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There are all kinds of people on the Internet


• What Is The Problem?

• What Are The Categories Of Cybercrime?
o Hacking
o Viruses
o Pirating
o Illegal Trading
o Fraud
o Scams
o Money Laundering
o Prescription Drugs
o Defamatory Libel
o Cyber Stalking
o Cyber Terrorism
• What Can Be Done?
• Further Reading


The Internet is overwhelmingly a power for good. It provides cheap and

easy access every moment of every day to a vast reservoir of information
and entertainment and it is transforming the nature of commerce and
Government. However, with approximately one billion users worldwide
accessing almost 75 million Web sites, there is bound to be some
offensive, and even illegal, use of the Net.
There is a dark side to the Internet. It would be naïve to deny it and
alarmist to exaggerate it.

The “British Journal of Criminology” (volume 38, Oxford University Press)

contains an article called “Net Crime” by professional criminologist Mike
Sutton and IT expert David Mann which claims that people are “more
likely to engage in criminal behaviour online than they are in the physical

Crime on the Net takes many forms including hacking, viruses, fraud,
scams, money laundering, industrial espionage, prostitution, certain
forms of gambling, drug use, drug smuggling, suicide assistance,
defamatory allegations, cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, actual terrorism.



Hacking can take several forms:

• Accessing - entering a network which is intended to be private

• Defacing – changing the content of another person’s Web site
• Hijacking – redirecting elsewhere anyone trying to access a
particular Web site
• Bombing – overwhelming a site with countless messages to slow
down or even crash the server
• Denial of service – running a program which sends thousands of
requests to a site simultaneously, frequently from more than one
source, so that the relevant server slows down considerably or
preferably (from the point of view of the hacker) crashes.

Some Internet users think that hacking is pretty harmless fun and even
quite clever [for examples, see note 1], but it can be a serious invasion of
privacy and a significant threat to e-commerce. The Information Security
Advisory Group estimates that world-wide there are now some 100,000
hackers or crackers (as they prefer to describe themselves). White-hat
hackers test computer security at the request of organisations; black-hat
hackers act privately to break into systems; and grey-hat hackers
straddle both worlds.

The hacking of personal computer terminals is actually quite easy because

most people use Microsoft software which is notoriously open to abuse.
Hackers have developed a program called “The Backdoor” which provides
them access to systems running Microsoft Windows. At its most invasive,
this would allow a hacker to switch on remotely a microphone or webcam
associated with the PC being hacked.
Company computer systems are usually more difficult to hack because
they employ protective arrangements such as firewalls. The most serious
threats faced by organisations are from insiders or former insiders who
have privileged information such as passwords.

The most infamous group of hackers – operating since 1994 – is an

American team which calls itself “The Cult of the Dead Cow” (CDC).
Perhaps the best-known individual hacker is Kevin Mitnick who served five
years for five fraud offences related to breaking into the computer
systems of several multinational companies including Sub Microsystems
and Motorola.

One of the most serious hacking incidents of recent times occurred in

February 2000 when distributed ‘denial of service’ attacks brought down
the sites of Yahoo!, CNN, eBay,, Amazon, E*Trade, Datek &
ZDNet. Subsequently the culprit was found to be a Canadian teenager
living in Montreal who was only 15 at the time. He hacked into 75
computers in 52 different networks which he then used to attack 11
Internet sites. Mafiaboy - as he was dubbed - was eventually sentenced
to an eight-month sentence in a Canadian detention centre.

The biggest military computer hacker of all time is said to be a 36 year

unemployed computer programmer from north London, Gary McKinnon,
who used the handle Solo. He was arrested in March 2002 as a result of
allegedly hacking into 92 computer networks operated by NASA and the
US military (including two break-ins at the Pentagon). He has been
charged with eight counts of computer fraud and causing damage
estimated at nearly $1M.

While much hacking is done for so-called 'fun', other forms of hacking are
done for more mercenary reasons, especially the obtaining and sale of
credit card details. Where on-line trading is concerned, it is not the
connection which is particularly insecure but the database which can be
hacked into by those with specialist knowledge and criminal intent.
Currently the credit card trading centre of the world is St Petersburg in
Russia; the buyers tend to be from the Far East; and the victims live
predominately in the USA and Europe.

