Reply-Vashi Vashi Assoc.-30.05.2018 PDF

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(FOWS fir{DIXLflT,l) 0ffice:

14-A, 1.t Floor, Khattau t3uilding,

Adv o ca tes an d Co n sulta nts Alkesh Dinesh Mody Marg, Opp.
BSE, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
ru bina. kha n @fortisind ia

' Rel. No.: FIL/AM/Ol I 2O18-19 30th May 2018

Vashi and Vashi Associates
D 22,3'd Floor, Dhanraj Mahal
CSM Marg, Mumbai-4OO 001

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are concerned for Arth Marketing (hereinafter referred to as "our Client")

r,,nho is in receipt of your legal notice dated 17'05'2018'

At the outset, please note that this letter is without prejudice to our Client's
rights and remedies, available in law and in equity, and that in any case our
Client states that this letter should not be taken as an admission of any
averments made in your legal notice. Our Client therefore reserves it's right
to respond to your Legal Notice in detaii.

Without reference to the facts in this "tl. .rrd without prejudice to the
aforementioned rights, we are informed by our Client that your Client and
our Client were already in discussions and it is stated by our Client that
around April 20,2O18 it was proposed by our Client that the machine along
with the accessories would be purchased by our Client from your Client, for
a price of Rs. 32,05,260 l- Qhirty-tuo lakhs fiue tlwusarud tuo hundred and
sLrty only) which offer was also confirmed by e-mail, which on that date.

As our Client has still not heard from your Client, as to his acceptance or
rejection of the said offer, our Client further states that the offer shall
remain open and valid for 7 daYs, from the date of this letter, after which the
offer shall stand withdrawn.
$ows IT(DI.flLA0,/
Adv ocates and C onsultants

Moreover, in case the offer is acceptable to your Client, we shall be pleased

to draft an appropriate settlement agreement to that effect on behalf of our
Client, if your Client shall so require.

It is reiterated that this letter is without prejudice to our Client's rights and
remedies, available in law and equity. Our Client also reserves the.right't<t
take recourse to such other remedy, without any further reference to you or
your Client, which you may please note.

Please note that a copy of this letter has been retained by us.

Yours sincerely,

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