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(a) What are the various sources of power used by Yahoo’s leaders in this case?

Various sources of powers that used by Yahoo’s leaders. Firstly, coercive power used by the

leader of the Yahoo in manages the organization. The authority given to the leader in makes

decision and also may punish the employees. This would let the employee follow the rule that

had been given by leader. This power is not suitable be use due to it would deter behavior of

employee and be harmful to organization likes illegal activities. Therefore, this power had been

abolished. According to Vineet Gambhir, the Vice President, the transactional, administrative,

back-office role, to support function and offshoring be transformed to a new business partner


The next source is reward power means the authority had be given to leader for give the

rewards to employee who dedicate to the organization and for those who achieve the target and

goals of the organization. This reward given for appreciates the hard work of the employee.

Besides, there are two rewards are tangible and intangible. Tangible is the reward include salary

increments and promotion. Meanwhile, the intangible reward is non-monetary rewards such as

certificate are given by the organization. The leader of Yahoo would give rewards to employees

in the program known as Yahoo Bravo as one platform for leader recognize employee. The

leader would give monetary-based awards to individuals.

In addition, legitimate power is about the position that the leader have that means power

coming from formal management position and that means the leader have the right in request.

The employee should do what the leader instructed. The leader must good in the communication

aspect. In Yahoo, the CEO wants achieve a goal and make request to employee and then the

employee have ensured to achieve that goal. For example, that Vice President want make a

concept HR 5.0 and want transformed a Yahoo management to something new.

Next, expert power shows that the leader has knowledge or skill that needed by followers.

This power is about personal power leader. The follower would follow and believe someone who

expert to something. From that article, it shows that the employee always follow the advice from

their leader due to they believe that the leader is experienced and knowledgeable. This is why the

people want to work in Yahoo because the leader has the expert power.

Lastly, referent power means that leader have the personal characteristics that command

subordination, respect and admiration wish to emulate the leader. The characteristic which the

leader should have are charisma, friendly, self-confidence and other qualities. This will make the

employee respect the leader. We can see that the Vice President of Yahoo is a person who have

the spirit of innovation and creative. This can make the employee want to follow him. He also

good in communicate aspect and know how to attract people to choose Yahoo. In this case, he

would make innovation that against culture that about vibrant, passionate and innovative to

describe about yahoo.

(b) Identify and discuss the leadership approaches adopted by Yahoo’s leaders. Support

your answer with relevant theoretical concepts and examples.

Transformational leadership, strategic leadership and ethical leadership are the leadership

that adopted by the Yahoo’s leader.

According to James Macgregor Burn (1978), developed the theory of transformational

leadership and explained the difference between transformational leadership and transactional

leadership. Transformational leadership means the leader have the strong influence on the

followers and stimulate the employee to discuss possibilities for the future. This kind of leader is

a model of integrity and fairness, set an inspiring vision of the future, provides support and

recognition and stirs the emotions of people (Manktelow, n.d.). In addition, this leader will

manage delivery of the vision and will often their subordinates to think creatively, challenge the

status quo and support them to meet their need. Yahoo can also be encapsulated through an

initiative known as Processes, Bureaucracy, and Jams (PB&J). The PB&J is an internal forum

where employees can give feedback on how to make their jobs easier and boost their

productivity. Yahoo organization encourages and allows their subordinates to voice out and give

idea. Then, the idea is voted upon the highest-voted ideas. The leader of Yahoo also manage

delivery of the vision.

Besides that, transactional leaderships means the leader will give reward and incentives

to the subordinates when they put effort into their work and achieve the company’s objective.

Yahoo’s leader give motivation to their employees. For example, Yahoo have a program call

Yahoo Bravo to reward and recognize its employees. Yahoo also have monetary-based awards to

motivate their employees. Therefore, it is well-placed to discuss ways to enhance employee

engagement. After all, the organization bagged the IBM Award for Best Engagement Strategies

at the 2015 HRM Awards.

Secondly, strategic leadership is the process of using well considered tactics to

communicate a vision for an organization or one of its parts (Strategic leadership, n.d.). Strategic

leadership means manages motivates and persuades the staff to share the same vision (W. Glenn

Rowe, Mehdi Hossein Nejad, Mehdi Hossein Nejad, n.d.). In Yahoo, there have technical

training and soft skills training programme. Gambhir said people who have consistently

performed or outperformed in the company are brought in as a cohort and afforded in-residence

training. Therefore, Accelerated Development Program (ADP) created for Yahoo’s high

potential talents to learn new skill to act achieve goal in company.