In the UK, following attempts by a hacker to tap into its mailing system,
Virgin Net was forced to require some 170,000 of its 800,000 customers
to change their passwords. Working from his bedroom on a £700 PC, a
Welsh teenager called Raphael Gray manged to hack e-commerce sites to
obtain credit card details of some 25,000 Internet shoppers before he was
In the US, CD Universe refused to pay the $100,000 blackmail demand of
a hacker – thought to be from Eastern Europe – who had obtained credit
card details of 300,000 of the company’s customers, so the hacker posted
25,000 credit card files on the Internet and claimed to have used the
details already to obtain money. Another US-based company which has
been threatened by a hacker was Bloomberg. The company pretended to
be willing to pay the hacker – who was based in Kazakhstan – and
arranged a meeting in London where two individuals were arrested.

Western Union closed its web site for five days in September 2001 after a
security breach saw hackers access 15,000 records containing credit and
debit card details. In February 2003, a hacker gained access to the credit
card details of more than 8M Mastercard, Visa, American Express and
Discover holders in the US by gaining access to the systems of an
undisclosed third party company which processes retailers' payments.

Link: Cult of the Dead Cow click here


Viruses, in the broadest sense, come in three forms:

• Virus: This is a code that attaches itself to a program in a computer

and then reproduces itself. It can erase files or lock up a system.
• Worm: This is similar to a virus but does not attach itself to files or
programs in a computer. This leaves it free to spread through a
network on its own.
• Trojan horse: This is a program that performs malicious actions
while pretending to do something else. It is similar to a virus but
does not try to reproduce itself.

The first PC virus - the Pakistani Brain virus - appeared in 1986.

According to virus experts, as many as 200 new viruses are created every
month. According to MessageLabs, in 2000 one in every 790 e-mails
contained a virus; in 2001, the figure was one in every 380; and, in 2002,
it was one in every 212. In 2002, the top three viruses were Klez.H,
Yaha.e and Bugbear.

The most prolific virus ever is Klez and MessageLabs estimates that one in
every 300 e-mails sent today contains a variation of the Klez virus.
However, it is believed that there are around 20,000 different computer
viruses in existence, many of them placed on the Internet deliberately to
cause confusion or damage.

The threat of new, self-propagating viruses is growing. Melissa,

ExploreZip and Ska-Happy99 forward themselves by hijacking a
computer’s e-mail program which gives them the potential to attack
globally in days. The Melissa virus – originated by David Smith in March
1999 and named after one of his favourite strippers – is believed to have
cost businesses world-wide an estimated $385 million in damage to their
systems. It led to Smith receiving 20 months in prison and a $5,000 fine.
The infamous Love Bug virus of 2000 infected 45 million people in a
single day and went on to cause a staggering $8.75 billion in damage. In
2001, we had the SirCam virus which, although more irritating than
dangerous, still caused businesses $1.15 billion in damage.

So far, the worst month for viruses has been August 2003. First, Blaster.B
(also known as MSBlast) emerged, crashing systems such as that of Air
Canada (a couple of weeks later, the FBI arrested an 18 year old
American for creating the virus). Then SoBig F arrived which was so
prolific that, at its peak, it affected one in every 15 e-mails across the
world. Among many systems affected was that of the American railway
network which as a result suffered widespread delays.

Ironically not all virus warnings relate to actual viruses because, for some
reason, there are many hoaxes. Therefore, before passing on a warning
of a virus, it is always sensible to check first if the virus is a hoax or not.

Link: Virus myths click here


Digital technology makes it very easy to copy perfectly creative products

such as music or films and the Internet provides a free and almost
anonymous means of transmitting or exchanging this pirated material
around the world. The favoured means of making such material available
is peer-to-peer file-sharing applications. Originally the main problem was
with music in the form of MP3 files exchanged through sites such as
Napster. Now, with the growing availability of broadband connections, the
provision of full-length movies can take place in an hour or two through
sites such as based in Taiwan.

