (MENSTRUATION women, Excessive flow in elderly women. Metrorrhagia,
TROUBLES\ : Dvsmenorrhoea.
BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Exhaustion due to depression, extreme lassitude,
16 (NERVOUS nervous exhaustion, fatigue, General weakness,
EXHAUSTION) : sleeplessness, ill effects of grief and tendency to weep.
Weakness in nervous system.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : For haemorrhoidal knots and piles. Bleeding piles,
17 (HAEMORRHOIDS): fissures internal piles with stinging pain and backache.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Spongy bleeding gums, Gum boils, foul breath and
18 (PYORRHOEA) : inflamed gums. Indicated for better enamel, toothache,
unnatural losseness of tooth with or without pain.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Rheumatic pain in joints, legs, shoulders, arm, mrse,
19 (RHEUMATISM) : in damp cold weather, Players c ramps, lumbago
sciatica, stiff neck. Muscular rheumatism.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS : Eczema, acne, c racks, eruptions on the scalp,

20 (SKIN DISEASES) : psoriasis, seborrhea, herpes, pemphigus.

BIO-COMBINATION NO.INDICATIONS : Tardy dentition, peevish children, crying obstinacy,

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= ug.!l!Y at the time of teethiQQ Grioina oain diarrhoea
TROUBLES) : associated during teething.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Dry and suppurating grandular abscesses

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Toothache due to swelling and bleeding of gums,
23 (TOOTHACHE) : Neuralgic pain or toothache due to unnatural loosening
of teeth.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Neurasthenia, anxiety, impaired memory, anemia,

24 (AVE PHOS TONIC) : Recommended for women who have been weakened
by frequent child bearing. General debility, exhaustion,
Promotes tissue building and provides necessary
nutrition to nerves, brain and bones.

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Disturbances in G.I. tract, like acid~y, flatulence,

25 (ACIDITY, dyspepsia, heartburn, sour eruptions, colic, bilious
FLATULENCE, vomiting, jaundice.
BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: For relieving labour pain during pregnancy, Favours
26 (EASY PARTURITION) general health of mother and proper development of
.. the child, May prevent miscarriage .

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Hormonal imbalance for both male and female. Early
27 (LACK OF VITALITY) : ageing, tones up sexual system. Suggestive impotence
quick em1ss1on. General debility and sexual

BIO-COMBINATION NO. INDICATIONS: Tissue salt deficiency conditions. For weak and old
28 IGENERAL TONIC\ : ~ rso n s as tonic. Convalescence.

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