Finally, Yahoo used ethical leadership. It means that the leader have the right values,

good character and set good example for other, but stray from these things whenever any

temptation come along. Yahoo’s leader has focus in engagement area. For example, the company

has been facilitating fundraising efforts globally through its Community Impact Portal for the

happened earthquake at Nepal, called “Yahoo For Good”. Meanwhile, through the programme,

the employees follow the value and learn the good.

(c) Apart from compensation, what other methods used by Yahoo to engage its employees?

Relate each of the methods identified with relevant motivation theories in the text

Yahoo provides the latest smartphones to every worker, regardless of rank. The giving of

smartphone is related with the expectancy theory. The Yahoo used the attractiveness of the

reward to motivate the employee.

Besides that, Yahoo Bravo also is a program to engage its employee. In this program,

every one of the employees can give a "bravo" to their colleagues, comprising of identifications

and symbols showing the qualities they represent. The Yahoo Bravo is related with the Maslow’s

hierarchy of need, It try to satisfy the esteem need of the employee to motivate the employee.

The workplace of Yahoo is stacked with a storeroom loaded down with free bundles of

crisps, chocolates, beverages and snacks for employees to get. All of the food and beverage in

the storeroom are free for the employee. Breakfast and lunch are additionally served every day

from Monday to Friday, with a catering company delivering food to the office personally. The

providing food and beverage is related with the Aldefer’s ERG theory. It try to motivate the

employee by satisfy its physical need.

Nevertheless, Yahoo takes care about the health and the wellbeing of its employees very

seriously. Yahoo employees are offered newly pressed juices, back rubs and yoga classes,

completely through to teach employees on how they can deal with themselves on any given day.

Yahoo has even distributed the bands which track a person’s cardio particulars and the number

of steps he or she takes. The method is related with the Maslow’s hierarchy of need. Yahoo try to

satisfy the safety need of the employee to motivate the employee

(d) Based on what you have learned in the text, write about how you would plan, organize,

lead and control the human resources of Yahoo in relation to developing the “one Yahoo”


. Planning in organization is very important for achieving the “One Yahoo” goal. Planning

is to determine how an organization can be led in future and how managers intend to achieve a

goal. In Yahoo, the leader made strategy, goal, objective, tactic, vision and mission. The Yahoo

leader must ensure the “one yahoo” goal have clear vision and mission. The yahoo goal is one

Yahoo and it’s related to human resource concept that HR 5.0. So to make it successful, the

Yahoo should make a few strategies and tactic to ensure that goal would achieve.

The organizing process is imperative for achieving the “One Yahoo” goal. The Yahoo

must select and recruit the holistic candidate the suit to the Yahoo culture during the interview

section. A good financial and non-financial reward can increase the employee loyalty. The

Yahoo also must make sure they have financial and non-financial reward to retain the employee.

The Yahoo leader also must create the organization structure and distribute the human resource

into the relative organization and department. This can ensure the yahoo operational activity will

be smoothed.

In order to lead the organization smoothly, Yahoo can organize training program which is

technical training and soft skill training. This can make sure their employees will be well

equipped to prepare for any problem face in the future. Yahoo also rewarded their employees

through financial or non-financial in motivating themselves to do better. They introduced Yahoo

Bravo where employees reward each other, and monetary-based awards which are given

individually. Monetary award was an award given in the form of money or bonus. This can

increase the employee morale. Thus, the efficiency and effectiveness of the Yahoo will be

On the other hand, Yahoo can achieve the goal of ‘One Yahoo’ through the culture

control of the organization. Yahoo formed an internal forum called Processes, Bureaucracy, and

Jams (PB&J) to encourage the employees to suggest any idea and give feedback on what they

want in order to improve their work. Thus, the PB&J is an initiatives way to reduce the

bureaucracy at Yahoo which included rigid instructions for all employees to work from the office

(Gifford Thomas, 2015).


Chhatwal, R. (2015, January 22). Yahoo’s Acquisitions Under Marissa Mayer. Retrieved 5

December, 2015, from amigobulls:


Manktelow, J. (n.d.). Transformational Leadership. Retrieved 5 December, 2015, from


Strategic leadership. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 December, 2015, from Business Dictionary:

Thomas, G. (2015, March 23). Changing Yahoo’s Culture. Retrieved 5 December, 2015, from

White, D. a. (2015, June 23). Money Is Nice, But It's Not Enough to Motivate Employees. .

Retrieved 5 December, 2015, from Yahoo finance:

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