On the music front, some artists are now trying to make it impossible to
play new CDs on a PC and therefore make them hard to copy. The Celine
Dion CD "A New Day Has Come" has on it the label "Will not play on
PC/MAC". On the film front, the Motion Picture Association of America
(MPAA) has moved to close sites like

Illegal Trading

Illegal trading on the Internet uses chatrooms, bulletin boards,

newsgroups and Web sites. The arrangements can take various forms:
• A manufacturer with a legitimate order to produce goods for a well-
known company can deliberately over-run the volume of the order
and sell the excessive items at lower prices in other markets.
• The same goods - such as drugs or drinks - may be sold in different
markets at different prices in a process known as 'parallel trading'.
• There is frequently straightforward counterfeiting of well-known
brand goods, with 40% of cigarettes and 10% of cosmetics and
perfumes sold world-wide believed to be fake.

Brand Intelligence is an Edinburgh-based company employed by

businesses to see how their names or brands are being used or abused
online. The company uses 'deep searching' techniques to track every part
of the Internet except e-mail and instant messenging. Investigations can
be complex: goods may be shipped several times before they reach their
destination, Web sites offering such goods may be moved frequently,
sites may be hidden from search engines using 'robot.txt' files, payments
may be to banks in other countries. So it is a technological battle between
the illegal traders and the brand owners.


One of the most common types of fraud on the Internet is designed to

trick users of certain sites - notably banks and building socities - into
disclosing their passwords or other confidential information needed to
access their accounts. A common means of doing this is to e-mail
customers advising that it is necesary to check or confirm their password
by clicking onto a realistic but fake website and then inputting the
confidential information. It is then possible for money to be fraudulently
transferred from the individual's account.

In the Autumn of 2003, this type of fraud was perpetrated against UK

customers of Barclays, Nat West, Lloyds TSB, Citibank, Halifax and
Nationwide. In fact, no bank of financial institution would ever ask a
customer to disclose confidential information in this way.

Another type of fraud – which fortunately is not common because of the

expert knowledge required – is called 'packet reading'. This involves
hackers locating patterns of data, such as credit card digits, intercepting
and copying them.

Another practice – known as ‘cramming’ – involves charging a customer

for extra services on top of a service for which they have signed up. A
well-known case of this kind involved the company Xpics which ran a
network that included a variety of pornography sites and offered a free
trial membership on the provision of credit card details allegedly to prove
that the customer was over 18. Cancelling the subscription then proved
horrendously difficult.

A much more common type of fraud relates to on-line auction trading.

This involves a registered seller on an established Web site building up a
reputation, then listing for auction items which he does not possess, and
finally vanishing with the winning bidders’ payments.

In August 2000, it was reported that US authorities were investigating a

credit card fraud at , one of the best known purveyors of an
on-line currency. It was believed that the company had been defrauded of
some $300,000 by a ring of credit card thieves operating out of Russia
and other parts of Eastern Europe.

In the United States – where currently most on-line shopping takes place
– the National Consumers League runs an Internet Fraud Watch which in
1999 recorded a 38% increase in complaints, with a total consumer loss
of $3.2 million. The number one Internet fraud – representing 87% of all
reports – was online auction sales, followed by non-action sales of general
merchandise, Internet access services, computer equipment/software,
and work-at-home plans.

PricewaterhouseCoopers believes that fraudulent e-commerce

transactions make up half the annual fraud total in the United States.
Concern by banks about on-line fraud is leading to work on improved
security for credit card transactions. Particular attention is being devoted
to combating the use of programs, which can be downloaded from the
Internet, that can make ‘valid’ credit card numbers from an algorithm. If
these numbers are then used for small virtual purchases, such as access
to pornographic sites, there is a fair chance that the transactions will not
be checked. Currently the safest sites for e-commerce transactions are
those that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In the next couple of years,
extra security will come from “smart” cards with microchips embedded in

Link: Internet Fraud Complaint Centre in USA click here


Many Web sites do not actually provide what they seem to offer. Consider
for instance the Ticket To Heaven site which offers a place with God for a
mere $15 [click here].

A typical Internet scam is to put up a bogus Web site which is just a front
for criminal activity. Only slightly more sophisticated is the ‘get rich quick’
site. This offers grants or payments in return for credit card or bank
account details.

'Phishing' - also called 'carding' - is a high-tech scam that uses spam to

deceive consumers into disclosing their credit card numbers, bank
account information, Social Security numbers, passwords, and other
sensitive information.

One of the biggest scams, which originated off-line, has now been on the
Internet for years and continues to be prolific. It is called the "Nigerian
419" scam after the section of the Nigerian criminal code which oulaws
'advance fee' scams. It is organised by criminals in Nigeria - or, more
latterly, Gabon, Botswana or South Africa - who pretend that an
enormous sum of money (anything up to $80M) is ‘surplus’ to a public
contracts account or available following some compensation arrangement
and that the recipient of the communication can earn some 20% of this
sum (up to $16M) by secretly providing details of an available bank
account. The transaction is frequently described as “risk free”.

It is such an audacious trick that I would not necessarily have believed

that it existed and that people fell for it had I not personally received the
“request” by e-mail many times from a variety of countries [for typical
text, see note 2] and learned that, in the UK alone, in 2002 150 victims
lost an average of £57,000 each making a total loss of £8.4 million. The
West African Organised Crime Section (WAOCS) of the National Criminal
Intelligence Service (NCIS) leads the opposition to the fraud, but
individuals receiving approaches should report the details to the fraud
squad of their local police force [click here]. Recipients of such e-mails
should never respond, even to express anger or opposition - this simply
indicates that one's e-mail address is valid and active which, in itself, is
useful information to criminals.

Department of Trade & Industry consumer guide to scams click here
UK Metropolitan Police advice click here
UK site of the National Criminal Intelligence Service click here
The 419 Coalition Web site click here
American site on Nigerian frauds click here

Money Laundering

The Italian policy believe that the Sicilian Mafia is laundering vast sums of
money in cyberspace by its use of on-line trading and banking. The police
in Palermo have discovered a £330m fraud which involves recycling
tainted profits into legitimate assets such as stocks and shares. The
global nature of the Internet and money laundering is clear from the
information that the money was shunted between an American company
incorporated in New Zealand, on to the Cayman Islands, and then to
accounts in Israel and Spain. The money was subsequently deposited in
Switzerland and carried by hand to banks in Croatia, Romania, Russia,
China and Liberia. Some observers believe that it is these vast sums of
currency swishing around that destabilised the Euro in its first year of

Prescription Drugs

There can be a problem – although not necessarily a crime – in the

accessing over the Internet of unregulated medicines or remedies. For
instance, in December 2000 the US “Annals Of Internal Medicine”
reported the death of a 55 year old man from internal bleeding following
his use of hydrazine sulphate which he had bought over the Net to
combat his facial and sinus cancer. This treatment is not available on
prescription and can cause blood disorders.

In the UK, thanks to a flaw in the Medicines Act 1968, drugs are being
sold over the Internet that can have serious side effects and should only
be prescribed after a detailed consultation with a doctor. These drugs
include the anti-impotence drug Viagra (sildenafil), the stop-smoking
treatment Zyban (bupropion) and the slimming pill Reductil
(sibutramine). The Medicines Control Agency (MCA) is trying to regulate
the situation.

A company with the innocuous name Direct Response Marketing (DRM) is

based on the tiny island of Sark in the English Channel, but operates a
number of Web sites selling prescription drugs which are dispensed by a
pharmacist in the nearby island of Jersey. The offerings include the
slimming pill Xenical (orlistat) and the hair-loss treatment Propecia

Criminality is involved when prescription drugs are improperly obtained

via the Internet. In March 2000, 22 people were arrested in Thailand as a
result of a joint operation by United States and Thai customs agents
against online sales of drugs – including tranquillisers and steroids –
mailed to customers overseas, mostly in the USA. Three Web sites were
involved in the illegal export of the prescription drugs. In the United
States, six arrests were made of people accused of buying drugs from the
on-line pharmacies.

Defamatory Libel

In November 1999, a British Internet service provider Kingston Internet

Webmaster closed down the Web site of James Hulbert, a 67 year old
man from Hull, because the Lord chancellor’s Department complained
about material posted on the site which criticised five judges who
presided over cases in which Hulbert said that he was denied justice.
Following this action, Hulbert transferred the material to a US Web site
which shows the difficulty of enforcement in the context of a global

In March 2000, the British Internet service provider Demon Internet –

now owned by Thus – settled a case of alleged defamatory libel a week
before it was due to go to court. The case was brought by Dr Laurence
Godfrey, a physicist, and concerned newsgroup postings in January 1997
and July 1998 which Demon did not remove in spite of complaints from
Godfrey. Demon agreed to pay him £5,000 for the first libel, £10,000 for
the second libel, and an estimated £230,000 in costs.

In May 2002, there was the first case in Britain of someone sucessfully
taking action against a defamatory libel posted on the Internet. The
action was brought by former teacher Jim Murray against his former pupil
Jonathan Spencer (ironically now a teacher himself) in respect of
comments posted on the popular Friends Reunited web site. Spencer
claimed wrongly that Murray was sacked from his post after "making rude
remarks about girls" and "strangling" a pupil, but he failed to attend the
hearing at Lincoln County Court and Murray was awarded £1,250 and
£150 in costs.

In Ireland, in December 1999 a man was imprisoned for spreading false

allegations on the Internet in respect of an innocent teacher. The teacher
had been accused of involvement in child sex abuse and child

In March 2006, a woman who posted false sexual allegations on the

Internet about a Parliamentary candidate for the UK Independence Party
became the first person in a British court to be sued successfully for libel
on the web. Tracy Williams was ordered to pay £10,000 damages to
Michael Keith-Smith and issued with a High Court order banning her from
further abusing him on any website.

Details of Hulbert case click here
Details of Godfrey case click here

Cyber Stalking

In the UK, the Malicious Communications Act 1988 makes it an offence to

send letters with the intent to cause distress or anxiety. Amendments
were made to the Act in 2001 to include e-mails and text messages. Of
course, a key isue here is traceability, but tracing an e-mail back to its
source is usually relatively easy, since all e-mails contain a header - a
sequential list of each host that the message has passed through [for
more on traceability click here].

Furthermore the Protection from Harassment Act 1998 can be invoked

against anyone who engages in persistent harassment in either the
physical or the cyber world. The first person in the UK to be charged with
cyber stalking was Cambridge graduate Nigel Harris who harassed his ex-
girlfriend Clare Dawson following the end of their two-year relationship.
Dawson contacted the police when a stream of e-mails because
increasingly threatening and Harris was made the subject of a restraining
order. Subsequently, a Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court, Harris was found
guilty of breaking the order and sentenced to three months in prison.

In another UK case, in March 2001, Donald Ridley pleaded guilty to 25

offences relating to “Internet stalking” and child pornography. He
conducted a campaign against a young woman, whom he had met six
years previously when she was 17, by setting up a Web site which invited
strangers to rape and abuse here. At one point, his victim was receiving
around 30 e-mails a day from people who had seen the site and a number
even turned up at her home. Ridley was sentenced to seven and a half
years in prison.

A third UK case - which came to court in March 2003 - involved a radio

listener who hounded a radio presenter with anti-semite e-mails during a
six-year campaign of more general harassment. Electrical engineer Philip
Norman bombarded Ed Doolan of Birmingham-based BBC WM with
around 40 offensive messages. He was jailed for 18 months.

Still another UK case - in May 2003 - involved 50 year old David Cruz in a
seven-month campaign against 26 year old Chloe Easton in which he sent
anonymous obscene e-mails and text messages and put her details on a
prostitutes' web site. He was sent to prison for five months.

Cyberangels click here
Stalking Victims’ Sanctuary click here

Cyber Terrorism

In the summer of 1999, hackers thought to be working for Russian

intelligence were found to have broken into the systems of the Pentagon.
Richard Clarke, head of counter terrorism efforts for the US National
Security Council, insists that several nations have developed cyber-
warfare capabilities.
In Japan, the Aum Shinrikyo cult – which launched the sarin gas attack
that killed 12 people in the Tokyo subway in 1995 – is now suspected of
having up to 40 members running five software companies whose clients
included the defence, construction, education and posts &
telecommunications ministries of the Japanese Government. The fear is
that cult members may have installed back door protocols, timed viruses
or bugs.

Among the trends noted recently by computer security officials have been
an illegal trade in ageing Cray super-computers which are ideal for
cracking complex encrypted passwords used to guard major installations
and companies. In the hands of a terrorist organisation, such computers
could substantially assist a cyber attack on a country or company.


In the first instance, Internet users – especially those making purchases

on the Web – need to exercise a sense of caution, as they ought to do
with any off-line purchases. This included checking the security policy of
the Web site and being particularly cautious when dealing with an
unknown or new brand. It might be helpful to note that any Web site with
an address beginning with “https” is using an encryption technology called
Secure Socket Layer (SSL). A new technology which will eventually
replace SSL is Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).

In Britain, general advice on e-shopping can be found on the Web site of

the Department of Trade & Industry. TrustUK is a joint initiative of the
Alliance for Electronic Business and the Consumers’ Association, endorsed
by the Government, which accredits on-line codes of practice of
associations and organisations and members’ Web sites display an e-
mark. Where services like banking, insurance and mortgages are
concerned, the new Financial Services Authority may be able to help.

Department of Trade & Industry click here
TrustUK click here
Financial Services Authority click here

In the United States, there are a number of industry-led initiatives

designed to give the on-line consumer advice and protection.

Netcheck Commerce Bureau click here
Better Business Bureau click here
Online Privacy Alliance click here
Some excellent work on how crime is likely to change in the future, with
particular reference to e-crime, can be found in the work of the Crime
Prevention Panel of the UK’s Foresight Programme. The Panel has issued
both a consultation paper entitled “Just Around The Corner” and a report
entitled “Turning The Corner”. The report calls for the establishment of “a
national e-crime strategy” including “the formulation of a specialist hi-
tech crime reduction training academy for both law enforcement and

Clearly, in the face of these new technological threats, there needs to be

much better co-ordination between law enforcement agencies and other
relevant parties. In the UK, there is an Internet Crime Forum which brings
together representatives from law enforcement, Government and the
Internet industry. It meets quarterly and allocates specific issues for
consideration by multi-agency sub-groups.

Link: Internet Crime Forum click here

Of course, the global nature of the Internet is such that many of the
initiatives that will be necessary to combat cyber-crime will need to be
multi-national and even global.

One important such initiative is the Council of Europe’s Convention on

Cybercrime which was adopted in November 2001 [for text click here].
The Convention, which was drawn up with the participation of non-
European countries such as the USA, Canada, Japan and South Africa, will
be the world’s first international treaty in the field.

Ultimately the prevalence of cyber-crime is bound to lead to the

development of cyber-forces within the police and intelligence arms of

In the UK, the Home Office has funded the establishment of a special
multi-agency unit to counter criminal activity on the Internet. The new
unit is called the National Hi-Tech Crime Unit and comprises
representatives from the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NICS),
the National Crime Squad, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
and the Customs & Excise.

The National High-Tech Crime Unit commenced operations in April 2001.

Some £25 million has been assigned for the recruitment of up to 40
dedicated investigators based at the Unit itself and at least one dedicated
investigator in each of the 43 police forces in England & Wales.

Other associated developments include investment of £37 million in a

National Management Information System (NMIS), a ‘data warehouse’
that will allow ’data mining’ of collated and consistent crime information,
and £25 million of expenditure for the establishment of a National
Technical Assistance Centre for processing lawfully obtained computer
communications and encrypted data.

Link: NICS report “Crime On The Information Highways” click here

In the UK, a number of local police forces have set up specialist units to
combat computer crime. One of these is the West Yorkshire police force
which has established a Telecoms and Computer Crimes Unit.

Link: West Yorkshire unit click here

In the United States, since February 1998 there has been a National
Infrastructure Protection Centre (NIPC) located in FBI Headquarters. Now
President Clinton believes the risk of cyber terrorism to be sufficiently real
to ask the US Congress to approve a $2 billion programme to train a new
generation of ‘anti-hackers’. The specialised college where these people
will be trained will be called the Institute for Information Infrastructure
Protection. Meanwhile, in March 2000 a special Presidential Working
Group published its comprehensive report entitled “The Electronic Frontier
: The Challenge Of Unlawful Conduct Involving The Use Of The Internet”.

National Infrastructure Protection Centre click here
Working Group report on “The Electronic Frontier” click here

A key skill for any law enforcement agency acting on Internet crime is
that of forensic computing. In the UK, a new computer forensics training
centre has been set up in Liverpool by the California-based Guidance

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